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09x328 - Dearest Friends

Posted: 04/30/23 18:19
by bunniefuu


You can't stop it.

Not on your own.

I can't...

I can't move!



We're givin' ya

everything we got!

All our power!

It's up to you!

You gotta make it count!



Leave it to me!


I'm ending this right now!


[NATSU yelling]


I need more.

More blood. More destruction.


More pain and tears.


I must...


I must destroy everything.


I must...

I will...

By my hand...

...I will take it all.

I'll have everything.

Nobody can have everything.

And that's why you should

treasure what you do have.

Don't be greedy.

For me, I've got my friends,

so I don't need anything else.


I understand.

[ACNOLOGIA] You are truly

worthy of being king.


I don't wanna be the

king of anything.



It's like he just shattered.

The Fairy Sphere has

that kind of power?

No. It's them.

Go Dragon Slayers!

Natsu and the

Dragon Slayers won.

[WIZARDS cheering]

These kids are the best!

[BOTH laughing]

Victory is manly!

[BIXLOW chuckles]

[ALL laughing]

[BOTH chuckling]

Oh, yeah!

[BOTH laugh]

[JUVIA laughs]



[ALL laugh]


[DRAGON SLAYERS screaming]

[BOTH laugh]


[BOTH scream]

I'm glad you're okay!

--Erik's the man! Oh, yeah!

--Way to go!

--Pretty sweet!

--You're the best!

Oh! Sting!

[ROGUE] I thought that

I'd never see you again!

[ALL laughing]

We did it!


Glad to see ya!

[NATSU] All right, guys! Let's

head back to the guild hall!

[LUCY] This day marked

the end of an era.

But perhaps more importantly,

it was the first day

of a brand new one! line:%


It's now .

A whole year has passed

since the big battle.

So much has happened since then.

[EMCEE A] It's my honor

to introduce the winner

of this year's Kemu Zaleon

Award for Best New Writer.

Lucy Heartfilia for

"The Adventure of Iris"!

[CROWD cheering]


But it's been amazing!


This is wonderful!

I'd heard the main character

was based on the

author's experiences.

[MAN B] And she's such a lovely

and poised young woman!


I'll say!

[MEN chuckles]

Oh, yes. It's based

on a true story.

After all, Miss

Heartfilia is a member

of the legendary Fairy Tail.

My stars!

It all makes sense.


I see.

That does explain...

[MAN G] ...why her friends

are so rambunctious.


[NATSU] Ah, man!

Great spread ya got here!

Sorry, but don't eat it all.

[HAPPY] Stocked with

the freshest fishies!

Did no one ever teach

you manners, Happy?

Gray! You know better

than to strip in public!

Whoa! I'm naked!


Oh, my!


It's time to hit the booze!

Look at the sweets!

After you eat your veggies.

I'm so glad I took

off work today!


You never work, ya bum!

[LAKI, KINANA laugh]

Manly party!

Stop that!

Oh, yeah. That's top-shelf iron.

You're not supposed to eat it.

And besides that fact,

it's not even iron.

Let's hear it for Lucy!

Fiore's best new writer!

The best in the kingdom!


I let you guys come here

because you said you'd

behave yourselves!




Come on, you were supposed

to dress up for this, Natsu.

You're not even dressed

at all, you jerk!


Wanna fight about it?

Don't ruin Lucy's

night of happiness!

[NATSU, GRAY screaming]

Gray, my darling.

I'll take my clothes off.

Oh, man! She's gettin' crazy!

Yeah, she's cuttin' loose.

Must be the booze!

[ELFMAN] I didn't know

you're so manly, Juvia!

And you're a baby.

It's so embarrassing.



And of course my big

night's a big mess.

[LUCY] Yep. It has been

an eventful year,

in the best way possible!

I got the surprising news that

the novel I had been working on

won the Kemu Zaleon award!

The book didn't make me

fabulously wealthy or anything,

but it was a lifelong

dream come true for me.


Lucy? Congratulations!


Hi, Anna!

[LUCY] Anna's still in our era,

which is a good thing.

And you'll have more

success in due time.

I'm sure of it.


Thank you.

[LUCY] Meeting my distant

ancestor was kind of strange,

but I really enjoy going to

visit her every once in a while.

She's teaching school

in a little village now.

Oh, hey!

I thought there was someone

here who smelled like Lucy!

It makes me feel nice

and relaxed.

Don't say I smell.

That's not nice!

I remember you liked her when

she was our teacher. Heh.




What do you mean by "so"?

[LUCY groans]

Oh, there you are!

Yeah. Hey.

[LUCY] Gajeel and Levy

have grown even closer

over the last year.

I'm trying not to be jealous.


[LUCY] Um. I'm not sure,

but did I hear the word "baby"?

Nope, probably just

my imagination.

[LUCY] Wait, Wendy's

hearing is amazing

and she's freaking out.

What's wrong?


Why ya bein' weird?


No reason!

[LUCY] Wendy and Carla

go and visit their friends

in Lamia Scale quite

a bit these days.

They even talked her

into bringing back

the Sky Sisters act for

the Thanksgiving Festival.

[TOBY yelling]

You'd better not try

and flee next year!

Down, boy!

She'll always be welcome here.


As usual, no one understands

what Toby's thinking.

Nice work!

Wendy, see that?

I'm so proud of you!

Me, too!

Very good. It's coming along.


Shelia can use magic again.

Just a little bit at a time,

but it makes her so happy.


Speaking of other guilds...

Once again, victory is mine.

[LUCY] At the Tiger! Tiger!

Tiger! contest,

Minerva maintains her record

as Sabertooth's eating champ!

Hey, Sting! Say something!

She's just way too hungry.

Yeah, I think so, too!

I'll win next year.

II'd like more desserts,

if you don't mind.

You're incredible, milady!

[ROGUE, STING] We're never

gonna beat her, are we?

It'll be tough, yep.

Yeah, I think so, too!


As for Blue Pegasus,

Ichiya won the title of Most

Handsome Man of the Year.

Oh, man!

[LUCY] I didn't even

know that was a thing.

You're the man, Captain Ichiya!

General Ichiya.

Ichiya of Destiny.

Lord Ichiya.

On your marks,

get set, and go!

Ichiya is...


Ichiya is...



...most handsome!

Oh, yes! Oh, yes!


Oh, yes!

Oh, yes!



Oh, yes!



Oh, hell--


Hell yes!

Why'd I let them

talk me into this?

[LUCY] The ladies of

Mermaid Heel became

exclusive models for

Sorcerer Weekly.

Feelin' all rosy!

Never underestimate...

...chubby power!

Yay. Cute widdle kitties!

Why did I let them

talk me into this?

[LUCY] It makes me so happy

that everyone's doing well!

I forgot how much of

a lightweight you are.

Oh. Cana.


This is a party, isn't it?

Let loose, Lucy!

This'll do the trick!

Careful. Get her drunk,

no telling what she'll do.

Oh, Gray! What'll it take

for you to notice me?

Hey! Stop!

She might get kinda crazy.

A little more wouldn't hurt.

Don't be so gross!

[GRAY] Jeez, what the

hell's gotten into you?

I'm sorry.


That scar. Still got it, huh?

It doesn't bother me at all.

I bet that if you ask Wendy,

she'd erase it for ya.

Well, you still have yours.

You gonna erase them?

It's just not the

same thing, ya know?

I mean, your body--

What about my body?

Well, I...

You know, I, uh, might be

into it... or somethin'.


Yeah, she definitely

heard that.

[LUCY] Gray and Juvia's

relationship is interesting,

that's for sure.

But I've been keeping an eye

on other couples, too!

Elfman and Evergreen?

Manly party!

Please, shut up!

Havin' a little

couple's spat, eh?

Seems so.

[LUCY] Who knows what's

really going on there,

but I think they've got

a thing happening.

Laxus and Mira, maybe?

Think I'll pass.


Naw, but there was a juicy rumor

about them for a while.

Laxus and Lisanna?

Or Laxus and Cana?

Yeah! 'Scuse me.

[LUCY] There's a lot

of rumors about him.


Laxus, so! Would you

care for some meat?

And then...

maybe a shoulder rub?

Uh. Sure.

Yeah! It's time to chow down!

Hey, here's the best new

writer in the kingdom.

An amazing achievement.

I'll admit, writing was

never my strong suit.

One time, I sent a

thank-you letter to a guild

for helping me,

and they tracked me down

with weapons in hand!

[LUCY chuckles]

Congratulations, Lucy.

I'm proud to call you my

guildmate, and my friend.

That really means a lot to me.



The most interesting couple

is the one whose

paths intertwined

and diverged over and over:

Erza and Jellal.

On a slightly different topic,

the king of Fiore

retired this past year,

and Princess Hisui

took over as queen.

She's begun work on restoring

diplomatic relations

with Alvarez,

and doing everything she can

to help our kingdom prosper.

As part of that, she granted

Jellal and the other members

of Crime Sorcière amnesty.


[JELLAL] Your Majesty,

are you saying...?

Amnesty? Really?

'S what I heard.

What's that mean?

Our crimes are forgiven?

Oh-ho, yeah!

Highness, you do realize

we were in a dark guild?

I am aware of that.

I know about your past.

But you realize the

wrongs you've done,

and you're atoning for your

sins by working towards

making tomorrow better

for all of us.

You must continue that

service and live on.

We'll live on.

[ALL chattering]


And so, Jellal and his friends

were given their freedom.

I thought Erza would be over

the moon by this, but...

It's complicated.

I don't understand it at all!

Can't you use easier words?

[LUCY] Well, I guess I'll

never figure her out.

I think I might know

what this one means.

[LUCY] However, there's

one thing I do know.

She never cared too

much about her hair,

but she started fixing

it up every day

since his pardon was announced.

Hey! Great party, huh?

Sorry we're late.

It couldn't be helped.

Listen up, everyone!

I'm the man who raised this

little girl into who she is!

So feel free to thank me!

Don't be such an arrogant ass!

--Man, that smarts!

--Simmer down.

--Man, that smarts!

[LUCY] Master has had a

hard time getting around

after what happened

in the battle.

That's no way to treat a sick

man, you mean old crone!

[PORLYUSICA] If you're really

sick, you shouldn't be drinking!

Simmer down.


But he's still a firecracker.

Sometimes, he talks

about the dream,

or vision, he had that day.

So strange. Who was it

that I saw in my mind?

[LUCY gasps]


Is that her?

[HAPPY gasps]


No way!

Miss? You dropped this.


Oh, thank you so much!

'Course. Are you

with a publisher?

Yes. Just a small one

at the moment.

What about you?


Me? Uh, just an aspiring writer.

[MAN chuckles]

I was inspired by Miss

Heartfilia's work,

so I kinda snuck in here

to try to get her autograph.

So did I!

[WOMAN giggles]

By the way...


Uh. Did something

happen to your shoes?


Oh! How stupid.

I forgot to put any on!


[BOTH laughing]


Anyway, my name is Alios.


I'm Mio.

It's nice to meet you.

You want to find a

quiet spot for a chat?

Yes, that sounds nice!

[ALIOS] It's been quite warm

this August, hasn't it?

[MIO] Yeah, so I guess I can

blame my forgetfulness

on the heat?

[ALIOS] Heh. Well, it probably

feels better to go barefoot.


This is amazing!

There's so much

happiness in the air!

Aw. It makes me feel warm

and fuzzy all over!

Hey. Have you guys

seen Gajeel and Levy?

Don't ask us!

Think about our feelings!

This modern era is

gonna be awesome!

Oh, shut up, would ya?!

[VIJEETER chuckles]

Let's have a little fun!

Yeah, we don't bite!

I swear, I won't

grow up like them.




I'm gonna fall over!

Oui. Hold each other tighter.

I'm takin' a big job,

starting tomorrow!


Yeah? Heard that before!

What? Like actually in reality?

You have a boyfriend?



Yeah, a guy named Erik.

He's way more free these days,

so we can spend time together.

[LUCY sighs]


What a wonderful night!


Wait! I'm back at home?

Oh, man.

Please don't tell me this was

that "just a dream" cliché.

No. That would suck.


Get outta my bedroom!

Do you see this, Lucy?

I wanted to make your trophy

all nice and sparkly for ya!

It's scratched up!

But at least I didn't dream it!

So what's the big idea?

How come you're in my apartment?

Come on, Lucy.

We carried you here after you

fell down all of a sudden.


Oh, crap. Did I drink that much?

Do you really wanna

know what happened?

I don't think you

should tell her.


Is it that embarrassing?

You're gonna give me

a piggyback ride!

Put me in my jammies!

Let me pet your widdle

tummy, Happy!

Sweet dreams, you guys!

It's all coming back to me now.

I can't go out in public again.

So how 'bout we go on a job?



Oh, uh, is somethin' wrong?

Ya have a tummy ache?



I just started remembering

all this stuff

and I can't stop crying.

If I hadn't met you

guys way back then,

I wouldn't've become

the person I am today.


Thank you so much.

For everything!

Hey, Lucy?



I gotta tell you...

somethin' important.

Huh? What?

Never mind! We can talk

about it after this job!

Aye, Sir!


Here I am, falling apart

in a puddle of tears,

and you just "never mind"?




It's fine!

'Cause we're always

gonna be together!

[LUCY] Uh, wait!

I-I-I need to get ready!

Uh, I need to pack!


Packed for ya!


Aye! Even your naughty panties!



Natsu! Hurry up!

Well, finally.

You don't want us

to leave ya, do ya?

[NATSU] Remember how I was

sayin' there was somethin'

I wanted to do after

the fighting was over?


Oh. Yeah!

So you were talking

about this job?

I finally got

permission to do it!

Now, let's go.

[NATSU] Hundred Year Quest,

here we come!

I'm all fired up!


Think about fairies.

Do they have tails, or not?

I mean, do fairies even

exist in our world?

Or are they fantasy?

It's an eternal mystery

that can lead one on

an eternal adventure.

That's the meaning behind

our guild's name.

I'll admit, it's a pretty cute

name for such a rowdy bunch.

But every day here

is an adventure!

I love these people!

And I hope everyone can find

a Fairy Tail of their own.

A place you can belong,

feeling loved and accepted.

With your dearest friends.


Let's get started!



See ya!