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07x21 - The Sign of the Dove

Posted: 05/02/23 05:50
by bunniefuu

- Andrew.
- Hi.

- How you doing?
- You grew a beard!

Yeah, what do you think?

It looks good.

So, what are you
doing in Richmond?

I took Mabel home this morning.

Mabel Murphy.

The one and only.

She must have been, what?

- A hundred and two.
- Wow.

How about you?
What are you up to?

Day off... I'm just gonna
drop in on some friends.

At the Sign of the Dove?

- Yeah.
- How appropriate.

More than you know.

Do you have a few minutes?

Yeah. I've got a tentative
4:52, but other than that, I'm free.

- We’ll catch up.
- Great.

Hey, angel boys, hold up.

Oh, Tess, as I live and breathe.

How are you?

Good to see you, Adam.

This is crazy.

Out of nowhere, I run
into Adam and now you.

It's quite a coincidence, huh?

Baby, you know there's no
such thing as a coincidence.

It was bound to happen.

There's a million
angels in the naked city.

There's a million and
one... Monica's down there.

What is it about this place?

She's on assignment, and I
don't want you two disturbing her.

Understood. We'll be quiet.

We're just gonna go
downstairs, have a drink,

catch up with some old
friends... It's my day off.

I know.

Always a pleasure
to see you, Tess.

Now, you can go down there,
but remember what I said.


One more thing.

There's no such
thing as a day off.


Oh, uh, I'll be with you
in a minute, gentlemen.

Thank you.

Come on.

You are gonna love it here.

It's been around
for a long time.

I can see that.

I love this place.

It's almost like a second
home to me, you know?

Take a look, uh,
behind you there.

Wow. You weren't kidding.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

"This seat reserved
for Andrew, the Angel."

You don't see this every day.

You know, I've been taking the
members of the Mason family home

since, well, since
they were masons.

Uh, Alfred, the stone mason,
that was their ancestor.

He helped build the Salisbury
Cathedral in England in 1244.

And you've been taking
care of the family ever since?

I don't know why it
worked out that way.

It just... over time, it
became a tradition.


I mean, they gave you a chair.

Yeah, well, you
know, it's a long story.

Sorry for the wait, guys.

What can I get you gentlemen?

Um, ginger ale, please.

Ginger ale.

- Orange juice.
- Orange juice.

Uh, do you have fresh squeezed?

Is there any other kind?

- You want ice with that?
- No, thank you.

Okay, here you go.

And you, sir.

The best orange
juice in Virginia.

You guys want
something stronger,

you just let me know.

Nice guy.

Yeah, I, uh, I haven't met him.

I took his father home though.

How'd he go?

It was cancer.

He was a man of
great faith though.

Saw him through a lot.

Actually, the whole family's
been like that, you know?

Anyway, you're looking well.

Yeah, can't complain.

Been busy though.

Adam, we're always
gonna be busy.

But... take your Mason family.


It's always so much easier when
they already know the territory.

No, you got to
know the territory.

Had this guy the other
day... Six minutes left to live,

- Mm-hmm.
- He's looking right at me,

and he's telling
me there is no God.

Been there.

So I told the guy, "Look at me.

"I'm glowing, pal.

"I'm an angel, and you're dying.

"The time for debate
has long since passed,

so get with the
program before..."

I know.

It happens a lot.


Takes a lot out of you though.

You ever consider
trying anything stronger?

Stronger than...?

No, nah.

I, uh, I stick to ginger ale.

However, actually,
once, I, um...

I had a ginger ale
and an orange juice


Wild man.

Oh, yeah.

So, what do you suppose
her assignment is?

Uh, I guess it has
something to do with

that guy over there.

Doesn't know the territory.

No. He could though.

If anybody can
do it, it's Monica.

Can I top those
off for you guys?

- Sure.
- You know, I'd give you menus,

but, uh, we're
closing early today.

Well, you're getting
married tonight.

That's right.

How'd you know that?

I'm sorry. My name is Andrew.

This is my friend Adam.

- Andrew.
- Hi.

- Adam.
- Hi.

I knew your father briefly.

Oh, really?

When was that?

When he was dying.

Oh, at the hospital.


Yeah, he, uh, made
a lot of friends there.

He was a good man.

He was always
talking about his son

and-and how much he was
gonna miss taking you fishing.


I don't want to be presumptuous,
but, uh, I thought maybe

that you and your
bride-to-be might want

to go fishing
together, so, uh...

It's a couple of fly reels,
you know, his and hers.


Thanks a lot.

What'd you say your name was?

- Andrew.
- Andrew.

Like the chair.

Oh, you've seen it?

- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, yeah,

that's an old tradition here.

It's reserved for
our resident angel.

- Hmm.
- I wish I had time

to tell you the whole story.

I-I usually regale the customers

with the history of
this place, but, uh...

You got a wedding to get to.


You know, there's a
reception here later.

Not gonna be anything
fancy, you know.

I'm just doing it myself, but...

you're both welcome
to come back.

And, uh, we'll be closed
about an hour or so,

and the whole
block's gonna be here,

so don't feel like you're
imposing or anything, okay?

Uh, excuse me.

Is that the-the family Bible?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Got to get that to
the church tonight.

Get it properly
inscribed and all.

You see, the whole
family is in this thing.

Yup, the births,
marriages, deaths.

All the way back to England.

You know, I get a funny
feeling looking at all these names

of all these people who
have lived and died and...

I think that it's finally all
come down to just one guy.


You're gonna have kids, right?

Oh, yeah, about a million.

Hey, you guys want to look at
that, you go right ahead, okay?

I got to get to decorating.

Come take a look at this.


This is Ben's

something grandfather,
John Jacob Mason.

"Absent from the body,
present with the Lord."

Died March 23, 1775.

It was the third day

of the second Virginia
Convention in Richmond,

and there was great
division among the colonists.

Many just wanted
to keep the peace,

such as it was,
with King George.

But others were
finally ready to fight

for their freedom
from English rule.

And among them, a few were
already fighting with words.

And the words to be spoken
at the convention that day,

were going to be from a
delegate named Patrick Henry.

And John Mason
wanted to be there.

Well, that's it, Father.

Everybody's gone now.

We can close up.

All but the gentleman there.

Who, Father?

There is no one here.

Come, come, Alexander,
the gentleman...

Forgive me, sir.

My son is playing games today.

And of all days, too.

I beg you understand, we
are closed for the convention.

Father, are you mad?

There is no one here.

John Jacob Mason, you
will not attend the convention.

You're going home.

And the angels in heaven
are waiting to welcome you.

What is your name, spirit?

Are you a God?

I am an angel of
the most high God.

And my name is Andrew.

- Andrew.
- Yes.

Andrew the angel?


It is true.


What are you
speaking of? Father?


It's your heart, John.

The pain will be over soon.

I'm going to get the doctor.

No, no, it's all right.


The angel, Andrew...
over s-soon.

No, Pop.

The convention... too late now.

There's a man speaking
that you would've heard today.

His name is Patrick Henry.

Even now, he's calling
for independence.

I wanted... to fight.

"We shall not fight our battles
alone," he is saying now.

"There is a just God

"who presides over
the destinies of nations,

"who will raise up our friends
to fight our battles for us.

"I know not what course

"others may take, but as for me,

give me liberty
or give me death."

Today, John Mason,
you shall have both.

Thank you, Andrew.

Take me home.

No. No!


So that's how the legend of
Andrew the angel got started.

Not to mention how
the sign of the dove

replaced the Crown and Pickle.

An excellent marketing
strategy, I must say.

Stop it!

Just stop staring at me!

What are you looking at?

I'm waiting for you
to realize who I am.

I've never seen
you before in my life.


It's okay.

Nick, who are you talking to?

I don't know who she is,
but she keeps staring at me.

Well, there's
nobody there, Nick.

Maybe you've had enough, huh?

He can't see me, Nicholas,
because I'm an angel.

My name is Monica.

An angel.

An angel named Monica.

Come on, Nick, there's-there's
no angel over there.

Besides, we already
got one named Andrew.

And we can't let this
turn into an angel hangout,

or, I don't know, I'll lose
all my business, right?

Hey, you coming to
the wedding tonight?


You're closing
down at 4:30, right?

Right, 'cause the
wedding's at 5:00.

So, I was thinking, maybe
you should go back to the shop,

take a nap, and then, you
know, I'll see you at church.

Come on.

Drinks are on me.



Don't give up hope, Nicholas.

There is another way.

The answer to your
problem is very near.

Nearer than you think.

Sorry, folks.

He's got that printing
shop next door,

and the poor guy's
barely surviving.

He can't compete with
those big copy places.

So, I-I guess it's
finally getting to him.

So... couple hours,
I'm off to the church.

What's her name?


I hope she fishes.




I don't understand.

He's the last of the line.

There's no one left.

What are you talking about?

Ben Mason isn't gonna
get married today.

He's gonna die.

Look, I-I've just... I've
been with this family

so long, you know?

Just... it's disappointing
to see it end.

Yeah, but this family
has had a pretty good run.


♪ Sunrise, sunset ♪

♪ Sunrise, sun... ♪

Are you guys doing okay?

Yeah, Ben, we're... we're good.


More importantly though,
how are you doing?

Well, me... I'm about to
marry the woman I love.

You know, I got a
roof over my head.

It's old and it leaks,

but it's more than
a lot of folks have.

And, of course, we're
not gonna be that rich,

but we're gonna be happy.

Not to mention,

got an angel keeping
his eye on me.

So, all in all,

I have to say
I'm doing all right.

Thanks for asking.

What was that about?

Well, I mean, the man
is gonna die, right?

I mean, don't you want at least
some idea how it's gonna happen?

Heart attack, car accident,

choking on a cocktail
weenie, perhaps.

No, I-I don't need
to know that yet.

Well, personally, I like to be
ready with something to say.

I mean, the cocktail
weenie death requires

a little different speech,
I think, than, say,

getting hit by a bus,
for example, or...


Messing around.

Come on.

It's the only way.

You got to do this.

No, you don't, Nicholas.

How'd you get in here?

I told you, I am an angel.

Oh, right.

And God sent you to stop me.

I don't have the authority to
physically stand in your way.

You have a free will
and a mind of your own,

but I will try to
change your mind.

This is just great.

You know, there's an
invisible angel next door.

It just sits on a chair,
never says a word.

I get all the luck.

Hey, hey, hey, check this out.

Right here.

Obadiah Mason.

Old Obadiah.

That was a mystery.

I'll see you later, huh?

If you look in
the birth section,

there's no record of an
Obadiah Mason ever being born.

He's right.

Obadiah Mason was never born.

He never existed.

But I was at his funeral.

Is this gonna take long?

Because I still have that
tentative at 4:52, you know.

You are gonna be
telling this one for years.

It's 1859, and America
is just breaking in half

over the issue of sl*very.

And Noah and Carlotta Mason are

holding this wake
for old Obadiah.

Oh, I'm afraid we're closed
for business today, sir.

Come back tomorrow, and it
will be my honor to serve you

a tankard of ale, on the house.

I'm not interested
in ale, Mr. Mason.

I'm looking for someone.

An escaped sl*ve up
from Georgia named Toby.

He has, uh, the letter
R branded on his chest.

How awful.

Oh, he's not to
be pitied, ma'am.

He's an habitual runaway.

Only got branded last
time, but this time he'll hang.

Got to set an example
for the other Negroes,

or they'll start getting ideas.

It's the only thing
they understand.

Well, we have no
such man here, sir.

Will you kindly remove your
hands from my brother's coffin?

I believe I'd like to have
a-a look at your brother, sir.

God in heaven, man,

how dare you suggest
such desecration?

'Tis my brother in this coffin.

Can you not feel the presence
of death here in this room?

Listen to him, sir.

He said that the man in
the coffin is his brother.

He's telling the truth.

You say this is your brother?

Yes, he is.

Now, please, leave
us to grieve in peace.

Be on your guard.

This sl*ve is dangerous.

He's gone.

Are you all right?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Okay.

I'm fine, ma'am.

There's no moon tonight, so
there should be no problem.

By tomorrow night, you
should be halfway to the Ohio.

And once you're
across that river,

you'll be a free man, Toby.

Toby is a sl*ve name, ma'am.

Not the name for a free man.

New man ought to
have a new name.

Name that tells folks who
he is and where he came from,

and I'd like to be called Mason.

Mason Freeman.

If you don't mind, sir.

That sounds
perfect, Mr. Freeman.

Do you have everything you need?

I got the 50-cent piece given
to me by my granddaddy.

That'll see me
through for a while.

And I am sorry you had to
lie on my account, Mr. Mason.

Oh, I didn't lie.

Every word I spoke was true.

Go in peace, brother.

You better hurry.

Mason Freeman.

Born August 22, 1859.

Oh, dear.

Must have fallen
out of his pocket.

That is the same 50-cent piece.

Right there.


You know the story behind this?

This was left here
by a runaway sl*ve

back in the 18505,
when they used to run

the Underground
Railroad through here.

He lost it.

My family kept it for him.

I guess it just didn't
seem right to spend it.

That's very honorable, Ben.

Yeah, well, that's the
Mason family in a nutshell.

Death before dishonor.

I can tell you're a
desperate man, Nicholas.

Look, I'm not listening to you.

And desperate men
do desperate things,

sometimes terrible things

that they spend the rest
of their lives regretting.

Well, you don't have
to worry about that.

When this goes, so do I.

Last call, folks!

T minus 20 minutes and counting.

Not a clue.

But at least I can take
comfort in knowing

that I get to finish with
this family what I started.

Not so fast, angel boy.

Sorry, Tess, you
just missed last call.

I'm not here to socialize.

Things are not going
well on Monica's case.

What is Monica's case?

That's what you're
about to find out.

You've been reassigned.

They need an angel
of death next door.

Adam, you'll stay here
and be Benjamin's angel.


That was not a request.

Well, why me? I-I mean...

Adam, no offense, really, but...

this family's mine.


This family is God's,

and He has decided that He wants
Adam to be here with Benjamin.

- But...
- No buts!

There's a man next door

planning on k*lling
himself in a half an hour.

And God wants you
to be there with him.

He must have been
my tentative 4:52,

but now you have him and I
have who you used to have.


It's times like this that
I miss predestination.


What, you don't think

I can handle Benjamin Mason?

The way that this family
has always been handled?


You're jealous.


No way.

I mean, come on, let's face it.

It's not like anybody's
gonna miss you.

Okay, you're a legend.

That's all.

I'll bet you Ben doesn't
even believe you really exist.

He does; I'll prove it.


- Yeah?
- Could you

come over here for
a second, please?

Sure. What's up?

This won't take long.

I was curious about your angel.


Andrew... real or not real?

- Real.
- Real?

I certainly hope so.

You see, it was back in 1942.

This place was a U.S.O.
place during the w*r.

My dad was 14.

Don't ever be
satisfied with a balance

that shows you're a dollar over.

You may actually be short
nine on a ten-dollar receipt.

You understand, son?

- I understand.
- Simon?

There's some men here to see us.


Mr. and Mrs. Mason... Oh, God.

I regret to inform
you that your son...

Oh, God, no!

Benjamin Peter Mason
was k*lled in the line of duty

on March 15.


Where was that?

Wake Island, I believe, sir.

In this envelope is a letter
addressed to you and your wife.

Thank you.

Our deepest regrets and
the gratitude of a nation.

Don't believe it.

"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mason,

"I wanted you to know that I
was with your son, Benjamin,

"at the end.

"He died bravely,

"proud of the service
he was giving his country

and certain of his
peace with God."

"He was... he was an inspiration

"to the men that he served with,

"and he was a credit

"to the family that
he leaves behind.

"As Benjamin lay
dying in my arms,

"he wanted me to tell you

"that he loved
you all very much,

"Mom and Dad and Harry.

"And he was very
proud to be your son."

"May God bless you and
your family now and forever."

Dad, look who signed it.

"Sincerely yours, Andrew."

Yeah. Harry was my dad.

He named me after
the uncle I never met.

My dad said that this letter
brought them a lot of peace,

so it must have been from
Andrew, the family angel.

Well, bringing people
peace is part of an angel's job.

Yeah, it's right in
the job description.

Well, maybe Andrew can
bring me a little peace, too.

What do you mean?

Well, just that every time

I look through this Bible,

it reminds me that
everybody in my family

believed in something.

They all stood for something.

I mean,

they all did something
that made a difference.

But me... well, I
just, uh... What?

Well, I, uh,

I just run a tavern in
Richmond, you know,

and I just don't think

I'm making any
difference at all,

but maybe that angel
will come and tell me.


Folks, we're closing up now.

Uh, I'm getting married tonight.

So, uh, drinks are on the house.

Drinks are on the house.

You come back for the
reception later, okay?

- About 7:30.
- All right.

There'll be plenty of food

and the best lemon
cake you ever tasted.

You guys can take
your time, okay?

Let yourselves out
when you're done,

but, uh, I got to get dressed.

And if anybody else comes in,
will you tell them we're closed?

- You got it, Ben.
- Okay.

Guess it's time.



Do you know where
your assignment is?


Mine just walked downstairs,
and yours just walked upstairs.

God has sent an
angel to you, Nicholas.

Doesn't that mean anything?

What do you want from me?

To name a chair after you?

There must be
something I can do to help.

There must be another way.

No, there is no other way.

Look, I've thought
through this a million times,

and the only way that
I can help my family

is if I die and they get
the insurance money.

But there isn't any
insurance money for su1c1de.

Oh, this is not gonna
look like a su1c1de.

I'm gonna be next
door in my printing shop,

on the other side of that wall,
minding my own business.

The b*mb is gonna
go off down here.

I'm gonna look like
an innocent casualty.

Nicholas... No.

Don't tell me
there's another way.

Not unless you have a pot
of gold on you somewhere.

I don't have any money.

Well, there you go.

Neither do I.

See, if God wanted to help me,

He would've given
me a cashier's check.

God is not a bank.

God is love and peace and hope.

Yeah, try paying my mortgage
with some love, Monica.

Or some of my
suppliers with peace.

Or go buy a new
coat for my little girl

with nothing but hope.

I've worked hard and
honestly for 15 years,

and I'm still
about to lose it all.

My family believed in me.

I failed them.

I'm worth more to them
dead than I am alive.

Nicholas, stop
and think about this.

Pray about this.

I have prayed.

Nothing happened.

Yes, something happened.

I am here.

No, you're not.

You're just a figment
of my imagination.

Look, I don't
have time for this.

I've only got a small
window of opportunity

while everybody on the
block is away at the wedding.

No one is gonna
get hurt, Monica.

Just me.

How do you know?

I've worked it out.

I couldn't change his mind.

The b*mb is set
to go off at 4:52.

Sorry, Andrew.

Are you coming?


Just-just give me a second.



I'm leaving;
everyone else is gone.

So... You don't
happen to see a stud

laying around here
anywhere, do you?


- Thanks.
- Sure.

Fumble fingers.

I guess I'm a little nervous.


You know, I wouldn't want you

to be late to that church.

You know, my advice
is you get to that church

as early as you can, okay?

I Will. I'll do that.

Hey, listen, Andrew, it was
really great meeting you.

And, uh, would you please

close that front
door on the way out?

- Sure.
- Thanks.



It's nice to meet you, too.

You give him one
of your best, okay?

I know how much he means to you.

It's gonna be beautiful.

Thank you.

Where do we go?

Nicholas is next
door, waiting to die.


Hope you can make it, angel.

It's 4:40.

This is great.

I mean, it's a shame
that this place has to go,

but Ben won't be
here when it does,

so that means that
the Mason family

is gonna be around
a little longer.



He forgot it.

And he's gonna come back for it.

Okay, I'm set for the reception,

and the ring
is... the ring is...

Inside pocket of your tux.


There it is.

The Bible.

Oh, man.

You don't need that right now.

You can always do that later.

Tradition. I got to do it right.

Nicholas, I will be
leaving you soon

because I really don't
know what else to tell you.

I don't know what to do.


Vaya con Dios.

Another angel will
be replacing me soon.

An angel of death.


What comfort will your
family find when you are gone?

$75,000 property insurance,
$150,000 life insurance.

Who are you?

This is Andrew,
an angel of death.

You're the chair.

That means you're real.

Oh, yes.

And so are you.


We are angels.

This is Nicholas Freeman.


Nicholas Mason Freeman?


Aren't angels supposed
to know this stuff

before they get here?

Angels know what
they need to know

when they need to know it.

All right, so-so
you know my name.

Yes, and I know now
why I had to be here today.

Nicholas, there is
something that I need

to show you at the
Sign of the Dove.

I need you to come with me.

I can't.

If I'm not here when
that b*mb goes off,

then my family gets nothing.

I'm not going.

Please, Nicholas, listen to him.

Many people were inspired
by Frederick Douglas

to become a part of the
Underground Railroad,

and this tavern was one
of the stops along the way.

And this man, Mason Freeman,

that is your
great-great—great grandfather.

He faced hardships

that you cannot even
imagine for his whole life.

He was willing to risk death
so that he could enter life,

and you are choosing
death to escape your life.

Mason had faith,
Nicholas, he had courage,

and he knew that God
would see him through.

I never knew.

Do you see that coin there?

That coin belonged to Mason,

and he left it here
that night, accidentally,

as he made his way to the river.

And Ben's family has
been holding on to that coin

ever since, just
waiting for the day

that one of his descendants...

might come back and claim it.

You mean me?


That coin over there is
your inheritance, Nicholas,

but it's something more.

It's a symbol of hope that
Mason Freeman left behind

for all the children
who would follow.

The promise that God
would always provide

a way across the river, not
with money, but with hope.



Oh, God.

Is there enough time?

It's gonna be close.

No running.

Running makes
for a sweaty groom.

It's not a good look.

4:53, and all is well.

I got it.

Just in time.

How 'bout that.

Just in time.

Well, it's official.

Well, did the angel Andrew

learn anything
about his pride today?

That God's ideas are
better than any ideas

that his tiny little angel
brain could come up with?

Yes, ma'am.

Well, is that all you
have to say about it?

Tess, little weenies in the buns

and everything
that go with them.

- Where?
- Right over here.

I've been looking for that.

- Andrew.
- Hi.

Hey! So glad you could make it.

So am I.

This is my friend Monica.

- Hi.
- Congratulations.

- Thank you.
- You know, I was

thinking about what you said,

about how you thought
you'd never done anything

to make a difference?

- Yeah?
- Do you realize

what kind of a
difference you've made

just by keeping this place open?

Well, I mean...

Keeping your
family history alive

is one of the most important
things a person can do.

You know, sometimes in, um,
in the course of human events,

one man's history actually
is another man's future.

Wait right here.

You know that, uh, runaway
sl*ve that your family helped?


He changed his name that day.

He wanted to, uh, he
wanted to honor your family.

It's-it's in your Bible.


Mason Freeman was born that day,

and, uh, this coin
belonged to him.

And you know all those
years your family's been looking

for its rightful heir?

He was right next door.

Nicholas Freeman. No way.

I mean, you were right
next door all these years

and... I never put it together.

Well, you never had to till now.


Oh, my... May I have that?

Nick, this is yours.

Well, you know, a lot of
collectors had offered me

a lot of money for
that over the years.

Boy, this means a lot to
me that you didn't sell it.

Nick, it wasn't mine to sell.

♪ Sunrise, sunset. ♪

May I have this dance?


Nick, how'd you figure it out?

That's your angel.

That's Andrew.