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09x307 - Gray and Juvia

Posted: 04/30/23 18:02
by bunniefuu
Now have at it.

The winner gets to live.

[GRAY] My mind... I feel

like it's fading away.

[JUVIA] No, I-I won't

hurt my darling Gray.

I don't want to, but...

[GRAY] I can't focus.

I'm losing control.




[INVEL] Gray will win this

fight, just as I predicted.


[INVEL] k*lling his dear friend

with his own two hands

will unleash the

darkness within him.

[INVEL] Creating the apex

warrior who shall defeat E.N.D.

[INVEL] Your Majesty, may I

inquire about that necklace?

I've not seen you without it.

Of course.

This pendant--it holds an image

of my younger brother, Natsu.

[INVEL] His Majesty will

vanquish Acnologia,

then the world

will truly be his.

But to fully realize this goal,

E.N.D. must be removed.

[JUVIA] Why? Why am I trying

to harm my love like this?

It goes against every

fiber of my being.

I would truly rather die

than see him suffer.

Please, my darling!

Hurry and k*ll me!

No, that wouldn't work.

He would blame himself.

His heart would be broken.

It's clear what I must do now.

I have no other choice.

Yes. I shall take my own life!

I'll do it. Before I lose

what control I still have.

I have to be brave.

This is for the best.


Don't bother resisting.

My Ice Lock magic

imprisons your mind.

Its cold shackles

confine your free will.

To earn release, you must

k*ll the one before you.

My feelings will

never be confined,

but if my body is trying

to imprison them,

then I must destroy it!


You awakened the

best part of me.

Gray, my love.

That's absurd. Choosing


Juvia. You didn't have to.


[INVEL] They'd both

rather end their lives?

I'm sorry. I thought...

My darling Gray.

You shouldn't have!


There was no other choice.

I couldn't hurt you, Juvia.

You mean too much to me.

You're my friend.


I feel the same.

I just wanted... to protect you.

But now, I...

You're so kind. My very

last moment is a happy one.


What the hell is going on here?

I never saw this coming.


Damn it.

It wasn't supposed

to turn out this way.

[GRAY] Natsu. Please.

Don't let us die in vain.

Avenge us.

[INVEL] They couldn't live with

the guilt of k*lling a friend,

so instead they

k*lled themselves.

It's absolutely mind-boggling.

[INVEL] I'll have to think

of another strategy.


But as things stand now,

it seems the only option left

is to deal with E.N.D. myself.

[WIZARD A gasps]


Hey, the blizzard stopped!


It's about time!


What's goin' on?

I'm still alive. But how?

I mean, I know what I did.



It's so strange.

The blood inside me...

...somehow it doesn't

feel like my own.


Water Make Blood.

I'd been worried that

something terrible

would happen to you, my love.

So I secretly mastered

a blood transfusion spell

that would let me care for you.

[JUVIA] I'll always be alive

inside of you.

So don't cry.

We'll still be together.

No, you can't die.



My life is yours now.

We're inseparable.



I need ya to focus!

[BOTH yelling]

Ice Make Geyser!

Water Nebula!


Get down!


I can still feel the warmth

of Gray's hand on my tushie!


Juvia, listen for a sec.

There's somethin' I've

been meanin' to tell ya

for a while now.

Um. Whatever "something" is,

I'm ready to hear it!

[GRAY] I mean, it's not

that big of a deal, but--

You never know, it might be

a really big deal for me!

[JUVIA] Could this be the moment

I've always dreamed of?

Will he confess his

love to me at last?

Oh my goodness. What will I say?


I was knitting in a rush,

so it didn't turn out very good.

But I'd be honored

if you wore it!

Here, please!

[GRAY] You should get home

before it starts storming.



What the hell?

I knitted a scarf for

you, won't you wear it?

I don't do scarves.

Come on, it's a

cute accessory!

I don't accessorize either.

But it's gonna get cold out--

look at those clouds!

So what? I'm an ice

wizard, all right?

The cold doesn't even affect me.



I'm sorry.


I wanna make up for my mistake.

So I made you this body pillow!

Here, do whatever

you want with it!


No way!


It's also in commemoration

of our th day anniversary,

so, you know, it'd be pretty

rude not to take it!

[GRAY] Seriously! That thing's

creepy! Take it back!



Gray, my darling,

aren't you glad I brought

my special two-person sleeping

bag with me on this trip?

No way I'm gettin'

in that thing!

I have a surprise for

you, my darling Gray!

Something warm for

you to munch on!



I call them Graybuns!

Well, they do look pretty tasty,

but it would feel weird

to gnaw on my own face.

I thought you'd say that.

Guess I'll keep all the

Graybuns for myself.

Which means you get to enjoy

these hot Juvibuns!


You set me up!

You went through

all the trouble...

I might as well eat one.

Oh, my darling! That's a--



It was you?

[GRAY crying]

You freed him.


Thank you.

Thank you.




I'm sorry.

Are you okay, my love?

I'm fine. Care for a bite?

Wow! My darling Gray is

sharing his food with me?

His lips touched this!

I hope you know

I appreciate you.

I can always count on you

to be by my side, right?

[JUVIA] Oh, well, yes,

of course, my love.

If that's what you want!

I'll give you my answer

once the battle is over.

[GRAY] But for now,

let me focus on this.


[GRAY] Oh, Juvia. I'm sorry

for the way I've treated you.

I promise I'll take your

feelings seriously.

Just please wake up.


I believe Brandish was

headed in this direction.

[ALL scream]


Jeez, Lucy. You weigh a ton!


Man, that hurt!

Hey, monster lady!

What's your problem?

I'm sorry for what

happened earlier.

Brandish, I really don't think

we need to fight anymore!

Well, neither do I.

[BOTH gasp]

[BRANDISH] You guys helped me

out when you didn't have to,

so I've decided to spare you.


You'll spare us?


Like I said before.

I've no intention

to betray Alvarez.

It's where I call

home, after all.

I'm going to slaughter

every last one

of your friends and guildmates.

But I promise that

I will not harm you.


What the hell? Are you serious?




And to think I trusted you.

It's inevitable.

There's no doubt that

Alvarez will be victorious.

Our sheer numbers,

the power of the Spriggan ,

and our heavyweights,

August and Irene.

And at this very moment,

His Majesty is reaping

the Fairy Heart.

Give up already.

Because you don't have

chance at winning.

No way. Fairy Tail will

never surrender.


Doesn't matter.

All your friends

are going to die.

There's nothing you can do.

[AJEEL laughs]

I gotta say, you have a

lotta fight in ya, big guy!

But it won't help!

[LISANNA gasps]

Not more sand.


Shrivel up and die already!

Your bodies will blow

away with my sand.

I gotta think fast.

We can't lose!

You're weak!

I swear I'll protect Lisanna

and the rest of the guild

like a real man!

Well, your moves are

bloody brilliant, but...

...ya can't land 'em.


My skill: Closing My Eyes.


How can I beat this guy?

It appears you've

already burned through

a lot of your magic power.

That'll make my job

a good bit easier.

Then bring it on!

--[MINERVA screaming]

--[WALL laughing]

I need to hurry this up and

exterminate all you pests.

Because the truth is,

I've got a major bone

to pick with that cocky

lighting bastard.

Am I supposed to be

afraid of a shadow?

I have returned from

beyond the grave.

And now the underworld

is waiting for you

to take your place within it!

[SOLDIERS yelling]

[ERZA growls]

[NATSU] So you think all our

friends are gonna die?

Not if we can help it.

We've been through more

tough battles than I can count

and we're still standing strong!


Aye! She's right!

This time is different.

You've never faced an enemy

as lethal as the Spriggan .

[INVEL] To think that

you actually survived.


However, I imagine that

you're still too injured

for a proper fight.






He's forced my hand.

I've no choice but to

take a drastic measure.


Absolute Ice Shroud!

[INVEL] This netherworld ice

freezes all that it touches.

You may think you're resistant,

but any contact with this armor

will freeze you to your core.


[INVEL] And then you'll

shatter into pieces.




You're cocky.

But that's because you've never

faced an enemy like Fairy Tail!

How could this be?

[INVEL] This wizard is able to

duplicate the same properties

as my netherworld ice?

[GRAY] Juvia had a life

ahead of her, a future,

and you stole it from her!

I'll make you pay.

[GRAY] You're the one

who's gonna shatter!

[GRAY] Ice Demon...

Zero Destruction Fist!


You remember what went down

on Caracol Island, don't you?

I could end your lives right now

with a snap of my fingers.

Like to see you try.


We're not lookin'

for some kinda mercy.

You guys came here for a fight,

and we'll give it to ya!


Erza! Lady Erza!

Come out wherever you are!



Wait. Your eyes.


[NEINHART] An effect of my

lady's augmentation magic.

Right now, I'm

practically bursting

at the seams with power.

You should step aside, Brandish.

These three are comrades

of Lady Erza.

That makes them enemies.

"Lady Erza"?

Leave us be. We're in the

middle of a negotiation here.

Is that so?

Sounds suspicious to me.

You would dare betray

Lady Irene and the empire?

[BRANDISH screams]

Holy crap!

This wind is like a

million little razors!



My magic can't even touch him!

How much did she power him up?


All right, ya windbag!

[BRANDISH] No! You don't

have a chance against him!


I'll never know unless I try!

I am not gonna run away!

Because every single step

I take forward is a victory!

[NATSU] That's how we're

gonna get back to the guild!

[BRANDISH] Whoa. He's way

stronger than I thought.

Yes! Way to go, Natsu!

But why did he call

her "Lady Erza"?

Just hang on.

Don't get up until I've

completely healed you.



You're awfully lucky that she

was able to find you in time.

A moment later and

you'd've been gone.

Actually, the reason

we found her so quickly

was because of

your clairvoyance.

So I survived?

It's a miracle.


You ladies saved my life!

From the bottom of

my heart, thank you!

It's no problem!

We're all supposed to help

each other out, ya know!

I owe it to Shelia to

work twice as hard

to keep everybody safe!

I'm alive!

And I can still feel the kiss

that my spicy ice hunk gave

me as I lay unconscious.

I'm sure it was a dream.


Do either of you know

where Gray is right now?

He was hurt. Is he okay?

[WENDY] He wasn't here

when we showed up.

I could keep thrashing you, and

as good as that would feel... still wouldn't

bring her back.

Like your long-lost mother,

your father, your master, right?

How do you know about all that?

[INVEL] Because it's your

fate in this life.

Unless you defeat E.N.D.,

misery will follow you

for the rest of your days.


I am gonna take him down.

I don't need you to tell me!

[INVEL] The truth is,

you're the only in this world

one who can beat him.

However, you should

know his other name.

Etherious Natsu Dragneel.

He is the mightiest demon

of the Books of Zeref.

[INVEL] Which means

he's your ultimate foe.



[LUCY] Gray struggles

with the revelation

that his old friend

Natsu is really E.N.D.

as I begin my battle

against Brandish.

Although I don't

wanna fight someone

who has shown me kindness,

I'm forced to go head-to-head

with a super-sized version of

the powerful Spriggan wizard.

With neither side finding

room to compromise,

our fight triggers

a brand-new crisis.

Next Time: "The Mightiest

Demon of the Book of Zeref."

Who is standing in our way now?

Friend, or foe?