03x15 - Unholy Wedlock/Elizabeth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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03x15 - Unholy Wedlock/Elizabeth

Post by bunniefuu »


The plane! The plane!


Good morning, boss.
Good morning, Tattoo.

Smiles, everyone. Smiles.

Mr. Danny Collier. A carefree
bachelor from Chicago, Illinois.

TATTOO: What's
his fantasy, boss?

Mr. Collier wishes to leave Fantasy
Island at the end of this weekend

married to the woman he loves.

Oh, that's very simple.
Why does he need us?

Not as simple as it
sounds, my friend.

You see, Mr. Collier has been engaged
to the same young lady for two years now,

but every time they have
attempted to get married,

someone or something
has prevented it.

You mean, his marriage
has been jinxed?

So it would appear, my friend.

I guess he need us then.

Boss, who is that with him?

Oh, that's Mr. Collier's closest
friend and best man, Mr. Ken Jason.

They have known each
other since childhood.

The bride and her entourage will arrive
here on Sunday, the day of the wedding.

Getting them married here on
Fantasy Island should be a piece of cake.

Judge not from
appearances, my friend.

You mean, there could be more
trouble in store for the bride and groom?

Boss, she's beautiful.


Miss Lisa Corday, born 30 years
ago on this very date at midnight.

What's her fantasy, boss?

To rid herself of a reoccurring
and terrifying dream,

the nightmare that has grown stronger
as she has approached her 30th birthday.

Until now, it drives her with
the strength of a compulsion.

What does she feel
compelled to do?

To end her nightmares, she knows she
must spend the night of her 30th birthday

in a castle she has never seen.

Boss, you look worried.

I am, Tattoo.

You see, she asked
for a particular castle.

One that was torn down by
fear-crazed mobs in the 17th century.

A castle that only I
know has been painfully

reconstructed to
the very last detail.

Boss, that's pretty scary.

Indeed, it is.

For I fear Miss Corday
may be in mortal danger.

You mean, from what
can happen in the castle?

More correctly, from what
happened in the castle 300 years ago.

And from a woman who has
waited 300 years for revenge.

My dear guests, I am Mr. Roarke,
your host. Welcome to Fantasy Island.

I want more flowers, and I
want you to spare no expense.

Well, Tattoo, it looks as though
you have everything well in hand.

Thank you, boss.

But after being
jinxed so many times,

I wanted Mr. Collier to
have a first-class wedding.

Yes. DANNY: Mr. Roarke.

Well, Mr. Collier, Mr. Jason.
Checking up on us, are you?

Well, you can't blame the groom-to-be
for being a little anxious, can you?

What Danny really means is, you
see, his fiancee's a perfectionist,

and if anything goes
wrong, she blows her stack.

Don't worry. Nothing is gonna
happen. I promise you that.

Well, I hope so, 'cause she's
from a very influential family.

Very wealthy, too.

Yes, the father of the bride
is a very important man.

In the steel
business, I believe?

That's right.

And, uh, you know what the old
boy's giving Danny as a wedding gift?

Vice presidency in
charge of public relations.

Fifty G's a year with stock
options. This guy's an operator here.

Ken, you know whose got
a bigger mouth than you?

Who? Nobody.

Listen, you're making it sound
like I'm marrying Sue for her money.

Look, Mr. Roarke,

I really love Sue.

So, you gotta make this wedding come
off without incident and without accident.

Look, I'm no fool, but, uh... Well, events
have conspired to make me look like one.

The last time out, I came down with
appendicitis on the eve of our wedding.

The time before that, I went down
to city hall to get our marriage license,

(SNAPS FINGERS) fell down
the stairs and broke my ankle.

Again, no wedding.

And then... Excuse
me, Mr. Collier,

has it ever occurred to you
that these incidents, or accidents,

might have psychological

The subconscious
mind is very capable of

playing bizarre tricks
on all of us, you know.

Wait a minute. Are you
saying that I subconsciously

am setting myself up for
an accident or an illness

just to prevent me
from marrying Sue?

It's a possibility if some
corner of your mind does feel

that you are marrying this girl for
her money, and, uh, rebels against it.

Now, I admit that marrying Sue would
give me a big edge in the business world.

But I love her, and I really
try to make her happy.

In that case, I hope
events turn out as you wish.

Excuse me, boss, but
I've got to take care of

Mr. Collier's bachelor's party.

Of course.

TATTOO: Excuse me, gentlemen.

Bachelor party?

Compliments of the
management, Mr. Collier.

I took the liberty of inviting
several of your male friends,

who are arriving on
the afternoon plane.

Great. All right.

Listen, Ken, do me a favor. Just don't
let me get bombed tonight, all right?


Three drinks, and I end
up wearing lampshades.

I understand, Mr. Collier.
Gentlemen, if you'll excuse me.

You know something, Kenny? I
got a lot of faith in that guy Roarke.


This time it's definitely
gonna work out.

I'm getting married in the
morning to the woman I love.

♪ Ding-dong, the
bells are gonna... ♪

TATTOO: If you want anything, Miss
Corday, all you have to do is whistle.



Oh, how nice.


It's just what I expected.

ROARKE: I am very pleased.

That coat of arms...

It's of the House of Bathory.

I've seen it before.

May I ask where?

In my dreams, I think.

It belonged to the family of a beautiful
woman, like the one you described.

A historical figure.

Her name was Elizabeth Bathory,
and she was born in Hungary in 1560.

At the age of 15, she was
married to Count Ferenc Nadasdy.

He was k*lled a few years
later in a w*r with the Turks.

That could have
been the tragedy.


No, the Count's death
was not her tragedy.


She fell in love
with another man.

But her love was doomed.


Under the Count's influence, Elizabeth
had become fascinated by the powers

of black magic, and the
fascination became an obsession.

The man she loved refused to accept
her bizarre beliefs and left the country.

What happened to her?

She returned to
her husband's castle,

where she was seized with a morbid fear
of growing old, of losing her great beauty.

Evil gradually consumed
her. Mind and body.


Is there more?



Elizabeth put into practice
ancient satanic beliefs

to stay eternally
young and beautiful.

She became widely known
as the Blood Countess.

She was much feared and hated.

So much so, that it is said the French
word "abattoir," meaning "slaughterhouse,"

was derived from her name.

That can't be the
one I dreamed about.

She was a grand lady. She
was loved and adored and...

I sincerely hope you
are right, Miss Corday.

We will go to
the castle tonight.

MAN: Oh, yeah! Yeah!

She ain't got no shoes on!


Yeah, baby!


Danny boy, go get
her! Live it up, Danny!


She's got no shoes on!


Whoo! Yeah!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

KEN: Oh! Oh! Go
get her! That's it!

Oh, Danny boy, there!

Mr. Collier, here it is.

Whoa-ho! The big moment,
Dan, the big moment.

Come on, fellas, take a
look. See what we got here.

Not bad, not bad.

I thought, uh, cakes
were for birthdays.

Right, but this is a Fantasy
Island cake. A very special one.

Why don't you pull your ribbon?

Then what happens?

Pull the ribbon and find out.

Come on, give it a little tug,
Dan. Come on, give it a tug.

Give it a little tug
there, Danny boy.

Okay, here goes...




KEN: Yes! Yes! Yes!



Congratulations and best wishes.

KEN: Go get her, Danny!

What a guy, what
a guy, Danny boy!

That's the way to
go, Danny! Way to go!

ROARKE: These are the
castle grounds, Miss Corday.

LISA: Yes. I can almost feel the
presence of evil here, Mr. Roarke.

Yes. So do I.

Castle Nadasdy.

It has been reconstructed
exactly as it was 300 years ago.


Oh, Mr. Roarke, it's
like coming home.

ELIZABETH: I've waited 300
years for this moment. Come, come.

I had some of the rooms
prepared for your visit.



It's my birthday.



Are you afraid, Mr. Roarke?

Yes, I am.

For you.



Miss Corday!

Miss Corday! Come back!

Miss Corday!


Miss Corday!


ELIZABETH: Come, Elizabeth.
Come. We are one now.



Miss Corday! Miss Corday!

It's all right.


It's all right now.

It's all right, Lisa.


Good morning.

Who are you?


Christie Collier.

Oh, Christie Collier, huh?

That's funny, even.

I have the same last name.

Who are you? Whose
room is this? Yours or mine?

It's ours, Danny.


What do you mean, it's ours?

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Collier.

We're married.


(SCOFFS) That's ridiculous. I mean,
I'm engaged to marry somebody else.

You can't. Not unless you
want to become a bigamist.


We were married at
3 a.m. this morning.

Oh, no, I... I can't
possibly be married to you.

Where are you going, Danny?

To find Mr. Roarke and
get this thing annulled.

My fantasy's just
been blown all to hell.

I'm very sorry,
Mr. Collier, but Mr. Roarke

cannot annul your
wedding. It's impossible.

But this is his
island. He's got to!

On what grounds?

On the grounds that I had too many
Harvey Wallbangers and I blacked out.

Tattoo, I don't even
remember meeting this girl.

That's not what you said when you
woke me up this morning at 3 a.m.

to ask me to be your best man.

Well, I lied.

I mean, I must have.

Listen, my fiancee is
on her way here now.

So I gotta get unmarried
in a big fat hurry.

Now, Mr. Roarke is empowered
to grant annulments, isn't he?

But of course.

But only if the marriage
was not consummated.

Was the marriage consummated?

You're not so sure, are you?

Well, I'm very
sorry, Mr. Collier.

Under the circumstances,
I cannot help you.

Besides, my boss is not here.

Well, where is he?

Oh, he's taking care
of a fantasy for a guest.


Oh, great.

That's... That's just great.

Would you mind telling me now how I'm
gonna marry Sue Raines when she gets here?

With great
difficulty, Mr. Collier.

Great difficulty.


Miss Corday.

Miss Corday.

What time is it?


I thought you'd
sleep the day away.

Last night...

Last night...

It wasn't a dream.

There are things you must know.

This compulsion
that brought you here,

I'm afraid it's much
more than that.

But what?

And how could you know?

The "what" is Elizabeth Bathory.

She made a pact with
the powers of darkness

that on the day when her genetic
duplicate reached her 30th birthday,

the age at which Elizabeth died,

Elizabeth would have the power to possess
her body and live again as immortal.

Oh, surely you
don't believe that.


If what you say is true, she's...
She's trying to possess my body.

I'm nothing but a monster!

You are Lisa Corday. You can
fight her. You can defeat her, as I did.


You're the one she
swore vengeance on.

Can't we get out of here?

Go back to your place?

The power Elizabeth
possesses reached halfway

around the world to deliver
you to Fantasy Island.

There is no escape, Miss Corday.

I've always known

that one day she and
I would meet again.

I wish it were just
Elizabeth and I.

But you are her gateway.

Her only opening into the world.

(SOBBING) Oh, my God.

What can I do? Tell
me what I can do!

Her power over you will
end at midnight tonight.

Once the day of your birthday
is over, so is her opportunity.

Until then, you must help me
fight her with all your strength.

I will be with you at all times.

Remember that I
have prepared for this,

that whatever happens, in
the end, I will use it against her.

Are you ready?

Trust me. Trust me.

Hello, my beautiful husband.

What's that suitcase doing here?

I'm moving in.

Oh, look.

I told you, I'm gonna
marry my fiancee.

What do you have against
being married to me?

I don't even know you.

I don't know you,
but I love you.

It was a case of love
at first sight. Uh-huh.


Look, uh, Christie,

I gotta know the
truth about something.

Did we, uh, consummate
our marriage?


Yeah, you know, did we, uh...

Oh, yes. You sure?

How could I forget? You
were wonderful, Danny.

Was I really?

Uh, Christie, I have a proposition
for you. Uh, come here and sit down.

Look, I'll give you $1,000
if you'll just tell Mr. Roarke

that we never
consummated our marriage.

That way, I get my annulment, marry
my fiancee, and live happily ever after.

I'm sorry, but that
would be telling a lie.

Make it 2,000.

I never lie.

I have this thing about lying.

You see, I made up my
mind that if I never lie,

then I never have to
remember which lie I told.

It makes life a lot simpler
and a lot more honest.

But don't you see what
you're doing to me?

I mean, you're ruining
my entire future.

Instead of marrying Sue and getting
a vice presidency and stock options,

I'm gonna be spending
the rest of my working days

just selling life
insurance or something.

Now if you really love
me... I do love you.

But I don't lie for anybody.
Try to understand, Danny.

It's like a vow I took. Honest.


Look, Christie, you're a
very nice, lovely young girl,

and millions of guys
would k*ll to marry you,

but I've got other plans.

It's nothing
personal, it's just...

I gotta get rid of you fast.

Oh, oh, look, I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to hurt your feelings.


Please, don't cry, all right?

What can I do to make amends?

Try kissing me.



This was Elizabeth's prison
during the last years of her life.

Her brother ruled
the entire region.


after Elizabeth's
crimes were discovered,

he ruthlessly ex*cuted
all those in her service.

But since she had royal blood, he
was forbidden to execute her, so,

he imprisoned her in this
room for the rest of her life.

These doors were
permanently sealed.

During the first year
of her imprisonment,

she was still so beautiful

that the workman who lowered
her food through that trapdoor

would crouch up there for hours

staring at her.



I see her. I see... I see...


We better leave this
room, Miss Corday.




Fight her, Lisa!


You can defeat her.

You can.



Some pal you turned out to be.

There must have been some
way to stop me from marrying her.

There was, but I didn't have a
.50 caliber machine g*n handy.

Listen, believe me, Dan, we were
all too bombed to stop anything.

So don't worry about it, huh?

Don't worry about it?


Hello, gentlemen.

Tattoo, I gotta
tell you something.

When it comes to throwing parties, you
and Mr. Roarke get my vote every time.

Thank you, Mr. Jason.

By the way, are the
newlyweds getting along?

No, we're not.

I'm gonna marry Sue Raines and nothing,
including Christie, is gonna get in my way.

In that case, you
better do something fast.

Your fiancee just
arrived by private jet.

You mean she's here right
now? Kenny, what am I gonna do?

Well, if it was up to me, I would,
uh, k*ll Christie in cold blood,

marry Sue and grab up the vice
presidency with stock options.

How did I get into this mess?

How are you gonna get out of it?

By doing whatever it takes to
get rid of Christie. Right, Danny?

How does that sound?

Yeah, I guess so.

Don't you think that's a strong
statement? You don't mean it, do you?

Sure he means it. He
knows what he's doing.

He's an intelligent guy. He's very
ambitious. He does what he has to do.

Right, Danny?

Yeah, right.

Mr. Tattoo?

Yes, Officer?

Have you seen
Mr. Daniel Collier?

A little while ago. Uh, why
are you looking for him?

His wife's disappeared.

I understand he made some threatening
remarks about getting rid of her.

DANNY: The idea of me
k*lling Christie's preposterous!

I was even getting to like her.

But you did agree that k*lling
Christie would be a good idea.

Look, Tattoo, you gotta help me.

I can't go through life having
people think I m*rder*d Christie.

Look on the bright side.

If you didn't
really k*ll her, well,

your life won't be
worth anything anyway.

Wait a minute.

They can't convict me
without a corpus delicti, right?

Oh, sure they can.
They do it all the time.

Remember, you're the one
with a very strong motive.

You said that you will do
anything to get rid of Christie.



ELIZABETH: You are Elizabeth.

WOMAN: Mercy! Help me!

ELIZABETH: You are Elizabeth.

WOMAN: Someone, please help me!

ELIZABETH: Yes, you are
beautiful, Elizabeth. Look. Look.



You are beautiful, Elizabeth.






Lisa, at long last.


We are one now, Elizabeth.

You are Elizabeth.

No! No!

Come, you are Elizabeth.

You are Elizabeth.


(WHISPERS) You are Elizabeth.

You are Elizabeth.
You are Elizabeth.

You are Elizabeth.
You are Elizabeth.

I have now taken
possession of your soul.


Too late, Roarke.

I've won.

Not yet, Elizabeth. Not yet.

Am I not beautiful?


Am I not alive?

Have you forgotten
how it was between us?

I forget nothing.

It is you who forgets.

I've won.

Your eagerness has
betrayed you, Elizabeth.

The final possession must take
place in the room where you died.

This is not that room.

You cannot move me, Elizabeth.






I knew something was happening.

I tried to stop her, but
I couldn't do anything.

I couldn't do anything. I know.

Oh, I know, I know.


Here's some company for
you, Collier. His name's Marko.

Hey, wait a minute.
Can I go with you?

What you in for?

You won't believe this.
They got me for m*rder.

How many people you waste?


Is that all? Okay, just
don't get in the way.

There's a guy who's got a
business proposition for you.



Tell him.

Getting your wife back alive
and kicking, what's it worth?


What is it worth to get
your wife back in one piece?

You mean Christie's all right?

What's it worth?

Oh, anything. Everything I own.

We'll settle for 10,000.

Great, but I... I don't
have a cent on me.

Write a counter check.

It's already made
out. Just sign it.

For your sake, it
better not bounce.

Oh, no, no, it won't. I promise.


Where do I find her?

In there.


Danny! Christie!

Danny, what are you doing here?

Looking for you. Do you know
what kind of trouble I'm in?

They arrested me for k*lling
you. I'm an escaped m*rder*r.

But I'm not dead.
Yeah, so I can see.

Why did you disappear?

What are you... What are you doing
here and who are those guys outside?

I disappeared because
I love you so much.

Doesn't make any sense.

Well, I knew you couldn't
get the annulment,

so if everybody thought I was dead,
then you'd be free to marry your fiancee.

It's sort of a lie,
but I can live with it.

You're doing this
all just for me. Why?

Because I love you so.

Now, get out of here
before I change my mind.

Christie, that is the most unselfish
thing I have ever heard in my entire life.


Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I can just imagine Sue sacrificing
herself for me. Or anybody for that matter.

But it's my way of saying I'm sorry if
I caused any trouble for you, Danny.

Yeah, but you didn't mean to.

But I did.


Sue found out about us.

Will she still marry you?

Well, I don't know.

Maybe if I can get
unmarried to you in a hurry.

Hey, come on, I gotta get
you back there. I'm innocent.

I'll leave under one condition.

All right, what?

I'd like you to kiss
me one more time.

Oh, well, all right.

Danny, I never lie.

And I wasn't lying
when I said I loved you.


Well, things are
really fouled up now.


Because I think I've
fallen in love with you, too.


I know I've fallen
in love with you.

She has no choice but to try
again. You understand that.


Well, remember
what I told you earlier?

Her power over you ends at
midnight. It won't be long now.

Please, help me. Please.

When Elizabeth was near
death from her own madness,

they brought her here to die.

But the priest would not
administer the last rites.

She died without the
cross, without light.

I feel safer here.

You will be safe only after
the bell has rung 12 times.

Elizabeth. You are Elizabeth.

You are Elizabeth.
Yes. You are Elizabeth.

You are Elizabeth.


Hello, Elizabeth.

By bringing her here,
you've given me the victory.

Have I?

There's only you and me.

The person known as Lisa
Corday no longer exists.

Look at me.

I'm your love and you're mine.

You can't turn back the years
of your own life, Elizabeth,

let alone the three centuries
you have waited for this.

And you waited for me.


Then the victory's ours.

What's wrong?

Did you think I would come
into this room unprepared?

You mean the cross? The candle?

Turn the one upside down, darn the other,
and they will work as well for my master.


Elizabeth. Elizabeth!

You died in this room
300 years ago without light,

without the cross,
without blessing.

When I restored this
castle, I had this room




What have you done?

I have brought you
love again, Elizabeth.

Memories of sweet
nights long ago,

of a young girl and
a young man in love.

Of red wine and laughter, of kisses,
hopes, new dreams. Don't you remember?

I remember screams
of dying girls!

I remember horror and red blood!

That's what I remember!

The room is sanctified
for you, Elizabeth.



No! No!

You have lost her,
Elizabeth. Set her free.

No! No!

What have you
done to me, Roarke?





ELIZABETH: What have
you done to me, Roarke?


We must get out of
here before she kills us.

It's her last chance to survive.





It was more than a chapel.

It was a gateway to the stars.

Goodbye, Elizabeth.

Roarke. Now I'm free.

Miss Corday, you never whistled.

You know, for more
flowers or something.

Well, perhaps another
time, Tattoo, hmm?

I think I've had enough fantasy to
last me a lifetime. Goodbye, Tattoo.


Goodbye, Mr. Roarke. Thank you.

Goodbye, Miss Corday.

Well, Mr. and Mrs. Collier.

Mr. Roarke.

Say, Tattoo, whatever happened
to my old buddy, Ken Jason?

Oh, he left by private jet with
your ex-fiancee and her father.

Well, Mr. Collier, did we or
did we not fulfill your fantasy?

Well, you more than fulfilled
my fantasy, Mr. Roarke.

You see, what it came down to is whether
or not I wanted to stay married for love

or get divorced and
marry for money.

So Danny chose me and love.

Well, good luck and my best
wishes for a happy lifetime together.

Mr. Roarke. Yes, Mrs. Collier.
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