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09x322 - The Door of Vows

Posted: 04/30/23 18:15
by bunniefuu
Please stop.

It's okay.


And by doing that,

I'll ensure humankind

has a future.

However... it means I must

say goodbye to this world.

Please don't destroy it.

Save this world.


...this is the

beautiful place...

[MAVIS, ZEREF] ...where I found

you and you found me.


First Master!

Now, I've cut all of the ties

that bound me to this world.


Come on. Wake up!

First Master!


She's not dead.



[ZEREF] But she no longer

has any magic power.

I've extracted it all.

I doubt she even has

the strength to stand.

Damn you.


The time has come.


This is the power

of Fairy Heart!

[NATSU grunting]




[ZEREF] I am without

equal in this world.

For I am now a god with

control over time itself.

The hell? What was that?

I think it came from

the guild hall.


We need to check it out.


Hang on, old timer.

You're here. Thank god.


I'm not sure why,

but the First Master asked

that we stay away.

Safe to assume she has

a strategy in mind.

But still,

I want to get him back

there as soon as we can.



And you guys fought your

hearts out for that right.

[CANA] You know, that wizard

August we were fighting

said that he was

the last of the .

I beat the one called

Jacob earlier.

So he's out of commission.

That sand wizard, Ajeel,

basically just lost

the will to fight.

His grandpa showed up and

they went off somewhere.

And Gray took care of Invel.

There was that one who

controlled the dead.

I believe he called

them "Historias."

Someone defeated

him, too, right?

Apparently, Natsu beat him.

And I believe that

Erza took down Irene.

Also, according to Lucy,

Brandish and Dimaria

left the battle earlier.

We know that the rest of the

have all been taken care of.

The ones left are Emperor

Spriggan--I mean, Zeref...

...and Acnologia.

Once again, we're facing

the Black Dragon.

I was hoping we

were done with him.

[GILDARTS] Does anyone

know where he is now?

I'm not really sensing

him nearby anymore.

[LAXUS] He was goin' after

Blue Pegasus' ship.

Some kind of decoy mission?

Those guys... So manly.

We seem to be

missing some folks.

We are. But Warren is

attempting to locate them.




Gray, my love.










Everyone. Please be okay.

[BOTH groaning]

Aw, man. That wave, what was it?

Somethin' just went down

at the guild hall.


Hey, Lucy. You okay?



Hang on.

Lucy! Where's that

writing that flew out?

It's all in here.

It went back in the book.

I don't understand

what's goin' on.

[LUCY] I'm pretty sure

Natsu and this book

are connected somehow.

Probably by some highly

advanced body link spell.

We've seen that before,

but never one this strong.




Maybe I can help him

if I rewrite it.

[GRAY] That sounds crazy.

Are you serious?

There was massive amount

of stuff on a single page.

That was only a

fraction of the book.

Who knows how much there is.

I don't think I would need

to rewrite the entire thing.

I'll bet it's one page.

Just that much would be

enough to help Natsu.

I'm positive he

can win this fight.

When he does,

I'll eliminate Zeref.

At that point, Natsu's

only hope... is all of you.

The strength of your bond.

Find that page and rewrite it.

That's all we can

do for him now.

Let's get started.




[NATSU] I'm sorry. But the only

thing left for us to do... get rid of him!

That so? You're

talking about me?


'Cause who in the hell else

would I be talkin' about?!

[ZEREF] Have you forgotten

you can't destroy me?

That's how we got to this point.


Fire Dragon King...

...Destruction Fist!


Sorry, Gramps.

Guess I wrecked the

guild hall again.

I know you'll be mad.

But I took Zeref down with it.




What the...? He's back?

Of course I am. This is the

power of the Fairy Heart.

Space and time

are my dominions.

I have total control of them.

My magic power is

limitless and everlasting.

It's the pinnacle of

every form of magic,

which this world has never seen.

It is the reckoning... that will

bring this world to its end.

Before I take my leave,

something I forgot to mention.

There was no need for you

to apologize to Makarov.

You see, he died

on the b*ttlefield.

Perhaps you'll meet him

again in the afterlife.

Farewell, Natsu.

Heh. Running won't help you.

For as long as that little

dragon exists in this world,

it is my mission to slay it!


[ACNOLOGIA] I won't stop until

every dragon has been slain!

The world must be

cleansed of them!

Okay. I'll buy you some time.

[ERZA gasps]

Are you sure?


Wait! Hang on, man!

You needn't do this.

It's far too dangerous

of a mission.

Let me handle it instead!

You're kind. But this

is something I must do.

I need you to protect them.

I understand.

What a stud. That's

how it's done, boys.

He'd fit right in

with Blue Pegasus.

Well, it's not like

I see him in a new light.

He's on par with Mr. Ichiya!


Oh, yeah, he's the man!


He's the man!

Just like me!


Just like this man!

He's the man!


He's the man!

Shut up.


Yes, ma'am.



Ah! Looks like he got him!

Hold on. Not yet.

[ACNOLOGIA] I told you before--

I have no magic type.

This isn't good.

He's swallowing the attack!

I think he's gonna strike back!





[PASSENGERS screaming]

Hey, guys! See that?

[REN] Whoa! You've

gotta be kidding me!

That attack split the ocean.

His power's off the charts.


He's a force of nature.

Where's Jellal?


I was naive.

I thought that if I kept

dodging his att*cks,

I'd be able to buy us

a little more time.

But if he keeps this up,

he'll destroy the land itself.


No, not just the land.

I won't stop until I destroy

everything in this world.


Neither Jellal nor this ship

can keep this up

for much longer.

You have to open the

time rift right away!


I keep reaching out to it.

Why won't it respond?

[ANNA] Has someone

purposely closed it?

This world has finally

reached its end.

We are now at the

dawning of a new world.

I will enter into it

through the doorway of

the Fairy Tail guild hall.

I shall create a link between

it and the rift in time.

The moment that I pass

through the doorway,

this world will

crumble into dust.

And my world, one born anew,

will come into being.

This doorway has

served as the portal

to countless adventures.

People setting out full of hope

and returning with

tales to tell.

To think this is where

the old and new will meet,

with Fairy Tail as the nexus.

Could there be a

more perfect irony?

I'm going to plot my course

with memories from this world

as I walk through my

former life again.

I will not make

the same mistakes.

[ZEREF] Now I know

how to save the world.


It stopped.


Yeah, it did.

The letter things

are blowin' up!

Do you think it's because

something bad happened to Natsu?


I think it's his body.

Something's not right.

I think he's seriously hurt!

Please, help him!

What're we gonna do?

Lucy, did you figure out

what you needed to rewrite?


No, not yet.

But I'm gonna start by rewriting

the parts that just vanished!


Can you really do that?

I mean, it happened so fast.

There's no telling what

they said before.

It's okay. I memorized it all.


The rift is already open.


Unfortunately, I'm afraid

it wasn't my doing.

It was somebody else.

What does that mean?

All I know is that the

gate has now been opened.

There's no turning back.


Miss Anna! Over there!


This can't be!

No way!

I can't believe it!

[ANNA] The time rift,

it's become visible!


What is that?


Oh, no! Acnologia sees it, too!

If he can see it,

that pretty much throws our

whole plan to trap him

out the window!

What the hell are we gonna do?

Don't worry! I'll push

him through myself!

No, stay away!

It's far too dangerous!

If you touch it,

you'll disappear, too!


There's no other way!




[ZEREF] I give thanks to

the world I leave behind.

[ZEREF gasps]


Gramps always told us something.

[NATSU] That when you

leave through that door,

you make a vow--

a vow that you'll

return no matter what.

You make a promise...

that you're gonna survive.

Holy crap.

You did it, Lucy!

It's back like it was!



Hey, what's wrong?

What's happening to you?

[GRAY] Lucy! Can you

hear me? Answer me!


Please! Just hang in there!


Those onboard the Christina

continue their battle

against Acnologia.

But with the rift

in time now open,

they're forced to make

a difficult decision.

Back in Magnolia,

darkness infects Lucy's body

after she rewrites

the Book of E.N.D.

Meanwhile, the White

Wizard Zeref watches on

as an all-consuming

fire bursts forth.

Next Time: "Raging Fire

of the Dragon."

Everything that they do

is solely to protect

the ones they love.