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07x12 - The Lord Moves in Mysterious Ways

Posted: 05/02/23 05:40
by bunniefuu
I'm late, I know.

I'm sorry.

I know I'm late.

Monica, one of the
secrets to a surprise party

is that the surprisers
arrive before the surprisee.

I know, but you see,

the man at the shop is
having a very bad day.

First, he couldn't find a box,

then he didn't have
any wrapping paper,

then he told me that he
was retiring after 50 years

and he didn't know what he
was gonna do with his life now,

because life was
basically meaningless.

So, of course, I had to...

You had to stay there
and set him straight.

Yes. I thought Tess
would understand.

She would... if she were here.

So, what do you think?

"We love you, Tess."

That's lovely.


Hello. I'm sorry.

Is this Tess's surprise party?

Yes, yeah, it is, but, um...

Oh, my goodness.

It's a private party.

I'm sorry.

I'm Ronald.

I-I'm sorry.

That's all right, Ronald.

It's just that we weren't
expecting any more...




You mean, you're...?


You know, Records
and Permanent Files?

I'm, I'm just the guy who
checks on where angels are sent

and who they're sent to
help, et cetera and so forth.

Oh, sort of like a celestial
air traffic controller, huh?


I-I was sitting at my desk

and today's itinerary
came through,

and this event was on it,

and I have always
wanted to meet Tess.

Oh, but I didn't realize
that there weren't supposed

to be any other guests,
and, and I'm, I'm sorry.

I'll leave.

Oh, no, Ronald,
that's all right.

We're, we're glad
that you're here.

Please, please, join us.

I'm, uh, I'm Andrew.


Angel of Death.

Oh... I have read
all of your cases,

and you rate very, very high

on the feedback questionnaires.

Thank you. That's, that's,
that's very encouraging.

This is Monica.

How do you do?


Oh, Monica.

We have files on you this thick.

Oh, my goodness.

Thank you.


How are we progressing?

Oh, everything is
lovely, Mr. Nalls.

Ah, splendid, splendid.

Well, uh, tick tock, tick-tock.

Time to serve the fruit cup.

Uh-uh, uh, not... not quite yet.

Our guest of
honor is a little late.


That's not good.

We have to start setting up

for the Chamber of
Commerce banquet at 5:00.

Uh, we'll be finished in time.

Ah, yes.

Yes, you will.

So... Tess doesn't
suspect anything?

No, no.

She thinks that she's...

I don't... I don't know.

What-what did you say
to get her to come here?

Well, I-I sent her a
message that I needed her

at the Salt Lake
Center Hotel ASAP.

Oh, no, Monica, you didn't.

I did.

Monica... Well,
what's wrong with that?

No, no, baby, don't do that.

No! I've got to get there ASAP.

Monica's in trouble.

This is an emergency.

Oh... oh...

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Don't I keep you clean?

And don't I keep you full?

And this is the
thanks you give me?

No, no, no, no.

I didn't mean...
I didn't mean it.

What am I, oh, what
am I gonna do now?

Oh... okay... oh.

No, no, I didn't mean it.


Nice fruit cup.

Monica, I'm getting a very
funny feeling about this.

Now, tell me exactly,
what did you say to her?

There's no way that she
could've misunderstood.

You see, Tess and I have a
wonderful way of communicating.

In fact, that's why
we're giving her

this little testimonial.

It's a way to remember
all the times that we...


Yes, exactly.

Did I tell you to think north?


I distinctly
remember telling you

to get on the bus and go north.

Go north.

But God told us there'd
be days like this, too.

Days when humans behave
so badly to one another

it's all an angel can
do to keep loving them.

But the good news is,
that's all we have to do.

Destiny doesn't happen,

it arrives, and when it does,

you either batten
down the hatches,

wait till it blows over,

or you swing open the
gates and invite it in to supper.

I wish it had a way
of showing itself.

Then it wouldn't be destiny.

And I wouldn't have a job?

Go, girl. Now
you're catching on.



I miss the old days.

What if she isn't coming?

Now, you know she's coming.

Of course she's coming,

especially if she thinks
that you need her.


Welcome to Penney's.
May I help you?

Sorry to take you away
from your magazine...


Oh, no biggie.

I read it five months
ago when it came out.

I-It's my car.

It's gorgeous.

Well, it started going
kazoonga, kazoonga, kazoonga,

and then it went poom,
poom, poom, poom,

and then it went
And then it died.


I'd say there's
something wrong with it.


I had considered
that possibility.


Well, what?

I'm a cashier.

You want a soda, I can help you.

You want change for the
pool table, you see me.

You want your car fixed,
you got to wait for Penney,

and she just left on a tow call.

Well, you've got to call
Penney and get her back here.

I've got to get back on
the road to Salt Lake City.

Well, you betcha, Red Rider.

I'll just radio Penney, have
her leave that family of six

and their big old RV in
the middle of the interstate.


Well, how long is
she gonna be gone?

Till she's done, I expect,

but lots to do
while you're waiting.

You can read old magazines,
you can drink old coffee,

or if you're a real risk-taker,
you can read old magazines

and drink old coffee
at the same time.


Sometimes, when I'm
sorting reports by era,

I daydream about, you
know, being a case worker,

about working face to face,

like-like, like you do.

But I know I just don't
have what it takes.

What do you think it takes?


So people, you know, notice you.

I noticed you right away.

- You did?
- Uh-huh.

Bet she learned that from Tess.

Uh, What?

Making people feel
better about themselves.

Oh, yes.

Tess has a marvelous ability
to always speak the truth,

no matter what.

Brace yourself, Jack,

'cause I don't
have a lot of time

to pussyfoot around with you.

I'm an angel, sent by God.

Now you can accept that, or not,

but what you will
accept, when I'm finished,

is the concept of fidelity...
Lock, stock, and barrel.

Do I make myself clear?

She can't say that.
Can she say that?

Mr. Ashburn, this is my court.

I can say what I want
to, when I want to,

and you get a chance to listen.

I don't like your lifestyle.

Monica doesn't
like your lifestyle...

God doesn't like your lifestyle,
and whether you know it or not,

you don't like your lifestyle.

And you're also

only halfway out of
your old life so far.

Getting off the streets

and getting off
dr*gs is one thing.

Staying off is another
thing altogether.

Yeah, it's gonna take hard work

and discipline and
commitment, right?

Yes, but I'm willing to do it.

I love him, do you
understand that?

And he loves me.

What he does to
you, baby, is not love.

We got a new plan.

I didn't know we had a old one.

We going to Nashville.

Oh, no, I'm not going anywhere.

The road to Nashville takes
me right past that trailer park.

I got two missing kids and
a whole truckload of stuff.

They gonna pick me up for sure.

Well, Mr. Lightfingers,

you go over there
and tell those kids

they're not getting
to Nashville,

and make sure that little
girl understands real good

that she's not gonna
get her face fixed.

Look here, woman,

if I thought that I could
get them kids to Nashville

without ending
up in jail, I'd do it.

A righteous man
would do it anyway.

Get out of the car, Nathaniel.

Better do what she says.

Hey, lady, wait a minute.

You have come to the
end of your road, mister.

It's okay.

She's an angel. I ordered one.

Are you telling me
that you're an angel?

Yes, sir, and you're
looking at a very angry angel.

Now, I'm gonna take this
child home, where he belongs,

and you, Joseph Greene,

are gonna take your
irresponsible butt

back to that hospital,

back to that angel
that's waiting for you.

Don't be scared, Dad.

They show up
every once in a while

and it's a good idea
to do what they say.

See you.

Get going! Go, now, now!

And sometimes...
I read Tess's cases

and I... I-I just laugh.

Uh-huh, yeah, but
there's a lot more to Tess

than what would
be in those files.

My files are very complete.

I'm sure they are, but they
only tell you what Tess does.

Not who Tess is.

I have read every
one of Tess's reports

ever, and some of them
are written on stone tablets,

and those pages
are hard to turn,

but I do.

Sounds like Tess is your hero.

Oh, my goodness, yes.

What confidence,
what... what stature,

what commitment.

If I could ever just...

- Surprise.
- Surprise!


This was left at the front desk.

Tick-tock, you have 20 minutes.

That man is right up there
with Tess in attitude rating.

Attitude rating?

Oh, yes, we keep
track of everything.

Attitude rating,
case success, ratios,

coffee drinking percentage.

But Tess's attitude is a record
that may never be broken.

Oh, my goodness.

Wouldn't want to
get on her bad side.

Oh, yeah, I've-I've been there.

She gets this... this look.

Sort of, um, sort
of... sort of squinty.

Oh, that's right.

There must be
something you can do.

Hey, if I owned a car like
that and it blew a gasket,

I'd blow a gasket, too.

I don't blame you
for being crabby.

I'm not crabby.

I just have to get
to Salt Lake City.

Well, the bus goes through here.

You can get it right outside.

What about my car?

Maybe Penney'll
buy it for spare parts.

For spare parts?!

Hey, I'm not making
any promises.

I'm not asking you to tear my
baby down to the spark plugs.

I'm asking for your help.

And I'm telling you,
I don't do favors.

Not for anybody?


- Nobody?
- No.

Well, we'll just see about that.

What if God has sent
her on another assignment

and we never see her again?

I would've known that.
Nothing came across my desk.

But you're not at your desk.

Uh, true.

She could be anywhere.

Monica, we'd see Tess
again, no matter what.


Well, you know
how it is sometimes.

You leave a job,
promising to call

or-or have lunch
and... and you get busy,

and a millennium
or two passes and...

Oh, dear.

You're not helping.

I'm sorry.

You know, we joke
about Tess's temper

and attitude and stuff, but...

the thing is it's-it's
times like this

when I miss her the most
that I think of the times

that she is there,
saying all the right things

and making everything better.

♪ I'm cooking, what a
blessing, what a blessing... ♪

No one can make me
smile like Tess does.

♪ I'm... ♪

How's it going out there?

Good. Going good. Um...

there've been a couple
of substitution requests.

Well, who said that
substitutions were allowed?

In the spirit of
hospitality... I did.

Well, just how hospitable
are we gonna be?

What department are you with?


I'm here to help you
improve your manners.

And just what's wrong
with my manners?

I got a list in here somewhere,

but for starters,
you're supposed

to be a heavenly
being, not a holy terror.


- Is that you?
- No,

it's the abominable snowman,

and I'm feeling more
abominable every minute.

So you think you can
get rid of these ants?

I think I can handle it.

Okay, go on. Move out.

Get your little ant
butts out of here.

Go around the corner.

I got a hole for you.

Go now. Go, go now.


That's amazing.


Anything can happen.

I just don't feel the spirit
leading me in this direction.

Oh, my!

Now, that wasn't
so bad, was it, Tess?

I think something
just flew up my nose.

She likes it!


Are you okay?


I just can't imagine
a world without Tess.

♪ I know there are lights ♪

♪ Burning brighter somewhere ♪

♪ I know there are
birds flying high up ♪

♪ In the sky more beautiful... ♪

♪ If a man can dream
of a better land ♪

♪ Where all his brothers ♪

♪ Walk hand in hand ♪

♪ Lord, tell me why ♪

♪ OH, why, oh, why ♪

♪ Why can't their
dreams come true? ♪

♪ I know there's peace and
understanding sometimes ♪

♪ Strong winds of promise
that will blow away the doubt ♪

♪ And fear ♪

♪ If a man can dream
of a warmer sun ♪

♪ Where hope keeps
shining on everyone ♪

♪ Tell me why, Lord,
phase tell me why ♪

♪ Why won't that sun appear? ♪

♪ Man is lost in a cloud ♪

♪ And there's just
too much rain ♪

♪ Man is trapped in a world ♪

♪ That's troubled with pain ♪

♪ But as long as a man has
the strength enough to dream ♪

♪ He can redeem his soul... ♪

♪ He can redeem his soul ♪

♪ And fly ♪

♪ But deep in my heart, Father ♪

♪ I have this
trembling question ♪

♪ Still I am sure that the
answer's gonna come somehow ♪

♪ Because out
there in the dark ♪

♪ There's always your
beckoning candle ♪

♪ And while a man can think ♪

♪ While he can talk ♪

♪ While he can stand,
while he can walk ♪

♪ While he can dream,
feeling his dream ♪

♪ Lord, Lord, let it come true ♪

♪ Let the man's dream
come true right now ♪

♪ I'm asking you, right now ♪

♪ Will you do it,
please, right now? ♪

♪ He needs you right now ♪

♪ Oh, right now ♪

♪ Right now ♪

♪ Oh, do it right now. ♪

It's almost 5:00.

Where is she?

Before I get on that
bus, tell me something.

Why won't you help me?

You do things for other
people, you just get in trouble.

That's not the
right way to think.

Sometimes it's the
only way to think.

Baby, what happened?

Who hurt you so bad?

Mind your own business.

Bus ought to be here any minute.

I didn't realize
you were supposed

to bring a-a present
to a surprise party.

I've never been to a surprise
party, so I guess that's why.

Please don't...
surprise me again.

Well, thank you for
being with us today.

I... trust that everything
was satisfactory?

Well, we haven't

had the I... the party yet.

The guest of honor is late.

Sir, I am the Banquet Manager.

I manage banquets...
That is what I do.

I'm not in charge of
getting your friend here.

That was your job.

Sir, our friend was apparently
unavoidably detained.

Well, yes, that
is... that is a shame.

Uh, please, take all
the time you need.

Load it in!

Uh, you won't even notice them.

Just carry on doing whatever
it is that you were doing.


Okay, put that table

in that corner
over there, please.

Well, the Lord moves
in mysterious ways.

Some are more
mysterious than others.

I believe that.

I really do.

And I know that
Tess will be here.


Careful with that
tray, all right?

I don't know exactly what
you have in mind here, Father,

but I know you're gonna
take care of my angel girl,

so I'm not even
worried about that.

And whatever you want me
to do to help this poor soul,

I'm staying.

I'm ready.

Okay, let's put up this
other banner, please.

Need you to pull that up.

Ah, watch the hair.


Boy, if Tess were here,

she would walk right
up to that Mister... Nalls,

look him straight in the eye

and-and-and give him
a piece of her mind.

Tess doesn't punish
people. She helps people.

Personally, I think
she'd be singing.


- Tess sings?
- Mm-hmm.

That's not in the files?


I thought I knew
everything about Tess.

She does that a lot?

- Oh, yes, all the time.
- I-I can't imagine

having a file on Tess that
doesn't talk about her music.

It's... it's who she is.

It's what she does.

It's her gift.

♪ Soon, it's gonna rain ♪

♪ I can feel it ♪

♪ Soon, it's gonna
rain, I can tell... ♪

♪ George Washington ♪

♪ John Adams ♪

♪ And Thomas Jefferson... ♪

♪ Well, when the saints ♪

♪ Go marchin' in ♪

♪ Well, when the
saints go marchin' ♪

♪ I tell ya, I, I, I wanna
be in that number ♪

♪ When the saints... Come
on, Al... go marchin' in ♪

♪ Well, when the saints ♪

♪ Go marchin' in, ♪

♪ I tell ya, when the
saints go marchin' in ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah, I, I, I, I ♪
- ♪ I, I... ♪

♪ I wanna be in that number ♪

- ♪ When the saints...
- ♪Go marchin' in. ♪

When Tess sings,
it's not just singing.

It's praying.

♪ Surely ♪

♪ The presence ♪

♪ Of the Lord is in this place ♪


♪ I can feel His mighty power ♪

♪ And His grace... ♪

♪ Things are confusing,
you don't know What to do ♪

♪ It seems the world
is closing in on you ♪

♪ It's time to move, but
you don't know where to go ♪

♪ You're in a panic,
but you can't let it show ♪

♪ I know just where to
find the answer you seek ♪

♪ A conversation where
you need not even speak ♪

♪ Still yourself and turn
to one who really cares ♪

♪ Take your burdens
to the Lord in prayer ♪

♪ He sure can work it out ♪

♪ Work it out ♪

♪ My God can work it out ♪

♪ Work it out ♪

♪ Don't worry,
he'“ work it out ♪

♪ Work it out ♪

♪ Yes, He will,
He'll work it out ♪

♪ God can meet you there ♪

♪ In prayer. ♪

So, does this mean
that if I could sing

I could be more like Tess?

No, no, Ronald.

It's not about copying Tess.

It's about using
whatever gift that you have

to glorify God.

Tess's gift happens to be music,

and yours is... Filing.


You could turn
filing into a prayer

just as Tess turns
a song into a prayer.

In fact, wherever she
is, whatever she's doing,

I wouldn't be surprised if
Tess were singing right now.

♪ The Lord moves
in mysterious ways ♪

♪ His wonders to perform ♪

♪ And He plants His
footsteps on the sea ♪

♪ And He rides on every storm ♪

♪ He is his own interpreter ♪

♪ And He's gonna make it plain ♪

No smokin', no spittin'
and, uh, no singing.

I don't see that sign.

I'm gonna make it right now.

That song did
something to you, didn't it?

Made you feel something
you didn't want to feel.

Why didn't you
just get on that bus?

That's not what I do.

That's not who I am.

I don't walk out on
people who need help,

even if I need help myself.

And I can sit right
here all day and all night

if that's what it takes,

and you know I will.

What about your friend?

I've put her in God's hands.

Oh, man, you're a
real piece of work, lady.

Yes, I am.

So start talking.

Well, you-you want
to hear so bad?


Here we go.

When I was a little
girl, we lived in the city,

and one day, Daddy
gave me a kiss good-bye

and he went on a business trip,

and while he was there,
he saw a house on fire

and the place was almost gone

and the firemen
hadn't even arrived,

and somebody called out
for help, and Daddy heard,

so he ran inside to save them,

but they both died.

End of story.

So that's why you
stopped helping people,

because you father died trying?

Trying and failing.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Do unto others as you
would have them do unto you.


Listen, if you're gonna
start talking to me

about God moves in mysterious
ways, save your breath.

Don't talk to me about God.

That's a shame...

'cause I'm very good
at talking about Him.


You sure you want me to leave?


Just go away.

The Bible says that
if you go into a town

and try to bring
light to the people,

but they don't want
to see the light,

that you should shake
the dust off your feet

and move on to another town.

Now you've made
it pretty clear to me

that you want me to move on,

but I can't do
that without a car.

So here's the deal:

You take me to the place
where I can help my friend...

and you can have my car.

You'd give up that beautiful car

to help your friend?


I believe in friendship.

That friend of yours
must be something.

Yes, she is.

I wish you had somebody
like that in your life.

Wouldn't matter.

I think it would.

You know, that car breaks
down in the strangest places,

and usually it's for a reason,

and I think the
reason, this time,

was to help you see the truth.

And you know the truth, huh?


Now, I can stick
it in your face,

but I can't make you look at it.

You can take my advice,
or you can take my car.

It's your choice.

That's a no-brainer.

Come on, let's go.

Oh, wow.

Is-is-is that-that a plaque?

I have always wanted a plaque.

I'm just not plaque material.

You have got to stop
being so down on yourself.

You know, if Tess were here,
she would straighten you out.

Oh, my goodness.

That would be swell.

She-she has all the moves.

She can be tough;
she can be tender;

uh, she even sings.

She can do it all.
What can I do?

I collate; I, uh, alphabetize;

I laminate.

We all serve God in our own way.

What matters is
that we serve Him.

When Tess reveals herself
as an angel to human beings,

it may be her words
and her charisma

that gets the message
across, but don't forget,

Tess is only the messenger.

The message is God's.

There's a miracle going on here.

You all thought you were
missing something in life.

Well, Merry Christmas,
because here it is.

I'm an angel, sent by God.

To a nightclub?

To a good man
who has a job to do.

Excuse me?

God has a message for you.

And He asked you
to pass it along?

Yes, He did.

Three words.

First word: God.

Second word: loves.

Third word: you.

You're no angel.

I am an angel.



From God?


For me?


Thank you, Father.

I knew it... What does
He want me to do,

walk away from the pageant?

What God wants

is to work wonderful
things in your life,

but there's a lie in
His way, a big lie.

God is truth, baby,

and anything that is not truth

is not of Him.

Truth doesn't win, okay?

Whoever is left standing,

that's who wins,
and it's gonna be me.

I will take care of what's mine.

Mark Hamilton,

you've got your eyes
on the wrong prize.

Whatever it is you
think you've got to win,

He's won it for you already
if you'll just take hold of it.

There are honest people, Calvin,

who deserve to be your heroes.

Like Abe Lincoln,

and like your mama, Calvin,

and I tell you something else...

God can make a hero out of you,

if you let Him.

He says, if you're
not fighting out of love,

it's just a fight, and
you'll never win.


He's got a poem for you.

Come here, Tim.

Now you can
float like a butterfly

and sting like a bee,

but if you want to be a
winner like Muhammad Ali,

you'll fight the good
fight that love can give,

because love is the greatest
and the best way to live.

Remember that.

I'll remember.

Now I say that you've
got something real

to say to those men out there.

I have something
real to tell you, too.

I love you, Tess,

and I never really
understood until now.


I love you, too, baby.

Ladies and gentlemen,
please enjoy your desserts,

while I introduce tonight's
Chamber of Commerce

Man of the Year.

Each year, we honor...

How does someone
become the Man of the Year?

Well, in this case,

Brandon White has done
a lot of charitable work.

I'm here. I'm here.

A policeman... Is
everything all right?

Oh, Tess, it is now.



I'm sorry.

Hey, you made it.


What is it, baby?
What's the emergency?

Oh, well, actually,
everything's all right now.

- Oh.
- We spent all afternoon

talking about you.

You weren't here
yet, and we were just...

It made us realize even more
how much you mean to us.


Yes, and I love you, too, Tess.

Others less fortunate
than ourselves.


Uh, how do you?

I'm Ronald, Records
and Permanent Files.

Uh, I took the day off

because H... I wanted
to come and meet you.

Isn't that sweet.

Oh, we have a gift for you.

Ooh, I love gifts.

Oh, lookie, lookie here.

It's a hood ornament for my car.

Andrew and I wanted
you to think of us

when you drove.

We know how much
you love that car.

Not nearly as much as
I love you two babies.

You see? No good
deed goes unpunished.

Uh, Monica,

Andrew, Ronald,
this is my friend Kelly.

We met on the road.

- How do you do? -MONICA: Hello.
- Kelly, what

is your last name?

- Rockhill.
- Rockhill.

I'm sorry. Did you say Rockhill?


Rockhill, Rockhill.


Why does that
name sound familiar?

Well, Kelly's father
died some time ago

trying to save someone,

so you probably have it in
Records and Permanent Files.

Yes. Yes, I do.

That's it.


Could I speak to
you for a second?

In this day and age,

we all find ourselves
busier than ever.

There is more to do...

When things are
slow at the department,

I reread cases.

Last week were the
Q's and-and the R's.

Uh, there aren't many
Q's because, face it,

Q is not your
most popular letter;

it always needs to
be followed by a U...

Ronald, what is it?


I'm-I'm sorry.

Monica, I know
something... Kelly...

should know about her father.

Well, tell her.

My goodness, no.

Uh, we collect

and-and-and file information.

Passing along information is...

another department.

Yours, actually.

Uh, so I can tell you,
and you can tell Kelly.

How's that?

Ronald, if God had wanted
me to deliver the message,

God would have given
me the message to deliver.

Who? Are you saying...?

Yes. God is
calling you to do it.

And he's never sought
out the limelight...



Uh, if you... if you
have a minute,

uh, if this, you know, wouldn't
be an inconvenient time...


Ronald... speak up.

Be a bold and
charismatic presence.

Come on now.

Remember Who sent you.


A man of vision, a man with

great capacities
for commitment...

For empathy, for love.

He is the type of man... Kelly?

We hope our sons will become.

We need more like him...

I have something to tell you

about your father Ben.

Uh, what is happening here?

Who are you?

I'm an angel, Kelly.

An angel?


I'm glowing.

Do you see this?

There's definite
glowage happening here.

There is, isn't there?

You're all angels?


God loves you... Kelly...

and He has sent me
here tonight to tell you

that your father
was a brave man.

He wasn't brave.

He was stupid.

He died for nothing.

Nothing good
came of what he did.

Two people died instead of one.

Everybody died.

Not everybody.

One little boy lived.



Ladies and gentlemen,
your Man of the Year,

Brandon White.


Thank you.

The first thought that
came to mind when I learned

I was going to be honored
with this award was that

I wouldn't be
standing here today

if not for the heroic sacrifice

of a man I never got
a chance to thank.

I moved here from Dayton,
Ohio, to live with relatives

when I was nine, just after
our house was destroyed

when a gas main exploded.

My dad and I were home
asleep when the expl*si*n hit.

There was fire and
smoke everywhere.

I was so badly burned,
I just wanted to die,

and then, out of nowhere,

a man walked through the
fire and pulled me to safety,

and if he hadn't kept talking
to me, I would have died.

I remember he said something

about having a little
girl just about my age.

Then I told him that
my father was still inside,

and he went back to find him,

but the house collapsed,

and two good men died that day.

It wasn't easy growing
up looking like this,

but whenever I began
to feel sorry for myself,

I thought of the
perfect stranger

who gave his life for mine,

and I dedicated myself

to do what I could to try to,

well, earn the second
chance that he had given me.

Many years later, I
eventually learned

that the man's name
was Ben Rockhill.

That's all I know about him,

but it is in his name

that I accept this
honor tonight.

Thank you.

Your father was a good man.

There is no greater love

than to give your life
for somebody else.

He knew what he
was doing, Kelly.

And God wanted
you to know that, too.

So what do I do now?

Introducing yourself

to the Man of the Year
might be a good start.

The Lord does move in
mysterious ways, huh?

How about that?

Thank you.

Oh, yeah, these.


Ooh, yes, yes, yes.

God really loves you.

Don't you ever forget that.

I won't.

Um, Tess, there's
a... another gift for you.


Who is it from?

I don't know.

Oh... I think I know.

Thank you, Father.