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03x02 - Carnal Express

Posted: 04/30/23 10:26
by bunniefuu
(dramatic music)

(rock music)

♪ Here you go again
♪ A victim of love

♪ But time and love
don't always agree

♪ And it wasn't too long

♪ 'Til she was slipping free

♪ Slipping free ♪
Now you know so well

♪ What only your heart can tell

♪ 'Cause baby when
the tables get turned

♪ You love and you learn

♪ You said you had cards
that you needed to play

♪ But the game didn't work

♪ The hand got away

♪ And I can see what's
going on in your mind

♪ But boy it's too late
'cause you're all out of time

♪ I won't wait in line

♪ Now you know so well

♪ What only a heart can tell

♪ 'Cause baby when
the table gets turned

♪ You love and you
learn ♪ You learn

♪ You love and you learn

(audience applauding)

- Boy, were you good.

- Oh!

- You were so good!

You're a hit,
you're a definite hit.

- Oh, is this real?

Is this me?

I feel so lucky to be here.

- Luck has nothing
to do with it.

Your family would've
been so proud of you.

- You're my family, Hooker.

And the applause belongs to you

because you're the
one who got me here.

- Hey, let's get
one thing straight,

you got yourself here.

- Come on, Hooker,
I'd still be mainlining

if it wasn't for you.

- Bonnie, I've put a lot of
people on the drug program.

Not all of them have been
able to hack it, you did.

You're clean, you're
gonna stay clean.

And you did it yourself,
all I did was point you.

- And you got
Stacy to take me in

until I got it all together.

Hey, I hope she's
gonna be able to drop by

before the night's out.

- Yeah, she's on duty right now.

But she and Corrigan are
gonna come by for the second set.

- I'll be watching for them.

You know, it's funny,
but three days ago

I couldn't even get a job
at The Pleasure Palace.

- The Boulevard, it's
no place for you, kid.

That's where your
troubles started.

- Yeah, I know.

- Shouldn't you get
some rest for the next set?

- Don't tell me, let me guess.

You've gotta run, right?

- I've gotta run.

- I never can get
you pinned down.

- I'm in training
for the Olympics.

- Mm-hmm.

- I'll call you tomorrow.

- Okay, bye.

(slow dramatic music)

- You make a sound
and it's all over.

(elevator bell chimes)

- What are you doing?

Where are you taking me?

- Shh!

Now you keep quiet.

And you keep moving.

(suspenseful music)

- [Bonnie] I don't
want to go with you.

I don't know you!

Let me go!

- [Man] Just keep moving.

- [Bonnie] Stop, please,
I don't want to go.

- Bonnie!

- Hooker!

(tires screeching)


(tires screeching)




- Hold it!

Out of the car.



- What's wrong?

You got her didn't you?

- Yeah, but the
cops got Hanniman.

- Damn!

Did you give her the injection?

- Yeah!

I'll help you get her
in the ambulance.

(police radio)

- What went down, Hooker?

- Kidnapping.

I got one of them, one of
them got away with the victim.

Stacy, the victim
was Bonnie McCall.

- What?

- Bonnie?

Why Bonnie?

- I can't say.

Everything went down so fast.

I couldn't get a lock
on what the story was.

- I don't know whether
you find trouble

or it finds you, Hooker.

- Well, as it says in
the manual, Lieutenant,

we're always on duty.

- Yeah.

They say you got
a make on the body.

- Earl Hanniman.

I busted him a few years ago.

He works with a
carbon copy loser

name of Carl Malek.

He and Malek have been a team

since they went
to reform school.

I'd bet my pension it
was Malek who got away.

- I'll look into it.

And you know the girl
who was kidnapped?

- Yeah.

I know her.

- She didn't have any money.

There's no family
to ask for ransom.

She just has a
younger sister in Jersey.

She's alone out here.

- She was also very pretty.

Maybe the idea was... - r*pe?

No, I don't think so.

It isn't in Hanniman's rap sheet

nor in Malek's.

- Then why did they grab her?

- I'll let you know
when I find out.

- Drummer?

- Yeah.

- Don't forget to
follow up on Malek.

- I told you I'd
look into it, Hooker.

I'll look into it.

- It's wrong, Hooker.

Bonnie's been through so much.

Now this?

- It isn't over for
Bonnie, Stacy.

We'll see to that.

- I told you before, Dobbs,

the timing of these
runs is critical.

The flight plans I have to file

don't allow for much leeway.

- I'm sorry, we had
trouble on the way.

- Look, I just barely have
enough time to drop off

the girl and get back
before Operations figures out

I made a detour.

- We all take chances, Peterson.

And we're all getting fat too.

- Another wind-up toy, huh?

She's pretty.

- That's what they want,

that's what they get.


(pop music on car radio)

- Well, I appreciate
your cooperation.

(knocking at door)

Come in.

If you think of anything
else that might help us,

please contact me at the
precinct, the number I gave you.


Thank you very much.

- How long you
been on that thing?

I've been trying to get you.

I wanted to know
whether I should

pick you up for work or not.

- The answer is yes.

I've been on that
thing for two hours.

Talked to Bonnie's
sister in New Jersey,

the employees, both shifts,
at the club she worked at,

the manager there,

the guy who owns
the apartment building,

anybody I could think of.

- Still looking for a reason
why she was taken, huh?

- I'm trying to find if she
rubbed anybody the wrong way.

Had a flake of a boyfriend,
a kook on her case, anything.

Nothing, zip.

There's no reason for
anybody to have kidnapped her.

- I know.

It just doesn't add up.

- It doesn't add
up to justice, either.

She finally climbed
the mountain.

She was standing
in the sunlight.

- Maybe we're
overlooking something.

When I couldn't
get through to you,

I called the precinct.

Got Corrigan.

He was looking through
Hanniman's effects.

- And?

- Well, maybe it's nothing,

but he found out that
Hanniman worked at a club

on the Boulevard,
The Pleasure Palace.

- The Pleasure Palace?

When I talked to
Bonnie last night,

she said something
about The Pleasure Palace.

That's right, she
looked for a job there

a few days ago.

- Maybe that's where
Hanniman spotted her.

- The Boulevard.

Four girls disappeared
from there last spring.

The cases are still open.

(knocking at door)

- Here's your game
of Scrabble, Hooker.

I waited up for you last
night so we could play,

but when you didn't come
home I played solitaire.

- You played solitaire Scrabble?

- Yeah, that way I don't
lose points for spelling.

- Just, uh, put it
anywhere, sweetheart.

This is my partner,
Vince Romano.

- Hi.

Listen, Hooker, do you
have a pot I could borrow?

- A pot, she wants a pot.

Let's see.

- You new in the neighborhood?

- Yeah, I live next door
with my roommate, Dawn.

- Dawn, huh?

What do you girls
do for a living?

- They're brain
surgeons, Romano.

Here you are.

Here's your pot.

- Thanks, Hooker.


- Bye.

What was that?

- A pot, she's going
to cook something in it.

Those four girls
that disappeared.

There was a white
sl*very angle on it.

But Vice let it drop

because it didn't
fit the usual pattern.

- Which is?

- Ads appear in a newspaper,

asking for girls who
can sing and dance

and are willing to
perform overseas.

Then when they get there...

- They're grabbed

and that's the last
anyone hears from them.

- You got it.

The girls who are grabbed
in Buenos Aires or Tokyo

I can't do anything about.

But when they're
taken off of my streets,

like Bonnie, that's different

and I'm damn well
gonna put a stop to it.

- Hooker, are you suggesting
that that's what happened

to Bonnie McCall?

White sl*very?

- You got a better suggestion?

What about The Pleasure Palace?

Did detectives check that out?

- Yes, they checked it out

and the manager, one
Lorraine Daggett said

yes, Hanniman had worked
there as a part-time bartender,

but as for Bonnie McCall,
she never heard of her.

- That doesn't track
with what Bonnie told me.

She went in there
looking for a job.

She even filled
in an application.

- Well, your Bonnie may have had

a little problem with
the truth, Hooker.

- I don't think so.

- No, well you
see, I pulled her file

and she's been
busted three times.

Twice for possession
and once for solicitation.

- File's old news.

I put her in a drug program.

She was getting her act
together, she wouldn't lie.

- Somebody's not
telling the truth.

- I gave you a name last night.

Carl Malek.

- Yeah.

- Known associate of Hanniman's.

- Yeah, well you called
that one wrong, too, Hooker.

I ran it down.

Malek is doing time in Florida.

(door slamming)

- Drummer is crowing.

The computer has
Malek in prison in Florida.

- You buy that?

- I still think it was Malek
in the car with Bonnie.

- If you're right, Malek
might have been seen

at The Pleasure Palace where
his buddy Hanniman worked.

- But how do we find out?

I mean, they don't
exactly open up

to cops in joints like that.

- What about one of us
going in there undercover?

- No, Drummer
would never go for it.

- Well, let's hit the street.

See if we can pick
up a lead out there.

- I know that look.

Don't do it, Stacy.

Don't go in there on your own.

- I'll do whatever it
takes to find Bonnie.

- You know, Hooker,

I'm a little worried
about Stacy.

She's still pretty
shook up about Bonnie.

- Yeah.

When things really
got tough for Bonnie

in the early stages
of her drug rehab,

she and Stacy were like sisters.

Bonnie said it herself,
if it wasn't for Stacy,

she'd never have made it.

- She's not gonna feel
better until we find Bonnie.

When we do, I
hope it's not too late.

(funky rock music)

- All right, now.

When you fill out
this application,

don't leave any of the
questions blank, okay?

- Okay.

- You can fill it
out over there.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- I'm Stacy.

- I'm Shirley.

- I guess you're
applying for a job, too.

- Mmm.

One look and I can see
you don't belong here

any more than I do.

- Times are tough.

- I want you to
understand, Dobbs.

I didn't fly up here
just to see you.

I'm making other contacts.

- You didn't like the
girl I sent you last night?

- Oh, on the contrary.

She was beautiful.

But she was the first girl
you've sent me in months.

And that won't do.

See, I have customers
all over the world

and I need a steady
supply of girls.

- I can get what you want

and when you want it.

- Well, I hope you are right.

For your sake.

Just understand, Dobbs,

if the girls don't
arrive as ordered

I shall go elsewhere

and then you and I are finished.

Hasta luego, amigo.

(jazzy music)

- Troubles?

- Good luck.

- Good luck to you, too.

- Not from what I see.

What I see is prime stuff

ready to be
packaged and shipped.

- I heard what
you did yesterday.

Look, I know how
you feel about Bonnie,

but going to The Pleasure
Palace was just too risky.

- Risky and thoughtless.

We were worried about you.

- Thanks, Tight Lips.

Okay, Hooker, I read you

and I know you're right

but as dumb as it was,
something did happen.

- Like what?

- The manager offered me a job.

I start tonight.

- You gotta be crazy.

- Well, wait a minute.

It just might be
our only way to go.

- Hooker, I know Stacy's good,

but she's not ready
for something like this.

- She could be
if we did it right.

- You mean put a wire on her?

- And stay glued to her.

- Now you're talking.

There's just one hitch.

We have to trade apartments.

- Trade apartments?

- Well, when I filled
out the application,

I couldn't put down my
phone number and address.

Everyone in the building
knows I'm a police officer.

- So you gave them my place?

- Well, sure.

No one's there
permanently except for you

and I figured the motel
manager can play along with us.

- Stacy, I've got
to hand it to you,

you have got guts.

- What's the big deal?

I've done undercover
work before.

- I mean about staying
in h**ker's crummy pad.

That has got to be
the supreme sacrifice.

Of course, there is
Claudia and Dawn.

- Claudia and Dawn?
- Claudia and Dawn?

- Never mind.

You're too young to
hear what he's thinking.

I'll run this undercover
thing by Drummer.

He won't approve of it, but...

Maybe he'll look the other way.

- What makes you think so?

- I got him over a barrel.

The lab listed a
partial palm print

from the dash of Bonnie's car.

It belongs to Malek.

- You ready to roll?

- Just about.

Stacy's getting dressed.

It took us a while to get the
equipment from the precinct.

- Hooker, what
happened with Drummer

when you told him
we had definite proof

that Malek was in town?

- He didn't want to buy
it, even with the palm print

and he hung tight
until I put a call in

to the prison in Florida.

- That must have been beautiful.

How did the computer blow it?

- Ah, a computer's only as
good as what you pump into it

and nobody bothered to tell it

that Malek had been
transferred to a medical facility.

And then somebody
else dropped the ball

when he was
transferred from there.

Let's double check
the transmission.

Make sure it works.

- Stacy, we're running a test.

Say something.

- One, two, three, testing.

Oh, Hooker, the window in here.

If you want to open it,
you have to jiggle the latch.

And about the plants,

make sure they all
get enough water

and don't forget to talk to
them at least once a day.

They like that.

- I always get tongue tied
when I talk to a Philodendron.

- Oh, one other thing.

There's a big guy
with blonde hair.

Let him in.

He's using my shower
until his gets fixed.

- George?

George is using her shower?

- What's taking her so long,
her costume's only this big.

- Yeah?

(silently mouthing)

- Ta-da!

Anything you want me to
do at your place, Hooker?

- Oh, you don't
have to water dirt.

♪ In your eyes

♪ There's a fire

♪ In my heart

♪ There's desire

♪ You're just another
guy who's looking for love

♪ You're just another
guy who can't get enough

♪ Well, he's just looking
for a one night stand

♪ Are you ready to prove

♪ You're just a man

♪ You're just another
guy that's looking for love

♪ You're just another
guy that can't get enough

♪ But if you're looking
for a one night stand

♪ Are you ready to prove

♪ You're just another
guy who's looking for love

♪ You're just another
guy that can't get enough

♪ Are you just looking
for a one night stand

♪ Are you ready to
prove you're just a man

- Stacy's already in
solid with the boss.

- That's what we're counting on.

Maybe the boss,
one of the waitresses,

even one of the customers

will drop a confidence on her

and give us a lead.

♪ You're just another
guy that's looking for love

♪ You're just another
guy who can't get enough

♪ Are you just looking
for a one night stand

♪ Are you ready to
prove you're just a man

♪ You're just a man
♪ Oh, oh, just a man

♪ Oh, you're a man

(audience applauding)

- All right!

(rock music)

- Hey, sweetheart!

Come here, we need a refill.

- Coming right up.

Got a look at the files.

Bonnie's application
wasn't in there.

- We know she made one out.

- So did the girl
I met yesterday.

Hers wasn't there either.

- I don't like the
sound of that.

- Neither do I.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

What do you mean
I can't have Stacy?

- Dobbs, we agreed.

We'd never take a
girl who worked here.

We can't have any trails
leading back to this place,

to us.

- Look, I could get
a lot of bucks for her.

She's special.

- Look, I've got a
sweet arrangement here.

The pay is steady,
the owner's out of state

and I've got a free hand.

And for you, this is the ideal
setup for screening talent

as long as we
keep playing it safe.

- No, we've gotta
make an exception.

I've gotta deliver.

Now, give me Stacy's application,
I'm gonna check her out.

- Another strike out.

Nobody seems to have seen Malek.

- It's a big city, a lot
of people to talk to.

There's somebody
who might help us.

Hey, Richie!

- Hey, man!

Get your hands off
me, man, it's all right!

I didn't do nothing!

- Why are you running?

- Because you look
like my old lady, Hooker.

- Oh, that's funny.

That's really funny.

- You got a real
smart mouth, wiseguy.

- And you got a
real ugly partner,

but I ain't gonna
hold it against you.


- Let's see how funny you
are without an audience.

- Hey, man!

Don't be beating on me, man!

Do go beating on me, man!

I got a lawyer!

Hey, take it easy, Hooker.

Let's not get carried away, pal.

- That was for that
"old lady" line, pal.

- Detective Richie Pace,
my partner Vince Romano.

Administrative Vice.

- Nice to meet you.

- I heard, Hooker, you're
looking for Carl Malek

in connection with the
Bonnie McCall grab.

- Yeah.

- Can't help you.

There's nothing
out in the street.

Not word one on Malek.

What are you going for?

- White sl*very.

But different M.O.

- And maybe a tie-in with the
four ladies who disappeared

a while ago.

- I'll dig in to see
what I can find.

- Dig fast, Richie.

I don't want Bonnie to
end up a case on the shelf

like the other four.

- Got you.

(tapping at door)

- Who is it?

- Virgil Dobbs from
The Pleasure Palace.

I want to talk to you
about your application.

- I don't understand,
I'm already on the job.

- If you want to
stay on the job,

I'd open the door
and talk to me.

Look, sweetie, it's our policy

to verify the backgrounds
of our employees.

All this stuff yours?

- Uh, yeah, I'm a collector.

I never throw anything out.

- I caught your
number last night.

You've danced
before, haven't you?

- From Miami to here.

Like the song says,
I was "born free."

- I notice you're from Florida.

That's where I hail from.

- Oh, really, whereabouts?

- Oh, you wouldn't know,

it's a little town outside
the Everglades, Cayville.

You know for somebody
who was born free,

you've got an awful
lot of stuff here.

- Uh, look, Mr. Dobbs,
I have a problem.

A guy who hit on me at
the club is on his way over

and if you're here
when he comes,

I blow a hundred bucks.

You dig?

- Okay, I'll talk to you later
about this up at the club.

- [Dispatch] Four Adam Thirty,

Detective Richie Pace
reports a Carl Malek located

living at 845 West Fifth Street.

- Four Adam
Thirty, that's a roger.

- All right, Richie!

I knew you'd come
through for us.

Malek's taste in cars is
usually fast and stolen.

I'll check with the manager,

you start running these
license plate numbers.

Start with that Corvette.

(intense music)

Hold it, Malek!


- Romano!

Cut him off!

(tires screeching)

(intense music)

(sirens blaring)


Throw a couple rounds
into the dumpster!

- Hey, hold it, hold it!

- Throw your g*n down.

Come on out.

Assume the position.

Where is Bonnie McCall?

- I never heard of her.

- Well you're gonna
hear of her, dirtbag,

for the rest of the day.

Read him his rights.

- You have the
right to remain silent.

If you give up the
right to remain silent,

anything you say can and
will be used against you

in a court of law.

- You resisted arrest.

You ran and you took
sh*ts at officers of the law.

- Hey, man, I just
spent three lousy years

at the Florida State prison

that's why I boogied.

- That's not why.

You ran because of what you
did to Bonnie McCall, Malek.

- I told you, I
never heard of her.

- That's funny,

because somehow your
prints appeared in her car.

- You're kidding.

Now, wait a minute.

Bonnie, yeah, that was her name.

I picked her up like a week ago

in some joint.

Now, that was a one night stand,

I forgot all about that.

- The only one night stand
you had with Bonnie McCall

is when you snatched
her from Misty's

and put her out of circulation.

- Are you calling me a k*ller?

- I'm calling you
a white slaver!

You shipped Bonnie
out of the country.

- Well, you been smoking
swamp weed, Hooker.

- But you didn't do it alone

because you
haven't got the brains,

you haven't got the connections.

Who's the honcho?

You give him to us,

help us get Bonnie back,

it'll go a lot easier on you.

- That swamp weed
really getting to you.

Yes, I've seen it with
a lot of guys back home

in Pahokee.

As soon as your head clears,

then you're gonna know
that I didn't grab Bonnie

or anybody else.

- Malek,

you had your chance,
you should've taken it.

Because now I'm gonna bury you

and whoever is in this with you.

- Now, just a minute, Hooker.

I'm not finished
with this suspect.

- I am.

- You wasted your breath on him.

- That's what he thinks.

- You found something out?

- I think Stacy
did this morning.

Let's see where we are with it.

Did you hear back on
our inquiries at Cayville?

- Yeah, just came in.

According to the local police,

Virgil Dobbs was
born there, all right,

but he's been gone a long time.

I also heard back from NCIC
and they've got nothing on him.

- Southern Florida.

When I was in the Marine Corps,

I spent one long, hot summer
down there at Homestead.

- The Air Force base?

- They sent us there
for paratroop training.

Anyway, Cayville, where
Virgil Dobbs grew up.

And look what's
three miles upstream.

- Pahokee?

What's Pahokee?

- Where Malek comes from.

- That's too much of
a coincidence for me.

Call up the files
on the four girls

that were missing this spring.

If I remember right,
in two of those cases,

Vice came up with the
same prints, never identified.

- Yeah, but they
couldn't be Malek's,

I mean, he was in
prison last spring.

- Virgil Dobbs wasn't.

♪ You're a dancer

♪ Paying your dues every day

♪ You're a dancer ♪
Dancing your life away

♪ You're a dancer

♪ Only alive when you're on

♪ You're a dancer

♪ You're only as
good as your song

♪ I can see that you've got
all of the moves on the floor

♪ Let's get home tonight so
I can see a few dances more

- Yes, Sun Ambulance,
this is Doctor Sprogg.

I'm gonna need an ambulance
tomorrow to transport a patient

to Pacific Medical Airlift.

Five o'clock sharp.

No, same location.

Oh, and by the way, can
I have that driver I use?

Dobbs, yeah, that's it.

All right, thank you, sir.

- You're going ahead with Stacy?

- I have to.

- What about Malek and the cops?

- Don't worry about him,
he'll keep his mouth shut.

He's a good old boy.

♪ You're a dancer

♪ Only alive when you're on

♪ You're a dancer

♪ You're only as
good as your song

♪ When the music's on you're
living your life through a song

♪ There's another
one just waiting

♪ It's still growing strong

♪ You're a dancer

♪ Just dancing your life away

(audience applauding)

- Is that for Dobbs?

- Yeah, his fourth tonight.

- Let me take it to him,

I want to make
some points with him.

- Good luck.

- She's making her move, Hooker.

(knocking at door)

- I hope I didn't keep
you waiting, Mr. Dobbs.

- Some things are
worth waiting for.

- Let me know when
you need a refill.

- Oh, this will be all
right for this evening.

I'll see you.


- All right.

- Dobbs' prints are on
the glass in the office.

I think he's about to leave.

- Hold on a second.

Corrigan, this is for you.

When Dobbs leaves, you move in.

We'll do our thing.

♪ Let's dance in the dark

♪ I'll be your man,
I'll be your shining star

♪ Come take my hand,
let's dance in the dark

♪ I lose myself inside
you when I look in your eyes

♪ My temperature is
rising and it feels so nice

♪ Never get enough
of your tender touch

♪ And when I see you
move I just want it so much

♪ I want you now,
tomorrow's too late

♪ Don't make me wait

♪ Come take my hand,
let's dance in the dark

♪ I'll be your man,
be your shining star

- Hey!

(tables clattering)

- [Lorraine] Oh, come on fellas!

Let's not break the place up!

Come on, fellas!

Come on, now, let's be friendly.

Come on, fellas!

Come on, now.

All right, guys,
that's enough now.

Let's play nice, guys, okay?

- All right, all right.

- All right.

Next time watch it.

- Give me a beer!

- Hong came through.

Dobbs' latents
taken off the glass

match those of the
previously unidentified prints

from the other cases.

- You were right, Hooker.

Dobbs is our man.

- All the way.

We have him linked
to the disappearance

of three of the girls,

I guarantee he
connects to all five.

- Stacy should be heading for
The Pleasure Palace about now.

- I don't want her going there.

(suspenseful music)

(phone ringing)

(muffled shout)

(sirens blaring)

- Corrigan, you stay here in
case Dobbs or Stacy show up.

- Right.

- Where's Stacy?

- You two?


- Where's Stacy?

- I don't know.

She didn't show.

- You're in big trouble, lady.

Stacy's a policewoman.

- I haven't done anything.

- Yes, you have.

You and Dobbs are
running a white sl*very ring.

- You're crazy.

- Guess again.

Your other associate,
Malek, finally buckled.

He gave us the whole scam.

Bonnie McCall, the four girls
who disappeared last spring,

now Stacy.

If you don't start talking fast,

you'll pay as big a price
as Dobbs and Malek.

- Dobbs set up the whole thing.

All I did was point
out... prospects.

- Get Corrigan in here.

- Where did Dobbs take Stacy?

- He works at Sun Ambulance.

It's not far from here.

On Taylor, near Bradman.

- Take her in, book her.

You and I'll head
to Sun Ambulance.

- You better pray my
partner's okay, lady.


- Oh, no, no, no, no, shhh.

Don't fight the drug, baby.

By the time you wake
up, you'll be in Mexico

and from there who knows
what garden spot you'll be off to.

You know, you're a
special one, angel.

I'm almost gonna miss you.

(engine starting)

(sirens blaring)

(tires screeching)

- Where's Virgil Dobbs?

- On a call.

Transporting a patient
to Pacific Medical Airlift

at Baker Field.

Should be there any minute,

you want me to
try and reach him?

- No, give me the phone number.

(sirens blaring)

- We got clearance?

- Yeah.

(phone ringing)

- I'll take it.

Pacific Med Air.

- This is the police.

Sergeant Hooker speaking.

Has the Sun
Ambulance arrived yet?

- Uh, no, not yet, sir.

- All right, this
is an emergency.

Listen carefully:

That plane is not to take off.

When the ambulance
arrives, tell the driver nothing.

Load the patient and stall.

We're on our way.

- Okay, Sergeant.

Hey, there's been
a change in plans.

I'm going with you.

- It's your party.

(suspenseful music)

(sirens blaring)

- There's the entrance!

No sign of our backup.

Dispatch said two units
would meet us there.

- Can't wait.

(suspenseful music)

That's the plane we want

and I told them
not to let it take off.

Ever played tag with a jet?

- No, but we're playing chicken.

We could end up a hood
ornament on that thing.

(g*n cocking)

- Keep going.

- I got 5,000 pounds
of fuel on this baby,

I'm not frying my
carcass for you

unless you think you can fly it.

(tires screeching)


- Dobbs!

Hold it!



- Freeze!


- I'm hurt.

- You better hope we get
five young women back

or you're just
beginning to hurt.

- Oh, baby!

I know you've been
lonely, but I'm back now.

- Hooker, look what you did.

You were supposed
to talk to Stacy's plants.

- I did, honest.

don't like cop stories.

- What's the word from
the State Department?

- Good news, they
found Bonnie in Mexico.

- Is she okay?

- Physically, yes,

emotionally, she's
gonna need a little help.

- I don't think you'll have
to ask for volunteers.

- The name I
squeezed out of Dobbs,

his Mexican connection, Mendez,

State Department got
the Federales down there

to jump all over him.

- He talked?

- He spilled his
list of customers

and Interpol's moving in.

- What about the other girls,
any hope of finding them?

- Keep your fingers crossed.

(knocking at door)

- I'll get it.

- I'll get...

No, no you get it.
- No, you get it.

- Uh, we'll...
- Excuse me?

Aren't we polite?

Meanwhile, there's a guy
out there with our pizza

and it's getting ice cold.

- Hi, George.

- I don't believe it.

I don't believe you've
been letting this guy come in

and disrupt your life, Hooker,

use your shower.

- It's not so bad.

In an hour his
girlfriend comes through

and she looks like Claudia.

(upbeat music)