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07x23 - Netherlands

Posted: 05/02/23 05:52
by bunniefuu
They don't really
believe in us, of course.

Most of them don't, anyway.

They draw pictures
of us with halos,

way up high in the sky,

sitting on puffy white clouds,

playing our harps
in a perpetual state

of joy and contentment.

I even saw an advertisement

with angels wearing
nothing but wings

and ladies“ underwear,

looking free as you please.

But it's not like that at all.

It's terribly demanding work.

It is.

Did He mention that?


Well, it is.

Quite demanding.

Rewarding, of course.

Very rewarding when a soul

connects with its Creator and...

and you know you've
had something to do with it.

But it's a whole new millennium.

Times are changing, you know.

I wouldn't know.

That's right.

I forgot. You were
only born yesterday.

God is creating something
at this very moment.


My name is Monica.

What's your name?

I don't know.

I want to go back.

Back home?

So do I.

All the time.

But you stay here.



Because He asked me to.

Because I'm an angel.

Because... because
He loves them.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

They get up every day
and start all over again.

They go to work, they
raise their children,

they laugh and cry
and sleep and dream,

and most of them
never, ever imagine

that we're right here with them.


Human beings are
awfully fuzzy, aren't they?

How many fingers
am I holding up?

You know, while we 're here,

we should get you
something else to wear,

because we usually
like to reserve

the formal angel attire

for really special
occasions such as...

Oh, here we go.

Let's see.



Maybe not.

Four and a half.


- Two.
- Yes.

I'm sorry.

That box is for
donations only; the...

the glasses aren't...

uh, aren't for sale.

Oh, dear.

Well, maybe you could
make an exception?

Oh, well, I'd like to...
H really would... but...

It's just that it's
her first day of work

and she really wants to
make a good impression.

So the two of you work together?

Uh, yeah, um, sort of.

What do you do?

We're angels.


It's a long story.

Well, I... I wish
I could hear it.

Well, I wish I
could tell it to you.

But you have to get to work.

- Right.
- Right.

Well, I'll tell you what.

Uh, I can't sell
you the glasses,

but I can give them to you.

Well, that's what they
were donated for, right?

To give to someone in need.


Thank you very much, Mr., uh...

Uh, Mike. Mike Rice.

I'm Monica, and this is...

We don't know my name yet.

It's a long story, right?


Well, uh, Monica, is there
anything else I can do for you?

Well, actually, um...

could I interest you in a trade?

Thank you, Mike.

You've been very kind.

Ah, it's my pleasure.

Happy to help.

Um... listen, Monica,
I-I don't mean

to sound forward or anything,

but, um, if you ever feel
like having dinner or...

lunch or something, I...

Thank you, but I can't.


Yeah, yeah, I-I figured.

You're, uh, already
attached, huh?

Yes, something like that.

But if I weren't,

I think I would really like
to have had dinner with you.




filtered under pressure
through the grounds

of Nicaraguan coffee beans.

Yeah, but how does it taste?

It tastes like water
filtered under pressure

through the grounds of
Nicaraguan coffee beans?

Do you like it?

Well, coffees grown
on the eastern slopes

of South American
mountain ranges do tend to be

less acidic than those
cultivated in more arid regions.

How do you know that?

When I was changing my clothes

and you went to
go find me a jacket.


I read the
Encyclopedia Britannica.

I can fix that.

You can?

Yes, it's a relatively
simple procedure.

Okay, but we can't talk.

My mom says I
can't talk to strangers.

That's a very good policy.

Where is your mommy?

She's over there.

See that man?

He's gonna put
down that newspaper,

and my mommy is gonna
pick it up and look for a job in it.

We're here every day.

We look for jobs.

Then we go in there.

We call on the pay phone
and go on interviews.

I always have
to sit in the lobby

and be really quiet.

Why don't you sit at your
home where you reside?

We don't have a home.

That's why we need a job.

So, can you really fix this?


Hey, stop.

Too much?

Don't go too far.

Tess... where are you?

Here I am,

wondering how you're
gonna drink all that coffee.

They're not all for me.

Do you know what has happened?

Yes, I do.

Do you know her name?

She doesn't have one yet,

but she'll know
when the time is right.


Well, that would
be very helpful.

This has all been something
of a surprise, you know.

So you're surprised?

Well, how do you
think she feels?

One minute you're not,

the next minute you are,

and then some angel named Monica

is trying to get you to drink
a gallon of fancy coffee.

That's my point exactly, Tess.

Everything is
happening so quickly.

The Father knows that.

That's why He created her.

Human technology
keeps speeding up.

But the human heart keeps
beating at the same pace

it always did,

so their hearts get left behind.

And God wants them to slow down?

He wants them to find a balance.

That's why he's created an angel

for the 21st century.

Her mind is like a computer.

She learns fast, and she
remembers everything she learns,

but she has no history.

She has no
experience of the past.

She has no sense
of human condition.

That's why she needs
help from an angel

that has a few thousand
years under her belt.


No, Tess, not me.

Yes, you.

Why do you think
I'm telling you this?

It's a perfect match.

Nobody has a heart
like you, angel girl.

Now, little miss
thingamabob over there,

her brain is so quick,

she has no idea how
to use the heart she has.

What is her name?

I'm Madeline.

What's your name?

I don't have a name yet.

Why not?

Because I'm an angel.

Then I know what your name is.

It's in that song.

♪ Angels we have heard on high ♪

♪ Sweetly singing
o'er the plains ♪

♪ And the mountains in the sky ♪

♪ Echoing their joyous strains ♪

♪ Gloria... ♪

See? Gloria.

If you're an angel,
that's your name.

Let's go, honey.

Come on. We got
to make some calls.



Now, when you fly, it
will stay out of your eyes.

Good-bye, Gloria.


Hello. I'm Gloria.

- Yes, you are, baby.
- Oh, no.

- It's not Baby; it's Gloria.
- Oh.


Gloria. That's a beautiful name.

The little girl knew it.

Well, Gloria, this is
Tess. She's my supervisor.

And the Father has an
assignment for you, Gloria.


I-I should probably tell you,

I consider myself unprepared
to deal with human subjects

on a personal level.

I couldn't agree with you more.

That's why the Father
wants you to stay with Monica

and see how she
does her assignments.

And, by the way, your first
assignment is Madeline.

She says she needs a new home,

so you stay with her
until she finds one.

Oh, look, there's Andrew.

Oh, is Andrew also an angel?

Yes, he's an angel of death.

Death, the cessation
of earthly existence.

The transitional period often
mistaken by human beings

to be the end of all things
but which is ultimately

a change in matter and form.


Does Andrew assist
in the transition?


How many angels
of death does it take?

What do you mean?

Oh, no, Tess. Not the...



Oh, Lord. My Lord.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.




The expl*si*n must
have been... 2.5 tons.

And there were two.

Did you notice?

Two separate explosions,

which means there
were two bombs,

one timed to go off
right after the other.

I wonder. I don't
think it was dynamite.

What are you talking about?

Who cares how many
bombs there were?

Look at this.

Don't you feel anything?

What do you want me to feel?

Am I supposed to feel
what you're feeling?

Is that what an angel does?



I don't know what an
angel does anymore.

Watch what you're
saying, Miss Wings.

No, Tess.

Why should I teach
her to use her heart

if it's only going
to get broken?

No one has a
heart like me, right?

No one should have one, either.

And better that she never
learn how to use hers.

I wish I'd never learned
how to use mine.

Baby, don't go. We need you.

I can't help them anymore, Tess.

I don't know how.

No, you stay right
here. Don't you move.

I'm supposed to
stay with Monica.

Not right now.

You stay right here
and don't you move.

Your assignment
is still that little girl.

Wherever she is.

- What a day.
- Andrew, there's a little girl

in there, and her name
is Madeline, and she...

Her mother's name was Jane.

I know, Tess.

I just... I just took Jane home.

And the little girl?

She's still inside.

She's still alive, but if
they don't find her soon,

it's gonna be too late.

I've got an idea.

Considering the likely
trajectory of the dog,

while allowing for the
probability of interference

with other debris at the
time of the expl*si*n,

and assuming she had the dog
in her possession at the time...

Show him.

I've got the child
positioned seven meters

from the main
entrance, which would...

put her right about... there.



Help me.

Hey, we got a kid down here!

WOMAN: Code blue, E.R.

Code blue, E.R.

Hi. How you doing?

- Hi.
- Feeling all right?

How is she doing?

She's unconscious.

Why don't you hold her hand?

She's unconscious.

The spirit knows.

Uh, I've brought
you a pad and a pen.

Now, you're gonna
see a lot of things here.

I know you'll have a lot of
questions. Just write 'em down.

Just-just-just write
it down, darling.

Just write it... write it down.

You were there.

You were born in love.

It's not the same here.

That's because, where
you came from, little angel,

there is no death.

But down here,
death is everywhere,

and you will never
understand love on Earth

until you understand death.

I got to go. I got a lot to do.

Try singing to her.

♪ Gloria... ♪

Where you headed?

To the desert.

Come on. I'll give you a lift.

No, thank you.

Come on, Monica. You're tired.

You know you want to.

That's what you're here for.

From the moment I was created,

I have spent my entire
existence avoiding you.

Why should I ride with you now?

Because it's time...
and you know it.

I suppose I do.

Do you mind if I
turn on the radio?

Refusing to comment
on the details

of the blast, confirming
only that there were originally

three separate bombs set
to detonate within seconds.

If there's anything

to be grateful
for in this tragedy,

it's that, by some
miracle, the third b*mb,

which would've taken
perhaps 100 additional lives,

failed to discharge.

The FBI has expanded its
search for suspected bomber

Arthur... Tragedy
two, miracles one.

Have you noticed?

It takes twice as many
miracles to get their attention.

I mean, think of
all the buildings

that don't explode every day.

Nobody realizes the
work that goes into that.

No wonder an angel
gets discouraged, huh?

I am discouraged because people
like Arthur whatever his name is

are so easily deluded.

Dear Arthur.

He's holding a g*n to
his head this very moment

in a barn in Iowa,

rereading his
farewell manifesto,

declaring himself a martyr,

convinced of his intellectual
and ideological superiority.

Are you proud of yourself?


Of course I am.

A man should take
pride in his work.

You are not a man.

Well, I am today.

You like the suit?

This was a mistake.

Will you let me out?

Nice day for a walk.

Planning to go the whole
40 days or 40 nights,

or... can we speed
this up a little?

It's over. Drive away.

I can't do that.

It's just too, uh...

we||, tempting.

I got an angel on
the brink ready to fall.

I've no intention of falling.

You walked away, Monica.

You turned your back on God.

I turned my back on humanity.

There's no such thing.

Humans, yes.

Humanity... no.

I need to think
things over... alone.

Funny... that's
what Arthur said.

40 years is a long time.

Let me tell you,
it's no bed of roses.

You pay your taxes,
you pay your bills,

you pay through the nose just
to keep up with the Joneses,

and nobody pays attention.

But there are compensations.

That's good?

Of course, good.

You come home one night,

you sit in your La-Z-Boy,

you look into the kitchen
and see this wonderful woman

in her apron...

on the phone with her
meshuggener sister...

and you remember
the day you met.

She walks into the
store, asks me...

do I have a pair of
white satin pumps?

And I say...

"Nobody wears
white after Labor Day."

And she says...

"I wear whatever I
damn well please."

And right then
and there, I knew...

she was the woman for me.

Transportation to Admitting.

Transportation, please
report to Admitting.

What kind of
animal could do this?


Is she conscious again?

- Yes.
- Oh.

Can you talk?

Try to keep her awake.

Stay awake, please.

Tell a story or something.

I-I don't know any stories.

Well, use your imagination.

- I don't have one.
- What?

You say "once upon a
time," and you go from there.

I'll go get the nurse.

Once upon a time...
there was a man...

who... wore white
after Labor Day.

And... he... lived
in a bed of roses...

With his...

meshuggener... his
meshuggener sister...

and... a La-Z-Boy.


Where are You?

Why can't I feel You with me?

What has happened to my heart?

I don't understand.

I don't understand. I just
don't understand anymore!

I remember the days,
Monica, when you...

walked through the
desert unshod, unafraid...

an angel of God,

confident of your
divine mission,

a little white dove
tagging along to prove it.

I told you I wanted to be alone.

And you know I can't

make you do anything
you don't want to do.

This is a unique
opportunity, actually.

Here you are with my
full and complete attention.

Think of it as research; get
to know me, pick my brain.

We don't have to be friends
or we don't have to be enemies.

You are the enemy.

I'm not the enemy.

I'm the alternative.

That's what you're
looking for, isn't it?

You can work for me.

There are options.

Thousands of them.

Work for me.

I don't suppose you would.

You don't have to break your
heart working for Him, you know.

Yes, I know how much it hurts.

I am not all bad, you
know; I have been there, too.

I remember.

It's not such a long way
down from the top, you know?

It only hurts for a
second, and you forget.

I don't want to forget.

Then what are you here for?

Because I am hurting!

Because, as much as God
loves them, they hate each other!

Oh, they say the words
and-and they write the books

and the songs about love
and they make the vows of love,

but they don't love!

And you do?


And you could be a better
human, a better lover?

Yes! No.

Is that what you want?

I don't know. Maybe. Maybe.

Well, then you
owe it to yourself

to find out, don't you think?

I don't know.

I'll take that as a yes.

II All right, ready?




Over here!

- You know what I was thinking?
- Hmm?

Maybe we should go
down to the nursery

and, uh, pick up something

to plant right up
along that fence line.

What about lilac bushes?

I love the smell of lilacs.

They don't bloom very long.

I think there's something
beautiful in that.

Quiet dignity in a life that
accepts the nature of things

more gracefully than
we poor humans do.

I married a little Irish poet.


It must be something, huh?

To carry a life inside you.

No angel can do that.


Jealous? Huh?

I always imagined what it
would feel like to be a mother.

Nobody loves you
like a child does.

Sure, they can disappoint
you, but... that's life.

Don't go too far, Tess.

It's almost dinnertime.

Okay, Mommy.


I know where I am, you know.

I do, I do, I... I
know who you are.

I know who I am, and...

perhaps I have lost
my way, perhaps...

perhaps my faith
has been shaken,

but I am still an angel.

I am still His.

Then where is He?

Where He's always been.

He didn't walk away; I did.

But I'm going back,
and I will find Him again.

Where, at Madeline's grave?

Year after year, century
after century, Monica,

you watch the
suffering and the sorrow.

All you can do is stand
by, utter the words

that sound more hollow
every time you say 'em:

"God loves you."

- He does.
- Why does He allow such suffering?

- Because there's free will.
- Why is there free will?!

Because, if there
was no free will,

- there would be no choice to love.
- Yes, exactly.

- You have that choice, too.
- Why would I give up

an eternity in Heaven
for a few short years

among the very ones who
break my heart every single day?

You don't understand why
humans do the terrible things they do

because you've never lived
with the passion they feel.

It's a passion for life

angels can never have.

It could be your life, Monica,
and it's a pretty good one,

if you think about it.

Short, but...
it's not the point.

Life is dearer.

Love is deeper.

Lilacs smell sweeter, be...

because there are only so
many springs in a lifetime.

Look... I know...

I'm the last guy you
would normally listen to,

but I've been there.

I know what I'm
talking about, Monica.

How long can you
go on like this...

breaking your heart
over and over again...

lost between Heaven and Earth?

You must be so... lonely.


Sometimes I am.

I am.

I am.

It's okay.

Go on.

Go on.

I've got you.


Take your time.

Think about it.


Go for a walk.

When you're ready, just...

find yourself a...
nice, high place.

And when you look
down... I'll be there...

ready to catch you.

I just... It's okay.

I know.

You need to be alone.

♪ No one here to guide you ♪

♪ Now you're on your own ♪

♪ Only me beside you ♪

♪ Still you're not alone ♪

♪ No one is alone ♪

♪ Truly no one is alone ♪

♪ Sometimes people leave you ♪

♪ Halfway through the wood ♪

♪ Others may deceive you ♪

♪ You decide what's good ♪

♪ You decide alone ♪

♪ But no one is alone ♪

♪ People make mistakes ♪

♪ Fathers, mothers ♪

♪ People make mistakes ♪

♪ Holding to their own ♪

♪ Thinking they're alone ♪

♪ Honor their mistakes ♪

♪ Everybody makes ♪

♪ One another's ♪

♪ Terrible mistakes ♪

♪ Witches can be right ♪

♪ Giants can be good ♪

♪ You decide what's right ♪

♪ You decide what's good ♪

♪ Just remember ♪

♪ Someone is on your side ♪

♪ Our side ♪

♪ Someone else is not ♪

♪ While you're
seeing your side ♪

♪ Maybe you forgot ♪

♪ You are not alone,
you are not alone ♪

♪ You are not alone ♪

♪ No one is alone,
no one is alone ♪

♪ Hard to see the light now ♪

♪ Light now, fight now,
fight now, fight now... ♪

♪ Just don't let it go,
just don't let it go ♪

♪ Just don't let it... ♪

♪ Things will work
out right now ♪

♪ Right now, right
now, right now ♪

♪ Ask me how I know ♪

♪ Ask me how I know... ♪

♪ Ask me how I know. ♪

Once upon a time...

Oh, Father, why have
You forsaken me?

I love the smell of lilacs.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Please forgive me, please.

Please, Father.

I want to come home.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you.

You remember our
assignment, Gloria?

Stay with Madeline
until she finds a home,

and I've been searching
through these magazines.

I-I think I found
her a nice one.

Uh, something curious
occurred while in your absence.

I was to tell Madeline a
story to keep her awake,

but lacking any imagination,

I believe I put her
to sleep instead,

and I'd like to improve on that.

Gloria, imagination
is a wonderful thing,

but in our business,
truth is better.

I want to teach you how
to share that right now.


I want my mommy.

Mommies are better than
angels sometimes, huh?

Did she die?

Yes, sweetheart, she did.

She's in Heaven now... with God.

What's gonna happen to me?

Well, there's an
angel named Andrew,

and he took your
mommy to Heaven,

and he's going to
come in here very soon

and take you to meet your mommy.

Can Gloria take me?


She's still learning.

But she's my friend.

I know.

Gloria will stay with
you and tell you a story

until it's time to
go home, okay?


Just tell her the truth.

What is this?

A tear.

But I'll tell you all
about that later.

Once upon a time...

there was a brand-new
angel named Gloria...

who came to Earth,

and she didn't
know anybody at all.

And then, one day...

she met a little girl.

Would you like coffee?

Oh, yes, please.
That would be nice.

Yeah? Can I get you something?

Okay. How are we feeling?

- Well, my head still hurts.
- Okay, you got

any nausea, any dizziness
when you stand up too fast?

Oh, yes, sir.

Mike Rice... God loves you.

Oh, baby.