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06x25 - Mother's Day

Posted: 05/01/23 06:39
by bunniefuu
Ashley Goburger
got her braces off,

and she's acting
all weird again.

And Colin Berg... he
found $5 in the boys' room.

Kenny Sherman said it was his,

but everybody knows he's lying.

Let's see, what else?

Um... I've been
feeding Fluffy every day,

taking him for
walks... 'cause...

your mom's sort of
been forgetting stuff.


I've been thinking.

If you run into any
angels or anything?

Maybe you ought to send
some to your mom's house.

Don't worry.

I'm handling everything, but...

I think we could use
some help down here.

I remember this house, Tess.

Then you know who
we're here to see.


The last time I was here...

Petey was here, too.

♪ All the colors
of the rainbow ♪

♪ All the voices of the wind ♪

♪ Every dream that reaches out ♪

♪ That reaches out to
find where love begins ♪

♪ Every word of every story ♪

♪ Every star in every sky ♪

♪ Every corner of creation ♪

♪ Lives to testify... ♪

So you going to rent the room?

Well, I'm not sure yet.

And he has to take
lots of medicine,

and he's been to
the hospital 22 times.

And someday, he's going
to get a lung transplant.

And then it'll be okay.

So this is Fluffy.

Celine named him.

Monica! Petey's in trouble.

Next time Petey comes in
here, he won't be coming out.

- What's this?
- Nothing.

I was just making a list

of things I've got
to do before I die.

Everybody should
have one of these.

Will you promise me something?

- What?
- When I die,
can I do it here?

In my room, with you
and Celine and Fluffy?

There's someone else who
wants you to finish that song.

You began it as a psalm,

a hymn of praise to God.

God wants to hear it.

All of it.

But you know, he's
such a tough little boy.

He just won't go until

everything on
this list is finished.

That's why I can't finish it.

If I finish it, he'll die.

She did it, Petey!

She finished the song.

♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

You did it, Mom?

- Yep.
- ♪ I will testify to love ♪

♪ I'll be a witness
in the silences ♪

♪ When words are not enough ♪

♪ With every breath I take ♪

♪ I will give thanks
to God above ♪

- You're coming, too.
- ♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ I will testify... ♪


♪ I will testify to love... ♪

♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ I will testify to love ♪

♪ I'll be a witness
in the silences ♪

♪ When words are not enough ♪

♪ With every breath I take ♪

♪ I will give thanks
to God above ♪

♪ For as long as I shall live ♪

♪ I will testify to love. ♪


I didn't expect this, Tess.

I thought...

I thought that we
had done our job.

We did, baby.

We told her the truth,

and we helped her
say good-bye to her son.

She never forgave us for that.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Carmichael residence.

No, I'm sorry. She's
not available right now.

May I take a message, please?

That depends.

What's this regarding?

She's in Alaska.

For a year.

But I'll tell her
you called. Bye.

Mrs. Carmichael...

Mrs. Carmichael.

Good morning.

Mrs. Carmichael...

- Who was on the phone?
- Nobody.

You know, you're
out of orange juice.

You want me to get some?

That's okay, sweetheart.

I think I'll go to
the store today.


Well... I got to
go to school, so...

Okay, honey. Thanks.

The grocery store.




Hello, Audrey.

Do you remember us?

Sometimes humans only
remember the experience,

and not the angels themselves.

I remember you.

This may be a shock,

but we happened to
be in the neighborhood,

and we've been
thinking about you.

And God's been
thinking about you, too.

How you doing?

Couldn't be better.

That song that
you wrote for Petey,

I thought I would've heard
it on the radio by now.

It was so wonderful.

I don't write music anymore.

Oh, that is a shame.

God gave you such a great gift.

Heh. He gave me a son, too.

But then He took my son away.

So I took the music away.

You know, Audrey...

grief has stages, and
anger's one of those stages,

but you should be
past that by now.

It's like something is keeping
you stuck there, isn't it?

Andrew, right?

- Yeah.
- Andrew,

when you've lost a
child, you can come back

and preach to me about
how I should be feeling.

But until that happens...

I don't mean to be
rude, but... go away.

All of you.

I really, really don't
want to see you again.

Audrey, you can't mean that.

Sometimes funny things happen

when people discover
that God exists.

It should make them happy.

And give them hope.

But they don't
want Him for that.

They just need
somebody to blame.

So what do we do now?

She made it very clear

she doesn't want
any angels around.

She said... she
didn't want us around.

She didn't say she didn't
want an angel around.





Tess! Is that you?

Oh, why, heaven's
sake... oh, honestly.

I saw you all
there and I thought,

"Gosh, that looks like Andrew

and Tess and Monica."

isn't it a coincidence

that I'm on my way
to see them just now?"

And then you called
out, and... Bless you.

I mean, it is you.

Uh, it is him.

Uh, do you know why you're here?

I haven't the vaguest
idea, but I'm ready.

Good afternoon.


My name is Emma.

I do not drink, smoke,
use foul language,

cook fish, or play loud music

after 9:00, or do the crosswords
until I am absolutely sure

you are finished with the paper.

Excuse me?

I am a bit of a housekeeper,

but of course, that
could be an advantage

in this case.

I'm sorry, I'm a
little confused.

This is all very interesting,

but I have no idea
what it is you want.

Well, I'd like to give you
six months’ rent in advance,

unless you have a
problem with that.


No, I don't.

Uh, but wouldn't you

like to see the room first?

Good idea.

Audrey's right.

None of us have ever
had our hearts broken

by the loss of a child.

No, only God can
understand that pain.

Well, except for someone
else who's lost a child.


You know, sometimes
God uses angels

and sometimes human
beings, and this time,

it's a lady from Atlanta.

I'm on the air in two
hours, and you're telling me

that you don't have Fitzgerald?

So, you have exactly until 9:30

to find me a new
best-selling expert

on parapsychology
and a new producer.

I'm the producer.

You were.

She's all yours, angel boy.

But if Andrew is here,

and Emma is there,
what about me?

Where do I fit in?

Well, the Father is sending
you to the middle, angel girl.

It's a place you've
never been before.

Between past and
present, light and dark,

truth and memory.

What are you doing here?

I'm not here, Audrey.

You're having a dream, Audrey.

I'm not here.

You're having a dream, Audrey.

Where are you?

Where are you, Audrey?


Where are you, Audrey?

I'm dreaming, right?

"For as long as I shall live,

I will testify to love."

"I will testify to love."

I hate that song.

- Where are you, Audrey?
- I don't know.

It's almost Mother's
Day, Audrey,

and you won't testify;
you won't show up.


Sh-Show up where?

Hey, it's almost
Mother's Day, you wimp.

Get a move on.

No! No!

I can't pay for it!
I don't deserve it!

Here's how it works:

when you love somebody,
you need somebody, see?

And when you need them,

that makes you weak,

but knowing you're weak,

then that's what
makes you strong.

Get it?

That's what makes you strong,

and that's the song.

"That's What Makes You Strong."

What song?

The new song.

Ah, the return of
the Red Menace.

Think about that, America,

while you're trying to
sleep tonight, if you can.

And I'll be back
tomorrow, coast to coast.

This is Liz at Night,
live from Atlanta.

Your local news
is coming up next.

So, good night, sweet dreams,

and remember, my friends,

what doesn't k*ll you
only makes you stronger.

♪ WKZN. ♪

The 32-member taskforce

was formed yesterday...

I don't expect much
from a producer.

You just keep the calls coming;
you screen out the weirdos.

Good night, Cody. Good show.

You coordinate the occasional
guest and spoon-feed me

some hometown stories
from the local stations.

I'll do the rest.


I can do that.

Good, 'cause that's the job.

I'm tough and demanding,
but it's my name, not yours.

But I am reasonable.

I'm always willing to
listen to a good idea.

Okay, great. How about this?

How about a series on addiction?

Five addictions, five nights.

We'll do, um, the Internet,

food, alcohol, gambling...

No, too depressing.

Oh, I disagree.

I think that someone
who found a way

to overcome her own addiction

can actually
offer a lot of hope.

Well, I'm impressed.

You've done your homework.


And I think it's
very interesting

that someone who
turned over control

of one part of her life to God

has a little trouble sometimes

turning over the
rest to Him, too.


The tough and demanding part?

Well, maybe.

Maybe, but I also think you're
tough and demanding on yourself,

and that's because you're
still punishing yourself.

I, um, also know
that you lost a child.


Yes, I did.

However, that's
really ancient history,

and I don't like
to talk about it,

and I'd really appreciate
it if you didn't either.

I understand.


The secret to spring
cleaning, Celine,

is starting at the top
and working down.

Ceiling fixtures, walls,

cupboards, counters,
drawers, and floors.


Has a nice conga rhythm.

Does Mrs. Carmichael
know what you're doing?

I thought I'd surprise her.

Well, maybe you
better check with me

before you do
anything else, okay?

She's been through
a lot already.

What exactly do you mean?

Well, her little boy died,

and his name was Petey.

You must miss Petey very much.

He was... He was
my best friend ever.

Just before he died,

I made that flag
for him outside,

so that the angels would know
where to come and get him.

And his mom wrote
him a song, too.

A song?


She writes music and stuff.

That's her job.

She's kind of...

taking some time
off now, though.

Mmm, yes, I can see that.

I had a dream
about you last night.

What are you doing?

Spring cleaning.

Makes you strong.

♪ That's what
makes you strong... ♪

♪ That's what
makes you strong... ♪

Don't mind me.

Keep going.

♪ That's what makes you strong ♪

♪ That's what gives you... ♪

♪ That's what makes you strong ♪

♪ That's what gives you power ♪

♪ That's what lets the meek ♪

♪ Come sit beside the King ♪

♪ That's what lets us smile ♪

♪ In our final hour... ♪

What is that?

Where's it coming from?

Hello, Celine.

Hey, Tess.

I haven't seen you
since Petey, you know...

I remember.

Well, how have you been?

Okay, I guess.

You guess, huh?

Yeah, well, I-I've
got a problem.

I don't know what to do.

I prayed to God for angels

to coma and help me,
but maybe you'll do.


What's the trouble?

We're moving.

My dad got transferred
to Fort Worth, Texas.

Oh, Texas is a very nice place.

But-but what will Petey's
mom do without me?

Have you told her?

Nah, she's... She's
kind of sick right now.

Yes, I know.

You do?

- Yes.
- Then did you know

there's this weird lady
who lives there now,

and she cleans everything?

As a matter of fact, I do.

I know her very well.

Her name is Emma.

She's an angel.

And so am I.

Whoa. Cool.

You need help, and
you're going to get it.

But we're all going to
need to work together.

To help Audrey.

Hey, honey, what you doing
sitting there all by yourself?

Um, talking to angel.


♪ Laying the blame on it ♪

♪ relation where
I stand with you ♪

♪ You've been telling
that you love me true... ♪

Oh, God, please help me.

♪ And I see you running ♪

Highway 20 is clear

both in and out of the city.

- So you're an angel, huh?
- Yep.

Tess says the best
way I can help Audrey is

help you clean up around here.

That's the plan.

Can't you just wiggle
your nose or something?

Doesn't work that way.

Okay, but I don't get it.

Mrs. Carmichael doesn't
even come in here anymore.

As a matter of fact,

she was here this
morning writing a song.

♪ If you love somebody ♪

♪ Then that means
you need somebody ♪

♪ And if you need somebody ♪

♪ That's what you
makes you weak. ♪

You dust, I'll vacuum.

We're live from Atlanta
going out to all 50 states

for the next four hours.

And tonight we want to hear
from you about alcoholism.

Now I want to hear some
success stories, folks.

You tell me yours,
and I'll tell you mine.

'Cause I know there's gotta
be somebody out there tonight

who's looking at that bottle,

trying not to pour
that next drink.

And maybe, just maybe we
can give them a little support.

So give me a call
here at 1-800-555-0199.

Hi, caller you're on the air.


Hi, you're on the air.

Hi. My name's Celine.

How old are you, Celine?


Hey, there. Where
are you calling from?

Palatine, Illinois.

I'm calling about
my friend Audrey.

Okay. How old is Audrey?

I don't know. She's pretty old.

I think she's, like,
30 or something.

Are you concerned that Audrey's
got a problem about drinking?

Well, maybe, but she wouldn't

if she could just
stop being so sad.

See, I was thinking she's
a really good songwriter.

If you just put her
song on the radio,

and if people liked it,

maybe they'd ask
her to write more.

And then she'd be, she'd be

too busy to drink
tequila anymore.

Well, honey, that's
real sweet, but I'm sorry.

We just don't have time

on tonight's
program for that, so...

No, no! Just
listen! You'll like it!

♪ Somebody... ♪

♪ Then that means
you need somebody ♪

♪ And if you need somebody ♪

♪ That's what makes you weak ♪

♪ But if you know you're weak ♪

♪ And you know you
need someone... ♪


Sorry. Sorry, gotta go. Bye!

No, don't hang up!
Don't go off the air!

Hello? Go to commercial.

What is it?

That song. I wrote that song.

There's only one other
person in the world

that knows that song.

My little girl.

The child I lost 30 years ago.

This is the craziest thing,

but I'm telling you that song
that kid played on the radio,

I wrote that for Adrienne
when she was a baby.

I sang that song to her
every night for four years.

Okay, but your little girl
was named Adrienne,

and the lady on the tape was...

It's close enough.

Besides, I'm
telling you, Andrew,

nobody on the planet knows
that song except Adrienne and me.

I've got to find her
'cause she's in trouble,

and she needs me.

We have got to get that
Celine back on the phone.

Whatever you have to do.

- 30 seconds, Liz.
- Okay, let's do it.

Why was the tape player on?

I was playing your
song on the radio.

What are you talking about?

The song you wrote
today about being strong?

I was talking to a lady
on the radio about you.

I let her hear your song.

Have you lost your mind?

I'm trying to help you.

I don't need your help.

Yes, you do!

You're turning
into an alcoholic!

And you probably got
a drinking problem too!

And you sleep all the time,

and you won't go
see Petey anymore!

Shut up! Shut up!

I was trying to find somebody
who could help you...

'cause I can't anymore.

I'm moving away. My
dad got transferred.

Then who's gonna
take care of you, huh?

Nobody. And that's fine with me.

You're a pest.

And I don't need
you or anybody else.

Go on and get out of here.

Move, move away. I don't care.

Good-bye, Mrs. Carmichael.


I'm Celine's friend, Emma.

I'm living over at
Audrey Carmichael's.

Oh, right, right.

So what can I do for you?

Well, I came home just now,
and all the doors are wide open.

Audrey can't be found
anywhere, so I thought perhaps

Celine would know where she was.

Um, is, is. Yes, is.

I got a pretty good idea
where you can find Audrey.

She's, um...

Well, you probably shouldn't
go there alone. Hold on.

Uh, honey?

♪ If you knew Peggy Sue ♪

♪ Then you know
why I feel blue ♪

♪ Without Peggy... ♪

♪ My Peggy Sue-ue-ue ♪

Audrey, hurry!

It's almost Mother's Day.

What are you
waiting for, Audrey?

Mother's Day, remember?

Chicken? What a wimp.

I can't. I can't.

I can't.

- Where were you?
- I tried to go.

Last Mother's Day?

I had flowers, took my guitar.

I was going to sing.

Sing your song.

I saw a bar, a
bar along the way.

By the side of the road.

I pulled in just for a drink.

- To stop the pain.
- To stop the pain.

I just...

I just...

You've never
gotten past the bar.

I never made it to his grave.

You're stuck at the bar.

I'm stuck.

I'm stuck at the bar.

The new song is
the old song, Audrey.

"Testify to Love"?

That's what makes you strong.

Turn it off! Turn off that song!

What, you got a
problem with the music?

No, I just...

Hey, Sam, did I ever tell
you about my angel story?

Yeah, Audrey, you did.

Weird thing
happened to me today.

I wrote this song.

I mean, I remembered it. My
mother used to sing it to me.

That's nice.

No, no, no, it's not.

I hate my mother.

She left me in a parking
lot at a shopping center.

She abandoned me.

Why would I want to remember

a thing about a
woman like that, huh?

She must have really hated me.

You want me to call you a cab?

Ah, there you are.

Oh, good heavens,
look at the dust.

You could plant
potatoes in here.

I'm glad you're driving

because I don't have
a clue where we are.

Plus I don't know how to drive.

I'd like to learn someday.

Oh, look, a radio.

Probably nothing
on at this hour.

Do you mind?


So, Celine, if you're out
there, please call me back.

And if you're just joining us,

I'm looking for a
little girl named Celine

who called in just a little
while ago with some news

about her friend
Audrey who writes music

in Palatine, Illinois.

Oh, that's my little girl.

We have reports of an
overturned tractor trailer.

She's asleep. Thank you.

- Hi.

Yeah, I'm calling from Illinois.

I was listening to
your show this evening,

and I've got some
information for you.

You mean, information
about Celine?

That's right, yeah.
I'm Celine's father.

Oh, that's great.
Hold on while I...

Good morning, sunshine.

You have company.

What are you doing here?

I think that you need
to talk to this lady.

Who are you?

I'm your mother.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I don't have a mother.

Audrey, Celine called
our radio station last night,

and she played
your song, on the air.

Yeah, so?

I wrote that song.

And I wrote it for you,

and every night before
I'd put you to bed,

we'd sing that song.

Honey, your real
name is Adrienne,

and I've been searching for you

for 30 years.

Look at this.

My name is Audrey.

And whoever you are,
and whoever you were,

I don't see the point
of you showing up now.

Well, come on now.

It can't be a coincidence.

That song, that girl
calling into my show,

and asking me, of all
people, to help you?

I don't need your help.

I think you do.

And that's why I'm here.


And that's why you're here now?

Where were you when
I really needed help?


I needed help on
my first day of school.

I needed my mother when
I was planning my wedding.

When I got pregnant,
when my husband left me.

When I lost my child.

You have a child?

Not anymore.

And neither do you.

You left her sitting
in a parking lot.

I was a fool to think

that anybody would have
ever told her the truth.

I don't blame her for
calling me a monster.

This is Petey.

I never knew him, but I was told

he was just a bundle of love.

Well, say something!

Am I going crazy?


Am I awake?


Was that you in my dreams?


God's voice will be
heard, no matter what.

Whether you listen is up to you.

I did listen to Him before.

And look what happened.

I wrote a song and my baby died.

You wrote a beautiful
song, Audrey,

that helped Petey
to die in peace,

with a joyful heart for
the life that he had lived,

and with great hope for the life

that he wanted
you to keep living.

God loves you, Audrey.

He gave you a great gift.

He gave you His
blessed assurance

that your son will
be with Him forever.

And He made you a promise,

that He would mend
your broken heart,

if you would give
Him all the pieces.

But you didn't.

You held onto them.

You held onto the guilt,

and the anger,
and the loneliness.

And those pieces are sharp,

Audrey, and they're dangerous.

And the tighter you hold them...

the deeper they will
tear into your soul,

until your spirit
bleeds to death.

That is what you
are doing to yourself.

It is horrifying; it is ugly;

and it is su1c1de.

Now, alcohol may
block the pain of it,

but it can't save you from it.

Only God can do that.

God sometimes sends you
an angel to show you the way.

And sometimes... He
sends you a mother.

You were four years old

when your dad
and I got a divorce.

And I got full custody of you,

and he was... pretty devastated.

One day, he showed
up at the house,

and just begged to
take you to the zoo.

And... something in me said no,

don't do it, but...

You know, I was just so
sick and tired of the fighting...

that I said "Okay, but have
her back by suppertime."

And he never brought you back.

Went and disappeared with you,

and that's the last
time I ever saw you.

Until right now.

I always knew something
wasn't right, I guess.

We never stayed
anywhere very long.

So I guess it was easier to
hate than... than to miss you.

Adrienne... Audrey...
I'm an alcoholic.

I started drinking the
day that I lost my baby.

I drank for ten years.

Until I finally
realized I was weak,

and gave control of
my life over to God.

And I think that's why

He sent me here to help you.

We both lost our babies.

And we lost each other.

But honey, we need
each other so much.

It's okay to admit
that you're human

and that you're weak.


That's what makes you strong.

Why, I had no idea when I
wrote that song a long time ago

that we'd need the
words to that today.

And I thank God so
much for this moment.


I lost my baby, Mama.

Oh, God, I'm so alone.

No, you're not.

No, you're not.

You got me now... You got God...

And we're gonna get
through this together.

One step at a
time, starting today.

You know why?


'Cause it's Mother's Day.

I know you're in Heaven.

So it's not like I'm really
leaving you or anything.

But I'm going to
miss coming here.

I promise I'll come
back from Texas,

check things out, as
soon as I learn to drive.

I love you.

He loves you, too, baby.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I came to apologize.

It's okay.

It's not okay.

You were such a
good friend to Petey.

And to me.

And I'm so sorry I hurt you.

You were just trying to help.

And you know what?

You did.


More than you'll ever know.

Will you forgive me?

I have somebody
I want you to meet.

This is Petey's grandmother.

He was my very best friend.

He liked science and baseball.

He was gonna be a doctor.

He was really smart,
and he read books,

and he loved...

He always did like to
hear his mama sing.

♪ If you love somebody ♪

♪ Then that means
you need somebody ♪

♪ And if you need somebody ♪

♪ That's what makes you weak ♪

♪ But if you know you're weak ♪

♪ And you know
you need someone ♪

♪ Oh, it's a funny thing ♪

♪ That's what makes you strong ♪

♪ That's what makes you strong ♪

♪ That's what gives you power ♪

♪ That's what lets the meek ♪

♪ Come sit beside the King ♪

♪ That's what lets us smile ♪

♪ In our final hour ♪

♪ That's what moves our souls ♪

♪ And that's what
makes us sing... ♪