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09x324 - When the Fire Dies

Posted: 04/30/23 18:16
by bunniefuu
[MAVIS panting]

I can't move.

It seems I've

lost this fight.

I never foresaw this outcome.

[ZEREF] Natsu is a force to be

reckoned with... but so naive.

It's still impossible

for me to die.

And, as always, I expect to be

fully healed any moment now.



Because of what you've done,

people I care deeply

about suffered unjustly.

Your actions can

never be forgiven.

[MAVIS] As Fairy Tail's

founding guild master,

and one who values

bonds over blood...

[MAVIS] ...I want to rid this

world of you right this instant.

My death at your hands

would honestly be a comfort.

Alas, it's hopeless.

[MAVIS] It's okay. You

can finally rest in peace.

Mavis, I... I can't.

Back then... I missed the mark,

because I didn't

have faith in you.

What are you talking about?

[MAVIS] You loved me

with all your heart,

and because of the

Curse of Contradiction,

the love you felt took my life.

However, my curse,

which we assumed was

the same as yours...

...didn't have the same result,

and somehow you lived.

[MAVIS] It must be because,

in the depths of my heart,

I didn't have full faith in you.

The love I felt simply

wasn't strong enough.


You needn't blame yourself.

All my life, I've never

truly been loved.

[ZEREF] When I thought

about our time together,

I realized that it wasn't

love you felt for me--

it was compassion.

Not true! I felt conflicted,

not compassionate!


If I hadn't met you,

I wouldn't have

learned to use magic.

Without your guidance,

I wouldn't have been

able to save Magnolia.

[MAVIS] You're the reason

for all of this.

In a way, you're why

Fairy Tail was born!

I held such deep admiration

for you, but still...

[MAVIS] You were also

a bringer of death.

I suffered this fate

because of you.

You hurt my friends...

you preyed on me...

...and you tried to

destroy Fairy Tail.

[MAVIS] I despised you,

and yet... loved you.

I knew I was the only one

who really understood

your loneliness.

I felt so much empathy for you.

This conflict made it

impossible to think clearly.

To plan my way forward.

If I truly loved you...

then it would have k*lled you.

If I cared for you from

the bottom of my heart,

then surely your life would end.

[MAVIS] And so, that became

the key to my plan.




But the truth is...

...that deep down, I don't

really want you to die!

I want us to be

together, forever!

[MAVIS crying]

[ZEREF] The stronger the

love you feel for someone,

the more effectively the

Curse of Contradiction

works to take their life.

And now I understand.

That being loved... will bring

me the peace I've yearned for.


For that gift, Mavis...

...thank you.

I hate you! I hate

everything about you!

You don't deserve to die!

You deserve to live

and suffer more!

You hurt my friends!

You destroyed our guild hall!

[MAVIS] You k*lled...

You k*lled Makarov.

Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!

I don't love you at

all, you hear me?

Just die already!

I never wanna see your face

again as long as I live!

I don't love you!

I don't love you!

You're the enemy of

everything I stand for!

Everything in the entire world!

I'm begging you...



Just die.


Please don't die.

I never thought I

could feel so happy...

...that I could

ever know peace...

...but you've opened

my eyes to many things.

[ZEREF] I wish... I could've

spent more time with you.

And I wish that I'd been able

to make amends with dear Natsu.

[MAVIS] I wish... that

you'd take me with you.

Please, Zeref.

[ZEREF] I can't, Mavis.

You need to live.

You mean it?

You truly feel that way

with all your heart?

[ZEREF gasps]

Oh, no.

This means the curse

will take you, as well.


We can go together. Okay?

You and me.


It feels so warm.


Of course it does.

After all, we're inside

the heart of Fairy Tail.



I've always wondered

what death is like.

But now my immortality

has been met

with something far stronger.


The power of love...

The essence of magic...


Huh? What was that?

[MAKAROV groans]


The battle... is it over?

I had such an incredible dream.




He's alive!

[WIZARDS cheering]


[MAKAROV] A strange dream,

yet so comforting.

I could feel it.

A warm life force flowing

through my body.


I saw a barefoot girl

and a boy dressed

in a black robe.

Their faces filled

with such joy.

[LUCY panting]

[LUCY gasps]

What's happening?


Something changed.

All the writing

is going back in!

That's all I can do.

I hope it was enough.

I wrote down our memories.

What we've shared with him.

We know... who Natsu truly is.

He's not some demon.

I got ya.

You messed with a demon's book.

You took that risk

because you had to.

Now it's my turn.

I'll use my demon-slaying

powers to clear it out of you.



[LUCY gasps]

Are you okay?

I am. Thank you.

Those markings that

were on you are gone.



Hey, look.


The book's disappearing.


You think that means...?

It means we beat Zeref.

[HAPPY] But when the book

disappears, Natsu will, too.


Hey, guys!





It's really you!


The w*r's over.


Excellent work, Natsu!

Oh! You're alive!

Don't be gross!

You're gettin' snot all over me!


It's not snot, Natsu!

It's emotion juice. It's fine.


No, it's kinda nasty.

[NATSU chuckles]


We won.

We did.

But I think the First

Master passed away.

That's awful.

[NATSU] Ya know, somethin'

tells me we shouldn't be sad.

I just have this feeling,

like things have ended for her

the way that she wanted them to.

I see.



Let's go to the guild

with smiles on our faces!





Erza. I didn't think

I'd survive that.

I'm glad you did.


But why? I was ready.

[JENNY] It's because... there's

still something you need to do.

What could that be?

You need to keep living.

'Cause Ichiya and Anna

made sure that you would.

So live with meaning.

Make the most of life.

Live with meaning.

[phone ringing]



A portable

communication lacrima?

I forgot I still had it.

Is this Warren?


I can't believe it works!

I dropped this thing during

all the craziness.

Ah, I'm so glad I found it!

What is your

situation now, Erza?


I'm with Jellal, and Wendy,

and members of Blue Pegasus.



This thing is so noisy

I can barely understand

a word you're saying!

I'll try to make this

as clear as I can.

We've sealed Acnologia

inside a time rift.

Huh? He's sealed? In time?

Two of our allies made

the ultimate sacrifice.


What? I-I didn't get that!

Say it again!


We lost the signal.

Well, sounds like

we'll have some time

to talk about it later.

[JELLAL] What happened

to Natsu? And Zeref?

Did he say?

[ERZA] We need to return to

Magnolia as soon as possible.

I think Erza said they

sealed up Acnologia.

I need to spread

the news around.

What? They got Acnologia?

[WARREN] Yeah! They sealed

him away somehow.

That's awesome!

So does this mean that all

the fighting is over now?

Ah, no way!

I was lookin' forward to

goin' head to head with him

and givin' him the

beating of his life!

You're all busted up. Get real.

Sounds to me like you

wanna catch a beating!

Shut your mouth, flame brain!

Jeez. I was just sayin' you

need to rest and heal up.

[NATSU gasps]

What is it?





Man, that hurts! Are ya

trying to break my hand?

Sorry about that.

What's the big idea, ya

droopy-eyed naked weirdo?

I oughta melt you down!

You're too trashed to

take a fist bump, spiky?!

Why don't you go

sit on an icicle?

Thank goodness! I'm so glad

they're back to normal.



[LUCY] You can bicker later,

let's get back to the guild!


Sounds good!

Hey, Natsu. Your arm

is lookin' rough.

Guess I got a

little too fired up.

[NATSU chuckles]

I'll get Wendy to cast one

of her healing spells on me!

The guild hall's right ahead.


Every time I see that place,

it brings back so many memories.

All the fighting is over.

[LUCY] I can't wait to

get back to normal life.

I've got books I need

to finish reading,

some manuscripts I need

to finish writing--

there's so much to do!

I know.

First thing on my list

is thankin' Juvia.

I wanna relax.

Then it's time for

a new adventure!

Now you're talkin'.

Sounds good to me!

You guys wanna help me

track down Aquarius' key?



I'll do anything for a fishie!

You know she's not

a fish, Happy!

She's a mermaid.

Hey, that reminds me.

You said there was something

you wanted to do

once this was over.


Well, Natsu, should we spill

the beans on what it is?


Natsu. Come on. Where'd ya go?

[GRAY] Look, this isn't

the time for jokes, man!

[LUCY crying]



I rewrote it and everything.

So why?!

Please. Come back!

No way!




The battle should be over

and peace should be reigning,

but these "shoulds" start

to fall apart really quickly.

And at the moment Natsu

suddenly vanishes into thin air,

an ominous crack opens

up in the sky above.

With negative emotions

and forces of devastation

spilling forth from it,

things are looking hopeless,

and all of humanity is

in danger once more.

Next time: "World Destruction."

The countdown to the

world's end begins.