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09x301 - Mettle

Posted: 04/30/23 17:57
by bunniefuu



These souls, that never had

the pleasure of meeting before,

now interact as old friends.

Ahh. It's such a

marvelous thing.

Now, spread forth,

Historia of Corpses.



So, you ready for more training?



Yo. If it ain't ol' Meldy.


What is this? They're dead!


Not wandering corpses

but memories of fallen

rivals given form.

Whoa! Who is that?


Shelia, take Carla and run.

Right now!

This has gotta be

some kinda joke.



The pain you'll experience

will be absolutely exquisite.

How pathetic! That's it

after all these years?

Dear boys.

It's obvious that you're

never gonna surpass me.




Don't fall for it, man!

That's not Ur!

I realize that. It's just

a spell to throw us off.

But still...


Rose Garden!

[LYON yells]

She has the same skills

and power level?

[GRAY] Maybe, but you

and I both have more

than we did back then, remember?


You have to get over it, Lyon!

She's just an enemy

that looks like Ur!

But, Gray...

[GRAY] We can't let her defile

our master's memory like this!

But you're dead! You never

made it off of that island!

Oh, yeah! I d*ed on Tenrou!

That's why seeing you...

[MELDY screaming]

...and finding out you

made it when I didn't

totally pisses me off!


The voices of the dead

once again reverberate

across the b*ttlefield.

Now I find myself as

the puppet in this scene.

How fascinating!

The dead shouldn't be

playthings for anyone.

[KEYES] Those alive once again

plagued by the memories

of their past struggles.

[WENDY screams]

[KEYES laughs]

[KEYES] This is a joyous

occasion indeed.

Oh, no! I can't walk!



I mean, I get it.

'Course the founding

members of Fairy Tail

wouldn't just stay in

their graves, but damn!

[ERZA yells]


I can't believe the pitiful show

Dimaria and Wall put on.

Overpowering these

buffoons is an easy task.

That is, for me at least.

[ERZA yelling]

[ERZA gasps]

Isn't this fun?

[ERZA screams]

[NEINHART] That rage in

your eyes is delicious.

I've no doubt you'll make

someone a lovely Historia.

Once we're finally

done with you.

Pull her up, would you, dear?

[ERZA grunting]

Well, this takes me back, Erza.

To our time in my

t*rture chamber.

You remember my loving

caresses, don't you? Hmm?

[ERZA screams]

[KYOKA] I've amplified

your sensitivity to pain.

[KYOKA chuckles]

[KYOKA] Now I wonder if

I should raise it more.

Or should I introduce a

hint of pleasure instead?

I'm starting to believe I may

have actually missed you, Erza.


That so?

Because I've grown quite

weary of this little reunion.


[ERZA] It's true all of you

were once powerful foes,

and obstacles to my

progress, however...

...each of you...

also fell by my hand!



Shut your mouth!


Get out of my sight,

you damned ghosts.

Before you feel the bite

of my blade again!

Such ferocity...



What's happening?

I can't believe this!

Damn you, Erza!

[NEINHART] She was able

to defeat my Historias

with mere intimidation?

Who is she?




Wait a second.


She's badly injured.

Erza! Talk to me!


[JELLAL growls]

[NEINHART] Her name. Her scarlet

hair. Her immense power.

It all adds up.

But could she really

be Irene's...?


Please! Erza! Open your eyes!

It seems there's one final

sin I need to commit.

What do you mean?



No! What happened to the sky?

Has night fallen?


[KEYES] The stars, harbingers

of blessings... or misfortune?

What's going on?

This is Jellal's magic!


Who in the hell

even gives a crap

about the stars and the sky?

Juvia. Link with me again!

If that'll help, but how?

[MELDY] When people who trust

each other share their senses,

their power is multiplied, too.


I see.

So now it's something good?

[MELDY] This is how the spell

was intended to be used.


What you call mutual trust

is nothing more than

pitiful dependency.

And that means you'll

both feel more pain

when I roast you alive!

[BOTH yell]

[WIZARD B] Does anybody

else feel a little chilly?

[WIZARD G] It's 'cause Gray

and Lyon are doin' their thing!

[WIZARD C] The enemy is on its

last legs! We've almost won!

Ice Make Geyser!

Ice Make Volcano!


[GRAY, LYON scream]


There's no way we can win.

Not against Ur.

I told you that thing isn't Ur!

Ur's dead, you hear me?

She's dead, and it's my

fault! You know that, Lyon!


You've had to walk a long road

to get where you are now, Gray.

That road took you to place

where you could heal yourself.

Where you could get over

all that happened with Ur.

That journey...

...I never had the

chance to take it.

Well, you have a chance now.

Don't let it go to waste.

Listen, man. My journey

didn't just happen to me.

I only made it this far

because I never stopped.

I kept on pushing forward.

Get moving. Right now!

Why even bother? You might

as well just give up.


This is bad.

How am I gonna fight like this?





It's Carla! And Shelia!

Get back!

No way! We'll help you!

Wendy! I could never leave you!

I'll help you fly!

Friends stay together forever

and always, don't they?



Now, Wendy, let's go!


You belong in the past,

you old geezer!

So apologize to the First Master

and then go back to hell!


Let's do it!

Here's the first step!

Oh, yeah! And we're

gonna take it all the way!


Ice Demon... Zero Long Sword!


Ice Blade... Swan Wings!


Sky Dragon Crushing Fang!


Maguilty Water!


Lightning Dragon Jaw!

[JELLAL] May the seven stars

bring judgment upon you.


Oh, Jellal,

we've already seen

your Historia today!

Simon! Your old friend!

The one you m*rder*d after

all he'd done for you!


[NEINHART] You can't do

it again! How could you?

The guilt... Could you

live with that burden?

This thing is not my brother!


Jellal! Strike him down!


Grand Chariot!


[BOTH chuckle]

[BOTH laughing]

[ALL laughing]

[ALL cheering]

It was just the middle of the

night and now it's sunset?

The sky... Scarlet and lovely.


That guy in the east?

I'm gonna meet him halfway

and kick his butt!

Are you talking about August?

You can't take him

on by yourself.

I'll go with you!

Aye, me, too!


Hmm... I don't know.

[NATSU] You want me to just

sit around and wait for him?!

What's the point if we're gonna

end up fighting anyway?!

If we're fighting the strongest

of the , we have to be ready!


He's not the strongest.


The enemy--


To be more accurate,

he's only one of the strongest.

[ROMEO] Whoa!

She's in the Spriggan !


Why is she out of her cell?

Because I let her out.

Say what?!

She's actually been

pretty cool, ya know?

So you're saying there's

another one as strong as he is?

Yes, exactly.

August is powerful.

Hardly anyone else in the

can compare to him.

But there is another

that rivals,

or maybe even exceeds

his magic power.

--[LUCY, HAPPY gasp]

--[MAKAROV] Hm...

[BRANDISH] You could say,

if he's the strongest man,

then she's the strongest woman. line:%

Irene Belserion. line:%

A wizard also known as

the "Scarlet Despair."

You're finally awake.


Kagura. Uh!


Don't exert yourself.


Your wounds were pretty bad,

so it's gonna take a little time

before you're

completely healed up.

But don't worry, there

shouldn't be any scarring.

It looks like you guys went

through the wringer yourselves.


Gray! Your clothes!


Yours, too.

Thank you.


What's going on now

with the battle?


[GRAY] We were able

to liberate Hargeon

and take back

control of the port.

There are still a few soldiers

left hangin' around,

but Jellal and his team

are takin' care of 'em.

That's great.

We're gonna head back

to the guild hall soon.

They probably still need

our help back home.

Luckily, our friends

from Mermaid and Lamia

will look after everything

here after we leave.

I should return, too.

[KAGURA] You need to stay

put until you're well.

You know I can't just lie here.

What's the matter with Laxus?

[KAGURA] He had two big

fights back to back,

so he'll be out for a while.






Uh... this is awkward.

I hope you'll forgive me.

What are you talking about?

[ALL scream]

That was my apology.




Hey. Are you okay?


Yeah. I'll be fine.


Quite a reckless move.


It was pretty stupid, wasn't it?

'Cause now...

I've lost my magic.

That may be, but you traded it

for something far greater:

A future for all of us.


They captured her?

Talk about a hassle.

It's almost too pitiful

to joke about.




So, you're finally willing

to divulge some information?


Just this once.

Don't let me give

you the wrong idea.

I don't intend to completely

betray my homeland.

I'm not going to start

fighting for your side.

But I do owe a debt to Lucy.


What in the world

did you do for her?

Uh, I--

Here's the deal.

I'm willing to negotiate

with August on your behalf.


But you're allies!

What do you mean by that?

Tell us.


There isn't a wizard alive

who'd have a snowball's

chance in hell

against August in battle.

Except Irene, that is.

Back in Alvarez, August is

known as "the Calamity,"

while Irene is called

"the Scarlet Despair."

I don't have a

relationship with Irene,

so I wouldn't be

much help there.

But August and I have been close

ever since I was a little girl.

No promises, but I may be able

to talk him out of an att*ck.

Oh, wow!

For real?

Uh, thank you. That's an

incredible thing to offer.

No way! It's just a ploy.

She is not trustworthy!

She's trying to escape!

[BRANDISH] You can believe me or

not, that's totally your call.



I think we should

trust her, guys.



That settles it for me!

I'm gonna kick that

old dude's butt!

Pay attention for once

in your life, would ya?


Classic Natsu move right there.

[NATSU] I got him and Lucy

can take on the other one!


Me? Why?

So this is Zonia,

the sacred mountain,

where the heavenly black and

white maidens fought long ago.

As the white maiden

claimed victory,

snow began to blanket the peak

and still falls to this day. line:%

Wow, Lady Irene,

I'm impressed you know line:%

so much about this

country's old legends. line:%

Idiot, she's actually

from Ishgar, remember?

I think you may be an idiot

for bringing that up.

Huh? Uh, please, forgive me!

[IRENE chuckles]

The heavenly white maiden

and black maiden

reminds me of the two of you.

I call dibs on black!

I'm obviously the

black one, dummy!

If you two were to

do battle, I wonder,

which one of you would

emerge the victor?

[BOTH whimpering]


I'm joking.

[BOTH sigh]

[IRENE] The initial conflict

between those maidens

began because the two girls

were fighting over a man.

A darling little tale.

But as lovely as it may be,

I can't stand the chill.

[SOLDIERS yelling]

[LISANNA yells]

Come on, Sting. Wake up!

All the others...

are they still alive?


Safe and sound. Don't worry.

What a disgrace.

We didn't stand a

chance. We're weak.

Don't b*at yourself up.

We'll get revenge for you.

They'll be pickin' their

teeth up off the ground.

What's happening?

Hey, Gajeel!

[GAJEEL gasps]

Something's not right.

You can say that again.

[LEVY] It's so weird.

The snow's melting.


Yay! Lady Irene, you're amazing!


It's warm now.

It appears we have some

more guests joining us.

Has everything been prepared?

Bloodman. Larcade.

[STING crying]


Damn it. What're we gonna do?

They've got those three

monsters on their side!


Yeah, well, we got six

monsters on our side!

Whoa. You're counting me?


As the Wizard King, August,

approaches from the east,

we set out with Brandish in tow,

hoping to convince him

to call off his att*ck.

Meanwhile, on the sacred

mountain of Zonia,

Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus

spring back into action

thanks to Gajeel's team.

They may have their sprits back,

but the foes they'll

face will send them

spiraling into a

world of terror.

Next time: "The Third Seal."

Death looms all around

and threatens to drag everyone

down to the underworld.