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07x19 - The Penalty Box

Posted: 05/02/23 05:48
by bunniefuu
Senior Jeff, breakfast!

Be right down!

Buenos dies, Maria.

Oh. Good morning.
Sit down. Eggs.

Oh, did you get my jersey done?

I'm actually late; I got to go.

Si, just like you
like it... It is pressed

- and folded very, very neatly.
- Just put it right... Thanks.

- Hey.
- Ai.

Listen, uh,

I got a racquetball court
reserved for this evening.

You interested?

Oh, can't do it. Coach
has us doing two-a-days

until we play against St. Paul.

Oh. Well, in that
case, put a biscuit

in the oven for me, will you?

You know me, Dad.

A "biscuit in the oven"?

Uh, yeah. That is hockey slang

for scoring a goal.

Oh. And does Jeff

put many biscuits
in the oven, then?

Oh, yes, he does, baby.

He's a McHenry.

A McHenry man wins all the time.

At least that's what
they want people to think.

How many times

we got to do this, Mr. McHenry?

A red curb is a no-parking zone.

Yeah, but, Tommy,
look at that baby, man.

That's called a BMW...
You can't park a Beemer

in an ordinary
parking spot, I'm sorry.

A man is judged by the way

he treats his
inferiors, Mr. McHenry.

Well, then I guess I ought to be
nicer to you, huh, Mr. Jennings?

- There he is.
- How's it going?

- Hey, man, how's it going?
- Good.

Hey, have you asked Stephanie
Brom to Chase's party yet?

I'll get around to it.

Hey, well, 20 bucks says
Jennings beats you to it.

Make it $50.

Jeff McHenry is very confident.

I got another word
for it, baby: "cocky."

He's not a bad kid...
Doesn't take dr*gs

or cheat on his tests.

He keeps his grades up...

But... take away the money,

the expensive cars
and the fancy schools,

what have you got?

I don't know.

Neither does Jeff, but
he's about to find out.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen.

My name is Andrew.

I'm gonna be subbing
for Mr. McNeff.

The old frog finally croak?

Uh, no, no, I...

I would've known about that.

Let's just say that I'm gonna
be here indefinitely, all right?

Now, I am told that for today
you should have read the chapter

on the reign of Henry V.


Actually, on Thursdays,
Mr. McNeff lets us

spend the period in personal
meditation on the lessons

of the week.

That's a nice try.

Now, who can tell me

about Henry's battle
against the French

at Agincourt in 1415?


it is the central element
of Shakespeare's play,

Henry V.

Now... Henry's troops are

completely outnumbered,
outmanned by the French army,

and yet they win.

It's a fact... They
beat the odds...

And the question is,

what kind of
leader could inspire

an army to go into a
losing battle and win?

Don't tell me you're...
you're meditating?

Come on, people.

"We few, we happy
few, we band of brothers,

"for he today that
sheds his blood with me

shall be my brother,"
blah, blah, blah.

You know your Shakespeare.


I just go to St. Crispin's.

It's the St. Crispin's
Day speech.

We all had to
learn it as freshmen.

Then you also know...

that Henry inspired his troops

not by being a king,

but by becoming one of them.

He gave up the
privileges of being a king

to spend the night as a soldier,

so that he could
understand their... their fear,

their pain.

And his speech the next morning,

and the resulting victory,

is directly related
to his willingness

to humble himself.

Yeah, but I bet old Henry
was back eating prime rib

in his feather bed the next day.

Humbly, of course.

Hey, I can smell that
50 bucks, Mr. McHenry.

- What are you talking about?
- Money talks, posers walk.

He was unreal! Just insane!

That guy's my idol.

-So lame. -Totally.

Well, get your
wallet, Mr. Pierce.

I'll catch you later.
I'll talk to you later.

Mr. Jennings,

Uh... what'd you have for
lunch today? Is that spinach?

Jock at one o'clock.

Well, hello, Miss Brom.

I was just thinking
how great we would look

attending Chase's party together

- this next Friday night.
- Now, why would I

want to go with an arrogant snob

that thinks he's
God's gift to the world?

Well, because you can.

All right, let's bring it in!

McHenry, Jennings,
first line face-off!

I'm really looking forward
to your party, Mr. Jennings.

Aw, shut up.

So is my date, Miss Brom.

I'm taking out
your right leg, pal.

Yeah, bring it on.

Let's go, blue team!
Let's attack the zone!

You snooze, you lose, Jennings!

I sure hope you
ladies are having fun,

because I guarantee you,
fun is not one of the qualities

that college scouts are
gonna be looking for!

Too late, Coach.
Already going to Harvard.

Yeah, on the "rich
dad" scholarship.

Shut up.

Excuse me. Hello.

I'm Monica, interim coach
over at Eastside High.

No kidding? They've got
ladies' hockey over there now?

- Oh, no, I'm the voice coach.
- You're kidding, right?

Not at all. And I had
this burst of inspiration

this afternoon when I was
watching my Eastside boys

go through a wee
bit of a workout.

I thought wouldn't it be
lovely if we could practice

with a top-notch
team like St. Crispin's.

Look, Monica...

we're headed to
the state playoffs.

I can't risk my boys
losing their edge

practicing with a
softer team right now.

I'm sorry.

If you'll excuse me?

All right, let's change it up!

Ins and outs on the cones!

Yeah, Coach is
right, ma'am. I mean,

we do play Eastside,
but you guys

really aren't in our league.

Hey, I think Jennings has taken
too many pucks to the head.

I can't believe he fell
for that spinach thing.

Yeah, I know. Speaking of
that, where's my 50 bucks?

Hey, I'll give it to
you tomorrow, man.

Yo, where's my car?

So you finally pushed
Tommy over the edge, huh?

I told you he'd tow
your car someday.

Nolan, you're gonna have
to give me a ride home, man.

No can do, man; I've got a date.

I'm already late
as it is. Sorry.



I couldn't help
but overhear you.

I can give you a
lift home, if you like.

So, your last name is McHenry,

and the hockey
rink at St. Crispin's

is called the McHenry Arena.

I don't suppose that's
a coincidence, is it?

My dad gave most of
the money to build it.

- We play at a public ice rink.
- Yeah, I know.

Whatever happened
to the old coach?

Um... Henderson, right?

Yeah, well, after that
oh-and-12 season last year,

Coach Henderson
decided to take a break

and I volunteered to step in.


As in no pay?

Well, there aren't any funds.

But there's lots of enthusiasm,
and that's important,

and not to mention,

I found this really
great book on hockey.

Oh, there's my house
right here, straight ahead.

Well, uh, thank
you for the ride.

You're welcome. It was
really nice to meet you.

Would you maybe want to come
in the house and wash up a little?


There's a bathroom right there.

- Thank you.
- No problem.



- Maria?
- Maria's gone.

Dad, you're not
gonna believe this.

You know that dumb
traffic cop at my school?

He had my car towed today.

- Jeff...
- Dad, you're gonna have to call

this headmaster
and get this guy fired.

Plus, I got to find out
where my car got towed.


Your car wasn't towed.

At least not by the police.

It was repossessed.


I don't know how
else to say this, but...

I'm bankrupt.

Dad, how can you be bankrupt?

I'm sorry. Who are you?

- Uh...
- This is Monica.

She gave me a ride home.

Oh, well, thank you, but...

Yes, I know that
this is awkward,

so I'll... see myself out.

Thanks for the soap.


Dad, I don't understand.

I mean, how could this happen?

Well, it's the risk of
being a venture capitalist.

Sometimes you lose.

One of my deals went south.

So how am I supposed to
get around without a car?

Well, you have to
ride the bus for a while.

Dad, you can't take
a bus to St. Crispin's.

You won't be going to
St. Crispin's anymore, Jeff.


I-I can't afford the
tuition right now.

I have to enroll
you at Eastside.

Wait-wait-wait, Dad,
it's my senior year.

I mean, they can, they
can at least carry me

through the graduation.

You've been one of
their biggest donors.

They've been carrying
you for six months.

This has been
happening for six months?

Look, I leveraged a
lot against this deal.

I've spent the last year
trying to refinance this debt.

Today I got my final no.

Why don't you make
Samantha come home

from this stupid
European vacation?

I mean, the money
will pay my tuition

through the rest of the year.

Your stepmom isn't
on vacation; she left me.

What a surprise.

We have to sell the house.

And give up the
membership to the club.

I had to let Maria go.

So then who's gonna cook

and who's gonna
clean the house... you?

Look, we're both gonna have
to pick up the slack around here.

What about Harvard?

Did you leverage that, too?

No, I've still got that covered.

Now, we made a deal...

You get accepted into
Harvard, I pay for it.

You did your part,
now I'm gonna do mine.

Look, this whole thing
is just a speed bump.

We're gonna go
right over it, I promise.

My God, Eastside?

That's so public.

They don't even
have a dress code.

Hey, my dad is an entrepreneur.

I mean, he took a
risk, it didn't work out,

but you don't make it to the
big leagues playing it safe.

And you don't get into Harvard
without cash, Mr. McHenry.

Oh, well, thank you for
your concern, Mr. Jennings.

My dad has my tuition
money safely stashed away.

Hey, good luck.

All right, dude, all right.


we're still on for the...
Chase's party this Friday, right?

- Next Friday?
- Oh, yeah.

I can't.

I told my mom that I'd babysit

my little brother
and sister, so... sorry.

I guess I wasn't thinking
when you asked me.


So much for hockey then, right?

I mean, you'd have to be pretty
desperate to play for Eastside.

Mr. Jennings... shouldn't
you be in class now?

Take it easy.

Well, I'm off to wander
the teeming masses

of the great unwashed.

Very Henry V, don't you think?

You know, if you
keep an open mind,

you can learn a lot walking a
mile in somebody else's shoes.

I don't plan on
learning anything.

It's just a pit stop on
my way to Harvard,

and once I get there,
everything will be just fine.

Step back through, please.

It's just a money clip.

- Hey, get out the way.
- Ow.

Hi, Jeff.

Hello, Jeff,
welcome to Eastside.

Oh, Randy, this is
Jeff... McHenry, I know.

He scored six goals against
us in one game last season.

Randy Templeton.

What's up?

Randy is the captain

of the hockey team this year,

so I thought he'd be
perfect to show you around.

Great. Thanks.

All right, come on.

So, what do you do for
lunch around this place, man?

This is it unless you
want to go to the cafeteria

and take your chances.

What, is the food that bad?

I'm not talking
about the food, man.

- Hey, you want a chip?
- No.

What's up with the
threads, preppy?

- This ain't church, you know.
- Hey, it's called class, man.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- That's what it's called.

Cliff, be cool, man,
chill, chill, it's all right.

Hey, little, little tip, Jeff.

If you want to live
to see eighth period,

I'd lose the attitude
and the jacket.

- Come on, guys, gather round.
- Come on, guys.

All right, everyone,
take a knee, listen up.

I'm, um, I'm very pleased
to report that there's been

a dramatic increase
in your fun statistics.

-Fun? -Fun?

For instance, uh, Jordan,
today during the warm-up,

I noticed that you and Matt had
six more high fives than you did

yesterday, and, Randy,

after you scored that last
goal during our scrimmage,

I timed your
smile... 32 seconds.

What has this to do with hockey?


A poet once said

nothing great was ever
achieved without great joy.

The poet was Emerson,

and he wasn't
talking about hockey.

What are you doing here?

Spying for, uh,
St. Crispie's, huh?

- That's right.
- Jeff doesn't go

to St. Crispin's anymore.

Came to sh**t around.

Well, we could really
use you on the team, man.

What team?

You guys don't even
have a passing game,

you guys body check
like you're dancing

at the prom, every shot you
have goes three feet wide.

You don't need me.

What you guys need
is divine intervention.

So, you mind if I go sh**t
around for a little while?

No, you're welcome
to use the north goal.


Who the hell does
he think he is?

Yeah, I'd like to kick his...

All right, settle down.

Nobody's gonna kick
anyone's anything.

Crossover drills,
right away, let's go.

Let's go.

Is that all you ever eat?

Well, my chef ran off with
my butler, so what can you do?

Besides, I only have 50 cents.

What are you doing?
That's not your job.

Didn't your mom ever teach
you to clean up after yourself?

See you later, Tess.

Bye, baby.

Oh, what can I
get for you, baby?

I'd like a orange soda, please.

I've been watching you.

You've got a mean slap shot.


There you go.

The change is yours.

Thank you.

II Jeff.

Stephanie, I thought
you had to babysit.

Um, well...

So, survive your first
week at public school?

Are you kidding?

They think I'm a god down there.

Yeah, I hear you might
be suiting up for their team.

Are you sure you
want the Harvard scout

to see you with them?

I'm not suiting up for anything,

and I don't need
the Harvard scout.

He doesn't know.


Watch it, man!

I mean, his dad getting
another divorce is no biggie.

That's, like, part of the
landscape, but bankruptcy?

Hey, check this out.

I heard his dad even blew
through his college fund.

What are you talking about?

Oh, sorry, I didn't
know you were there.

What about my college fund?

Chase says your dad came to
see his dad at the bank today,

tried to get a loan to
cover your college tuition.


There's nothing left,
man... No money for college.

It's all gone.

Sorry, Jeff.

They've taken the car,
the clothes, and the school,

and he still managed.

Now he's lost the last thing

that's been holding
him together.

His dream.

Aw, come on, I-I've
got to get more than that

- for this house. Just...
- Sorry.

Well, talk to him, tell
him to come up a little.

There's no Harvard
money, is there?

Jack... Jack, you still there?

Uh, look, uh, just...
see what you can do.

I can't believe you thought
Chase Jennings' dad,

of all people, wouldn't
tell the racquet club

the second you
walked out of the bank.

Oh, God.

You lied to me, Dad.

Look, this hole is a lot
bigger than I thought.

- So, what now?
- I don't know.

You don't know?

Whatever happened
to "we have a deal"?

What happened to "you get
into Harvard, I'll pay for it"?

What about "this is just
a speed bump, son"?

Come on, Jeff, I'll
think of something.

No, Dad, forget it, forget it.

You know, you're
no entrepreneur.

You're nothing but a gambler,

and you just gambled
my future away.

Only way

I'm gonna get into Harvard
now is to pay for it myself.

Oh, God... Oh, my
God, what do I do now?


- I want to join the team...
- What?!

If that's all right with you.

Well, that'll be up to the team.

I thought you said that we
were, we were a bunch of losers?

Yeah, he was pretty harsh.

No, but he was right, too.

I say we give him a shot.

You two on me,
you little peewees!

Aw, some on!

We can do better
than that. Let's go!

Show me what you got!

Come on, Jordan!

Jordan, come on!

Pick it up! You're
k*lling me out here!

Give me a lousy break!

We've been doing
this stupid drill

for an hour. I'm
getting pounded in here!

We're gonna be here till the ice

melts if you guys
keep doggin' it!

What, you guys don't want
to win? You think this is fun?


Come on, man.

Jeff's right, Monica.

You know, we stink. We-we
need to be working harder

than we have been.

Yo, Jordy, give me
your gloves, man.

I'll take over at goal.

- All right.
- All right, let's do it.

Yo, Jeff.

What's this for?

Well, I think you
ought to be captain.

Randy, you've
earned that position.

Well, yeah, I know,
but... he deserves it.

He's a better player.

Thanks, bro.

That's quite an
honor he gave you.


But it's not enough, is it?

All I need is the
money to go to Harvard.

We got a scout coming
to the game on Friday.

They can give me that money...

so I just got to make
sure I don't lose.

So it's Harvard or nothing, huh?

Yeah, if you want to be
somebody in this world,

you got to go to a place where
they make the somebodies.

And you think that's Harvard?

Yeah, it's got to be Harvard.

My mom had a
perfect plan for my life.

Private school would
get me to prep school,

prep school would
get me to Harvard,

Harvard would get me to
do whatever I want to do.

But it's character that decides
who you are and what you become,

not what schools you attend.

Yeah, why don't
you try explaining that

to the rest of the world?

See you tomorrow.

I can fix that frown,

but it'll take a big orange
drink and a hot dog.

It's worth a shot, Tess.

You had quite an effect
on the team out there.

I don't think I've ever seen
'em leave the ice so quickly.

They think I'm
pushing 'em too hard.

Oh? And what do you think?

I think they'll get over it,
and if some of 'em don't,

then we'll survive without 'em.

"We few, we happy
few," will do just fine.

A Henry V fan.

You know Shakespeare?

Of course, but...
not like I used to.

26 cents won't do it, baby.

Well, can I catch
you next practice?

No, but there is
something I'll take.

Have you ever
heard the expression

"singing for your supper"?

- I-I don't sing.
- Actually,

it's been a long
time since I've heard

that "St. Crispian Day" speech.

I'll take a few more lines
of that for your supper.

"This day is call'd
the feast of Crispian.

"He that outlives this
day, and comes safe home,

"Will stand a tip-toe
when this day is nam'd,

"And rouse him at
the name of Crispian.

"Then shall he strip his
sleeve and show his scars,

"And say 'These wounds
I had on Crispin's day.'

"We few, we happy
few, we band of brothers;

"For he to-day who
sheds his blood with me

"Shall be my brother;
be he ne'er so vile,

"This day shall
gentle his condition;

"And gentlemen of
England now-a-bed,

"Shall think themselves
accurs'd they were not here,

"And hold their manhood
cheap whiles any speaks

"That fought with us
upon Saint Crispin's day."

All right, baby.

Welcome to the McHenry Arena

for the final game
of the regular season,

pitting your
undefeated Conquerors

of St. Crispin's
Academy and the Knights

of Eastside High School,

who are still looking for
their first victory of the season.

110% from everybody!

The captains for today's game

are Eastside's Jeff McHenry,

and for St. Crispin's,
Chase Jennings.

All right, guys, listen up.

The most important
thing today is

to keep passing the puck, okay?

If you think of it as
a... as a hot biscuit,

and it's too hot to hold onto.

And on defense, I want
you to stand them up

at the blue line and
take that biscuit away.

Excuse me. Thanks.

All right, come on!

Let's go get 'em.

Come on. Get up,
get up. Let's go.

Let's go, guys. Over here.

Come on. The only way
we're not gonna get slaughtered

is if you guys keep
feeding me the puck.

- You got it? Understand?
- Yeah. -Yeah.

- Yeah, okay.
- Let's go. Come on.

Let's go!

Keep your eye on the
captain of the Eastside team.

- Jeff McHenry?
- He's a very interesting player.

Excuse me. Do you
two want to sit together?

Oh, no.

Hey, that's a nice red
jacket you got there.

Crimson. I'm a
scout from Harvard.

Isn't that nice?

Facing off at center ice

will be former teammates
Jennings and McHenry.

Jennings takes the draw
and here comes St. Crispin

across the blue line.

Pass back to Jennings.

Beautiful piece of stickwork

through the legs...
He sh**t, he scores!

Captain Chase Jennings

with a quick one-to-nothing lead

for the Conquerors, just
ten seconds into the game.

How could you let him
go by you like that, man?

You're gonna blow it for
me. Come on! Let's go!

Jennings with just
one man to beat.

He gets by... Simple
sh**t and scores!

Two to nothing, St. Crispin's.

St. Crispin's
across the blue line.

Carl surely back to Jennings.
He sh**t, he scores!

Chase Jennings with
the first period hat trick.

It's St. Crispin's
three, Eastside nothing,

and the Conquerors
look unstoppable.

Face off. Control
by St. Crispin's.

Pierce with the puck. He
dishes over to Jennings.

Jennings sh**t, and it
is a glove save by Jordan

- and he covers up.
- All right!

McHenry wins the face-off.

Right now he's playing like
a one-man team out there.

That puck just seems
to be frozen to his stick.

Still a lot of time left...

you can smell the victory now.

Three minutes, 48 seconds
remaining in the game.

What a defensive
battle this has become.

Eastside controls the puck,
trying to get something going.

- Ahead to McHenry.
- Go, go!

He sidesteps the defender...
Jennings goes down!

Into the middle, here's McHenry.

He sh**t, he scores!

And after a shaky start,
with just 3:20 left in the game,

the Eastside Knights
get on the scoreboard

and make this game interesting

on a beautiful goal
by Jeff McHenry.

It's three to one
now, St. Crispin.

Come on, guys, come
on! We can pull this out!

- So, how's your bankrupt daddy?
- Stuff it.

Hey, guess who offered me a
scholarship before the game.

The Harvard scout.

You know, so, I was thinking,

since you're not gonna
be going there now,

maybe you could
get a job at Crispin's.

I hear Tommy the
safety officer's quitting.

Break it up.

Break it up. Come on!

- Do you hear me?
- That's it, that's it!

Two in the box,
both of you, right now!

Oh, come on. There's only
three minutes left! Let it ride!

This is not the pros.
It's high school, Hall.

Now get in the box, both of you!

No incidental minors.

Two minutes for roughing
to Jennings of St. Crispin's

and McHenry of Eastside.

Two minutes.

Go. Go now.

Wait for the drop.

St. Crispin's wins the face-off,

trying to control the puck
and run out the clock.

- Come on, let's go!
- Pass over on the right wing,

intercepted by Jorgensen
of Eastside High.

They now take control

and take it down the ice...

My God.

What's happening?

God has called a time-out, Jeff.


Is this a dream?

No, it's not a dream.

I'm an angel.

An angel?

Yes, an angel sent by God.

Why would God send me an angel?

Because God knows that
everyone needs a little coaching

now and then.

I haven't thought
about God in...

I don't even know.

Yes, you do.

Since your mother died.

I stopped believing
in God after that.

But God never stopped
believing in you, Jeff.

Then why did he
take everything away?

Well, God didn't take
anything from you.

These things just
happen in life sometimes.

Investments don't pay off,
sure things don't come through,

plans change, but there's
one thing that will never change,

and that is God.

He will be the same
yesterday, today, tomorrow.

He will never leave
you or forsake you,

and He holds your
future, whatever it may be,

in His hands.

So I do have a future?

Oh, yes.

Then I will go to Harvard?

I don't know.

But I have to.

I promised my mom that before...

I mean, that was the only
thing I could say that made her...

My mom was hurting so much.

I promised her I'd go to Harvard

because she wanted
the best for me.

She died thinking that
I was gonna be okay.

So I have to go. I have to.

Can't God understand that?

God understands why
you made the promise, Jeff.

You wanted your mother
to have a little bit of peace.

But she has that peace now.

A complete peace beyond
anything you could ever imagine.

A peace that lives
completely in this very moment,

and in the presence of God.

And that's where your
mother is right now...

With Him.

And if you will stop and listen

to what God has to
say, not about tomorrow,

but about this same moment...

you can have this peace as well.


I'm listening.

This day is not about
going to a good college,

it's not about winning,
it's about character.

It's about going
back out on the ice

with only a minute
and half left on the clock

and doing the best
that you can do.

It's about 12 young men
who call you "captain,"

putting your dreams
aside to honor their dreams

and respect their futures.

It's about becoming
a true leader,

not just a Harvard man.

Becoming your own
man, and a servant of God.

Because when you
serve others, Jeff,

with a whole heart, with
love and with humility...

you serve Him.

And that is a true victory.


I'll try it.

It's just, I don't
know where to start.

Do you know what day today is?

St. Crispian's Day.

Get 'em in the zone!

Get something going.

It's been a gutty performance

for the Knights this afternoon.

He tries to dish it toward
the middle to Patterson.

Now Patterson back...
It's stolen by Pierce

of St. Crispin's.

He clears it down
ice; Eastside will

touch it up... that's icing.

And St. Crispin's
will call time out.

The two-minute penalties
have expired now,

and both teams will
be at full strength,

as Jennings and McHenry
come out of the penalty box.

Welcome back.


- Can I say something?
- No, I think

we've heard all you have to say.

You know, we thought you
wanted to be on a team, man.

All you care about is
looking good for that scout.

You know, maybe there's
some scout out there

who might notice me today.

But you don't know.

And you don't care,
either, do you...


You're right.

I've been an idiot;
I'm not gonna deny it.

And yeah, I could really
use a scholarship right now,

but not at your guys's expense.

- I'm sorry for being selfish.
- Well, uh,

you have been
hogging the biscuit a lot.

Whether or not we win
is not nearly as important

as walking off this rink
with our heads held high,

feeling like a team.

I wonder what that McHenry
boy is saying to the others.

Yeah, I don't know.

But, you know, Eastside
hasn't won a game all year,

and they've held
one of the top teams

in the state to three goals.

Well, I don't know
what he's saying,

but they're eating it up.

Excuse me.

- You want some, baby?
- Yeah.

I've never really
been a captain before,

and I only know one speech.

I guess I should give
that speech right now.

30 seconds, Coach.

30 seconds is all we need.

Go on, Jeff.

All right, I'll give the
quick-and-dirty version.

Let's not just go
out there to win,

let's go out there for the honor
of playing the very best hockey

that we know how to play.

And if playing for honor

I-is lame... then
let's go out there

and be the lamest
players there are

in the history of
Minnesota hockey.

A-And next season,
when we show the rookies

our scars from this game,

we can say we took the
licks against St. Crispin's.

And then, years from now,

when we tell our
kids and our grandkids

the story of this game, I
want them to kick themselves

for not witnessing the day
that Eastside Public High

gave the mighty St.
Crispin's a run for their money

and showed them the
way the game of hockey

really should be played.

That was awesome.

Yeah. Let's do this, guys.

- Man, get us the puck, Captain.
- Let's go.

Hands in, you brave
Knights of Eastside.

One, two, three!

- Eastside!
- Let's go! Come on!

All right!

All right, Jeff! Go!

It all comes down to this.

A minute twenty left, and the
underdog Eastside Knights have

sure played their hearts out.

It's been one great game!

Eastside controls the puck.

Now they're playing against both

St. Crispin's and the clock.

McHenry now with a chance!

No! He dishes off to
Templeton, who scores!

Eastside pulls to within

one goal of the undefeated
St. Crispin's Conquerors.

- With less than a minute to play.
- Nice pass!

Come on, defense!

- Take off your helmet.
- What?

- Just take it off.
- All right.

You're the real
captain of this team.

Now, why don't you go take

this face-off and
watch out for Jennings.

He's gonna try to take
out your legs, all right?

- All right, man.
- Good job, man.

- Thanks.
- Good job.

We have a captain
change for Eastside.

Randy Templeton now
assumes those duties.

He will face off at center ice

against St. Crispin's
Chase Jennings.

Welcome to the
big leagues, poser.

Yeah, thanks,
slick, nice to be here.

St. Crispin's
across the blue line.

Pierce with the puck.

He goes behind the net.

Dishes off to
Jennings. He sh**t!

And a beautiful
glove save by Jordan!

After a rocky first few minutes

of this game, Jordan
sure has come on.

All right, face-off... Fisher,
Bruce, Cochran, get in there!

He's played a wonderful game

inside the net for Eastside.

Good job, Jordy, good job.
Way to keep us in the game.

And there's the face-off.

The puck'll be controlled
by the Eastside...

Jordan, come in. Come on in.

Six men. Let's go.
Hurry! Come on!

Goalie Jordan off the
ice, leaving an empty net.

It's now a six-man offense,

and Templeton with the
puck out across center ice.

Only seven seconds
left in the game.

Templeton looking to score...

Come on, guys!

Go for it! Go, go, go, go, go!

He is gonna drop-pass
back to McHenry.

McHenry now sees the goal!


No goal! No goal! Time expired!

No goal!


II The goal is disallowed.

Ruling is that time expired.

Final score: St.
Crispin's three,

Eastside two.

Come on, folks, put
your hands together.

-This was a
tremendous effort -Hey.

By two very fine teams.

Heck of a game, man.

I hope things work out
for you, Mr. McHenry.

I'm sorry for all
that stupid smack.

Yeah, me, too, Mr. Jennings.

Good luck, man.

I'm sorry I let you guys down.

Are you kidding, man?

There are a lot of
ways to win, Jeff.

I'm counting 12
of them right here.

That was some excellent
hockey, gentlemen.

Mr. McHenry.

Yeah, you.

You've got some
fine leadership skills.

Where are you going
to college next fall?

Well, I'm not sure.

I got accepted into Harvard,

but we can't afford it.

Well, we've given out all
our money this semester,

but, uh... give me
a call in January.

Thank you, sir.

- You bet.
- Thank you.

I heard your speech.

What'd you think?

Well, I've made a lot
of money in my life,

but I never could have
made a speech like that.

I am so proud of you.

And I know that
whatever happens,

I know you're gonna be okay.

I know I am, too.

I've got everything I need now.

I love you, son.

I love you, too, Dad.

You know, Monica...

that was a great coaching job.

Well, I really think I have
a knack for this game,

and I was thinking that we
should have our own hockey team.

But... an angel hockey team?

Uh-huh. We could call
ourselves the Ice Angels.

I'm sure there'd be lots
of volunteers, Andrew.

And, Tess, you'd make
a great team captain.

Uh-uh. No way.

It's never gonna happen.

I'm not putting any biscuit
in any oven, Miss Wings.

No. No.

No. No. No biscuits, no buns,

no cupcakes, no
cinnamon rolls, no nothing!