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08x268 - Treasure Hunt

Posted: 04/30/23 16:26
by bunniefuu
My name is Mavis Vermillion.

And for the past seven years,

I've been studying strategies

for taking on wizard guilds.

Together, we can b*at them.

No, Mavis. You've got

to be kidding me!

I humbly ask you

take me with you.

The Tenrou Orb is the

symbol of this island.

My people have protected this

sacred relic for generations.

I must fix this.

This treasure belongs

to the island,

and it's my duty to

see it's returned.

Please, don't.

Just to be clear,

we're treasure hunters.

Even if we do find the thing,

there's no guarantee we're just

gonna give it back to you.

Then you and I can have

another game of wits

whenever that time comes.

But right now, we share a

common goal of finding it.

Not to mention, you

still have to make good

on the promise you made.

I wanna meet a fairy!



Okay! Let our adventure begin!



[MAVIS giggles]


It's beautiful!

I love the ocean.

There's no end to it!

And there's nothing like the

feel of salty air on my skin!

Hello there, seagulls!

I bet you're doing

your yearly migration.

You've lived on an island

in the middle of the

sea your entire life,

how is this exciting?

Seeing it from land

is way different.

Being out here on the

open water like this

gives me a whole

new perspective!

Whatever you say, Missy.


Really! This is incredible!

All right!

No stopping till Hargeon!

I know we'll find information

there that will lead us

right to Blue Skull

and the Tenrou Orb!

Yeah, we are definitely

gonna find that treasure,

but make no mistake,

once we do that, it's ours.



It looks like you're

adjusting the sail

to be at a right angle to

the wind, is that true?

You got it.

I know just how to tweak the

sail to get us there fast.

That's really fascinating to me.

I've never sailed,

but I've read a lot about it

in the library back home.





[MAVIS] I think we should shift

the sail a bit farther forward.

Roughly five degrees if we wanna

maximize the power of the wind.

Oh, yeah?

[MAVIS] Hmm. Okay,

maybe one degree more.


Is that good?


Ah! Hold on!

The wind just started

blowing north-northwest!



[MAVIS] Hurry! Bring it back

two, no, wait, four degrees!



I'm kind of an expert at

this stuff, remember?

How about you stick

with what you know?

I'm sorry, I wasn't

trying to bother you.

I'll leave you be.

Let's go, Zera.


But where else is there to go?

We can explore.

[ZERA] Seriously? I don't wanna

make anyone else mad at us.

Stop worrying!

Oh, great.

[MAVIS gasps]

Ugh, it's mustier

than our library.

I bet this is all treasure!

Hello, what are you

doing over there?

Just messin' around with

this fish-catching g*n.

Do you mean you sh**t them?

[WARROD] Yup. Bang!

One blast is all it takes.


Ha! I was only screwin'

with you, kiddo.

It's got no b*ll*ts.

It sh**t a net to catch fish.

Tell me more about it!

Are the nets really big,

or are they just little ones?

They're gigantic.

I caught an iceberg with one

of these back in the day.

That big? I wanna see!

[WARROD] Just kidding!

I'm jokin' with you again!

They're pretty big,

but not big enough to catch

an iceberg, that's for sure.

What's the rate of expulsion?

Do you have to aim it

at a specific angle?

Um, well, lemme think.

So you have to aim right

at the fish obviously--

Do you fire from a

standing position,

or kneel to brace it properly?

I always kneel, but I guess

you could stand, or--

[YURI] Hey, Warrod! Could you

come gimme a hand up here?

Be right there! Gladly.

Let's talk later.

Sure! Let me know when

you have some free time!

You've got to get a sense for

when you're bothering people.

Yeah, you're right.

I just get so excited!

Now what next? There's so

much on this ship to explore!

Yeah. Probably less

than you're thinking.

[MAVIS humming]


I can't believe the wind

d*ed down so quickly.

I really hate this part.

[WARROD] There's no point

gripin' about things

you can't control.

Yeah, I know that.

This is one of those times

when it'd be best

to stay out of it.

That sounds like

excellent advice!

I don't find your

tone convincing.

That guy looks kind of

scary, don't you think?

What are you two

doing with the sail?

Well, the wind stopped,

so we're furling it.

There's no point having

it up with no breeze.

Supposedly the breezes

in this part of the ocean

come and go in two to

three-hour intervals

pretty consistently

this time of year.

It should pick up again in a

little while, if that's helpful.

You sure know a lot.

What, did ya get that

info from a book?

Yep! I read all about

ocean currents, too!

She's right. Let's rest

till the wind picks up.

I'm tired of working anyway.

Fine by me.

Is there anything

you'd like me to do

to help out around the ship

while you guys are relaxing?

[YURI] Nope, I think

we've got it covered.

Well, just let me know.

Hey, stay away from all

that stuff. Please.

Yes, sir.

What did I say earlier?

[YURI] Why don't you go back

to staring at the ocean?

Think I could talk

to you for a minute?

I told you to

stare at the ocean!

Then that's what I'll do!

What are the odds that

she'll do what I say?

I finished cleaning and

organizing all the gear.


Oh, that's great.


But it doesn't really matter

if we can't afford

to use any of it.

Buying the boat and making

the journey to Tenrou Island

has put a major dent

in the old coin purse.


I know.

We'll just have to

earn some more Jewel

when we get to Hargeon.

[DOLPHIN A crying]

[MAVIS gasps]

What do you think

that sound was?

[DOLPHIN A crying]


Oh! Those are dolphins!

They're beautiful!

Did you know they're

mammals like us?

They might look like fish,

but they're very different!

They're friendly

and intelligent,

maybe even more so than humans,

and they're extremely

playful and gentle!

All right!

What are you doing?

How long have you

had that thing on?


I figured we'd have a chance

to do a little swimming

on this trip,

so I decided that

I'd wear my swimsuit!

Wait! Mavis!


Hi, my name is Mavis,

and I'd like to be your friend!

Oh, wow, are you

saying hello, too?

[DOLPHIN A grunts]

[MAVIS laughing]


This is amazing.

I read that dolphins had

skin as opposed to scales,

but I never imagined

it would be this smooth

and silky to the touch!

You sure you're okay out there?

Yeah, I'll be back

in a bit! Woohoo!


She has to be crazy.

[MAVIS laughing]


Oh! What now?




[MAVIS] It's like a whole other

world. So vast and beautiful.

[MAVIS laughing]




What is this?


Is it some kind of shrine?


There you are!

You had me worried!

Don't be, I'm fine!

And you're not gonna

believe what I found!

Thank you, friend! Wait here

for me a moment, okay?



So what did you find?


Just tell me!

Be quiet.



'Kay, um, what is that?

It's magical diving gear!

With this, I can go

exploring underwater

for as long as I want.

It's perfect.

I heard Yuri and Warrod talking.

They said this expedition has

very nearly bankrupt them.

[ZERA] I don't really see how

that has anything to do

with this magical diving gear.

I found an underwater shrine

on the seafloor nearby.


Are you kidding me?

[MAVIS] And shrines are

usually full of treasure,

so I'm going to

explore down there!

You're a lunatic.

People do that kind of thing

in fairy tales, Mavis.

This is real life.

If I can find any

treasure in the shrine,

I'll give it to them

and help relieve

some of their

financial difficulties.

[ZERA] Hey! Are you

even listening to me?



If they wake up,

just tell 'em I'm playing

with the dolphins

and I'll be right back!

I really think this

is a terrible--!


See you in a bit!

Mavis, wait!

[MAVIS] I won't let myself

be a burden ever again!

Okay, friends, we made it!

I just need to figure

out how to get inside.

You really don't

wanna come with me?

That's all right. Just wait

right here until I get back.

[MAVIS] Wonder what kinda stuff

I'm gonna find down here.


This writing...

It looks like the language of

the ancient Kurill civilization.



Just some tiny fish.


[MAVIS] All of the

architecture seems sturdy,

like it's holding up well.




I've reached a dead end.


This statue's a different color

than the stone around it.






Is that an altar

there in the center?

This must be a ritual chamber.

If there's any

treasure to be found,

I'm certain it would be in here!


What's this?

More ancient Kurilean script.

Maybe it'll give me some clues

about where the treasure

could be hidden.

"The sacred chamber

of the Kurilean gods

must remain undisturbed.

This holy place shall

never be desecrated.

Trespassers of mal intent will

meet with divine punishment."

What? Divine punishment?


It looks like divine punishment

just means getting eaten by you!


I have to act quickly!



[MAVIS screams]




I'd hoped magic

b*ll*ts would work,

but it looks like they're

useless underwater.

Then it's a good thing

we've got a Plan B!

Wow, your timing couldn't

have been any better!

Save the thanks for later!

Find a safe place to hide!



Oh, you're hungry? Eat this!

Perfect, now fire the net!

You got it!

Looks like you caught him!

I thought this net was

supposed to be unbreakable.



Now the exit's caved in!

What the heck were you thinking

coming here all by yourself?

I can explain.

Explain it when we're

back on board the ship.

Right now, we've gotta

find a way out of here!


What is this?

I'm sure the answer's

here somewhere.

You'd better know what

you're talkin' about.

But where?

Hey! Don't ignore me!


Sorry, I was thinking.

I'm deciphering the writing

to find a clue to

get us out of here.

Well, then keep

focusing on that.

We'll take care of the

giant sea beast over there.

Are you sure you'll be

okay without my help?

I think we can handle

this one on our own.

We are experienced

treasure hunters, after all.

And if we make it out alive,

we'll have a pretty good story.


"Seek repentance, O lost one,

and the path shall be revealed.

Humble thyself and you will

know true freedom at last."

"Turn all eyes to gaze as

one upon the single star,

for only then may the

door to the heavens

open to grant you passage."

A star?

But how could you

see a star in here?

And what does it mean by

the "door to the heavens"?

Hurry up!

"Turn all eyes." But whose eyes?

What is it talking about?


Think faster, kid!

I've got it!

The statues' heads

are facing backwards!

Hey! What're you doing?!

I think I've figured

out the solution!

"Turn all eyes to gaze

upon the single star"!

It has to mean the one

in the center! Right?

These statues' heads

are turned backwards,

away from the center!

The text says to "turn all eyes

to gaze upon the single star,"

and there's one in the middle!

That's what it means?

[MAVIS] Help me turn

them all to face inward!

It says "for only then may the

door to the heavens open"!

I don't understand,

but I trust you. I guess.

I'm working on a hunch here,

but their heads are turning,

so I think I must be

onto something!

Okay! That's all of them.

Let's hope my gut is right!

It doesn't seem like

anything is happening.

Wait. Give it a second.


[MAVIS gasps]

So did your gut

tell ya about this?

[MAVIS] Um, it looks like

the altar is sinking!


That's just great.

I really don't like

the way this is going.

Yeah, I'm with you.

That's not what I imagine

when I hear "door to heaven."

I'm sorry.

I guess I led us into an

underwater booby trap!


Are you serious?!

[ALL screaming]

[YURI] Do you realize

how crazy that was?

Well, lesson learned.

You could've gotten the

three of us k*lled down there.

That's true, but at

the end of the day,

we would've never made

it out of that shrine

without her expertise, so...

...I guess in a way

she saved our lives.

That's one way to look at it.

Though a big treasure

would've been nice.

A crown, or at

least a fat Jewel.


I did snag these.


Oh, yeah.

Look what I found!

Holy crap!

You kiddin' me?


Here ya go.

I thought that it could

go towards funding

the rest of the journey.

Hey. The wind's back!

You feel that? Anchors up!

[MAVIS] After a long

and eventful journey,

my new friends and I finally

arrive in Hargeon.

There, I get to experience

a few thrilling firsts.

My first port city, and my first

market, with its bustling crowd.

From there, I accompany the

quiet and mysterious Precht

on a quest for information about

the Blue Skull Wizard Guild,

and the possible location

of the Tenrou Orb!

Next Time:

"Dancing with Blades."

Skilled swordplay

takes center stage!