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03x07 - A Child Is Missing

Posted: 04/30/23 10:33
by bunniefuu
(suspenseful music)

(inspirational music)

(suspenseful music)

- There he is.

He's the one with the red
shirt and the blue jeans.

Well, go get him.

- See you tomorrow, Bobby.

I'll bring my bat.

- Hi, Ryan.

- Hi.

- I've been waiting for you.

Your mom asked
me to pick you up.

- Where is she?

- Oh she's just doing some
errands and I'm helping her out.

- [Boy] I don't know you.

- I know you don't, dear,
but I know your mommy.

- You do?

- Yeah, her name's Sarah.

She asked me to take care
of you until she gets home.

Come on, let's go
have an ice cream cone.

- Hi.

- Hello.

- Brian, this is Dave.

He's going to drive us.

- How you doin', pal?

- Hi.

(suspenseful music)

(funky rock music)

- And his name is Brian?

- Brian, wearing a red
polo shirt and blue jeans.

Today was a
minimum day at school.

He should have been
home by noon, no later.

- Are you sure your little boy

didn't go home with a friend,

maybe just forgot to tell you?

- We're positive.

We've called all his friends.

We looked
everywhere he might go.

- Officer, our son is missing.

Don't you people do
anything besides fill out forms?

- Mr. Randall, I know how
upset both of you must be

but the detectives who
handle child missing cases

are out on a call right now.

We're spread a little
thin on uniform personnel

until the next shift.

- Well then what are
you gonna do about it?

- Can I give you a hand?

- Mr. and Mrs. Randall here
are reporting a missing child,

their son Brian,
seven years old.

He should have
been home hours ago.

- Brian is our only child.

- Would you like a
drink of water, ma'am,

or maybe you'd like to sit down?

- That's okay, I'll be alright.

- I know how you must feel.

It happened to me once.

My boy went looking for
trouble in a storm drain

and he was down for eight hours.

Seemed like eight days.

- But he was alright?

- Yes, and that's the way
these things usually turn out

and I'm sure that's the
way it'll be with Brian.

In the meantime we'll have
copies of his picture made,

we'll hand them
out to all our people

and to all the other precincts.

Next shift is just getting
ready to come on.

- We'll get some units out
on the streets right away

and start looking for Brian.

- I'm Sgt. Hooker,
here's my number.

If Brian turns up please call me

and if I hear of
anything I'll be in touch.

- Thank you.

Come on, honey.

- Tough on 'em.

You can see they're
pretty torn up about it.

- A missing child
can be the worst.

Follow every lead, you can
turn the city upside down,

child's never seen again.

How many units can
you spring for this?

- Half dozen uniforms
out with the flu.

I'll have to check
the duty roster.

I'm clockin' off the desk.

Stace and I can hit
the streets with 'em.

- And you can count me in.

- You mean you'd break
your date with Erlene?

- Yeah.

I'll just tell her not
to start without me.


Man, how can kids just
disappear without a trace?

- Sometimes some creep
has given them a push.

(suspenseful music)

- I don't understand.

A child is missing so how
come the FBI won't help?

- They have to have a clear
signal that it's a kidnapping,

otherwise they
have no jurisdiction.

- You know, maybe we're
tracking the wrong horse.

- What are you thinking?

- I checked out Larry
Randall, Brian's father.

He's been unemployed
for six months

ever since they closed the
assembly plant in Sandhall.

A guy under that
kind of pressure

could take it out on a kid.

- Does he have any record
of child abuse or wife beating?

- Not that I can find.

- I got the feeling he
really loved that boy

but we can't afford to
take anything for granted.

We gotta run him
through NCIC computer,

see if it's got anything on him.

- Hooker and Romano
are doing a house to house?

- Checking everything
including storm drains.

Well, let's start hitting
those Sudan buildings

over on Western.

(upbeat instrumental music)

- Well yeah, I did hear
there was a missing child

on the news on TV

but I don't know what
that's got to do with me.

- That old refrigerator has
a great deal to do with you.

It's a death trap.

- What do you mean?

- What's it take to get
through to you people?

Newspapers, TV,
community circulars.

They all tell ya if you
have an old refrigerator

that's not being used

take the door off
or wire it closed.

- I know you're right.

I've been after my husband Harry

to get a piece of wire.

- We're not gonna wait
for your husband, okay?

Now you tell your husband
Harry when he comes home tonight

that he's lucky that little
Brian Randall isn't in there

or I'd wire him close.

- We've about
done it all, Hooker.

Brian's teacher, his friends,

we've checked the community
pool, the storm drains,

gone door to door.

So have Corrigan and
Stacy and all the other units.

We have covered this
entire neighborhood.

Where else do we look, Hooker?

- We start over
from the beginning

with Brian Randall's parents.


- [Dispatcher]
Dispatched four out of 30.

Dispatched four out of 30.

- Go Dispatch, this is 30.

- [Dispatcher] 30,
we have four out of 16

ready to be patched through.

Stand by.

- 30 this is Corrigan.

- You got something?

- A jogger over here found
the body of a young boy

in the river bed.

He's been dead several hours.

- Dang.

(suspenseful music)

Corrigan, Hooker.

Is it Brian Randall?

- He's six to
eight years of age,

46 inches tall, 52 pounds,
dark hair, brown eyes,

no distinguishing marks.

The description fits, Hooker.

(suspenseful music)

(jazzy band music)


- Oo.

- Cut it out, Dave.

I told you before,
save it for Paula.

- Your loss, Crystal.

- I'm used to losing.

That's why I'm here.

- Great.

- Where have you been?

The kid's been driving me crazy.

He wants his mommy.

- Look, just hang in
till tomorrow, okay?

That's when my
deal comes together.

- This is insane.

I'm trying to work here
and explain away a kid.

- What kind of story
did you come up with?

- I said he was my nephew.

Look, Dave, I can't
handle this anymore.

You gotta talk to him.

- Alright, fine,
so I'll talk to him.

Just start packin' because
we're pulling out tomorrow.

- Hi Brian, you okay?

- I want my mom.

- Aw, don't worry about
your mommy, kiddo.

She's okay and she
knows you're with me.

- I want my dad.

- Oh no you don't,
and you know why?

Because he's not
your real daddy.

I am.

- No you're not.

You're not my dad.

- Brian, see this
picture here, hmm?

That's your mommy and
this is you in mommy's arms

and you see this man here?

That's me, see?

(suspenseful music)

(funky rock music)

- I thought Corrigan
said the computer

came up dry on Mr. Randall.

- Nothing but a
few traffic violations

but when it comes to child abuse

you don't want to hang
your hat on the computer.

Most instances go unreported.

- You think that's the
reason Brian might have split?

- I wish I knew.

- One thing, it'll be a
relief to be able to tell them

the little boy in the
river bed wasn't Brian.

- Yeah, but it was a boy

that someone was
looking for somewhere,

some little kid who died alone

and the chance of matching
up the boy with the family

is mighty slim.

- You'd think with all the
technology in this country,

computers, cameras, telephones,

there shouldn't be any
trouble ID'ing a kid's body.

- Brian's description could fit

half the six to eight
year olds I've ever known.

- Which is the problem.

- Sergeant, any word?

- Nothing, I'm sorry.

- Come on in.

(dog barking)

There's no news, honey, no.

Coffee, gentlemen?

- No no, thank you.

- Thank you, no.

- Mr. Randall, so far
we've been operating

under the theory that your son
wandered off when exploring,

got lost.

We haven't considered
the possibility

that your son's been kidnapped.

- I'm unemployed,
what kind of ransom

would anyone get from me?

- People don't always
kidnap for ransom.

Is there anybody you
know that might want Brian

just to have him,
friend, a relative,

a babysitter who was
particularly fond of him?

- Relatives.

- No Larry you're
wrong, he couldn't.

There's no reason
to bring that up.

- Mrs. Randall, we're at a point

where there's a reason to
bring everything and anything up.

Who are we talking about?

- We're talking about
Brian's life, Sarah.

Her first husband David Burke.

- Brian's natural father

but he doesn't even know Brian.

He deserted us when Brian
was just four months old.

- Where is he now?

- In prison back in New York.

- What for?

- Armed robbery,
he got 10 to life.

- Anything else I
can check up on?

- Oh nothing, Sargent.

- Your son was
quite the little artist.

- That's the last one he did.

- No, Mrs. Randall,
not the last one,

not if it's up to me.

(suspenseful music)



- Alright, everybody on
the floor let's go, get down.


(glass breaks)

Come on, come on.

Come on, hurry up.

Hurry up.

(suspenseful music)

- [Dispatcher] Four Adam
30 and all units in the vicinity

of 4th and Roundtree.

The 211 silent, Van Ruth's
Jewelers, 30 handle code two.

- Four Adam 30, roger.

(glass breaks)


- Let's go.

- Ah, I'm hit.

(upbeat instrumental music)

- There's three of 'em
in a gray Chevrolet.

I hit one of 'em.

- Which way?

- Straight to the right.

(police sirens)

- Chevy sedan gray,
westbound on Roundree.

Now passing 14th.

(car screeches)

(upbeat instrumental music)

(police sirens)

- Aw, come on it's bad, man.

I gotta see a doctor.

- Burke, we gotta do
something about this, fast.

- Okay, I'll get
hold of a doctor.

You stay put.

I'll send them here.

- What are we doing, Hooker?

This is where we lost 'em.

- We had 'em in sight

till they swung
off the Boulevard.

(suspenseful music)

- The cops.


(car screeches)

(police sirens)

(car breaks through metal gate)

(upbeat instrumental music)

(cars screeching)

(car drives through garage door)

- Squeeze the trigger
and you're a dead man.

Open your hand, let it fall.

Kick it away.

Your partner, too.

Now put your hands
behind your neck

and take it real easy.

- My partner's in bad shape.

- You're not doing
too well yourself.

Get on your knees.

Read him his rights.

Give him a seat in the lounge.

I'm gonna talk to his buddy.

- You have the
right to remain silent.

If you give up the
right to remain silent.

- Let's see both hands.

Both hands.

(man moans)

- You have the
right to remain silent.

- Oh, man, skip the rights.

- You were made at
the scene of a robbery,

Van Ruth's Jewelers.

There were three men involved.

Who was the third man?

- I need a doctor.

- And I need the name
of your accomplice

and where I can find him.

- Oh, come on, man.

I'm in pain.

- The name of your
accomplice, who is he?

Come on.

He split on you, didn't he?

He probably told you he
was gonna get a doctor.

You could have died waiting.

Who is he?

- Burke, his name's
Dave Burke - Dave.

Where do I find him?

- I don't know.

- What do you mean
you don't know?

- I swear I don't know.

- You help him rip
off all those jewels,

you don't know
where to find him?

How are you gonna get
your cut of the action?

- Touch, got in
contact with the buyers,

some guy from Mexico somewhere.

- If you don't know
where he lives,

where does he hang out?

- Popeyes, he goes
with one of the strippers,

Paula Bennett.

- Is this the boy?

- Yeah, I wish you'd
got here sooner.

Burke's probably
in Mexico by now

and for sure Paula
and the kid are with him.

They all took off together.

- Well that's our answer,

that's what's
happened to the boy.

Burke snatched him and
ran with him to Mexico.

And Brian isn't Paula's
nephew, Crystal.

That's a story they fed you.

Where in Mexico are Paula
and Burke taking Brian?

- Morales, they'll be
there a couple of days

and then they're
headed to South America.

- How do you know?

- Paula told me.

- These drawings,
did Brian do them?

- Yeah, I helped him
do the one of Paula

and that's a cat

and that's well, I
guess it's just a bird.

- At least we
know he's still alive.

- There's no guarantee
he's gonna stay that way.

Are you sure he said Morales?

- Yes, sure.

- Thank you, Crystal.

(suspenseful music)

- Please.

Hey, Hooker.

- What do you have
at home these days?

- Morales?

Talked to my
brother the other day.

Fish are jumping,
weather's good.

Why, you gonna take
some of that overtime

you've got built up?

- I've been thinking about it.

- Hey, you go to Morales

and you gotta look up
my big brother Miguel.

He'll show you around if
he can tear himself away.

- His caseload as heavy as ours?

- (Laughs) No, it's not police
work that keeps Miguel busy.

Senoritas, tequila, poker.

- I thought you said he
was a good detective.

- The best, he knows what's
under ever rock in Morales

but I thought you
wanted to go fishing.

- Yeah, for a snake who
kidnapped a little boy.

I'll need your brother to turn
over some of those rocks.

Call him for me, will ya?

Tell him I'm comin' down.

- You got it, Hooker.

(jazzy instrumental music)

- Buenos dias, what's
it going to be, Senor,

bull fights or las senoritas?

- Police station.

- The police station, Senor?

What are you going to do there?

- See a friend of a friend
Detective Miguel Gomez.

- (Laughs) Senor, you don't want

to go to the police station.

You never find
Detective Gomez there

but don't worry,
I take you to him.

(upbeat instrumental music)

(car screeches)

Senor, you have to go
down to the classroom,

past the left, go to the church.

- Thank you very much, sir.

- I don't like it here.

- Don't worry about it.

You'll like it just fine.

- I don't like it here either.

- Just get off of my back.

- If I'd have known
what you were into

I never would have
taken up with you again.

- Hey, babe, you
wanted a better life.

I'm giving you better.

- I want my mommy.
- Shut up.

- Don't take it out on him.

You've done enough
to him already.

You've taken him from his home,

not because you love
him or you want him,

but to get back at your ex-wife.

He's a possession to
you, like a car or a TV set

that you just don't
want here to have.

(slaps woman's face)

- Leave her alone.

- I'm warning you, Paula.

You go sour on me

and I swear I'll
leave you out here

in the middle of nowhere.

(suspenseful music)

(upbeat instrumental music)

- Guys, I'm a detective.

- So you're a poker fan?

- So you're Detective
Vigel Gomez?

- Mm hmm.

Real pleasure to meet you.

Brother Pete says
you're one hell

of a hotshot cop, huh?

- Your brother
tends to exaggerate.

- (Laughs) Oh, you think so?

What'd he say about me?

- That you're one of the best.

- Pete does not
exaggerate (laughs).

Make yourself at home.

I'm red, amigos.

(speaking Spanish)

You like tequila?

- This is important.

- Throw the money
on the table important?

Excuse me.

- We have a saying here,

baby needs a new cerappe.

Don't you, baby?

(speaking Spanish)

- Your brother Pete
says you owe him one.

He owes me one.

I'm here to collect.

- That's the way it goes, huh?

Everybody's got a pitch,
everybody's got their hand out.

- In this case it's the
hand of a little boy,

seven year old.

For all I know his
life may be in danger.

(speaking Spanish)

- My brother Pete also says

that when Hooker means business

you either go with him
or get out of his way.

- Your brother does
not exaggerate.

- Whoa (laughs).

(speaking Spanish)

- Never touch it.

- I think I'm gonna like you.

Let's go.

(speaking Spanish)

After you.

- After you, you never know
what's on the other side.

- Good point.

(instrumental Mexican music)

Well, the boy's cute.

Forget the man Burke.

Now this woman,
she I would like to find.

- I need all three.

Where do we start?

- I'd have to say it's
down it's full torch.

Maybe there are more
of you here than us.

Look, why don't you
tell me something

about this Burke, huh?

- He was doing time
in upstate New York

for armed robbery.

Just before I came down here

I learned that he
got out on parole.

- Oh, wait a minute.

He broke his parole when
he drove across the border.

Maybe there's a reward
out for his capture, huh?

- No, I'm afraid not,

but he and two associates
cleaned out a jewelry store,

over a million dollars worth

and I'm sure the
insurance company

would be very appreciative
to get those jewels back.

- Yeah, that's my
kind of fugitive.

Let's go find that boy.

Right over here.

(car stalls)

- I have the same problem.

(car starts)

- Ah, wait, not so fast.

- Whoa whoa.

- I've been looking for you.

- You have been looking for me?

You found me.

It's your lucky day, Mano.

Well, you're back in business.

This is for his
merchant's license.

He doesn't like to
go down to city hall.

- Of course.

Luis, Detective Gomez is
helping me find three Americans,

these three.

They came across
the border yesterday.

Have you by any
chance seen them?

- No, senor.


(speaking Spanish)

- Luis sees a lot of people,

doesn't always take notice,

but things for sale, those
he knows about, right?

- Hey Luis,

this man here robbed a
jewelry store in my city.

He's here in Morales
trying to get rid of the jewels.

Over a million dollars
worth of diamonds and rubies

and emeralds and gold.

(speaking Spanish)

- Help him, por favor.

- Could be I hear something
about those jewels.

- Like what?

- Just talk.

From my sister.

- Where do we find your sister?

- I know of her, just follow me.

Gracias, Luis.

- Adios.

(funky instrumental music)

- What are we stopping here for?

- Hey, you wanna talk
to Catalina, Luis's sister?

Alright, she works
here in the house.

First door at the
top of the stairs.

- You coming with me?

- No, you can handle it.

Besides, this is a
good place for me to

take my siesta (sighs).

- Something tells me
they don't like to go down

to city hall either.

(funky instrumental music)

(knock on door)

(suspenseful music)

My name is Hooker.

I'd like to have a
word with Catalina.

- Who sent you.

- Detective Miguel Gomez.


There's a gorilla up there.

- Yeah, he's mean.

His name is m1ngo.

- Why didn't you tell me?

- My brother says you're a man

who likes to learn
for himself (laughs).


- I just learned.

I'm gonna do this my way.


- Not bad.

- My way.


- m1ngo, that's my Sergeant
Hooker, United States.

- Which one of you is Catalina?

- I am Catalina.

- Your brother Luis
and Detective Gomez

said you had some
information that could help me.

- Nothing more?

- I'm trying to track
some stolen jewels

that were smuggled
in from the states.

You told your brother you had
heard something about them?

- You must be mistaken, senor.

- But Catalina, you're afraid.

What is it?

- I can't say.

I am sorry.

- You're not afraid of
Detective Gomez are you?

- (Laughs) Miguel?

No senorita is afraid of Miguel.

- Then what is it?

Why won't you help me?

- Please, just leave.

- Catalina, when I
mentioned the jewels just now

you got very quiet.

I don't care about the jewels.

But the man who stole them
and smuggled them here,

he also took a little boy
he had no right to take

and there's a chance that
something bad might happen

to that little boy if i
don't get to him quickly.

Please, help me.

- I have this friend, Ampro.

She spends much time at
the hacienda of Senor Madera.

She told me she
heard the senor speak

of buying many
diamonds and other jewels.

- That's good enough.

- That's all I know.

- Many thanks.

And I'll tell Detective
Gomez that you helped me.

- Where to, my friend?

- To the hacienda of
someone named Madera.

- Senor Hidalgo Madera?

He's a very powerful
man in the city.

- He's also a dealer
in stolen jewelry.

He could lead us to the boy.

- That may be

but unfortunately I
don't even have grounds

on which to question Mr. Madera.

- Now look, when
I go back to my city

the boy's mother and father
are gonna be waiting for me.

I'm not gonna give them a speech

on jurisdiction and red tape.

I'm gonna give them a boy.

- If my son were missing

you'd be the first man
I'd ask to find him, alright?

Now this Madera,

he's not just rich,
he's dangerous.

If what you say is true

this Burke is equally dangerous.

In which case you
might need this.

- Gracias, amigo.

- Of course if you
get caught with that

regretfully I will have to
say it was stolen from me.

- Of course.

- And put you in jail.

- Of course.

Two more things then
you're off the hook.

- I hope so.

- Lend me your car and
point me to Madera's hacienda.

- Alright.

(suspenseful music)

- Listen, your men
have had enough time

to look at the stuff, huh?

- Have another drink, Mano.

Take your pick
of one of my girls.

Here, take this one.

Life is short.

- Thanks, not this time.

I just want to finish my
business and get on the road.

- Yes, our friend in the states

said you would be in a hurry.

Very well, let us
conclude matters.

(speaking Spanish)

(suspenseful music)

The estimated market
value is $1.2 million.

I will give you $300,000.

- Don't try to
shortchange me, Madera.

Our deal was 50% of market.

- Yes, that was before you
had to come here to my country.

Here I am king.

I would use the respect my
colleagues as a businessman

if I did not press my advantage.

I will give you $300,000.

- Alright.

Just give me my 50%.

In 15 minutes me and
my kid'll be out of Morales.

- If you k*ll me my
men will surely k*ll you.

Don't be a fool, Burke.

Take your $300,000 and
get out while you still can.


(speaking Spanish)


- I counted on you being here.

Madera's in there
with the stolen jewelry.

- What a lucky
coincidence, my friend.

I've been after
him for a long time.

(speaking Spanish)

- That's Burke.

(speaking Spanish)

(upbeat rock music)

(police sirens)

- That's as far as we go.

No way to make it through
there without a four-wheel drive.

- Let's get back to the road.

That's gotta be
where he's headed.

- Yeah, but where's
he going after that?

- Burke said he could
grab Brian in 15 minutes.

That means a place close by.

- Yeah, well there's a
lot of motels close by.

Got La Paloma, El Sid, La
Luna, Papa Gallo Rojo and Sed.

- Wait a minute,
Papa Gallo Rojo?

That means the
red parrot, doesn't it?

Brian drew a
picture of a red bird.

- That could be it.

- Let's go.

- We gotta get out of here.

Come on, pack it up.

- So, where's the Bronco?

- Let's try around back.

(window breaks)


- Keep him busy.

Fire into the air.

I don't want to hurt the boy.


(suspenseful music)


- Come here.


Stay right there, Brian,

or I'm gonna have to
hurt your Aunt Paula.

- Don't listen to him.

Brian, run.

- Shut up.

Get out of my way.

- I want the boy and I want you.


Stay there.

(suspenseful music)


- Who are you?

- I'm the guy that's
gonna bury ya.



- It's alright.

Detective Gomez, local police.

Mr. Brian, hola (laughs).

(suspenseful music)

- Why, why me?

- 'Cause I don't like your face.


'Cause of what you did to Brian.


'Cause I'm enjoying it.


You want me to try another?

- No, no no no, please don't.

- That's too bad,

but I guess a b*llet
would be too quick

and you don't deserve
to get off that easy.

(suspenseful music)

(upbeat instrumental music)

Don't forget to tell
your mom and dad

how you helped me find you

with your drawing
of the red bird.

- Okay, Sargent
Hooker, I'll tell 'em.

- I bet when you grow up
you're gonna be a famous artist.

- Nope, when I grow up
I wanna be a policeman.

- Brian.

Oh God, you're
safe, you're safe.

- I don't know how to
thank you, Sergeant.

- Looking at your face and
Sarah's is thanks enough,

believe me, Mr. Randalls.

- You know what,
Brian's my stepson

but I feel about him
like he's my own.

- That's clear to
everybody, including Brian.

And I know Brian
thinks of you as his own.

(upbeat instrumental music)