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09x317 - Dark Future

Posted: 04/30/23 18:11
by bunniefuu
[GRAY] I decided his life

was more important to me.

I don't give a damn what he is,

'cause Natsu's a true friend.

[ZEREF] Whether it's you

or I who dies here today,

it won't make any difference.

You'll still lose him.

[GRAY] You know I'm not

gonna let that happen.

Which is why I'm takin'

you down myself.

I thought you

understood the stakes.

If I die, Natsu

will die with me.

I happen to have a way to

beat you without k*lling you.


Iced Shell!

This is Lost magic.

Where'd you learn such a spell?

[GRAY] I picked it up

from a bunch of freaks

who worshipped you

like some kinda god.

Not my favorite job I've taken.

Guess this was

the "silver lining."

[GRAY] Enhancing a spell

with lost attributes

is something else,

makes it hundreds of

times more powerful.

[ZEREF] But it carries

quite a hefty toll.

It erases the caster's entire

existence from the world.

So everyone I've met

throughout my life

will totally forget about me.

I'm okay with that.

[GRAY] It just means

no one has to grieve.

There've been way too

many tears already!

It's impossible.

I can hardly move.

You're not gonna bother

anybody again--it's over!

The world will not be rid of me.

Yet you're willing to give up

your whole existence!

You'd sacrifice

absolutely everything

to encase me in ice for a while?

You know this won't k*ll me!

But if I did k*ll you,

Natsu would die, too!

So trapping you in ice

forever is my only choice!

But this won't last forever!

The ice will melt eventually,

and then I will be free!

And until that day comes,

we'll have peace in Ishgar.

I call that a win

for Fairy Tail.





Gray. Don't be such a fool.

It's you.

[UR] Your life is

too precious to give up.

[GRAY] Sorry, but I've

already made up my mind.

Stop this.

No way. This is

what I gotta do.


Please stop.

Thanks for everything

you've done, Ur.



[NATSU yelling]



So, you've come.

Are you crazy?

Or did you forget what happened?

On that island,

I stopped you then, too.

I'll never let you

use that spell!


I know, but... I lost control.

I let my emotions run wild.

And then, I actually

tried to k*ll you, Natsu.


This guild doesn't need

someone like me!

That's why.

I'm not any different from you!


I gotta know...

You and me...

are friends, right?

So you can't die!

Don't even think about it,

okay? I can't lose you!

You understand?

Yeah, but... Natsu,

if we k*ll Zeref, then...

You'll die.

Win or lose, death

will be your prize.

How cruel fate can be.


I ain't dyin'!


You think that's my fate?

Well, screw that!

I'm gonna burn it to ashes!



Yeah, I believe in you, Natsu.

You're gonna find a way.



I believe in you, too.


You're going to burn fate?

Obviously you don't understand

how the world truly works.

As for me,

I accepted my cursed lot in life

several hundred years ago.

Do you know why?

Because I simply had

no choice in the matter.

After all, that is the

very essence of fate.

[NATSU yelling]




[NATSU gasps]




[BOTH gasp]

That hurt.

This is exactly what I'd

predicted would happen.

[ZEREF] The power Igneel

granted you is gone.

And now, you have no

chance of defeating me.

[HAPPY gasps]


That means...

If I hadn't stopped

him before, then...


I can't let you do it.

You'll die!


If I let that happen, I couldn't

live with myself, Natsu!


I'm losin' Igneel's power,

so ya gotta put me down!

This is our last chance.

If he gets away, he's gonna

destroy the whole world!

That's okay.

I've still got my power.



What is that?


Erza. Are you sure you can walk?

I'll be fine.

All thanks to your incredible

healing powers.

If I'd been near Master

Makarov, maybe...

...I could've saved him.

No, he knew the sacrifice he

was making with that spell.

He gave his life in

order to save ours.



You guys feel that?

So strong.

Something's close.


[ZEREF sighs]

[ZEREF] Irene managed to buy

me quite a bit of time,

but I believe that

it's finally run out.


This power. It's insane.

I've had my fill of this world.

I've got to find

the Black Wizard

and do what must be done.



Our time is over. Done.


Who is that?

His magic feels

strange, yet familiar.

[ACNOLOGIA chuckles]

I thought this day

might never come.

But now I'm looking at the one

who gave humans the

power to slay dragons.

In that regard, I suppose

I should call you "mother."


The source of my sin!


[ACNOLOGIA laughing]



I'm afraid this also means

that our playtime is over.

This is the last chance I'll

ever have to fulfill my goal.

For humanity's future,

you need to die.



What do you mean, "time's over"?

Acnologia has arrived.

That's what I felt.

There's no way.

[AUGUST] The plan was for

His Majesty to absorb

the Fairy Heart before

the dragon's arrival.

I don't believe that

has happened yet.

Which means something

must've gone awry.

[GILDARTS] You're really

gonna give up that easily?


We're doomed.

His pitch-black wings

will darken the future

of all humanity.


Oh, yeah?

But that's exactly what

you and your cronies

are trying to do, isn't it?

[AUGUST] His Majesty's goal

is to secure mankind's future.

Give me a freakin' break!

You think we actually

believe that crap?

That matters not to me.

Your understanding's

completely irrelevant.



Listen, ya ol' geezer!

I don't give a damn what

you think you're doing here!

Because from where I stand,

you're nothing but

heartless conquerors!

So many people have

died in this w*r!

Even our own Master.

You may think you're on

some "grand mission,"

but you're only causing pain!

All we really want

is to live in peace.

To spend time with our friends.

To see the joy on the

faces of those we love!


But no matter what we may face,

Fairy Tail is never

gonna give up the fight.



[CANA] I don't care if it's

against Zeref or Acnologia,

we're not backing down.

You understand? We'll protect

our guild and our home.

We'll stop calamity itself

if that's what we've gotta do!


And this one...

is from Master Mavis!

She named it... Fairy Glitter!


[CANA panting]


No. Seriously?

Tell me...

Do you care about your father?


Well, he's not my favorite

person, to be honest.



How can you say that, sweetie?

We'll talk about our issues

later, but not right now!


Ha. Kids, am I right?

[AUGUST] What about you?

Do you love your child?


Ya damn right I do!

I've traveled the world,

and I've mastered every

form of magic it has to offer,

but there's one thing

I've yet to understand.

[AUGUST] The love shared between

a parent and their child.


There's really nothin'

too complicated about it.


If that's true, answer this.

It's a simple question.

If your child were to

perish before your eyes,

tell me, what exactly

would you feel?


[LUCY] August, who never learned

the meaning of parental love,

puts Cana in danger simply to

test the emotional connection

between her and her

father, Gildarts.

Will his rage be enough to

overcome the Wizard King,

who can nullify all

forms of magic?

What happens when feelings clash

with advanced techniques?

Meanwhile, inside the

Fairy Tail guild hall,

a new situation is

beginning to develop.

Next Time: "My Name Is..."

Soon we may understand

why Zeref's child

was never shown love.