05x15 - On Edge

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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05x15 - On Edge

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, ticket please.

Honey, what'd I do with
that valet ticket, hmm?

I thought you put
it in your pocket?

Well, I thought I did, too.

Come on, Dad,
we're gonna be late.

I know, I know; I can't
same to find my valet ticket.

It's the Cadillac,
you can't miss it.

- The red one?
- Yeah.

I can't do nothing
without a ticket.

Oh, um.

You think there's something
we might be able to work out?

It's right over there.

Here you go.


Hey, I really appreciate that.

Tess, wasn't that our car?

My car and your assignment.

Oh, dear.

Oh, there goes my baby.

Must be a very
lonely road to travel.

I like it when you
get convertibles.

A lot of suckers
buy convertibles.

Where to next?

Utah's just one state over.



You know, me and your granddad

had a big score in Utah.

That's where the next
Winter Olympics are gonna be.


I bet they have

a really nice
skating rink there.


The best thing for us it to get
as far away from here as we can.

Come on, Dad, I haven't
skated in two weeks.

You know, I'm gonna
regret spoiling you like this.

His name is Bart Ewing.

He learned this
from his parents,

and they from theirs.

And now he's
teaching his daughter,

Haley, to be a con artist.

A con artist?

People who steal from you
by earning your confidence first

so you never see what's coming.

You know, God is a con artist.

- What?
- Only the other way around.

Wait a minute, Miss Wings,

I want to see how
you worked this out.

You don't see what's coming,

He earns your confidence,

and then He steals
right into your heart.

God doesn't steal
anybody's heart, Miss Wings.

You have to open that door

and walk in all by yourself

and give it to him.

Now the door has been open wide,

but nobody in this family
has ever walked through.

At least, not yet.

That's confidence.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Hello there.

Hi, how are you?

Uh, one adult,
one child, please.


Five, and ten,

- makes 20.
- Thank you, Monica.

Thank you.

So, um, he paid to get in?

Yeah, I guess that's
a good start, huh?

Guess again.

Well, he gave me this twen...

You've just been
taken, Miss Wings.

Oh, my.

Monica, look, we
just got these in.

Oh, they're beautiful.

Yeah, and very expensive.

Put them in the
display case, huh?

- Okay.
- Thanks.

You want to get a locker?

No, people jimmy the locks.

You can't trust
anybody, remember that.

- You about ready?
- Yeah.

- Come on.
- Okay.

All right,

you're looking good
out there, skaters.

Hope you all join us on the 25th

for the Salt Lake Silver Blades

Winter Pageant.

Tickets are ten dollars,
and they're selling out fast,

so come on out and
support the team.

Six, eight...

14 rows, four sides, time ten.



What are you doing there?

Oh, this?

It's just an unconscious habit.

It keeps me from getting nervous
while I watch my daughter skate.

Oh, I know that feeling.

I've got a skater of my own.

Oh, yeah? Which one?

The one in the black over there.

I don't know if I own the
place because she skates,

or if she skates
because I own the place.

Well, you got a
beautiful building here

and a beautiful daughter.


My name's Bart, Bart Ewing.

- Carl Thorpe.
- Oh, nice to meet you.

You, too.

Did you drop this?


Ten bucks?

It's not mine.

Well, it sure isn't mine. Here.

Hard to find an
honest man these days.

Well, it's the only way to live.

Trust me.


No, it's not mine.

I tell you what, though.

We got a kid's
benefit coming up.

That ten will cover a ticket

for somebody who
can't afford one.

Perfect. We'll consider it,
uh, an investment in the future.

All right, thanks.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.


Come here.

You okay?

Yeah, I guess I'm not
ready for that one yet.

Well, hi, I'm Andrew.

- Hi.
- I'm, uh, the DJ.

Oh, hi.

Haley, Haley Ewing.

Ah, Haley Ewing,
nice to meet you.

You're looking
pretty good out here.

I could be a lot better,

but we move a lot and I
don't get much practice.

You ought to meet Alex.

Alex, come here.

Maybe she could, like, give
you some lessons or something.

She's training for the
Olympics; Alex, this is Haley.

- Hi.
- Haley, this is Alex.

So, did you see her skate?

Yeah, you're on your
way to being really good.

Well, I guess I got
the fall perfected.

Well, maybe you can give
her some pointers or something,

'cause I got to... get
back, so, see you.


Andrew's cool.


You really going
to the Olympics?

I hope so.

You're probably too busy
to help me on my turns, huh?

My dad says you can never be
too busy to help someone else,

especially when it's fun.

- Cool, let's go.
- Come on.

I think we just saw
a door open, Tess.

Yes, and let's pray she has
the courage to walk through.

Even if it is alone.


She's really
catching on out there.

Yeah, yeah, she's a
quick study, isn't she?

Yeah. Hey, hey, here's
a flyer for the benefit

- if you guys can make it.
- Oh, super, super.


Hey, Daddy, Alex is
training for the Olympics.

No kidding.

Haley can really skate.

I can work with her if you want.

It would be so cool, but...

Yes, we'll be around.

We will?

Absolutely; now,
get your skates off.

Come on, we got to go.

- We'll see you guys tomorrow.
- Okay, bye.

- Bye.
- See you, Haley.

Nice folks.

I'm about to lose my patience.

There's only so much an
angel is expected to endure.

What is this?

Oh, what is this?

So, this is how they live?

State to state, motel to motel,
one step ahead of the law.

Who could raise a child
like this in good conscience?

Somebody who doesn't have one.

Oh, he's got a
conscience, all right.

He just never
learned to listen to it.

Well, he's up to something.

We're gonna be
here a while, Andrew.

And, angel girl, you
should get on in there.


You know, Alex
thinks I'm good enough

to make the Silver Blades team.

And that means someday, maybe,

I'll be able to go
to the Olympics.

Me, Haley Ewing,
at the Olympics.

Wouldn't that be amazing?

What about the
family business, hmm?

You have a very proud tradition
to uphold, don't forget that.

Yeah, but the problem is

when you pull off a good con,

nobody even knows
what's going on.

Nobody ever sees
how good you are.

I want somebody to
see how good I am.

You want to go
straight on me, hmm?

I don't know.

I just know that
I love to skate.

Honey, every con
thinks they want

to go straight every
once in a while.

But there's something
inside of you.

There's something
that won't let you go.

Not till you make-make
that big score.

What big score?

You're always talking
about some big score.

You know what, I don't think

there really is one.

Oh, yes, there is.

And it's right
around the corner.

♪ When I see you smile ♪

♪ Baby, when I see you smile ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

It's pretty amazing,
don't you think?


I'll never be that good.

Eh, I wouldn't say that.

You can do anything if
you set your mind to it.

The problem is knowing
what I really want to do.

Part of me wants to be a skater.


Part of me wants to
make my dad happy, and...

And what?

Be like him.

He said he was,
uh, a lawyer, right?

Yeah, that's right.

The trouble is

I hear all these
voices telling me

to do different things.

Yeah, well, that's one of the
tough things about growing up.

Everybody always wants to
tell you what you should do.

I heard this song once that
said, "Listen to your heart."

That's a nice thing
to say, but I'd rather

listen to my conscience.

It's usually a
lot more reliable.

What does your
conscience sound like?

Like a friend who
always tells you the truth.

Well, better go
change the music.


Can you teach that to me?

Sure, it'll only
take four years.

But don't worry, you don't need
that move to make the team.

You really think
I have a chance?

Well, tryouts are
after the pageant

and you just may be ready.

But you definitely need
a new pair of skates.

Yeah, I know.

Come on.

Hello, may I help you?

Oh, I'm just checking
out these skates here.

Beautiful, aren't they?

You may see beauty,
I see expensive.

There's more to life than money.

Well, yeah, you
got a point there.

Hey, Carl.

- Bart.
- Yeah.

- Hey, good to see you again.
- Good to see you.

Listen, um, I was just thinking,

you know, you're from the area

and you probably know
the real estate situation,

so you want to go out
and have a beer together,

and I can kind of pick
your brain about it?

Oh, you know, I'd really
like that, but I can't tonight.

I close up early on Thursdays
to get my deposits ready.

- Oh.
- Sorry.

Well, thanks anyway.

Maybe I could help
you find a home?


Oh, well, maybe some other time.

You know that valet
guy in Colorado?

Do you think he got fired

for giving us the car?

In a New York minute.

Anybody that stupid
shouldn't even have a job.

We're running low.

We got to make a move.

So, what do you think
about the Silver Blades?

Alex says I'm good
enough to try out.

Well, she might be right,
but you see, the trick to being

on a skating team is you have
to be there, and we're gonna be

- on the road soon.
- Okay,

how about this?

What if he stayed just long
enough for me to try out?

- Haley, I don't...
- Please, Dad.

It's not like I'm gonna
stay on the team,

I just got to know if I'm
good enough to get in.

These tryouts,

they're right after
this benefit thing, huh?

I'll think about it.


♪ I used to see in
black and white ♪

♪ Never something in between ♪

♪ Waiting on the
love of my life ♪

♪ To come into my dreams ♪

♪ Everything in shades of grey ♪

♪ Never any blues or greens ♪

♪ I needed someone
else to turn to ♪

♪ Someone who could
help me learn to see ♪

♪ All the beauty that
was waiting for me ♪

♪ You, you put the
blue back in the sky ♪

♪ You put the
rainbow in my eyes ♪

♪ The silver lining
in my prayers ♪

♪ And now there's
color everywhere ♪

♪ You put the red
back in the rose ♪

♪ Just when I
needed it the most ♪

♪ You came along
to show you cared ♪

♪ And now there's
color everywhere. ♪

Dad, I want to
stay here for good

and skate with Alex

and maybe even go to her
school and meet some friends

and-and I want some new skates,
even if I have to pay for them.

I don't care how I earn the
money, but I'll earn it somehow.

Alex earned money shoveling
snow for some guy and...

Just-just hold on here.

I want a life.

Honey, you have a life.

This is your life.

No, this is your life.

I want my own.

Hey, Carl, how're you doing?

Hey, Bart, how you doing?

Everything all right?

Actually, no.

Haley's grandmother
lives over in Heber.

She's very old, and
she's not doing too well,

and I'm just afraid
this is the last chance

Haley's gonna get to see her.

Well, you know how it is.

I just don't want her
to miss any practice

this close to the tryouts.

I mean, you know how it is.

You're closed on
Thursday nights, right?

No problem.

You just bring her
by after we close,

and she can have
the place to herself.

No, no, I couldn't do that.

You've been here all day,
you want to get home...

No, no, I'm here late anyway,

doing the deposits.

Oh, that would mean
so much to Haley.

Are you sure?

Bart, it's done.

Thanks, thanks.

Hello, Customer Service.

- Hi, New Accounts, please?
- Sure. One moment, please.

New Accounts, may I help you?

Hi, I have a business account
at your bank and we're starting

to handle a lot of extra cash
right now and I was wondering

if I could drop by and pick
up another cash deposit bag?

Yes, sir, you can.

Great, thank you.



I've almost finished locking up.

Well, thanks, Monica;
I'll see you tomorrow.

Would you like some help here?

Nah, I'm fine.

I like to do the
books by myself.

Hey, Carl!

Bart, is that you?

Yeah, yeah.

Hey, thanks again
for doing this, okay?

- Hi.
- It's my pleasure.

Alex is out there

- waiting for you, Haley.
- Oh, all right.

- Okay.
- Bye, honey.

Bye, Dad.

Uh, listen, you know, I
got a line on a house...


So, I'll pick her up in
about an hour, all right?

- Terrific.
- All right, thanks.

Are you sure you wouldn't
like some help here?

Nah, I'm fine.

Some things you
just need to do alone.

Maybe you're right.

Good night.


Yeah, that's good.

Arms strong.


What the...

Stay put, girls.

I'll see what's going on.

Hurry up, Dad.

It's scary.

Don't worry, girls.

I'll get the lights
on in a minute.

How the heck did this happen?

You girls okay?

Yeah, no problem, what happened?

Oh, the darnedest thing.

Hold on.


Hey, hey, how you doing?

You having trouble
paying your electric bill?

I see the lights
going off and on.

You okay?

Yeah, somehow the main
breaker switch got pulled.

I don't know what happened.

Oh, man, anything
electrical, don't ask me.

I don't get along
with electricity.

Haley, honey, it's time to go.

Can't we stay just a
little longer, please?

Now, honey, you know,
Carl's been good enough

to do us this favor, so
let's not push it, huh?

Come on.

She's doing really
well, Mr. Ewing.

You're going to be amazed
to see what she can do.

Oh, she amazes me all the time.

Thank you for all the
help you've given her.

- What are friends for?
- Yeah.

Get your stuff.

Listen, Carl,
thanks again, really.

You've gone above
and beyond here,

and-and I'm not
going to forget it, really.

My pleasure, Bart.

Listen, I'll see the two
of you tomorrow, all right?


So, you want us out
the front, the back?

What am I thinking?

- Come on, I'll walk you out.
- Okay.

- Bye, Alex.
- Bye.


What's all our stuff
doing in the back?

What is the first
rule of a con, hmm?

Don't get too attached.

Another week, I thought you were
gonna move in with those people.

Dad, you said I could stay
and try out for the team.

You promised.


No, you didn't.

Please tell me you didn't.

I want you to put that bag and
your new skates in the back.


I didn't want them like this.

What's gotten into
you lately, huh?

Where's my snow globe?

It's back there;
I got everything.

No, it's not here.

We'll get another one.

No, it was Mom's.

I am not leaving
without it, no way.

Make it fast.

Folks, please stay back.

This will just
take a minute, sir.

So, is this your daughter's
allowance, Mr. Ewing?

Hey, I don't know
anything about that.

I'm sorry, Daddy.


I took the money and the skates.

- Don't say anything, honey.
- Hey, hey...

No, I did it.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

You're under arrest, young lady.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can

and will be used against
you in a court of law.

What are you talking about?

She's only a kid.

It's okay, Dad, it'll work out.

You have the right to an
attorney, you understand that?

He's just going to let them
take her away like that?

What did I tell you
about con artists?

They always got a plan,
and if that don't work,

they got a backup plan.

I guess this must be theirs.


He can get the
child out of jail,

but the child can't get
the father out of jail.

That makes sense.

It makes terrible sense.

- Hi, Carl.
- I don't have anything to say to you.

Please, Carl, just listen to me.

Try and understand.

Her grandmother is
very sick, I told you that.

Nana needs an operation...

That's what Haley
calls her grandmother.

Now, she just
found out about it.

I'm not trying to make
an excuse for the girl,

but her heart was
in the right place.

Look, I'm sorry about
her grandmother,

but stealing's wrong, no
matter what the reason.

You're absolutely right, and
she understands that now.

We just had a very
long talk this morning.

Look, Carl, your heart
would be breaking right now

if you could
see that little girl

sitting in that jail cell,
crying her eyes out.

Now, as a father, you
know how that hurts.

What about the skates?

The what?

Were the skates for
her grandmother, too?

You know, Bart, she's right.

There's something screwy
about this whole thing.

I-I think Haley's a sweet kid.

I wish I could help her.

Maybe this is the only way.

Hey, honey.

You've got three minutes.

Good thinking, stick
with plan "B," way to go.

I come from a long line
of con artists, remember?

Listen, honey, I know
you're a little angry now,

but, uh... So...

You said we could
stay till tryouts.

You conned me.

I never thought you could
do that to your own daughter.

Honey, I wanted to stay, I did,

but we got to move
to the next town.

You can start skating there,

you can try out for the
Olympics, anything you want,

but I got to get
you out of here first.

You mean you haven't yet?

No... Carl won't
drop the charges.

I was this close with him, and
then that Monica shows up and...

So what's your plan now?

What are you going to do?

Do you mind?

Judge Turski just
issued an order

that there will be no visitation

until after the
hearing tomorrow.

You'll have to leave, Mr. Ewing.

Well, this is outrageous.

Well, life is full
of difficulties.

Honey, listen, now, don't
you worry about a thing.

I'll talk to the judge, okay?

She's gonna walk out of
that courtroom tomorrow.

Then she'll be the first

because the judge
is what you call strict.

What's going to happen to me?

I would think a couple of
years in a youth facility, baby.

No, no, n-no, judges make
exceptions all the time, right?


Two years?

I can't wait two years.

It'll be too late.

I have to start training now.


Dad, what are you going to do?

I-I don't know.

What do you mean?

You always know what to do.

Honey, now, relax.

It's time to go.

I know.

I've lost my chance.

I will never be able to
go to the Olympics, ever,

and you made me
lose the only friend

- I ever made.
- Haley, don't say that.

- Haley, no...
- Get out!

- I hate you.
- Haley.

You can't fix anything.

I hate you!

- Haley.
- I hate you!


- Get out!
- Hey, hey, hey.

- Hey, hey, come with me.
- No.

- I hate you!
- Come with me.



What are you doing here?

I thought you might
need someone to talk to.

Funny, you don't look
like the kind of girl who,

who shows up at a
man's motel room.

You can't put that back
together, you know.

There are some
things you just can't con,

no matter how good you are.

I'm sorry?

You're on the con, Bart.

Look, I don't even, I don't
even know what that means.

That valet...

He did lose his job when
you stole the Cadillac,

and I might have
lost my job, too,

except that Carl is a
good and kind man.

And I wonder, how many
other people have lost

their jobs or their cars
or even their life savings?

Or do you care?

I-I think you'd better
leave now, huh?

I think I should stay.

You're right, I'm
not the kind of girl

to show up in people's rooms,
but I am that kind of angel.


What's going on here?

Wha-What is this?

I'm an angel, really.

No, no.

Hey, honey, you
can't con a con, okay?

What kind of game are you
running here anyway, huh?

God exists, Bart.

No, no.


and He sent me here
with a message for you.

God loves you,
Bartholomew T. Ewing,

although He hates many of
the things that you have done.

You have hurt so many people.

Look, anything I did to those
suckers... they had it coming.

You come from a
proud line of con artists

with a long and heartbreaking
tradition of child abuse.

Were you asking for that?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

You know, I think you believe,
I think that you honestly believe

that your little girl
has a wonderful life

because she has the one
thing that you never had...

A father who loves her
and has never hurt her.

Look, I never laid a
hand on my little girl, ever.

I know and God knows,

but a child can be hurt in
a thousand different ways...

From the lessons they are taught

and from the lessons that
no one ever teaches them.

I did the best I could.

No, you did not, sir,

for you passed along
a heritage of deceit.

You taught your little
girl that people are stupid,

that suckers
deserve to be taken,

and that everything
is ripe for the taking.

And somewhere along the way,

you taught her to
ignore the one thing

that will save her
life and her soul.

You taught her that there's
no such thing as a conscience.

But there is, Bart, there is.

It's the one thing

that separates you from
every other living thing.

It's God's gift to you.

It-It's a song He
sings in your spirit.

And if sometimes you
can't hear the song,

it's not because it has
changed, but because you have.

And it's you who must let
the music bring you back

to the place where you belong.

Can you hear it?

Can you hear it, Bart?

It's sometimes hard at first.

But until you let your
conscience out of that room

it's been locked up in
and really look at the truth

of what you've
done with your life,

you'll never know the joy

of all you can still
do with your life.

Life is beautiful, Bart.

And people... People
are good and trusting

and worthy of respect.

And love isn't something
you have to steal.

God wants to give it to you,

and that doesn't make
you-you weak or-or gullible.

It just make you free.

Oh, Bart... can you hear it?

What kind of man have I been?

The only thing God
cares about now

is the kind of man
you're about to become.

Haley Ewing, grand theft.

Your Honor, if it
please the court,

this child has no
previous record

and has been remorseful
in admitting her guilt.

We request probation

and immediate release
into the custody of her father.

The People object, Your Honor.

$1,200 cash and

a $900 pair of skates isn't
exactly swiping a candy bar.

No, it certainly is not.

What do you have to say
for yourself, Ms. Ewing?

I promise I'll never
do it again, Judge.

Well, that's a start.

And I wish that were enough,

- but...
- Your Honor?

May I make a
statement to the court?

I'm Haley's father.

Very interested in
what you have to say

about this tragic
situation, Mr. Ewing.

Thank you, Your Honor.

And you're right, this
is a tragic situation.

You see, I've
spent most of my life

trying to get away with things,

and you know, that's
pretty easy to do

when you don't
have a conscience.

Or you don't listen to it.

But something happened
last night, Your Honor,

that got me listening
loud and clear.

You know, I've
heard a lot of truths,

but the truth here
is, I'm a great con.

But I'm a lousy father.

Praise your name, Father.

Haley didn't steal
that money. I did.

She was protecting
me, and I let her do it.

Mr. Ewing, do you
realize what you're saying?

You know, Your Honor,
when I was six years old,

I was able to take
just an inch of the truth

and-and turn it into
anything I needed.

This isn't something
that I started out wanting.

It's just, it was survival.

It was part of family tradition.

And I, uh... I taught
Haley those traditions.

You see, honey, my
parents were great cons,

but they weren't great people.

When you were born, I...

I swore I'd never
lay a hand on you,

you'd always have enough
to eat, you'd never be alone,

and you'd always know
that you were loved.

And I did that, didn't I?

But it wasn't enough.

I should have taught
you the difference

between right and wrong.

And I didn't.

In fact, Your Honor,
I don't even know if...

I knew the difference
between right and wrong till I...

I watched my daughter
take the rap for me,

and that was wrong.

It was so wrong.

And I didn't do anything
about it then, but...

I'm ready to do
something about it now, sir.

Mr. Ewing, by your admissions,

are you surrendering
yourself to this court?

Yes, I am, Your Honor.


Daddy, no!

The court will remand
custody of the minor

to Child Services until such

a time as an appropriate
foster home can be found.

No, Dad.

Listen, this is a
chance for you. Take it.

You hear me? Take it.

This is the best I can
do for you now, you hear?

No. Dad, I don't
want you to go away.

Judge, please, don't
make my dad go away.

No. I love you.

And I love you more
than you could ever know.

But I want you to go out there,

and I want you to win
a gold medal for me.

And I want you to
win it fair and square.

God. God, I love you.

Okay, coming. Okay.

I'm gonna miss him so much.

And he's gonna
miss you, too, baby.

But I'm gonna be all alone.

Oh, no, you're not.

Not by a long shot.

♪ Somebody's out there
watching over me... ♪

You know, you make it
through tryouts next week,

and that could be you
out there within a year.

I don't think there's gonna
be a foster family in this town

that's gonna want
to pay for practice

and lessons and skates.

You want to bet?

I'm not a betting woman anymore.

Alex is about to skate.

Do you want to come
down and wish her well?

I don't want to break
her concentration.

Well, that's not
the way she sees it.

She says she won't
be able to concentrate

until she talks to you.

♪ Somebody's out
there watching ♪

♪ Somebody's out
there watching ♪

♪ I believe... ♪

♪ Somebody's out
there watching ♪

♪ Somebody's out
there watching... ♪

I'm glad you came back.

I didn't think you'd
even want to talk to me.

That's not how we
do things in this family.

What's this?

Well, it's a kind of
welcome-to-the-family present.

The judge thought this
would be a good place

for a girl with a dream.

I don't get it.

Well, Alex and her
mother and father

went to the judge and told him

they wanted to be
your foster family.

For real?

For real.

Oh, my gosh.

ALEX: You're really
gonna love my mom.

She's up there with
my dad right now.

Our final program tonight,

Silver Blades team captain,

and Olympic
hopeful, Alex Thorpe.

That's me. Here I go.

- Go get 'em, girl!
- Thanks.

♪ La da-da da-da ♪

♪ Na na-na na-na na ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Mm, mm-mm ♪

♪ Sometimes I wonder how
I'd ever make it through ♪

♪ Through this world
without having you ♪

♪ I just wouldn't have a clue ♪

♪ And sometimes it seems ♪

♪ That this whole
world's closing in on me ♪

♪ And there's no
way of breaking free ♪

♪ Then I see you
reach out for me ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ And when the rain is falling ♪

♪ I don't feel it 'cause
you're here with me ♪

♪ And one look at you, baby ♪

♪ Is all that I ever need ♪

♪ Is all that I ever need ♪

- ♪ When I see you smile ♪
- ♪ Oh, oh-oh oh-oh ♪

- ♪ When I see you smile ♪
- ♪ I can face the world ♪

♪ Oh, oh, you know
that I can do anything ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ When I see you smile ♪

♪ When I see you smile ♪

♪ I see a ray of light ♪

♪ Oh, I... ♪

♪ Oh, I see it shining
right through the rain ♪

♪ See the light shining ♪

♪ When I see you smile ♪

♪ Smile ♪

- ♪ Baby, when I see you smile ♪
- ♪ When I see you smile ♪

♪ Sometimes I wanna give up ♪

♪ Wanna give in,
wanna quit the fight ♪

♪ Then one look at you, baby ♪

♪ Can make
everything all right ♪

♪ Make everything all right ♪

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ When I see you smile ♪

♪ Baby, when I see you smile ♪

♪ I see a ray of light ♪

♪ I see a ray of light ♪

♪ Oh, oh, I see you shining
right through the rain ♪

♪ Baby, when I see you smile ♪

♪ When I see you smile ♪

♪ I face the world
when you smile ♪

♪ I can face the world ♪

♪ Every day ♪

♪ Oh, oh, you know
that I can do anything ♪

♪ Every day ♪

♪ When I see you smile ♪

♪ Baby, when I see
you smile at me ♪

♪ When I see you smile ♪

♪ Baby, when I see you smile ♪

♪ At me ♪

♪ Smile at me. ♪

Everything's gonna
be okay, isn't it?

Much better than okay.

Haley made the team and
discovered her conscience.

Isn't it lovely when
an assignment ends up

with things right
where they belong?

It certainly is. Ooh, ooh.

Tess, this baby has been washed

and dried and waxed...

It's beautiful. Get out,
get out, get out, get out.

My baby. I missed my baby.
Mama loves this sweetie baby.

So where are we going now?

Anywhere you want to as long
as they haven't got valet parking.

Oh, yes, me and
my baby. Oh, yes.
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