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07x20 - Band of Angels

Posted: 05/02/23 05:49
by bunniefuu
♪ Someone's singing, Lord ♪

♪ Kumbaya ♪

♪ Someone's singing, Lord ♪

♪ Kumbaya ♪

♪ Someone's singing, Lord ♪

♪ Kumbaya ♪

♪ Oh, Lord ♪

♪ Kumbaya ♪

Lord have mercy.

How'd that old
song get in my head?

That's Henry Baldwin,

one of the best blues musicians
that ever picked up a guitar.

And 40 years ago, he
was one of the biggest.

Is Henry my assignment?

No, baby, but...

your assignment's on the way.

I told you that old man
would be gone by now.

Are you sure
you're cool with this?

Look, I-I owe you one.

What about the alarm?

There's no alarm.

That stupid sticker's
just for show.

There's a crowbar in the back.



Turn your lights out.


Who is it? Who's there?

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

No, no, no!

Hey, don't-don't
sh**t, man! Don't sh**t!

sh**t, man, don't
sh**t! It's me! It's me!



After all I tried to do?

Look, man, what
are you gonna do?

Call the police.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

No, man, no!


Henry, you fool, what'd
you go and do that for?!

Huh, why?!

OFFICER: Hold it right there!

♪ Oh, Lord ♪

♪ Kumbaya. ♪

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

All rise. Judge
Harrison presiding.

Be seated.

Bring in the jury, please.

What do you think they decided?

Whatever this jury has to say,

this is just the
beginning for Alex.

He has no idea what
he lost that night.

But he's about to find out.

Ladies and
gentlemen of the jury,

have you reached a verdict?

We have, Your
Honor. In the case of

The State of Pennsylvania
versus Alex Ahmad Wilson,

we the jury find the following.


Yeah, Mr. Baldwin,
I'm over here.

I just talked to that
counselor at your school.

Miss Shelby?

What'd you do that
for? She hates me.

No, she don't.

Yeah, she does. She hates me

'cause I don't want to do
her stupid career aptitude test.

Maybe she doesn't want
to see you waste your time.

My music ain't no waste of time.

Music's a hard life.

You got to be smart, or
you not gonna make it.

You made it.

I worked hard.

I work hard.

Sometimes I went hungry.

I been hungry before.

Takes guts.

Got to reach down inside,
pull out your soul every day.

Every note, every
word, every song.

I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna make it
bigger than you, even.

I told her you would.

We find the defendant guilty.

The verdict has been
read and accepted.

This court will
reconvene in one week

to hear arguments

and statements
prior to sentencing.

Until then, the
defendant is remanded

to the Suffield Juvenile
Center for evaluation.

All rise.

Hey, don't worry about it, kid.

I can probably get
you seven years.

You'll be out in three
with good behavior.

Don't sweat it.

You've already spent, like,
what, 15 minutes on my case?

I'd hate for you to waste
another 15 minutes.

It's not gonna matter anyway.

He's lost hope.

Well, he didn't have

any hope in the
first place, baby.

He didn't have a father,
and not much of a mother.

The only hope he had was Henry.

And he k*lled him.

Is it my assignment then

to give him enough
hope to try again?

Your assignment is to
finish what Henry started.

Assigned work detail hours

will be posted.
Dinner's at 5:00.

Burgundy shirts to be
worn for all group activities.

T-shirts any other time.

Watch where you're
going, you wuss.

Hey, hey, hey, that's enough!

- Hey, hey, hey, knock it off.
- That's enough.

- Knock it off.
- Pick up your things.

Pick up your things!

Pod 3 coming through.

All right, everybody,
stand to the side.

Clear the halls.

Hands in front.

Let Pod 3 pass by.

This your new group?

Yes, sir.

All right, listen up.

I don't care if you're here
two weeks or two years,

the less you see
of me, the better.

Thank you, sir.

Let's go.

They're angry and scared
and confused and so angry.

Baby, these boys
are not so different

from any other teenager.

Whether they're
in school or in jail,

they're all trying to
find out who they are.

What are you doing?

These boys have
enough to deal with

besides burning
their insides out.

They're scared, baby.

They're trying to find
something to hold on to.

But you remember, Alex
is the assignment here.

He's the key to the whole thing.

Yes, but Alex is the
angriest of them all.

They're going to be a handful.

Well, we're gonna get some help.

I thought Andrew had
another assignment.

Well, it-it's not Andrew.

It's Ronald.


You-you don't mean Ronald

from Records and
Permanent Files?

Oh, Tess, he's so...

But they're so...
They'll k*ll him.

I know.


Oh, Ronald!

I'm sorry.

Uh, is this a good time?

Yeah, sure, come on in.

Ronald, it's great
to see you again.

Oh, my goodness,
I-I, uh, I can't think of

when I've ever been so nervous.

But I've studied every
case file involving teenagers,

and, oh, my goodness,
there are s-so many of them.

But I-I got through them all,

and I'm here thoroughly
prepared for anything.

You see? There you go.

He's thoroughly prepared.

Now, for-for example,

did you know that,
uh, statistically, 30%...

Uh, Ronald, I
don't think the boys

will be too interested
in statistics.

You're right.

I-I'm sorry.

I just don't know what
else I have to offer.

Oh, you have other
hidden gifts, baby.


if you believe that,
Tess, here I am,

a blob of clay
ready to be molded.

Where do I start?

Well, why don't you start
on those dirty dishes there.

Oh, okay.

And, baby, listen, you go ahead.

And remember what Henry
Baldwin was trying to do.

Alex, will you take
your seat, please?

What for?

I got nothing to say.

Sit down.

What are we supposed
to do with these?

I'd like you to keep a journal
of your experience here.

Write down how you're
feeling, what got you here,

your hopes for the future.

Anything can be fair game,

but, uh, just keep
it clean, huh?

Do we have to write in them?

It would help if you did.

Help with what?

Help to uncover the real
reason why you're here.

I know why I'm here.

They caught me
with a bunch of crack.

Were you planning on selling it?


I'm a drunk.

Anybody got something
funny to say about that?

Oh, man, drunks are hilarious.

Come from a long line of them.

And I'm here 'cause I got
busted stealing from a liquor store.

Thank you, Nick.



A bunch of wimps doing time

because they can't handle
their pathetic addictions?

"Oh, I stole a beer."

"I-I had some dr*gs."

That ain't nothing.

What are you, a gangbanger?

I'm in for m*rder.

Yeah, that's right.

I was taking down this store

and some old guy
tried to sh**t me,

so I shot him first.

So they gonna fry you?

Nah, self-defense.

The worst thing that happens
is that I do a few years,

and then I'm back
out on the street.

Unless somebody gets in my face.

Then I might just have
to take them out, too.

Hey, it's not so bad here.

Shut up.

Nah, for real.

It... it's a lot better
than living at my house.

No, for real, shut up!

Why are you picking on him?

All of you, shut up!

Hey, so did you
really k*ll a guy?

Are you deaf, or just stupid?!

Well, they're,
you know, talking.

I-I think that's a
very good sign.

Yeah, but they're
talking at each other,

not to each other.

Well, they haven't found
a common ground yet.

Uh, that-that was the key

in-in case number 47566137544.

I have no idea
what that case is.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Of course you don't.

Uh, no, but there-there
was, uh, this group

of-of ten strangers
on a tour bus in Italy.

Not terribly friendly,
I-I might add,

but when one of the
passengers suddenly,

you know, went into
labor... A common goal.


That's exactly what we need.

That's what I said.

This is Ronald,
and this is Tess.

Welcome to kitchen duty.

You, uh, have a
problem with kitchens?

I'm not wearing no apron.

I'm just not into
washing dishes.

It's very easy.

You take a towel,
you take a sponge,

you take a dish.

You scrub, you rinse, you smile.

Now, the smile is optional,
but highly recommended.

Mm. Well, Alex has a
lot to smile about today.

Don't you, Alex?

Oh, come on, it's your birthday.

Ooh, strawberry pancakes!

Oh, how did you know I
like strawberry pancakes?

I have my sources.

Happy birthday, baby.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you... ♪

Oh, come on, some on.

- ♪ Happy birth... ♪
- Wait a minute.

You know this song.

Come on and sing it.

Don't worry about it, Tess.

I don't want to hear these
guys screeching anyway.

Do you want to wash dishes
or eat strawberry pancakes?

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you... ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear Alex ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you. ♪

You know, that
sounded really good.

Sounded like a
bunch of sick cats.

Listen, let's do it
just one more time.

And let's put
something into it like...

♪ A happy birthday to you ♪


♪ A happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear Alex ♪

♪ A happy birthday to you. ♪

Well, how about that?

The Juvenile Detention
Tabernacle Choir.

But, uh... I've heard worse.

Excuse me.

So... whose lawyer are you?

I'm looking for Alex Wilson.

Oh, yeah? Who are you?

Hi. I'm Andrew.

I'm gonna be handling
your sentencing hearing.

Okay, now, store is closed.

You checked out hours earlier.

And... why did you come back?

I came back to borrow a guitar.

To borrow?

Yeah, borrow.

Look, I figured Henry'd be
gone and I could borrow a guitar,

get it back to him before
he even knew it was gone.

So you broke into
the shop, and then...

I didn't have to break in.

I had a key.

You had a key?

He trusted you enough
to give you a key?

It wasn't about trust.

It was about him getting
sleep on the weekends.

Look, I thought
he'd be gone by then.

He shouldn't have been there.

He was, and he had a g*n.

Yeah, he had a g*n.

Hey, how come I'm the m*rder*r
when he's the guy with the g*n?

Hello, Alex.


Hey, did you notice this
morning how that singing

really helped
everyone's attitude?


Yeah. They're still
singing, and so are you.

Well, I like music,
and I'm good at it.

I can see that.

Now what are you
gonna do about it?

When I get out of here, I'm
gonna have my own band

on a big stage with 50,000
fans screaming at me.

Ah, a prisoner today,
a rock star tomorrow.

Oh, think that's funny?

Happens every day.

I'm gonna go to that
hearing tomorrow,

and I'm gonna do
my three-to-five.

I'm gonna be big.

Real big.

You're gonna hear
my music someday,

and it's gonna blow you away,

and you're gonna
remember that you knew me.

I'm not gonna
remember you at all.

You have any other statements

to present, Counselor?

Yes. Yes, Your Honor.

We would like to call
Ms. Deanna Shelby.

You may be seated.

Ms. Shelby.

You are a counselor

at the defendant's
former high school.

Is that correct?

That's right.

Uh, tell me, did you
ever have occasion

to speak to Henry
Baldwin about Alex?


I never had success
contacting Alex's mother.

Henry was the only adult
who had influence over him.

And what did Henry
say to you about Alex?

Henry thought that Alex

was one of the most
gifted young musicians

he had ever known.

He said he had the potential
to be a great songwriter.

All he needed was...

Is that a yes?

It's an "all right."

Why is it just an "all right"?

What's wrong with it?

Nothing wrong with it.

It rhymes, got
verses, got a chorus.

It's just not what it could be.

Look, I-I don't get it.

Neither do I. That's the point.

Well, are you saying
that it's no good?

Are you getting mad at me?


Maybe just a little
bit, deep down inside?


Yes, you are.

And that's good!

Song's supposed to make
you feel something, Alex,

and if yours is going to,

then you've got
to feel something.

Don't try to force it

or worry about
getting famous off of it.

Just write the truth and
let the music come to you.

Now try it again.

Your Honor, the
victim's daughter,

Ms. Olivia Baldwin,
would like to speak.

Very well.

♪ If I'm guilty of something ♪

♪ It's feeling
guilty all the time ♪

♪ 'Cause my baby's left me... ♪

I grew up listening
to this music.

I guess a lot of us did.

Big Henry Baldwin
was a great blues artist,

but to me he was just Daddy,

the man with the guitar
and the smile on his face.

He loved kids.

He welcomed the whole
neighborhood into that store.

If they wanted to hear
music, he played music.

If they wanted to
learn to play the blues,

he taught them.

If they needed money,
he gave them a job.

And if they needed
somebody to believe in them,

he was there.

Finally, he stopped touring

so that he could work
with the kids all the time.

Kids like Alex Wilson.

He wanted to make a
difference in their lives.

He was about to
record a new album.

♪ That ain't gonna happen... ♪

This is one of the songs.

♪ She left me for
my best friend Jack ♪

♪ And now she's gone ♪

♪ I guess I'll lose, on and on ♪

♪ On and on... ♪

Alex Wilson isn't just

some kid that made
a dumb mistake.

He went into my
father's store to steal.

And he wasn't about to let
an old man get in his way.

He's a m*rder*r.

And he needs to pay.

My father still
had a lot more love

and a lot more music to share.

Alex Wilson took it all away.

This court will abide by
the decision of the jury.

Alex Wilson, you
are hereby ordered

to serve 25 years without
the possibility of parole

in the Suffield
State Penitentiary.


are you all right?


I'm going to prison forever.

Did you talk to Andrew
about an appeal?

Appeals take money and lawyers,

and believe me, no one's looking

to give a black kid who
shot somebody a break.

It'll be a lot tougher for you
in the state penitentiary...

but you have several
weeks before you have to go.

There's still time.

We have a lot
more flexibility here.

Is there anything that
you'd like to try to do

before you go that we
could help you with?

Within reason, of course.

You could never do it.

Well, tell me.

What is it?

I've always wanted to hear
somebody sing my music

in front of an audience
who would get it.

And we'll find a way
to make that happen.

Smells wonderful in here.


I am so happy Tess asked me

to make something
for the boys tonight.

So what are you cooking?

Roast tenderloin of beef.


With a mango and
Catawba grape chutney.



Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.

Wild rice with Catawba grapes

and portobello mushrooms.




And as a palate cleanser,

a refreshing sorbet
of... Let me guess.

Um, Catawba grapes?

Have you ever tasted them?

They're wonderful.

Good and sweet

and nearly impossible
to find this time of year.

Yeah, but you found them.

I did.

H can find most anything.

It's... I guess Tess
would call it my gift.

You know, we still have to
find a place for the boys to sing,

and sounds to me

like you could be the
one to find it, Ronald.

I don't know what this
is or where it came from,

but it's not from my kitchen.

So I guess you all heard.

Hey, we thought you were
going straight to prison.

Yeah, not for a couple weeks.

So, I was thinking,

maybe you guys could
help me do something?

Like what?

Well, I've been
writing all these songs.

I'm gonna need somebody
to sing them out there.

You're out of your mind.

No, I'm not.

Look, you guys are
gonna need work,

but you got potential.

Come on.

You want us to sing
in front of other people?

I don't know, man.

What do you think, Tess?

It'll be good.

I'll teach you guys
everything you need to know.

All you got to do is do it.


Hey, come on, guys.

- Come on.
- Thank you, thank you.

All right, we got one on board.

I'll give you guys a note, all
you do is hum it back to me.


Good, good, hold
that, hold that, hold that.

Keep it up, keep
it up, keep it up.

A-All right, all right,
now all together.

All together.

Again, again.

♪ But everybody's
trying to feel ♪

♪ But everybody's
trying to feel ♪

♪ But everybody's
trying to feel, I guess... ♪

♪ When the water
seems too deep ♪

♪ When you think
there's just no way... ♪

No, hold it, guys.
Stop, stop, stop, stop.

Guys, guys, guys.

You got to relax, okay?

Let the music come
to you, all right?

Keep it real. Keep it personal.

What are we
rehearsing for anyway?

We don't even
have a place to play.

Not yet, but it's
like the music.

When it comes,
you got to be ready.

Now do it again.

♪ So when your
spirit gets too weak ♪

♪ When the water
seems too deep ♪

♪ When you think
there's just no way ♪

♪ I'll be there for
you night and day ♪

♪ When the mountain
seems too steep ♪

♪ When your spirit
gets too weak ♪

♪ When you... ♪

So what do you think, sir?

Um, Ronald has
found the perfect place.

I've researched all
the available venues,

and, oh, my goodness,
there are a-a lot of them,

but I know this one's
the-the right one.

They have an open
mic night every Saturday.

It's just down the street,
so it's not far to go.

It's ideal.

I'm running this
place for criminals,

not the Von Trapp family.

Do you remember what happened
to the Von Trapp family, Carl?

They survived.

They get off the
bus, they go inside,

they sing their little song,

and then they get
back on the bus.

I'm holding you two
personally responsible.

- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.


Come on, let's go!

Well, here we are.

I mean, this is it.

Oh, I am so nervous.

Boy, you must really be excited.

Yeah, I've waited
a long time for this.

Henry was right.

Miracles can happen

with the right kind
of encouragement.

Hey, man, I just...

I just wanted to say thanks.

For what?

No one ever told me I
was good at anything.

But you did, so thanks.



there's five guys just
trying to get it right, so let's...

All right, guys, that's you.

Go on there, be
brave, be strong.

God's with you.

♪ When the mountain
seems too steep ♪

♪ And when your
spirit gets too weak ♪

♪ When you think
there's just no way ♪

♪ I'll be there for
you night and day ♪

♪ We beg to borrow,
we beg to steal ♪

- ♪ We beg forgiveness ♪
- Wow, those kids are good.

- ♪ We beg to feel ♪
- They've got a real future.

♪ We beg for love, I
guess we beg for hate ♪

♪ We beg for everything ♪

♪ And pray it's not too late ♪

♪ But everybody's
trying to feel ♪

♪ I guess we're trying to heal ♪

♪ Everybody's got to kneel ♪

♪ No way to reinvent the wheel ♪

♪ Everybody's got to
stand up on their feet ♪

♪ Everybody needs a dream
when the spirit gets too weak ♪

♪ So when your
spirit gets too weak ♪

- Oh, my...
- ♪ When the water seems too deep ♪


♪ And when you think
there's just no way ♪

♪ I'll be there for you. ♪

I'm so sorry.
This is all my fault.

No, it's not your mistake.

It's Alex who's wrong.

I-I just don't get it.

I-I read all my files.

This wasn't supposed
to happen, statistically.

He's not a statistic.

He's a frightened young man.

You get the boys, I'll get Alex.

♪ When the water
seems too deep ♪

- ♪ When you... ♪
- Fe||as?

- What? Hey, what's going on?
- I-I'm sorry.

A-Alex is gone.

- No.
- Yeah.

Everybody, back on
the bus! Now! Let's go!

Man, Alex set us up.

Yeah, we were
crazy to trust him.

Look, Alex doesn't
need your judgment.

Right now, he
needs your friendship.

Yeah, well, that'd
take a miracle.


Well, I just happen to
know a little about those.


You're glowing.

Well, yeah.

That's because I'm an angel.

No way.

Oh, yeah.

Most definitely way.

I really am an angel.

But sort of a
newcomer to this part.

But since there aren't
any other angels around,

guess it's up to me to tell
you that God loves you.

And if you ask Him...

He'|| forgive you for everything

that brought you to this place.

You see, God is really good

at shining light in dark places.

Even if it's only a
little light like me.

But in this case,

a little light is...
is all you need.

What does God want?


He wants you to share
His love with the world.

How are we supposed to do that?

Good question.

Why don't we ask Him.

You mean pray?


That's how it works.

Don't run away, Alex.

Come inside.

You haven't been
here for a year.

Did you really expect
it to look the same.

Stupid bow was on
the guitar that night.

I don't even know
how it got there.

Henry put it there.

The guitar you
were going to steal

would've been
yours the next day.

He was writing this
when you came that night.

"You never know
what the future holds.

"But I have all the
faith in the world

"that yours will be filled
with beautiful music.

"Happy birthday.

Love, Henry."

Why are you
dogging me like this?

Because I took responsibility
for you, and I gave Mr. Bellows

my word that I
would bring you back.

That's your fault!

You were stupid for trusting me!

Like Henry was?

Henry was not stupid.

I don't understand.

Because Henry knew that
you were an angry young man.

He knew that you had
problems with your family,

with your school, with the law.

He knew that you
were a big risk,

probably even a waste of
time, and yet he still goes

and gives you a job,

he gives you his trust, he even
gives you the key to his store.

You, you of all people.

And you're telling me
that he wasn't stupid?


H-Henry was just...

Henry, Henry was
just... He was just...


Blind, okay?!

That old man was blind!

Blind because he
couldn't see what a rotten,

hopeless cause you were?

He was weak, and
he... he... He loved you.

He loved you, Alex.

What a horrible thing to do.

Huh? You couldn't let that
be, no, you had to steal a guitar

so you could set him straight.

I was just gonna borrow it.

No, you weren't.

Shut up, lady!

You don't know what
you're talking about.

Yes, I do.

I absolutely do.

What's going on here?

God has sent me here
as an answer to a prayer.


I... I didn't say no
prayer or nothing.

I'm not here to
answer your prayer.

It's Henry's prayer.


I am an angel, Alex.

A messenger sent from God.

I'm the answer
to Henry's prayer.

An-an angel?

Yes, God sent Henry
into your life to help you.

He was perhaps the closest thing

that a human being
can be to an angel.

And you missed out on
all the joy and the gifts

that God wanted
Henry to give you.

Because you k*lled him, Alex.

By your arrogance.

And your anger.

And your fear of being
loved by another person.

Well, you can't k*ll me.

And you cannot stop this
prayer from being answered.

Henry's prayer?


All Henry wanted

more than anything else
was that you would know

how much God loved you.

And He does, Alex.

He loves you so much.

You're still His child,
in spite of everything.

Henry wrote in this
card that he didn't know

what the future would bring.

But God always knows.

And you still have
a future, Alex.

Even if it's behind bars.

If you could just
finally trust someone.

If you could just
let God love you.

If you could turn your
future over to God.

Henry has a message for you.

What is it?!

He's still waiting
to hear your song.

I messed up.

Got that right.

Look, I know it sounds crazy...

I met an angel
out there tonight.

That doesn't sound crazy.

I mean, God gave
me a gift, and I blew it.

And that's why I ran tonight.

But now I realize that God
gave you guys a gift, too.

And you still got a chance
to make something out of it.

And I know I might not be a
free man for a long time now.

I know that.

But I'm gonna be
a free man in here.

And in here.

They-they can take
away my freedom.

But they cannot
take away my music.

Not if I get it out into
the world with you guys.

With you.

And so I'm asking you
guys for another favor.

And do it for yourselves.

Not just for me...

but for a man named Henry,

who really cared
about guys like us.

♪ When hope has disappeared ♪

♪ And your heart aches ♪

♪ You might not recognize ♪

♪ The touch of grace, yeah ♪

♪ But on the other side ♪

♪ Of every dying dream ♪

♪ His love is waiting
patiently, yeah ♪

♪ He knows every
song in the sky ♪

♪ Every single
tear that you cry ♪

♪ His love is here ♪

♪ Faithful and alive ♪

♪ I know that this
world can be cold ♪

♪ In His arms,
you're never alone ♪

♪ Never alone ♪

♪ That's the promise ♪

♪ For you and I... ♪

♪ For you and I ♪

♪ With every angel,
there's a love ♪

♪ That never leaves your side ♪

♪ His love is deeper than the
ocean on a mountain high ♪

♪ You've got to know ♪

♪ There's a hope in your heart ♪

♪ And if you listen
with your heart ♪

- ♪ You'll hear Him say ♪
- ♪ Hear Him say ♪

♪ You are my child, and I am
with you each and every day ♪

♪ He is the one ♪

♪ Who knows your soul ♪

♪ He knows every
star in the sky ♪

♪ Every single
tear that you cry ♪

♪ Every single tear you cry ♪

♪ His love is here ♪

♪ Faithful and alive ♪

♪ I know this world ♪

♪ I know that this
world can be cold ♪

♪ In His arms,
you're never alone ♪

♪ That's the promise
for you and I ♪

♪ He knows every
star in the sky ♪

♪ Every single
tear that you cry ♪

♪ His love is here ♪

♪ Faithful and alive ♪

♪ I know that this
world can be cold ♪

♪ This world can be cold ♪

♪ In His arms,
you're never alone ♪

♪ That's the promise ♪

♪ For you and I ♪

♪ That's the promise ♪

♪ For you and I. ♪