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09x308 - The Mightiest Demon of the Book of Zeref

Posted: 04/30/23 18:03
by bunniefuu

Etherious Natsu Dragneel.

He is the mightiest demon

of the Books of Zeref.

[INVEL] Which means

he's your ultimate foe.

Here's the deal.

If you decide to stand

in our way like that,

we'll take you out, too.

Brandish, stand down.

You have to.

This is so annoying.

[NATSU grunts]

Wha--? Ow.

What's the matter?

Natsu! What's wrong?

[NATSU groaning]

What's happening? It hurts.

It'll be okay. Hang on.



Oh, no!

You haven't already

forgotten that I'm the one

who shrunk his tumor, have you?

I can't even hear

his heart beating.

I fear it's an

anti-ether-nano tumor.

Let me use my magic.

I can change the size

of anything I want.

So if I know the exact

location of his tumor,

I can make it small enough

that it never poses any risk.


I simply un-shrunk it.

But why would you do that?



Because he's standing in the way

of the Empire's mission.

You gotta stop this!

Can't you see how

much he's suffering?


That's the fate of our enemies.

There's no need for this.

We really don't have to fight

each other, you know?

[BRANDISH] Maybe that was

the case for our mothers,

but you and I grew up

with an ocean between us.

We come from two different

sides of the world,

and have completely

different objectives.

Although it's true I don't

hold a personal grudge

against you anymore,

my duty to the empire

puts us at odds.

So what in the hell am I

supposed to do about it, Lucy?

The only real option I have left

is to set my doubts aside...

...and end this.

If I win this fight,

I want you to promise

you'll heal Natsu again.

You've got the wrong idea, Lucy.

When I say "end this,"

I don't mean that we're

gonna fight each other

to settle the score.

I mean, I'm going to end the

internal conflict I'm feeling,

and to do that, I'm afraid

I'll have to k*ll you.


Her magic power is crazy.


Besides, if you really believe

you have a chance at beating me,

you're more delusional

than I thought.

You still better promise me!

Yeah, sure, whatever.

You could never win anyway!


All right, then.

Open Gate of the Scorpion!

Go, Scorpio!

Wicked! Ready to rock, Lucy!

Oh, yeah!



Sand Buster Advance!

Command T: Diminish!

[LUCY screams]

Oh, no!

[BRANDISH] I'll squash

you like a little bug!


[LUCY screams]



Star dress, Cancer!

Take this!

[BRANDISH] You're even

more irritating like this!

Revert size!


She's gone.



So awesome!

That spell makes

the ground swell

and surge like ocean waves.

Pretty cool, right?

My girl Aquarius made it!

Now Command T: Diminish!

She's able to shrink my

magic att*cks as well?

[BRANDISH] I'm on a totally

different level than you!

There's a reason why

I'm one of the !

Now, Command T: Magnify!

[gasps, screams]

[groans] Lucy.


Hang in there!


He feels so cold!

It's like his fire's going out!

[LUCY] I'll admit that you're

way stronger than me!

But no matter what,

I can't afford to lose!

I'll fight you.

Even though I wish we

could be friends instead.

If I gotta do this

to save Natsu,

then I'll make sure I win!


That's enough!

[BRANDISH gasps]


You can drop the act, Randi.


There's another one of 'em?


What are you talking about?

This whole thing's a farce.

She never had any

intention of k*lling

you or your friends from

the very beginning.

I mean, it's completely obvious.


Reverting his tumor

back to how it was?

It would have been just as easy

for you to make his innards

start expanding until

he popped like a balloon.

And then, once you

shrunk the girl,

you could've stomped

her like a grape.

But you made the choice not to.


You knew I was watching,

so you were planning

on pretending to lose

to this weak little girl.

Well, you won't have to pretend.

I'll end you... right now!


[BRANDISH grunts]

[LUCY cries]

[HAPPY] That was so fast.

I couldn't even see it.

Randi was perfect,

but someone ruined her.

I know it was you.

Your death won't be nearly

as quick as my Randi's.

I'll take my time.

I don't believe that the

process of stripping somebody

of their magic power has

ever taken this long before.



Yes, Majesty? Do you require

something else of me?

I need to stay focused

on the task at hand.

I want you to stop for a moment.



That's an order. Understand?


May I ask the reason?

So I can speak with

Mavis one last time.


It's awfully late for that.

Having second thoughts, are we?

I just need three minutes.

Afterwards, you may continue.


But, Your Majesty. I--


Irene! That's not me!


Your Majesty?

That means...

She's not real?

She's always had a special

talent for illusions.


How could this have happened?

Invel must've been defeated.

I've been played for a fool.

How dare she trick me like that.

We must find her at once.

However, you must swear

that she won't be harmed.

As you wish.

That was close.

I never thought I'd have

to flee the guild hall.

I have to find a way to

rendezvous with the others fast.

Of course, that's easier

said than done.

How will I be able

to reach them?


I don't know what to do.


I can take you to them.




[DROY groans]

I'm done. Can't even move.

I hate to admit it,

but this is it for me.

Come on! Get up, Droy!

I'm sorry, ol' pal. I tried.


But I can't fight anymore.

I'm completely

drained of energy.


We can't give up now!

I'll deal with these guys here!

You just get somewhere safe!

Are you sure?

You don't have

to do this for us.

We're just a couple of

nobodies. We're weak.

I know you've already

been through hell and back,

so save yourself.

Yeah, I came real

close to dyin',

but I don't mind

helpin' you guys.

It's what friends do!

Did you hear that?

He said "friends,"

and he's serious.


He actually likes us!

[SOLDIERS yelling]


Feeling kinda sentimental

today, huh? It's nice.



Hey, Gajeel.

I was so worried.


[BOTH yell]


Did you forget?


You promised.

You swore you'd take me

back to the guild hall.

Don't you see? You have to.

You're right.

And the guild hall's real close.

Young love is such

a wonderful thing.


Who are you?

That voice.

I've heard it before.

Oh, I'm Zera. Hi.

She's the girl who

guided everybody

back to the guild hall.

She's friends with

the First Master.

What's up with your body?

Not to be rude.


But you're see-through!

If I had to guess,

it's because Mavis has

regained consciousness.

I was honestly

beginning to worry

she was going to

forget me for good.

Let me explain.

Since I'm an illusion

that was created

by Mavis's unconsciousness,

once she remembers me,

I'll disappear completely.


That's horrible.

Actually, it's only

natural because I died

over a hundred years ago!

So you don't have

to worry about me.


You heard a girl's voice,

and it told everyone

to gather here?

That's what happened.

And I'm pretty sure that

only Fairy Tail members

could hear her.

How strange. Who was it?



I'm so glad.

You finally remembered me.

I was getting a

teensy bit nervous!


[MAVIS] It was you!

You brought everyone together!

I see. You came back

after I woke up.

I've helped out

as much as I can.

We've become one again.

If it weren't for you,

that never would've happened.

Keep fighting. Okay, Mavis?

Good night, friend.

Sweet dreams.

You're so strong.

And so is Fairy Tail.

You and I will be

together forever, Zera.

She vanished into thin air.

Aw, but she was

such a cutie-pie.

You really bailed us

out, Zera. Thank you.

Thank you.


Now, we have something else

to look forward to after we win.

Good stories.

Hearing the First Master talk

about her times with Zera,

the beginning of the guild,

and all the adventures

they shared.


Are you okay?

Zera's back where she belongs.

Her special place within me.

That's good.

Listen, First Master...

Speaking of, we need to go

back to our special place.



This is all your doing.

You k*lled my Randi.

So... what kind of hell should

I put you through as punishment?


She's right over there!

[PORLYUSICA] Oh, dear.

She's been seriously wounded.

Wait. Who are you people?

I'm Porlyusica, a magic healer

who works with Fairy Tail.

But what's more important

now is Natsu's whereabouts.




My diagnosis was wrong.

That tumor of his you shrunk,

it isn't made of

anti-ether-nano at all!

[PORLYUSICA] I fear it could

be something far worse.





[LUCY] How did this happen?

When did I get tied up?

Is this sealstone?

You've got some extremely handy

tools available in Ishgar.

I was tied up, too.

Strapped in tightly.

Unable to move, and at

the mercy of my enemy.

It was you. You k*lled Brandish.

But you and your little

friends corrupted her.

So of course, you have

to pay for that.


She can teleport?



You didn't have to do that,

you perv! Give it back!

Oh, calm down, if it makes

you feel any better,

I'm gonna strip him, too.

Maybe. I'm not actually

sure he's still alive.

He hasn't moved.

Look at those big brown eyes.

Do many people in Ishgar

have eyes like those?

I think you would

stand out even more

if I were to pluck them

from their sockets.

Come on. What's with that look?

Aren't you gonna scream and cry

and beg just a little bit?

I refuse to put on some kind of

show for a psychopath like you.

I'd rather lose my eyes.

I can remember what

everything looks like.

I don't need eyes to see.

My guildmates' faces, and

the streets of Magnolia,

even all the smudges

and scribbles

in the books I've read.

If you're going to do it,

then go ahead!

I'm not afraid of

losing my sight!

So I'll have to do more!

I'll butcher your entire face!

You can't live with

that, can you?




What happened?

I'm not tied up anymore,

and that chair is in pieces.


Wait! Am I alone in here?

[DIMARIA groans]


Monster. Demon.

Natsu? Where did he go?

He's a true monster.

[LUCY gasps]


Did he do this?


He got inside my flow of time.

He has the power of a god.


Only E.N.D. could've done that.




[HAPPY crying]


Natsu's not with you?



You're alive.

Oh, thank goodness! You're okay!

I was so worried!

Yeah, I'm fine.

Now hurry up and put her

back in those restraints

while you still can.

Her power stops time.

We can't afford

to let her use it.


What happened down here anyway?


I'm not exactly sure.

Natsu and I had both

been taken prisoner.

I blacked out,

and when I came to,

she was lying there

and Natsu was gone.

Natsu had that

tumor inside him.

It's quite concerning.

At first I'd thought his

overuse of magic power

had caused a mass

of anti-ether-nano,

but now, I'm afraid

it's something else.

I'm not entirely

certain what it is,

but at the moment this

girl changed it back

to its former size,

well, it triggered some

kind of awakening.

Stirring something

demonic within him.



[LUCY] No! I gotta find

him before it's too late!

You mean dressed like

that? How risqué.

[LUCY screams]

[SOLDIERS groaning]


Where is Zeref?

I need to find Zeref right now.


He's there.


It's you.


Natsu and Gray.

As the two begin an epic clash,

their emotions thr*aten

to spiral out of control.

The hatred that's been awakened

in their hearts blinds them,

until they're unable to

recognize that their opponent

is really a dear friend.

Meanwhile, on the front line,

Erza's group faces the

massive enemy army,

hoping against hope that

they can break though.

Next Time: "Broken Bonds."

The path forward will

only be opened

by a heart full of love

and without fear.