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04x09 - The Confession

Posted: 05/02/23 06:04
by bunniefuu
("T.J. Hooker
Theme" by Mark Snow)

- [Deejay] It's half past
the hour here at Talk Radio.

We'll have News
Nightside on the hour

with an update on the
story that has our city

gripped in fear.

Tonight, the fourth in a
series of r*pe robberies

occurred on the south side,

and we'll have an
on-the-scene report.

Meanwhile, the subject
is the Persian Gulf,

and I'm here to listen.

(soft jazz music)

(ominous music)

(Beth exclaims)

- Quiet, you won't be hurt.

- Oh, you're a
fighter, aren't ya?


I like that.

(radio beeping)

- [Dispatcher] All
units and 4-Adam-30,

a possible as*ault in progress.

Woman screaming
at the a*t*matic teller,

California National Bank,
3rd Avenue and Main.

Suspects reported entering
a late-model brown Camaro.

4-Adam-30, handle
the call code three.

- 4-Adam-30, roger.

(siren blips)

- 4-Adam-16, show us
rolling on 30's call, code two.

(intense music)

(siren wailing)

- There.

16, we've got a suspect.

Check for a victim.

- Oh, man.

- Okay, everybody step back.

Come on, get back.


My God.

I'll call it in.

- Lay still, we're
getting an ambulance.

- License X-ray, X-ray,
Boy, six, eight, two.

Run it and give us a short DMV.

(tires squealing)

- [Hooker] Damn, it stalled.

- [Dispatcher] One
of the suspects...

- [Corrigan]
Number five, Hooker.

Same as the others.

- The woman?

- Like the others, r*ped and
knocked around pretty bad.

- Oh, my God.

- Hooker, what?

- Hold it a minute.

Hang on a second.


Stay with her.

I'll be with you
as soon as I can.

(ambulance doors closing)

- Who is she?

(siren wailing)

- She's an Episcopal priest.

- Oh.



In God's name, why?

- Take it easy.

Go ahead and cry
it out if you want.

- Five r*pe robberies
in the last six weeks.

In each case, the
victim was a lone female

using a teller machine
after banking hours.

Some day, some night.

- Which means the
frequency is increasing.

- And we're no closer
now than we were

when the first
victim was att*cked.

- Yeah, well, I guess it's us

lazy detectives.

Just seems that we can't get

anything off the
ground these days.

- Okay, so I'm involved.

- I woulda never guessed.

- We're all involved.

You don't know what that
woman's been going through

or what she's feeling.

(telephone buzzes)

- O'Brien.


Romano, line three.

- So what did you do after
your nap today, O'Brien?

- I formulated a plan.

- Are you gonna let
us know the plan?

- Uh-oh.

Sounds like the
Detective Bureau's

in the throes of revolution.

- Frick and Frack seem to
be moving in this direction,

and I see them hitting
next in the Hillsboro area

or right here.

- The West Palms area.

- You're plannin' stakeouts.

- You blue suits catch
on quick, don't ya?

- Did we just
inherit a small army?

There must be 50 a*t*matic
tellers in those areas.

- No army, but that's
why I wanna go fishing.

I wanna bait both areas.

Take the central two
square miles of each,

send out decoy teams,

have 'em float back and forth
between the teller machines

on assigned beats.

- How many teams do you have?

- Six, and still recruiting.

- Ah, here it comes.

You want Stacy.

- [O'Brien] And
Corrigan for recovery.

- Count us in.

- [O'Brien] Good enough.

(receiver bangs)

- [Hooker] Romano.

- I tell ya, Hooker,
sometimes I get so damn mad.

(sighs) I was watchin'
you out there last night,

holdin' onto your cool.

I don't know how you do it.

They're parasites.

- What happened?

- My mom was mugged.

She was closin' the deli

and some South Philly
purse snatcher broke her wrist

tryin' to grab the
bag out of her hand.

She's in the hospital,
and I'm 3,000 miles away.

- Is she all right?

- They're-they're studying
the x-rays right now.

You know, it's bad enough
havin' to do the job we do,

seein' what goes down
on the streets every day.

But when it's personal.

- So let's deal with
what's important.

How can we help your mom?


- Well, I... I'm not sure.

I gotta call my brother, uh...

Somebody's gotta
take care of the store.

If I know my mom, she's
probably had somethin' cookin'

on the stove all day.

Oh, and then
there's our dog, Bear.

- Hey.

- There's so many
things to take care of.

- Romano.

You just take care of the list,

and if your mom needs ya,
I'll get the days off shuffled.

- Okay.


I'll work on it.

- I feel for Beth.

I mean, the pain
she's been through,

and the anguish in her
eyes when I talked to her

in the ambulance.

There's no way to
help her deal with it,

as a woman or as a priest.

- What about her family?

- That's another story.

Her father's a priest
on the East Coast.

- Ah, so Episcopal
priests can marry?

- Even the women.

But I don't think Beth could
look toward home for support.

Her father was the first
bishop to refuse to ordain her.

- Oh, terrific.


- Drop me off here.

I'll cruise the banks
between here and Central.

Put out all the bait I can.

- Watch yourself.

- I want those guys
almost as bad as Hooker.

(dramatic music)

- This knife the detectives
found at the r*pe scene,

I've seen one like it
before somewhere.

- All the lab could
come up with on it

is that it's European forged
steel, probably British.

Still doesn't tell us how it got

into the hands of the rapists.

- Sold mail order through
mercenary magazines.

- What, are you psychic?

- Oh, I've run across
a few of the types

who'd buy that
macho junk in 'Nam.

They're hired for dirty work.

- You think that's what we're
dealing with, mercenaries?

- I don't know, and
what else do we have?

We'll start with their
favorite watering holes.

(upbeat rock music)

(sultry jazz music)

(upbeat rock music)

- And I thought the
last place was bad.

- Wait here.

- Thanks a bunch.

- I really don't have a lot
of time for the cops today.

- But plenty for maggots
and w*r freaks, right?

- You must have the
wrong place, Hooker.

- Now, let's save both
of us a lot of time, Tiny.

There are two mercs

raping and robbing
in the streets

as though they were
back in San Salvador.

I want names.

- Sorry, I can't help you.

- Now, Tiny,
you've got a choice.

Either you give
me what's stirring,

or I'll give police harassment
a whole new meaning.

- Finish your beer.

- Okay.

Okay, two guys

with on-and-off cash

have been hangin'
around here lately.

Now, the word is,

they got bounced outta Nicaragua

when the politicos brought
a lotta pressure down

on the death squads.

- One of them carry
a marauder knife?

- Come to think of it, he does.

- Names.

- Their working handles

are Dancer and Pyro.

Now, that's all I know,
and that's straight.

- Tiny, you did fine, just fine.

- Sure.

- Much obliged
for the cooperation.

(ominous music)

- Okay, Pete.

O'Brien is checking with Langley

for a full ID on the
names Pyro and Dancer.

- Never wanted to be
mugged so bad in my life.

- You're a born cop. (laughs)

- No. A woman tryin' to
square it for another woman.

- [Dancer] No action here, Py.

- Oh, it'll come.

It's just a matter of
pickin' and choosin'.

Go ahead, park
across the street.

- I checked with the airport.

There's a flight out at 7:00.

Days off are set.

- Thanks anyway, Hooker,
but, uh, Mama said no.

- You talked to her?

- Yeah.

They're gonna keep
her for observation,

but she insisted she
was just in a little pain.

She wanted me to save
my time off for Christmas.

- Oh, she'll be up
and around in no time.

Bringing up a kid like
you, she had to be tough.

- (laughs) Only thing
she complained about

was the horrible feeling
of being so violated.

Same as Beth, huh?

- I'm gonna drop you
off at headquarters.

- Where you goin'?

- Somewhere I haven't
been in a long time.


(church bells ringing)

- And then, the others
seized the stranger,

and they brought him
back to the old fisherman.

And they said, "Look
at this beautiful fish

"that he's stolen from you!"

And then they all shouted,

"How shall we punish him?"

But do you know what the
old fisherman did instead?

He picked out an even more
beautiful fish from his catch,

and he gave it to the stranger,

and he said, "Here,
take this one home

"so that you can
feed your family, too."

Now, why do you
think he did that?

- [Child] He didn't like fish?

(children laughing)

- Father Johansen.

- [Beth] No, I don't
think that's what it was.

- Hooker, it's been a long time.

- Yes it has.

Still checking up
on the staff, I see.

- A captain's job.

Especially when one
mate's vulnerability

threatens to tip the whole boat.

- Mm-hm, that was part of it.

But what else?

- Because he was generous.

- I'd, uh, appreciate
it if the police could

low-key this whole
thing, Hooker.

It's been difficult
on all of us.

- [Beth] Does anyone
have another idea?


- He forgave the stranger.

- Exactly. That's exactly right.

He forgave the stranger

just like the Bible
tells us to forgive.

You see,

its very easy to
hate when someone's

done something bad to us.

But when we forgive,

we show our love to that person,

even if he's a total stranger.

We're running out
of time, as usual.

So I want you all to
remember your projects,

and I'll see you
next week, okay?


- [Children] Bye!

- Bye.

- You have a special
way of showing children

the good in people.

- Hooker, I don't
know if I can keep it up.

- Just have as much faith
in yourself as the kids do,

and you... you won't
have any problem.

Beth, the cops that I
sent in for help to you and

the ones that came
in on their own...

Don't sell yourself short.

Just 'cause you didn't
get me inside there

on a permanent basis
doesn't mean that the others

didn't benefit by coming in.

Jack Simpson's
marriage is still together.

Did you know that?

And Pete. (exhales)

Who will ever forget Pete?

- Pete was raised in
the church, Hooker.

- Yeah, but it wasn't me
who stopped him from

swallowing the wrong
end of his revolver.

It was you.


I know how hard
this has been on you.

Time and again, we've
come up dry on any suspects

who att*cked you.

I have to ask you
to try and remember.


- I couldn't stop thinking
about it last night.

It was like it was
some kind of dream.


- It was.


- Hooker.

- Trust me.

- I do, Hooker.


The man who had the knife

wore some kind of hood,
and-and I ripped it off.

- You saw his face?

- I-I-I guess I did.

- Well, we'll get a
sketch artist down here.

We'll do a composite.

- No, Hooker, it
wouldn't do any good.

I saw his face.

I-I must have
seen his face, but...

I can't remember.

All I can see is
that horrible knife!

- That's all, nothing else?

His voice?

His clothing?


- One thing.

When I... when I pulled
the hood off, he hit me.

And he... he called
me something, that...

It sounded Spanish.



- Marita!

No, Marita.

Called me Marita.

(suspenseful music)

- Like O'Brien said,
let's keep floating.

- Well, back to number three.

- No sound, no sound.

Now move.

- [Stacy] Jim, over there.

- [Corrigan] Yeah,
it's goin' down.

Call it in.

- [Stacy] This is X-ray 16.

2-11 in progress, verified,
location number three.

(intense music)

- [Corrigan] Hold it, police!

- Don't move!

Move, she's dead!

(tires squealing)


- Freeze!

(g*n fires)

- Are you okay?

You sure?

X-ray 16 to all units.

A possible 2-11, r*pe
suspect headed north on Pacific

from Coral Reef.

(radio beeping)

- [Dispatcher] All units,
all frequencies, stand by,

4-X-ray 16 reports
suspect in a 1980 Chevy,

brown in color, proceeding
north on Pacific from Coral Reef.

- That's Stacy and
Corrigan's stakeout.

- Two blocks to the right.

(siren wailing)

(tires screeching)

(indistinct radio dispatch)

- What seems to be
the problem, officer?

- All right, end of the road.

r*pe, armed robbery,
six counts to start with.

You're looking at a deep
hole behind steel doors, mister.

- I don't know what
you're talkin' about.

I told you, I saw a
dude, a g*n, I took off.

Think I'm gonna get
involved with stuff like that?

Had nothin' to do with me.

- That dude is your partner.

- Well, he told ya that.

- No.

Didn't have a chance.

He's dead.

- That's a shame,
for his family, I mean.

I didn't know him.

- You wanna play games?

You play games.

But you're gonna burn for
what you did to those women.

I promise you.

- You know, from now on,
you can talk to my lawyer,

'cause I said all I'm
gonna say to you.

(phone ringing)

- Lab tore the car apart.


No knife, no mask,
not even a water p*stol.

- What about the record?

- He has arrests
coming out of his ears,

but no convictions.

CIA has him down for r*pe
and m*rder in four continents.

They could never prove anything.

Their last hookup
was in San Salvador.

Part of the death
squad terror over there.

- Which gives us
nothing over here.

- Well, we have to
hold him on something.

What about auto theft?

- Wheels were borrowed.

We got zip, Hooker.

Either we turn a miracle
in the next couple of hours,

or he's back on the street.

- Then we'll just have
to go back to somebody

in the miracle business.

- Okay, I'll call you tomorrow.

And Mom?

I love you.


- How is she, Vince?

- Oh, she was pretty depressed
until she got a dozen roses

from somebody she didn't know.

A Jim Corrigan.

- You don't say?

- What a coincidence, huh?

- Hey, it's a popular name.

- Yeah, well, whoever
he is, he made her day.

- You're asking a lot, Hooker.

I'm not sure I can.

- He'll be in the lineup.

The room'll be dark.

He won't see you.

- Oh, doesn't that reassure me?

- Well, it's your decision.

Whatever you
decide, I'll understand.

- I wish Father Johansen

had some of whatever
you're giving me right now.

- Want me to talk
to him for you?

- Things are tense
enough as it is.

I don't wanna give
him any excuses.

- All right.

Step up to your positions.

Face front.

Let's move it, come on.

Number two, head up.


- All set, Hooker.

- Beth?

Remember, there's no rush.

(dramatic music)

- I...

- Beth?

- I can't.

- Try.

- It's no use, I can't.

- Read this and sign here.

- My pleasure. Is that mine?

- Sergeant Hooker.
Where can I find him?

- Is he expecting you?

- I'm Dr. Ross.

I'm to see him
for transportation

to a witness hypnosis
session on a r*pe case.

- He's just changing,

and he asked that you
meet him in the locker room.

It's the last door
on your right.

- Thank you.

- Don't worry.

If there's anything to it,
they'll have to contact me first.

- Sergeant Hooker has
explained it all to you, Beth?

- I think she's ready.

Father Johansen, Beth
needs your support.

I don't think she's getting it.

- Well, she's not a
parishioner, Sergeant.

I'm the one who needed support.

I was never sure about the idea

of ordaining women
in the first place.

And second, Beth
is on staff here

because of pressure
from my bishop.

I believe we're seeing
the results, aren't we?

- There's nothing
to worry about.

You'll be awake the whole time.

All the doctor's gonna do
is help jog your memory.

- Any questions?

- Hooker?

- I'll be right here.

- All right, then.

Sit back.

Close your eyes.

That's it.

Close your eyes and relax.

Relax and listen to my voice.

Now, I want you to go back.

Back to the bank.

You're standing at
the teller machine.

Can you see yourself?

What are you doing?

(ominous music)

- I'm putting in the card,
punching in my numbers.

- Go on.

- Now, I'm turning
around and walking...


- [Dr. Ross] A man grabs you.

- (shuddering) Yes.

- [Dr. Ross] What's happening?

- He's forcing me
around the corner.

There's another man there.

- [Dr. Ross] Can
you see his face?

- No! He's wearing a hood!

- What's he doing to you?

- He's...

Pushing me down.

I'm on the ground.

My cross!

- [Dr. Ross] What
are you doing, Beth?

- I'm fighting him. (sobs)

But he's too strong.

Oh, the hood, I pull it off.

- [Dr. Ross] Do
you see his face?

- No! No!

Just that knife! (sobs)

Just the knife!

- Look behind the knife.

- No! (sobbing)


- He can't hurt you.

Look behind the knife.


(portentous music)

- Oh, God.

- You saw him?

- Yes.

The man in the lineup.

The third one from the left.

It's him.

- The D.A. will
require corroboration.

But we've got enough
for an arrest warrant.

You okay?

I'll let you know when we
have him back in custody.

(radio beeping)

- [Dispatcher] 4-Adam-30,

the D.A.'s office
requests you meet

in Judge Kenton's
chambers, department 105,

to obtain the arrest
warrant on your suspect.

- 4-Adam-30, roger.

(dramatic music)

(church bell chiming)

- For these and all
other sins, I'm truly sorry.

- May God and His
love enlighten your heart.

The Lord has put
away all your sins.

- [Parishioner]
Thanks be to God.

- Go in peace and
pray for me, a sinner.

(ominous music)

- [Pyro] Bless me,
for I have sinned.

- The Lord be in your
heart and open your lips,

that you may truly and
humbly confess your sins.

- [Pyro] I've r*ped a woman.


- I'm listening.

- [Pyro] You'll... let
me tell you about it?

- It's my duty as a priest.

- I was hoping you'd say that.


(church bell chimes)

- The gardener said he saw a
man meeting that description

leaving the back way.

- Hooker, please.

- If it wasn't to hurt you,

what did he come here for?

What did he want?

- I'm sorry, I
can't talk about it.

- That's crazy.

- Hooker, don't you understand?

I don't have the right.

- My God, he's confessed to you.

That's it, isn't it?

That scoundrel tried to
invoke your vow of silence.

- Give me strength.

- He's tricked you.


Beth, if you don't
stand up in court

and nail this human scavenger,

there's nothing anybody
can do to stop him

from doing it all over again.

- I can't.

- If you don't, we all lose.

Beth, listen to me.

You're all we have.

There is no other way.

- There has to be.

- No, don't you understand?

Maybe this is the reason why

you could never get
me to come inside.

- Are you saying you
don't believe in God?

- I believe.

I also believe a man doesn't
have to be inside four walls

to pray.

And I can't accept
any man-made doctrine

that prevents a person
from doing what's right.

And all the trappings
that take the place of this

are doing that.

- Hooker, how can you
make such a judgment?

- From inside
here's how I make it.

I believe it's wrong to
let that animal go free.

- If I did what you're asking,

it would go against
everything I live for.

- What about his next victim?

What she lives for?

- I can't, Hooker.

I'm sorry, I just can't!

(dramatic music)

- Beth is one of the first
women priests to be ordained,

and now she's not even getting
support from her own rector.

Just when we need

some of the grit that
got her to where she is,

the perfect corroboration
to a one-to-one identification,

she won't say a word
about what happened.

- You can't blame her, Hooker.

She's got her own laws to obey.

They're just different
from ours, that's all.

- Not so different that
a maggot like Pyro

can't twist them around
to work in his favor.

- Why does it always
go in the crook's favor?

Scuz who hit my mom has
already picked up a new wardrobe

off of her credit card.

- Maybe it'll help
nail him quicker.

That's not the case with Pyro.

- What if I talk to Beth?

- She's committed 200%.

- There's gotta be a way.

Another approach, maybe.

- You figure a animal like that
wouldn't deserve confession.

- Romano?

You're brilliant.

- I am?

- Corrigan, chow down.

I got a job for ya.

(upbeat dance music)

- [Pyro] Yeah, it worked.

Like a charm.


- Yeah.

Now that's what I like to hear.

Success, buddy.

- Just in time for
a celebration, huh?

- (laughs) You might say that.

You're lookin' at a
winner, down and dirty.

- Well, that case, let me
buy the winner a beer.

Make it two.

- Hey, much obliged, Jack.

- I know you from somewhere.

San Remo?

- I never saw
any of that action.

- That was all fun. (laughs)

Hey, the takeover in Biafra.

You were point for
that wild man, Mancuso.

- Oh.

You know Mancuso?

- Only by reputation.

I value my butt more than
to get hooked up with him.

- Well, all the
rewards were there

after the sh**ting was
over, if you get my drift.

- Oh, yeah, I get it, all right.

So what was it got
the celebration goin'?

From the w*r, bet,

or a solid score
on the ladies' front?

- Nah, freedom.

Total freedom in
this here U.S. of A.

Survival, that's the
name of the game.

- Damn straight.

Course, you do still need to
keep the man on your side.

- Man?

- That guy upstairs
who keeps our blood

off the killin' ground.

- Yeah, you, maybe.

Me, all I need is a fresh
clip and a head start.

- Right, sure thing.

Spoken like a true
Mancuso warrior.

- Oh, you think that's funny?

- I think all you
rookies say that

'til you take that first b*llet.

- Yeah?

- Then all of a sudden, the
man becomes real important.

And you start
believin' real fast.

- Hey, Jack.

First of all, I ain't no rookie.

And second, the
only man I believe in

is standing right here.

You got that?

- Is that so?

- Yeah.

'Cause God is for suckers.

- Well?

- He's an atheist.

- And therefore not entitled
to the privilege of confession.

- Which means you can
testify to the confession, right?

- No.

The vows of
confession are absolute,

regardless of the religious
conviction of the confessor.

- But he has no convictions.

You heard the tape.

- It doesn't matter.

- Father Johansen?

- In the long run, the
decision is the priest's.

She must weigh the
gravity of the matter

against her own
personal convictions.

- Beth, then it is possible.

- No.

No, Hooker, for
me, it is not possible.

Besides my
convictions, my faith,

there are all those
women behind me

who want what I have.

I can't turn my back on them.

Hooker, I am the
minister of children,

and it's wonderful,
but I want more.

I want my own church someday.

I have been here a year
and I haven't even been given

the chance to deliver
a sermon on Sunday.

But that chance will come.

It will come because I believe,

and because I will
not compromise

my faith or my vows

one inch.


I'm sorry, Hooker.

God knows how sorry I am.

- I tell ya, Hooker,

I never thought I'd see the day

when a con would save
his neck by confessing.

- Well, maybe he hasn't.

Maybe there's another way to
corroborate her identification.

- How do you mean?

- We know that Beth
won't reveal the confession.

But Pyro doesn't.

- So?

- So.

Is Corrigan still at the bar?

- Yeah.

- Call Pyro's lawyer.

Tell him to bring him in.

- On what charge?

- r*pe.

Tell him the lady
priest has just agreed

to testify to Pyro's confession.

(upbeat rock music)

- Keep the change.

- Hey, what's your hurry?

- Lawyers.

- Bad news?

- Nothin' I can't handle.

Happy trails, Jack.

- Yeah.

- How 'bout me
buyin' you a beer, pal?

- Some other time, man.

- How 'bout now?



(phone ringing)

- Hooker?

- He get the call?

- Yeah.

And I don't think he's
going to meet his lawyer.

I'm sure he's
headed for the church.

- I'll call Beth right away.

(phone buttons clicking)

(phone ringing)

(dramatic music)

(distorted speaking)


- On your knees.

Hands behind your neck.

Lace your fingers.


- There's this Philly
purse snatcher

I'm gonna meet some day.

I hope it gives me
this kinda satisfaction.

- Just let him
swing first, junior.

On your feet.


(organ music)


- Was good to see you
this morning, Hooker.

- Thank you.

If I could hear sermons
like the one I heard today,

I might be inside every Sunday.

- Be careful, I might
take you up on that.


She did a fine job.


- Wanna hear a confession?

- I'm afraid that's not
in my line of business.


- I stole something
this morning.

- What?

- I thought my knees
were going to buckle

during that sermon.

I looked down and
saw you sitting there,

and stole a little strength.

- Oh, then you owe me a favor.

- Oh, Hooker.

Are you telling me you
had an ulterior motive

for coming this morning?

- Maybe a little bit of both.

I need some of your strength.

- Okay, try me.

- One of the guys at the station

is having serious
family problems.

It's led to booze, and...

Well, let's just say, if
he doesn't get any help,

it could lead to
the kind of mistakes

that get young cops k*lled.

Or their partners.

- When can I see him?

("T.J. Hooker
theme" by Mark Snow)