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09x300 - Historia of Corpses

Posted: 04/30/23 17:56
by bunniefuu


[MAVIS screams]



Are you just refusing

to talk to me, or what?

I think I know who you are.

You're who the emperor

was talking about.

The one he called Fairy Heart.

[MAVIS whimpering]

My guess is your body is

somewhere around here.

[MAVIS groans]


[gasps, screams]


Fire Dragon...

--[LUCY] ...Lucy Kick!

--[NATSU] ...Talon!

[JACOB groaning]

You brats.

You've made this

grown-up very angry!

[INVEL] Now, we shall recommence

our advance on Fairy Tail.

Be on guard.

As our lone attacker made

perfectly clear earlier,

they're as reckless

as they are powerful.

Five of the elite Spriggan

have already fallen.




That's almost half!


I can't believe it!


Credit for the braggart's defeat

goes to Acnologia.

Be cautious, but unafraid!

For death itself could never

dare claim our leader!

Our victory is inevitable!

Forward, children of Alvarez!

We will deliver unto His

Majesty the Fairy Heart!

[SOLDIERS cheering]

[ZEREF] I'm no longer

mired in hesitation.

Natsu. Mavis.

I shall extinguish your

lights once and for all.



[LUCY yells, gasps]

[NATSU gasps]

--[JACOB grunts]

--[NATSU groans]

--[NATSU groans]

He also knows martial arts?


Nice moves.

I'm not done.

[NATSU gasps, groans]

Huh? What--

[gasps, groans]

[BOTH groaning]

Hey! No fair!

Where is he? [groans]

Come on! Show your face!

You punks!

There's more pain in

the world than you know.

[BOTH groan]

I got of your

mates tucked away

in a spot I made for 'em.

And I think it's about

time they started dying.

No, stop!

Don't hurt them, please!


We've clearly crossed the line

where v*olence is

the only option.


Wait. Your friends!


[LUCY] You've accidentally sent

one of your own away with them!

Brandish was here, too!

Was she?


Hm? Brandish!

And that bloody w*nk*r?

Damn it!

If I took her out with 'em,

Dimaria would never let

me hear the end of it.


Right, then.

--[BRANDISH grunts]

--[MARIN sighs]

Stupid nobbers!

You're here now?

Thanks, man, that place

was so not chill!

Thanks, man! That place

was so not chill.








Wait, this dude is

stealing my look!

A-plus style!




--It's creepy!



It would've been a better

idea to turn into Brandish,

'cause that guy's way

weaker than her.

Actually, Gemini can't turn into

wizards as powerful as she is.

True, but I had another

reason for doing it this way.

Law of Space, activate!




But isn't this gonna

make Gemini disappear?

[LUCY] And I'll lose

this cute Star Dress.

But I'm okay with that.

My transporter! No!

[LUCY] This spell nullifies

all spatial magic.

You know what that means, right?

Oh, bollocks!

I can bring all my friends back.

Glad to be outta there!

We're saved!

Well done!

Need a hand, Lucy?

Yeah! Let's rock!


Amazing! That was a

brilliant move, Lucy!

Way to go!


Enough of this bloody nonsense!

Off to the pits of hell

with the lot of ya!




What the--?

[MAKAROV] You've got some real

nerve, hurting our First Master!

Today is when you show

"respect for the aged," so... should respect her

more than anyone else!

[JACOB groaning]


I've been around a while,

but technically I'm

still in my s!

[NATSU] Hey! Don't trash

our new guild hall!

[MAKAROV] I don't wanna

hear that from you!

[NATSU yelling]

[JACOB gasps]

[NATSU yells]

Well that's a nutty strategy.

Can't have Natsu trying to

fight at full strength inside.

Yeah, we just fixed this place.

Don't want the thing

to blow up already.

Whoa! He just made the

lake totally evaporate!


That's crazy!


Mode: Fire Dragon King!

[JACOB groaning]

Fire Dragon King...

--[JACOB yells]

--...Destruction Fist!


[ALL cheering]

[ALL laughing]

[JACOB groaning]




[HAPPY laughs]

[NATSU] Hey, Bran--uhh...



It's Brandish!

They told me I wouldn't be

alive if it wasn't for you!

Thanks so much!

Yeah, thanks so much!

You really didn't have

to go back to the cell.

We weren't gonna keep you locked

up after all you've done for us!

[BRANDISH] I can't believe

you actually b*at Jacob.

Makes sense now--

why Emperor Spriggan

told us that we shouldn't

underestimate you as an enemy.



But now you're out of luck...


...because August is coming.

What's that mean?

Like, the month?

It's already September.

[BRANDISH] Back in Alakitasia,

August is a fearsome month--

one that brings

disaster and misfortune.

So everybody prays,

puts on their best behavior,

and tries to maintain

whatever righteous lifestyle

gets them through it.

August always brings

some kind of reckoning.

It's been thought of that

way for generations.


[WIZARD A] Hey! You mind

handing me that board?

[WIZARD B] We should let

Laki use her Wood Make magic

to fix it quick!

[WIZARD C] No more

wrecking the place, Master!


Seriously, act your age!

I apologize.

So what's the situation

out there, Warren?

Don't really know.

I think my radar is on

the fritz or something.

I hope it's not my fault.

No, doesn't seem

like it's damaged.

It's more like someone out there

is purposefully

jamming the signal.

That Jacob guy said his teammate

could mess with trackers.

I think he mentioned the

wizard's name was August, maybe?

You see, we have this

crafty old wizard

named August in our ranks.

He realized that our

movements were being watched,

so he had to go and

fix that, now didn't he?

That means August

is headed this way.

The man the call

"the Wizard King."

And he's coming here?

[MAX] So how do we send him

packin', First Master? Or, uh...

Is she just invisible,

or is she gone?

[ROMEO] I thought I

heard her say she was

going to the basement to heal.




Not so sure I understand

how a projection

can get hurt, but...


I dunno.


I had no idea we

even had a basement.

It's been one of the guild's

biggest secrets for a while.

Because inside that

lacrima is my real body--

the everlasting magic

Fairy Heart.

Which is what Zeref is after.



Seeing the way Natsu and Lucy

fought against Jacob

earlier gave me an idea.

And I'm almost positive I know

how we can defeat Zeref.



I can't go into much detail,

but it's absolutely crucial

that we free my real body

from that lacrima.


Hold on a second.

I mean, you're in

there, but, uh--


My body is theoretically alive,

which is likely thanks to

Precht's revival spells.


How do we get you out?


Fairy Glitter.

[CANA gasps]

You must use Fairy Glitter

to destroy my projection--

to eliminate this fake body.

[CANA gasps]


You see there?

When my projection was damaged

earlier, that cr*ck appeared.

If my theory is correct,

eradicating my projection should

destroy the lacrima and free me.

What? Are you

serious about this?

You really want me

to att*ck you?


This is just an illusion.

You won't hurt me--in fact,

it's the opposite.


I can't! No!

It's way too risky!

If something were to happen

to the real you, I--



You have to trust me.

This is the only way.

Don't forget, our goal

is to b*at Zeref.

[CANA gasps] line:%


There they are.

That's the enemy battalion.

We're pretty late

for our rendezvous

with Sabertooth

and Blue Pegasus.

I hope they're all right.


They're coming this way.

What should we do?


Whaddaya think? We fight 'em.

[LEVY] I dunno. Can we

take on that many?


Don't worry.

The other guilds

should be close by.

If we gotta do it

alone, so be it.

These clowns ain't

marchin' on our guild.

Everyone better get

ready to fight!

[GAJEEL gasps]



[BOTH gasp]


That's Sting and Rogue!



That is so messed up!

They're showin' 'em off.


What's happening?


It's so dark.


Can't see a thing.


I know this magic.

[JELLAL groans]



[ERZA groans]

[KAGURA groans]

[SIMON] Been awhile since

the g*ng was together.

Remember my Dark Moment spell?

Nostalgic, isn't it?

[ALL gasp]



You're still... alive?

[SIMON] Erza. I'm glad

to see you're doing well.

And you seem very different

these days, Jellal.

And you... Could you be...?

Big brother.


It's me!


Stay back!

[ERZA gasps]

This thing isn't Simon.

Bastard! How dare you?

[NEINHART chuckles]




[NEINHART] Your Historia

has a bit of everything-- line:%

love, pain, friendship,

heartbreak, death. line:%

Oh, yes. You share a compelling

and beautiful Historia.


What does that mean?

[JELLAL] You must be

one of the shields.

[NEINHART grunts]


This is your doing?

[NEINHART] I'm impressed

you grasped the situation

so quickly.

This is the manifestation

of your Historia--

a wizard you all

hold in your hearts.

[NEINHART] I can see

inside them, you know.

Your hearts are brimming

with memories and emotions.

I gather all those feelings

and give them physical form.

I am a creator of life--

my magnificent Historias.


I can't believe it.

It's really you.


Big brother! [gasps]


You've grown so... stro--

[KAGURA gasps]

[ERZA gasps]

[growls, grunts]

Control yourself!

It wasn't really him,

just an illusion!


Move aside!

[NEINHART] "Illusion"

is a bit of a misnomer.

You saw it yourselves.

I create lifeforms that can use

magic, among other things.

Living beings with

memories and feelings.

--[JELLAL grunts]

--[KAGURA gasps]

Take cover, now!

[ERZA gasps]

Jellal! Kagura!

[NEINHART chuckles]


You're here, too.

You thought our paths

would never cross again.

How wrong you were.

Trinity Raven's gone.

I saw you die!


You merely released my soul.

[NEINHART] Ikaruga,

an exquisitely dangerous flower.


I can't die here with you!


Erza needs my help, immediately!


He's a m*rder*r.

He k*lled my brother.

[ERZA groans]

You're not the warrior

I remember from years ago.

Perhaps the creep of time

has dulled your edge?

[ERZA gasps]

It must be her wounds.

The Erza I fought was

powerful and fierce.


Let's see. Have you

lost your strength?

Or are you just hiding it?

[ERZA grunts, gasps]

[ERZA gasps]

[ERZA gasps]


[ERZA screams]

[ERZA gasps]

[AZUMA grunts]

[ERZA yells]

Remember my Ramus Sica?


Mugetsu Style.


The more adversaries

a person has overcome,

the more splendid

their Historias.

This is my magic,

the Historia of Corpses.

With it, I can breathe new

life into battles of old.


I see. So you've d*ed, too?

Hush, Azuma.

I shan't discuss it.


These souls, that never had

the pleasure of

meeting before,

now interact as old friends.

Ahh, it's such a

marvelous thing.

Now, spread forth,

Historia of Corpses!


Have the dead been revived?

Not quite.

This is not the same

as necromancer magic

that simply controls the dead.

[KEYES chuckles]


How fascinating.

One's memories of powerful foes

they've faced are manifested,

returning for yet

another battle.

[ERZA screams]

[IKARUGA] Surely you still

have the power to stand, Erza.

Get up. I wish to taste

your strength once more.

[NEINHART] Yes. What a

beautiful moment of creation.

Your hearts were

the fertile soil

from which my Historias

have sprung!

[KAGURA panting]


[ERZA yells]



[LUCY] Neinhart's Historias

enter the b*ttlefield,

causing both physical

and emotional chaos.

Past adversaries emerge

one after another,

dragging everyone into

mortal confrontation.

Struggling against

three Historias,

Erza finds herself immobilized,

haunted by her memories

and wrapped within a prison

of her past pain and suffering.

Next time: "Mettle."

To overcome the past,

one must have the will

to live in the present.