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02x01 - Prairie Gothic

Posted: 05/01/23 07:23
by bunniefuu

It should have been me.

Find them...

Find them and k*ll them.

You alright?

You're the only good thing that's
happened to me since Petey died.

- How much do you trust me?
- With my life.

Then maybe you are ready.

Stay back...

You touch him, I'll f*cking k*ll you.

He k*lled Pete, love.

He snuck into our house,
ate at our table...

He lied to us Anna, he lied to you.

Exactly what dad did to him.

- He's using you, darlin'.
- No, he loves me.

Out you come, Simon.

- This'll all be over, mate.
- Don't move.

Always go on two...


Don't f*ck this up.

Jack, Jack, you'll hurt her, Jack.

- Five...
- Jack!

Four, three...

Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna...

I don't hate you, Jack.

I love you...

I've always loved you.

I love you too, mate.

No, no, no, Whitey...


No, no.




Pretty cold?

I'll get you a blanket.



...Jesus, Jack, no.

f*ck, shit.

Don't you dare die on her, you bastard.

Don't you dare die on
her, d'you hear me?

Where is it?

Oh shit. f*ck.

Don't go to sleep, Jack, Jack!
Don't go to sleep.

Jack, stay awake, don't go to sleep.

I'll stop the bleeding, for yer.

Don't worry, Jack!



Anna, come back!


Jesus, Jack.

f*ck you, Jack!

f*ck you.

God, I love you.

Goodbye, Jack!


...You're just not mother material.

What do you mean
I'm not mother material?

I pay your mortgage
and the kids' tuition.

What's your point?

I want them here this summer.

The house is almost ready,
Katie can learn to ride an...

You think Katie wants to learn to ride?

My god, Elizabeth, if you spent
any time around your kids...

or even just checked
in once in a while...

you'd know Katie has no interest in...

- I miss them.
- You miss them...

Well, I'm here to tell
you, guess what...

this isn't about you,
it's about Katie...

That's what you do, Elizabeth...

Can I have two of these.


- You here for business?
- There you go.


Say something. Anything?

Ten years ago on a cool dark night...

someone was k*lled,
'neath the town hall light...

There were few at the scene
and they all agreed...

that the slayer who ran,
looked a lot like me.

The judge said, son, what is your alibi?

You were somewhere else,
then you won't have to die.

I spoke not a word,
though it meant my life.

I'd been in the arms of
my best friend's wife...


Six Twelve.

f*ck! f*ck!



Anna, come back!


Elizabeth Bradshaw?


I come from downtown.

But they just promoted me.
This doesn't make any sense.

- You need me to clarify, ma'am?
- What?

Put the legalese in plain English?

You're fired.

Good day to you.



- Ma'am?
- Who the hell are you?

I represent the shareholders.

Okay. Well, you clarify this
for the shareholders.

They can go f*ck themselves.

You tell them they're f*cking
with the wrong woman.

How's that for plain English?

Clear, Cowboy?



f*ck it.

Who's on the other end of that?

- Beijing.
- Beijing?

New partners.

Ok, Beijing.

Have you ever heard
of corporate manslaughter?

Cause in Canada...

an organisation is guilty
of corporate manslaughter

if the way in which its
activities are conducted

causes a person's death.

For example, if a burst pipe
from a carbon storage facility

were to k*ll innocent children...

We recommend that you retract
any and all allegations...

against this company,
its parent company,

any affiliates or any of its employees.

And refrain from making
any further allegations.

- Have we met?
- Or we go to the police.

Oh I think the sooner the authorities
know about this, the better.

- We'll press charges for extortion.
- Extortion?

I'm a bona fide whistle blower.

Everyone who commits extortion

who with intent to obtain anything

by threats, accusations,
menaces or v*olence...

- I know what extortion is.
- ...induces or attempts to induce

any person to do anything
or cause anything to be done.

- And I know the law.
- In your case... A promotion.

Do you really want to go to court?

Extortion is an indictable offence.
So it is liable to imprisonment.

We'd see to it you served five years.

And what makes you think I'm
not prepared to go to jail?

Those two individuals are detectives.

Go one step futher and we'll turn
you over to the federal police.

If you're firing me, I'm entitled
to a severance package.

I'm afraid you relieved us of
any obligation to remunerate you...

...when you broke the law.

I'll take two weeks salary.

You'll vacate the premises
immediately, Ms. Bradshaw...

...or you will be escorted off of them.

- Were you bullied in school?
- Excuse me?

Do you ruin people's lives for a living
because you're hurting inside...

- ...or are you just a heartless c**t?
- Security.

Oh, shit...




- We're screwed.
- What?

Northstream Oil called the cops.

- What if they know something?
- So what?

This is serious.

My daughter's lost.

She could die up here,
I need to get help.

Where are you?

On Moose Mountain.

Angela, I'm on my way.
Don't call the police yet.

- We'll find her, okay?
- Hurry.

Oh, f*ck!



Ah, f*cking bollocks.

Come on!

You fucker.

Come on!

Come on then!

k*ll me!

Severe weather warnings to
much of southern Alberta today.

Blinding blizzard
conditions are expected

to pummel most of the far
south west, and the storm

expected to deliver...


- How are you feeling?
- Peachy.

What did the surgeon say?

I get to wheel myself around
in that for the rest of my life.

What? I just spoke to the nurse

and she didn't say anything
about the rest of your life...

She's probably under the
impression you might give a crap.

That's not fair.

Do you love me?

- Yes.
- Telling pause.

Which direction did
the Chief drive off in?

Swiftly followed by the
mother of all segues.

You were the last person to see him.

I've stared death in the face, Denise.

- I think I can take the truth.
- Hey!

It's over, isn't it?


Look, I don't expect you to date
a cr*pple for the rest of your life.

I don't... I don't even know
if I still have what it takes...

to make love to you, Denise.

It was a glancing blow to the kneecap.

He tried to k*ll me.

If the Chief had wanted to
k*ll you, you would be dead.

I'm going to k*ll him.

- Great.
- Just so you know.

Which way did he go?

She knew this place.

I thought maybe she'd come back here.


Hey! Hey.

- What happened?
- She fell.

- What?
- Down some stairs.

- What about you?
- Me? I broke her fall.

Well, you know, tried to.


My partner says he saw the
chief coming into your bar.

Alright listen, sweetheart.

This an interview?

'Cos if it is, I'd
like solicitor, please.

- S'cuse me?
- A lawyer.

You'd better get one then.

She could have helped us!

- He should be dead by now.
- What if he isn't, Frank?

I say he is, Randy. I say we
forget about him, OK? I say...

What if he comes back?

Back at the cabin... that blood?

- I've no idea.
- Really?

You sure this isn't the second
house you've burnt down,

there's not another
body buried somewhere?

I found her phone here.

She must have gone to the top.

What, are you going to call the police?

Should have done it in the first place.

You need to start telling me the truth.

Shit I've got no signal.


- Anna!
- This is su1c1de.

I am taking you back down the
mountain if I have to drag you.

You drag me down
this mountain and I'll sh**t you.

You'll sh**t me?

Okay. f*ck you...

You want to die up here?

Go ahead. k*ll yourself.




Pretty cold?


- Where's Anna?
- What?

- Where's Anna?
- Who the heck is Anna.


You need to rest.

- Your muscles are in spasm.
- I need to find Anna.

He's hallucinating.

- In here. Yeah.
- This way.

Will she die?

This the Reserve?



- How'd I get here?
- Hunters found you on the mountain.

- My wife and daughter?
- No.

You got something I could
borrow, a truck or something?

Ey hee.

Have you ever ridden one of those?

No problem.

For Fucksake.

This was supposed to
be my executive mansion...

I'm no longer an executive.

So it's falling apart and
the pipes are all frozen.

But the bright side is...
we have tons of firewood...

and nobody knows we're here.

Thank you.

- Sorry. That's disgusting.
- I've had worse.

Who'd you k*ll up there?

Whoever it is, I think your daughter
has something to do with it.

And I'd be surprised
if "Jack" wasn't involved.

Is that your husband's real name?

You kept calling it out
in your sleep last night.

- What do you want?
- To feel safe.

- What's that got to do with me?
- Self-defence is one thing.

What the hell else have
I become accessory to?

- What the f*ck?
- I had to call the police.

- You did what?
- My daughter's missing.

We found Anna.

- Where is she?
- She's at the hospital. She's alive.

Oh... thanks be to Jesus.


They said there's no brain damage.

Why won't they let me see her?

She has to answer a few questions first.


Angela, I have to ask you.

Where's the chief?

Er, I was going to
ask you the same question.

You drove away together.
From the scene of a sh**ting.

He's a monster.


That's why Anna did this to herself.

She'll do anything to get away from him.

And I don't blame her...

Hate this place.

Last time I was here, I was told
my son was dead and now...

She's going to be okay,
she's going to be okay.

Mrs. Worth?

How is Anna?

I'm Sarah.

Sarah Nickel.

This is my daughter, Rosa.

We found her.

- You found her?
- Rosa did.

Shall I sit with you?



Woah, bollocks.

f*ck off.

What did she ask you?


The cop.

We talked about Anna.

Well, what did you tell her?

If you're so f*cking worried about
the cops, why don't you leave town?

What the hell's keeping you here?


I saved your life.

You saved mine.

We're quits. You can f*ck
off with a clean conscience.

Christ, if I were you
I'd be in Acapulco by now.

While you make a deal with the Feds?

- What?
- Look, I know how this works.

I'm a career criminal
but I'm not an idiot.

If they back you in a
corner, you're gonna snitch.

Go f*ck yourself.

D'you know what they do
to snitches where I come from?

I don't know anything about you.

She m*rder*d him, didn't she?


Then tried to k*ll herself.

You can trust me, Angela.

You have to trust me.
We have to trust each other.


Because I am an accessory,
to a m*rder that you committed.

You want to know what happened?

He taped us to these.

Then he er, hit me on the head

with his sock full of billiard balls.

And he stabbed my girlfriend
in the thigh with a broken bottle.


Well, I hate to disappoint
you, sweetheart...

But he's not just a drunk,
he's a psychopath.

He came in here wasted, for starters.

Made some bizarre claims
about men from his past.

I seemed to fit the bill,
you know... being British.

I told him I... I had no idea
what he was on about so...

so he...

I'll be alright in a minute.

It's probably just a touch of PTSD.

- Mr. Jackson.
- Yes.

Do I look like a
douche bag in this uniform?


- Do I look like a douche bag?
- No.

Then tell me the truth. Did
you come here to k*ll the chief?

Don't be so daft.

You leave him and his family alone.

Does it still hurt?


- I'm sorry.
- Don't be.

This is pretty.

Oh, have it.

Oh, no, er.

- Thanks.
- My mum gave it to me.

I don't want it anymore.

I often think about escaping.

Maybe I should be apologising to you.

That would be weird.

Can you make her go away?

How is she?

Mrs. Worth.

I bought some ice cream for
her throat, and some new clothes.

She's, er... she's
too tired for visitors.

Last time I did this, she'd
just had her tonsils out.

Did she, er, tell you
she didn't want to see me?


Rosa? Thank you.

For being a friend.

Can you... d'you wanna help me here?

- Nick!
- Yes.

Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry...

Why are you doing this?

It was an accident!

Taking me in.

Your place has stairs.



You feel guilty...

because the Lone Ranger
you're playing Tonto to

shot me at close range and
you haven't even suspended him.

I have to find him first.

They're making you chief
on account of my injury.

And because you're
First Nations. And female.

Come on, Denise. You know
it's a political statement.

D'you want something to eat?

What I want's best served cold!

I'll get it.



Denise about?


Your girlfriend. She
lives here, doesn't she?


- What's the matter with you?
- You shot me.

- Where?
- Outside Randy's.

Well, not in the head then?

I must have been f*cking plastered.

- Oh, great. You're alive!
- Where's my f*cking family?

- Where the hell have you been?
- What happened to my f*cking house?

What the hell are you
doing with our new truck?

Can we talk outside?

Cheer up. I've been shot in the
leg, you don't see me complaining.

No, no, no, that is not yours,
that is Police property.

Well, you're not driving it, are you?

- When you going to chuck him?
- What happened to you?

I dunno, I was hoping you'd tell me.

Me? I can barely keep up with you.

- I've covered up a m*rder for you...
- Did ya?

I can't carry on like this.

At the very least I'm going
to have to suspend you.

Which one?

- Which what?
- Which m*rder.

Oh, my God, are you telling me
there's been more than one?

Hang on.

Oh, you mean Elaine.

He stole my f*cking gloves.

Big black fella, come here to k*ll me.

I trusted you.

I hid evidence for you!

- That's good police work, that is.
- Not where I come from!

- What kind of man are you?
- I don't know.

So whatever followed you here,

whatever you needed to do
to protect your family, I get it.

But I need to know that it's over.

Well, I'm not going to know
that till I find 'em, am I?

- So they're still alive then, are they?
- Yes!

- They're safe?
- From you.

- Do you want to do the right thing?
- Always.

Just leave.

- Is this cause I shot your boyfriend?
- No.

- So, er, where are they then?
- I don't know.

- In town?
- I don't know.

At the Hotel?

- I don't know.
- Hospital?

- I don't know.
- Hospital.

What the f*ck happened?

So are you staying,
are you coming or what?


Did you bring my clothes I asked for?

Love, you can't just discharge
yourself. You're not well enough.

I told you, I'm not
sticking around here, Frank.

- Hey, hey.
- I'm scared.

Don't underestimate my nephew.

You're never going to see that
kid again, Frank, and you know it.

So stop bullshitting us
both and face the facts.

Sooner... not later...

the man that stuck me
with a broken bottle

is going to come around looking for us

and I don't want to
be here when he does.

Worth? Anna? Angela?

- And you are?
- Tired.

Anna's in the last
room on the right, Chief.


I left him there to die.

For Anna.

Somebody had to stop him.

He destroyed our family.

He destroyed everything he touched.

I m*rder*d my husband.

You asked me what
happened on that mountain.

That's the truth.

No, no...

Get off me.

Get off me.

What have I done?

Get off.


Where were you going?

Anna, I know this is hard.


your brother and now your dad.

But you still have me.

You did this.

You set him off.

And then...

you just stood there...

and did nothing.

While he pointed a g*n at me
and pulled the trigger.

- You let him do it.
- Anna.

I'm bad.

I know I'm bad...

but I'm so, so sorry
I'm not who you thought I was.

But I can be who you want me to be.

From now on.

It's over between me and Jack.

I'm better now.

We are both better off without him.

Oh, my God, you still don't know.

Know what?

He's alive.

- What?
- Mum.

He's in the f*cking building.




- This one.
- Okay.

Let's go!


Will he find you?



Will he hurt you?

Not like you think.

So what are you afraid of?


What I'll do to him.

To punish him.




Where is she?

I'm right here, you bastard.

- Thank f*ck for that.
- Shut up.

- Sorry.
- Don't say a f*cking word.

Go outside. Look in his truck.
You'll find a pair of handcuffs.

Get them. Call the police.

- Call the police?
- Yeah!

You have no idea, do you?

No memory at all of what you did.

She tried to...

hang herself, Jim.

Because of what you did.

Because of Jack.

There is no undoing what you've done.

There is no going back. There is no...

way that our...

little wee family...

can ever be together again after this.


Why not?

Because Anna...

was the one who shot you.

She wants you dead.

So do I.