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02x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 04/30/23 05:49
by bunniefuu
In the last episode of Soap,

Chester came from the hospital
still not knowing who he is.

But the Major convinced him
he's a colonel.

With two loonies to look after,

Benson would love to put them
in the old soldiers' home.

When Jessica came home,

Corinne told her she's pregnant.

But she's afraid to tell Tim
because he might leave home.

Jodie told Dennis
since he's marrying Carol

he no longer considers
Dennis' apartment home.

Mary's professor drove her home

and tried to take advantage
of her.

And when Burt came home
and saw them,

he thought they
were carrying on,

so he left home,

got drunk,
and went to Sally's home.

What ever happened
to "home sweet home"?


You won't be after this
week's episode of... Soap.

This is the story
of two sisters.

Jessica Tate

and Mary Campbell.

These are the Tates,

and these are the Campbells.

And this is Soap.


God. How could I do this
to Mary?

Mary? What Mary?
Mary did it first.

I'm only doing what she did.

Oh, my God.
What have I done? I...

Nothing. Maybe nothing.

I don't remember. I...

Maybe I didn't do it.

Morning, King Kong.

I did it.

Sleep well?

I don't know.

You don't know?

I think so. Yeah. Probably.

I certainly slept well.

Oh, good. I'm glad.

Sleep is good.

It was the best, Burt.
It was the best ever.

Sleep is wonderful. It's true.

I'm not talking about sleep.

Oh... Are you sure
I was here?

Oh, Burt.

I don't remember.

You're kidding.


I'm sorry. I...
Oh, God. How could I do this?

I feel so guilty.

Oh, Burt, come on.

There's no reason
to feel guilty.

Are you kidding? No reason?
There's a very good reason.

Ow. Oh, my head.
Oh. Oh, you see that?

I'm so guilty I...
I got a splitting headache.

It's a hangover. Anyway,
why should you feel guilty?

You haven't done anything
your wife didn't do.

If anything,
you should be angry.

That's right, I should be angry,
not guilty.

Angry, and I am.

I'm really angry,
good and angry.

But I'm guilty. I also...
I'm guilty and I'm angry.

You're more angry than guilty.

I'm confused. That's what I am.
I'm confused.

I gotta get this...
it's morning.

I've got to get out of here.

What am I going to tell Mary?

Make something up.

I was kidnapped.
I'll tell her I was kidnapped.

She'll never believe that.
I gotta get out of here.

I'll make up something
on the way home.

It'll be good.
I hope so.

Because it isn't going to be
easy to explain the outfit.

Have a nice day.

Benson, could you pour me
some more coffee, please?

Tim, that's your th cup.

I need my wits about me today.

There's not that much coffee
in the world.

Tim, would you just relax?

How can I relax?

My first day of work

since I left the priesthood.

What am I qualified
to do? Bless?

Burt and Danny gave me this job

because they felt sorry for me.

Oh, Tim, that's not true.

All my life,

I wanted to do something

for the betterment of society.

What could I possibly do

way up there on a girder

that could make
a positive contribution

to mankind?


Good morning, everyone.

Good morning, Mother.

How's Daddy doing this morning?

Oh, Eunice,

he is percent better
than last night.


He called me by my right name.

Oh, that's wonderful.


He said,
"Good morning, Jessica."

Me too. He saw me in the hall,

waved, and said
"Good morning, Jessica."

Oh, Simpson,

get me General Eisenhower
on the phone.

Imagine, Colonel Tate
trying to wrangle a discharge

by pretending
to be Marlene Dietrich.

♪ Falling in love again
What am I to do ♪

♪ What am I to do ♪

♪ Can't help it ♪



You call Marlene Dietrich
a traitor

after all the time
I've given to the troops?

Guten Morgen.

Was ist los?

This is
another one of those times

when nobody says anything
until I'm out of the room.

It's okay. I'll go.
I'll find someone to talk to.

Maybe after school
I'll get married

and buy a condominium.

Then my wife and I
can invite you over for dinner

and we can leave
so you can talk.

Goodbye, Jessica.


why are you acting
like Marlene Dietrich?

Who should I act like,
Eleanor Roosevelt?

But who told you

you were Marlene Dietrich?

Well, it's a hell of a lot safer

than blowing up
the damn neighborhood.

Well, that's true.

Isn't anyone going
to ask me to sing?

I don't think so, dear.

Miss Dietrich,

why don't I take you upstairs

and you can relax?

♪ Falling In love again ♪

♪ Never wanted to... ♪

Oh, come on, Tim.

I'll, uh,
drive you to work, okay?

Good luck, dear.



You okay?

Oh, Benson,
I just don't think I can do it.

I just don't think
I can go on acting cheerful.

Well, then, stop.

If I stop acting cheerful,
I'll cry.

Then cry.

I can't.

Why not?

In front of you?

Well, I'll leave the room.

Cry alone?

Then I'll stay here
and cover my eyes.

I haven't cried in a long time.

You sure deserve a good one.

Okay, I'm gonna do it.


I can't.
Sure, you can.

No, I can't.

You're trying too hard.

No, that's not it.

What is it, then?

I don't have to anymore.

Why not?

You cheered me up.


Thank you, Benson.

Any time.

Good morning.

Want some more coffee?

This is my th cup.

I haven't blinked
since midnight.

What's the matter?

Burt didn't come home.

He's dead. I know it.

Come on, Ma, he's not dead.

I'm sure

there's some
logical explanation.

Sure... like death.

He's lying dead
in an alley some place.

Some maniac probably k*lled him
for a Chiclet.

Hey, he probably
just fell asleep at the office.

I called the office all night.
He's not at the office.

He's dead.

He's not dead.

I called the police
at : this morning.

Did you know that a person
isn't a missing person

for hours?

He's dead.

Well, why didn't you wake me up?

I didn't want to disturb you.

Disturb me?

Burt's dead, and you
don't want to disturb me?

He's not dead. How dare you
say something like that!


Oh, Burt, oh, Burt! Oh...

Where have you been?
Are you all right?

What happened?

You didn't hear?

No. What?

About the airplane?


It wasn't on the news?

I didn't watch the news.

What happened?

Last night,
I'm driving home, right?

You know, along that highway...

all of a sudden,
I don't know where...


A plane... lands...

right there
in the middle of the highway.

Nobody could move.

I mean, the thing
took up the whole road.

I mean, two Hondas, a Datsun,
and a Subaru got through.

They drove under the wing.

I thought for sure

you would have seen it
on television.

I mean, there was
a television crew there,

and, uh...

I waved.

You mean
you had to stay there all night?

they asked for volunteers...

to help take the wings
off the plane

so the traffic
could get through.

You know,
that's not an easy job,

you know.

They really put those wings on
pretty tight.

Well, uh, as long
as you're alive,

I'm going to go to work.

If you'd been dead,

I was going to knock off
a half a day out of respect.

Goodbye, Ma. Get some sleep.


Well, I...

I hope you weren't too worried.

I'm so glad you're home.

Now, what do you want
for breakfast?

Oh, anything. I don't care.
Anything. I don't know.

A couple of eggs, over-easy,
Canadian bacon, crisp,

sour dough toast,
a little tangerine juice.

So, uh...
what's new?

Nothing much.



What did you do yesterday?

Nothing much.


I thought you went to school.

Oh, that's right, I did.
I forgot.

How do you forget school?

Well, I've been up all night.
My brain's like these eggs.

So... how is school?

It's okay, I guess.

How is your professor?

My professor?

the good-looking professor.

He's all right, I guess.

Yeah, that...

uh... The good-looking,
charming professor.




Mary, is there anything, uh...

you want to say to me?

You sure?



You mean,

there's nothing you think
that we ought to discuss?


Is there anything
you want to discuss?



I don't want any eggs.
Nothing. No breakfast.

I ate on the plane.

Are they serious?


Do you know
what they have in here?

Queen Bee hormones.

Now, how the hell do you suppose
they go about getting that?


Mine's made from cow placenta.

You peel it off,
you fall in love with a heifer.

Don't make me laugh.

My face will crack.


Did you hear about an airplane
landing on a highway last night?

No. What happened?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe if I'd done this
years ago

I'd have cheekbones by now.

I always wanted to do this,
you know?

To have...

like... a mother,

and... and we'd do
this sort of thing.

My mother died when I was ,

so we never got around
to face masks.

Well, I never had a daughter,

and the boys
never wanted to do this.

Well, Jodie... once.

It's uh...

It's like having a mother.

It's like having a daughter.

I'm just sorry

it took so long to happen.

Oh, I'm so glad it did.



Burt, look at this.

All this space here

on top of this building?

Yeah. That's where we put
the heating unit.

Most of this is wasted space.


So? So you put on
a coat of paint,

you hang a few lamps

and bang!

Instant office space.

Office space?

Office space?

That office space
is only four feet high.

I'm way ahead of you, Burt.



Yeah. Yeah.

We rent it out to midgets.


Burt, I'm telling you,

it's a great idea.



How's everything?

Perfect. Great.

No problems?
Everything's okay, huh?

Couldn't be better.

Couldn't be better.

Is that cement?

Oh, yeah, Burt, it's cement.

Oh, well, good.

As long as everything's okay.


Tim, is that blood?

On your nose.

Oh, yeah, it's blood.
A little blood on my nose.

Are you okay?


A little cement,
a little blood on my nose...


How did you get
the blood on your nose?

From falling.

I think from falling.

You fell?

In the cement.

How did you fall?

When the guy yelled "help."

When what guy yelled "help"?

The guy who fell first.

Hey. How did
he fall?

He slipped.

How did he slip, Tim?

When the bologna
dropped out of my lunch pail.

And you reached out

to grab him,

then you fell.

Did you see it happen?


I've been in this business
a long time, Tim.

Then I tripped.

On the bologna.

You guys are uncanny.

What happened to the other guy,

the guy who fell?

Oh, he's okay.

He landed in the big sand thing.


Right. The truck.

He broke his thermos.

I'll bet.

Well, I've taken
enough of your time.

It's all right.

You just drop by
any time you like, Tim.

Actually, I came by to quit.

I wrote my resignation

on the bologna wrapper.

Yeah, well,

everything seems to be in order.

You forgot the date.

No. There it is.
It's right there.

See, that's the date
the bologna expires.

I'll see you.

Wait a minute.

Wait... Wait a minute.

What are doing?
Why are you quitting?

Come on, look,
aren't you happy here?

I'm a jinx.

Tim, you're not a jinx.

Burt, I almost k*lled
somebody today.

I already have my mother's blood

on my hands.

I think you're both terrific,

and I'll never forget
what you've done for me.

But for everbody involved,

it's better if I go.


So long.

And thanks.

I don't know, I don't know.
Maybe it's for the best.

I don't think he was cut out
for this kind of work.

I guess so.

But Burt,

about my idea
for the office space

for the midgets...

Will you stop with the midgets?

Midgets get office space
for free, Danny.

They do?

Of course...
you never heard of

the Small Business

Open mine.
Open mine.


Oh, Elaine.

Oh, thank you.

I hope you like it.

I hope it helps.

Well, I hope
that's the last present

so you all
can just clear out of there.

[WHISPERS] Benson!

I was wondering...

did anyone happen to hear

about a plane that landed
on the highway?

ALL: No.

Okay. That's it. Party's over.
Up and out.

No more coffee.

I got so many lovely presents.
Thank you so much.

Thank you very much.
That's very nice.

Good luck and goodbye.

Benson, we are not finished yet.
I want to make a toast.

With what? You don't have
anything in your hand.

You mean
it doesn't work otherwise?


It'll work, Mother.


I want to make a toast
to Jodie and Carol.

May they be as happy
as we all are.

Well, uh...

perhaps that wasn't
the correct toast to make.

It was a lovely toast, Jess.

Oh, Mary, I don't know.

I mean, look at all of us.

I'm married to a man
who doesn't remember.

Eunice is in love

with an escaped convict.

Corinne is married

to a depressed

Carol is going to marry

a h*m*,

and Elaine is married
to somebody who had to marry her

or get k*lled.

You're the only one, Mary,

with a normal marriage.

So I think
that the toast should be...

may everyone end up
with as beautiful a marriage

as Mary's.


I guess that wasn't
the correct toast to make




please take everyone
out in the kitchen

and... show them
the refrigerator.

Yes. Yes.

Come, come, girls.

You'll see the refrigerator.

Oh, good. You know, I've never
seen your refrigerator.

Oh, it's a
terrific refrigerator.

I love refrigerators.

Oh, Mary, what is it?




Burt is having an affair.

Oh, no.


Are you sure?

He's been working
later and later

and, the other night,
he stayed out all night,

and he came home with
this cockamamie story

about a plane
landing on the highway,

and when he came home
that morning, Jess,

he had already showered.

How do you know?

His hair was damp,
and he smelled of soap...

a woman's soap.

Men are so dumb to shower.

I mean,
Chester used to come home

after a long, hard day's work

smelling better
than when he left.

How could he do it, Jess?

How could he do that to me?


Mary, you have to talk to him.

Are you kidding?

Oh, Mary, you have to.

I mean, one affair doesn't mean

the end of the marriage.

I mean, if it did,

Chester and I
would have been finished

on the honeymoon.

On your honeymoon?

Well, looking back, probably.

Because I...

I really can't think
of any other reason

for the chambermaid's

to end up in my suitcase.

Oh, Jess.

Oh, Jess.

It hurts, Mary. I know.

I know,

and you feel so ugly
and clumsy and stupid,

so self-conscious

you don't even want
to walk around in front of him.

You don't even want to talk
in front of him,

and you're sure he hates you
and everything's all over...

but it isn't.

It isn't, Mary.

It feels like it is.

I know. I know.


Isn't this nice?


My husband is having an affair,

and you're calling it "nice"?

But you know

what is nice about it, Mary?

I always come running to you

for help.

This is the first time

I've ever been able to help you.

Oh, Jessie, you always help

just by being you
and being here.

You always help.


BENSON: Okay, that's it.
Tour's over.

Refrigerator is closed.

Let's move 'em out!

Hup, hup, hup, ho.


Will Jodie's upcoming marriage
to Carol work?

How will things work out
for Jessica

now that Chester
thinks he's Marlene Dietrich?

How long will Tim's marriage
to Corinne work

now that he's out of work?

Will Burt and Mary's marriage
continue to work

now that Burt thinks

Mary's schoolwork
wasn't really work?

And since Burt's
airplane story didn't work,

will Mary find out what Burt
was really working on

with someone from work?

These questions and many others
will be answered

in the next episode of...

Soap is videotaped
before a studio audience.
