02x04 - Teresa

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Saint". Aired: 4 October 1962 – 9 February 1969.*
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Simon is a wealthy adventurer and 20th Century Robin Hood, who travels the world in his white Volvo P1800S to solve the unsolvable and right wrongs.
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02x04 - Teresa

Post by bunniefuu »

For sheer vivid contrast,
come to sunny Mexico,

the land of the proud and the profane.

Of Adobe Walls and skyscrapers.

Of limousines and donkeys.

The very rich and the very poor.

These two worlds meet only once a year
which is at the Fiesta.

That's why I'm here. Excuse me.
Hey, Miguel! Over here.


How's the world's greatest
trapeze artist?

My old friend, you flatter me.

I've never seen anyone better.
What have you been up to?

Life goes on. The circus toured Europe
last summer, South America in winter.

Now back to Mexico for the Fiesta.

- Sounds exciting.
- I'm afraid my life is very dull

compared to the exploits
of the famous Simon Templar.

Carlos, don't.

This is Carlos Segoia
of the Bureau of Special Investigations.

I wish to speak to Fredrico Ribas.

Carlos, put down that phone.

Why, Teresa?

Because I can't go on any longer.

I've been patient because you insisted
but love can't wait forever, Carlos.

- You must help me.
- Teresa, your husband is dead.

- You cannot prove it.
- Gaspar is dead, believe me.

Then show me the file. Show me
the stamp which says "closed".

He tried to assassinate the president.
He failed.

He was the tool of influential men.

The entire police force was after him,
including me.

If we had caught him, we would have
made him reveal the names of the men.

- So?
- So they put out the order to k*ll him.

- We know that.
- But not that they succeeded.

Teresa, two years have passed.

We have agents everywhere. If Gaspar
was alive, we would have heard.

The police do not hear of many things.

Gaspar is either dead
or out of the country.

Teresa, wait.

What was the last contact
your men had with him?

You know all that. He lost himself
in the crowd at the Fiesta.

- Nothing after that?
- Nothing, I swear.

Thank you, Carlos.

Wait. I absolutely forbid this.

I intend to find my husband. Neither you
nor anyone else is going to stop me.

Pepe, Teresa Alvarez just left.
Did you see her?

- Yes.
- She's trying to find her husband.

Now? After all this time?

Yes. Follow her. She knew a lot of his
friends, some we never found out about.

She may go to them.
It could land her in big trouble.

- And it could lead us to Alvarez.
- I doubt it.

But keep your eyes open. She's a fine
woman. Nothing must happen to her.

Where do you think she will start?

I don't know. But watch her.
Follow her constantly.

- She might start with Miguel Artigas.
- Oh, the trapeze fellow.

Yes. There is a connection
there somewhere.

Miguel Artigas was performing
the clay Alvarez disappeared.

And he's performing tonight.
Vaya pronto.


It is not fair, sefior Templar.

Miguel eats like two horses
and never does he gain a pound.

But me, one glass of beer and it shows.

Pedro objects to my discipline

but this business needs fit bodies
and steady nerves.

- I'm sure.
- It also demands punctuality.

- Hurry, Miguel, and change.
- I'll get out of your way.

- I wanna hear about Spain.
- After the show. I want to see a circus.

You shall have my house seat.
You will see everything.

Thank you. And after the show,
we do the town, OK?

- My old friend. You have a date.
- Good luck.

I beg your pardon.
I wouldn't if I were you. He's changing.

- Oh. Is he alone?
- No, his partner's with him.

Please, sefior. I must speak with him.

Would you tell him Teresa Alvarez is out
here and could he spare me a moment?

All he can say is no. You wait here.

Miguel, there's a girl outside
wants to see you.

Every girl in Mexico is after Miguel.

This one says it's important.
Teresa Alvarez.


Don't get too involved, amigo.

- Teresa.
- Miguel, forgive me. I had to see you.

- Not here. I'm still being watched.
- No one saw me.

Teresa. You're very beautiful still.

I think of you often. Every time I come
to Mexico City, I look for you.

I think surely this time you'll come
to my performance but you do not.

Oh, Miguel. We have so much to say.

But what I must know tonight -
you were Gaspar's closest friend.

You were performing that night.
I know he came to you afterwards.

Where did you send him?

Teresa, you're wasting your time.
He's dead.

I don't believe it.

- And neither do you.
- No. No, I don't.

Tell me where you sent him
and I'll go away.

I'll never bring danger to you again.

- You want to find him?
- I must try.

They will k*ll you.

I would rather be dead
than not know the truth.

Tell me where you sent him.

We are on in a few minutes.
You must dress.

Teresa, we cannot talk here.

Listen. Watch the performance, huh?

Afterwards, we'll go to the old café.
I will tell you the whole story.

- You promise?
- I swear it.

Miguel, please.

(organ playing)

Well, hello again.

Good evening.

Since we're friends of Miguel's,
shouldn't we...

Please, sefior.
Let us watch the performance.


And now, ladies and gentlemen,

the greatest trapeze act in the world!

The incomparable Miguel Artigas
and Pedro!

(Trumpet fanfare)

(Cymbal crashing)

(Cymbal crescendo)


(Drum roll)

This was not an accident, sefior.
I must notify the police.

Not an accident?

An air r*fle pellet has gone in his right
arm. Not a wound that would injure,

but to cut short his precision of timing
and make him fall.

But who...who would do such a thing?

(Miguel) Tere... Teresa...

Do not talk, Miguel.

I must.

About Gaspar.

L...hid him on a lorry that night...
going to San Pedro.

A lorry going to San Pedro?


Avenida... Santo Bravo.

You've need of...

the brave saint?

One day, the president was taking
the salute at a military march past.


sefior Templar,
how do I know I can trust you?

You don't
but I was a good friend of Miguel's.

Go on.

Suddenly two sh*ts rang out.

They made sparks
on the castle stone work.

People were pointing to the roof of
a building. I saw the figure with a r*fle.

I shouted,
"There he is. There's the m*rder*r."

I didn't know it was my own husband.


Of course, two years ago,
that name burnt holes in newspapers.

He was the central organiser
for the whole plot to k*ll the president.

He knew everybody involved.

And some of them were big brass.

- Yes.
- Who are still big brass today?

I suppose so.
None of them was ever named.

So one of them, or his agent,
fired the air r*fle at Miguel.

Oh, I should not have gone to him.
I'm responsible.

You couldn't help it.

It's apparent that a lot of comfortable
tummies get indigestion

thinking what might happen
if you located your husband.

Why, unless he's still alive?

I think it's obvious that he is.

What beats me is why you are.

I didn't know any of his associates.

- None of them?
- No.

Surely you knew he was plotting
to overthrow the government?

Plotting to overthrow the government

is a mental exercise
practised by half in Latin America.

So you didn't take him seriously?

Men must always be taken seriously.

But believed?

That is something different.

And now I must go.

Where to? San Pedro where Miguel said?


- He didn't give you an address?
- No, it's a very small village.

"I have need of the brave saint."
What did he mean?

- I don't know.
- I do.

He meant I was to go with you.

Oh, no. I took this on alone.
I'll finish it alone.

We'll argue about that
on the way to San Pedro.

- Then they hired a car.
- Did they say where they were going?

There was a lot I couldn't hear,
but Vascoos will follow them.

No. On the long trip, Templar
will spot him in the first five miles.

We'll use the Highway Linkage.

The Saint may be useful.
He draws trouble like a hot poultice.

Get me Highway Linkage.

Just where did Miguel fit into all this?

He went to a few early meetings, more
to please Gaspar than anything else.

He learned enough
to become a security risk. Is that it?

I suppose we'll never know.

I'm going to make it my business
to find out.

Getting too hot for you?

No, I'm fine.

All right. You win.

I wanted to see who would crack first.
We've been going nonstop for six hours.

My tongue feels like
a strip of brake lining.

Regional headquarters? HL here.

A convertible with Templar
and the girl Alvarez has just driven in.


- Buenas tardes.
- Buenas tardes.

- A six-pack of cold beer.
- Si.

You have come far, sefior?

Far enough.

Going to Durango? Saltillo, maybe?

Maybe. Is that enough?

Si. Gracias.

- Amos.
- Adios, sefior.

- Beer.
- One beer, sefior. Coming up.

Ice-box fresh.

Like the wind off the snows.

Winter chasing summer from the throat.

My regrets. I have been ordered to detain
the driver of the car with your number.

- Why?
- You passed ten police checkpoints

following a car ahead of you.

- So what?
- The police asked me to detain you.

I am a deputy, sefior.

Well, who do I pay for the beer?
You or the police?

You pay me, sir, if you please.

miles and now we've found
the haystack.

Meaning how do we find the needle.

- It won't be easy.
- I keep thinking of Miguel's last words.

"I have need of the brave saint."

What did he mean?

I've no idea.

Simon, do you want to give up?


You're risking so much. I'm not worth it.

What's that supposed to mean?

You'll find out.

(Bell rings)

Vengo. Buenas tardes, sefior.

Buenas tardes, sefiora. We'd like
two rooms with baths if possible.

- Two rooms?
- That's what I said.


You have come far?
From the city, perhaps.

- Perhaps.
- And you wish to eat.

We're ravenous.

Nfimero cinco y seis. He will show you.

- Gracias.
- (Car pulls up)


Arriba las manos. Search him.

- Just a minute.
- No tricks, hombre.

- You're under arrest.
- But what has he done?

I don't move till I see your warrant.

We have your description
and car registration number.

- Simon Templar.
- Suspicion of m*rder?

Let's go, hombre. No tricks or I sh**t.

- I'll come with you.
- No, sefiora. You stay here.

Do as he says. No matter what happens,
don't leave the hotel.

Pardon me, sefiora.
My name is Juan Pepito Casemegas.

The drama I just witnessed,
please correct me if I'm wrong,

leaves you alone
and without an escort in a strange town.

- If I could be of any service.
- Oh, you're most kind, sefior.

And bored, my dear lady.

Bored, by the uneventfulness of
a lifetime spent travelling in underwear.

- Buenas tardes, sefior.
- A room for the night.

You asked to see me, sefior?

I'd like to know
why I've been in here two hours

without being allowed to use a phone.

I'm sorry, sefior, but those are my orders.

- You are to be held incommunicado.
- Whose orders and why?

I regret, sefior. I can tell you nothing.

Low dresses, high spirits,
the pop of champagne corks.

I so greatly enjoy these festive evenings.

Would you mind very much
if I joined you for coffee?

- Oh, please do.
- Thank you.

Our other new arrival
is evidently dining alone in his room.

How unsociable.
The clatter of a third fork and knife

might have at least added balance
to the acoustics.

Did you have a good look at him?

At? Oh, I'm sorry.

At the man who arrived after you.

I didn't know there was anybody.

- Why?
- Oh, no reason. Please forgive me.

You are upset, hm?

No word from your young friend?

No, not yet.

Would it be indelicate if I asked you
if he really did m*rder somebody?

Ah, yes, I can see it would.

Excuse me, sefiora.

Oh, thank you.

News from your young friend?


Excuse me, sefior.

- You are free to go, sefior.
- Just like that?

There wouldn't be explanations or
apologies, nothing chummy like that?

There was a matter of some fingerprints
on a beer glass

and the ballistics of the m*rder g*n.

We hear from Mexico City
that neither tally with yours.

May I ask who the victim was?

A police agent. He was k*lled shortly after
your car passed his refreshment stand.

- How about my g*n?
- I'll return it, sefior.

That way, please.

The sefiora that was with me.
Did she go out?

- No. She went up to her room.
- She's not there now.

Been here all evening?

Since dinner.

She must have gone out.


I told you to stay at the hotel.
What are you doing here?

- I'll explain later.
- You'll explain now.

This came for me.

- It's a trap. Back to the hotel.
- But...

Now will you go?

- Don't you ever do anything you're told?
- You lost him?

He's around here somewhere.

Simon, look.

- Avenue of the brave saint.
- Miguel said it when he died.

Avenida, not "I've need of."


- This is where he sent your husband.
- But which house?

Four. Remember? He raised four fingers.

The knife thrower vanished round here.
Think it's coincidence?

I don't know.


Sefiora, Miguel Artigas
gave us this address.

You...You knew my son?

You mean, you're his mother?

I am.

May God have pity on my grief.

Sefiora, my name is Templar.

This is sefiora Teresa Alvarez.

Alvarez? You're not welcome here.

Sefiora, we were with Miguel
when he died.


I was always against
what Miguel did for a profession

because I knew always in here
that one day he would fall to his death.

Now it has happened.

My son is gone.

He died peacefully, sefiora.

With great courage.

He said he loved you.

And you have come all the way
to San Pedro to tell me that?

And to ask about my husband.

I'm trying to trace him.
Miguel said he sent him here.

That is true.

I hid him for two nights.

Then when I found out
what he had done, I sent him away.

Where to?

He was not a man, always crying and
punishing himself, refusing to eat.

Sefiora, please tell us.

- Where did you send him?
- He went north.

In a truck.

Driven by a local man.

You will find him, in the village.

Sebastian lbanez.

, .

Now talk, amigo.

I took him to La Quinta.

- Where's that?
- North, in the mountain.

- But why La Quinta?
- That was where I was going.

With a load of grain.
Your husband did not care.

"Anywhere," he said, "Take me away
from here." He gave me his watch.

Yes, it's his.

If anybody comes asking the same
question, you've lost your memory.

Si, sefior.

And there's another
to make sure it stays lost.

Gracias, sefior.

- Amos.
- Si, sefior.

Let's get out of here before
our friend last night gets wise.

Give me minutes.

Why you k*ll me?
I've never seen you before.

The man and woman. What did they
want? What did you tell them?

Nothing, sefior. On my honour.


They asked me about Gaspar Alvarez.
I told him I took him to La Quinta.

- Go on.
- But... But that is all.

I swear it.


- You must come again, sefior.
- Thank you.

And your next stop, sefior?

We're not sure.

La Quinta, perhaps?

No, we're going south.

Have a good trip, sefior.

- Amos, sefiora.
- Adios, sefior.

Hasta la luego.

We're higher now. Take a good look.

No, nothing.
Maybe you scared him off last night.

I doubt that. Someone was paying the
police $ , to wipe you off the map.

Oh, and I'm paying you nothing
to stop them. It isn't fair.

I don't know. It's a nice day,
you're beautiful, I'm not complaining.

That's for saving my life.

I must try to save it more often.

Oh, Simon. The view. Stop for a moment.

- What's wrong?
- The brakes.

Teresa, bail out. Go on, jump!

I can't!


- You all right?
- Yes, I think so.

Can we get out of here?

What happened to the brakes?

What a good idea.
The shadow with the knife.

So that's why
he didn't bother to follow us.

I'm getting a little tired of playing Big
Chief Sitting Duck to a homicidal maniac.

It's all right. Come on, sit down.

What do we do now, just sit and wait?

What would you suggest?

But this is the middle of nowhere.
We didn't see a single car all morning.

I wouldn't worry too much. The traffic
thickens up around Christmas.

I'm thirsty.

Me too. Let's not think about it.

Go on about Gaspar.
How did you meet him in the first place?

Oh, it was years ago.

He came to see my father one day
with a petition,

about what's important in politics.

While he was waiting to see Papa,
he explained the petition to me.

I didn't understand it but...the way
Gaspar explained it was wonderful.

Here was a young man
who cared about life,

about injustice.

A man willing to fight for his ideals.

Ifell in love with him
just listening to him talk.

He didn't arouse the same emotions
in Miguel's mother.


You see, with Gaspar,
all failure is a kind of death.

Having failed in his mission,
he would be a broken man.

Which is why I wonder if he's still alive.

I think he may have k*lled himself.

You take it very calmly.

(Car engine)

Simon, listen.

Well, my young friends. We meet again.

What has happened?

We've had a slight accident.

- You're not hurt?
- No. But the car's a wreck.

Well, mine is not. I place it completely
at your disposal. Please.

Thanks. I'll get the bags.

- We were very lucky you came along.
- We could have been there for days.

I invariably turn up
at the most opportune moment.

I make a hobby of it.

Yes, you sure do.

I take it you're bound for La Quinta.

You knew that all along, didn't you?

We shall arrive there by nightfall.

There is no telephone.
A telegraph office, that is all.

- Where is that?
- At night, it is closed.

What arrangements can I make
about my car?

Sorry. We have no garage in La Quinta.

I can give you rooms and some soup.

I suggest you do nothing
until the morning.

My friends, this situation
is suddenly very clear to me.

We are in bandit territory.
La Quinta is one of their supply points.

The police and army
are powerless against them.

If I remember rightly, El Rojo
is the uncrowned king of these parts.

Most of his men
are fugitives from justice.

What do you suggest we do?

First of all, we plead poverty.
Then we do what we are expected to do.

We eat, we go to bed. Things
will be much better in the morning.

I'll go for the bags.

It occurs to me if El Rojo's men are
a bunch of fugitives from justice,

and Gaspar had every cop in Mexico
on his tail,

hiding out amongst them
would be the ideal setup for him.

- You may be right.
- I know I am.

We won't say anything to our fat friend.

Why not?

His turning up in the nick of time
was too pat to be true.

- Who is he?
- I don't know.

I don't think he's working for the others.

Could be a cop
hoping we'll lead him to Gaspar.

What do we do now?

I think we'll beat out a little message
on the tribal drums.

Pad rén?

This lady is la sefiora Gaspar Alvarez.

She is looking for her husband.

Alvarez is a common name.

You just put it on the grapevine
like a good fella.

Who knows?
It may bring forth some uncommon fruit.

(Dog barking)

Buenos dias. Think you can
rustle me up some coffee?

There's someone outside to see you.

That quick, huh? Well done, amigo.

- Well...
- You are sefior Templar?

I am.

I'd better go and get the sefiora, huh?

OK, amigo. Lead on.

Where is the fat one?

- He's not coming. Vamos.
- No vamos.

Good morning, my friend.
Off for an early ride, eh?

Get on, sefior.

No, my dear fellow.
I'm well past that sort of thing.

- You come.
- Escuche, amigo, no quiero cabalgar.

Get on, sefior.

It seems El Rojo
requests the pleasure of your company.

Ah, well. Can't very well ignore
such pointed invitation.

You haven't got a camera, have you?

No, I'm sorry.

Pity. None of my friends
will believe a word of this.

Vamos, caballeros.

What's this, the end of the road?

The fat one and the woman, wait here.


As the leader, go up there. On foot.

If they use me as a clay pigeon,
beat it back to the valley.

- Simon, be careful.
- I lead a charmed life.

Oh... I've decided in my heart
I loathe horses.

They are not only
uncomfortable to sit on...

they also smell.

What do we do now?

We wait, dear lady.
As patiently as possible.

You have sharp senses, hombre.

Just spread the wings a little.

Well worn.

Matt black on the sights.

A k*ller's g*n.

Blue eyes.

The two don't add up.

Why did you come here, sefior?
To die, perhaps?

Not specifically. I take it you're El Rojo.

The last of the dinosaurs.

Take a good look. And tell me
what you are to the woman.

Her name is Teresa Alvarez.
I'm helping her look for her husband.

- As a bounty hunter or hired g*n?
- As a friend.

You're a liar. And the fat one?

I don't know much about him. We picked
him up. He says he's a salesman.

And the three bears?
Didn't you run into them too?

Sure. We left them
with the seven dwarves.

All right, hombre.
You wanna meet Alvarez.

I'll take you to him.

Lucito! Bring the others!


Alvarez came to us two years ago
a hunted man, hombre.

A haunted man.

He begged me to let him join us.

I was not sure. He was an intellectual.

Such men fester in a lonely community.

They bring bad health.

So that's Alvarez, huh?

I let him stop a while.

He festered.

One night, he fell.

A long way.

- I see.
- I'm glad you do.

- Gaspar?
- I'm afraid so.

Yes, sefiora. Dead.

He died of a long fall to earth that began
one afternoon in Mexico City.

Dead, sefiora. irrevocably dead.

Do you understand?

It was the only escape for him.
If you wish to grieve a while,

we will leave you.

As my guests,
you will join me for supper.

Then I will decide
what is to be done with you.

Lucito? Guard her.

Come, gentlemen.

You will forgive the quality
of the cuisine.

Lucito is better with a g*n
than a frying pan.

At least I'm forced to applaud your wine.

We steal only the best.

(Horse snorting)

Tell me about...my husband.

I feel he must have become a different
person after he came up here.

Was he very unhappy?

A dead fire, sefiora.

- Why rake over the embers?
- Please tell me about him.

He hated himself.

- But why?
- Because he lost his nerve.

When he tried to k*ll the president,
he missed on purpose?

I mean a pull on the trigger
instead of a squeeze.

A thing of the mind. Weakness.
That is why he hated himself.

Weakness or humanity?

Gaspar Alvarez
put all of his trust in ideals.

In his friends.

Then one clay, he had to swallow
the truth about them in one big meal.

It wasn't the fight that k*lled him
but indigestion.

But what was this truth
he had to swallow?

That ideals
are pictures on the nursery wall.

That it isn't love but hate
that draws people together.

You really believe that?

If I didn't, I wouldn't be alive.

Rule for survival number one -
trust no man.

And especially trust no woman.

When I act on impulse, I do it right away,
but when I wait two years,

watch out.

What are you trying to say?

Simply that this is a put-up job.
You came here for my hide.

She was just an excuse.

If I'd wanted your hide, hombre,
I'd have come for it alone.

And I'd have got it.

On that rock this afternoon.

No, this whole trip was my idea.
I wanted to find out about...Gaspar.

About a man who didn't love you?

A man who married you for the political
connections your father could give him?

- He didn't marry me just for that.
- For that and money. You know he did.

At the beginning, he loved me.

He hated you. Do you deny that?


Then tell me your real reason
for coming up here.

How about you, fat man?

You're from the police, aren't you?
I smelt it the first moment I saw you.


And you are Gaspar Alvarez.

I smelt that
from the first moment I saw you.

Put that r*fle down, Alvarez.
Stop acting like a child.

Unless I contact Mexico City
by noon tomorrow,

all this area will be swarming with police

in hours.

I k*lled El R j .

It was me or him.

There was so much hate in me,
his men feared me.

I took over.

Gaspar, you'll be all right.
We'll get help. Your men can...

No. No.

You still love me, don't you, Teresa?

Say it.

I love you.

I'm sorry, Teresa.

Did you really love him?


I lied.

But he was dying. I had to say it.

Why did you really make this journey?

Simon, you are very kind and good
but it is not what you think.

You see, three months ago,
I fell in love with a man

who was everything Gaspar was not.

I respect the laws of my church.
Divorce is forbidden.

Now I can marry.

You see...

I came all this way not to make sure
my husband was alive...

but to make sure he was dead.
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