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08x266 - The Fairy in Your Heart

Posted: 04/30/23 16:24
by bunniefuu

Whoa! Check it out!

That's the stadium from

the Grand Magic Games!

We had some crazy times there.

Why's this place look

like it got att*cked

by a pack of dragons?

Because it did, remember?

It was kind of a big deal.

They came outta

that Eclipse thing

and blew up half

the freakin' city.


Huh. Oh, yeah.

Now that ya mention it,

that does sound familiar.

[HAPPY sighs]

Well, if I thought

that you gave a crap,

I'd say that it's impressive

how they've rebuilt so much

in so little time.


Yeah, it is.

[NATSU] Just goes to show you

we humans always bounce back!



So, Happy.


Yeah? What's up?


Where exactly are ya leadin' us?

[HAPPY] Uh, I'm not leadin'

us anywhere. You are.

That's a question you

should be askin' yourself.


Huh? You're kiddin,' right?

I've been followin' you

the whole time, dude.

That's the price we pay

for walkin' side by side.

Guess so.



Wait, don't say a word.

My head's doin' that thing

where it hurts really bad

and then a thought pops out!

Be careful.




we've been on this training

mission for an entire week now.



[HAPPY] But when I think

about it real hard...



...all we've done so far

is eat, sleep, and walk!

You haven't been

training at all!

Yeah, you're right. I really

haven't done anything.

[HAPPY] We've been trampin'

around like a couple a hobos.

It's the first time we

tried to do somethin'

by ourselves in months,

and we forgot what

we even wanted to do!

[HAPPY] I can't believe

how much we suck.


Try not to think about it.

[HAPPY] Okay, the training

thing might be a bust,

but I still feel like

we should stop walkin'

in random directions.

We need to pick out

like a destination

or a goal or somethin'.

Easier said than done.

Hey! I got it!


Tenrou Island, eh? Good idea!

[HAPPY] I know we spent

seven years there,

but we didn't exactly

get to see the sights.

It's holy ground and the

first Master's buried there.

We should make a pilgrimage!

Sounds awesome!

Let's get this rollin'!

Yes, lets. Although,

the better word is "rowing."

[NATSU yelps]


Ugh... Happy, listen.

I need you to tie a

rope around my waist

and throw me overboard, 'kay?

Just let it drag me,

I'll be fine. Yeah...


I would if I had some.

But I bet we're

gettin' pretty close.

[HAPPY gasps]

That's it!




Won't be long now!


Solid ground at last!

That's what I'm talkin' about!

[HAPPY] Hurry up, Natsu.

Let's go find Mavis' grave.

Sure. So d'ya know

how to get there?



I got directions from Cana

like a really long time ago.

You've already gotten

us lost, haven't ya?

Of course not, I'm followin'

Cana's directions perfectly!

Okay, then why don't

you say 'em back to me?

Well, my memory's

a little bit foggy,

but I do know that

she said there'd be

a whole bunch of trees and rocks

and bushes along the way.

And look around! There are!



Yup, there's definitely

a whole bunch

of that stuff around here.


So yeah, I guess we're good.



Wait a minute!

The whole friggin'

island's covered

in trees, rocks, and bushes!

She might as well have told me

it was somewhere

near a big tree.

At least that woulda

told us which way to walk.

Hey, look!



An old village!


It's totally overgrown.

[HAPPY] Yeah. It's practically

part of the forest again.

We never would've seen

it from the ocean.

[NATSU] I didn't realize Tenrou

Island ever had a town.


Neither did I.

But I don't think we've ever

been to this side of it before.


[NATSU] Oh, cool.

That tree's a building.

And judgin' from the markings,

I bet is was a guild house.


Red Lizard? Never heard of it.

Did someone used to live here?

Nah, It was prob'ly

just a barn for animals.


There's a place to sit though.


Hey, check this out!


That some kinda math?

[HAPPY] I guess so. Makes for

some really weird graffiti.

[HAPPY] So the people

who used to live here,

what do you figure

they were like?



I feel like there

were grown-ups,

and some had kids.

A few boys, a few girls.

They prob'ly had to work a lot,

but they also got to laugh

and play sometimes.


Well then,

that means they were

just like we are!

[NATSU, HAPPY screaming]

[HAPPY] So, I guess I

coulda caught ya, but--

[HAPPY yelps]

Wow. You're screwed.


Huh? Ah!

Get off my face,

ya cranky little monsters!




Come back here!

I'm injured! You gotta

nurse me to health!


Don't touch me, you freak!

[NATSU] You can't fly away

from me! I hatched you!


Hey. What's that?


It looks like... an altar.

[HAPPY] Then this must be

Master Mavis' grave.

We really found it!

Of course we did! We're awesome.

Pretty sure we could've

been treasure hunters!


Always liked you, Mavis.

I'll get way stronger

and make you proud.

[HAPPY] We're goin' on

a training mission,

so look after our friends

while we're gone, please.

Welp! We'll catch ya later, kay?


[HAPPY] So if the first

Master was buried here,

d'ya think that means

this is where she's from?

[NATSU] No clue. We can ask

Gramps next time we see him.

You know, if we remember. Heh.


Yeah, but we're gonna forget.

[MAVIS] The story to come

takes place in a time

long before Happy and Natsu's.

A harsher time.

It's about a girl

with a silly dream,

fighting despair and anguish

with nothing but the

heart they s*ab at.

It's a tale of overcoming.

Of chasing hope.

Of friends who formed a guild.

So how'd that Bosco

job end up goin'?

Hardest part was the

boat ride, honestly.

Heard a few of those Blue Skull

wizards tried to mess with ya.


Oh, they tried all right.

But let me tell ya,

they won't be tryin' again.

Lesson learned!

--[WIZARD A] Good work!

--[WIZARD C] Way to go!

[WIZARDS laughing]


And yet again, I find ya

slackin' on the job!

I'm sorry, sir!

It's just, I've already cleaned

the whole guildhall, so...

But ya haven't even touched

the sidewalk! Now have ya?


Why would I clean--?



Don't talk back to me!

You've always been useless,

but these books have

got you actin' uppity.

Is this street rat seriously

hopin' to learn magic?

Never gonna happen!

She hasn't even

learned how to clean!

The floor or herself!

She smells like a barn!

[WIZARDS laughing]

One more thing, Mavis.

Those nice shoes, tell me,

who bought 'em for ya?


Well, you did, Master Zeeself.

That's correct.

But nice things really don't

suit you. Give 'em back.

Yes, sir.

It's just, these are

the only shoes I have.


You better do what I say

or I'll throw your butt out

with the rest of the garbage!



Daddy! I'm back from school!

Hey there, sweetheart!

Did you enjoy your classes?

School's stupid.

My teachers are so dumb!

Well, yeah, of course

they are compared to you!

Guess what! Daddy got

you some new shoes!

[ZERA] Eww, gross! I don't

want those nasty things!

[ZEESELF] Oh! No worries!

I'll just throw 'em away!

[ZERA] I hope these

weren't the orphan's.

I don't want her yucky

germs touching me.


Oh, I'm sorry, darling.


Just don't do it again.


I will not cry, no matter what.

'Cause if I do, I'll never

get to meet a fairy.

See, fairies don't

'sociate with crybabies.

I learned that from my parents.

They work for the

Red Lizard Guild too.

Or... they did at least.

Before they died.

I don't understand why

that had to happen,

but they're still

with me, in my heart.

Master Zeeself tells me that

they owed the guild money.

He's letting me work

for him, though.

So someday, I can

pay off their debt.

I'd like to do wizard

work once I get older,

but for now, it's just a lot of

sweeping and scrubbing.

It gets pretty hard

sometimes, but still,

I try to be grateful.


[MAVIS] The Master gives

me a place to sleep

and scraps from the restaurant.

And we aren't even related!

Plus, I get nights to myself,

so if the moon's bright enough,

I can practice the math

and reading I learned

from Mommy and Daddy.

Aw, thank you!

You're so nice to me.

[MAVIS] So I will not cry,

no matter what.

Not until I meet my fairy.

And when I do, we're

gonna fly far, far away.


[gasps] Is that for school?

Yeah, it is.

Zera got a late start

this morning

and forgot to take her lunch.

Go bring it to her.

I'm going to school.

It's almost lunchtime now;

you're gonna have to be quick,

so you'll have to cut through

the forest to save time.


The forest?

Uh, sir, there are

monsters in there.


This had better be the last

time I get any lip from you!

Stop your whining and do

as you're told, right now!

What are you more scared of,

the forest or me?

I'm sorry!

And I'd better not find out that

you dawdled on your way back.

I'll be keepin'

an eye on the time,

so don't you dare screw around.



[MAVIS] A real school!

With classes! And books!

And I get to see it!

[MEN laughing]

[MAVIS] I've never actually

gone to a school before,

but I've heard all about them.

Mommy and Daddy told me

that they have people

who teach for a living.

And there're huge shelves

piled with hundreds of books!

At a school, you can find out

anything you'd like to learn.

No dawdling. Hurry up!

[MAVIS] If I get there

before lunch starts,

I might get a peek at

everyone studying.

And if I'm really lucky,

I'll get to overhear

part of a lesson!



[MAVIS] At least the

lunch box didn't break.


I'm really sorry,

please don't k*ll me!


Uh-oh. That run got me lost.

The tree rings are more

spaced out on one side.

That means it got the most

sunlight as it was growing.

This part of the planet tilts

away from the sun, so...

The big rings point south!

Sometimes you learn stuff

that doesn't seem

useful at the time,

but then it comes back to you

when you need it later,

or helps you understand

something else.

So I'll read just

about anything,

but my favorite books are about

people from across the world.

[MAVIS gasps]

Wait a second, I've read

about these lizards.

It was in some kind

of nature guide.

Hey, I remember!

Get outta here!

[MAVIS screams]


Whew. Guess the guide was right.

You are not a fan

of loud noises.

Sorry 'bout that.


The scary lizard's gone

now. You okay, buddy?

I'm on my way to visit

a school. You wanna come?

[RAT squeaks]

[MAVIS] Wow. It's even

bigger than I thought.



A teacher!

Maybe if we're really, really

quiet, we'll hear her talk.


Looking for something?

Pardon me, sir.

Zera forgot her lunch today.

I'm just here to drop it off.

[MAN A] Ah, you mean Master

Zeeself's daughter.

That building to the

left is the library.

She should be in there

till the end of the period.

Thank you very much!


Wow! All these books!

Where would you even start?



Why are you here?

Umm. Master Zeeself asked me

to bring you your lunchbox.

You shoulda been

here sooner, dummy.

If I'd missed my lunch because

of you, Daddy'd be mad!

It's so cute!

I've never seen

anything like it.

So what is he, a pet?

A friend. We met in

the forest earlier.


His tail looks so fluffy!


Can I touch it?

[ZERA grunts]


I got my lunch, now go

home and do some dishes.

This isn't a place

for servant girls,

so stop pretending

that you belong.



Could I--?


I said get out of here!

Get moving, or else I'm

gonna tell on you to Daddy.

All right.


Was that mean?

Not really.

She's just a smelly brat

who lives off of my daddy.

None of you actually thought

she was normal, did you?



I mean, yeah, she did

seem a little dirty.

She wasn't even wearing shoes.

No wonder the rat liked her.

[GIRLS chuckle nervously]


The school, it looked

fun, didn't it?

Hope I can go to school

for real someday.

I'd get books from the library.

Ask my teachers about 'em.

I could learn just

about anything.


Is that your Mom? I bet she

was worried about you.

Go! I'll be fine.

[MAVIS] It was a full

moon the night before,

so I stayed up studying.

That's probably why

I fell asleep so fast.

Oh, no! What time is it?

I'm gonna be in so much trouble.


Are those signal flares?

I wonder what they mean.

Bet there's a book in

that library that says.

That rumbling, it came

from the guild house!

[PEOPLE screaming]

[MAN E] We're under attack!

It's Blue Skull!

[MAN B] Defend yourselves!

Defend your homes!

[MAN C] Slaughter 'em, boys!

Leave none alive!


Conflict between wizard guilds

was a fairly common

occurrence in those days.

Despite its horrible costs,

w*r was the quickest way

for a guild to gain status

and remove competition.

Let's go!

[MAVIS] The aggressor in

this fight was Blue Skull.

They and Red Lizard

were old rivals.

This attack put an end to that.


this is goodbye, Zeeself.

No way!



Oh, no! Master Zeeself.

[ZERA grunting]



Thanks, Mavis.

[MAVIS] Can you run? If we

stay here, they'll k*ll us.

Yeah, but--


C'mon! This way!


Let go!

You can leave without me!

I don't wanna run away

from home! I like it there!

It's where Daddy is.

And the guild.

And all my friends from school

and my favorite outfits, too!

Those things aren't gone yet!

You can keep them in

your heart, like I do!

[MAVIS] Everything that you

just lost, I used to have.

And I still do.

They'll never be gone while

you remember them, okay?

But for us to remember,

we have to stay alive!

[ZERA] I've always

been so mean to you...

Why're you helping me?

[MAVIS] 'Cause you're a person.

That's all that matters!

Mavis, do you think... and me could be friends?

Of course we could.



What's wrong?

Hey, Zera, are you okay?

Get up.

C'mon, Zera, say something!

Zera! Zera!


[MAVIS wails]

[MAVIS] After the way

I cried that night,

I'll probably never

meet a fairy.

The next day, I went

back to the village.

Mostly I found ash.

Blue Skull had k*lled

everyone, wizard or not.

No one who stayed there

survived. Not a soul.

In the year ,

Tenrou Island was seemingly

wiped of all human presence.

And that's how it would stay

for seven long years.


So this is Tenrou Island, eh?

Nice and humid.

Remind me to come here

next winter, okay?

[PRECHT sighs]

[PRECHT] Do try to take

this task seriously.

Will you, Warrod?

[WARROD] Come on, you know

I take everything seriously!

Land ho!


Why did we bring this guy?


This is gonna be awesome!

My treasure senses

are tinglin' all over!

Come on, you two!

Let's nab that Tenrou Orb!


On this day in ,

destiny set countless

things in motion.

One of those things

was this story.

The story of Fairy

Tail's origin.

[MAVIS] After the attack

on Tenrou Island,

Zera and I were left with

nothing but books and animals

to keep us company.

Still, we always

made the best of it.

Seven years passed before

our isolation was interrupted

by a group of treasure hunters.

I couldn't have guessed

what the results

of that meeting would be.

It set me on a course

I'd only dreamed of.

But it also brought me that

much closer to my fate.

Next time:

"The Adventure Begins."

The door to our journey

has just been opened.