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06x23 - Monica's Bad Day

Posted: 05/01/23 06:37
by bunniefuu
Uh, yeah, Four-G-five-seven.

Yeah? Eight-five-seven.
Go ahead.

I'm calling it a day.

Keep the change.

Thank you, sir.

Uh, heading back to the garage.

Uh, yeah, but I need cabs

at Lincoln Center right away.

Opera's getting out.

Yeah, opera shmopera.

- I've had along...
- Hey!

Stop, please.

Get out of the way, will you?

What's the matter with you?!

You want to get
run over or what?

I have to get to the
Queensboro Bridge.

Hey, well, take
another cab. I'm off...

Hey! Hey, hey,
what are you doing?

This is an emergency.

Oh, look, it's always
an emergency, lady.

Tell me something I don't know.

I am an angel sent from God,

and if you don't give
me a ride in this taxi,

you will have no one

but the Almighty Creator of
heaven and earth to answer to.

All right, you're nuts.

Are you prepared to
take the risk that I'm not?

50 bucks says no.


Uh, taking one more fare.

Hey, hey, sweetheart,
you owe me $27.

- Come and get it.
- Hey, hey!

Step on it! Go, go, go, go, go!

This has been one of those days.

I don't think she's ever
had one of those days.

Well, she's having one now.

I better get going.

You gonna give her a head start?

Not much of one.

Have you lost your mind?

This is kidnapping.

I'm-I'm... I'm calling the cops.

I can't call the cops.
You k*lled my phone.

Listen, uh, you-you,

drive to the nearest
police station.

No, we can't stop. We
can't even slow down.

We have to be at the Queensboro
Bridge by 10:00 tonight,

or else someone is going to die.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

I Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Can't we go any faster?

You want to go faster?

You're an angel.
Why don't you fly?

It's not that simple.

My abilities have been
severely diminished today.

Oh. Got you.

If somebody's down at
the bridge is about to die,

what does that make you?

Like, uh, Angel of Death?

Uh, no. The Angel of
Death is in the taxi behind us.

Excuse me.

I... I don't want to
interrupt you two,

but this is my planet.

Maybe you could
drop me off here.

Mr. Hodge, let me explain.

I know that this must
seem very confusing for you,

but I really am an angel.

I'm just having a very bad day.

You're having a bad day?

Wait a second.

How does an angel
have a bad day?

Well, it begins

when you actually start
thinking you're an angel.

Uh, something like that's bound

to make everything
seem a little off.

And then one morning,

you get up on the
wrong side of the halo.

Poof! There goes your day.

You know, it doesn't

really matter whether
you believe me or not.

What matters is that we get to
the Queensboro Bridge by 10:00.

We? There's no "we."

There's you and this
enabling cab driver.

What have I got to do with this?

This all started
with you, Mr. Hodge.

Remember a few hours ago?

I was with my friend Tess.

She's an angel, too.

She has a car... a red Cadillac?

I really do love
you, angel girl,

and you do a lot
of wonderful things,

but New York is
not really the place

to learn parallel parking.

I-I-I think I can see
what I did wrong, Tess.

One more try...
and I'll have it.

Uh, loan office, please.

Mr. McFarlane, please.

Flynn Hodge.

Yes, I know I'm
running a little late.

Well, I'm only a block
away. Just ask him to stay!

Can it wait until Monday?

No, it won't wait until Monday!

I have to speak to
Mr. McFarlane today.


JESS: Oh:!


You all right?

Uh. What the hell kind of
parking job is this anyway?

Oh, I think I know
what went wrong.

Oh, I'll tell you
what went wrong.

Somebody let you drive this car.

I'm really very sorry.


I will never understand
humans, Tess.

Well, what can I say, baby?

The world is full of anger,
and people have a way

of saving it up
and then dumping it

on the next
unsuspecting poor soul

that gets in their way.

Please don't let this
get under your skin.

Just ignore it.

But what that man did...

It hurt me as if he
was trying to k*ll me.

How can I ignore that?

Well, you better learn how.

Don't let this
ugliness in your heart,

because in this human form,

what's in your heart
is what you become.

And that's how it all started.

Because I didn't listen to her,

and I didn't let go
of what you did.

Okay, whether
you're crazy or not,

it was a childish,
rude thing to do.

I learned a terrible
lesson today, Mr. Hodge.

A simple gesture,

a hateful remark, a single
word can change the world.

That's beautiful.

Mr. McFarlane, please.

I'm sorry. He left for the day.

I told you to ask him to wait.

I forgot.

You forgot?

Well, I guess it's a good
thing you're a banker

and not a parachute
instructor, huh?


You again?

Excuse me.

I feel terrible about
what happened outside,

and I'd like to do something
to make your day better.

Yeah, you could give
me $30,000, learn to park,

and then go join
Morons Anonymous.

Human beings are really
starting to get on my nerves.

Guard your heart, angel girl.

- It's the wellspring of life.
- Excuse me?

Well, your heart and
your soul's like a river

that can be poisoned very
easily if you're not careful,

especially an angel.

You see there?

It started already.

You let that man get to you,

and now you've
taken up his anger.

It's like some kind of a
human virus you've caught.

You're not used to angry
things coming your way,

and you're having
a very bad reaction.

It's true.

Everything feels different.

Nothing is comfortable.

You know, it's all vaguely...

- Annoying?
- Annoying, yes.

- Ow! Ow!
- Ooh, baby, baby!

- Want you, girl. -Oh, you're a honey.
- Yeah.

Yeah? Who are you looking at?

It's 5:00.

Go home to your wives.

You want to be my wife?

Baby, you got it bad.

Oh, my goodness.


Oh, hey. Is this
the box, Mrs. M?

Yeah. There's some
nice stuff in there.

I'm sure somebody can use it.

Absolutely. I'm gonna
drop this off after work.

Say, you want to come
by the shelter some time?

My wife would love to meet you.

Thanks, Harvey.

Oh, hey, Mrs. Soyvelle,
let me help you with that.

How are you, Bea?

Excuse me. Excuse me,
Miss, have you seen...?

No. No. Keep moving.

We're gonna have

to get you a new
attitude before you infect...

Oh. Sorry.

The whole city of New York. Oh!

- Excuse me. Pardon me? Pardon me, sir?
- Hold it.

Um, may I have a moment
of your time, please?

Uh, have you seen, uh, someone,

a young man that
looks like that?

I mean, he may look
a little different now.

Yeah. No, no. Sorry. All right.

All right. No, hey, thank you.

Thanks anyway.
Have a nice day. Oh.

- Ooh, hey.
- Yeah, it's McFarlane.

Yeah, so are there
any messages for me?

Excuse me. Have
you seen my brother?

Is there any chance you'll
see your son tomorrow?

I don't know. Russell
and I don't talk.

This was in the files,
along with Audrey's will.

She wanted you
to give it to him.

You give it to him.

I can't. Her instructions
are very clear.

Of course. This is her way
of trying to get us together.

But now that she's
gone, what's the point?

How hard is it to find out?

Simon, just call him up.

Have some dinner,
see what happens.

It isn't that simple, Andrew.

It'll be a lot harder tomorrow
at the funeral if you don't.

Do you, uh, know
a place around here

where we might
get a decent dinner?

Excuse me. Have
you seen my brother?

Miss, have you seen this person?

I do. Um...

it's a few blocks down
on 57th... Flynn's.

- Flynn's?
- Yeah.

Well, see you tomorrow.

Make the call.

I really appreciate that.

Yeah. Uh, please
tell Mr. McFarlane

I only need about five
minutes of his time,

and that I'm sorry I
missed him today.


Yes, you can reach me
on my cell phone, yeah.

Okay, thanks.


Good news, everybody.

No one's gonna be fired... yet.

Uh... I'm expecting a
call from that loan officer

at any minute.


I knew this was going
to be a good day.

I knew it.

Thanks anyway.

Here we are.

This'll do you good.
It'll get you off the street.

Hello. Hello. Two?

- That's right.
- Yes, thank you.

See, that's what I mean.

There are two of us,

so why does she
have to say, "Two?"

We'll just have
two Caesar salads,

no anchovies.

And no coffee.


- Will you calm down, angel?
- Yeah, how you doing?

- Uh-huh! - Tess... Hello?



Oh, hi. Yes.

Everything is making
me really upset.

If you will be strong,
you can get through this.

That's it. I'm sorry.

Just ignore it.

I can't!

Somebody's gonna answer it.

Flynn's call...

Flynn, that could
be your banker.



Wait a minute,
angel girl. What...?

Hey, hey... hey,
what are you doing?

What are you... no!

What? What...?

Do you mind telling
me why you did that?

I just couldn't
stand it anymore.

Yeah, but... my entire future

was riding on this phone call!

It is very rude to let a phone

ring and ring
and ring like that.

You have no idea how
noise can affect someone.

Come on, baby, let's get
away from the lobster t*nk.

- Just keep her away from me.
- Oh...

Tess, why is this
happening to me?

I tried to tell you, baby.

That attitude that you've
caught... it's contagious.

It should have stopped
with you, but it didn't.

Now it's just going to be passed
from one person to the next,

to the next, to the next,

and before we get out of here,

everybody in this
place will have it.

Now come on, sit down
at this table over here.

So she k*lled your phone,

and now it sleeps
with the fishes.

Please hurry.

We're running out of time!

Do you know what I think?

I don't think there's
anybody waiting to die

at the Queensboro Bridge.

I think that this
is one of those

hidden camera setups,
and you're both in on it,

and you're just trying
to see how far I'll go.

It's true.

Someone is in terrible
trouble, right now.

Someone who was in
your restaurant tonight.

Hey, boss?

What happened, the
bank guy didn't call?

Yeah, he called.

He's not talking to me;
he's talking to a lobster...

You know what? I bet
things are gonna work out.

Why do you always say that?

Because it's true.

It's not true. Things
don't work out.

Life is terrible!

Wake up, Ronnie!

Loan officers take
away your life's blood.

Idiots forget to
deliver messages.

Crazy people feed your
personal property to shellfish.

You know, sometimes
you just gotta hang in there.

What, like you?

Always looking for your brother
on the sunny side of the street.

You want to know
something, chump?

You are never gonna find
him, and you know why?

Because he's a
loser, and a drunk,

and he's probably dead!

If you would just
occasionally think about that,

you'd realize it, and
you'd stop wasting your life

looking for him.

And that is why you'll always be

a dishwasher... but not here.

'Cause there's not gonna
be any here here anymore.

The world stinks, Ronnie.

Get used to it.

Hang on to your halo, baby.

It's gonna be a bumpy night.

Ronnie, would you mind
setting up table 4 for me?

You know, as a
matter of fact, I would.

I'm just a dishwasher, remember?

And that's all I'm
good for in this place.

Well, excuse me.

Excuse me, miss.

I have a reservation
for two for Tate.

You know, there
is a sign up front

that says "Please wait and
the hostess will seat you."

Well, if there were a hostess.

Well, I am the hostess,
and I am the waitress,

and I am the busboy right now.

So when I am ready for
you, I will come and get you.

Why don't you just
go wait in the bar.

You know, if I weren't waiting
for somebody, I would leave.

Too bad.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Can I get you something?

Doesn't anybody in this place
pay attention to the customers?

- I'm sorry, I didn't see you.
- It's your job to see me.

You know what a
job is, don't you?

It's that thing you've got
without much education.

Can I get you something?

I'll have a Gibson,
dry, with two onions.

Aw, sh**t, I'm out of onions.

Then get some. You know
what they are, don't you?

Those little round white things.

- Honey? Have you seen...
- Whoa, what did you call me?

I-I'm not sure.

Let me refresh your memory.

It was "honey."

Believe me, pal, I
am not your honey,

I will never be your honey.

What do you want?

I want a table.

Fine. There's one over there.

I'll get your waitress.

And here's a hint: she's
not a honey, either, okay?

Hmm. It didn't take long

to go through the
whole place, did it?

What are you doing here?

- I was waiting for you.
- I was in the bar.

I didn't even know
there was a bar.

It's called Flynn's Bar
& Grill, for God's sake.

Oh, thanks, Dad.

This is gonna be fun.

You look terrible.

- My mother died, you know?
- Don't get smart with me.

There's something
we have to discuss.

Hi. Could I have
that table, please,

- there in the corner?
- It needs to be set.

We've got plenty of others.

No, I really want
that table, please.

I'd like a bottle of
Veuve Clicquot, please?

You want the whole bottle?

Yes, thank you.


Can I get a hand out here?!

It was awful,

watching this chain
reaction of hatefulness.

Eh, sounds like a typical New
York City kind of day to me.

Okay, so it was
pretty ugly, actually,

but it wasn't so bad
that it would k*ll anybody.

I'm not finished.

She wanted to be cremated.

Why are you being so stubborn...

How would you know
what she wanted?

You were never
around to find out.

That wasn't my fault.

Bon appétit.


Oh, I-is Mr. Hodge here?

Yeah. Is it one, or not?

Yes, yes, one.

All right, follow me.

Excuse me, miss, may I...

- Ronnie!
- Yeah?

I-I asked you

for those wineglasses
a half hour ago.

- All right, so here they are.
- Would you put 'em in the bar?

- What is your problem?
- What is my problem?

Good evening. My
name is Bronwyn.

I'll be your server tonight.

Um, let me just...
tell you the specials.

My personal favorite
is the Chilean sea bass

- in a reduction of...
- Wait a minute, hold it,

hold it... I-I don't know you.

I-I don't care what
your favorite entree is.

Why is it that every
waiter in this town

thinks I give a flying
fig what they like to eat?

There, you see?
It's just like I said.

You don't want anybody telling
you anything, do you, son?

Stay out of this, all right?


I... I don't know why
you picked this place.

I don't know why you
even think it's a good idea

for us to try to get together.

Neither do I.

There's something
I forgot to tell you.

- What?
- You remember that thing

about "cast your
bread on the water

and it'll come back to you"?

- Yes.
- Well, hang on, baby,

'cause the tide is coming in.

What goes around comes around.

And here it comes right now.

Uh, miss, miss, e-excuse me.

Get your hands off me!

Don't you ever touch me!

- I didn't mean to...
- Who do you think you are!

Mr. McFarlane! What
are you doing here?

Well, I-I tried to call you.

Yes, I know... My
phone was... wet.

Well, anyway, I came by instead.

Thought I'd see
what kind of place

our bank was holding paper on.

It was a courtesy
to you, Mr. Hodge,

but courtesy seems to be a
foreign concept around here.

N-No, it's not like
this all the time.

Frankly, Mr. Hodge,
I don't care!

I don't like this place or
anyone or anything in it!

As far as I'm concerned,
the foreclosure stands.

You have until Monday to vacate.

- Good-bye!
- What?

Excuse me, Mr. Hodge, I
know you're upset with me,

but I'd really like to
apologize for the...


You really think

an apology is-is gonna fix this?

First, you totally
foul up my day,

and-and you screw
up my damn business,

and now my
farkakte life is shot.


Oh, you stupid moron.

You idiot.

It was horrible.

I was just lying
there on the ground.

You did look like an
idiot, lying there like that.

I was completely overwhelmed.

The things you said to me
were like b*ll*ts in my heart.

I didn't sh**t you,
for heaven's sake.

I just yelled at you.

Yes, but words can be just
as dangerous, Mr. Hodge.

They have substance and power,

and when they come at
you in the form of anger,

they can tear into
a soul and knock it

to the ground.

You got to elevate her head.

No, that's not right.
Leave her head down,

- raise her legs.
- Aren't you supposed to put

your head between your
knees or something like that?

May-Maybe I should
call a paramedic, huh?

No, no, no, she'll be just fine.

Just give her a chance
to get her bearings.

She's been through a shock.

Angel girl?

While you are down there,

I want you to take
the opportunity

to review what's been going on.

Fallen angels always
have something to learn

before they can get up.


It didn't have to be this way.

It did not have to be this way.

That's Flynn's call.

Flynn, that could
be your banker.



Yes, thank you for calling
back, Mr. McFarlane.

Yes, um, well, I
have a plan, uh,

that H think will change things.

Um... Yes, I know I
am cutting it close,

but I-I think with this plan,

I could catch up on
these loan payments.

If we could just get
together on Monday,

I have, uh, my car and my home

that I would like to
put up as collateral.

Yes, it is that important to me.


Y-You're not gonna
regret this, Mr. McFarlane.

And if you're ever in the mood

for the best steak
you can find in the city

on the house, you
know where to come.

Yes, thank you again, sir.


Ah, there is a God.

And it wouldn't
have stopped there.

You're a good man, Ronnie.

You work hard, you got
an unbelievable attitude,

and the customers
love you, so...

This is a great place, Flynn.

Yeah, and you're part
of the reason for that.

So, I've been
thinking, you know,

after the place
gets back on its feet,

I'm gonna be needing
like, an assistant manager

to look after things
when I'm not here.

Wow, that's-that's
cool, but, um,

I got to have time to
look for my brother.

I know.

And I know that
one of these days,

you're gonna find him, Ronnie.

There's more.

Hey, Ronnie, would
you set table 4 for me?

- Hey, no problem.
- Thank you.



Welcome to Flynn's.

Thank you very much.

Do you have a reservation?

Yes, Tate, two.

Yes, here you are.

Would you like to sit now

or wait for your
other party in the bar?

- Oh, I think I'll just sit.
- Sure.

I'll be back in a minute.

Thank you.

Hello. Can I get your
drink while you're waiting?

Uh, Gibson very dry, two onions.

That is my specialty.


You look good, son.

Thank you, Dad. So do you.

I have to admit, I
was a little surprised

to get your invitation.

Well, to be totally honest,

I was a little surprised
to be making it.

Everything would have
different for everyone.

And you haven't
seen everyone yet.

- Good evening.
- Hi.

You ordered the Veuve Clicquot?

- I did.
- You have excellent taste.

Thank you.

Can't believe
you're eating alone.

It wasn't my first choice.

I'm Flynn Hodge.

I own this place.

Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Wendy.

May I?


See if we can take care of this.

First things first.

But Mom always said that
she wanted to be cremated.

You know,

I was not the
world's best husband,

and I was definitely not
father of the year material,

and I'm sorry.

But the truth is

I wish you had been around
more of those last few years.

There's a lot you missed out on.

I'm starting to get that.

When your mother
got sick, we, uh...

we talked a lot about the end,

and she understood.


I know that she's not
in that body anymore,

but I cannot stand the idea

of there not being
anyplace where I can go

and sit... and talk to her.

What have I done, Tess?

I don't think I've ever seen you

in here before.

I was here once before,

ten years ago with
my husband Jack,

the night he asked
me to marry him.

You're married.

Yeah, well, no, no, not anymore.

He died a year ago.


Thank you.

He was an amazing man.

There aren't many of us.

So, I came back
to relive the night.

We stopped here first,

and we had this-this
very champagne.

Then he took me to
the Queensboro Bridge.

That's where we had first
met in some fender-bender.


And, um, he, uh, he kissed me,

and he asked me to marry him.

He kissed me exactly at 10:00.

And then after that, he
kissed me every single night

at 10:00.

I was, uh,

I was gonna end
it all tonight, Flynn.

Dumb, huh?

I was gonna go back to
the Queensboro Bridge,

and I was gonna jump.

I just couldn't imagine
one more 10:00

coming and going
without him kissing me.

So... I was gonna end it all.




You know what I'm
gonna do instead?

I'm gonna order
myself some dinner.

I could have our chef...

- Okay.
- Do something special for you.


She was going to
stay, but she left.

She's gone,

and she's going to k*ll herself.

Hey, hey, hey!




I remember her.

The champagne lady.

Um, I'm confused.

I-I almost believe you.

You have to believe me.

What time is it?

Five minutes to 10:00.


This is the wackiest story

I've ever heard just to
skip out on a $27 salad bill.

But it's all true.


Oh, wow.

I hope you are an angel, kid.


Who are you?

My name is Monica.

I was at the restaurant.

We didn't meet, but I
know why you're here.

Well, it's pretty
obvious, isn't it?

I want to k*ll myself.

No, you don't; you just
want to stop the pain,

but this is not

how you do it. You don't let go.

You hold on.

I can't.

There's no one to hold on to.

That's not true.

How do you know?

You don't even know me.

I know how much you miss him.

It's almost 10:00,
and once again

you have no husband to kiss you,

to tell you how
much he loves you.

But you have an angel
here, an angel sent from God

to hold you and tell you
how much He loves you.

An angel?


It's true.

You've got to be kidding me.

You're an angel?


God sends me an angel now?

God sends me an angel now
when it doesn't matter anymore?

Where were you when my darling
Jack was trapped inside a car,

bleeding to death?

Where were you then?

Where was an angel then?

Oh, Wendy, there
was an angel with him.

He was there.


Jack was never alone.

I held his hand.

I told him he was safe.

I told him that,
that God loves him.

He couldn't speak,
but he understood,

and, Wendy, it
happened very quickly.

If there was any pain,

he's forgotten it now.

I, I, I miss him.

I... I, I want to go
and be with him.


Please let me go.

I want to be with Jack.

I don't like this world.

I hate this world.

I want to be with Jack.

Oh, Wendy, I understand, but...

How can you understand?

You're an angel, right?

You don't even have
to live on this earth.

Do you?

You don't have to survive
car crashes, do you?

Or freak accidents.

And you don't have
to be lonely, do you?

You don't have to eat
dinner every night all alone

and wake up every
morning and wonder

if one single person...

would even smile at you

and have a kind word.

This is a terrible world.

It's a terrible world, and
you have to be just as terrible

and just as tough
to survive in it,

and I'm too tired now.

I just can't anymore.

I'm, I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.

Forgive you for what?

I... why?

Because the world
is a beautiful place

and there are good
and kind people in it.

You just forgot that today.

You forgot because something
got in the way of the goodness

and the kindness that
could have kept you going.

I don't understand.

This day didn't
have to end like this.

You should be back in
the restaurant right now

having a lovely
conversation with a new friend

and thinking that maybe

there are good
reasons to stay alive,

but instead you're here,

and you're here because
of something I did.

What'd you do?

You never did anything to me.

I did.

I-I didn't even know
that I was doing it.

A river starts with a stream...

that began with a creek

and was once a
single drop of water,

and in life a world
of hate begins

with a roomful of anger

that starts with
a single word...

One thought, one act.

That was me.


I, I started all this with
just a stupid, angry...

Yes, but it should
have stopped with me.

If I had just forgiven
you right there and then,

the anger would
have died in my heart,

but instead it, it got
stronger and uglier

and moved from heart to
heart to heart until finally

it reached you.

Oh, but this is no
way to stop it, Wendy.

Life is worth living...

and you never know when
a little thing will come along

that will change your life,

or a little thing that
you do might change

the life of someone else.

No one is alone.

We're all connected.

You see, that was the lesson
that I had to learn today...

at your expense,
and... well, I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Will you please forgive me?

Yes... yes.


Will you forgive me, too?

Yeah... yeah.

I'm so sorry.

I was... I'm sorry.

Could you come
back to the restaurant?

Maybe we could get things
back to the way they were.

You know what?

You invite God to
come along this time,

and I believe that He will
make things even better

than the way they were before.


Thank you, Monica.


Thank you.

Andrew, what are you doing here?

What are you doing here
instead of inside with your son?

It got ugly; it always does.

I forgot to give him the letter.

Look, I can't face him again.

Would you do it?


Simon... you will
not regret this.

I promise you.

You know, it, uh,
doesn't feel right

taking 50 bucks from an angel.

Why don't you give it away, Men?

Cast your bread on the
water, see what happens.

Pass it on?

All right, you got it.

It's true, you know.

- What?
- What you said

about putting
something good out there

and watching it
come back to you.

Just today I gave

some of Jack's old clothes
to a homeless center,

and somebody's already
wearing his jacket. Look.

I can't believe it.


Is it Tommy Billings?


How'd you know my name?

Because your brother's
been looking for you.



Good to see you, bro.

Come on, I want to
introduce you to some people.

All right.

Hey, this is my brother.

- Hi, welcome.
- How you doing?

Well, you must be so happy.


Lost his brother.

So, you see, what
was lost can be found.

I haven't lost anything.

You lost your wife;
he lost his mother.

And if you're not careful,

you're going to lose each other.

Simon, give him the letter.

What is this?

I don't really know.

It's from your mother.

She wanted you to have it.

May I ask what it says?

Says, "I love you, son."

She certainly did.

It's from you.


It's a birthday card
that you gave me

when I was about 12 years old.

I guess she must have kept it.

It's true, you know.

I know.

I know.

I love you, too, Dad.

Where's the champagne?

At least the joint
can go out in style.

Go out?

Are you closing?

Well, not by choice.

Uh, I took out a mortgage
and, uh, I'm a little late.

The bank's getting
a little nervous.

How much do you need?

Well, uh...

How do you feel now, angel girl?

Oh, I feel fine.

Hey, that's good.

That's real good.