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09x305 - White Dragneel

Posted: 04/30/23 18:00
by bunniefuu


So you've met my little ones.

In fact, it appears you had

quite a lively introduction.


[MIRAJANE] Her magic power...

It's terrifying.

[MIRAJANE gasps]



[IRENE] You will not

go gently into death.

Let me begin by taking that

flawless, beautiful skin

and tearing it into ribbons.

When I'm done, you'll be no more

than a lump of shredded meat,

unbearable to behold.

[MIRAJANE screaming]



Can't control your extreme

proclivities, can you?

It's been a while since

we've crossed paths.

Nice to see you.

And you have Brandish in tow.

You've certainly grown.



Why did you cast Universe One

without the approval

of His Majesty?

[IRENE] I had been

confronted by Acnologia.

That was a battle I could

not risk being drawn into.

So I chose to expel

the Black Dragon

and send our lord to

Fairy Tail all at once.

I don't believe this is

the time for lectures.

The are to assemble--

confer with him about

the way forward.

[IRENE] Sorry, but I believe

I'll do as I see fit, thank you.

That so?

You'll defy my order

as the appointed leader

of the Spriggan ?


They both have so much power.

Can this even be real?


Very well.

I suppose I've no choice

but to honor your request.

However, this girl

hurt my little ones,

so I simply can't let her live.


She won't be a bother

anymore. Are you satisfied?

A rather unexpectedly

compassionate move

from one known

as the "Calamity."

As you wish, then. Let's go.

I've missed you, big sister.

Yukino, I--

Whoa! What the--?!

I'm so confused!

Me, too!

I'm sorry, but I don't

have a little sister.

No! You do!

You're mistaken.

Must be someone else.



I'm not wrong.

I know it in my heart.

It's you! You're the one

I've been looking for!

They took you,

and I have done everything I

could think of to get you back.

I risked all I had.

I even went so far as trying

to turn back time for you.

Leave Yukino alone!

It's not her fault!



You were always there

to protect me.

You stood up for me,

and I never gave up hope

I'd see you again.


I told you, I'm not her.

How can you be so cruel now?

[ANGEL] There's no way a sinner

like me could be your sister!

My little sister is working

to make the world right.

She deserves better than someone

who's done so much wrong.

I pray... that maybe someday,

all of my horrible sins

can be forgiven.

And then, I'll

embrace my sister!

You'll be forgiven.

I know you will!

That's what I'm

fighting for right now!

But... I know I haven't

earned it yet.

It means so much to know

you're alive. I'm happy.

Oh. Ain't love a

beautiful thing?

She doesn't even know her.

It's okay if you

don't understand

all of the details, Frosch.

Yeah, I think so, too.

[ELFMAN] Mira. Lisanna.

Hope you're okay.



I can't do it! I can't

leave you behind!


Oh, no!

Mira, hey! Mirajane,

please wake up!

Thank goodness.


The wound is shrinking.

[MIRAJANE gasps]

We gotta go, Lisanna!

They need us at the

guild hall, now!

That's where I was going.

Sorry. I came back.

Listen to me!

The are going there, too.


Stop right there!

That's as far as

you're goin', lady!

Can't let a prisoner

like you get away.

The old hag would skin us

alive if we lost her.

[BOTH gasp]

What's happening? Oh, my.

Ahh! It feels so good.

[BOTH gasping]

[LARCADE] May your spirits

white, into heaven take flight.

I have come for you, Dimaria. line:%

I'm humbled.

Larcade Dragneel.

It's been so long

since I've seen you.

Feels like a hundred years ago.

Ninety-five, to be exact.


Nevertheless, the entire time

I could hear your voice

and sense your presence.


Here he is.

I have one last-ditch

strategy for defeating him.

First thing I needed

was my real body.

And now, I have it back.

However, there's one more

step that I have to take.

Another contradiction.

Can I even get my

mind around it?



No! I can't move!

That's not necessary, Invel.

Majesty, I am aware

of the relationship

you and she once had.

However, she is the

Fairy Heart itself

which means, she could

weaponize that power.

[ZEREF] Mavis understands

more than anyone

that the Fairy Heart

cannot be used.

Even if it would ensure

my long-awaited death,

the residual effects

would be catastrophic.

But still.

[ZEREF] Mavis had been

trapped inside that crystal

for a very long time--nearly

a century--completely immobile.

It pains me to see her

in such a state again.

So if you please.


What now?

[INVEL] Then I'll leave

her body unfettered,

but her mind restrained.


What's happening to me?

It's like my thoughts

are all jumbled.

No! I need to stay focused!

Oh, honestly, Invel.

You worry far too much

for your own good.


Part of my duty to the empire

is to ensure your

safety, Your Majesty.

[MAVIS] I can't hold

my thoughts together.

Is this his magic?


Mavis. Please come with me.


My body is moving on its own.


Look down there.



What's going on here?

Your friends are coming.

I mean, after all, you're

the heart of the guild,

and this hall their

beloved home.

However, will they be able to

survive the harsh journey?

I would love to see

the Fairies try!

I'll grind 'em into dust

before they ever get close.

How'd that work last time?

Not good, right?

Like you did any better!

But they won't get by me again.

'Course not.



Heard they captured you.

But it looks like

you're all right now.



They'll pay for what they did.

Hear me? We'll slaughter

them together!

Friendship is lovely.

The sight of it warms me.


Not to be confused with the fire

of contempt I feel from you.

What else is he to do?

Follow his orders

and that may change.

[MAVIS] That old man is August,

the most powerful wizard of all.

But the other... His energy

feels different from the rest.

But I can't put

my finger on how.

So you've noticed Larcade,

my secret w*apon.

The potential to defeat

Acnologia exists within him.


I must say, producing

Historias with the might

of the Spriggan

was no easy feat.

The "Eight Dragon" God Serena

has been resurrected!

You three are still dead.

But as long as I'm alive, you're

free to do what you please.

So it would behoove

you to protect me.

Let go! And just let god!

[IRENE] A million soldiers

plus the of us.

What a sight to behold.



[MAVIS] She's just as powerful

as the Wizard King.

[ZEREF] I'll pardon your

hasty use of Universe One.

In fact, I found it

worked to my benefit.

Oh, my.

In all candor,

I came here prepared

for a spanking

from Your Majesty.

However, I must ask for more.

A separation enchantment.


Of course.

You need to remove the

Fairy Heart from this girl?

I mean, that is why we're here.



What? How is that possible?

Irene has a rare gift

for both imbuing magic

and taking it away.



I imagine it'll be quite

a lengthy process.


Yes. Then proceed.


Is this it?

All our forces are gathered

and at the ready.

How far can your grit

drive you, Fairy Tail?

The truth is you will not

live through tomorrow.

Magnolia used to be

a town full of life.

And our guild was at its heart.

But those warm and

joyous days are gone.

[NATSU snoring]

I'll take all the fish.

So yummy.

Cherish those dreams.

And rest well.

[ERZA] Because this may be the

final dawn we face together.

We'll need our strength.

And each other.

[NATSU] The final one?

Not if I can help it.

It'll be tough,

but Fairy Tail isn't

gonna give up that easily.

Come on, let's go.

[NATSU] We'll bust in

and get our guild back.


For the sake of our future.

For Fairy Tail.

We shall.

That's a whole lotta soldiers.

If we wanna get back home,

they're in the way.

We're gonna have to

fight our way through.

Sounds good to me.

It's obvious we're

heavily outnumbered,

so we can't charge in

headlong without a plan.

But what?

Come on! We'll have backup

before you even know it!

No way these jerks'll stop us!

Yes, you're right, Natsu.

Let's move forward.

When the others get here,

we'll push harder until

we reach the guild!

When we do, Master Mavis'll

be waiting for us.

So who's gonna b*at

Zeref first, huh?

Let's make it a race, Natsu!

Yeah! Fire's in the belly!

[stomach growls]


Doesn't sound like there's

much in there to me.

You're a demon of

the Book of Zeref.

You'll die, too.

[NATSU grumbles]


There's gotta be another way!

No matter what, I swear

I won't let Natsu die!

Let's go!

Fairy Tail, here we come!

[SOLDIER A grunts]

[SOLDERS yelling]

Fire Dragon King...

Destruction Fist!

[SOLDIERS screaming]

[TAURUS moos]

Ready, Taurus?


--[TAURUS moos]

--[LUCY] Lucy Kick!



Water Slicer!



Freeze Lance!


Heaven's Wheel!

Scattered Petals!

[ERZA yells]

[SOLDIERS screaming]


Are they really attacking us

with a handful of people?


They must be insane!


Get it together, men.

There's way more

of us than them!

Don't let 'em scare you!




Sorry we're late!


Huh? Wendy!

Carla's here!


Sky Dragon... Roar!



Beast Soul... Ape!

You're not alone Fairy Tail!

I'm here to help!

I suppose I could

lend a hand or two.

Hey, it's Elfman. Isn't it?

And it looks like he

brought some company!

Friendship sure is a beautiful

thing, ain't it, Frosch?

Yeah, I think so, too.




And there's our backup!

Oh yeah!


Look up in the sky!

They're dragons!





This is as far as

you buffoons go!

Because the undead

version of God Serena

has made his godly descent!



[GOD SERENA] Purgatory

Dragon Blazing Inferno!

Is that Fire Dragon

Slayer magic?



Time to chow down!

Ah. Well, if that's the case...

Sea King Dragon Water Vortex!


He can use fire and water

magic at the same time?

So much power. How can

we fight him? With what?

All these elements!

Tempest Dragon.

Don't tell me he's

doing another one!

Just start swallowin'

everything! You hear me?

I can't eat it all!

That's him--Ishgar's

most powerful wizard!


Song of Moon and Wind!


What the--?


Uhh... Did we just get saved?

What happened? Who did that?

My spells disappeared.

Or more like... they shattered!



[ALL gasp]



--It's Gildarts! Ha!

--[HAPPY laughs]

[BOTH chuckle]

I'm feelin' hungry.

I wanna go back to the guild

hall and have a snack.

[stomach growls]

[LUCY] Gildarts is back,

and he smashes a path

straight through to Fairy Tail.

But trying to follow

in his footsteps

is easier said than done.

Especially with the re-assembled

and re-animated Spriggan

vowing to stop us.

We're in danger of losing

the Fairy Heart for good,

along with Master Mavis.

Can we overcome the odds

and live to see another day?

Next Time: "The Winter Wizard."

Beneath the ice and snow

lies the promise of spring.