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2x08 - A Day In The Death

Posted: 03/01/08 21:30
by bunniefuu
Opening credits

JACK HARKNESS (v.o.) : Torchwood. Outside the government, beyond the police. Fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st Century is when everything changes... and Torchwood is ready.


Owen stands in the middle of the walkway. The world around him moves... backward. In rewind. Everyone is walking quickly backwards.

OWEN (v.o.) : My name is Dr. Owen Harper and this is my life.


Owen is running.

OWEN (v.o.) : A life that is full of action...


Owen pulls out his g*n with a sil*ncer attached and sh**t the lock off the door. Ianto turns around.

OWEN (v.o.) : ... and v*olence...


Owen is in the autopsy area back in the hub. He's holding a syringe and looks at the needle as Jack sits behind him and waits.

OWEN (v.o.) : ... and work,...


Owen looking at the slab of meat.

OWEN (v.o.) : ... wonder.


Owen sprays on some alien pheromone at the bar. The blonde woman grabs him and kisses him.

OWEN (v.o.) : Secrets, sex...


Owen dances with Diane.

OWEN (v.o.) : ... and love and heartbreak...


Owen is shot. He hits the ground.

OWEN (v.o.) : ... and death.


Owen is on the table. Martha pulls back the sheet covering him as she prepares to do his autopsy.

OWEN (v.o.) : My death.

Owen sits up suddenly, panting.

OWEN (v.o.) : The death I survived.


Owen stands in the middle of the walkway. The world around him moves on past him. Everyone is walking past him as life continues.

OWEN (v.o.) : The death I am now living through.



Owen opens the refrigerator door and reaches for a bottle of something to drink.

OWEN (v.o.) : Except... this isn't living.

Then, he remembers that he can't drink anything. He puts it back.

OWEN (v.o.) : Every day it's the same.


Owen opens the refrigerator door and looks at the bottles of things he can't consume.


In the bathroom, Owen lathers up some shaving foam in his hands.

OWEN (v.o.) : I get up, get ready for work the same as everyone else.

Then, he remembers that he no longer has facial hair to shave. He looks at his reflection in the mirror and swallows.


Owen stands in front of the weevil cage.

OWEN (v.o.) : The thing is, I'm not the same.

The weevil cowers in the darkness, lifts its head and howls.

WEEVIL : Aaaahh !


Owen stands outside the cog door.

OWEN (v.o.) : I get to work and everyone's doing the same old thing.

The lights flash and the door rolls open. He turns to go inside. Jack, Toshiko and Gwen are up at the workstations.

OWEN (v.o.) : Babbling away about aliens and weddings.

He enters the hub.


Owen is under water.

OWEN (v.o.) : I'm not real. Three days ago, I died.

He looks at his hand.

OWEN (v.o.) : And they think I'm fine,... but they're wrong.

Owen screams.



PULL UP to the tallest building where we find Owen and a blonde-haired woman sitting side-by-side on the edge, their legs dangling off the side.

OWEN : So, are you ready to jump ?

Opening credits


Owen and Maggie sit side-by-side on the edge, their legs dangling off the side.

MAGGIE : Would you just piss off. Get off my roof.

OWEN : Your roof ?

MAGGIE : I'm going to jump, so just leave me alone.

OWEN (sighs) : Look, darlin', you know, I'm not here to stop you. Seriously. (He unzips his jacket). You think you've got problems ? (Scoffs). What, did your man dump you ?

MAGGIE : Sorry, love, are you talking to me ? It's just, you know, I'm a bit busy right now. I'm not really interested in listen... (She stops when she sees his b*llet wound in his chest). What is that ?

OWEN : I got shot.

MAGGIE : Yeah, right.

He looks at her, half smiles and nods. She sticks her finger in his b*llet wound. Now, she's freaking.

MAGGIE : Oh, my God.

She climbs down from her perch on the wall and steps back just to put some distance between them.

MAGGIE : What the hell are you ?

Owen climbs down off the wall. Maggie is still backing away from him.

OWEN : I'm dead.

MAGGIE : That's not... Look, you can't be dead, you're... you're standing here. You're talking. You're moving. You're... you're not dead. Wha... ? You're... You're dead ?

OWEN : Yeah, I was brought back... like Jesus really, but without the beard, you know. (Realizes). Shit, I'm never gonna have a beard. Not that I wanted one you understand, but you know, one day I...

MAGGIE : Yeah. Okay. Okay. You're dead and that's... that's clearly a bit shit and I'm sorry and everything but, if you are dead, then why are you here ? You can't be wanting to jump. You can't die twice.

OWEN : Sorry, are you an expert ?

MAGGIE : Sorry, are you an idiot ?

OWEN : Yeah. I'm a dead idiot.

MAGGIE : So, come on then, what's it like ?

She sticks a cigarette in her mouth and lights it.

OWEN : What ?

MAGGIE : Well, being dead. What delights have I got to look forward to ?

OWEN : Darkness. Nothing.

MAGGIE : Cheery, thanks. Look, why are you here ?

Owen looks at her.

JACK (PRE-LAP, v.o.) : Dr. Owen Harper, Torchwood Officer 565, I'm relieving you of your position.


Jack is at his desk as he delivers the bad news to Owen. Ianto is near the doorway.

OWEN : Bollocks. I'm sorry, Jack, this is bollocks !

JACK : Hand in your w*apon and your security pass.

OWEN : But why ? I'm fine.

JACK : Three days ago, you died. We need to examine you. We need to find out what you are. We need to be certain you're okay.

OWEN : Yeah, well it almost sounds as if you care, well done.

JACK : Until I'm confident you're fit for duty, Martha Jones will replace you as Torchwood's new medical officer.

OWEN : She's doing all right out of this, isn't she ?

JACK (stands up) : She's worked out a series of tests and examinations.

OWEN : And what if I refuse ?

JACK : You'll be confined to the cells, the tests will be done, and if the results show that you're a danger to the team, appropriate steps will be taken.

Ianto steps in closer. Jack also steps in closer to Owen.

JACK : I'm asking you, Owen. Please, let us help you. Let us make sure you're safe.

Owen doesn't look at him.

IANTO : I'm gonna need your g*n.

Owen turns and looks at him. He takes his g*n out and reluctantly gives it to Ianto.

IANTO : And your security pass. (Owen looks at Ianto). Please...

Just behind them and through the glass in the wall, Martha is in the workstations. He glances at her, then takes his security pass out and gives it to Ianto.

OWEN : And how long are Dr. Jones' tests going to take ?

JACK : As long as they need to.

OWEN : And what the hell am I supposed to do in the meantime ?

JACK : We always need someone to make coffee.

OWEN : Oh, no.



Ianto is at his area at the base of the spiral stairs as he fills up the coffee cup. Owen sits in the chair nearby.

IANTO : Voila. Fresh and strong. (He smells it appreciatively). Mmmm.

Owen gets up. Ianto steps aside and hands the cup to Owen.

OWEN : And, uh... we couldn't just have a jar of instant, no ?

IANTO : I thought you liked your coffee.

OWEN : Have you seen what happens when I drink these days ?

IANTO : Yeah. Thank you, Owen.

Ianto takes the cup away from him.

IANTO : Do you want a go ?

OWEN : Ooh, please.

Owen turns to try his hand at the machine. Owen grabs the handle. The cups rattle as he tries to get it to work, but it doesn't.

OWEN : Come on. What's wrong with this ?

IANTO : You, um...

Owen grabs both handles and shakes it. The cups and dishes rattle loudly. Some sound as if they break. He turns and sees Jack and Martha on the stairs watching him. He rests his chin on the machine in humiliation.

IANTO (quietly) : You okay ?

OWEN (sighs and turns around) : What do you think ? I bet you're loving this, aren't you ? It's like you've finally won.

IANTO : I didn't realize we were in competition.

OWEN : Oh, come on ! Even Tosh had more of a life than you used to. And now you're always out on missions, you're shagging Jack and I'm stuck here making the coffee.

IANTO : It's not like that. Me and Jack.

Ianto goes to the machine and fixes a cup of coffee.

OWEN : Yeah, yeah... You and Jack. Gwen's getting married. Martha's got her bloke. God, even Tosh had Tommy. This is really shit !

Ianto goes about his business.

IANTO : We've all gone through shit. I've seen you dissect alien corpses. I've seen you save so many lives. Are you really going to let this beat you ?

He leaves Owen with that.



Owen is on the treadmill. His image is up on the monitor as Martha tests him. The machine beeps. Owen stops it. He smiles.

OWEN : So, you're choosing me over the boyfriend ?

Owen steps off the treadmill and picks up the barbells. He starts lifting them. Martha goes to the treadmill to check the readings.

MARTHA : Yeah, that's it. You really don't need to worry, you know, I don't want your job.

OWEN : Yes, I know. You just find me irresistible.

MARTHA (rolls her eyes) : Oh, yeah, that's it. Every morning I wake up and think of ways to get you alone like this. (She goes back to the computer). There is no sign of any muscle decay. You're in great shape, as ever.

OWEN : Hmm, no use coming onto me, Jones. I'm a changed man.

MARTHA : And... um, no stiffening anywhere ?

OWEN : Well...

MARTHA : Just answer the question.

OWEN : No, no signs of rigor mortis.

Owen puts the barbells down.

OWEN : So, if I keep up the exercise, I won't atrophy ?

She appears with the hand-held monitor and scans him.

MARTHA : Yep. And bonus, definitely looks like you're not going to age either. There's no further sign of cell mutation. You're a hundred percent human. (She turns the monitor off). A hundred percent Owen.

Owen nods. The intercom beeps.

GWEN (from speaker) : Hi, Martha. Meeting in the boardroom. Can you come down ?

OWEN : You'd better go... Doctor.

MARTHA : What about you ?

OWEN : Cappuccino with chocolate sprinkles.

MARTHA (smiles, confused) : What ?

OWEN : That's what you drink, isn't it ?

Suddenly, it's very awkward. Martha turns and leaves. Owen's smile fades.



Everyone except Owen is there.

JACK : Henry John Parker. He used to be a looker. Now he's 80-odd and even I have my limits.

The door opens. Owen walks in with a tray of coffee.

JACK : Your basic millionaire collector of alien hoo-hah.

OWEN (quietly) : Didn't we file him in the "mostly harmless" category ?

He puts a cup down in front of Ianto.

MARTHA : So, what's the problem ?

Owen continues setting coffee cups down on the table.

TOSHIKO : I detected this at 5:17 this morning. Parker's house. There's an energy spike coming from it. I've never seen anything like it before.

GWEN : Okay. So, the big question is, what's our Mr. Parker gone and found this time ?

Gwen and Ianto quietly switch coffee cups as Owen heads to the back of the room.

MARTHA : Why ? Do you think he's a threat ?

GWEN : Well, he hasn't been up until now. (Owen wipes his tray as he listens). He's a bit Howard Hughes. We know he's there, we know he's not a threat. But as the story goes, he hasn't left the house since his wife died. Nobody's seen him since 1986.

OWEN : We've been monitoring Parker for ages. There's nothing to be scared of is there ?

Owen quickly sits down at the table with the others. There's a brief awkwardness with him being there when he's not supposed to.

IANTO : Unlike, say, Tintin ?

OWEN : Okay ! I never liked Tintin. What ? He's weird. He's got a funny face and his hair is just, he's horrible.

IANTO : I always loved Tintin.

OWEN : Yeah, well you would. And he never had a girlfriend did he, just the dog. Yeah, so I reckon he was actually shagging the dog.

GWEN (interrupts) : Okay, meanwhile, back at Torchwood. Alien energy pulse. (to Jack) We've got to check this Parker out, okay ? (Jack nods. Gwen gets to her feet). Tosh, can you get me a complete schematic of the house ? Ianto, find out exactly what he's got. Get me an inventory of everything that he's bought over the last ten years. Martha, can you get a hold of his medical history ?

MARTHA : Sure.

GWEN : Okay, let's get to it, guys.

As everyone gets to their feet, Jack levels a look at Owen. He then gets to his feet to leave as well. Owen is left sitting at the table.

JACK (o.s.) : Hey, Gwen, any news on Banana Boat ?

GWEN : Can you believe it ? Best Man, arrested in Lanzarote.

JACK : What for ?

GWEN : Ah, dodgy Cds.

OWEN (PRE-LAP v.o.) : Worldwide, nearly a million people k*ll themselves each year.

The door closes behind them.



OWEN : That's almost three times the population of Cardiff. Makes you think.

MAGGIE : What are you ? Some sort of su1c1de geek ?

OWEN : No, just a doctor. In fact, I'm not just a doctor. I'm a bloody brilliant doctor.

MARTHA (PRE-LAP, v.o.) : I know you are.


Owen sits on the table while Martha is working on the computer.

OWEN : So why are you doing my job ?

He absently plays with a scalpel, flipping it and catching it. Martha turns to look at him.

MARTHA : Because Gwen asked me to.

OWEN : That's not what I mean.

MARTHA : Because you died. And because you need help. That's not a bad thing. Well, it's a bad thing that you died obviously, but it's not bad that you need help. If you know what I mean.

OWEN : You're kinda cute when you babble.

MARTHA : And you're kinda cute when you're not chucking a scalpel about.

OWEN : But I'm making the sodding coffee ! (He stands up. Martha goes back to typing on the computer). I mean, come on, won't your bloke be missing you ? How about Jack ! Has he seen Jack ? They always get jealous when they meet Jack.

MARTHA (irritated) : Owen, I don't want your job. I just want to do mine.

OWEN : Okay, I'm dead, but I am one hundred percent human. I'm fine.

MARTHA : You've sliced your hand open.

Owen drops the scalpel as he opens his hand. It clatters on the floor. He is sufficiently freaked.


Owen sits on the table as Martha tends to his hand.

MARTHA : The wound's not going to heal, so, you're going to have to re-stitch it every week or so. At least you don't need anesthetic.

OWEN : Yeah, can't feel anything. I can't feel the needle or thread. I can't feel your hands on mine. Yet, I can touch things. I can hold 'em, I know they're there. But I just... can't feel anything. I'm numb.

MARTHA : Do you see why Jack's worried ? Bruises won't heal. Bones won't mend. You're... fragile.

Owen takes a breath.

OWEN : Yeah, well, I'd better get used to doing things myself.

He takes the needle and thread from her to stitch up his own hand.

MAGGIE (PRE-LAP, v.o.) : So she offers to help you and you push her away ? Charming.


Maggie takes another cigarette out of the box.

OWEN : Yeah, hole in the chest. Sorry if I don't follow social niceties any more.

Owen climbs up on the wall to take his seat next to her.

MAGGIE : You mean you did before ?

She lights the cigarette.

OWEN : God, you're a pain in the arse, aren't you ? Is that why your man dumped you ? (She looks at him). Ooh, I hit a nerve ? What, did you get your heart broken ?

MAGGIE : No, actually. He died.

OWEN : I'm sorry.

MAGGIE : No you're not. You couldn't care less about me and I don't care about you. Just because we're both planning on jumping, it doesn't mean we have some sort of special connection.

OWEN : You don't know the half of it.


Gwen is at her workstation going through some papers. Owen walks up to her and puts her cup down. His hand is bandaged up. She glances at him.


Owen talks with Jack.

OWEN : Give me something to do.

JACK : You know I can't. Rules and regulations.

Owen takes Jack's cup and plate.

OWEN : Fine. I might as well go home then.

JACK : Okay.

Owen turns toward the door. He turns back.

OWEN : What exactly do I do when I get there ?

JACK : Watch TV... chill.

OWEN : Jack, I'm dead. I'm permanently chilled. You know, you get to live forever. I get to die forever. It's funny that.

Owen turns and leaves.



Owen is back at home, sitting on the sofa with the television set on.

MAN 1 (from tv) : I'll look into it myself.

MAN 2 (from tv) : Can I arrange something for later ?

RANDOM MAN (from tv) : Yep.

HOST (from tv) : Oh, hello ! And welcome to To Buy Or Not To Buy, the property show that lets you indulge in your...

Owen turns the sound off. He sits on the sofa for a moment, puts the remote down and rubs his eyes. He gets up and looks at his place. He picks up a large trash bag, walks over to the refrigerator, turns the iPod on and opens the refrigerator. He clears out the food inside.


In the bathroom, he throws away the toilet tissue. He opens the medicine cabinet and tosses all the shaving and grooming products on the bottom shelf.


Owen clears off the items on the refrigerator door.


In the bathroom, Owen tosses all the products on the top shelf in the medicine cabinet.


Owen takes the garbage bag and closes the refrigerator door. He picks up the brand new loaf of bread on the table and looks at it. He tosses it in the garbage bag. He then throws away all the food on the table. He throws away the food on the counter, including a bowl of fresh fruit... and a handful of rotting bananas. He stops.


Owen is back to sitting on the couch.


He stands in the bathroom. He looks at his empty refrigerator.) More Owen being bored. His eyes drift shut. Suddenly, his doorbell is ringing. It takes him a moment to realize that his doorbell is ringing. Owen opens the door and finds Toshiko there. She smiles at him.


Toshiko bursts in. She's carrying a box of pizza.

TOSHIKO : Do you mind if I eat, I'm starving ?

She heads into the kitchen.

OWEN : No, help yourself. So, Jack asked you to come round did he ? "Talk to Owen. Get him to open up, g*dd*mn it".

He sits at the counter.

TOSHIKO : You haven't changed, have you ? It's all about Owen. (She grabs her bottle of drink and looks around). I've had a hell of a morning, you know. Do you have a... ?

She motions opening the bottle.

OWEN (points) : Top drawer.

She turns to get the bottle opener.

TOSHIKO : So, Jack calls me in at 5:00 this morning. (She opens the bottle). He could've waited until I got in, but no, strange energy spike, and it's "Let's get Tosh in." Oh, and when Gwen got in, first thing she did ? Say sorry for not asking me to be bridesmaid. (voice fades) I mean, me, a bridesmaid ?

Toshiko eats and continues talking. Owen drowns her out, not paying attention to her.

MAGGIE (v.o.) : You sound like an old married couple.


Owen and Maggie talk.

MAGGIE : Brian used to say I talked too much.

OWEN : Tell me about him.

MAGGIE : Today's my wedding anniversary.

Quick flashes of : Maggie exiting the church in her white wedding dress. She and her husband leave.

MAGGIE (whispers) : My perfect day...

Quick flashes of : Maggie is walking along the road, her white dress drenched red with blood. She staggers, then sits on the side of the grassy hill.

MAGGIE : It was an accident.

Quick flash of : Maggie in her blood-stained wedding dress. She heads toward the overturned car. She sits on the grass and touches her dead husband's hand. She looks around for help.

MAGGIE : We'd been married less than an hour.

Quick flash of : Maggie climbs up the grassy hill to the road. Her face is cut. She makes her way along the empty road.

MAGGIE : I was picking confetti out of my hair when it happens.

OWEN : Shit. I'm...

MAGGIE : Sorry, yeah. I know.

OWEN : You've waited until your wedding anniversary to k*ll yourself ? Why ?

MAGGIE : Does it matter ?

OWEN : Why have you waited ?

MAGGIE : Because I believe people. I... I believe them when they said it would get better. So, what do you think, Doctor ? Do you... do you really think it's going to get any better ?

They lapse into silence. Maggie inhales from her cigarette, then tosses it off the side of the building.



Owen is in his kitchen, staring at nothing. He closes his eyes. PAN slowly around Owen to REVEAL that Toshiko is still there and talking. We can't hear a word she's saying as Owen has tuned her out. Owen's brows furrow as something occurs to him. We hear Toshiko's voice now, mid-conversation.

TOSHIKO (fades in) : ... bounced a message from the stars. Guess what... It's Croatian. I ran it through the language translator and it's flipping Croatian.

OWEN (interrupts) : Why are you here, Tosh ?

TOSHIKO : I want to help you.

He nods.

OWEN : And how are you going to do that ? How are you going to help me ? I mean, am I going to be a new special project ?

TOSHIKO : Come on, Owen, I just...

OWEN : That's not why you're here is it ? For some reason you want me. You know I don't know why, but you always have... always looking at me, watching me screw all those other women, your heart breaking and now it's different. Because I'm safe now, aren't I ? And it's all cozy and it's romantic and isn't it beautiful ?

TOSHIKO : You can say what you like. I'm not leaving you.

OWEN : Of course, not. This is it, isn't it ? This is the date that we were talking babout. You've got your beer, you've got pizza, you and me. It's just how you wanted it. All we need now is a sodding pool table.

TOSHIKO : Stop it ! What's wrong with you ?

OWEN : I'm broken, Tosh ! I don't work. I've got no heartbeat, no feelings, no tears ! I have got nothing to give you ! I... Do you understand that ? Maybe that's what you want ! Maybe you want somebody who's as screwed up as you ! Who's twisted and screwed up like you are. (He holds up his bandaged right hand). You want to see broken ? (He grabs his pinky finger). Do you want to see broken, Tosh ?

He bends it backward till the bones crack.

TOSHIKO : Owen ! Stop it ! What are you doing ?!

He bends it all the way back. Toshiko stares at him. Owen sees the look on her face and can't take it any more. He runs out. The door slams shut behind him.


Owen runs... across the green grass... and past people watching. He runs as fast as he can. Owen turns and runs along the wooden pier. He runs to the end of the pier... and jumps into the water. Owen plunges into the water. He closes his eyes and all the bubbles clear. He opens his eyes and drifts in the water.


Owen puts a hand on the wooden pier and pulls himself up. He rests there a moment. Jack steps up to him and checks his wristband.

JACK : Thirty-six minutes. Not bad.

OWEN : You were watching ?

JACK : Skinny guy in tight jeans runs into water ? I was taking pictures.

Jack starts walking away. Owen quickly gets up. He's dripping. Jack stops and turns around.

JACK : How long is this going to go on for, Owen ?

Jack turns and walks away from him.



Gwen leads the meeting with Jack, Ianto and Martha sitting at the table.

GWEN : Ianto, what have you found out about Parker ?

IANTO : I've identified some of the things he's purchased over the past year. We've got a Dogon eye. A pair of Myakian wings, some meteorites. An Arcateenian translation of James Herbert's The Fog. But there are a few things we've never seen before.

GWEN : So one of these is causing the energy spikes ?

IANTO : Looks like it. And they're getting bigger, dangerously bigger.

GWEN : Well, okay we need to get in there.

Gwen reaches across the table to hand Ianto a file. Ianto stands and leans over the table to get it.

GWEN : Parker employs a Mr. Philip Farrington to run security. There's at least six guards, CCTV everywhere, all of which we can bring down by taking out the generator. But then there's these... (they turn to look at the monitor) heat sensors.

MARTHA : As in body heat ?

GWEN : Yep. Solar-powered. There's one on every doorway, every window.

IANTO : So, how do we get past them ?

OWEN (o.s.) : Sounds like you need a dead man.

They turn and find Owen standing in the doorway, a towel draped around his neck, his hair still damp. His pinky finger is bandaged up as well.

OWEN : Someone with no body heat.

He walks into the room.

OWEN : What have you got to lose ?

He looks at Jack. Jack looks at him, measuring him. He motions to Ianto. Ianto offers Owen his g*n back. Owen takes it. Jack nods. Footsteps approach. It's Toshiko. Owen turns around.

OWEN : Tosh ?

She offers his keys back to him.

TOSHIKO : I turned your telly off.

She leaves the keys with him and she walks away.


Maggie and Owen talk. Maggie sits on the roof wall, her back to the edge as she faces Owen.

MAGGIE : You screamed at her, you said all those things, and that's it ?

OWEN : That's Tosh. Always the professional.

She hops off the roof wall.

MAGGIE : I don't care. I'm not interested in you, in old men or, or alien meteors. I came here because my husband died. I just want to jump.

Owen looks at her and nods. Suddenly, he grabs her and rushes toward the edge of the roof.

OWEN : Let's get on with it !

MAGGIE (shouts) : Get off me !

He lets her go.

OWEN : You, you're too scared.

MAGGIE : Aren't you ? (Owen doesn't answer her). How did... how did you get from that to here ? The sirens wail below. She looks at him.

MAGGIE : What happened ?



Martha talks with Owen. Jack watches behind her with the monitors they've set up. Owen is wearing a jacket with the hood over his head.

MARTHA : If you hurt yourself, you will not recover. Like I said... any bruises you get, they're not going to heal. Do not engage in physical combat... one punch you're gone. Be careful.

OWEN : I understand, I'm made of glass.

Owen turns to head out.

MARTHA : Owen ?

He stops and looks at her.

MARTHA : Just take care.

He nods, then turns to head out when Jack stops him.

JACK : Oh, and... uh ... you'll need this.

Jack tosses a white cloth to him. Owen looks at Jack. Owen nods, then turns to go. He runs down the path along the bushes.


TOP VIEW DOWN on the estate pool.

A security guard walks along the edge of the pool. PULL BACK to show the large wall bordering the estate and Owen making his way on the outside of the wall. Owen stops outside the gate and looks in. He presses his back to the stone wall.

TOSHIKO (from comm) : Owen ?

Owen turns his comm on.

OWEN (quietly to comm) : Yeah... Hi, Tosh.

TOSHIKO (from comm) : Okay, the power in the house is supplied from one private electrical generator. There's a backup unit but take the main one down and you've got one minute, twenty of blackout time.

The security guard walks past the gate.

OWEN : Can you get rid of one of the blokes here ?

IANTO : It might look a bit suspicious if there were two phone calls.

OWEN : Try and make it the big one, okay ?

The two guards circle around the pool in a routine manner. Something shrieks in the night. One of the guards turns and looks. A cell phone rings. The guard turns and looks at the other guard. Owen also turns and quickly glances at the guard nearest the gate whose phone is ringing. The smaller guard answers his phone.

OWEN (quiet) : Arse.

BEN TAYLOR (GUARD) (to phone) : Hello ?



Gwen is on the speakerphone.

GWEN (to phone) : Mr. Taylor ?

BEN TAYLOR (to phone) : Yeah, that's right. Who's this ?

GWEN (to phone) : I'm calling from St. Helen's Hospital. Mrs. Christine Taylor was brought in an hour ago. She's been involved in a car accident.

The other guard approaches Ben Taylor.

BEN TAYLOR (to phone) : Is she hurt ?

GWEN : She's going to be fine, but she's asking to see you.

BEN TAYLOR : Of course, I'm on my way.

He hangs up.

GUARD 2 : You all right ?

BEN TAYLOR : It's Chrissie, she's been in an accident. Look, I've got to go.

GUARD 2 : Yeah, of course.

Ben leaves. Owen quickly moves to the other side of the gate. The remaining guard looksaround.

GUARD 2 (to radio) : Mr. Farrington ? Ben's had to go. His wife's been in an accident.

The guard walks out of the pool area through the gate. He passes Owen without seeing him. Owen runs in through the gate, passes the pool and quickly up the lawn. Owen makes his way cautiously along the wall of the greenhouse building. He reaches the main lawn and stops for a moment, then continues toward the electrical box.

OWEN (quietly, to comm) : Okay, guys, I'm here.

He opens the electrical box. The hinges squeak. A guard walks up to him from behind.

GUARD : Move away from there.

Startled, Owen turns around to find the guard walking up to him.

GUARD (grabs Owen) : I said !

Owen kicks the guard. The guard falls to the ground. Owen takes out the white cloth Jack gave him. He looks at it and sees it's a t-shirt complete with toon boy and dog : Tintin.

OWEN (groans) : Yeah, okay, guys. Very funny.

Owen wraps the shirt around his hand just as the guard starts to get up.

GUARD : Argh !

Owen pulls his g*n out and the guard stops.

OWEN : No, no, no. Do you want to see what I can do ?

GUARD : What ?

Owen turns and sticks his shirt-wrapped hand in the electrical box and shorts it out. The lights in the house flash. Owen grins.

OWEN : Woo !

Owen pulls out the main cable. The power goes out completely.

OWEN : I'm dead already, mate.

FARRINGTON (over radio) : Webb ? Dave, are you there ?

Before he can answer, Owen kicks him and knocks him out.

GUARD : Oh !

TOSHIKO (from comm) : One minute, twenty until the backup generator comes online.

Owen turns and runs toward the main house.

FARRINGTON (from radio) : This is Farrington to all units. The backup generator will be running in 45 seconds. Stay at your posts, please.


Owen reaches the front doors and kneels in front of the glass.

FARRINGTON (from radio) : Mr. Parker's personal generator is unaffected.

TOSHIKO (from comm) : Sorry, Owen, they've obviously had some work done.

He pushes the front doors open and steps cautiously into the house. As he walks in, he notices the green sensor lights on the floor.

OWEN : Heat sensors.

He waves his arm direction in its path. Nothing. He looks at his hand.

OWEN : I am literally too cool for school.

He turns his flashlight on and looks around. He makes his way into the house.


Owen makes his way through the hallway.

OWEN : Right, I'm in.

TOSHIKO (from comm) : Okay, the energy reading seems to be coming from the first floor. A room at the back of the house.

OWEN : Can you give me anything else ?

TOSHIKO (from comm) : No, the energy source is playing havoc with the system, sorry.

OWEN : No worries. I'm getting used to being in the dark.

Owen reaches a room that looks like the kitchen. The power switches on and the lights power up. Owen runs.


Owen starts up the stairs. A security guard appears at the top of the steps behind Owen.

SECURITY GUARD : Hold it there.

Owen stops. He pushes his hood back and looks at the security guard at the top of the stairs, measuring him.

OWEN : Evenin'. Nice place you've got here. (Starts up slowly). Love what you've done with the pictures.

SECURITY GUARD : Who are you ? Why aren't the sensors picking you up ?

There are sensors at each corner of the window Owen is walking past. The guard starts getting nervous. Owen continues up the stairs.

SECURITY GUARD : Okay, stop ! Stop or I'll sh**t.

OWEN : No, you won't. You're a security guard. Come on, that g*n's just for show, innit ?

Owen continues up the stairs.

OWEN : Do you know what a b*llet does to a living person ? It's not like a knife through butter, no, no, no, no. It rotates, tears into the flesh and the gooey stuff behind... it rips into the organs, and, ooh, it's not nice.

Owen is nearly to the top of the stairs.

OWEN : But anyway, I haven't got any body heat. You must know what that means ? You can't k*ll a dead man.

SECURITY GUARD : What are you ?

OWEN : I'm wrong.

SECURITY GUARD : What are you ?!

Owen shows him his broken left hand.

OWEN : I'm broken. I'm Dr Owen Harper.

Owen grabs the g*n away from the security guard.

OWEN : And I'm having one hell of a day.

Owen smashes the g*n into the security guard's face, knocking him out. Owen steps over the guard, drops the security guard's g*n near him and takes his own g*n out. The cartridge clicks as he snaps it in place.


Owen starts down the hallway, his g*n held out in front of him.


Jack and Martha wait.


Ianto and Gwen wait.


Owen continues through the hallway. He checks the first door, then continues. Owen reaches the end of the hallway. He opens the door and enters the room. In the room is a shelf with various items on display. Owen looks at the items. Whatever he's looking for isn't there. He turns and looks at a second shelf with more items on display. Again, not there. Owen lifts his g*n and heads for the door at the back of the room.


Owen opens the door and finds Parker's bedroom, a large mosquito net-covered bed in the middle of the room with various medical equipment and monitors around it. Owen walks in. Henry Parker is on the bed, seemingly asleep. Owen turns to look at some items on display on a shelf.


Owen is startled. He turns and finds Henry Parker awake. A heart monitor beeps steadily.

OWEN : It's okay, mate. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm a doctor.

HENRY PARKER : You're a very violent doctor. I've been watching you.

Parker lifts his hand and indicates the security monitors set up nearby. Owen pushes the netting aside to look at the old man.

OWEN : Henry Parker, yeah ?

HENRY PARKER : You're Torchwood, yes ?


Outside, Jack and Martha listen.

HENRY PARKER (from Owen's comm) : Did the American send you ?

Martha turns and looks at Jack. Jack looks at Martha.

OWEN : Yeah, he sent me. How do you know so much about us ?

HENRY PARKER : They could've sent that Japanese girl, I like her.


In the hub, Toshiko listens and is surprised.

OWEN : Yeah, well, I'm sorry. You got me.

HENRY PARKER : Is she... uh... on your phone thing ? That earpiece ?

OWEN : Yeah.

HENRY PARKER (to Toshiko) : Hello ! Just to say you've got very lovely legs. (Toshiko smiles). You should show them off more.

Parker coughs.

OWEN : What's wrong with you ?

HENRY PARKER : Three heart att*cks and a failed bypass. But I'm fine, because I have this.

Parker takes out the alien device hidden under his covers. It looks like a large shell. It glows, pulses with light and emits a hollow sound.

HENRY PARKER : It's called "the Pulse".

OWEN : You know what it is ?

Owen takes his backpack off and opens it.

HENRY PARKER : I named it. It's keeping me alive. (Owen takes his hand-held device out to measure the energy readings). No ! You're not taking it.

Owen takes his readings.

OWEN : It could be dangerous. We've been detecting massive energy readings.

HENRY PARKER : I don't care. All I know is, it works.

OWEN : Well, I'm sorry, it doesn't.


OWEN : The energy isn't going into you. The power's just building up inside that thing, that's what we've been detecting but... it isn't actually doing anything for you.

HENRY PARKER : You're wrong. I can feel it. No, no. I'm not going to die.

OWEN : Listen, please. Listen to me. There are loads of people's lives at risk. If that explodes, then we don't know what the fallout will be.

HENRY PARKER : You're young. You don't understand what dying feels like.

OWEN : Believe me, I do. I really do.

HENRY PARKER : There's nothing there !

OWEN : Where ?

HENRY PARKER : On the other side, nothing. I'm dying. Take away my Pulse and I'm gone, my body decomposing.

OWEN : You can't stop it, Mr. Parker. I'm sorry, but it's going to happen one day.

Owen pulls up a chair and sits down next to the bed.

HENRY PARKER : It'll be dark and I'll be alone.

OWEN : Where are you now ? It's dark and you're all alone, so what's the difference ?

HENRY PARKER : I don't understand what's keeping me here.

Parker coughs. The monitor alarm beeps. Owen puts the oxygen mask on Parker and lets him breathe in deep. After he's calmed down and the monitor alarm stops, Owen removes the oxygen mask.

OWEN : It's hope. That thing... it's just hope. Do you really think all this is better than death ?

HENRY PARKER : It's got to be. It is better !

OWEN : You're just scared of the darkness. Join the club. Trust me. I know how shit everything can be.

HENRY PARKER : Eh... Don't you sit there pontificating, you're just a boy. What do you know about anything ? I've traveled the world. I fought in the w*r. Started my own business. I made a fortune. Married. Widowed. My collection, all of it. I've done so much and this is where I ended up. Alone. Lying in my own piss and do you know what I want ?

OWEN : Clean sheets ?

HENRY PARKER : I want a steak. Medium rare. Black pepper sauce. Look at me ! Fed through a tube. I might as well be dead already. (The Pulse keens. Softly). I might as well be dead. Why don't you take it ?

Parker lifts the Pulse and offers it to Owen.

HENRY PARKER (softly) : Take it.

Owen takes it from him and sets it aside on the bed.

OWEN : Well ?

HENRY PARKER : Oh, Christ, it's dark, I'm alone, I'm so alone.

Owen reaches for his hand and holds it.

OWEN : It's all right, I'm here with you.

HENRY PARKER : Uh. I'm still stuck here, though. In this bed, in the dark.

OWEN : You know what ? I'm going to come back. You and me. We're going to face all of this together. I'm going to help you.

HENRY PARKER : Torchwood, if you come back, you can tell me all about it. Tell me what it's like. I want to hear about the aliens and everything ! I need... I need to know that there's more out there. That this isn't all there is. (Off Owen's hesitant look). Oh, come on ! I'm dying, who am I going to tell, the Angel Gabriel ? If you come back, I won't tell the Japanese girl that you're still holding my hand.

OWEN : Well, maybe.

Parker smiles. He starts coughing and the heart monitor flatlines. Owen turns and reaches for the oxygen mask. He puts it on Parker's face.

OWEN : Deep breath.

Owen turns and presses the buttons on the machine.

OWEN : Mr. Parker ?

The heart monitor flatlines. Parker doesn't respond. Owen sets the oxygen mask aside.

OWEN : Henry ?

Still no response. Owen gets to work. He turns and checks the monitors. He checks Parker for a pulse and removes the pillow from behind his head. He starts chest compressions and leans in to give him mouth-to-mouth when he stops. He has no breath to give him. He lifts his hand to his mouth. No breath. Owen hits the bed in frustration.

OWEN : I'm sorry. I'm so sorry !

Owen puts his head down in frustration and despair.

OWEN (PRE-LAP, v.o.) : I couldn't save him.


OWEN : He needed to give him air but I couldn't. I've got no breath ! Everything I've seen, everything that's out there and it was an old man dying of a heart attack. It was just another person dying because of me. (Owen climbs up on the wall and stands up). Everything that's happened and that was the final straw. Because at that moment I just wanted it all to end.

TOSHIKO (PRE-LAP, from comm.) : Owen.

Owen closes his eyes.


Owen's head is down on Parker's chest. The Pulse is glowing dangerously bright next to him.

TOSHIKO (from comm.) : Owen, can you hear me ?

Owen doesn't respond.



TOSHIKO (firmly) : Owen, come in !

Owen stirs.

OWEN (mumbles) : Yeah, yeah, I'm here.

TOSHIKO : The device ? Is it doing anything ? (Owen glances at the Pulse). Because the energy levels coming from it are... Owen ? It's going off the screen.


The bright light on Toshiko's monitor grows brighter and brighter with waves of energy emitting from the source.

TOSHIKO : It's going to explode !


JACK : Tosh ? What can we do ?

TOSHIKO : Nothing ! There's nothing !

Gwen and Ianto head toward Toshiko. Owen reaches for the Pulse. He's strangely calm about it.

OWEN : It's okay. I'm going to hold it.

JACK : Owen, what are you doing ?

OWEN (from comm) : See if I can absorb it.

TOSHIKO : Owen, the energy reading's off the scale. You won't survive.

Owen tucks the Pulse in the crook of his arm and cradles it close to his body.

OWEN : It's okay. These things happen.

MARTHA : There must be something we can do.

OWEN (from comm) : Martha, Martha.

MARTHA : Owen ?

OWEN : If it destroys me, they're going to need a new doctor. You've got all the credentials : medical skills, a cracking arse.

Toshiko, Gwen and Ianto listen. Everyone is quiet. He means it.

OWEN : Jack ? If you even attempt to bring me back again. Gwen, Ianto, it was fun. Honestly, thank you. Tosh ? (Silence) Tosh ? Come on, answer me.


OWEN : I'm sorry.


TOSHIKO : I love you.

Waves of colored light float out of the Pulse as it grows and ribbons out... reaching. Owen closes his eyes and holds onto the Pulse. The light continues to grow and reach out past Owen.


Owen and Maggie are up on the roof.

MAGGIE : What happened ?

OWEN : We all assume life's going to be shit, don't we ? That it's all just darkness. But you know what ? Sometimes, it's not.

Owen gets off the wall. He kneels and opens his backpack on the ground. He takes out the Pulse. Bursts of ribbons of light continue to fluctuate out from the device. He turns and shows it to Maggie. She kneels to look at it, enraptured by it.

MAGGIE : What is it ?

OWEN : Do you remember in the '70s, NASA sent messages into space ? A map of our solar system, pictures of what we look like. It had images and voices, music. Even a bit of Chuck Berry. Well, this is a reply, not that we know who from.

MAGGIE : What does it do ?

OWEN : It sang to me.

He holds it up to her. A ribbon of light reaches out from the device. It floats and waves back and forth between them.

OWEN : It's a glimmer of light in the darkness. See ? Sometimes it does get better.

They take a moment and watch the light.




Jack, Owen and Martha get out of the SUV. Gwen and Ianto join them. Owen turns and helps Martha out of the back seat.

OWEN : Well, I'm sorry, Dr. Jones. No vacancies in Cardiff just yet.

MARTHA : That's okay. I reckon you're... I was going to say "fine", but you're a hell of a lot more than that.

OWEN : Thank you. For everything.

Owen kisses Martha on the cheek. He gives her a hug.

JACK (interrupts) : Oi !

Jack smiles.

MARTHA : That's what I'm here for.

Martha goes over to Gwen, who gives her a hug.

GWEN : You take care.

MARTHA : Okay.

Martha gives Ianto a kiss on the cheek. She turns to Jack.

MARTHA : Well, it's been... interesting.

JACK : Oh, it's been fun. (Soft) You know it has.

Martha surprises Jack and kisses him. She steps back and he looks at her curiously.

MARTHA (chuckles) : Well, everyone else has had a go.

He cups her cheek and looks at her seriously.

JACK : You can so come back anytime.

MARTHA : Well, maybe I will. One day.

She taps her fingers to her forehead in a salute. Jack salutes her. Martha walks away with her bag and case.


Toshiko and Owen sit on the couch and talk.

TOSHIKO : Promise me something.

OWEN : What's that ?

TOSHIKO : No more locking it all away. You tell me when it's bad. Share it with me. Okay ?

OWEN (nods) : Okay. Tosh, I'm scared. I'm scared that if I close my eyes I'll get trapped, in the darkness.

She holds onto his arm.

TOSHIKO : I'm here.

Owen thinks about it for a moment, then puts his hand on hers. She puts her other hand on his.



Owen is walking along the sidewalk. As he walks, something flutters to the ground right in front of him. He picks it up and finds that it's a folded photo of a man and woman. He thinks about it for a moment. Where could it have come from? He looks up and sees a young woman on the edge of the rooftop.

OWEN (v.o.) : And that's when I saw you.


MAGGIE : I thought you came here to jump ?

OWEN : No, I came here to help.

He returns her folded photo back to her. She takes it and opens it.

MAGGIE : What do I do now ?

OWEN : You've got a choice. If you think that the darkness is too much, then go for it. But if there is a chance, just some hope. It could be having a cigarette, or that first sip of hot tea on a cold morning, or it could be your mates, if there's even a tiny glimmer of light then don't you think that's worth taking a chance ?

Maggie's quiet.

OWEN : What's your name ?

MAGGIE : Maggie. Maggie Hopley.

With his free hand, Owen holds Maggie's hand. In his other hand, he's holding the Pulse which has now blossomed with even more ribbons of light.

OWEN : Well, Maggie, it's up to you. Your choice. (Owen looks at the Pulse). Do you still want to jump ?

They stand there together.

OWEN (v.o.) : My name is Owen Harper and this is my life.

The ribbons of light reach out and grow from the Pulse. It zooms out, twists, curls and reaches out toward the city.