01x02 - The Latin Touch

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Saint". Aired: 4 October 1962 – 9 February 1969.*
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Simon is a wealthy adventurer and 20th Century Robin Hood, who travels the world in his white Volvo P1800S to solve the unsolvable and right wrongs.
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01x02 - The Latin Touch

Post by bunniefuu »


No, no. Grazie, non voglio.
Non ho bisogno.

Depending on how you feel,

Rome is either the most
historic city in the world,

or it's the city
of yells, bells and smells,

where every street vendor
and sidewalk photographer

is out to make a fast buck
from the unsuspecting tourist.

Take that couple over there.

They're about to be charged
, lire for a lire job.

(Italian accent) For you, a
special price. Only , lire.

Who d'you think you're kidding?
I'm from Missouri. Come on!

For heaven's sake, Eddie.
Stop hagglin'.

We've only got minutes
for the Coliseum.

We haven't even started.

It looked much better in that
Cecil B. de Mille movie.

(Man) You'd think they'd fix
it up. Hasn't got a roof on it.

(Whispers) I seen him somewhere.

Ada, I'm fried.
Can't we get a beer?

Do you know who he is?
He's a celebrity.

Who cares?

I seen in the papers
he was in Rome.

Eddie, that's
the famous Simon Templar!

- , lire?!
- Si, signora. Mille lire.

But the same trip yesterday
only cost .

Non so parlare inglese,
signorina. Mille lire!

- You're making a mistake.
- Mille. Mille.

(American accent)
Lei "sheedy" troppo.

No, no, lei CHIEDE troppo.

Having trouble?

He's charging me too much,
but he doesn't understand.

- Aufista, quanta fa?
- Mme “re.

- Autista, lei...

- E adesso quanta fa?
- Trecenko “re.

- He'll take .
- Here you are.

- What did you say?
- Nothing.

(Italian accent) He call me
a liar, a thief and a idiot,

and something which is not
translatable, even into English.

I'll take back the idiot part.
Park your cab and wait for us.

Wait? Me?! Drive a man who
has insulted Marco di Cesare?

- Never! I have my pride!
- , lire in advance.

I wait in the taxi.

I guess I have a lot to learn.
It's my first trip abroad.

Then allow me to be your guide,
philosopher and friend.

No strings attached,
no obligations, nothing.

- What do I call you?
- Simon. Simon Templar.

Hi, Simon Templar.
My name's Susan.

- Simon who?
- Templar.

Eddie, did you hear that?
I knew it was Simon Templar.

We should warn that girl.
She's American, I can tell.

There's nothing we can do.

Let's get the Coliseum over,
and have a beer.

Of course, the Romans
did things on a big scale.

The Coliseum
used to seat , people.

It was built on the site
of Nero's palace.

He was the emperor supposed to
have fiddled while Rome burnt.

That's the girl.

Of course, the original floor
doesn't exist any more.

Those walls and sections are
what's left of the dungeons,

where the Christians
used to sit and wait

and listen to the crowd roar,
and the dying scream.

Can we stay here
a minute and look?

- Why not? Cigarette?
- No, thanks.

These few minutes
make the trip seem worthwhile.

- Scusi, signore. Ha del fuoco?
- Si.

- How did I get here?
- I don't know, signor.

I wait outside
the Coliseum for you,

you don't come,
so I go inside to look for you.

I find you unconscious.

I was going for help,
and the police arrived.

- And then...and then!...
- Go on.

- They arrest me!
- You? What for?

They thought
I was trying to rob you.

Terrible, huh?

but how did you get my lighter?

It fell out your pocket
and I was keep it safe for you.

- My wallet, passport...
- No. The police have got them.

- Hey, guardia!
- Signor, please...

don't say nothing
about the lighter, eh?

I go to prison,

I got a wife
and seven children, and...

Relax. I just want
to get out of here.

Guardie'. Non c“e nessuno?

Oh, signor, you are very kind.
You make me feel ashamed.

I'm going to be honest with you.

- I not married.
- Couldn't care less.

Seven kids, and not married?!

No, you don't understand.

I say this for you
to be sympathy to me.

I got no kids. No wife.
I not even got a girlfriend.

- What happened to the girl?
- Girl? What girl?

The signorina you tried to take
for , lire.

- She was there when I was hit.
- I don't see her.

When I found you, all I see
was these American tourist.

The woman with the big mouth,
and the little husband.

Hey, guardie! Ho fretta.

There you are. My name's Eddie
Harmer. Indianapolis, Indiana.

- My wife, Ada.
- What can I do for you?

I don't know
who we ought to talk to,

but an American girl
was kidnapped in the Coliseum,

and the right people
should be told.

Guardia! Hey, guardia!

You sure took your time.

You, come.

That's what you get
with eating spaghetti.

- What about me?
- You, shut up!

I'm a respectable citizen.

I got a wife
and eleven children!

- IL signor Templar sta fuori.
- Bene, fal.l.o entrare.

Si, signore. Avanti.

- Come in.
- Are you in charge here?

- I am.
- Why am I being held?

- Sit down, Mr Templar.
- I'll stand.

I know your reputation,
Mr Templar,

so do not pretend being arrested
is a new experience for you.

What are you doing in Rome?

I WAS enjoying myself.
Is that a crime?

No. The girl you were with,
do you know who she is?

I never saw her before.

Hmm...Merely a... what
do you call...a pick-up?

- More or less.
- (Laughs) Bravo!

Not the way you mean it.

I saw her outside the Coliseum,
arguing with a cab driver.

He tried to overcharge her,
so I helped.

Then we went to look at the
Coliseum, and I got clipped.

When I came to,
I was in your guesthouse.

- I'd like to know why.
- Oh, sure.

At the moment you are charged
with disturbing the peace,

but it may be changed.

To what?

An accessory to kidnapping.

Thank you, Mr and Mrs Harmer.
You've been very good.

(Ada) The man with her
was that Simon Templar.

- We heard him say his name.
- Thank you for coming.

The matter will be handled
by the proper authorities.

- You here long, Governor?
- A month.

Governor lnverest chairs the
Italian-American Trade Board.

However, he has an appointment.

- Sure. Well, goodbye, all.
- Goodbye.

- Enjoy your stay.
- Bye, now.


- do you think it CAN be Sue?
- Sounds like it.

- Why on Earth...
- Money, probably.

We haven't any.

Mrs lnverest, to an Italian,
being Governor of a state

sounds like a big,
fat bundle of US dollars.

- Mr Benson, I want the police.
- I'll call Inspector Buono.

There'll be a car
out in front in five minutes.

I talked to the Ambassador
this morning.

He's flying in from London.
He'll be here soon.

In the meantime, the embassy
is at your complete disposal.

I appreciate that, Mr Benson.

Not at all, sir. Meet you
outside in five minutes.

It's insane. It can't be...

Maude, on any morning at : ,
how many American girls

wearing a striped silk dress
and black straw hat

are looking at the Coliseum
with Simon Templar?

Yes, the hat settles it.

You have my word, I never
saw your daughter before.

I had no idea who she was.

I believe you. Mr Templar
should be released at once.

Eccellenza, that's impossible.

Inspector Buono, the Governor is
asking for Mr Templar's release

in the name
of the US Government.

There's no point
holding Marco either.

- Marco?
- My cab driver. He's innocent.

I hope you know what
you are doing, Eccellenza.

I take full responsibility.

Mr Benson, there'll be papers
to sign. Will you do it?

Of course, sir.

Mr Benson is our Legal Attaché.
He'll attend to the formalities.

And if I wish to question
Mr Templar again?

The telephone of the American
Embassy is in the directory.

Good morning, Inspector.

If they want money,
why don't they contact us?

- It's been four hours.
- I wonder if it IS money.

Could there be some other reason
connected with your job?

- Something official?
- In what way?

You're Chairman of the
Italian-American Trade Board.

We're a fact-finding body.
We don't create policy.

Could it be connected
with being State Governor?

What could be official about
being State Governor in Rome?



Sue, what's happened?
Are you all right?

Yes, Daddy. I'm all right.
But PLEASE do whatever they ask.

Governor lnverest?
My name's Tony Unciello.

- Tony Unciello?
- 'That's right.'

I want you to drive out
to Via Cassia, kilo ,

where you'll find a dirt road
running off to the left.

Drive up this road
, metres and wait.

Oh, Governor? Come alone, eh?
Except for your driver.

- I suppose it's money you want.
- (Laughs) Money?

Governor, I don't want money.
I got money.

- All right.
- What does he want?

I don't know.

I'm to meet him at five o'clock,
a dirt road off the Via Cassia.

- Alone, except for a driver.
- He doesn't want money?

- No.
- How was Sue?

- She said she was all right.
- Thank heavens.

She also said
I was to do whatever they asked.

- Unciello!
- You know him?

The justice Department deported
him from New York six years ago.

One of the city's
most vicious racketeers.

- But what does he want?
- I've no idea.

Mr Templar, I don't know how
to handle this sort of thing.

- If you'd help me...
- Where are you meeting him?

The dirt road off Via Cassia,
kilometres from Rome.

Do you have a map
of the district?

I was using one this morning.

Could the embassy
track down that cab driver?

- Marco di Cesare, cab .
- Why?

He knows Rome like the palm of
his hand, and owes me a favour.

- Tell them to get him fast.
- Right.

Mr Templar, I hope you know
what you're doing.

We're not interested
in catching this man.

We only want to get
our daughter back...alive.

Marco. Sure you know what to do?

Si, signor.

It's just that...

- What if...
- What's the matter? You afraid?

Afraid? Me?! Marco di Cesare?
Afraid of Tony Unciello?

I'm terrified.

The Governor
will meet you in five minutes.

- I'll be waiting in the car.
- Right.

Is Sue your only child,

We had a son, two years older.
He was k*lled in a plane crash.

I'm sorry.

You can understand how Maude
feels about any threat to Sue.

Of course.

I hope we're doing
the right thing.

Won't hurt to hear
what Unciello has to say.

No sign of him.

We're a little early.


- Governor lnverest.
- Where's my daughter?

She's all right...for now.

What do you want?

I want a deal.
A life for a life.

Do you remember Mick Keston?
Due for the chair in hours?

- Mick Keston?
- Don't tell me you forgot.

You signed his death warrant.
Come on!

Mick Keston is a vicious,
ruthless k*ller.

He robbed a bank in Burlington
and m*rder*d two men.

Don't talk too mean about him,
Governor. I don't like it.

- What's Mick Keston to you?
- He changed his name.

Before that,
he was known as Mick Unciello.

- You mean...
- Right. He's my kid brother.

You want a reprieve.

As much
as you want your daughter.

- I see.
- I'm glad you see, Governor.

Because if Mick dies,
so does your daughter.

You've got hours.
It's a fair exchange.

A death for a death.
A brother for a daughter.

Think it over, eh?


I don't know what to do.
Mick Keston is guilty

of first-degree m*rder
on two counts.

There are no legal
or moral grounds for a reprieve.

But there is Sue.

It's ridiculous to think
that I have any choice.

We do have hours.

Before we left the Embassy
I briefed Marco.

The dirt road bisects a
secondary highway towards Rome.

With luck, Unciello
will lead Marco to Sue.

- What time have you got?
- Seven o'clock.

Something's gone wrong.
It must have.

I think Marco will come through.
Let's give him more time.



I see.

No, nothing more.

Keston's execution is set for
midnight, day after tomorrow.

What can he gain by a reprieve?
I don't understand.


Time for lawyers to manufacture
evidence for a retrial,

time to buy new witnesses.
Who knows?

Inspector, surely you
can find this Unciello?

He's known all over Rome, and
the city just isn't that big.

It is not easy, signora. There
are no charges against him here.

He's not watched all the time.
My men are searching, of course.

But it's not simply a matter of
arresting him in his apartment.

He is hiding.

(Mrs lnverest) And you've no
idea where to look for him?

It is not made easy for us,

What he means, Mrs lnverest,

is that Unciello
is a top man in the Mafia.

That means three quarters of
the population are scared stiff.

Thousands would help hide him,

and millions wouldn't tell
where he was, even if they knew.

The cab driver is back, sir.

- Marco, where have you been?
- What a chase!

You followed him?

I wait by the dirt road.
He come out. I follow him.

Not too close, he get suspicious.
Too far, I might lose him.

Get to the point.

We drive to the river Tiber,
cross the Ponte Cavour.

At the traffic light, almost
I lose him. But no. Vroom!

I go straight through
the red light. Scusi, signor.

Did you find his hideout?

I'm trying to tell you, signor.
Where was I?

I cross the bridge, huh?
Palace of justice.

Round the walls of the Vatican
City. And then...and then...

- And then what?
- I get a puncture. Psssss!

Signor! Signor!
Providence has smiled on me.

- You got another flat?
- No, signor.

Today I meet an old friend.

He's a taxi driver
since I was little.

He knows everything
and everybody.

I tell him how I follow
Unciello, I get a flat tyre.

You know what he say,
this friend?

No. What, Marco?

He knows, signor.

He knows what?
Where Unciello's hiding?

No. Not that,
but almost as good.

Here's the address of the one
person Unciello couldn't buy.

His mother, signor.
Signora Giulia Unciello.

I think we'll pay her
a little visit.

I did not get this
for nothing, signor.

Your friend charged you?

Si, signor. , lire.

- Marco!
- Well, to you, , .

I am sorry, signor Templar,
but I cannot help you.

Signora Unciello,

you realise that a young
girl's life is in danger?

Your son
has threatened to k*ll her.

I have no sons.

I lost both my sons
the day I lost my husband.

He was a good man.

He brought up his boys
to respect God and justice.

He died a broken man, signor.

Shamed and sickened by the two
murderers who bore his name.

Before I die,

I hope someone will tell me.

Tell you what, signora?

How such a thing can happen.

How two young boys,
Antonio and Michele,

can grow to what they are today.

We were strict,
we taught them right from wrong.

And we loved them.

And now they are criminals,

ugly, evil, guilty.

I'm sorry to have bothered you,

If I knew where to find Antonio
I would tell you.

I do not, but there is someone
who might be able to help you.

A girl, Maria Emanuela.

She and Antonio
were very close, at one time.

Where can I find her?

She works as a singer,
the club Alassia.

Thank you, signora.

I'm sorry to have upset you.

I am not upset, signor.

Antonio and his brother
mean nothing to me. Nothing!

Antonio! Michele!

I miei bambini.

How did it happen?


We still have hours.

Hudson, we're talking
about our daughter.

Every minute counts.

- The man's homicidal, criminal.
- Don't spell it out for me.

All you have to do is pick up
that phone. Please, do it now!

Mick Keston has k*lled two men.
At he'd had six convictions.

A hopeless, hate-filled sadist.

I don't care.

Do you know
what a reprieve means?

Life imprisonment, not release.

With his lawyers it'll mean
a new trial, and release.

No one else would even hesitate!

I must have these hours
to fight this thing.

I do have a duty,
as a governor.

What about
your duty as a father?

# You're the one for me

# You're the one I see

# In my dream at night

# You're the one

# For


- Signorina, complimenti.
- Grazie.

- Parla inglese?
- Si, a little.

Would you join us?
I'm Simon Templar.

- This is Marco di Cesare.
- Signorina. Please.

Signorina, you sing like angels.

If I don't have a wife
and seven children...

If you have a wife and seven
children, you shouldn't be here.

Signorina, I need some
vitally important information.

It's a matter of life and death.

Where can I find Tony Unciello?

- What's the matter with her?
- She's afraid. Wait in the cab.

- Get out!
- Please listen to me.

I know nothing about Unciello.
Get out or I call the manager.

If I don't find him in hours,

an innocent American girl
will die.

- Too bad.
- You don't care.

I can't do anything. Get out!

- Where does he live?
- I don't know.

- Know anybody who does?
- I never see him.

- But you used to?
- Years ago. Please go!

Maria, he's holding this girl
somewhere in Rome.

Right this minute,
at the American embassy,

her parents are waiting,
worried and scared.

If I find Tony,
he'll go to jail.

He won't be able to hurt you.

You don't know
what you're talking about.

Tony has men in the police.
Maybe the Embassy itself.

If you help,
I promise nothing will happen.

- I can't help.
- Why are you so afraid?

Why? I'll tell you why.

I went against him once before,
a long time ago.

The police came to me then,
and said it was my duty.

"Help us," they said,
"and we'll give you protection."

- I believed them.
- What happened?

Three nights later,
Tony came to my apartment.

He said he wanted me to have
something to remember him by.

He gave me this.

Rome is, what, five hours
later than New York time?

- No, ma'am, six.
- It's four o'clock.

So, we've got...
hours left.

(Benson) That's right,
ma'am, hours.

Mr Benson, as a matter of
interest, how would you feel

if your daughter was
in the hands of Unciello?

It's hard to say, Mrs lnverest.

Is it? Why? Surely, it doesn't
take that much imagination.

What are you doing? Do you think
fear's your private monopoly?

I know what you're thinking.

Right now a man needs
all the sympathy he can get.

- Especially from his wife.
- I know how you feel.

Please let me finish.

We've been
through a lot together.

When we married, he was
an overworked Latin professor.

I helped him get into politics.

- Maude, please!
- In all modesty,

during the O years we've been
married, I've helped him a lot.

It's been a way of life for me.

- I'm going to miss it.
- Maude!

Hudson, if anything happens
to Sue, I'll leave you.

- She's right.
- Governor, she...

You know she didn't mean what
she said. She was just upset.

I haven't any choice.
I'll have to give in.

Give it a little longer,

A lot can happen in hours.

(Intercom buzzes)

- Yes?
- 'Inspector Buono to see you.'

Ask him to come in, please.


Any news, Inspector?

Eccellenza, I am sorry.
My men have combed the city.

We have found nothing.
Not a trace.

I understand how you feel.

Surrender is against
my principles too,

but if you want to save
your daughter's life,

I think you must
accept Unciello's terms.

Remember, Marco, four new tyres.
Not second-hand ones, new ones.

Si, signor.
But I know a man, he got...

Marco, I am paying for them.

I'll be at the Embassy an hour,
you can wait or come back.

Governor, I still think you
should wait a while longer.

I can't. Reprieving a man
from execution takes time.

Operator, this is Governor
lnverest. I want to place a...

- Hold it.
- Hold the line. What?

- I've got Unciello.
- What do you mean?

I've contacted
one of his top men.

- Who?
- I can't say.

I insist. It's against the law
to conceal this from the police.

Inspector, be reasonable.

One of Unciello's top boys
wants out. He told everything.

How the organisation operates,
and where Unciello is hiding.

In return, I promised I'd keep
quiet until nine tonight.


So my contact
could leave Rome in one piece.

Mr Templar, I insist on knowing
where you got this information.

I can't tell you, Inspector.

At nine tonight,
I'll take you to Unciello.

Unless you cooperate in this
matter, I'll have to arrest you.

I see your point,
Inspector Buono.

However, Mr Templar has just
been appointed Special Attaché

of the American Embassy,
and claims diplomatic immunity.

Very we ll, Eccellenza.

You wish to handle this
your own way. I cannot stop you.

Nor can I accept responsibility
for your daughter's safety.

In the meantime, I'll stand by.

I'll go alert our security men.

- Yes. And Mr Benson?
- Yes, sir?

- Ask my wife to come down.
- Of course.

(Door shuts)

Now that we're alone,
who is this man?

- There isn't any man.
- What?

- It's a bluff.
- I don't understand.

I'm counting
on the curiosity angle.

Unciello won't stand not knowing
which of his men talked.

- You think he'll contact you?
- I'm sure.

Within one hour he'll have been
told someone ratted on him.

Suppose he isn't?
Suppose you're wrong?

All right.
Let's make certain I'm not.

Call in the press.

Issue a statement
in every Roman newspaper.

Tell them to play it
mysterious and big.

You know, "a traitor
in the Unciello inner circle."

Then we'll make sure
Unciello hears about it fast.

They'll sh**t you down
in the street.

No, Governor. He'll want to know
who pulled the double-cross.

If he does contact you,
if you're taken to him,

- what will you do?
- Marco will tail me.

When he knows where I'm going,
he'll tell Inspector Buono.

What if you're k*lled?

In that case, Governor, you
place your transatlantic call.

Tony wants you.

Well, so you're The Saint, huh?

- Tony.
- Sit down.

Quite a layout.

- It's comfortable.
- To say the least.

There's a lot more of it.

I could hole up here for years,
and live like the Ritz.

Only nobody should know about it
that don't belong to me.

- Body and soul.
- Is that so?

- One of my boys talked.
- How did you know?

- I have friends.
- Where?

- Lots of places.
- The American Embassy?

I'm asking the questions.
Who talked?


I figured, as I couldn't find
you, you'd want to find me,

if you thought one of your boys
had been talking too loud to me.

I see.

Well, now that you're here,
what's your angle?

Pour me a drink,
and I'll explain it.

And then they turned down
the Via Pazzatto, number .

I follow them,
personally, myself.

Then I turn round
and come to you.

- Will you find it again?
- Of course!

I'm ready. My men are waiting.

I am acting as the Governor's
unofficial representative.

Yeah? Suppose we stop fooling
around, eh, and talk business.

That's why I'm here.
First, I want to see the girl.

- Why?
- To make sure she's all right.

Giorgio, get her.


I imagine it's for you.



Send him up
and tell him to wait outside.

I've heard a lot about you.

I've heard a lot about you, too.
From your mother.

My mother. She's a thousand
years behind the times.

I could put her
in a swell apartment,

give her everything
she wants...but no.

She's got to live
in that mouse auditorium,

with a bunch of washed out,
worn out memories.

- Sue, are you all right?
- I guess so.

Come and sit down.
Did they hurt you?

No. Are they going to let me go?

You'll be out of here
in two minutes.

- He's kiddin' ya, honey.
- You think?

I knew I'd be picked up.

- I arranged to be followed.
- Who by?

A friend. When he saw where
your hatchet boys brought me,

he went to Inspector Buono.

You think of everything,
don't you?

- Let's say I try.
- See if you thought of this.

- Vittorio, show them in.
- OK.

How's my old friend tonight?

- Ciao, Tony.
- We really are chummy!

Buono's one of my best boys.

He had himself followed.

He told me. Who by?

A taxi driver called Marco di
Cesare. He came straight to me.

- He talk to anyone else?
- I made sure he didn't.

- Where is he now?
- Downstairs.

See how it is?

- Exactly.
- There isn't much time left.

No. You go back to the Embassy.

Keep in touch with lnverest,
and report back to me in, say...

- two hours.
- Right. Ciao.

- OK, Tony. You win.
- I usually do.

You know all the Governor can do
is give your brother a reprieve.

That means the sentence will be
commuted to life imprisonment.

That's all I want.
Mick's got some good lawyers.

They'll get him a new trial.

I'll phone him.

You know the number?


You just gotta say
one wrong word.

Can I speak
to Governor lnverest, please?

Remember, one wrong word
and you'll be a real saint.

Governor lnverest?
Simon Templar.

Templar, what's happening?

- Is Sue all right?
- Yes, she's fine.

Listen, Governor, you have
to meet Unciello's terms.

Even if it isn't
for the public good.

For the public good! Try it
in Latin - the h*m* sequendum.

- h*m* sequendum?
- Yes, that's right.

When Unciello hears
from Keston's lawyers

the reprieve has been granted,
he'll let Sue go.

I see. All right.

Goodbye, Governor.

What's with all this
"h*m* sequendum" bit?

"h*m*" means same,
"sequendum" means result.

Sue's father
goes for the Latin touch.

He was trying
to tell me something.

"The public good," he said.

"And it all boils down
to the h*m* sequendum."

What does that mean?

"h*m* sequendum" is Latin for
"the man who must be followed."

Let's not wait any longer.
I can't stand any more.

When Unciello hears the reprieve
is confirmed, he'll release Sue.

Then make the call!

"For the public good.
The man who must be followed."

You're taking a lot of chances.

Hudson lnverest is a rich man.

He's offered $ , for the
safe return of his daughter.

- Didn't Buono tell you?
- No.

He seemed pretty interested.

But inspectors in the police
aren't paid that much in Italy.

- Buono is reliable.
- , is a lot of money.

tell Mario to serve supper.

And send word to Buono
I want to see him. Subito!

- "Try it in Latin..."
- Remember his exact words.

"For the public good.
Try it in Latin.

"It all boils down
to the h*m* sequendum."

Hudson, please.
We can't wait any longer.

Place the call.

Time's running out.

Why don't you shut up?

Don't worry, Sue.
They'll make the call.

They'd better.

Heavens, what are they doing?
We called half an hour ago.


Yes? Wait a minute.

- Inspector Buono to see you.
- Have him come in.

No, wait! That's it!
I've got it! Ask Buono to wait.

Call the Italian Minister
of the Interior. Quickly!

- You didn't eat much, honey.
- I wasn't hungry.

Too bad. The way things are,
it's probably your last meal.

You too.

I came as soon as I could.

- You hear from the Embassy?
- The reprieve has been granted.

I guess that winds things up.

Except for him.

- He's your responsibility.
- Mine?!

Make it look like he was shot
while resisting arrest.

- Do it yourself.
- This is dangerous for me.

A couple of the boys
will come along to watch.

They're getting
a little bit worried

you might get
too interested in a reward.

If it's big enough. They'd
like to have somethin' on ya.

It'd give them
a lot more confidence.

(Unciello) All of a sudden,
you're kinda quiet.

The meek
shall inherit the earth.

Yeah. When the strong
get through with it.

Take him, Buono.

- Come on.
- But you can't!

You can't cold-bloodedly
take him out and k*ll him!

My father's done what you asked.
Why k*ll him?

- Stop it, or he'll do it here.
- Come on.



- Sue!
- Oh, Dad!

- Are you all right, honey?
- Yes.

Come on, then.

Your father a Latin scholar,
and you didn't know

"h*m* sequendum" meant
"the man who must be followed"?

But how did he know
who to follow?

The "public good" tag,
I told him to try it in Latin.

- "Pro bono publico."
- Hmm-hmm.

I was sure he'd turn
the "bono" into "Buono".

man who must be followed."

I'm sorry there wasn't
a reward. You deserve it.

He should get something,

I'll settle for buying you
the best dinner in Rome,

and dancing until dawn.
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