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06x20 - Quality Time

Posted: 05/01/23 06:34
by bunniefuu




Okay, so I'm a little late.


People handle
time so differently.

The smart ones make
every minute count.

Like her.

Her name is Toni.

But don't fool
yourself, angel girl.

Living life one perfect
moment at a time

is not the same as
making every minute count.

Does she think if she
makes her own life perfect

she can make her
family's life perfect, too?



Maybe she just thinks
it'll keep 'em safe.

Safe from what?

That's Angelo... he's 12.

Plays the tuba.

Not really.


That's Amy. She's 15.

Typical teenager.

Teenagers don't feel
like they're typical.

They think they're uniquely odd.


And that's Paul.

He's really a nice man

who just tries to
stay out of the way.

Slow down, Amy. There are
two more meals today, you know?

So what? I'm hungry now.

At least she'll be
good advertising

for the restaurant once we open.

I'm out of here.

Yeah, and I have band practice.

That wasn't on the schedule.


Angelo, you know if
it doesn't get planned,

it doesn't get done.

Come on, let's go.

Bye, Mom.

So, which one of
them is my assignment?

All of them.


There are two kind of families:

those whose schedule
revolves around life,

and those whose life

revolves around a schedule.

I guess we know what
kind we have here.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Oh, yeah!

Side out, Wildcats.

- Yeah! Yes!
- Go, Wildcats!

Come on, Amy!

Got it!

Oh, good!

Set, set! Set!

Up, up, up!

Point, blue team!

Way to go! Way to go, Amy!

Point, Wildcats!

And the Eagles call time-out.

Great game, huh?

We have the final electrical
inspection tomorrow.

Honey, will you
please give it a rest?

That's tomorrow;
tonight is tonight.

Hey, Paul!

Toni! Hey. Hey, what
are you doing here?

You have a pizza
parlor to finish.

Yeah, yeah, you know
us. We never miss a game.

We'll be fine. We just
hired this new handyman.

- He's a godsend.
- Oh, here he is.

Andrew, Jerry Fleming.

- Oh, hi.
- Hi.

- Matt's father, right?
- Yeah.

- Great kid.
- Oh, well, takes after his mother.

- Where's, uh, where's Angelo?
- Where else?

Over there dreaming.

Hey, Angelo.

Tuba Boy!

You're not in the
band. Come here.

Come here. You're not
in the band. Come here.

- One, two, three!
- Wildcats!

Serve, Wildcats.

Game point and match point.

I can't look.



Wildcats win!

Congratulations, Amy.

Monica! Right on time!

- I like that.
- Andrew said

that your schedule
was very tight.

And getting tighter. Um...

It's been an hour.
That's enough for today.

Come on. I have two more songs.

Then practice them later

or tomorrow or after I'm dead...

Which shouldn't be
too long at this rate.

Uh, this is my son, Angelo.

Angelo, this is Monica.

My daughter, Amy.


My husband, Paul.

And I guess you
already know Andrew.

Hey, Monica.

Uh, come.

Oh, thank you.

So, have you worked
in a pizza parlor before?

No. But I've always
admired pizza.

As a food.

Well, that's-that's
nice to hear. Um,

it's a family business,
so it'll be pretty informal,

but if we're gonna serve
great pizza at low prices in half

the time, directions need
to be followed to the letter.

It's long hours doing
a little bit of everything

while we get on our feet.

I understand. I'm ready.

She's the hardest worker I know.

Couldn't recommend
a better employee.

Well, then... let's get
you started in the kitchen.


Tom: Monica will
meet the phone guy

for me while I pick up
the linens and the cheese.

Then I get Angelo
at tuba lessons.

The uniforms will be ready
for you to pick up at 3:00.


Don't forget.

Oh, God, there's
still so much to do.

And it's the fifth. We
have to have a fire drill.




What are you doing here?

I want to show you something.

Couldn't it have
waited till tomorrow?

It'll be gone by tomorrow.

Crescent moon.

You could have phoned.

You phone in pizza orders.

You don't phone in moonlight.


Move it! Move it!

Fire drill!


Oh, my God.

Angie, come on. Let's go!

I just got in bed!

Out of here! Out of here,
both of you! Come on!

53 seconds. Congratulations,
we're all dead.

Especially you.

Start in the center,

and work your way
out to the edges.

Try to get the whole thing about
a quarter-of-an-inch thickness.

- I really enjoy cooking.
- Yeah.

But I don't get
much of a chance.

And I love to
experiment with food.

Especially coffee.

A mocha pizza sounds
interesting, doesn't it?

A sort of a coffee
and breakfast roll.

Now... how's that?


Okay, um, now comes
the secret sauce,

the most important
ingredient in this kitchen.

What's in it?

Well, if I told you that, it
wouldn't be a secret sauce.

No one knows the recipe but me.

It's what's gonna make
this restaurant unique.

Can't risk anyone
else getting a hold of it.

But your family
wouldn't betray you?

Oh, not on purpose,
but, you know,

With kids...

sometimes they're hard to trust.

You know, last night

we found Amy's
boyfriend in her bedroom.

Were they doing something wrong?

Well, not yet.

As far as I know, they
just didn't have time.


Try to make it even.

I keep noticing a lot
of new things with Amy.

She drinks a ton of
water all of a sudden.

Like she can't get enough of it.

She's moody.

Kind of listless.

Eats like she's always
starving to death.

I've read almost
every book there is

on raising children,
and so I know...

these things can be
signs of drug abuse,

or some eating disorder.

And after last night,
I have to wonder

if she isn't pregnant.

Why don't you ask her?

I don't want her to
think I don't trust her.

But I also don't want end up

one of those bewildered parents

on the 6:00 news.

Everyone shaking
their heads and thinking,

how could they
not see the signs?

It's important to keep
an eye on your children,

but isn't it more important
to communicate with them?


An eighth of an inch apart.

We're about ready for game one.

And don't forget...
free pizza today

courtesy of Paul &
Toni's Perfect Pizza.

The grand opening is this
Friday in Garfield Heights.

Servers, remember
to stay aggressive.

Blockers, take away the line.

Make sure you make 'em,
force 'em to go crosscourt

on us, all right? Two
more victories, ladies,

we are in the playoffs.
Amy, are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

I just warmed up
a little extra hard.

All right, all right.
Let's play hard.

All right, ready, ready,
ready. One, two, three...


- Jerry, meet Monica.
- Oh.

She's gonna be helping
out in the pizza parlor.

- Nice to meet you, Monica.
- Hello.

Listen, um...

about Matt showing
up the other night...


I think it's all a part of
growing up, you know?

Boys will be boys.

Matt's a good
boy, and I like him,

but I've done a lot of reading
about teenage rebellion,

if you don't buckle down,
it's only gonna get worse.

Yeah, but, not letting them
see each other for a month?

I mean, come on, Toni.

Don't you think you're
overreacting just a little?


You got to watch
your boy, Jerry.

Yeah? You should keep
an eye on yours, too.

You hold a G flat like that.


Come on, Amy.

Come on. You
got to get to those.

Move your feet.
Let's go. Come on.

Move your feet.

Come on.

Side out, cougars.

- Mom, no.
- Amy.

Amy? Amy, sweetheart?


Dr. Werser to pathology.

Dr. Werser to pathology.

I knew somebody
who collapsed once.

Carmine Russo in fifth grade.

The teacher said we had
a science test coming up,

and he didn't study for...

He went right out.

Everybody said he was faking it.

Amy's not faking it.

I know.

They're admitting
her for the night.

Well, what do they think it is?


Type I, juvenile onset.

It's the tougher kind.

Well, just because some intern
decides to make a diagnosis...

He's the chief of staff, honey.

He told me the symptoms.
She's had them for a while.

Drinking all the time,
being moody, sluggish.

It all fits.

Did you pick up those uniforms?



Well, we're not
gonna just roll with this.

We're gonna attack it
with everything we have.

Well, you're
welcome to attack it,

but making friends
with it is going to help

Amy a lot more.

Am I gonna die?

Of course not, baby.

You're gonna live a long life.

You just have to
live it differently

from the way you've been doing,

because your body doesn't
make insulin anymore.

So you're going to
have to test your blood

throughout the day,

and take insulin injections
when they're needed.

- sh*ts?
- Yes.

And you're gonna have to
watch what you eat, right?


Can I still play volleyball?

Diabetes is not gonna stop you

from doing anything
you've always done.

As long as you, uh...

you take care of yourself.

Nobody has to know, right?

We'll probably have
to tell your teachers

and the coach.

No, I don't want
anybody to know.

All right, at least
not my friends.


So when is Amy coming home?

In a couple of days.

They just want to
get the insulin right.

With sh*ts, like, 100
times a day, right?

No, just a few a day.


Yesterday she was
popular; now she's a geek.

Your sister is not a geek.

She needs our help and support

if we're gonna keep
things rolling around here.

You know,

if I do her work, then
I get her allowance.

Okay, I have a new plan

with new job responsibilities.

Andrew, I know
you're a carpenter,

but I have you in the
kitchen for a while.

And, Monica, I
switched you to waitress.

If you wouldn't mind
teaching Andrew the basics.

I'd be happy to.

Monica's gonna teach me to cook?

Toni says I have
a knack for pizza.

Oh, well... as long
as you have a knack.

Do I have to wear

something special as a waitress?

Of course. Paul,
where are the uniforms?

Oh, man, I'm sorry.

I just keep forgetting.

Well, we can't pick them up now,

we have to go to the
hospital. Honestly.

I think it Will be fine

if we just stay organized.

Actually... I'm really
not a bad cook.

I didn't say you were.

How do you spell diabetes?


What are you doing?

Knowledge is power.

Oh, man.

I think it's wonderful
that you're learning

all about this, Angelo, but...

every case is a
little bit different.

Just because
something is listed here

doesn't mean that that's
what's gonna happen to Amy.

What are you doing here?

How'd you get in here?

Well, I was gonna climb
in through your window

until I found out
you're on the 12th floor.

Oh, Matt.

Chocolate-covered cherries.

That's three major
food groups in one box.

So, there's lots of
rumors at school.

You okay?

Yeah, yeah, I just, uh,

I wasn't eating enough,
so I just passed out.

Good. For a minute there

I thought I was gonna
have to find myself

another prom date.

Then I realized I
don't want to go

to the prom if I
can't go with you.

What are you doing here?

We had an agreement.

No Matt for a month.

Don't you think this is
a special case, honey?

No, I don't think
this is a special case.

This is a very serious time.

I'll talk to you later.

I can't believe
you just did that.

You know you
can't eat those yet.

I know, but Matt gave them
to me and I gonna keep them.

Oh, Mom and Dad
are here right on time.

Let's get started so
Amy can go home.

Now, you're going
to have to monitor

your blood sugar four to six

times a day, so we can see
how your body's behaving.

I don't think I can
give myself sh*ts.

Well, no, not at
first, not at first.

Your folks can
do that for a while,

but pretty soon, believe me,

you're gonna want
to do it for yourself.

Now, first we're
gonna take a blood test

to calculate the
precise dosage of insulin

for you to give to yourself.

Now, each time it's
gonna be different.

I want you to promise me
that you're paying attention.



Honey, you want to be
real careful with the dosage.

You don't want to be
sleepwalking through this.

God, this is the
rest of my life.

Let's hear it for the Wildcats.

A win tonight, and they're on
to the Ohio State Semifinals.

Give me the ball.

Side out, Panthers.

Hey, Paul, is she feeling okay?

Fine. She's fine.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

We're gonna need her at State.

It's only a matter of time
before people find out.

And when they
do, Amy will realize

that it's nothing
to be ashamed of.

- Time.
- It's up.

Amy? Amy?

- Good job.
- Good job. Good job.

Let's go, ladies. Be aggressive.

Be aggressive, Laura.

Get it to the hot hitter.

Hey, what's with
your sister tonight?

It's probably the
juvenile diabetes.


Totally stinks.

You can go blind;
your kidneys can fail.

You can, like, get your
toes amputated and stuff.

Course, every case is different.

What's going on?
What's wrong with her?

She's not playing the way she...

She's just off today.


State, here we come.



What's wrong?


Can I see you for
a moment, please?

Are you sticking around?

Actually, I got some
homework to do.

I'll call you.

Amy, I want you to come
by my office tomorrow.

Oh. What's up?

If we're going to the playoffs,
that means a lot of travel.

I'm uncomfortable keeping a
secret like this from the team.

And I'm uncomfortable
with your situation.

I can't be responsible...

Maybe your mom would be willing

to travel with the
team for a while.

No. No way.

I would rather die.

You know what? Just forget it.

I'll just quit.

Amy? Amy?

Congratulations, honey.

You feeling okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Uh, could we just go, please?



Come on.

How are you doing, Amy?

Well, there's that
incurable disease thing,

but other than
that, fine, thanks.

How are you?

Actually, I'm really happy.

I'm happy because even though

you have to take sh*ts
every day, you're alive.

And there may not be a cure,

but there is a way
to keep you alive.

I'd like to see you stay alive.

Let me guess.

You're like the
prom queen, right?

Never had a zit,
always had a date.

People like that have
no clue about real life.

But you do, and it's
frightening, isn't it?

I know that when
you're 15 years of age

and something like this happens,

it feels as if your whole
world is crashing in,

but it hasn't, Amy.

It has simply changed.

And you're going to have
to learn to change with it.

Ah, ladies, I think
you might want

to see this.

Just, uh, stand there.

♪ Tada! ♪

Welcome to Paul &
Toni's Perfect Pizza.

Has Mom seen these?

It's a surprise.

Mom is gonna k*ll you
with her bare hands.

Uh, they're unique.

They are that.

Wouldn't believe

how long I had
to wait for the...

What are those?

We went to the uniform store.


I ordered the uniforms.

What happened to them?

Well, I thought these
would be more fun.

Pizza is fun. I thought
being here should be fun.

You weren't
supposed to have fun.

You were just supposed
to pick up the uniforms.

Told you.

It's 4:00.

Have you done your test yet?

Not yet. I didn't have my stuff.

What is going on here?
Why isn't anybody doing

what they're supposed to do?

I cannot do everything myself.

I need your cooperation.


Don't "Mom" me.

Just-just go and do your test.

And don't you... don't you
have your practice now?

I quit.

You know, I quit the
team. I quit everything.

How am I supposed
to adjust to this?

I've been looking
all over for you.

Where have you been?

Been busy.



So, how come you didn't tell
me about this diabetes thing?

Who told you?

Angelo thought I
knew, I guess, so...

I'm gonna k*ll him.

Well, at least he
told me the truth.

How could you not tell me
something this important?

Had a lot of stuff I
had to think through.

So you lied.

Wait. Wait.

I'm sorry.

Really, it-it's not
that big of a deal.

I just have to do this
a few times a day.

It hardly takes a minute.

I usually had to test
myself first, but...

That's it. It's nothing.

I can't handle all this.

Look, you lied to me.

And you got some
serious stuff going on

that I can't help you with.

So I think maybe
we need a break.

I'm sorry.




Your mother and I were
looking all over for you.

She feels just
awful about the fight.

Are you ready to go home?

We broke up.

Matt and me... we broke up.

I'm sorry.

I wish I were dead.


Mm. Think I'm gonna be sick.


Paul & Toni's Perfect Pizza.

This is Nurse Salter calling,

and Monica's brought
your daughter to Admitting.

We'll be right there.

What is it?

It's Amy.

Monica took her to the hospital.

Oh, my God. Get the keys.


Hey, Dad?

Monica... It's okay. She's okay.

They've balanced out her
levels, and she's going to go home.

What happened?

She was arguing with Matt,
and she decided to show him

how easy the sh*ts were, but
she wasn't careful with the dosage.

She knew better than that!

- Kids make mistakes.
- There is no room

for mistakes now.

If it was a mistake.

I don't think she was
trying to hurt herself.

She's angry and hurt, and...

she was a bit reckless.

This is a very
sensitive time for her.

She's off the team,

she told me that she
and Matt have broken up,

and she's feeling the
pressure that you all are

of starting a new business...
That's a lot to deal with

on top of diabetes.

Two weeks ago
everything was fine,

and now, I mean...

what else can go wrong, hm?

What else?

Where's Angelo?


Angelo! Call 911!


911? There's a fire here

at Paul & Toni's Pizza!

Oh, look at this...
Takeout boxes,

a whole gross burned.

What about me? You just left me!

Honey, we said we
were sorry, and we are.

Look, Angelo, your parents
are under a lot of stress.

They... they made a mistake.

I'll say they did!

I think we ought to just
postpone the opening.

No, the invitations
already went out;

they're bringing the
rental lights in the morning;

we don't have
time to cancel that.

- Oh, man.
- And the loan is due.

We're just gonna have
to try to make it work.

You know, I think
a little cleanup,

a fresh coat of paint...

We can be ready on time.

Andrew, go to restaurant
supply, buy some napkins,

see if they have some
generic takeout boxes.

I'm on it.

Look at this mess.

Paul, we're just gonna have
to haul everything that burned.

You just sit there
and be careful.

Watch your levels, and
don't you dare sneak away.

Angelo! Put that down and help

Of all the things to burn,
why not those stupid uniforms!

What is wrong with those?

They are not uniforms,
Paul. They're costumes.

Why couldn't you just do
what I asked you to do?

I thought

that they would be
fun... Is it such a crime

- to have some fun?
- This isn't fun,

Paul, it's a business!

- Can't you take that seriously?
- You're just mad

because for once
someone else got a chance

to make a decision around here.

For once? I would love
somebody else to do

- all the planning!
- I know darn well

people would rather
come to a place

that's fun than be waited
on by a bunch of stiffs in suits!

Can you guys stop arguing!

- Stay out of this!
- He can't stay out of anything.

He was the one who told
Matt that I had diabetes.


maybe you shouldn't
have lied to him, then!

It's not my fault you're a liar.

- I am not.
- Amy, take it easy.

You've already had one episode.

We're not gonna let
that happen again.

We? Wait, this is not
your disease, Mom.

She's right.

And we are not your employees.

This is a family
business, but you act like

you're the only
one that could run it!

- We all have a role here.
- Yeah, sure,

we all have a role to play.

You keep messing it
up... Those uniforms,

forgetting to put in orders,
forgetting to pick things up...

You can't even give your
daughter a simple shot

because you're
afraid of needles!

It's not that I'm
afraid of needles!

I just don't want to hurt her.

What about me?!

Nobody seems to care about me.

What?! That's all I do.

You care so much about her,

you forgot all about me!

Nobody asked me how I feel

about these stupid sh*ts.

Or what I think
about this disease.

I hate it! It ruins everything!

Every time somebody
finds out, they dump me!

Matt, the coach of the team...

You can't keep it
a secret forever.

Why not, Toni?

If that's what she
wants, why not?

You keep your
family recipe a secret.

That has nothing
to do with this.

That's my family's
secret recipe.

Oh. Your family.

- And what are we?
- You better believe

I'm not gonna tell
you that recipe, Paul.

And that's just
the way you like it.

Because that's one more
thing you don't have to handle,

one more thing that
I will take care of,

and that's the way you want
it, because you don't really want

to take any responsibility
for this family.

I take responsibility
for this family every day.

I keep this family afloat
by giving it something

that you're too
busy to give: love.

Who says diabetes isn't fatal?

I think it just
k*lled our family.


No, it didn't, Angelo.

I'm sorry that you
had to see all that.

We've never done
anything like that before.

There's a lot of things this
family has never done before.

It has never had to deal with
an illness like diabetes before.

You've never, ever
hurt each other before.

And you've never been
visited by an angel before.

Oh, my God.


are you saying that
you're an angel?


From Heaven?


God has sent an angel to you...

Not just one, Tess
and Andrew as well...

To help you through
this difficult time.


Because He loves
you all so much.

Oh, yeah. Well, if
He loves me so much,

why did He give me diabetes?

Oh, Amy, God didn't
give you diabetes.

But He did give you everything
that you need to live with it.

He gave you the right
doctors and the right medicine...

and the right family.

And He gave you
something else, too.

Every time that you have to
take a shot or test your blood

or even think
about this disease,

you'll remember
how fragile life is,

and you'll wake up every
morning thanking your Creator

for still being alive...

something not everyone does.


you can't carry
this burden for Amy,

and she doesn't need you to.

And you don't
have to work so hard

to make your family perfect.

Just help them
to love each other.

Then being perfect
won't matter so much.

Paul... you're a
wonderful father,

full of fun and life,

but sometimes your
family needs leadership

more than it needs laughter.

They need an example
of a kind and loving father

here on earth to remember

that there is such
a Father in Heaven.

I know.

Thank you.

This was never meant
to be just a pizza parlor.

It was always meant
to be a family restaurant.

And God asks that you invite
Him to be a member of this family,

that you ask Him to sit
at the head of your table

and bless the
work of your hands,

and share the
blessing with everyone

that comes through that door.

Will you do it?

What about me?

God hasn't forgotten you,
Angelo, and He never will.

You have a gift for music,

and for getting into trouble.

God says... spend
more time with the music.

Got it.

Okay, I'm sorry.

Dear God...

whether there is one person
waiting outside tomorrow

or a hundred, we
commit all of this to You,

and ask that You
become our first...

and forever guest.

We commit this family to You.



Okay, all set?

I hope that they're hungry.

Well, ♪ am. Open the door.

- Hold on, wait one second.
- Oh, yes, wait one second.

Here, baby.


I'd be honored.

It's okay, Daddy.
It doesn't hurt.

Now we're ready.

You were right, you know.

So were you.

Oh, wait, wait, wait!

One last thing. I
just want to say,

since there are a lot
of people out there,

in case we run out of great-
grandmother's secret recipe,

it's crushed
tomato and olive oil,

oregano and basil... and nutmeg.

That's the secret ingredient,
but don't tell anybody else.

It's a family secret.

Come in.

Welcome to Paul &
Toni's Perfect Pizza.

Welcome to the grand
opening. Come on in.

Hope you brought your appetites.

Come on in.

Come on, everybody! Come on in!

Anyone up for a slice of mocha?

- No.
- No.
