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09x286 - Law of Space

Posted: 04/30/23 16:41
by bunniefuu
Really? Come on!

[ERZA] However, my feelings

as a fellow member

of the guild are different.

We have no other choice but to

bring Makarov home, and quickly.

Which means,

only those in this room

will join the mission.

A small team works best.

We'll infiltrate Alvarez, rescue

our master, and make our escape.

This will not be an all-out w*r.

Hear me? We need focus.

That means we won't be starting

any unnecessary fights.

Am I clear?

Yeah, sure.

Let's do it you guys!

Gramps is counting on us!

[JURA] All the paperwork

looks to be in order.

Erza Scarlet as guild master.

Excellent choice, indeed.

So that means it's official now!

Fairy Tail is a guild again!



Let's hope that we'll have more

good news with Makarov's return.



This is bittersweet.

You've been a great

help to the council.

We will miss your

diligence and dedication.


Aw, thank you.

Warrod, you seem to be

in a good mood today.



Well, I thought the guild

splitting up was a joke,

and this turn of events

proves my theory.


If they can pull off Mest's plan

of rescuing Makarov,

that will make me truly happy.


Warrod, sir.

Excuse me, but you're

spilling your water!



Actually, I'm just taking a

moment to relieve myself.

Don't worry, I'm only

joking, of course.

[LEVY groans]

[WOLFHEIM] You think this is an

appropriate time for jokes?

These are dangerous times

that we're living in, old man.

Wolfheim, you're here, too?

I couldn't sense you at all.

Oh, wow.

He's one of the Four

Emperors of Ishgar, too.

It's always an appropriate

time for laughter.

In fact, hearing your name

always makes me guffaw.


You know I'm only

playing around with you.

Well, I don't find it

the least bit funny!

Tensions are

continuing to escalate

between Ishgar and Alvarez,

and your idea of dealing with it

is watering plants and

cracking jokes, huh?

[LEVY whimpers]

Calm down, Wolfheim.

You'll scare our guest!


That's quite enough.



[HYBERION] Our days of simply

acting as we please are over.

We are an august

body of leadership.

Our behavior needs to reflect

our position accordingly.

[LEVY] I can't believe

I'm in the same room

as three of the Four

Emperors of Ishgar.

As you said, tensions

are indeed running high.

But it is our duty

to bring the world

into an era of stability.

If a w*r erupted, our defeat

would be inevitable.

Which means the onus is upon us

to arrive at a

peaceful resolution.

You're saying the Alvarez

Empire is really that powerful?

I mean, we do have God

Serena fighting on our side!

God Serena shares our history.

Once a fellow Emperor of Ishgar,

and the highest ranking member

amongst the Wizard Saints.

In short, he's

rightly considered

to be the mightiest wizard

on the continent.

Yes, that's true.

So you should

understand my confusion

as to why he's not currently

a member of the Magic Council.

This makes me nervous.

Why is everyone so quiet?

I don't know.

I hope he hasn't been met

with some kind of misfortune.

[HYBERION] God Serena

has abandoned Ishgar.

He's traveled to Alakitasia and

sworn allegiance to Alvarez.

[BOTH gasp]

No! Really?


Their emperor, Spriggan,

has an elite personal guard,

the Spriggan .

Our former comrade

has joined their ranks.


The Spriggan ? Wait.


It's quite troubling.

And would indicate that there

are eleven others on par

with the most powerful

wizard from our continent.

That is the kind of

might Alvarez wields.


We had to take a boat?

How'd you think we'd

cross the ocean?

[NATSU] I dunno, can't

Mest, like, zap us over?

Too far for my direct line.

Hey, Wendy, you have a

tummy spell, don't ya?


Aw, man!

I'm so sorry.

But I recently started

to get motion sickness

just like you, Natsu.


You poor thing!

Unfortunately, Wendy

can't use her Troia magic

when she's in this state.

You think a fishie

would help her?


All right, fine.

Let me carry ya to your bunks.

[NATSU, WENDY groaning]

Happy to help.

Where did all your clothes go?!




Hey! Stay away from me!


Come on, Lucy!

Would ya calm down?

Help me find my shirt!

What's on your mind, Erza?

Sorry. Suppose I should

call you "master."

Erza is fine with me.

I was thinking

about our situation.

Makarov went as far as

disbanding the guild

to keep us safe.

And all this time, he's been

hiding the Lumen Histoire

from an outside force.

But what's perplexing

is why he felt he had to go

to such extreme lengths.

Perhaps if I knew what the

Lumen Histoire actually is,

I could make sense of it.

Honestly, I'm as in

the dark as you are.

But I believe it's

some kind of w*apon.

I had heard a rumor about it.

That Gramps actually considered

activating it to stop the FACES.

I heard the same thing,

but for whatever reason,

he ultimately decided not to.

Are you saying that

if he did activate it,

it would be powerful enough to

counteract all of those FACES?


Maybe the biggest mystery...

is the first master's body.

Why is she in there,

and is she alive or dead?

Yes, it certainly is odd,

especially since

we've interacted

with projections of her

from time to time.

[GRAY] There're so many

unanswered questions.

Hopefully, Master Makarov will

shed more light on everything

once he's safe and sound.

[ERZA] How long will it

take us to get to Alvarez?

Let me think.

Sailing for ten days?

Then several more on land.

Quite a journey.

I'm worried about him as well,

but we can't be hasty.

We'll need to make a

stop on Caracol Island.

Stock up on provisions,

food and some other supplies.

A town not named after

a plant or flower.

That's one way to know

you're outside of Fiore.

[ERZA] Are you sure we really

have the time to make a stop?


I said we can't be hasty.

This kind of

infiltration mission

requires thorough preparation.

What do you mean by that?

Good intelligence.

We'll be meeting up with an

agent while we're there.

They'll tell us how we can

sneak into the Empire.

So you're positive that Laxus

is all the way out here?

Yep, according to my sources,

we should find him

and his toadies.

Wait, the Thunder Legion?

We know you came with us

to track down Evergreen.

What did I do to get stuck

on this team anyway?

It's not some kind

of punishment.

Gray and the others just

went off without us.


But I wonder if it

was necessary for us

to split up into teams.

They took on a mission to

infiltrate the enemy, correct?

That's exactly what

they should've done.

After all, we'd be

completely outclassed

in a fight with Alvarez.

There'd be no chance of us

even walking away from it.


That's true.

And I doubt an infiltration

mission will fare much better.


Realistically speaking,

the odds of either option

working are close to nil.

That's the whole reason for

doing this in separate teams.

To tip those odds a little

more in our favor. You see?

So, do you wanna explain

why you left without me?


You're just so tiny

that I assumed

you musta been stowin'

away in my bag.

That was my mistake, sorry.

Nothin' personal.


Jeez! Stupid metal-brained jerk!

Are they flirting

with each other?

Well, if you're lonely,

I can throw some

attention your way.

Thank you. But I'll be fine.

Seriously, you guys.

This enemy's different.

They're super dangerous.

Don't even think of fighting

them, no matter what.


There it is. Caracol Island.

[GRAY] Great, let's get

ready to disembark.



Something's wrong.

[GRAY gasps]

That's the crest of

the Alvarez military!

What are they doin'

way out here?

That's a very good question.

Caracol isn't in

their territory!

It appears they're performing

an inspection at the harbor.

[GRAY growls]

How the hell are we gonna

get on that island now?

Sounds like they're tryin' to

catch a spy. That's not good.

From what I can tell,

they haven't been able

to catch him yet, though.


Hold on. You can hear

them this far away?


Oh, yeah, but just barely.

[BOTH retch]

So, what now?

We're gonna have to make contact

with our agent quickly,

while we can.


This is a restricted zone!


Everyone form a line!

[SOLDIER C] Be prepared

to show identification

and submit to a search before

entering or exiting the area!

What in the world

is this all about?

I don't know, but I

heard that there's a spy

running from the Empire,

and the military

tracked him out here.

A heck of a way to

start a vacation.

Natsu. Promise me you'll behave.

Yeah, yeah, I promise.



We're a couple of fun-loving

girls on a sightseeing vacay!

We'd love to sample some of

Caracol's famous Star Mangoes!


This'll be great! Right, Sis?

Oh, yeah!

Please don't blow our cover.

Yeah, our story has

to be believable.

[SOLDIER A] Hm? Is that a

guild crest on your hand?

Yes, sir, we're wizards!

From the Cait Shelter guild!


Our disguise is perfect.


This brings back memories!


Never heard of that one before.


Don't look at me,

I only know a handful of guilds

from Ishgar to begin with.


What should we do about this?

They told us to be especially

thorough with wizards.


I dunno.

But do you think the spy's

contacts would waltz in here

showing off their guild marks?


Good point.


Excuse us.



But would you let us

through, pretty please?

All I want is a Star Mango.

Would you deny me that pleasure?



All right!

Let's see those ID's

and belongings!


You may pass!

[LUCY chuckles]

That worked out.

Putty in your hands.

Nicely done, ladies.

Seems my charm works

on human males, too.

Yeah, well.

I don't really think we had much

to do with what just happened.

I think your feline form

is much cuter anyway.

[GRAY] Man, this whole place

is practically crawlin'

with those Alvarez soldiers.

We need to be on

our best behavior.

Yeah. Don't do

anything stupid, Natsu.

Why is everybody pickin' on me?

Because you're the only

one who doesn't grasp

what infiltration

means, obviously.

I know what it means!

Like, bein' sneaky.

I think you're forgetting

something, Erza.

I am ninja.

[LITTLE KID A crying]



[LITTLE KID A] You better

gimme my daddy back!





Where did you take him to?

Please! I want Daddy!


The little brat must get this

from his mouthy old man.

Stand down, Natsu.

It's hard to watch,

but we cannot interfere.

Please, mister! Bring

my daddy back, right now!

[SOLDIER E] Shut the

hell up or I'll k*ll you!

Did he thr*aten

that little boy?!

He's only a child!

[CROWD gasps]


What's going on here?

Don't worry, you're okay.

Man, we are so screwed.

Ninja Butt-Kicking Technique!

What the heck was that?

Those kids in swimsuits

beat up the guards!

I can't believe my eyes.

[SOLDIER F] All right,

you. Stop right there!


You talkin' to me?

We're never getting

off this island now!

Come on. We just have

to beat them first.

I promise I'll find your daddy.

Wendy has an awesome

sense of smell,

so I'm sure she'll have no

problem sniffin' him out.

Mest. You go, too.

You sure?


[WENDY giggling]


She's an angel.

No way!

You're supposed to be

meeting up with the spy!



Oh, yeah. You keep

the guards distracted.

Now that's teamwork!


Ninja Multi-Team Technique!


Guys. Please be careful!


All right!

We can't afford to go too crazy.

Yeah, I hear ya. I promise

I'll keep my cool.

Sounds like a plan.


Secure the perimeter!


Capture them!


In your dreams!


Well, that was easy.

I don't get why Gramps thought

these jokers were so scary.

One thing is certain.

They will be sending

out reinforcements.


Ya think we should

ask these clowns

if they know where Gramps is?

Sounds like a total

waste of time to me.

They probably don't

know anything.

And we'd basically just

be telling the enemy

what our true goal is.

Listen up. We have

to stay alert.


So good.


There is a pretty big difference

between "staying alert"

and "stuffing your face."


Here ya go!

I appreciate the business,

but try not to cause

another scene, okay?

I am sorry about that.

I gotta say, man,

even with all this trouble,

seems like you're doin' well.

You must really know a

lot about running a shop.

That was definitely

not the first brawl

we've seen around here.

But I'm never gonna

let go of my dream!

Savin' up, and then,

Ishgar here I come!


[MERCHANT A] You guys are

from there, aren't ya?

We are.

Mark my words.

The Star Mango is gonna be

a massive hit in Ishgar!

And my shop is gonna be

the number one place

to get it on the

whole continent!

Nice! Sounds delici--

Uh. I mean, delightful.

All I've got right now is this

one shabby little shack.

But I dream of a bunch

of shops in Ishgar.

I'm not gonna let this ruckus--


What the--?!

The stand blew up!



You are an A-plus!

Who are you?! What do you want?

Oh, that fire in your

eyes is delicious!

Yeah! A-plus-plus maybe!

My name is Marin Hollow.

I'm a member of the

Alvarez Imperial Army's

Brandish Division.

[NATSU growls]


My Star Mangoes.

All of my hopes and dreams...

Everything's in ruins.




Take that and run.


Sorry, man.

I know it's not much,

but it should help a little.

I'll avenge your Star

Mangos! I promise you!

Now that's what I wanna hear!

You should get a gold star!

I've had enough

of your nonsense.

You'll pay dearly for

spoiling my sweets!




Smash him! Now!


I can't... Requip.


No, you can't!

Because I am the

master of space!

What's that mean?

By Requipping,

it essentially means

that you're grabbing stuff from

a different pocket of space.

Too bad, because

all "space" magic

is completely

ineffective against me.


In that case, take this!

Open Gate of the Archer!

Celestial spirit magic?

Sorry, but that's

space based, too.

No way.

Oh. There's one teeny

detail I should mention.

Anyone who happens to break

the "Law of Space"

in my presence...

Wait, what's going on?

This is scary!

There's no reason to

get all fussy, ladies.

I'm sending you to

my chillout space!

Lucy! Erza!


Where'd they go?!

You better tell me what you

did with them, right now!

Like I said, I sent those

lovelies over to relax

in my chillout space, 'kay?

Those girls are both

A-plus honeys,

so they should be

somewhere nice.

But the two of you...

are F-minus losers.

Dumbasses that just need to die!

What the hell did we

ever do to you, man?!


He's with you scumbags, right?



[MARIN] This piece of

crap also tried to use

space magic around me.

Know what I think

of that? F-minus!

This loser makes me

wanna puke my guts out!

[NATSU yells]


You'll have a hard time

touching a space magic

master like me!

[NATSU gasps]

I'm like the sheriff of space!

What the--? How?

I didn't see him.

[MARIN] You should know better

than to mess with a guy like me.

Because your kind

will never win!


We are in deep trouble.


That's enough playtime, Marin.

[GRAY] Whoa! Her power

level is freaking insane!

Brandish, my lady!

Oh, you are an A-plus-plus-plus!

I'd appreciate it if you

stopped with the bootlicking.

[LUCY] Brandish Mu, one of

the elite Spriggan ,

has a level of magic

power we've never seen.

If the others are

as strong as her,

that must be why Master Makarov

was so frightened before.

Meanwhile, in the capital of

the Alvarez Empire, Vistarion,

the people celebrate

the emperor's return

after a year-long expedition.

What did he find on

that lengthy journey?

Next time: "Emperor Spriggan."

So begins the encounter

with the "ugly fairy"

that rules the great darkness.