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07x17 - I Am an Angel

Posted: 05/02/23 05:46
by bunniefuu
Tum that off, Mickey.

You're late for school.

Okay, one more minute.

Now, you may think

you have the
situation under control,

but God has other ideas.

And God always wins.

♪ Angel. ♪


- Mickey, you're late.
- ♪ Avenging Ang... ♪

I'm feeling kind
of sick, Aunt Val.

Mickey, we can't
keep doing this.

You missed too
many days already.

But she might come back today.

We've been through this.

- But she could.
- No.

We'll talk about
it after school.

Here's your lunch money.

Have a good day.


Hello, Mickey.

Who are you?

My name is Andrew.

I'm gonna be filling
in for Mabel for today.


Mickey go to school, Aunt Val?

Yeah, barely.

I'm running out of ideas for
how to get him through this.

I know.


Yeah, I was thinking
about getting a job.

Oh, yeah? What happened
to thinking about college?

I don't want to go
away right now,

not with the way
things are with Mickey.

Huh, "Guy Garfield,
star of hit TV series

"Avenging Angel, will be
making a public appearance

at the Portland Convention
Center this week."

That's amazing; that's
Mickey's favorite show.

Yeah, I know.

You know, I got something
to do after school today.

Uh, I think I'm
gonna be kind of late.


Afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

This is your captain speaking.

We've turned off the
fasten seatbelt sign,

so please feel free to get up

and move about the cabin -

And enjoy your trip.

Oh, I-I'm sure it's him.

And look, he's even
wearing his angel shades.

- Yes, yes.
- Oh.


What a wonderful
vision to wake up to.


We're your biggest fans.

Oh, yes.

Certainly my most attractive.

I'm so sorry.

- Ladies, please return to your seats.
- No, no, no, no.

My friends go, I go, and I
warn you, I don't go quietly.


Mr. Garfield, could
you please do it?


You know, it.

It... oh, yes.


Oh, my.

Ladies, you have
certainly made my day,

and please call me Guy.


Well, good-bye... Guy.

Bye, Guy, good-bye.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye.

Oh... oh.

Oh, my goodness,
oh, my goodness.

You were wonderful with them.

I meet a lot of stars.

They're not always
this nice in real life.

If one more loser

bothers me before
this plane lands,

I will not be inviting you
back to my hotel room.

Captain speaking again,
ladies and gentlemen.


His name is Guy Garfield.

He plays an angel on TV.

It's human beings like that
that give angels a bad name.

Human beings like that give
human beings a bad name.

Every week, he tells
a story about an angel,

but it's not the story
that God wants him to tell.

And there's a little boy

whose whole future
depends on the truth.

Ladies and gentlemen,

this is Captain McClane.

We've picked up
a bit of a tailwind

- back there...
- Oh, thank you.

- That was very nice.
- And we should be landing

about 20 minutes
ahead of schedule, so...

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

How am I?

I'm in Oregon, Marty.

Manhattan's got nightlife,
L.A.'s got weather.

You know what
Oregon's got, Marty?

- What's that?
- Cows.

I mean, that's it;
there is no Jacuzzi tub,

no minibar, no SpectraVision.

And where is
this, uh, assistant...

Francine somebody?

I'm waiting for her,
and I don't wait, Marty.

What's this?

Uh... Is something
wrong, Mr. Garfield?

It's just fruit in here.

Uh, it's a fruit basket, sir.

I want a liquor basket.

Uh, we don't have those, sir.

Sure you do, pal. See?

You take the fruit out,
you put the booze in,

you bring it back...
It's simple, huh?

Eh, and here's a little
something for you, huh?

You're a good kid.

I mean it, mm.

Yeah, there you go.

Okay, here we go, and thank you.

Hello, Mr. Garfield.

I believe you were expecting me.

It's about time.
Francine, right?

No, it's Monica.

Actually, it's a very funny
story, because Francine...

You know, Monica,
Francine, whatever.

The bottom line is you're
the one that Marty sent over

to schlep me around, right?

Oh, yes, he said there
would be some schlepping.

Yeah, well, it's no big deal.

Just do your job,
make sure I get

to all my commitments on
time, and keep the ice bucket full.

Okay, well, I have, um,
your itinerary, a car, a map.

And it says here you have to
be at a convention this afternoon.

What sort of a
convention is that?

The kind I show
up to, do my time at

and then run from.

Let's go, Francine.

Okay, Mickey.

Here we are.

What's the matter?

My mom's car isn't there.

I thought she'd be home by now.

You want to talk about it?


But thanks.



If you change your mind,
I'm a pretty good listener.


Hey, kiddo.

Where's Ryan?

Oh, he's gonna be late.

He had something
to do after school.

But he'll be back.

That's what Mom said.

Mickey, it's okay.

Ryan will be back.

Comes in those colors.

We also have it in the blue.

I need to try that one, yeah.

It's all angels.

How to summon your angel.

How to get rid of your angel.

How to pray to your angel.

How to dress your dog
up to look like an angel.

I could have lived all
eternity without seeing this.

They're worshipping us, Tess.

It's all wrong.

Speaking of all wrong,
haven't you lost somebody?

He's preparing
for his appearance.

Is he preparing it straight
up or on the rocks?

What is this?

Uh, the halo protects
you from evil spirits.

And if you, uh,

buy two, you get a
unicorn angel pin free.

Oh, for crying out loud!

Hello, everyone!


Can you hear me?

Is everyone enjoying

our 15th annual convention?


As you all know,

we have a very special
guest this afternoon,

who is taking time out of his
busy schedule to be with us.

♪ Yeah... ♪

♪ Angel ♪

♪ Avenging Angel ♪

♪ Angel ♪

♪ Avenging Angel ♪

Please greet him
now, a great star...

a wonderful man...
Mr. Guy Garfield!

Hello, Portland.

Thank you, Joanie
Templeton Buckley.

You know, I am beyond
thrilled to be here.

And everywhere I go, I'm
always asked two questions.

The first one is: "Guy,
are you married?"

The second one is:

"Guy, do you
believe angels exist?"

Now, the answer to both
questions is the same.


I'm not married,

and I don't believe
angels exist.

I know angels exist.

And that is why I am here
with you fine people today

to celebrate these
wonderful, mysterious,

miraculous, amazing
beings... angels!

Guy will now be taking
questions from the audience.

Oh, did I mention
I wrote a book?

It's called... ♪ Am an Angel.

Oh, brother.

And I just happened to
bring one or two with me.

One-one or two thousand.

First question.


How much money do you make?

Not enough to
answer that question.


My name's Ryan, and
I don't watch a lot of TV

except for sports, but
my little brother, Mickey,

he's seven, and he
thinks you're great.

Uh, as a matter of fact,
he thinks you are an angel.

Well, that is just precious.
Where is the little guy?

Let's-let's bring
him up here, huh?

Well, uh, well, he's
not here, he's at home.

He's sick.

Matter of fact,
Mickey's... dying.

Oh, no.

Uh, I'm sorry, did
you say "dying"?

Yeah. And I was hoping,
you know, since you're in town,

maybe you could come
by the house and say hi.

It would really mean a lot.

Ryan? Is it Ryan?

If my work can bring

one moment of
happiness to a child,

it not only reminds me
of why I do what I do,

but who I am.

And I would be
honored to visit Mickey.

Scotch and soda, hold the soda.

They don't have
liquor here. I'm sorry.

You're sorry?

Hello, dear.


You know, a lot of
these fans really believe

in what you're doing.

Well, they got to
believe in something.

Might as well be me.

There you go.

- Thank you.
- Who's up next?

How's it going, baby?

It's a little unsettling.

Well, tell me about it.

Hello, there.

What's your name?

My name is Tess.

Your new name is Mariah.

Excuse me?

I just channeled it
from my angel Gordon.

- Gordon, huh?
- Mm.

All right, lady, you want
to talk about angels,

let's talk about angels.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Uh, I wasn't sure if you
had a car or something,

but I've got my
truck right out front.

You promised to visit
his little brother Mickey.

Oh, right. Yes, I'm sorry.

There's so many people
here, it's hard to keep straight.

Um, look, I'm here until 5:00.

Why don't, uh, I meet
you out front then, huh?

Make sure I'm
out of here by 4:00.

But you promised Ryan.

The only thing I'm going
to be visiting this evening

is the Jacuzzi tub,
a bottle of scotch,

and maybe Wendy, the
blonde behind the front desk.

Hello, dear. Oh.


Where is he?

Ryan, I don't know how to
put this, but Mr. Garfield...

Is blowing me off.

Yes, suppose he is.

That's just great.

He was my last hope.

Well, maybe I could talk to
him and he'd change his mind.

Yeah, that'll take a miracle.

Miracles happen every day.

Not to me they don't.

He broke his promise, didn't he?

Not the first time, I'm sure.

Well, you just
keep doing your job,

and it may be the last time.

Ow, ow! Ow!

Do you know what time it is?

It's 1:30 in the afternoon.


I-I don't do the
convention until tonight.

But you have a personal
appearance today.

I don't remember that.

Well, that's why you have me.

What, is some
mall opening or...?

Anyway, right, right,
right. I'll-I'll be right down.

Look, a little notice
next time, huh?


Wake me when we get there.

Yes, sir.

Here we are.

Here we go.

Ready to face my fans.


How did you do it?

It's a miracle.

No, it's kidnapping, and
you two are in this together.

You said it was my job to
get you to your commitments.

You made one to Ryan.

Help! Help me!

Help me! I've been kidnapped!

Get me out of here!



Hold it!


I was kidnapped.

Dramatically escaped.

That way.


This... This kid kidnapped me.

What is going on here?

Sorry, Aunt Val.

Sorry? Ha!

Save it for your
arraignment, you little...

Aunt Val?

He said that he would be there
right at the convention and I...

Arrest her, too!
She's an accomplice.

I wanted him to be the angel
he plays and meet Mickey.

He said yes when
everyone was looking,

and then backed out like a jerk.

You have nothing on paper.

Guy Garfield, Avenging Liar.

I want him tried as an adult.

No crime has been committed.

Hey, cool it! Simmer down!

So where is Mickey, anyway?

He's on a field trip
today with his class.

What, dying kid
goes on field trips?

Dying? Where'd you hear that?

He's not dying?


He is so.

Just a little at time.

Our mom died a
couple of months ago.

Ryan and Mickey are
my sister Becky's boys.

She was k*lled
in a car accident.

I'm so sorry.

Tell me something.

What was it that you mentioned
about your mom yesterday?

She's been gone a pretty
long time, and everybody says

that she's gone to heaven
and she's never coming back.

And you don't believe them?

On my TV, this angel, Gabriel,
goes to heaven and comes back

all the time on
his golden ladder.

If he can do it, so can my mom.

Do you believe in heaven?

Yes, I do.

Do you think that if I prayed
for an angel, I'd get one?

I think you got one already.

We told Mickey what happened,
but he just doesn't get it.

All he remembers is that
his mom walked out that door

and her last words
were, "I'll be right back."

So, every day after school,
he comes straight home

and won't leave the house,
in case she comes home.

Yeah, well, that's a very
sad story, so I'll forgive you

for kidnapping me, and I do
hope that you figure this all out.

Let's go, Francine.

No, no, wait. I still
need you to be Gabriel.

I need you to tell Mickey that

Mom's in heaven and that
you've seen her and she's okay

and Mom wants Mickey
to be happy again.

But he's not really an angel.

But Mickey doesn't know that.

Ryan, I know it must
be very hard for you

to see your little brother in
such pain, but lying to him now

is not going to help him
deal with this terrible loss.

What he needs most

is love and patience and truth.

No one finds real
peace through a lie.

I lost my mom.

Now I'm losing my brother,
too, a little more every day.

I just want him back
before it's too late.

All right, Ryan, calm down.

No, you don't understand!

Look, I'm hurting
here, too, Ryan.

When you lost your
mother, I lost my sister.

Not to mention my life
has been completely...


Go ahead, Aunt Val, say it.

I didn't say that.

Yeah, right.

You don't find peace
through the truth, either.


Ryan, come back here.

I just can't talk to him.

Maybe I could try.


Your aunt is very
worried about you.

No, she's not.

She never wanted kids,

and now all of a
sudden, she's got two.

She just needs
some time to adjust.

To what, being a mom?

She doesn't want to adjust.

Our mom did stuff

for us all the time
because she wanted to.

Aunt Val just does it
because she has to.

She told you that?

No, but it's obvious.

Our mom hugged us every
day, told us she loved us.

Aunt Val... nothing.

I don't need that stuff
anymore so it's okay,

but Mickey, he's just little.

So I do it for him,
but it's not the same.

You want coffee?

Double cappuccino.

Uh, it was really a
yes-or-no question.

You want coffee?


It's the only thing I
know how to make.

My sister was the cook.

I can't even get a can of
tomato soup to taste like hers.

I must be doing something wrong.

Look, I don't know
anything about soup,

and I don't know
anything about kids.

All I know is that I am stuck
in the middle of nowhere

in the middle of
somebody else's life.

Oh, you got some
place better to be?

Like the Emmys or something?


I missed my breakfast,

and it's gonna take
a whole lot of coffee

before I can walk
back out on that stage

and yell, "Hello, Portland,"

to a bunch of craze-os
dressed up like angels.

So, if you don't like
doing it, why do you?

Because I make
more money than God.

Oh, so it's all about money.

You're a very rich liar.

Hey, Oprah,

look, I am the
wronged party here,

and I need a little more than

amateur psychology
and bad coffee.

I'm leaving.

And if I ever see you or any
one of your family again, I...

Hi. I'm home.



There's an angel in our kitchen.

Yeah, Mick, isn't it great?

You know how he always
shows up to help people out.

Or to kick some butt. Ee-yah!

Do it, Gabriel.

Look, my name's not Gabriel,

it's Guy, and I
was just leaving.

You stink.

He's just undercover.

He starts every case that way.

Hello, Mickey. I'm Monica.

How come you're here?

The Avenging Angel works alone.

You know the difference

between what's real and
what's made up, don't you?

Yeah, I'm not a little kid.

No, you're not.

And this is not an angel.

This is a man.

Nah, he goes up and
down on his golden ladder.

My favorite time
was when you beat up

those ten guys on the plane.

12, actually.

I was good in
that one, wasn't I?

You're the best, Gabriel.

- Yeah.
- Mickey, I know

this is hard for you
to understand, but...

No, it's all right.

He's onto me.

I can always be seen
by the pure at heart.

Mickey, I have been
sent down to see you.

Mr. Garfield...

Is this one of those-those
times in the show?

Angel moments, yes.

- Wow!
- Now, Mickey,
your mom...

She's in heaven, Mickey.

Yeah, that's right, heaven,
and I saw her there yesterday.

You did? Where is heaven?

Well, it's way up in the
sky, higher than the clouds.

Wow, that's high.

And she wanted me

to tell you that she doesn't
want to look down here

anymore and see
a sad little boy.

She wants to look down
and see a happy boy,

laughing and playing
and having fun,

because that's what
she's doing in heaven.

Uh, she also said

to keep your room clean
and mind your Aunt Val.


She's happy in heaven?

Yes, but, you see...
Are you kidding?

She has a condo on the
biggest, puffiest cloud.

And when it rains,

it's like she has a
waterfall in her backyard.


No, it's not like
that, sweetie. It's...

And the address is
1507 Pearly Gates Drive.


Wait here, Gabriel.

I'll be right back.

I haven't seen him
smile for months.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

How'd you like
the address thing?

A condo on a cloud?

What kind of junk is that?

Why couldn't you
just say normal stuff?

Ryan, it worked.

Mickey goes to school talking
about condos and waterfalls,

he's gonna get
laughed off the bus.

Hey, I can't win with you, kid.

I won't make him feel
better, and you get mad.

I do make him feel
better, and you get mad.

Guy was just trying to help.

Guy? Now you're calling him Guy?

Oh, brother.

Well, you're his special friend.

You go talk to him.


Can I make you a cappuccino?

Oh, you've been
holding out on me?

Relax. It's from a can.

The last time I-I saw my mom,

I was leaning out the
window, waving good-bye,

and she was in
the car, and I just...

waved good-bye.

I guess I'm handling it
better than Mickey because...

I don't know...
because I'm older.

Let me ask you something.

Did you both go to the funeral?

I did, but Mickey stayed home.

Aunt Val thought he
was too young to go.

It was hard being there.

At least I got to say good-bye.

Saying good-bye
begins the healing,

because saying
good-bye makes it real.

And Mickey never
got to say good-bye.

Here we are,
fresh out of the can.

Oh, I'm sure it's wonderful.

You strike me as
the sort of woman

who does everything well.

Take a sip first,
and then tell me that.

All right.

Oh, it's delicious.

Ah, good.

Actually, I was thinking of
making some cookies, too.

Their mom used to make them.

Seems like now might
be a nice time for it.

Well, these look harder to
ruin than the tomato soup.

Do you want to stay for cookies?

If you tell me your life story.

You would be so bored.

I doubt it.

Start at the beginning,
when you were born.

Say, what, 25 years ago?

Hey, there.

Hey, kid, no hard feelings, huh?

Yeah, whatever.


Where are you going?

Hombre, very nice.

My mom got me this for church.

I said I wanted
one just like yours.

So where are you going
all dressed up like this?



He said he's going to heaven.

To see my mom with you.

Oh, that's just great, Guy.

Don't forget, it's 1507
Pearly Gates Drive.

I hope you got a
key to the condo.

Have a nice trip.

So, Gabriel, I got
my toothbrush,

my pajamas, and this.

It's a paperweight.
I made it in school.

Mom always said she
really, really liked it.



this man can't
take you to heaven.

Sure he can.

The golden ladder
will come down,

and we'll both grab on.

Well, Mickey, the rule is-is
that people can go up to heaven,

but only the Avenging Angel
can come back down again.

I want to see my mom.


Mr. Garfield, please
don't say any more.

No, no, wait.

Uh, I can fix this. Um...


Now, these aren't the knockoffs

that you get in
the stores, either.

They're the real thing.


You're now an angel in training.

- I am?
- Yeah.

Now get outside and
practice your karate,

and maybe later I'll show you

a choke hold that
leaves no marks.


You know, I have got a
box set of all of our episodes.

When I get back to Los
Angeles, I'll send them to him.

It'll fix him right up.

Mr. Garfield,

the damage that has
been done to this little boy

cannot be fixed by
some videotapes.

Did you go to bummer
school, Monica?

I need to get some fresh air.

That is hysterical.

Well, you've got
some great stories.

Yeah, I'm thinking
about writing a book.

Oh, I already did.

Do you need to call somebody?

Like your wife, maybe?

No. I, uh, never got married.

Oh, let me guess.

Never met the right person.

Actually, I've never
been the right person.

From the time I was knee-high,

all I ever really cared
about was being a big star.

Well, you did it.



That's it?

Come on, your life
is exciting, right?

I suppose.

Sometimes I think I
would trade ten years

of exciting for one day of real.

What is "real"?

Warm kitchen.

On a cold day in Oregon.

Good company.

No autographs.



It has been nice, hasn't it?

It's not so bad being kidnapped
when I get saved by you.

You got to come now!

What is it?

It's Mickey! Hurry!

Monica, what is it?

Oh, no. Mickey!

Oh, my God.

Mickey, what are you doing?!

Gabriel won't take me to heaven,
so I'm gonna go there myself.

Doesn't work that way, Mickey.

Oh, God, I never
thought this would happen.

Go back to the
house and call 911.

I'll get on the police radio.

Just keep him talking.

Mickey, come down!

_ - Mickey! Mickey!

Mickey, it's dangerous
up there! Come down!

Mickey, be careful.

I don't get it.

Where's the golden ladder?

The ladder... Mickey...

Somebody better get here fast.

Somebody is here.

What, me?

Nah, I-I can't.

I mean, the firemen
are coming, and I...

I'm terrified of heights.

God will be with you.


If you go up there,
if you help Mickey,

God will be with you.


I am an angel, Guy.

A real one.

Sent by the real God.

I, uh... I don't believe it.

It's true.

Well, y-you mean
there really is a God?

Oh, yes.

And a real heaven.

And genuine truth.

Not make-believe stories.

And God loves
you, Guy, very much.

But you have spent so much
time pretending to know Him

that you've wasted precious
time truly knowing Him.

And if you did know Him,

then you'd know what
He wants from you now.

I... I only know how
to act like an angel.

I-I don't know how to be one.

You don't have to be an angel.

You just have to be the man
that God created you to be.

The man you were before
the success and the fame,

before you started glorifying
yourself instead of God.

He remembers when you
were humble and hungry.

He remembers when
you were grateful

for the simple things of life.

When it was easy
to stop and offer

a kind word to someone in need.

When you let God use you
instead of the other way around.

I-I don't know how to
be that person anymore.

Oh, yes, you do, Guy.

He's in there somewhere.

Look, you can
walk away right now

and wait for the fireman
to come and help Mickey.

But if you do, that wee boy
will go on believing the stories

he's made up and the
lies that you told him today.

And he'll never
really find peace.

Or you can go up there.

You can risk the
danger and the love,

not just to save his life,

but to let God use you
to help heal his heart.

And to heal your own heart, Guy.

And if you do, then you will
see that God has prepared

something real
there for you, too:

a family.

A family?


I can't wait anymore!

Maybe the ladder
will come if I jump!

Mickey, don't!

What should I do then?

You wait for me.

Why didn't you just fly up here?

I can't fly, Mickey.

I don't get it.

I don't see the ladder.

Come on, give me
your hand, buddy.

No, it's okay.

We're angels, right, Gabriel?

I'm not Gabriel.

I'm Guy, I'm just a-a
human being like you.

Except more
scared to be up here.

Angels don't get scared.

I'm not an angel.

Yes, you are.

I see you on TV.

That's just pretend.

Okay? I-I'm a plain old person.

There's-there's no
clouds, no golden ladder,

no-no angel shades...
It's all made up.

But you said you were an angel.

I lied to you, Mickey!

I knew how sad you were

because you couldn't
see your mom anymore.

I just wanted you to be happy.

So then there isn't any heaven?

And there aren't any angels?

Oh, Mickey, there are angels.

Real ones.

But they don't...
kick anybody or fight.

See, they just love people.

Sometimes they bring
us messages from God.

Messages that maybe
we don't want to hear,

but we need to.

You know what I mean?

She said she was coming back.

I know.

And I bet she really
thought she was.

But sometimes people don't
always know what's gonna happen.

But the good news
is-is that God does.

And that's why he made
sure that you have a brother

and an aunt who
love you very much.

You know that, right?

I know.

Do you think Aunt Val's pretty?

Yeah, she's real pretty.

Hey, I got a wacky idea.

Why don't we talk
about this down there.


Come on, give me your hand now.

Don't stand up, Mickey.



Hey, Mickey.

What are you doing here?

Well, today is not a good
day for you to go to heaven.

Let me guess.

You're an angel.

He's just a bus driver.


what would you say if I
told you that I was both?

Do you remember that
angel that you prayed for?

That was you?

- Yep.
- Wow!

This is better than the ladder.

Have you seen my mom?

Yeah, I have.

I'm the angel that got
to take her to heaven.

The real heaven.

And one day, I might
get to be the angel

that takes you to heaven.

But that's not gonna
happen for a long, long,

long, long, long time.

Is she ever coming back?


But let me tell you

something about
where she lives, okay?

Now, she doesn't live
in a cloud or in a condo.

She lives in the
presence of God.

And that is the
most beautiful place

that you can imagine.

And that's also where
she needs to stay.

But I miss her.

And it hurts.

I know it does.

But, you know, part of
the reason that it hurts

is because you never really
got a chance to say good-bye.

But now, now that you know
that you're gonna see her again,

it'll be easier.

Bye-bye, Mommy.

I'll see you later.

You listen to me, Mickey.

You hold her.


And you remember all the good
times and all the good things.

You know, the times that
she took you to the park

and the dinners
that she made for you

and the hugs that she gave you.

You hold on to those.

Um, there's something else.

She wants you to tell
your Aunt Val something.


To put milk in the tomato soup

instead of water.

There's nothing like
a hot bowl of soup.

On a cold day in Oregon.

Come on, Mickey.
Let's go find your aunt.

Oh, thank God!

Thank God.

If anything would've
happened to you,

I don't know what
I would've done.

I love you.

You, too, kid.

Did I mention I make a great
grilled cheese sandwich?

And I've got some
tomato soup I can fix.

Oh, about that soup...

Uh, anyway, the-the soup...

- What?
- See, you put milk in it

- instead of water.
- Oh!

No, no, I know this.

- I know this.
- Oh.

It makes it taste...