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07x22 - The Face of God

Posted: 05/02/23 05:52
by bunniefuu
Mary had a little lamb whose
fleece was white as snow,

and everywhere that Mary
went the lamb was sure to go.

Do you remember that one, Tess?

Yes, I do.

But life is changing
so fast these days,

they're gonna have to
come up with a whole new set

of nursery rhymes, because
they don't make lambs

like they used to.

This one was cloned, Miss Wings.

This wee creature?

It's an exact copy of
that one right over there.

That's her mother?


That's her.

Uh, I mean, that's herself.

It-It's hard to explain.

First it was a sheep,
then it was a mouse,

then it was a goat,
then it was a cow.

And now, the scientists

have finally broken
the human genetic code.

Tess, what does that mean?

It means the world will
never be the same again.

Sarah, you've been here
all of what, six months?

How dare you go over my head!

Brad, I only made a
request for expedited review,

just to put this
thing on a fast track.

After I said no.

You say "no,"

I say "Nobel," because
whoever succeeds at this first

is gonna get the Nobel
Prize, hands down,

and it's gonna be me.

Genetically altering
corn is one thing;

animal research
is another thing.

But there is no
reason to fast-track

something that is
this irresponsible.

Brad, there are a
dozen labs out there

waiting to break with this.

It's not a question
of if anymore,

it's just when.

Why not be first?


The real question
is: why do this at all?

We're not finished
with this, Sarah.

Dr. Conover is a
brilliant scientist,

a leader in the
field of genetics.

She's made wonderful
contributions to medicine.

Her work has saved
many, many lives.


But now she
wants to create life.

She wants to clone a human baby.

And my assignment,
then, is to stop her?


If science is going

to change the world, baby,

your assignment is
to change science.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

The cloning of a human being

has sparked an
international debate,

as well as a race within
the scientific community,

to become the first laboratory
to change science fiction

into science fact.

Here, at Genotek Laboratories
in Bethesda, Maryland,

Dr. Sarah Conover hopes to
be that groundbreaking pioneer.

Dr. Conover, how soon can
we expect a human clone?

I'm not making any promises.

I'm hoping by Christmas.

Is there a religious
significance to that?


What issue is your
biggest moral obstacle?

My only obstacle is red
tape from closed minds

who can't see that
genetic technology

is our best hope to live
longer, healthier lives.

But you're talking about
cloning a human being.

I believe that infertile parents

should have the
right to have children.

How does it feel to play God?

The way I see it,
I'm not playing God,

I'm... just improving
on him. Excuse me.

One more question, Ms. Conover.

Improving on God...

Improving on God?

How do you sleep at night?

In my T-shirt

with my cocker spaniel
and a clear conscience.

Look, Sarah,

once you open up
this Pandora's box,

there's no turning back.

We're talking about
n*zi-style eugenics,

baby farms, cannibalizing
clones for parts...

Brad, your wife... died of
bladder cancer, didn't she?

You leave her out of this.

One healthy
bioengineered bladder.

Now, are you gonna tell me

that you wouldn't have
used that to save her?

And where will you
draw the line, Sarah?

How many embryos are
you gonna end up destroying?

Each and every one
of them is a human life.

Each and every
embryo that I clone

has the potential
to save a human life.

That is what genetic
technology is going to do.

Look, the Institutional
Review Board

doesn't meet until next week.

At which time I fully expect
to get a green light on this.

Not if I can help it.

In the meantime,

if a government site
review team shows up

and finds out that
you've jumped the g*n,

they'll shut this place down.

So I want a bioethicist
present at all times.

I don't need one.

She's waiting in your office.

This is a very critical

juncture in your
research, and I'm here

to help you explore

the moral and ethical
implications of your...

I-I don't need a-a lecture
on bioethics, Monica.

Not when there
are people out there

who desperately need help,
so thank you, but good-bye.

I'm sorry, Dr. Conover,

but I've been
assigned to you, and...

you really don't have a choice.

Well, we'll see about that.

It's called DNA.

Those strands contain the
hereditary characteristics

that make each
individual unique.

Tess, maybe I'm not the
right angel for this assignment.

Science is not my specialty.

No, but the human heart is.

Have you ever
heard the expression:

"It doesn't take an Einstein"?

Well, in this case, it will.

Professor Einstein had
one of the greatest minds

that God ever made,

but you must remember, he
also had a very beautiful heart.

Looks like you have
friends in high places.

So I guess we're
stuck with each other.

For now.

First you grasp the egg
with a holding pipette.

Then... you transfer the cell

of the person you want to clone
and insert the nuclear material,

the new DNA, into the egg.

Sarah, wait, you can't do
this without authorization.


It's just a sneak preview.

Once the nucleus is in the egg,

I'll put the petri
dish in the incubator,

where it'll grow into an embryo.

Most people are
amazed at how easy it is.

"Shocked" might
be a better word.

The last step is to implant the
embryo into a healthy uterus.

The question is: whose uterus?

And who do I clone?

I've been conducting
interviews for weeks.

I'm down to my
last few candidates.

It's a crucial decision.

I mean, let's face
it, I'm making history.

You're making a human being.

Yes, I am.

And I've given everything,
sacrificed everything for it.

"In the service of life,
sacrifice becomes grace."

What, did you read that in
your bioethics handbook?

Albert Einstein said it.

Don't lecture me
about my motives,

and don't use
Einstein against me.

He looked at the universe.

He saw farther
than any telescope,

deeper than any
microscope; he understood.

Ah, yes.

You did your first PhD
thesis on Einstein, didn't you?

- You did your homework.
- If| recall,

you studied tissue
samples of Einstein's brain,

looking for clues to his genius.

After he died,

scientists all over the world
were given tissue samples.

You wouldn't believe how
dense his neurons were.

Genotek still has this sample.

I would give anything
to have met him.

Imagine having a heart-to-heart

with the greatest mind
of the 20th century.

A very good friend of mine did.


Actually, he was the last
one to interview Einstein.

The professor had collapsed
at his home in Princeton,

and he was sent to
the hospital for tests.

Professor Einstein?

Professor Einstein?

Mm... H-Herr Doktor,

what kind of tree
is that out there?

Uh... I-I don't know. Cherry?

Yeah, cherry.

It is beautiful.

It's like a pink ballerina, no?

Professor Einstein, I need
to discuss your condition.

Yeah, so...

okay, as they say in the
cowboy movies, sh**t.

You have an aneurism
in your abdominal aorta.

We need to operate.

If we don't,
you're going to die.

Doctor, I'm an old man.

I feel so much a part
of every living thing

that, uh... I'm not in
the least concerned

with where the
individual begins or ends.


You're supposed to be a genius;

you know you can't smoke
that pipe in your condition!

Tess, I... I need my pipe.

It helps me to cogitate.

How do you think I arrived
at my theory of relativity?

Well, cogitate this.

I have relatively

very little patience left!

Don't make me lose it.

Give me this!


You know, if I was
a little younger,

I would ask that lady
out for a buggy ride.

Professor Einstein,
about the operation?

Um, yeah, I think about it.

Would you hand me my
violin, please, before you go?


Here you go.


Good afternoon, Professor.

He didn't know him?

He just walked in,

sat down, and
started talking to him?

Well, Andrew has a
special way about him.

Dr. Conover.

Yes, okay. Send them up.

Got an interview.

Some of the candidates
for the project.

May I join you?

Do I have a choice?

Hey, zoom in, Mom.

Get that precious
little face, huh?

Grab your rattle.

Say good-bye to your tree.

Say good...

Uh, look, I'm sorry.

I can't watch it too
long without, uh...

We went over to Dave's folks

to, uh, to celebrate
her first birthday.

Well, that was, that was
where we made the video,

and, um... couple hours later,

we were driving
home in the snow and...

the road was icy and, um...

The driver was drunk.

Uh, Penny and I ended
up with some bruises,

but Noel... Well,
the baby seat didn't...

I'm sorry.

Um... well, we couldn't
have another one naturally,

and we already tried in vitro.

But we still have a
lock of Noel's hair,

and when we read about
genetics and all, what you're doing...

Now, we know it
wouldn't be Noel,

but it would be another
baby just like her.


Is it wrong for us

to want see our
little girl's face again?

I don't think so.

What do you think, Monica?

If we can replace

the child they lost,
then shouldn't we?

Wouldn't that be grace
in the service of life?

I don't know.

I honestly don't know.

I've been looking
for you everywhere.

What's the matter?

This assignment is...
it's very confusing.

But that's what angels are for.

To unconfuse things.

But when it comes
to this cloning,

I just don't understand
all the implications yet.

I know you don't, and
neither does Sarah.

A bioethicist is supposed
to help a scientist

weigh moral issues.

But angels aren't
about morals and ethics.

We're about love
and the truth, and...

I just don't know
what the truth is yet.

Then start with love, baby.

♪ Five, six, seven, eight ♪

♪ Call the Army, call the Navy ♪

♪ Cindy's gonna have a baby ♪

Hello, Sarah.

May I join you?

Usually, I just
have lunch alone.

Little company
might be nice, huh?

♪ Boy, girl, twins, triplets ♪

What does it mean when they
say "boy, girl, twin, triplets"?

Well, whatever
word she misses on

is the amount of babies she's
gonna have when she grows up.


♪ Boy, girl, twins, triplets ♪

Looks like it's
gonna be triplets.

Lucky her.

I take it you never
had any children?

Well, you know what they say.

Every child is a gift from God.

Yes, that's true.

Only, with me, God
wasn't feeling very giving.

Found out in high school
I couldn't have kids.

So you devoted
yourself to helping

other people have children.

But then, ten years ago, they
developed a new procedure

that corrected my problem.

It was hard... watching
that video today,

that little girl.

I always wanted to have
my Christmas with my baby.

But research is a
full-time occupation.

There's really no time
for love or stupid dreams.

How can a fan of Albert Einstein
believe something like that?

Einstein was a
scientist, not a dreamer.

Uh-uh, I disagree.

Einstein had a
dream as a little boy

that he held on to
for the rest of his life.

It's a... it's an
honor to meet you.

A handsome young man like you,

on a splendid
spring day like this,

you should be outside,
Andrew, frolicking with a fréulein.

Um, Professor,

I understand that
you need an operation.

Well, so...

they open me up
and what do they find?

Some worthless old
bones, some foolish ideas?

No, Andrew, my
day to frolic is kaput.

This pipe is the only
pleasure I have left.

And the-the nurse, um... Tess.

Yeah, Tess.

Yeah, she is a divine creature,

but when it comes to smoking,
she's one tough cookie.

She's trying to save your life.

What does it matter, my life?

Professor, your theory of
relativity opened people's eyes

to a new way of
seeing the universe.

And, some think, to...

to the face of
God, who created it.

You know,

when I look at the
beauty of nature,

we can see his face everywhere.

Ah, that tree.

You know, Andrew, in
the beginning, they say,

God created light.

When I was a small boy,

I used to dream of
what it would be like

to ride a beam of light

through the heavens.

The beam of light.

His famous thought experiment.

Took him ten years,

but then, one morning,
he woke up with an idea

that changed everything.


He was only 25 years old.

Now, where does genius
like that come from?

Einstein said it came from God.


He may have seen

the face of God in his
theory; I never have.


There's still time.

This is Joseph DeFalco.

But you can call me Joey.

Joey, I wouldn't have
had this interview

if I knew you were so young.

I know.

That's why I signed up online.

I-I don't really have time.


I missed Little League practice.

I took three buses to
get here and everything.

Sarah, he's come a long way.

And besides, he's
a Bethesda All-Star.

Look at all those pins.

We won district two years in
a row, thanks to my grandpa.

He was our coach, but...

we haven't been
doing too good lately,

'cause neither has Grandpa.

That's why I'm here.

He can't even remember
my batting average.

His grandfather has Alzheimer's.

He's gonna die soon.

He had such a hard life.

He wanted to be a
ballplayer, but he couldn't

'cause of the Depression
and everything.


I don't see what
this has to do with...

I was just hoping that
you could clone him,

not because I'm gonna miss him
so much or anything, but because

he deserves a better life than
the one that he already had.

He's on his way
home with his mother.

Thanks, Monica.

All these sad, lonely people.

This is their only hope.

Hope or delusion?

Joey will never get
his grandfather back.

And those parents won't end up

with the same
child that they lost.

What will happen to the child

that you clone when
he or she doesn't turn out

to be the child that they want?

Monica, for a hundred years,

research scientists
have been told

to concentrate on
gathering the data.

Let someone else worry
about how to apply it.

Suddenly, they're
throwing ethics into the mix.

It's not just about
data, it's about life.

Don't you understand
that, Sarah?

If you go ahead with this,
you'll be just as responsible

for that child as the parents.

You're right.

You're absolutely right.

If I'm responsible, then
I should be the mother.


No, no, no, no, that's
not what I meant, Sarah.

Now I know what I have to do.

It'll be my baby.

You wouldn't... clone yourself?


I don't know why I didn't
think about it before.

You're going to
clone Albert Einstein?

Sarah, you can't be serious.

I assure you, this tissue sample

has all the DNA I need
to create Einstein's twin.

Even if it were possible,

what on earth
would you want to...?

What's so hard to understand?

I want to expand the
boundaries of science,

and I want to be a mother.

I understand what you want,

but what about what
this child needs?

He'll have a mom who loves him

more than anything
else in the world.

And a burden of expectation
that will be overwhelming.

He'll have the
best of everything,

starting with his DNA.

We're talking about
a mind like Einstein's.

Who wouldn't want to
give it a second chance?

I'll tell you who
wouldn't: Einstein.

Well, perhaps God
meant us to be gardeners.

After all, he gave us
the Garden of Eden.

How many times

has our human curiosity
destroyed what is beautiful?

Professor, the doctor's gonna be
here soon to hear your decision.

And, sir, if you... if you
don't have this operation,

you're not gonna live very long.

Andrew, it is spring.

There is a season
for everything.

There's a time to be
born and a time to die.

Uh, are you okay?

Yes, it's... it's
just a small pain.

Is there anything
that I can do for you?

I would like to take
one last walk in nature.

That-that cherry tree is so...

There's a German word
to describe something

that fills us with wonder.


You mean he
actually chose to die?


He told his doctor
he didn't believe in

prolonging his life.

So why would he
believe in cloning?

There's a big difference

between an old man
who's too tired to go on

and my son who has his
whole life ahead of him.

Thank you for your help, Monica.

I've heard your
ethical pros and cons,

and I've made my decision.

Sarah, please.

She's heard the pros
and cons, all right.

But she hasn't heard the truth.

Well, she can't do anything
until the board meets next week,

so I still have time.

I wouldn't count
on that, Miss Wings.

According to Einstein,
time is relative.

♪ Teddy bear, teddy
bear, turn around... ♪

Monica, what are you doing here?

Sarah, I was beginning to
wonder if you were coming today.

Oh, I had some shopping to do.

Sarah, I was
hoping to talk to you.

Oh, Monica, you're not
gonna talk me out of it.

Besides, I've got to
get back to the lab.

Ah, but don't you want to hear
the end of my Einstein story?

Come on, I'll walk you back.

♪ Teddy bear, teddy bear... ♪

It's a beautiful day.

Yes, it's lovely.

As a matter of fact, it
was a day just like this

that Einstein took his
last walk in a garden.


You know, I remember
another spring day like this.

I was 17,

and I swore eternal
love to a pretty girl.

Turns out, eternity
lasted a year.

Professor, let's
go inside, okay?

No, no, no, no.

I want to see
this beautiful tree.


Look. Look, Andrew, huh?

See? Huh?

Ah, yes.

Yeah, I remember
seeing such trees

when I visited Tokyo.

It was, uh... what year?

1922. Yeah.

The year I won my
Nobel Prize, yeah?

Excuse me, my dear sir.

Could you tell me,

is this cherry tree of
the Japanese variety?

So, what did Einstein
see that was so horrible?

Dr. Conover!

Canadian scientists
announced this morning

they plan to begin the
cloning process by next week.

Does this mean
you've lost the race?

No comment.

Dr. Conover, do you have
any comment for us at all?

Sarah, what are you
doing? What is it?

I've got an Einstein
brain cell ready to go.

No, Sarah. It doesn't
matter who gets there first.

Yes, it does.

They don't call it the
human race for nothing.

Please, look, just listen to me.


I believe you know everyone

on the site review committee.

What's going on?

What are you doing?


Are you crazy?


Security, please.

Brad, please.

I've got my whole life's
work inside that lab.

Which is now the property
of Genotek Laboratories.

Your research is
terminated here.

Sarah? Grab her!


Sarah! Unlock the door!

Sarah, don't do this.

Sarah, please!

Sarah, unlock the door! Sarah!

Sarah, please don't do this.

Sarah? Sarah, please!

Sarah, unlock the door.


Nice try, Brad.

I've got my own
backup generator.

Sarah, I'm begging
you, please don't do this.

The moment you inject
that egg, life begins.

Yeah, well, I hope so,
because I want this baby.

That's why I'm
creating this life.


Sarah, open this door!


No, Sarah.

Sarah, unlock the door.


How did you get in here?

Only God creates life.

What does God
have to do with this?

That's a very good question,

and I'm here to
tell you the answer.

No time, Monica. If I
don't do this right now,

Brad will find a way to
stop me, and it'll be too late.

Yes, it will be too late,

because you cannot see
the long-term consequences

any more than Einstein could.

And believe me, Sarah,

you don't want to
suffer like he did.




I am Mr. Aramaki.

You ask about cherry tree.


Yes, from Japan.

I was a guest in
your beautiful capital

many years ago.

Sorry you have not seen my city.

Before w*r...
Hiroshima very beautiful.


What happened there was, um...

it was unspeakable.


Better to speak.

I work in garden at
the Fudoin Temple.

Beautiful August day.

Children watching...
a baby deer.

There was... pikadon.

A flash of light.


Many colors, like
a terrible rainbow.

Black rain falls.

My skin...

catch fire.

I wake up, and
Hiroshima... gone.

Only yellow sands and...

and red bodies.

All my family... gone.

I... I'm sorry for your loss.

Long time I cry,
ashamed to live.

But... I work in
gardens my whole life.

For Japanese, cherry
blossom is... Sacred.


Each blossom is
a bridge between...

Heaven and Earth.

So... now I live for memory...

of my wife, children...

and grandchildren.

100,000... dead.


And 120,000 wounded.

Oh, God. God, make it stop.

Just rest, Professor, just rest.

Tess, listen.

It's all my fault.


I discovered relativity,

and it became the blueprint
for the atomic b*mb.

I... I wrote to
President Roosevelt,

advising him to develop
this terrible w*apon.

Maybe I saw the face
of God... I don't know...

But I never dreamed
I would see the face

of that poor gardener.


you're going to find
your peace very soon.

Very soon.

You just rest now. Just rest.

I think you're just trying
to stall me until it's too late.

Now I know whose
side you're on, Monica.

I'm on God's side, Sarah.

And He sent you an angel.

An angel.


Because He loves you.

He loves me, or He
wants to change my mind?

Because if that's what-what
this Einstein tale is all about,

you can j-just forget it.

Just as Einstein conducted
thought experiments

with beams of light,
God would like to conduct

a thought experiment
with you to show you

what human consequences
really look like.

What's going on here?

What are you... what
are you trying to do to me?

Don't you see?


God's trying to scare me.


God wants you to understand

all the important
considerations here.

Look what happened at Hiroshima.

What has that got to do with me?

I am not destroying lives.

I'm creating lives.

This child will be special.

It will be my gift to the world.

And why this
particular child, Sarah?

Is it to make history?

To win a Nobel Prize?

I admit, when I started this
project, it was as a scientist,

but everything's changed.

All of these feelings that
were buried inside of me,

last night when I went to sleep,

I didn't think about my
son, the science experiment.

I thought about my son!

My beautiful baby!

All the things that
I can teach him

and that I'll learn from him.

All the Christmases
that we'll share together.

Now, how could God
object to a mother

wanting to share
Christmas with her child?


Sarah, if this child's DNA
comes entirely from Einstein,

then your son will be Jewish.

I... I didn't... think of that.

I can't think of everything.

Even a genius like
Einstein couldn't.

For him, it was too late,
but you still have time, Sarah,

to use your imagination

and to ask God to help you
in a decision about the future

that only He can see.

Did I tell you that Einstein
finally got his wish?


Andrew. I'm dying, Andrew.


And that's why I'm here.


You're an angel.


I-I have seen His
face, and now I...

I want to meet Him, my creator.

The question is... does
He want to meet me?

Yes, Albert.

Yes, He does.

And the two of you have
so much to talk about.

Then... I am ready.

You always dreamed of...

of riding on a beam
of light, didn't you?

Oh, yeah.


Light. Light.

Light. Oh.

Oh, it's wunderbar.


Sarah, God wants you to think

very carefully
before you proceed.

Didn't God say, "Be fruitful...

and multiply"?

Isn't that the whole
meaning behind creation?

God is in a constant
state of creation, Sarah.

God is creation.

God is creating something
at this very moment.


Oh, these are cherry blossoms.

What was it the
gardener called them?

The link between
Heaven and Earth.


Just like an angel.


Who is that?

An angel.

God just created
her out of nothing

except the sound
of His own voice.

He didn't clone her.

He spoke her into being.

It's the difference

between a life
manufactured from science

and a miracle that
God creates with love.

And that, Sarah, makes all
the difference in the world.


My name is Monica.

What's your name?

I don't know.


Well, come with
me and we'll find out.

Remember, Sarah,
God not only created you,

but He loves you.

He sees the ache in your
heart, and He wants you to know

that someday, in His time,

you're going to be
a wonderful mother.

Come on.

Let's go.