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09x316 - Gray's Trump Card

Posted: 04/30/23 18:10
by bunniefuu
[ALL gasp]

What the--?

Hang on. We've seen

this light before.


This light.

Irene has fallen. She must have.

The Universe One

spell is dissipating.

The world is going

back to how it was.


Uh. Where are we?

We're at my place now?!

Seems perfect to me!

[NATSU] This is where

things usually start.

All we gotta do is walk

down the street...

...and head to Fairy Tail!

Aye, Sir!

[WIZARDS cheering]


It's Magnolia!


Yes! Finally!


We got our home turf back!

[WIZARDS gasp]


The fight's still on!

[WIZARD E] We gotta

send these guys packin'!

[WIZARD F] First Master,

how should we handle them?

You know the town's layout--

get somewhere easy to defend!

But keep your eyes open

for the next wave coming!

Old man, we're almost there.

I promise I'll get you home.

Fairy Tail's waiting.

Then you can rest.

Well, looks like

the town's back.

Irene fell? Bollocks.

[MIRAJANE] Our side beat

another one of the ?

You won't best me, tramp.

[JACOB groaning]

I still need to get used to

the new bloody landscape.

Right, then.

I'm starting to get

my bearings a bit!


Even with my eyes

nice and tight,

I can still suss out

exactly where you are.

I'm running really

low on magic power.

Gotta make this count.

What was all that just now?

I gotta see what's happening!

Bloody hell! Even more indecent!


Why don't you try keeping

your eyes open for this one?

I'm not falling for

your tricks. Sod off!

Then I hope for your sake,

you've said your prayers.


That's rich coming from a demon.

And besides, you're the one

who needs a miracle.

Do I?




[JACOB groaning]



She... beat me.

That was so weird.

Why did he keep his eyes

closed the entire time?

Oh, well, his loss.

He might've had a shot

if he'd kept them open.

Now! Time to dry up

and wither away!

Here's our chance!

Manly punch!

[AJEEL groans]


Whoa. Did that work?

[LISANNA] Two against one

and we barely squeaked by.

No way. I'm still... not done.

Ajeel, please. Stop all

this foolishness.



They're related?

Far too many people have lost

their precious loved ones

on both sides of this conflict.

We can't lose more lives.

Don't you realize?

This is what happens

in every damn w*r!

Is that true?

You probably never

thought about it before

because you've always won.

But everyone that

you've defeated,

they've all lost people

they loved dearly.



On my life, I beg of you...

...spare him.

Let me keep my grandson.

[AJEEL] Stop it. You're making

us look ridiculously weak.

You don't have to beg.

Yeah, seriously, my big brother

and I aren't the types of people

who'd ever k*ll

somebody in a fight.

Wait, what?

You guys are family,

too? Like, for real?

Actually, the whole guild's

like a big family.

But this sweet girl is

my manly little sister.



She's manly?


Shut up!

[LISANNA] Heh. Never would've

guess you're related.

[YAJEEL] You should've

seen me in my younger days.

Looked just like him.

[ELFMAN] So that means he's

gonna look like you someday?


Shut up!

[LUCY] I'm so happy to be

back in regular Magnolia.

But what happened to everyone

who was just with us?



Where are Carla, Porlyusica,

and Evergreen?

Don't forget about us.

You're here, too?




Hey, uh, I think

I did something.

Sorry for whatever it was.


Get away from me, you monster!

I went nuts. I just thought

you'd k*lled Lucy.


Please, save me, Randi!


Well, we should be off.


Where are you going?

It's not like I'm gonna go

back to fighting against you,

so don't worry.

But I'm not gonna join

you guys, either.


I get it.

Maybe we can meet again.


Sounds like a pain.

Hey! Guys!


Uh! Whoa, it's you!


We were worried.



We looked everywhere,

but Gray's nowhere to be found!

It's like he just vanished.

Honestly, he shouldn't even be

moving around in his condition--

it's suicidal.

He woke up right before

we saw that weird light.



--What's that sound?

--Look there!

[HAPPY gasps]


Somebody's on the cathedral.


Who's that?

It seems as though

I'm the last member

of the still fighting.

Hear me, children of Alvarez,

proud members of the ,

the time has come to offer

unto His Majesty

your spirits, your flesh!

His magic power is incredible.

That's insane. It's like

the air is trembling.


Maybe we can meet again.


Won't happen.

Not after we've

angered the Calamity.

I am a child of His Majesty.

And thus, I shall cleanse the

enemy with your very souls.


We're gonna die!


He'll wipe out the whole town!

He's willing to k*ll

his allies with us!

Everybody, run!


Oops. Guess I wrecked

the church, didn't I? Heh.


All right!


It's Gildarts!


Oh, yeah!

I can handle this one, you guys.

[WIZARDS cheering]


Let's go. We gotta get to Zeref!


Aye! Ha-ha!

[LUCY] Shouldn't we help

them look for Gray?

[NATSU] Nah. Pretty sure

I know where he is.

Never in my wildest

dreams did I think

you of all people would

be the first one here.

I'd half expected

it to be Jellal,

or perhaps that swaggering

lightning wizard, Laxus.

To be perfectly honest,

this is quite a shame.

I think it's way past

time for you to leave.

Plus, I hate it when

someone sits in my spot.


You put yourself in a situation

that will cause dear

Natsu the most grief.


I get the feeling...

...Gray's with Zeref now.

Your name's Gray.

And you are one of Natsu's

closest friends in this guild.

Your parents were

k*lled by Deliora,

a demon that I myself created,

and then several years later,

your master fell to him as well.

I'm sure you must have

a burning hatred for me.


You know about people who mean

absolutely nothing to you.

It's basic strategy.

Knowing one's enemy is crucial.

There's Lucy Heartfilia,

the descendant of an old

friend of mine named Anna.

She's bright, optimistic, and

she's been a major influence

on Natsu's growth

and development.

And of course,

Natsu's partner, Happy.

The bond of trust they

share is nigh unbreakable.

I can't leave out Erza.


And Gajeel.

I've done my best to learn all

I can about every key player.

And for some reason, finding

any real information on you

has been practically

impossible for us.


I'd imagine that's the case.

Why don't you start by telling

me what you're really after?

Surely you should know

that much by now.

I want to have Mavis'

magic power for myself.

And you and your guild

want to protect her.

Therein lies our conflict.

[GRAY] If you have an

army at your command,

not to mention immortality,

why would you go

through all this trouble

to take her power as well?

[ZEREF] Because I need

it to defeat Acnologia.


[ZEREF] Wouldn't you agree

that's a cause worth assisting?

That's nothing

but a load of crap!

You're wrong.

I have told you no lies.

I'm resolute in my goal

to take down Acnologia

once and for all.


My ultimate ambition

is to achieve something

far more significant than that.

That magic power...

I wonder what it was.

I think Gildarts must

be fighting somewhere.

[PORLYUSICA] We need to find

the First Master and our allies.


He's up against the Wizard King.


We should get outta here.

Gildarts can deal with

this joker on his own.

You're right. We'll leave

it up to him. Time to go.

[GILDARTS] I gotta say, you're

the first worthwhile opponent

I've had in a long time.

People call you cool names

like "the Calamity"

and "Wizard King"

and stuff like that,

so I'm sure you can

keep me entertained.


You're quite loquacious.

Obviously stemming from

an inflated belief

in your abilities.

What a joke.


How 'bout a punchline?


Right here!


Well done.

[GILDARTS gasps]

I find this kind of

magic fascinating.



You gotta be kidding!


My Crush magic didn't work?

No, it did, but he

used it against me.

Now sink.

Rip to shreds!



Try this!



[GILDARTS yells]


You should realize...

It's impossible for someone

like you to defeat me.





My old man has a real gift

for making the

impossible possible.

Please don't, Cana!

You need to get away from here!

[CANA] I think you mean,

"Thanks, Cana!" ya deadbeat!


I see now.

Yes. A father and daughter.


No way.

You're actually the first person

I've ever told about my plan.

In fact, none of my

faithful have any idea.

[ZEREF] Mavis' magic power,

AKA the Fairy Heart,

has the potential

to make it happen.

[GRAY] You're really

serious about this?

There's no way in hell that's

possible, not even for you!

[ZEREF] Care to hazard

a guess as to why

you're the first

person I've told?

[ZEREF] It's because Natsu

is on his way here.

And when he arrives,

you'll be dead on the floor.

Rushing to save his dear friend,

only to discover a corpse.

The grief that overcomes him

will soon be

supplanted by anger.

This will allow me my final

chance to fight against Natsu

with absolutely all he's got.

Your death will be the key

to unlocking his full strength

and setting my plan in motion.

That's not gonna happen!

By the time he gets here,

you're gonna be long gone!


How delusional.

As you said, I'm immortal.

It's just not possible

to end my life.

Besides, even if you

did somehow manage

to figure out a way to k*ll me,

it would mean

your friend Natsu...

Yeah. I know that.


Oh? I'm surprised.

So you already knew that

Natsu's true form is E.N.D.?

No, he's not.

He's Natsu.



[GRAY] For a long time,

I was looking for someone

to blame for my parents'

and Ur's deaths.

E.N.D. was perfect,

a faceless enemy.

But then, everything changed

when I found out

that he's Natsu.

I decided his life was

more important to me.

I don't give a damn what he is,

'cause Natsu's a true friend.

[ZEREF] Whether it's you

or I who dies here today,

it won't make any difference.

You'll still lose him.

[GRAY] You know I'm not

gonna let that happen.

Which is why... I'm

takin' you down myself.

I thought you

understood the stakes.

If I die, Natsu

will die with me.

I happen to have a way to

beat you without k*lling you.


Iced Shell!



Careful, Gray!

The cost of that spell

is your own life!


Time after time,

people have sacrificed

their lives for mine.

That means...'s not only my life I'm

putting on the line right now.

So I'm not dying an easy death!

I owe them more than that!


No, this magic power!

This is a Lost spell!


That's right.

I don't care if anybody

remembers me.

I'm willing to erase

my entire existence

if that's what it takes

to save their lives!

So I'm converting my life

and every trace of me

into magic power.

I'm gonna cast Lost Iced Shell!

[LUCY] Lost Iced Shell

is forbidden magic.

And it carries a hefty price,

wiping away every trace

that you've ever existed,

every memory of you.

Gray chooses this fate,

sacrificing himself to defeat

Zeref and save his friends,

who'll be left with no

recollection of him.

The guild hall, once filled

with warm memories,

will be encased in ice

that will never melt.

Next Time: "Dark Future."

The acceptance of fate brings

a victory full of sorrow.