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08x274 - Law

Posted: 04/30/23 16:33
by bunniefuu
I don't understand

what happened.

I thought Mavis said the plan

was to keep Blue Skull's

leader trapped in this cage.

Maybe she just forgot to

lock it up? Seems odd.

My friends. I hope

everyone is all right.


[PEOPLE screaming]



Have you seen Mavis?


I must say I'm impressed

by the illusions

you're able to create.

Did you teach yourself that?

I did.

But my illusions are useless

in a battle with wizards.

I wanna learn the kind of

spells that can help me fight!

If I understand correctly,

you're asking me to

teach you black magic.

I'm not concerned whether

it's black or white magic.

It doesn't matter. I just want

to take down Blue Skull.


Here goes!

Mommy! Look, gold coins!

They're falling from the sky!

What the hell is goin' on here?!

At long last, the day I've

dreamed about has come!


What amazing timing!

[BOY A laughing]

So pretty!

Hey, no fair!

What? They vanished.

Mavis did this. It's her magic.


It's coming back for us!


Run for your lives!

Everybody get to safety.

The gold is just an illusion!

I get it! Mavis is

trying to distract Yuri!

[PRECHT] Even if he

turns into a monster,

a treasure hunter will

always be attracted

by the sparkle of gold.


This is it.


[MAVIS yelps]

Okay. This is close enough.

I can use Law from here!


Don't do it, Mavis!

Zera! You shouldn't

be up here with me!

I came up to remind you

what the teacher told you

about using that spell!

He said that it would take you

at least ten years to master it!

And you promised him you would

never use it until then!

He said that the

price of casting it

before you were ready

would be terrible!

Don't take that chance!

I know that.

But Law is an

ancient super-spell

based on absolute

purity of judgment.

It saves what the caster thinks

is good and destroys evil.

Using this spell now might be

my only chance to save Yuri

and destroy the Tenrou

Orb's evil energy.

But not if you haven't

even mastered it yet!

I know how risky it is,

but right now it's

our only option!


Mavis, no!

Oh, no, Mavis!


[ZERA] Mavis! Don't do it,

I'm begging you!

I don't have any other choice!

Please think this through!

Unless my chances of saving Yuri

from this evil are

absolutely zero,

I'll do anything to help him!

No spell is too risky when

a friend's life is at stake!

Do you have to put

your life at stake?

I do, Zera.

Before we met those three,

we were trapped on that island.

They showed us a world

we had only dreamed of.

Precht is someone we

can always count on,

who cares about his friends.

Warrod knows just how to bring

out the best in everyone.

We need them!

After all that we've

been through together,

I can't let our adventure

end like this!

So I'll do whatever I can

to keep us together!

But, Mavis...

Beyond that, it's

something I can't explain.

I'm not sure what makes me care

so deeply about those guys.

But I have a feeling

in my heart.

And I think this is the

meaning of friendship!

It's friendship?


So I'm begging you, Zera!

Please get away from here

before it's too late!

It's too dangerous!

Zera, no!

Don't forget that

I'm your friend, too.

[ZERA] Hey, Mavis. Do you

still believe in fairies?

Of course I do.

I know that they're real.

I believe in them too,

but I believe in you even more.

When this is over, let's look

for fairies together.

All of us.




[MAVIS] You've given me so much

courage over the years, Zera.

I never would have

made it this far...

...If it weren't for you!

I can't thank you enough!

Are you saying that you

meant to jump up there?


Yes! Precisely as I calculated!

[MAVIS] I corrected for the

ether-nano density in the air,

the wind, and the temperature.

I worked it out to be here

at this exact moment.







[PEOPLE gasping]


Her plan actually worked!

You really pulled it off, Mavis!

Your spell was able to

save Yuri and Magnolia!

Hey, Mavis!

Where are you?




No. No, please.

Stop it! Come on!

Quit joking around!

Please wake up!



[ZERA crying]

[ZERA] Don't do this!

Please! Don't die!

[CROWD murmuring]

[MAKO] Is there anything

you can do for her, Doctor?

She saved our whole

city from the dragon!

So you gotta save her!

She is gonna pull

through this, right, doc?

I wish I could give you

all a definitive answer,

but even I don't understand

why she won't wake up.

Poor Mavis.

We can run some tests,

but I'm afraid there's not

much else we can do here.

The only thing we

know for certain

is that using that

incredible spell

is what put her in this state.

Did you bring your kid brother

in here dressed as a doctor?!

We get that the spell

knocked her out,

but what I wanna know is

why she ain't wakin' up!

Like we've already told

you several times,

we don't have any idea!

Agh! You jerks are nothin'

but a bunch of useless quacks!

What? How dare you

speak to me that way...!

Hands off!


Calm down, you two!

Please, Miss Mavis. Wake up.

[KERSEY] Well, your best

ain't good enough, is it?

Who do you think

you are anyway?

[PEOPLE arguing]

[WOMAN A] The citizens of

Magnolia owe her our lives!

Please, do everything you can!


The people of our city

want to express our

gratitude to Mavis.

Let us know if we can

do anything to help.

Please, we don't have much time!

Yes, yes. You just calm

right down, young man.

[OLD HAG A] Looks like this

must've been a real disaster.


I can still feel it.

The traces of an immense

spell remain in this place.

I'm back. How's Mavis doing?

She still hasn't

opened her eyes.

Who might this be?

She's one of the elders from

a nearby town's wizard guild.

I'm basically a doctor

who specializes

in treating wizards

injured by magic.

Now, let me have a look.

Well, this little thing

brought down a giant dragon?

I can't believe someone so young

used such a tremendous spell.

That great blast of

light was visible

all the way over in our town.

We all saw it.

Well? Is she all right?

Say something!

Hey! Stop it!

Let her concentrate.

What's wrong?

This worse than I

could have imagined.

What is it?

Please, you have to tell us!

It's a good thing Yuri

isn't awake. Considering.

Yeah, that poor guy.

He's gonna have one heck of a

wake up call, that's for sure.

[PRECHT] Well, I just hope he

doesn't take the news too hard.

Welcome back to the

land of the living.


Where are we?


An inn, in Magnolia.


Yuri! You're awake!

Are you feeling all right?


[YURI groans]


What's the matter?

Oh, it's probably nothing.

I just have a really k*ller

headache, that's all.

That makes sense,

considering what happened.

The Tenrou Orb's curse

took you over completely.

It was ugly.


Where's Mavis?

Please say something.

Where is she?

[WARROD] Well, technically,

she isn't harmed.

But she had to use an

insanely powerful spell.

It was the only way

to break the curse.

[PRECHT] All of the doctors

in the city examined her,

and no one could do anything.

We even brought in a specialist

from a nearby wizard guild.

What are you getting at?

Why won't you tell me

what's happened to her?!

[PRECHT] We're telling

you everything we know.

Just calm down and listen.


The specialist said that this is

the price she must pay for

using such a dangerous spell

before having mastered it.


Mavis' body won't grow anymore.

She'll stay as small as she is

now for the rest of her life.


Thank goodness! I'm so

glad to see you awake!

But how? How can

you be so happy?

You'll never grow because of me.

Nothing that happened

is your fault.

I knew there were risks,

and I don't regret it.

I'm just grateful

that you're all right.

I don't deserve it. You didn't

have to do this for me!

I did.

You're my friend, and I would

do it again in a heartbeat.

Don't say that!

This whole time I was just

trying to get to the orb!

I was using you.

[YURI cries]


Forgive me. Please.

I'm so sorry, Mavis.

Please don't cry.

It's not like you.


So you're not hurt or anything?

I'm not.

I never felt an instant of pain

throughout all that happened.

I won't grow anymore,

but other than that I'm fine.



When I was under the

Tenrou Orb's control,

I was certain I

heard your voice.



I still hear it. You said

we're friends, always.

I meant it. That's how I feel.

Yeah, me too.

After all we've been

through together,

I could never call you

anything but my friend.

You really mean that?

Once things have quieted down,

you and me, we should go

look for fairies together.



Are you totally sure

you're okay, Yuri?

You're not just saying that

'cause you feel guilty, are you?



You're not like anyone

I've ever met.

I feel like just the same

as with Precht and Warrod,

I can trust you with my heart.

There are very few truly

trustworthy people

in this world.

[YURI] You risked your

life to save mine.

I wanna repay you by helping

you realize your dream.

Well, thank you.

But I want you to

find your own dream

and pursue that for yourself.

It's your life.

Well, from now on,

my dream is to always protect

you, no matter the cost.

To trust you and put

all my faith in you.

You and I may have come

from different worlds...

...but I'll be beside

you for life.



There's more, Mavis.

Because I'm your friend...

...there's something

that I have to tell you.




It's about Zera.


What do you mean? Is she okay?


Zera. You're listening, right?

Zera! Why were you hiding again?

I can't believe you would

still be so shy around Yuri.


What's wrong?




I've never been

able to see Zera.




And I can't hear her speak.

At all.

And it's not just me.

The other guys can't either.

None of us have ever

seen or heard her.

I'm sorry to have

to tell you this now.

[MAVIS gasps]

[YURI] You're the only one

who can perceive her.

Because she's an

illusion you created.

She's not real.

[MAVIS] Zera is an illusion

I created out of loneliness.

All I can do is cry in the

face of this shocking news.

She d*ed that night

when we were children.

As Zera fades away,

she leaves me with

words of encouragement

so I can move forward on my own.

The story that began with a girl

who had less than zero

reaches its conclusion,

and I go forth on a new path.

Next Time: "Eternal Adventure."

The tale of the beginning

comes to an end.