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09x287 - Emperor Spriggan

Posted: 04/30/23 16:44
by bunniefuu
[CANA sighs]

That's enough walking.

Hot spring, take me away!

Hop in with us, Juvia.

No, I'm way too embarrassed.

Nothing to be embarrassed about,

we're all girls here.

I'm pretty sure she

wouldn't feel this way

if Gray were around.

Whoa! Gray's here?

[JUVIA gasps]

I am such a klutz!

My bath towel fell off

completely by accident!


How the hell is that

not more embarrassing

than being nekkers

in front of us?

How dare you make a fool of me.

You'll get what you deserve.

[LEVY giggles]

Awesome find, Gajeel!

I can't believe you

knew about this place.


Unlike Salamander,

I've got class.

Gajeel can sniff out a hot

spring from hundreds of miles.


I dunno how manly

group bath time is.

What're you doing here

anyway, Ichiya?

Were you not aware?

This hot spring, which is named

Celestial Horse Abode,

is owned by my guild.

So the Blue Pegasus

guild hall is nearby?


Yes, ma'am.

How's Jenny, by the way?



Her parfum's as lovely as ever.

I'll say it mingles quite well

with that of Evergreen.



Fried and Bixlow have both

integrated well, too.

Yet more aces in the

Blue Pegasus roster.

Wait a second. What?

What do you mean by that?

--[ICHIYA gasps]

--You idiot!

I told ya I wanted to surprise

them with the big news!

[ICHIYA gasps]

No way!

They're all a part

of Blue Pegasus?

[JUVIA] Does that mean Laxus

joined the guild, too?

I'd say that's up for debate

since he's rarely around.

Apparently, he's the type

who'd rather train elsewhere.

Now that's manly!


Did you have to say that?

Now ya ruined my other surprise!

Oh. My bad.

You wouldn't know it, but inside

that hard, steely exterior

beats the heart

of an event planner.

Whoops, my bad!


Too much manhood!



Keep your mans

to yourself, would ya?


[GAJEEL muffled yelling]





[LISANNA yelps]



And there it is.

Well, that sucked.

And then I had to land

face first on this board.

[LEVY whimpers]

How rude!

Not sure he knows

what he's saying.

Poor Levy.

She doesn't deserve that.


Get off me, you jerk!


--[GAJEEL] Owie!

What a cliché.

The parfum of young love.

[ELFMAN] Maybe I can beat the

horrible image out of head!

Get out now!

[JUVIA] Oh, if only I could be

so lucky as to have

such a naughty little accident

with my darling Gray!



Wh-What is this?

How can anyone have

such a level of magic power?

I-It's unreal!

[NATSU groans]

I have a craving for some

Star Mango gelato.




The shop is like

totally in pieces!

Who could've done this?

Uhh, it was those guys,

standing over there!

That's a lie!

The whole thing was your fault!

Oh... And I really

wanted some, too.

Let's go.


Uh, Brandish, please wait!

It happened because these oafs

picked a fight

with our soldiers!

And I think the

only reason they're here

is to contact the spy!

I don't care.

Now go on and give 'em back

their A plus girls, okay?


But they're some of the best

in my entire collection!

You even gave the

whole idea your blessing.

You remember, don't you?

Whoa. What's happening?

An earthquake?



[PEOPLE shouting]

[BOTH yelp]

Carla, take us up!

Yes, of course!

[LITTLE KID A yelps]

Hold on.

If we're flying up into the sky,

shouldn't the ground be

getting farther away?


We should get over the water!

[GRAY grunts]

What's with her?


No way!

How strange.

The island has somehow

changed shape.

[BRANDISH] Marin, did you

not hear what I said?


[GRAY] I've never seen

this kind of magic.


Lucy! Erza!


[LUCY grunts]

That sucked.

I didn't hurt them.

I sent them off to a place

where they could chill out.

So don't worry,

they're all good.

Where were we just now?

That was absolutely horrible.

We're back on the island.


Who is that?


[LUCY] Her magic power

is off the charts!

I don't even know how to

describe how strong it feels.


She's more powerful than Gramps!


Who's this girl?

Um, Miss Brandish.

Don't forget that we were

sent all the way out here

on a mission to capture

the spy and her associates.

I don't really wanna find out

what ol' Wall will have to say

if we come back home


Whatever we choose to do,

I doubt Ishgar will be stupid

enough to mess with Alvarez.

Though that may be the case,

if we say we

couldn't even find them,

we'll get a big F-minus,

and who wants that?



I don't really care.

Not so fast.

[LUCY gasps]

Don't be stupid!


You took out one of our friends.

You really think

we're just gonna

let you walk away after that?

No! Stand down!


[BOTH gasp]


I'm down one, too.

Now we're even.

Does that make things better?

I hate dealing with this.

There's so much else

I'd rather be doing.

He was your guy.

How could you?

[BRANDISH] Why would I waste

any more of my time?

It's way easier for all of us

if I tell everyone back home

I got rid of the spy

and her little friends.

So just stay away

from Alakitasia, okay?



How could she know

why we're here?


Makarov's alive, by the way.


[BRANDISH] But if you guys

don't behave yourselves,

that could easily change.

So this is your warning.

You'd better run

along home, or else.

[BOTH gasp]

What is she doing?

What the--?

[PEOPLE yelling]



The island got bigger earlier!


And now it's completely gone!


Alvarez has other wizards

just as powerful as I am.

So don't be stupid and

start a fight you can't win.

Got that, Fairy Tail?


There are that many like her?

[GRAY] So they've already got

our whole mission figured out.


We can't beat or fool them.

We'll save Gramps.


Get on! Hurry!


I need ropes over here!

Make sure that every

citizen is accounted for!

It looks like they'll

actually be able

to get everybody on the boats.

Yeah, if those fishermen

weren't around,

this could've been

a lot worse.



What just happened?


Man, that was freaky.

[SAILOR B] The island was

just here and then "poof."


Did it just vanish?


I think that's it there.

She shrank it.

So her magic can shrink

or enlarge things.

It's as if she has

control of their mass.

Quite an effective skill.

And it can work on an

extremely large scale.



Poor Mest.

Ugh. I hope he's gonna be okay.

What about you?

I'm so sorry, you guys.

But I can't.

I can't use my

healing magic right now.

Hey, Happy.

Were you able to track

down that kid's dad?



And they seem okay!

[BOY'S FATHER] Have you

seen some girls with cats?

I'd like to thank them

for their help.

All right.

So, what's our next move?

Good question.

We should start by finding out--

[LUCY screams]


What's happening?

We're disappearing, too!


[NATSU, LUCY groan]

We're fine.

It's my magic.

Warning us would've been

the considerate thing to do!

Yes! We stopped moving!

So then, where have

you taken us?

Not far.

It's near Caracol Island.

But underwater.




Whoa! Look at all the fishies!


But why here?

I was able to get in

contact with our spy.

She gave me a set of

coordinates for a rendezvous.


What a strange place.


Like an underwater temple.

How is there no window here?

Wow, this is so awesome!

I can just dive right in...

I'm not sure that's

a good idea, Natsu.

I want a house like this!

[BOTH gasp]


What now?




I don't know!

The building's moving.

What's happening?




Stay still!

I'm glad you've come.




Did you hear someone?



[ANGEL] Welcome to the

mobile temple Olympia.

I'm your captain, Sorano.



It's Angel!


I-I don't understand.


Why are you in a swimsuit?


Because we're in the water.

Hey! Put your clothes back on!




Hold on. Is she the spy?

Uh-huh, that would be me!

[MEST] As you know,

the former Oracion Seis

are working with Jellal

as part of Crime Sorcière.

So we asked for

their help with this.

There a reason you

didn't call on Cobra?

We couldn't risk him

hearing certain things

that need to

remain confidential.

I don't believe our

paths have crossed

since that

Infinity Clock ordeal.

It's so nice to see you all.


You do realize your

cover was blown... you fled to

Caracol Island...

...which was promptly wiped out.

It's not my fault!

I barely escaped alive, ya know?

That's quite surprising,

coming from you.

Well, as it turns out, I owe

Mest a little favor now.

So I'll help you this time,

but don't be fooled into

thinking we're partners.

We appreciate it, Angel.

I mean, Sorano.

Don't forget, I'm the

one who k*lled Karen.

She tested my nerves, too.


Calm down, Sorano.


Okay, fine.


I have a question.

Does anyone know where

this thing is taking us?

Straight to hell.

[ANGEL] We're going

to your master, Makarov.

[ERZA] Wait, you really know

where they're keeping him?

Aren't I the best?


I must ask, Makarov.

Have you heard the chatter

of late regarding Fairy Tail?

To be quite honest,

I do find it all shocking.

But surely you expected that.


Oh, you misunderstand.

I'm not referring to the guild.

What I'm surprised by is

your emperor's disposition.

Because my preconceived

notions led me to believe

that he'd be more of a...

More of a harsh dictator?

Perhaps not those words exactly,

but I think you get my drift.

Always got diplomacy

on your mind, eh?

A year ago, I would

never have imagined

I'd be formally accepted

as a guest of the Empire.

Much less given

any chance to negotiate.

Although, to be fair,

I've only dealt

with you as of yet.

His Majesty has been

away from the castle

for a long time indeed,

indulging his wandering nature.

[MAKAROV] Yes, his agreeance

to speak with an old man

who has no influence

struck me as unique.

[YAJEEL] I'd say your

influence is evidenced

by the value of

the cards you hold.

[MAKAROV] You've told me

his so called "shields"

are hot-tempered,

but he can quell

their aggression.

That he could see a way forward

without any blood being shed.

Our Majesty is nothing

if not gracious.

I must say,

it's a stark contrast

to his reputation throughout

Ishgar as a fearsome warrior

who conquered

Alakitasia's guilds by force.

It's typical for those who make

history to have many facets.

After all, he is our ruler.

No matter how hard

I try, Yajeel,

I just can't seem to beat

you at a hand of Regenca.


You should know better, Makarov.

The key to winning the game

is to hold on to the goddess.

[CROWD cheering]




His Majesty has returned!

[CITIZEN C] I can't believe

he's been gone a whole year!

[CITIZEN B] Clear a path

for Emperor Spriggan!


I'll be.

Speak of the devil.

Ah. I've waited

so long for this.

It's as I've told you.

Emperor Spriggan

has been made aware

of Ishgar's appeal

for non-aggression.

And when he gives

his formal endorsement,

his shields

will fall in line.

I'm overwhelmed.


Once all this is over,

you'll be free to return

home, I'm sure.

I'm ready for that.

My children are waiting for me.


[CROWD] Long live Emperor

Spriggan! Long live...

[YAJEEL] He has the gift

of youthful radiance.

Something I haven't

possessed in decades.

[MAKAROV gasps]


Long live Emperor Spriggan!



Welcome home, Your

Majesty. A pleasure.


Good to see you too, Invel.

I realize this is sudden, but

could you assemble the ?


That will take time.

If only I could predict

the haphazard arrival

of spring's first breeze,

I could've already had

them assembled here.

[ZEREF] Ha. So I'm as

capricious as the wind, am I?

Gale force. Or a dark cloud.

No. More like a

thunderstorm of death.

But a spring breeze?

That doesn't begin to

capture the gravity.

He's like a desert!

That's what I'd say!

A sandstorm bringing death

far and wide over the land!


Dimaria. Ajeel.

What colorful imagery.


Have you two no manners?

How dare you speak to

His Majesty this way!

I do appreciate their candor.

[AUGUST] Am I to take it

your travels have ended,

Your Majesty?

You seem to be in very

good spirits, my lord.

Suppose I am.

[AUGUST] Does this mean

you've found the answer

you were looking for?

About Ragnarok, that is.

In Ishgar, it's known as

the Dragon King Festival.



So we're gonna battle?

Yes! That's great!


Your Majesty.

I am truly delighted to see

you have returned home

from your long journey

safe and sound.

Oh, Heavens!


There's no reason for worry.

Ankhselam has been rather

charitable these past few years.

Good to hear, my lord,

but I find it best to

exercise proper caution

in the presence

of such greatness.

I believe you may be aware.

An emissary all the way from

the continent of Ishgar

arrived while you were away.



I've heard, yes.

He is quite insistent on

meeting with Your Majesty

as soon as possible,

so I was hoping you'd humor

him with an audience.

But why would he?

You know there is a

proper protocol for this.

Has he filled out the paperwork?

I'd love to.

First, let me say it's an honor

to meet you, Your Majesty.

[ZEREF] I wish to speak

with this man in private.

I confess I'm a bit puzzled

regarding your true identity.

Are you Emperor Spriggan

or are you Zeref?

They are one and the same.

To those in Ishgar, I am Zeref.

In Alakitasia, I am Spriggan.

Though, if I had to choose

between the two, I'd say Zeref.

[ZEREF] For years,

I wandered far and wide,

searching to find my purpose

for living in this world.

But during that time,

I also prepared

for the Dragon King Festival.

A few hundred years ago,

I made a decision to create

a country here in Alakitasia.

It was a small,

fledgling thing at first,

but gradually, we absorbed

one guild after another.

Before too long,

it had grown into

the kind of vast amalgamation

one might call an empire.

All of this was with the goal

of obtaining the Lumen Histoire?

There's no use in trying

to deceive me.

Let's just call it

by its official name.


[ZEREF] The Supreme Arcane

Magic that surpasses

even the Three Grand

Fairy Spells:

Fairy Heart.


It's all making a lot

more sense to me now.

The Alvarez Empire is hell-bent

on getting the Fairy Heart

because of who you are.

Yes, that's true.

But I've only recently decided

that's what I truly want.

Initially, I built this

empire to be strong enough

to go against Acnologia.

To k*ll him.

The attempted invasion a

decade ago was not my doing.

As master of your own guild,

I'm sure you're familiar

with "unruly children."

However, I made the

decision to stop them,

because I knew that

it was not yet time.

So you're saying the

council's weapons,

the Etherion Cannon

and the FACE system,

weren't what turned you away?

[ZEREF] Oh, they were

factors, of course.

Our side would've suffered

heavy losses for sure.

But I'm positive that the

Alvarez Empire I've built today

could confidently take on

Ishgar, as well as Acnologia.

[MAKAROV grunts]

That's to say, there's no

room for negotiation?

Unfortunately, no.

For the real Dragon King

Festival is about to begin.

The Black Wizard, the King of

the Dragons, and you mortals.

The time has come to decide who

will live... and who will die.


So your plan is to start a w*r?

No, an extermination.

I will not allow you to

have our first master!

[MAKAROV groans]

I'd be remiss if I didn't

offer you my sincere gratitude.

I truly appreciate you

raising Natsu for me.

[ZEREF] So I'll put an end

to your suffering quickly,

then I'll deliver your body

unto Natsu, himself.

He'll be so angry.

Perhaps it'll be enough

to destroy me.

[MAKAROV groaning]

Are there any last words

you'd like me to pass along?

You hideous soul.

You demon!

Close, old man.

But the meaning of

the name "Spriggan"

is much more akin

to "hideous fairy."

--It's Gramps!

--He found him!



Hey, Gramps!

My children are here.

Guys, I saw Zeref.

He was with Zeref!


You sure?


Natsu, after all this time...'ve come.

[LUCY] After a tearful

reunion with Makarov,

it's time to escape the Alvarez

Empire and get back home.

But Ajeel of the Spriggan ,

AKA "The King of the Desert,"

is in hot pursuit.

As walls of burning sand

thr*aten to swallow

everything whole,

they begin to close in

and trap the rescue team

in a dangerous corner.

Next time: "To the

God-Forsaken Land."

Knowing that we have

friends to protect

is what pushes all

of us forward.