05x03 - What Are Friends For?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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05x03 - What Are Friends For?

Post by bunniefuu »

"Welcome friends."

She means it, too.

Friendship is very
important in this house.

Does she have a lot of friends?

Well, it's not about
having a lot of friends.

It's about being a good
friend to the ones you've got.

And she's a good friend?

Maybe too good.

What is she doing?

What are you doing?

It's a surprise.

Nobody ever mentioned insanity
in the family at the wedding.

I told 'em not to.

I wanted to keep a little
mystery in the marriage.

Well, it's working.

Uh, just try and
control those outbursts

at the press conference, though.

You ready?

Mm-hmm. Sam?

Come on, we got a big day.

I know, I know. I just want
you to know something.

No matter what
happens from now on,

uh, whether we win or lose,

I will never forget
everything you've done

to help me get this far.

No one has ever done
anything like that for me before.

Come on, you sentimental crazo.

I love someone
who would feed birds.

It says they have a kind heart.

A human heart, as
tender as Carrie's

is a very vulnerable thing.

It's so busy out in the
world loving the whole world

that it can't even imagine

that anyone would come
along and just squash it.

But someone could.

Someone could.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Hello. I have an
appointment with Mr. Carver.

Second floor.

No. The 20 extra lines are just
for the campaign. Thank you.

What you need, Sam?

Oh, there you are.

How long until
the phones are up?

Now, look, we announce at
2:00, we make the 6:00 news,

and by 6:30, the volunteers
are hitting the phones.

- All right?
- What do you think, Sam?

Uh, I don't know. You decide.

- Hi.
- Hello. I'm Monica.

Monica. Oh, yes, Monica.

All right, we're all
set. Good to meet you.

- Have you, uh... have you met Carrie yet?
- Not yet.

Listen, it's really good of you

to jump in at the
last minute like this.

There's some places
where being the husband

and the campaign
manager don't mix.

- Sandy do you have that, uh, speech?
- Here you are.

Now, I took a look at it,

but I still think it
needs some polishing.

- Carrie, Monica.
- Hi, Monica. Nice to meet you.

Okay, listen up, everybody.

We've got about four
hours before the storm hits,

and it's going to
last until November,

so if anyone has to
use the bathroom...

No, seriously,
um, if you've never

been in election
campaign before,

there's nothing quite like it.

It's exciting and exhausting,

and if you win, it
only gets worse.

But I have to admit, though.

I think we all agree... we have
the best woman for the job.

And I'd like to
introduce a new member

to our team. Her name is Monica.


And she is Carrie's
new speech writer.

Or is that spin-meister?

Monica, would you
like to say something?

Yes. Thank you. I just
wanted to make sure

that in the heat of the
campaign we don't lose

that fresh sincerity which has
become Carrie's trademark.

Excuse me, Monica.
Yes, what is it?

Mrs. Carver has a phone call.

You take a message, and,
um, no more calls, please.

Sorry, Monica.

That's okay. Um,
also, uh, to make sure

that our choice of words
be active, not passive.

For example, uh,
rather than saying,

"Carrie would like to
increase school support,"

uh, we should say,
"Carrie is committed..."


"to increasing..."

Monica, please, uh, forgive me.

Sam, I've got to go.

Go? You can't go.

Uh, Monica, we'll work in
the car. Sam, I'll see you

at the press conference.

It's not a bad speech.

I just think you
shouldn't apologize here.


The part about being a lawyer.

I would leave that
out completely,

and then if you're
asked a question about it,

just tell the truth.

I thought you
were a spin expert.

I am.

Truth is the best spin
you can put on anything.

Most people never see it coming.

Do you mind if I ask
you where we're going?

To an old college hangout
of mine called Frodo's.

There are only two
people in the world

who could have gotten me
out of that meeting today,

and one of them is
waiting for me there.

♪ If you're ever up a
tree, phone to me ♪

♪ Da, da, da-da, da-da ♪

♪ If you're ever down
a well, ring my bell ♪

♪ Doo, da, da, na-na ♪

♪ If you're ever out
to dine, borrow mine. ♪

- Okay, we got this.
- Don't go so fast.

I know, I know. Let's drink.

♪ I'm holding you
on my knee... ♪

We need another glass, please.

She hasn't got her ID.

She's been coming
here for four years.

Then she ought to
know she needs her ID.

It's okay, Billy.

Listen, we're
graduating tomorrow.

This is the last night that
we're gonna be together.

We laughed here,
we've cried here.

I bet you've even
seen us sing here.

And after tonight... We
perform for the last time...

We're walking out of here,

and it's never gonna
be the same again.

I mean, these are
the good old days.

sh**t, these are
the good old hours.

I just want to toast 'em
with my best friends.


♪ Haven't know
each other long... ♪

If you're ever in
a jam, here I am.

You're ever in a mess, S.O.S.

If you ever feel so
happy you land in jail,

I'm your bail.

Friends forever.

I'll wait here.




You look wonderful.

How long has it been? A year?

At least.

Are you... okay?

I don't know.

Oh, Tom.

Thank you so much for coming.

I feel ridiculous, but
I just couldn't sit here

and wait for the
call all by myself.

Tom, I am your friend,

and that's what friends are for.

I thought you were in remission.

I was. I am.

I mean, I've had two good years,

but I wasn't
feeling right again.


So I went for some tests,
and, uh, I don't know.

I just didn't want to
be sitting at my desk,

reading some legal
brief when the call came.

So... we'll wait together.

Am I keeping you from anything?

Nothing more
important than this.

Shirley Temple. Two umbrellas.

Ah. It's nice to have a
friend that knows the real you.

Are you here for Tom?

I don't know yet.

I'm still waiting for the call.

So, you are still
coming to the reunion?

I don't know.

I thought about it.

You've got to
come! Billy's coming.

We'll sing, we'll
laugh. It'll be great!

You mean, it'll be good for me?


Tom Larson.

Hi, Doctor. Uh-huh.

Yeah, right.

Yeah. Thanks.

Test is still negative.

Looks like I'm gonna

make it to the reunion at least.

One day at a time.

I've got to go.

Just bear with me.

She's not gonna be much
longer. I'm telling you.

Where the hell have you been?!

Uh, Tom was afraid
that the cancer was back.

He was waiting for
a call from his doctor.

- Oh, God. Is he all right?
- Yeah, he's-he's fine.

He just needed someone
to be there for him.

Today of all days?

I have made some promises in
my life, Sam, and I keep them,

even when it's not convenient.

Well, now I know
we're in trouble.

A politician who
keeps her promises.

She's going to
make a great mayor.

Good afternoon.

I am here today to
announce my candidacy

for the office of mayor.

I have a unique
understanding of our city,

having served proudly on
the State Board of Education,

and as director...
This is my promise.

A better Olympia.

And I will keep it. Thank you.

I'll take some questions?


The dynamic Carver,

credited with revamping
the anti-drug program

at local high schools, as well

as leading a citizen's
movement to revitalize old town.

This is Roger Bartlett,
Nine Line News.

What's she doing?

It's a surprise.

Like everything else she does.

Nice job on the speech.

Thanks. I was inspired.

Oh. Okay, let's get on
those phones, people.

We are up and ruling.

Good evening. I'm calling
on behalf of Carrie Carver

who is running for
mayor of Olympia.

Your vote in November...

How does this
sound for your speech

to the Teacher's
Union next week?

Um, "" Carrie Carver
Cares' is not just a slogan.

"It is my creed, and the
things I choose to care about..."

are what distinguish
me from my opponent.

Good teachers cost
money, fair money.

Thank you.

Recent polls indicate that
Carver's aggressive campaign

has placed her almost even
with incumbent Jeff Hart.

In sports news today,
Seattle Mariners...

I hate college reunions.

I didn't even go to my own.

Well, don't think of it as a
bunch of people you don't know,

but rather a roomful of
voters who already like Carrie.

Ah, the spin-meister speaks.

So you all set to meet
the incredible Billy?

Well, he sounds very special.

Yeah, well, he better be.

After all this buildup.

Come on, Carrie, we're late!


I'm coming, I'm coming.

Oh, Carrie, you look beautiful.

Oh, thank you.

Come on, Carrie!


Oh, there's Tom!

I wonder where Billy is.


Oh, no!


It's going to be a long night.

At least there's disco.

- How are you?
- Yeah, I'm so good.

- You look great.
- Thank you. So do you.

Carrie Nichols Carver.

Most likely to succeed,

best hair, best
grades, best boyfriends.

Oh, and she is running
for mayor, of course.

If there's a camera in my
face, it must belong to Beverly.



- Tom.
- Long time.

Yeah, good to see you.

- Tom, this is Monica.
- Hello.


Tom is the best
attorney in town.

So, if you're ever in
trouble, he's your guy.

I'll remember that.

Is he here yet?

I haven't seen him.

Would "he" be Billy?

Yes, the last member of
The, uh, Horrible Threesome.

The Terrible Trio.

We sang in college pubs.

Well, we drank mostly.

That's where the
"terrible" part came in.

Anyway, Billy took a
teaching job in California,

and we don't see much of
each other, but we still feel close.

I don't believe it!

Oh, boy.

Well, what else can I say?

Sam, Billy. Billy, Sam.

Oh, the famous Sam.


I should've married
her myself, but...

I forget, why didn't
we get married?

All your other girlfriends
wouldn't let you.

Ah, yes, it's all coming
back to me now.

Ah, ah!


Carrie, it's our song.

You have your own song?

Can I borrow her, please?

I promise to bring her
back when I'm through.

You don't mind, do you?


No, go ahead.

I thought they
just sang together.

I had no idea they
were this close.

♪ To save what
little we have left ♪

♪ Yeah, let's start
with something new ♪

♪ And let's start with
you before it's too late ♪

♪ And they take it away ♪

♪ Away ♪

♪ Oh, let's start
with something new ♪

♪ And let's start... ♪

Looks like a happy reunion.

I wonder why it
doesn't feel like one.

♪ Take it away ♪

♪ Before they take
it away from you. ♪

Honey? Do you
remember that surprise

- I was telling you about?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, it's now.

Sam, I know you're
in reunion hell,

but it's gonna be over soon.

Ladies and gentlemen,
here they are

for the first time in 16 years.

Back by popular demand...

Carrie blackmailed me.

The class of '82 proudly
presents The Terrible Trio.

♪ If you're ever in
a jam, here I am ♪

♪ If you're ever in
a mess, S.O.S. ♪

♪ If you ever feel so
happy you land in jail ♪

♪ I'm your bail ♪

♪ It's friendship, friendship ♪

♪ Just a perfect blend-ship ♪

♪ When other friendships
have been forgot ♪

♪ Ours will still be hot ♪

♪ Lahdle-ahdle-ahdle,
dig-dig-dig ♪

Another one?

A little more fizz
this time, please.


No, angel girl, I'm cutting
you off at six umbrellas.

You're here to listen.

Well, I think they
sound pretty good.

They do.

After all these years.

Now, what does that tell you?

Some things you
never forget, I guess.

Some things never change.

Sometimes, memories keep
people harmonizing together

long after the music is over.

♪ Lahdle-ahdle-ahdle-
ahdle-ahdle ♪

♪ Remember... ♪

♪ A man's best friend
is his man's best friend ♪

♪ Is his man's best
friend is his friend ♪

♪ A man's best
friend is his friend. ♪

♪ Ours will still be hot ♪


Okay, last time, I promise.

You were great, hmm?

You understand now?

Of course I do.

I mean, I-I'll have to
admit though, at first,

I didn't quite get it,

but seeing the three
of you together tonight,

there's obviously something
very special going on.

Tom's a great guy, and, uh,
Billy seems like a lot of fun.

I mean, uh, was he
always that crazy?

Oh, that's just Billy.

We're an odd bunch.

I'd do anything for those guys,

and they would
do anything for me.


Billy's not going
back to California.


Yeah, he lost his job,

and he was hoping to,
uh, give it a try up here.

I told him I'd pull some strings
at the Board of Education.

Just be careful, kiddo.

You're not just a citizen
anymore, you're a candidate.

I also offered...

And I know I should've
talked to you first, but, um...

would you mind if Billy
stayed in the basement

for a little while?

Just till he gets on his feet?

Yeah, okay, sure.


He can't get an apartment?

Oh, he will.

But he got divorced last year;
money's really tight right now.

Carrie... Huh?

Before he moves in here with us,

there's just one
thing I'd like to know.

Was he really like a
brother to you or...?

Or a boyfriend?

Freshman year,

this guy walks up to me
while I'm studying for biology,

tells me his girlfriend
broke up with him,

he's been too depressed
to come to class,

could he pretty please
borrow my notes.

I said, "Sure, if you can
make any sense out of them."

He smiles, leans over
and whispers in my ear,

"Everything makes
sense up on the roof."

The next thing I know,
we're sitting on the roof

of the frat house,
looking at the stars.

He kissed me, we fooled around,

it lasted two weeks.

We realized we'd make
better friends than lovers.

And the rest is history.

I was never in love with him.

Or anyone else, till you.


If you're like I am, you
read the newspapers,

and you ask yourself,

"What on earth is going
on in our high schools?"

Why are parents afraid to
send their children to school?

As mayor, I
promise, this... Cut!

I'm sorry, honey.

We've still got a sound problem.

It's going to be
a while, all right?

Okay, I'm just gonna go
inside for a minute, all right?

Hey, Monica, you
want to see something?


"The quality of
mercy "is not strained.

"It droppeth as the
gentle rain from heaven

upon the place beneath."


So what's being said here?

Mercy isn't strained.

Like what?

Like, uh, like a twisted ankle?

Like, uh... Strained
like baby food?

Mercy is strained peaches?

Yeah, actually.

Because when you
strain something,

you separate stuff and
you get only part of it back.

Mercy is like... 100%.

The whole nine yards.

He's very talented.

He should've been a... an actor.

Or a poet.

Just baby food.

Now, Portia goes on to say,

- "It is twice blessed..."
- He could be a politician.

I should think being a
teacher satisfies all of that.

Oh, maybe you're right.

Well, he's definitely a natural.

And you can tell
the kids love him.

You're a good
friend to help him.

Oh, what are friends for?

I'll be right out.


I'm going to skip fifth period
and go buy some jeans.

You can't, Emily.

Kaplan's giving a quiz.

What difference does it make?

I... I'm flunking
everything anyway.

Not English.

Yeah, can you believe that?

Hamstead's really
going to give me a "C"

after everything that I did.

Yeah, well, so much
for "the quality of mercy."

Yeah, well... he's
going to be sorry.

There is no mercy for Billy.

He's going to pay.

The only cooking
I'm going to do tonight

is when I take the pizza

out of the box and
put it on the plate.

- Hi, Billy.
- I thought I'd make

you guys a romantic
thank-you dinner.

Oh, that is so sweet!

But, oh, we got a pizza
coming and a lot of work to do.

What's this?

Uh, nothing much...
It's an IOU for the rent.

I can't pay you now, but I
want you to know that I will.

Billy, you're our guest.

I feel much better this way.

You guys have been so wonderful.

Who on earth could
that be this late?

I'll get it.

You, sit here.

This is so lovely.

Does a William
Hamstead live here?


That's me.

William Hamstead, I have
a warrant for your arrest.

- What?
- You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say
can and will be used

- against you in a court of law.
- This is a mistake!

You have the right to
speak to an attorney.

What is going on?

If you cannot afford an
attorney, the court will

- appoint one for you.
- Let's go.

Excuse me. What are the charges?

Sexual misconduct with a minor.

Come on.

Well, the press will pick it up,

but not before the
morning papers.

If he's released
on bail before then,

you can avoid the
television cameras,

and after that,
you tell the truth.

Now, I say that we
distance ourselves

as much as possible.

We say he was a
renter, a... a tenant.

And if pressed,
we can say he was

a vague acquaintance
from college.

No, Sam.

If I can't be his friend now,
then I never really was one.


He's in lockup.

And he's going to
have to spend the night.

- Have you seen him?
- Yes.

He's scared.

It's not pretty in there.

What's the bail going to be?

We'll find out at the
arraignment tomorrow.

My guess is $100,000.

Special circumstances.

He's a teacher in
a position of trust.

Was a teacher.

He's never going to be able

to get another job
now no matter what.

It's unbelievable.

What supposedly happened?

Well, allegedly,

he seduced a
17-year-old female student.

She walked into
the principal's office

and reported it this afternoon.

Tom, this morning,
at his school,

I-I overheard a girl
named, um, Emily

telling a friend of hers that
she was going to get even

with Billy for giving
her a low grade.

She made it up... it's not true.

What does Billy say?


I'm going to do everything
I can to help him.

You know that.

But things have just changed.

I'm still your friend, but
now I'm Billy's attorney,

and I can't talk about
the case with you.

Okay, great.

Yeah, thank you so much.

All right, Ben LaCotta
down at First National

says he can refinance.

He'll have a check
ready for us in an hour.

And I'm cashing in our bonds.

Carrie, that's our life
savings, our whole future.

But we'll get it back.

He's not going to jump
bail, but if we wait too long,

the press will catch
him coming out of jail.

If we leave him
there, it'll only look

like we don't believe in him.

Yes, if Carrie's going to
be branded as his friend,

then she should be
branded as a loyal one.


Damned if you do,
damned if you don't.

I'll go down to the bank.

You know, right after college,

when my parents
died in the crash,

Billy was down in
Mexico bumming around.

And he hitchhiked
for three days straight

and got as far as Las Vegas.

And then he borrowed the money
to fly the rest of the way here.

And he walked into
that funeral all dirty

and scruffy and half dead.

But he was there for me.

Details are still sketchy,

but sources say
Hamstead was charged

with sexual
misconduct with a minor.

Hamstead and candidate Carver,

seen here at a recent
reunion, were college friends.

♪ If you ever ♪

♪ Feel so happy
you land in jail ♪

♪ I'm your bail. ♪

And Carrie Carver
was his bail today,

putting down $100,000 in cash

to release her
friend from custody.

So far, there has
been no statement

from Carver headquarters.

This is Roger Bartlett,
Timeline New...

Stupid Beverly.

Never could trust
her with a camera.

I don't know what to say.

I feel terrible.

Carrie, you are the last
person on earth to deserve this.

Oh, it's not your fault, Billy.

It's just a strange
world out there.

Used to be kids would put
tacks on a teacher's chair

if they didn't like them.

Now they... just
destroy their lives.


The vultures are gathering.

I'm ready.

- You going to make a statement?
- I don't have any choice.

It's just brief.

Shock, concern,

confidence that the
truth will come out.

Meanwhile, the
campaign continues.

Yeah, good.

Keep it simple.

Don't say too much.

I think Billy and I
should go out the back.

Ms. Carver, are you going

to make a statement?

I'm so sorry.

Carrie, try to get away and
meet me at Frodo's tonight.

Ladies and gentlemen,
please, please.

Ms. Carver would like
to make a brief statement.

I am shocked and dismayed

by the allegations
that have been made

against Mr. William Hamstead.

I have known him for 20 years,

since we were
classmates in college.

I consider him to be
a wonderful teacher

and a good friend.

Mr. Hamstead was indeed
arrested here last night,

but was released
within several hours

on his own recognizance.

He has offered
to leave our home,

and I have accepted reluctantly.

I have every confidence
that there will be

a speedy resolution
to this matter.

Mrs. Carver, how is that
going to affect your campaign?

And I just... I want you
people to be very careful here.

A man's reputation
is on the line...

His livelihood, even his life.

I know Billy Hamstead,
and I know in my heart

that he did not
do anything wrong.

Please, give him
the chance to prove it.

- Thank you.
- No more questions.

Carrie, the girl said that it
happened here. Is it true?

What did you say?

The girl alleges the act
took place in your home.

How does that make you feel?

Don't answer.

Uh, there will be
no more questions,

and perhaps I can help
to clarify some things.


Wife's hanging around
with a child molester, huh?

- What?
- Some mayor she'll make.



Why would that kid say
something like that if it wasn't true?

Uh... to make it sound true.

The crazier something sounds,

the more the press
is going to jump on it.

And... and the more
they talk about it,

the truer people are
going to think it is.

Carrie, did Billy ever
actually say he didn't do it?

He didn't have to, Sam.

I love you, honey, and I
know that being a good friend

means everything to
you, and I respect that,

but the problem is,
being your husband

means everything to me.

Billy is your friend, not mine.

I'm just your husband.

And I'm starting to wonder
what matters more for you.

- I need some...
- Sam!

Carrie, I was wondering,
that story about Billy

borrowing money to go
to your parents' funeral...

Did he ever pay it back?

Tom, where is Billy?

I put him up in a hotel.

Have you heard what
that girl's saying now?

She says it happened
at the house... my house.

I know.

It was in her statement
in the police report.

The press go through
those like leeches.

What I want to know is:

Why did I have to hear
it from them and not you?

Carrie, I told you before,

there's an attorney-client
privilege I can't break.

Not for anyone, not even you.

Tom, is there something
that Carrie needs to know

that you can't tell us?

If I answer that
question in any way,

it would compromise my client.

Oh, I don't believe this.

If I were a reporter
and wanted to know

what the lawyers
know, what would I do?

A reporter would check
the baskets in the courthouse

to see what cases have
been filed with the clerk,

or they'd read
the police report.

And anyone can do that?


What are you trying to tell me?

That I care about you.

It doesn't mention Emily
by name... she's a minor...

But the police report
says everything else.

Oh, this is ridiculous.

"Minor says she was
lured to the Carver home

by suspect on the
night of October 5."

Uh, that night,
you gave a speech

to the chamber of commerce.


I don't believe this.

Just because we weren't home
that night does not... mean...

"On October 5, suspect offered
to help her with her homework.

"When minor complained that
the homework was too hard,

"the suspect said,

"" Things always make
sense up on the roof.'

Suspect invited minor
to look at the stars."

Oh, my God, Monica.

He did it.

- She's 17.
- She told me she was 18,

and believe me, she's
like 18 going on 30.

17, 18... what
difference does it make?

Billy, she was your student!

Nobody got hurt.

A 17-year-old
girl looking for love

from an adult male teacher
has already been hurt

somewhere along the line.

What she needed
from you was help,

and all you gave her
was the old Billy line.

Look, I'm not
proud of this, okay?

It only happened once,
and I thought it was over.

And then you gave her a C.

She wanted a B.

She should have gotten a D.

I said to give her
anything higher

would have been unfair
to the rest of the class.

- That was very ethical of you.
- Oh, come on,

Carrie, give me a break.

If there was any way I
could undo all this, I would.

But I could go to jail for this.

I'm gonna have a record.

I may have to register wherever
I go for the rest of my life.

It's over for me...
unless you help me.

But, Billy, you did it.

I know, but she lied.

She didn't do anything
she didn't want to do.

My God, the hearing's tomorrow;
she's gonna be 18 next month.

I can't lie for you.

You don't have to.

Just tell them what you heard.

She said she wanted
to get even with me.

It's her word against mine.

If someone heard her thr*aten
me, that's reasonable doubt.

Now, Carrie, we sat in the
same restaurant 20 years ago

and promised we'd always
be there for each other.

Well, I need you now.

I'm scared.

I have to think about this.

I knew you'd come
through for me.

Do you remember
when my folks died?

- What?
- When you came to the funeral,

you borrowed money
from somebody to get there.

Oh, yeah.

Did you ever pay them back?

Oh, yeah, sure.

I'm sure, yeah.

I'll see you.

Where have you been?


Looking for the truth.

Did you find it?

I honestly thought that I was
the best person for the job.

You are.


When the chips are down,

I go with my heart, not my head.

Carrie Carver cares, but
Carrie isn't cynical enough or...

suspicious enough to
make the tough calls.

You know what to do, Carrie.

It's not that
difficult a decision;

it's just a painful one.

What kind of friend
would let him go to jail?

What kind of friend
would ask you to lie?

He didn't exactly ask me to lie.

It's just telling the
truth about what I heard.

- And not what you know.
- Monica,

he's my friend.

He was your friend,

but you've turned friendship
into some kind of a religion.

No one has the right to ask
you to compromise who you are

for the sake of old times.

You can't sacrifice yourself

at the altar of good memories.

Why not?! What
is an altar, anyway?

A place where you bring

the best part of yourself...

and you offer it up.

It's also a place...

where you bring the saddest
and the weakest part of yourself

and you ask for
it to be lifted up.

There's only one
friend who can do that?

What's happening, Monica?

I'm an angel, Carrie.

God has sent an
angel to help you.

I'm having some
trouble with this, Monica.

But you know it's
true... don't you?

Oh... God loves you, Carrie.

He gave you a good
and loving heart,

and it pleases
Him so to see you...

this generous

with your husband, with
Tom, with the people of the city.

But the heart that He
made for you is precious,

and He doesn't want
to see it get broken.

So is... He going to
tell me what to do?

You know what to do.

God just wants to
help you understand

why you need to do it.

You see, you think
that no one knows Billy

better than you or cares
about him more than you,

but you're wrong.

God loves Billy more
than anyone possibly could,

and He knows him better.

You've spent your whole life...

catching Billy when he fell.

But, Carrie, if children

never learn to fall, they
never really learn to walk.

And Billy has
spent his whole life

stumbling through the world,

letting people like
you hold him up.

You called it friendship.

But the truth is that it
was comforting to you

to know that some things,
like Billy, never changed,

but it's crippling him.


God wants you to
get out of the way.

You cannot fix Billy.

God can, but in His
time, in His own way.

You have to let Billy fall

so that God can pick him up,

so that God can lift him higher

and make him stronger
than you ever could.

It's gonna break his heart.

He's gonna think
that I betrayed him.

Today perhaps... but one day...

he'll understand what
a good friend you were.

Have you seen Carrie Carver?

Let's go this way.

Hey, how you feeling?

I, uh... got another
call from my doctor.

I go back for more
chemo tomorrow.

If you're ever in
a jam, here I am.

I know.

In a mess, S.O.S.

This is just a hearing.

You don't have to testify,

but I need to know if
you're willing to later.

It will affect how
we plead today.

I need some time
alone with Billy.


- Hey. Thank you.
- What for?

You never said, "I told you so."

I never would.

I love you.

You're the best
friend I've ever had.

So, what's the verdict?

Uh... Billy, I love you...

Oh, Carrie, I'm begging,
I need your help.

- I just made a mistake.
- You made a choice.

You knew what you were doing.

And just like you always have,
you figured somebody was gonna

help you out of it,
somebody was gonna...

loan you the money or give
you the right answers to the test

or pull the right
strings, but...

I can't do that for
you anymore, Billy.

I trusted you, I defended you,

and you committed
a crime in my home.

And I still forgave you!

And then you jeopardized

my career and my
marriage and even my house,

and I was still willing
to go to the wall for you.

But this is it, Billy.

This is the wall...

and... I have to
leave you here at it.

And I will... miss you.

Carrie, I know I'm
just a screw-up,

but I can... I can change.

I will.

I know you will.

You're gonna grow up.

Um, by the way...

the person that you borrowed

the money from... it was me.

And I expect you to
pay it back someday.

Hello. Uh, Ms. Carver
will be making a statement,

and afterwards, she
will take some questions.

I have been informed today

that Mr. William Hamstead
has pled guilty to a lesser charge

in court this morning and
will receive a jail sentence.

As you know, Mr. Hamstead
was a friend of mine,

and I am deeply
troubled by his behavior...

but encouraged by his
acceptance of responsibility.

It is my hope that at some point
he will get the help he needs.

We got a Hamstead,
William, two years, county.

Good. Just in time...

The bus was just
about to pull out.

We've been waiting
for you, Mr. Hamstead.

As for myself, I
am not convinced

that my campaign

has been irreparably harmed
by this unfortunate event...

and I will press
on to the finish.

I had nothing to
do with this case,

except, perhaps, be guilty...

of believing in a friend...

at the expense of truth.

I won't do it again.

- Questions.
- Ms. Carver,

was this a case of bad
judgment on your part?


- Next question.
- A recent poll

is showing you losing nearly
15 points to the incumbent.

Do you feel you can

make up that loss
in such a short time?

Yes, I-I do.

I feel that the voters will...

and see that I have always
been truthful with them.

The important poll

is the one taken
on Election Day.


What will be the main
focus of your campaign

in the final week
before the election?

I will continue to speak out

on city government reform.
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