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04x16 - Love Story

Posted: 05/02/23 06:10
by bunniefuu
(TJ Hooker theme music)

(sensual music)

- Memo to Benson file,
Laura likes the drop ceiling

idea and the track
lighting in the den.

Check on those
stained glass inserts for

the kitchen cabinets.

I think I'm gonna
suggest Mare Engineering

to do the bearing wall estimate.

(anticipatory music)


(anticipatory music)

(brakes squeal)

(sensual music)

- Your driver's license please.

- I'm sorry officer,

but this bee was driving
me absolutely crazy in here.

I guess I was so
busy swatting at it

that I drove right
through the light.

- A bee caught in an open
car, that's very unusual,

no pollen on the
wings, no stinger.

- Looks to me like rigor
mortis has even set in.

- Really?

- How many times
have you used this

dead bee gimmick, Miss Sherman?

- Look, I'm on my way
to my girlfriend's house

to do some work.

I already got a moving
violation this month,

couldn't you give me a break?

- [TJ] I wish I
could, but I can't.

- Do you realize what
this is gonna do to

my insurance rates,
Sergeant Hooker?

- Sign right here, please.

- I bet you even
starch your underwear.

And efficient, too.

- That's what you pay taxes for.

- I guess I deserved it, huh?

(sentimental music)

- I'll give him a proper burial.

- Invite me to the
memorial, eh sarge?

- I'd put my top
up if I were you.

There's a 60% chance for rain.

- I'll do that.

(car engine revs)

- Love at first sight, Hooker?

- Oh, ships that
pass in the night.

(air blows)


(dramatic music)

- This afternoon
remember, drop mom a note

and get her artichoke dip
recipe for the restaurant opening.

P.S. on memo to mom,
the bee trick doesn't work

with some cops.

(dramatic music)

What's Laura's car doing here?

(dramatic music)


Laura, where are you?


- Strike gold in there?

- Yeah, close to 300, Moonshine.

- Let's see, maybe
there's something else

we can cash in on.

- You know, car
like that Mercedes

you'd thought
there'd be more, huh?

(dramatic music)

- Get her.

(dramatic music)

- [Operator] Nine 11 emergency.

- Police, emergency
Ridgeway Rd and Dante canyon.

They're attacking my... (static)

- Who'd you call, the cops?

(anticipatory music)

- That car - Hmm?

- It belongs to my
friend, where is she?

- Maybe you'd like
some of the same, hmm?

(dramatic music) (grunts)

(dramatic music)

- [Dispatcher] Units in the
vicinity and Four Adam 30

a possible attack in
progress at Ridgeway Road

and Dante Canyon.

- Four Adam 30, that's a roger.

(dramatic music)

(tires screech) (dramatic music)

(sirens blare) (dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

(sirens blare) (dramatic music)

- Let's get out of here.

(sirens blare)

(tires screech)

(dramatic music)

- [Teri] Up here, I'm up here.

(dramatic music)

They've done something
to my friend, Laura.

- Where?

- Across the road in the ravine.

- You okay?


- All they wanted was my purse,

that's all they
wanted just my purse.

(phone rings)
- Nurse Hoskins report to

(phone rings)
Radiology, Nurse Hoskins

(phone rings) Radiology.

- Okay, I got it.

The license on the
suspect's car comes back

to a Honda registered
to an Elizabeth Woods

in Monterey Park.

- Run it down.

Romano, do an
N.C.I.C. computer run

on the bump and rob M.O..

I remember hearing about
that for over a year now.

- I'm on it.

- N.C.I.C. computer
run, M.O., old bees,

you guys must be half smart.

- Dumb cops went out
with corner apple stands.

- Lucky for me, huh?

How's Missus Benson?

- She won't permit
an examination,

let alone acknowledge
she was r*ped.

- Laura.

- I'm fine, Teri.

- Missus Benson,
you can get expert help

from the r*pe Crisis Center.

- I'm tired of saying it.

I wasn't r*ped.

I'll call you later, Teri.

Can we go now?

- Mm-hmm.

- She's lying to herself, why?

- It's easier for her
to deny everything

than to admit anything happened.

Just give her time.

- What if that doesn't help?

- Then, we have nothing
but purse snatching

and reckless driving, until
she stops lying to herself.

(mellow saxophone music)

As soon as the lab's
done printing your car

they'll give you a call.

- Thanks, I hope they get
something to nail those creeps.

- Me too, the prints in
your car are all we have

to go on along with the
Chrysler license plates.

Soon as I know something
I'll be in touch with you.

- The scrimshaw.

- The what?

- The carved whalebone
that creep was wearing

around his neck.

Here, I'll show ya.

There, another clue.

- You're real good, you know?

- You're right, I am.


And smart to, know why?

- I won't have
that drink with you.

- I didn't ask you.

- That's what makes
you only half smart, sarge.

(phone rings)

- These came from
the print shop just before

they closed for the day.

- Make sure the oncoming
watch puts them into circulation.

Did the lab lift any prints
off of Teri Sherman's Alpha?

- Nothing that'll work for us.

- We're still trying
to locate the owner

of the license plates
on that Chrysler.

She and her Honda
moved from Monterey Park,

no forwarding address.

- I think we have a beginning
on that bump and rob.

It's a popular
M.O. out of state.

- Three suspects, they've
been working the M.O.

between here Houston, Texas
starting three months ago.

- 18 r*pe robberies,
four homicides.

- You know, in two
cases they followed up

on property they found
in their victim's purses,

went back to their homes.

That accounted for one of
the homicides in Nevada.

- Nice bunch.

- That young kid that
tried to nail Teri Sherman

do any of the other bump and
robs show him as a participant?

- Guess he just signed on.

(phone rings)

- Hooker, yeah.

- Hi.
- Hi yourself, who's this?

- Some compliment,
you write me a ticket,

save my life, spend
half the day with me,

drive me home and
now it's who's this?

- Hiya, Teri.

- Very good, sarge.

Now, what time you get off work?

- As a matter of
fact we're just going

end of watch now, why?

- Something important's come up.

You know a lounge in
Chinatown called the Red Dragon?

- I sure do, what's up?

- I'll tell you when
you get there.

30 minutes?


- Well, you gonna tell
us what that's all about?

- She's come up with something
she wants to talk about.

She's come up with something
she wants to talk about.

- That should be an
interesting conversation.

(mellow music)

(glasses clink)

- You know, you look
less like a Stormtrooper

in your civvies.

Of course, I wouldn't
rate you taste in clothes

any higher than
a five, so don't let

the compliment go to your head.

- I'll work on it.

Would you answer
the question now?

What are we doing here?

- At your request.

And, I made another one.

I called in some of
my artist buddies.

Know who that lady is?

- Black beard's mother.

- She was a lady pirate.

Her name was Alwilda.

The original's in a whaling
museum in New Bedford.

- And, the one you grabbed
from this punk is a copy.

- Yeah, I talked to the museum.

They said there was a
Chinese man who did this.

He used to sell them
out of a curio shop

right here in Chinatown.

- Did you get a name?

- No, they didn't know
the curio shop either.

- We'll check them
all out in the morning.

- What about now, you and me?

- Hey, me cop, you
interior designer.

- This Chinatown, from
what I hear they won't

tell a policeman
anything around here.

I wanna help, what do you say?

- I'm afraid of what
I'll have to put up with

if I say no.

(mellow music)

(monkey chitters)

- Charlie Wong makes this
kind of scrimshaw, Hooker.

- Where can I find him.

- Mahjong parlors, maybe.

He's a hard man to pin down.

Hi, how you doing?

- Mahjong?

- Chinese poker.

- So, where are the
Mahjong parlors?

- In a places where
a civilian can get into

deep and dangerous trouble.

Charlie Wong.

- Hey, wait, wait,
wait, wait, hold on.

(water splashes)

Thanks for today, sarge.

(sentimental music)

What'd you wish for?

- Maybe I already got it.

- You don't ask for
very much, do you?

- Well, I was always
taught that if you asked

too much at once you're
liable to come up empty handed.

Too old fashioned?


- You don't take what's offered

maybe you won't
get a second chance.

Too modern?


(sentimental music)

(ominous music)

- Looks like we're
gonna be moving on,

my land lady's back.

- Well, we're gonna have
to figure out someway

to thank her for these extra
days we're spending here.

- Well, lookie here the
lady with the little car.

Appears she and the lady
you like are friends, Sonny.

Her name is Teri
somebody or other.

- Teri Sherman,
here's a business card.

Even says where she's
working these days.

- Have me a bone
to pick with that one.

(cardboard pops)

(lock clicks)

- Who are all these people?

I sublet my place to you
and you were supposed

to vacate yesterday.

- Well, come on in pretty lady.

- Another thing, (door creaks)

(door thuds)

what are the license
plates on my car

doing on that
Chrysler downstairs?

- I told you to get them plates

from out of the neighborhood

so the cops couldn't
trace us here.

- No, no Billy Joe's
too lazy for that.

- Looks like we've
been found out,

doesn't it fellas?

- I think we can
handle it, this time.

(ominous music)

(dramatic music)

- Guy who carved the
Scrimshaw, name's Charlie Wong.

He's done time
for counterfeiting,

illegal manufacturing
of phony IDs, and fraud.

- Probably developed his
scrimshaw talent in the slam.

- Might have met
the bump and rob guy

with the scrimshaw
in the same place.

- You think he can finger
the whereabouts of the group.

- He's our best shot so far.

Keep working the
Chinatown contacts.

- Your interior
designer have anything

to do with you going
to Chinatown last night?

- Could be.

- What about those
circles under your eyes?

- Could be.


- [Dispatcher] Four
Adam 30, Four Adam 16

reports locating Elizabeth
Woods, the owner

of the license plates
used in the Benson as*ault.

Meet the apartment
manager at 9210 Ocean Place.

- Four Adam 30, roger.

(camera clicks)

- Did the apartment manager
remember seeing anyone with her?

- Four people matching
our composites.

The youngest guy
sublet the place.

- You get any names?

- No, but he heard
one of them call

our female suspect Moonshine.

- He said she's certifiable
straight jacket material.

(ominous music)

- What'd I tell ya?

There's the little car.

The lady's probably inside.

- Yeah, along with a
half dozen workers.

- So, we take her
license to the DMV,

we pay the four bucks,

and we walk out with
her home address.

Cute, huh? (laughs)

- You'll get to
pay the lady back

for messing up your
shoes, eh Billy boy?

- Tell me you don't want her
for your own reasons, Sonny.

(ominous music)

- We picked up nearly
six different sets of prints

at Elizabeth Wood's apartment.

Not enough to
classify any of them.

- And, the Chrysler?

- Seen once, no sign of it now.

- They probably dumped it.

- N.C.I.C. file was
bulging with monikers.

I pulled all the
Moonshines that seemed

to match our suspect's
description, I got six.

- I'd hate to find
myself in a bear hug

with any of those ladies.

- Make copies of these
pictures and run them

by the victim's apartment
manager and re-interview him.

Maybe he can
remember something else.

- You want me to show
those to the as*ault victim?

- No, I want Teri
Sherman to take a look

at them before we
talk to her friend.

And, you can get back
to beating the bushes

for that man who could put
names to the faces we have.

- Charlie Wong.

(dramatic music)

- You're doing all this?

- The whole enchilada.

What do you think?

- I am impressed.

- What's the policy on
kissing men in uniform?

- Definitely not allowed.

- I guess you'll just
have to take me to jail.

- You're under arrest. (laughs)

- Last night was
terrific, sarge.

- You know, I was in
this building a couple

of years ago on a
vandalism charge.

The place was a wreck.

You're really turning
it into something.

- Well, talk about a showcase
that actually gets you a job.

It did in Connecticut.

A restaurant corporation
has promised to keep

me working for at least a year.

- I'm sorry to hear it.

These mug sh*ts belong to women

with the moniker Moonshine.

- That's her, she was
standing by a tree in the gully.

Who is she?

- Dorothy Unger, a 10
on the v*olence scale,

mental hospitals, prisons.

She's from Texas.

We think she's tied to a
string of r*pe robberies

including one we
discovered this morning.

A woman was r*ped and m*rder*d.

- Oh, my god does
Laura Benson know that?

- No, you're a
friend of Laura's.

I want you with
me when I tell her.

- I'm not sure about
anything, any of them.

My husband may be
home in a few minutes.

I don't want him upset by this.

- You're the victim,
not the criminal.

You gotta get that
through your head.

- Ted told me that that
dress I was wearing

was too inviting.

I should never have worn it.

- You didn't hold up
a sign saying hurt me.

And, you're not
their only victim.

You're gonna keep
feeling it's your fault

until you share the hurt.

Take your time,
give it some thought.

- Remember,
we're friends, Laura.

Just get better.

- Sargent Hooker,

the man who took my purse

he called the woman sis.

Is that any help?

- Everything helps,
Missus Benson, good night.

(ominous music)

- Sis, you think that's
gonna be of any help?

- Well, just the fact
that Laura let us have it

makes a difference
for her and if it turns out

that Dorothy Unger
really does have a brother

why it could pay
off across the board.

- The whole evening
paid off for me.

You're a man full
of surprises, sarge.

You always that tender
and compassionate

with your crime victims?

- Are you sure
you're not confusing

good police practice
with something else?

- I have never been confused
one day in my life, until now.

(sentimental music)

- Looks like the lady
got herself occupied.

- I can wait.

- Me too.

(ominous music)


- He's in love with you
sarge, relax and enjoy it.

Come on Toby, vanilla ice
cream if you get down, hup.

Good thing he's not jealous
that's his side of the bed.

- Looks like he's not
used to giving it up, either.

- He's not.

- This job of yours in
Connecticut, when does it happen?

- Four or five weeks, why?

Wanna give me a
going away party?

- I don't think I could
bring myself to come

to a party like that.

(sensual music)

(phone rings)

- Hello?

It's your partner.

- Romano, you're my
partner not my mother.

- But, it's your
partner talking.

I did what you asked.

Kept digging for Charlie
Wong, how would you like

20 Chinese gamblers to squeeze
for his present whereabouts?

(indistinct chatter)

- You raided a Mahjong parlor.

- The Imperial
Eye with the help of

the Vice Squad, interested?

- Sit tight, I'm rolling.

- Okay, okay calm down.

Come on let's keep
moving, let's on guys.

Come, let's go, let's
go, come on move it in.

- See what'd I tell ya?

(ominous music)

Dude probably has a
wife at home to get back to.

- Let's do what we
came here to do.

(ominous music)

(dog barks)

- Toby? (dog growls)

Toby? (dog barks)

Operator, this is a... (clicks)

(dog barks)


(dog barks) (ominous music)

(glass breaks)

(ominous music)

(motorcycle engine revs)

(indistinct chatter)

(speaking foreign language)

(indistinct chatter)

- I've never been
stonewalled so much in my life.

- Maybe when we get
them into a court room

somebody will decide
they know Charlie Wong.

- I think someone does.

Look what we found in
a sweep of the b wagon.

- Safety deposit key,
have the bank detail

check it out for
us in the morning.

- I've got 20 Chinese
gamblers to book.

- You know, that was my count.

- Something's going on with him.

- Yeah, I think
it's called love.

(dramatic music)

(breaks squeal)

(dramatic music)

(ominous music)

(anticipatory music)

(car door slams)
(anticipatory music)

(anticipatory music)

(dog growls)

(anticipatory music)

(dog whines)
(anticipatory music)

- Let's get the car.

(bushes rustle)

music) (dog whines)


(thuds) (grunts)

(g*n fires)

(thuds) (grunts)

(g*n fires)

- Halt!

(g*n fires)
- Sonny!

- Forget him, let's
get out of here.

- No.

(dramatic music)

(tires screech)

(g*n fires) (tires screech)

(tires screech)

(dramatic music)

- I should see a doctor.

(dramatic music)

- [PA] Doctor Cattrel, (gasps)

Emergency admitting.

Doctor Parker, Doctor Phil
Parker Emergency admitting.

- They looted your whole house.

I'm gonna need a list of
the things that are missing.

- The dress,
Stacy got it for me.

- How do you feel?

- Find 'em, sarge.

- Uh, take a look at this.

- Is that the man you k*lled?

- Yeah, is that the one that?

- I can't be sure, it
was so dark in there.

Can't your lab tell?

- Probably, we have
to check the blood type.

I'm so sorry, I
shouldn't have left.

- Don't.
- I should have been there.

I had no idea that they...
- Please, don't,

don't t*rture yourself.

I'm gonna be just fine.

- Nothing broken, no
cuts, no abrasions?

I didn't say...
- I was surviving, Hooker.

I was afraid for my life.

- You can't go home,
they're still at large.

Come back with me.

- I'm staying at Laura's.

She's waiting for me downstairs.

(melancholy music)

(typewriter keys clack)

(typewriter bell dings)

(sentimental music)

(pot clatters)

(sentimental music)

(phone rings)

(sentimental music)

(chair creaks)

(sentimental music)

(busy tone)

(sentimental music)


- Hit all role calls
get these distributed.

I'll start working the
pawn shops on Broadway.

- Hooker, they may
not even pawn the stuff

they took from Teri's place.

- We won't know that
until you start checking

the pawn shops, will we?

- Hey Hooker, prints
came back on the guy

you traded sh*ts
with last night.

Name's Sonny Unger,
Dorothy's big brother.

- Anymore like
him in the family?

- Not that we can find,
but an associate's list

came up with an old
Huntsville cell mate of Unger's

named Jesse Simpson.

- His mug shot
matches the composite.

We still have no idea
who number four is.

- Get Simpson's picture on
the bulletin with the others.

I want him.

- Hooker, you're driving
yourself and this whole

situation into the
ground, ease up.

- Just doing the job.

- You're forgetting every
basic you taught me

about r*pe cases.

- I'm forgetting
nothing, believe me.

- No, what happened to Teri
wasn't just a sexual outrage.

It was a violent criminal
act against a lady

who was terrified for her life.

- Don't you think I know that?

- Well, do you?

I know you feel
guilty about not being

with her when it happened,
but what's important now

is giving Teri your support.

- Teri doesn't want
anything from me.

She made that clear last night.

- She loves you and
you have to let her know

you feel the same way
because of what did

happen in that house.

- I can't change what happened,

but I sure can even the score.

- That's wrong, Hooker.

There's no room
in this for revenge.

- The hell there isn't.

(ominous music)

(dramatic music)

(tires screech)

- I'll be back in a minute.

(anticipatory music)

(paper crinkles)
(anticipatory music)

- Laura told me you called
while I was out this morning.

- The office told
me you called back.

I couldn't get to a phone.

- Looks like we're missing
each other all the way around.

- Are you sure you feel
up to working today?

- It's all I feel like doing.

- I wanted to be
with you last night.

I want you to know that.

- I didn't think I
could handle it.

Laura and I had a long talk.

She decided to get
some counseling.

She's even gonna
file a complaint now.

If you ever get them.

- I'll get them.

I'll get them if I have
to chase them through

every state in the
union, I'll get them.

And, when I do...
- Stop it

before you terrify
me more than they do.

- Teri... (gasps)

- Oh, I'm sorry.

- No, no, no.

I'm the one that should
be saying that to you.

- Hooker, sorry, I just
got word that they traced

that safety deposit
key on a scrimshaw ring

to a Sammy Lee.

Turns out to be
Charlie Wong's cousin.

- Either one of them picked up?

- Corrigan and Stacy brought
Lee down to the station,

rattled his cage.

Suggested he might
be implicated in m*rder.

- He give us a place to
go to pick up cousin Wong?

- He's in a new
line of business,

fencing stolen property.

- And, one of the bump
and robbers could have

traded hot property for
the scrimshaw, let's roll.

- Hooker, not for me.

Do it 'cause you're a cop, okay?

(sentimental music)

(dramatic music)

- Sonny got clipped by a love
crazed cop named Hooker.

Man's gonna pay.

- Hey, don't you got countin'
me into no cop killin', huh?

We're gettin' our
money, that's it.

- Killin' a cop ain't
gonna bring Sonny back.

Forget it.

- Look at your
face and say that.

I don't need to see him dead,
just make him wish he was.

- What are you talking about?

- His woman for Sonny.

- You're crazier than
I thought you was.

You don't even know
where she is right now.

- We know where she could be.

- Get what the stuff's
worth, we'll meet you

back at the hotel.

- You're really gonna do it, eh?

- What do you think?

(ominous music)

(car engine starts)

(ominous music)

(chickens cluck) (ominous music)

(dramatic music)

(chickens cluck)
(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- You make a mistake
in here officers?

- The only mistake
around here Charlie

is who you're selling
your scrimshaws to.

- I don't know what
you're talking about.

You can see the
business I'm in, chickens.

- You're gonna feel
like one of those hanging

by their necks outside

unless you tall me
where this man is.

(chickens cluck)

Charlie, Charlie. (crashes)

(chickens cluck)

All of this is
from Teri's house.

Don't lie to me once,
Charlie, 'cause right now

you're looking at
a hell of a lot more

than just receiving
stolen goods.

(thuds) (chickens cluck)

What rocks do I turn
over to find the maggots

you bought this property from?

- I don't know where any of
these things came from, cop.

I swear, I don't know.

(ominous music)

(thuds) (grate rattles)

- All I need is an excuse.

Hands behind your
neck, lace your fingers.

We're gonna talk now, dirt bag,

about all your good friends.

(dramatic music)

- This is Four Adam 30,
possible as*ault in progress

at Jonah's Restaurant.

Request back up, code three.

- [Dispatcher]
Roger, Four Adam 30.

- Hooker, the
man could be lying.

To go after her again
they'd have to be crazy.

- That's exactly
what they are, crazy.

(ominous music)


- Hello sweetness.

(ominous music)

- She wants you dead, lady.

Now, why don't you just
make it easy on all of us.

(ominous music)

(tires screech)

(ominous music)

(thuds) (ominous music)

- Help, Teri.

(dramatic music)

- Freeze or you're dead.

Turn over, hands
behind your head.

(sirens blare) (ominous music)

(dramatic music)

Take her.

(dramatic music)

(tires screech)

(dramatic music)

(groans) (dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

(indistinct chatter)
(celebratory music)

- Hi you guys.

(indistinct chatter)
(celebratory music)


- Well, I think it's terrific.

(indistinct chatter)
(celebratory music)

You got something on your mind?

- Can we talk?

- I've tried to keep the
lines of communication

open all week.

- I care for you very much.

I want you to know that.

- We just need more
time, Teri, I understand that.

- It's not just time.

I took the job in Connecticut.

- How long?

- I don't know.


I feel as if (sighs)

a part of me died.

I just need a little time
to mourn, away from here,

and you, Hooker.

(sentimental music)

I want you to touch me,

but I don't wanna be touched.

(sentimental music)

I need you Hooker,
but I'm afraid.

Help me?

- I'll be here.

- See you, sarge.

(sentimental music)

(TJ Hooker theme music)