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01x07 - Gilgamesh

Posted: 05/01/23 05:42
by bunniefuu
VALENCE: It's alphanumeric.

There's only one way it
would work on that dial.

WEIR: Is this real?

Seventh century.

B.C.E., of course.

I'm sorry. I must've
said it a thousand times.

No, actually, this is the
first time you've said it.

Blackmail will not work.

My marriage was over years ago.

Somebody has been illegally feeding

you and your campaign
millions of dollars,

and we can prove it.
If we helped you get

your case back, would you help us?


- So, what's my part?
- Nothing.

You're cutting me out?

WEIR: As long as you stick
to the prescribed route,

none of the alarms get activated.

Sensor error. Reset. Reset.

HAILEY: We're good.

BEN: We developed techniques on how

to manipulate populations.

The Algorithms of Control.

Did he have any proof?

He said he had a guy who was
bringing him proof, who was on

the AeroDelhi flight
disappeared last year.

... disappearance
have not been resolved,

and terrorism has not been ruled out.

Are you in position?

- I'll be there.
- [g*nsh*t]

HOMM: Why would Crowley
k*ll his own candidate?

WEIR: 'Cause this wasn't
about winning the presidency.

This was about passing
the Shared Data Act.

When that happens,

Crowley gains access to thousands

of data points on every single American.

And with that, he can control anyone.

BEN: He wants power. He
wants a regime of his own,

and he wants it right here.

HAILEY: You think he's
trying to reach Valence?

Maybe he had a back channel going.

Emailing a dead friend

is a level beyond exhaustion.

VALENCE: Tell them I had no choice.

Miles, no!

In the wake of the
shocking assassination

of Senator Nora Evers,

a groundswell of support has propelled

her controversial Shared Data Bill

to an early vote on the Senate floor.

Renamed in her honor, the Nora
Evers American Protection Act

will allow select private companies

access to U.S. citizens'
government records

and consumer data.

Nora Evers' Shared Data
Act is expected to pass

by an overwhelming margin in two days.

The president has promised
to sign it that day,

at which point the U.S.
government will begin to share

all of its data acquisition
and monitoring resources

with three private technology
firms selected by Congress:

Termina Systems, CKB Digital,

and Arda Analytics.

In other news...



♪ Blind hope ♪

♪ Blind visions ♪

♪ Blind center ♪

♪ One center ♪

♪ Blind living ♪

♪ And seeing ♪

♪ Blind hell, blind hell ♪

♪ Blind visions ♪

♪ And no reasons for action ♪

♪ Blind words... ♪

- Run.

- John.
- What the hell, Weir?

- Don't talk about my father.
- What? I didn't!

- Bullshit.
- John. John.

- That son of a bitch was telling people that my dad...
- No, I haven't.

Weir, you're f*cking crazy.

John, John. Gilgamesh.


It's in two hours. We have to study.

Oh, shit.

Let's go.

- What'd he say about your dad?
- Nothing, but he was thinking it.

VALENCE: Listen, you can't have

assholes like that get in your head.

You have to focus on what
really matters to you.

"When two go together,
each will protect himself

and shield his companion."

"And when they fall, they'll
leave an enduring name."

BOTH: "Today, give me your
aid, and you shall have mine.

What then can go amiss with us two?"


I'm focused.

Yeah. Thanks to me.

HOMM: I got to be honest.

This is a little disappointing.

BEN: Where's the pornography?

WEIR: There is no
pornography. She lied to us.

She wanted what was in the
case, and she used us to get it.

These are just a bunch of numbers.

- f*ck.
- Why would Evers go to so much trouble to get this?

Evers didn't do shit. We
went to so much trouble.

WEIR: Well, clearly she wanted it,

- so it's got to be worth something, but why?
- I don't know.

HOMM: I got to be honest.

This is a little disappointing.

HAILEY: These are just
a bunch of numbers.

HOMM: Maybe the Kompromat

wasn't sexual, maybe it was financial.

She stole a bunch of money,
and this is the evidence?

I'd, I'd buy that.

HOMM: I got to be honest.

This is a little disappointing.

BEN: You're all missing the point.

This briefcase was just a distraction

to keep you busy while
I pursued my actual goal.

What is your actual goal?

Helping my friend pass the Data Act.

HOMM: I got to be honest.

This is a little disappointing.

You think you can make sense of this?

HOMM: Uh, I don't know.
Two digits, a dash,

s-s-seven digits.

Those are probably
corporate I.D. numbers.

And these -digit
numbers could be LLCs.

How long would it take you

- to identify all of them?
- John, we have to accept

there might not be enough time for that.

What'd you just say? Not enough time?

The president's gonna
sign that bill in two days.

It's gonna take Homm
that long just to...

What-what are we supposed
to do? Just give up?

No, of course not.
Johnathan, listen to me.

Look, all I've done is
listen to you for five years.

All you've said is,
we got to stop Crowley,

we got to stop Crowley,
or he'll take down America.

People have died trying to stop him.

My friends are dead. My
f*cking friends are dead!

Calm down.

Now you say you want
the Data Act to pass?

What? I...

Weir, he never said that.



Ugh, gross.


Don't you have a printer at work?

- Not for this stuff.
- What happened to them?

Uh, they didn't finish
their school applications.

What do you think I was printing out?

Why did you and Mom even have me?

Just to be mean to me all the time?

All right. Check your essay for typos.

- God, Mom, I am.

What are you up to, you assh*le?


- Where are you going?

One of us needs to check on him.

No, just... don't-don't wake him up.

I've literally never seen him sleep.


Just leave him be.

Do they teach avoidance
at the psychiatrist school?

[SCOFFS] Psychology.

And he is the one
who's avoiding me, so...

So what? He's falling apart.


Listen, at the moment, he
considers me to be the cause

of whatever ails him
rather than the cure,

so it would be better if
we just left him alone.

More gems of parenting wisdom.

- You make any sense of this lot?
- Actually, yeah.

We got their corporate I.D. numbers

and the bank routing numbers.

This-this is a regional code.

- HAILEY: Guys.
- It's the same as this number.

- He's gone.
- BEN: f*ck.

- HOMM: What?

Oh, man.

- Weir!
- Homm.

- Oh, g*dd*mn.
- What...

Homm, get away from the window.

- Get over here.
- Oh. Sorry.


I'm not used to being a fugitive.


NEWSWOMAN: m*rder suspect
John Weir is still on the loos.

The public is urged to
contact the authorities

with any information about the suspect

and any recent known whereabouts.


Welcome to Bart's.

He's not picking up his phone.

HOMM: Uh, where are you going?

To find him.

Good luck.

Jesus, Ben, aren't you a little
bit worried about him? Your son?

I worry about him all the time.

- Where will you even look?
- I don't know.

Maybe he went to his ex-wife's.

I didn't know Weir even had an ex.

Uh, Ben, do you have her phone number?

- What? Um...
- So she...


No. We were never very close.

Well, he can't have gone far,

unless he took the
van, which is, I guess,

where I'll start.



Once we're granted access to the data,

we've got teams standing by to
start filtering it immediately.

Hang on.


He's not even wearing a hat.

He's either playing poker
or pumping nickel slots.

And he's logged in without using a VPN.

It's almost like he wants to get caught.

Well, oblige him.

Only don't underestimate
this guy this time.

Let the cops go in first. Good?

DISPATCHER: All units, all units. .

% match... m*rder suspect John Weir.



I'm sorry I took off
without telling you,

but I need to do this alone.

- Do what?
- WOMAN: Attention, Bart's...

Look, we shouldn't be using
phones right now, okay?

HAILEY: Tell me where you
are, and we won't need to.

Can't do that.

- Weir, we don't have a lot of time.
- I know,

and I'm trying to find some answers,

and I can do it faster on my own.

Answers to what?

Okay, Hailey, I'm hanging up.

Don't. Please. Weir, talk...

- HAILEY: Do what?
- WOMAN: Attention, Bart's Platinum Members...

WEIR: We shouldn't be using
phones right now, okay?

HAILEY: Tell me where you
are, and we won't need to.

WOMAN: Attention, Bart's
Platinum Members...



Excuse me. I need your
help over here, please.

Uh, yeah.

Buddy, how are you?

Dude, you got a problem?

I'm sorry, thought I recognized
you from high school. Sorry.

Can I get an HDMI cable, please?


Uh, excuse me, sir. I'm just
gonna have to check your bags.

What the hell? I got a
receipt for everything.

Just doing my job, sir. Hold on.


- Weir. Oh.
- Jesus Christ.

How the f*ck did you find me?

I'm smart. I heard
Bart's P.A. announcement

in the background when
we were on the phone.

Shit. Does Ben know
you're looking for me?

Does he know you're following
me? Are you working with him?

- What is going on with you, Weir?
- Nothing.

- I know that's not true.
- Oh, please, honestly.

You're not yourself right
now. You're paranoid.

No, no, no.

Paranoid is delusional.
What I'm dealing with,

- not delusional.
- Really? You accused

Ben of saying he wanted
the Data Act to pass.

- I know.
- He never said that.

I know.

But in my mind, there's
a version of him that did.


It's-it's how my mind works,
okay? I-It's complicated.

If I can't find a rational explanation

for what's happening around me,

my mind just starts to visualize

every other possible scenario.

Until it finds the most logical one.

But every now and then,

I can't control it.

Valence knew how to pull
me out. He knew what to say.


But he's not here right now, so, uh...

I'm having a little difficult
time knowing what's really real.



Behind me.

Unmarked gray SUV.

I thought I kept my head down. Come on.

- It's just a guy...
- We got to catch this bus. Come on.

Go, go, go.

All the way in the back.


Stop the bus. Weir! I need to get off.

You're late.

I took measures to make
sure I wasn't followed.


The next time, I suggest
you leave some space

in your planning to
accommodate these measures, no?

- Hi.

Hey, um, who's the man?

What? W-Which man?

HOMM: [STAMMERS] Who's the man?

- Homm is the man.


Oh, did you figure out
the stuff in the briefcase?

- Yeah. [LAUGHS]
- Yeah?

It's-it's a road map to
Crowley's operation. A...

Rosetta Stone of corruption.

Shell companies, bank accounts,

routing numbers,
Social Security numbers.

Everyone who Crowley owns.

HOMM: And it's a real who's who.

Uh, politicians, CEOs, journalists,

two Supreme Court judges.

- And Crowley owns them?
- BEN: Mm-hmm.



Or probably got a few
of them, uh, followers

of the gospel according
to Crowley anyway.

Plus, he pays them a lot.

- HAILEY: Must've cost a fortune.
- Yeah, he doesn't give a shit

about that. It's the control.

Same as Evers. That's probably
why she wanted the case so bad.

She wasn't afraid of
it embarrassing her.

She wanted it for herself

'cause whoever has this info controls...


So, who do we bring it to?

BEN: We can't bring it to anyone.

HAILEY: Why the f*ck
not? Let's end this.


Wh... What?

Well, it's... I mean, it's just,

with all the powerful
people on this list,

whoever we deliver it to, might just

turn it back over to Crowley.

So, then what was the
plan? What was this

great plan that we've all
been sticking to all along?

There might still be a play.

- BEN: I-I suggest

- we wait for Johnathan.
- HAILEY: Oh, well,

if the plan is waiting for Weir,

then we're all f*cked.



I... I need help.

I don't have anyone to
talk to, and I need to talk.

If I just go over
things in my mind, I...

I get lost, and I...

PRIEST: We all get a little lost.

Jesus, I don't mean like
that. I mean... [SIGHS]

lost, like I literally
can't tell the difference

between what's real and what's not.

Somehow, talking out loud helps.

I-I haven't slept for days.

This time,

there may have been too many
possibilities, too many...

motivations, I...

I used to have a friend
that would help me

get through times
like this, but he died.

PRIEST: I'm very sorry.

Is there anyone else you're close to?

In my line of work,

it's best not to get close to anyone.

PRIEST: That sounds lonely.


Look, I didn't come here
for some kind of console

or salvation or Hail Marys
or whatever it is you do.

I-I just need someone to listen.

Do you think you can do
that? Just-just listen

and keep it between us?

PRIEST: Just us and God.


Great. Well, maybe he can tell me

what the f*ck is going on because...

I don't have a lot of
time. Two days, tops.

And I need to know what's
happening, what's real,

or we're all f*cked.

I got my friend... my only friend...

trying to tell me that my
father's been lying to me

- this whole time, and...
- PRIEST: Your friend?

The dead one. Look, in my
heart, I know he's dead, okay?

I watched him jump. I saw his face.

But what if it's just a setup?
What if, what if it isn't real?

What if he's still alive, and
he's trying to warn me and...


g*dd*mn it.

Sorry, Father. Excuse me.

Midtown Television Repair.

LIV [OVER PHONE]: John, it's me.

Look, I know I'm not supposed to call,

but a package came in the mail for you.

It's from Valence.

The whole deep state
paramilitary apparatus

of the U.S. government has been looking

for this John Weir guy for weeks now,

- and-and they expect us to believe they can't find him?

- Man, they don't want to find him.
- BENZO: Mm.

Because as soon as they find him,

- we start to get answers, right?
- BENZO: Right.

Answers about what really happened

- to Edward Homm.

I'm gonna get those
answers, folks. My source,

Zaius, he said he's gonna get me proof

that Ed is not dead.

And Edward Homm is

the story here.

The more I read about this guy, I mean,

you want to talk about an American hero.

Taking on fraud and
corruption in big business

and government. Think about
it. Can you think of one

other person in the
last... I don't know...

- well, , years...
- HOMM: That's too much, man.

SHAW: ... that has done more to fight

the evil and corruption that is so...

Hailey, did you hear that?

Morgan Shaw just keeps
talking about you, huh?

He compared me to Jesus, and-and
that's a little much, right?

I've heard crazier things.
How many viewers does he have?


. million.

- Woo-hoo!
- Woo-hoo.

And it was just over , yesterday.

Oh, my God, you're famous.

Listen, I'm gonna go
grab something to eat.

- Can I, can I get you anything?
- Um...


- That's okay.
- Okay.

SHAW: I said it here.
I... I stand by it, too.

You can tweet about that
all day long, listeners.

- Come on.
- We're gonna get some letters.



One round-trip ticket
to Yonkers, please.



Oh, hey. Hey?

Oh, hey, Rasche.

What are you doing slumming
it here in Financial Crimes?

Because that's where my files are.

Which files?

All the Bureau's info on John Weir.

But your archivist just told
me he can't locate any of it.

Oh, that must be frustrating.

If I find out that you're
hiding material from me

that will help me in my
investigation, I swear to God...

Well, if you're as
effective at investigating me

as you are at investigating
the m*rder of Edward Homm,

then I won't lose any sleep.



Hey, Anna, do you know who sent this?

Uh, just some delivery guy.

Do you want me to call the
store and find out who sent it?

No. Not just yet.

You're the woman from the car.

How do you know Weir?

Dating app.

No, seriously. I know everyone

who works for Weir.

I am someone who cares about John Weir.

Like you.


- Like me? [STAMMERS]
- Yeah.

Lady, I don't know what he told you,

but he and I are not exactly close.

I don't know who Weir is to you,

but I can only imagine
that he's Svengalied you

into running some sort
of errand that is gonna...

Weir didn't k*ll anybody.

Oh. Oh, great.

I have proof.

John, I don't understand. How
is Miles sending you stuff?

WEIR: I don't know.

Is he still alive?

I don't know.

It's got to mean something, right?

He wouldn't have risked
sending it to me if it didn't.

Is this really necessary?

I would not ask you
to wear them otherwise.

Let's have a look.


Agent Madi.

My assistant says you won't be put off.

I don't mean to be a pest.

Well, of course you do.

Sometimes that's the only
way to get what you want.

I have a teenage daughter.

Maybe I learned from her.

So I understand you've
got a real bug up your ass

about John Weir.

I assume from your persistence

that means you've found something?

Yes and...


What's this?

Maybe you should just read it.

You wouldn't believe me if I told you.



- Hey, boss, you remember me?
- f*ck you, Kyle.

Oh, you remember me, I feel touched.

Bang, bang.

It would be that simple, Weir.

Because I'm just the
task monkey, remember?

If you try any of these
little tricks on me,

- he said I could k*ll you.
- Who?

Who would that be?

Let's find out.

Start walking, Weir, come on.


This is where I leave you.

You know, I really wish

you'd paid me more.

You were a pretty good boss.

You were a shit intern.

That's true.

What's in the box?

Why didn't you let the kid k*ll me?

k*lling you wouldn't
change anything, Mr. Weir.

Or should I say Mr. Wilson?

Yeah, your father, I
know all about that.

Ben Wilson plays a
very sophisticated game.

And, as usual, he's
playing it very well.

You see, John,

Ben is actually the one who wanted

the Shared Data Act passed, not me.

Arranging the assassination

of Nora Evers just
to sway public opinion

in favor of the Shared Data Law?

That's pure Ben, John.

Okay, let's just walk
this back a little further.

Whose idea was it for
you and Miles Valence

to spin off Arda from DBA?

Arda, the company that
will soon have the most

important and powerful
government contract in history?

Whose idea was that, John?

It was Ben, wasn't it?

He manipulated you and your friend

into taking Arda public,
just so he could secretly

buy up shares.

And now that company has access

to every single data point
of every single American,

which they can weaponize
against all of us that fast.

You just gave him that company,
John, for this moment here.

- Your father is using you.
- Liar!


Someone's telling you
what to f*cking say?


CROWLEY: Hello, John.

I'm sorry I couldn't risk
meeting you in person,

but my colleague laying on the
ground there should explain wh.

I need your help.

All you know about me

is what Ben told you.

I know this is difficult
for you to hear,

but every move, every setback,

every dead body,

has all been Ben.

Valence figured it out.

Ben wasn't painting a
complete picture of things.

Who was the last
person to speak to Miles

before he jumped?

The people you've lost,

all you know about their deaths

is what Ben told you.

I've been tracking him.

I almost had him, but somehow

he blew up the AeroDelhi fligh.

You honestly think I'm gonna
believe you over my own father?

The man who abandoned you?

And your mother?

I am so sorry about Claire.

I knew her. She didn't
deserve what Ben did to her.

And you didn't deserve
what he did to you.

I suspect that Ben told you

the government gave him no option,

but you know that your
father had a choice.

We always have the choice.

And he chose what he always chooses.

His plan.

His ambition.

He chose Ben.

I can prove he's been lying to you.

Do you know where your father was living

at the time of the AeroDelhi crash?

Running around the world chasing you.

He was living in a brownstone
three blocks from you.

For a decade.

As Dr. Benjamin Wolff,

psychologist. Look it up.

Your father wasn't
traveling the globe hunting

a criminal.

He was your neighbor.


what do we do next?

Agent Madi, this...

this file...

this case...

this is a real game changer.

Thank you, sir.

You can write the script for the
rest of your career with this.


So I guess my only
question for you is...

... what can I offer you...

to make you forget
this file ever existed?


Well, I thought you'd never ask.

I'd like...

my old job back

in the Criminal Division.

And I'd like to be made me
the head of the task force

that's tracking down John Weir.

That shouldn't be a problem.

Oh, thank God.

Where were you?

What is this?

It's from Valence.

Piece of Gilgamesh,

the story we obsessed
over when we were kids.

Where's Ben?

HOMM: Um, not sure.

He went out a while ago. Didn't say

- where he was going.
- Of course he didn't.

HAILEY: Oh, my God, John.

HAILEY: Weir, help me out.

Why would Valence send you a fossil?

Some kind of code I have to decipher.

It's how we would communicate.

It was his thing.


The g*ng's all here.

So this was all just an op for you?

You've been running an op on me, Dad?

Jesus Christ!


- Stop.
- BEN: Johnathan, breathe.

- You need to breathe.
- Help me, God, shut up.

Put that down, please, please.

So this was all just an op for you?

You've been running an op on me, Dad?

- Jesus Christ!
- Weir, stop.

Johnathan, breathe.
Y-Y-You need to breathe.

No, you need to shut the
f*ck up. I know everything.

Johnathan, put that down.
You know you hate g*ns.

Why don't you remind
me, where were you living

- when the AeroDelhi flight blew up?
- What?

- I told you I was overseas.
- Liar!

I've got proof that you were
living three blocks from me,

- Dr. Benjamin Wolff.
- Look.

All right, for a brief
period, yes, I was, but...

All that time I thought you were dead,

you were living down the street?

- Please.
- BEN: Oh, God.

How do you know this?


Crowley? You found him?

He found me, and he said you were

the real threat. It's
been you all along.

BEN: Oh, Johnathan, this is insane.

WEIR: No, no, no, what's

been insane is what I've been
doing for the last few years.

Listening to you,

trusting you, pretending
like you cared about me.

If you actually cared about
me, all you had to do was

walk down the street and
knock on my f*cking door!

- You don't and you never will!
- No, Johnathan!

I can't take back what happened to you

and your mother, but believe
me I never stopped caring...

Shut up!

You know this whole time you've
been trying to convince me

that the only way to
deal with a real threat

is drag it out into
the light and k*ll it.

- I think you might be right.
- Put that down, please, please.

HOMM: John?

VALENCE: You have to listen to me, John.

John, I don't have any other wy

- to contact you...
- Don't you move.

... without exposing you...

and Ben...

and the whole plan.

And I don't have much
time, so here goes.

Crowley wants no loose ends

in the Homm operation and...

and he just ordered me to k*ll you.

Obviously, I'm not gonna do that.

Which means they will
definitely k*ll us both.

He just f*cking outplayed me, John.

I really thought that I
had figured everything out.

That I could convince him that

I was on his side without ever actually

being on his side, but I don't know.

He's got eyes and ears all over Arda.

Somehow, somehow he has
infiltrated my company.

Sorry, our company.

Listen, you're probably on
your way here right now...

into this trap that
Crowley has set for you.

But I-I might be able to buy
yu some time so you can escape.

Because you and Ben,
you still got work to do.

This plan of mine,

it's a little f*cked up.

It's more than that, it's...

really f*cked up.

If I told you what I was
gonna do, you'd try and stop m.

Which I can't have.

No matter what happens
here, I'm a dead man.

But you still have a chance.

I'm really sorry for what

you're gonna have to go through here.

And I hope that you
can find somebody else

that you can rely on.

I wish to God it could still be me.

But I know you.

And you are gonna be okay,
because you're strong.

You're stronger than you think you are.


What am I talking about?

You're a f*cking mess.


But if you're watching this,

then it means my little
f*cked-up plan worke.

And you're okay.


You must be okay.

And that's the thought
that I'm gonna take with me.

WEIR: Where do you go to
get a Gilgamesh tablet?

VALENCE: I've got a guy.

What the hell's going on?


John, you shouldn't be here.

YOUNG WEIR: "When two go together,

each will protect himself,
and shield his companion."

"And when they fall, they'll
leave an enduring name."

WEIR: "The trembling
will leave from your hand.

Let your courage be roused by
the battle to come." [SNIFFLES]

He jumped to save me.

HAILEY: So those messages, they were...

HOMM: Crowley.

If he infiltrated Arda, he...

he had access to all of Valence's data.

He probably figured out how
you and Valence communicated

and then pretended to be him.

I'm so sorry.


No more apologizing.

Just tell me that we're
gonna work together

to stop this m*therf*cker
once and for all.

But I-I thought you wanted to wait.

I thought you said it was too risky.

Let me tell you,

I know Crowley

probably better than
anybody knows Crowley.

God forgive me, I...

I helped him devise the
Algorithms of Control.

And right now the tenuous
state of our democracy

is fertile ground for
a man just like him.

Not just here...


Now, you've seen what he is capable of

when he had access to Valence's data.

Just imagine what he's
gonna be able to do

when he has access to everyone's data.

He'll be able to manipulate
anyone and anything

as he sees fit.



Markets. Armies.

Take your pick. You name it,

he'll infect it.

And before long,

we'll be powerless to prevent him.

So we have to stop him now.


Before it's too late.

We have to stop him while
we have our free will,

because that is what we're
in danger of losing...

is our free will.

Do you understand?



Whatever it takes.