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02x20 - The Hostages

Posted: 04/29/23 10:54
by bunniefuu
All right, on the
floor! On the floor!

Get down! Come on! Hurry.

You, put your
hands on your head!

All units in the
vicinity and 4-adam-30,

A 2-11 in progress at the
excelsior hotel, plaza and main.

4-Adam-30, roger.

On your feet, come on,
everybody in the safe.

Come on. Get in,
get in the safe.

You, too. Move. Move.

Move, move, move.

Come on.

All right, let's go!
Come on, come on!

Hold it!

Get out of here,
I'll hold them off.

We're not going
without you, dad.

Get out of here! No!

Carol ann, come on.

Easy, I'm hurtin'.
I'm hurt real bad.

Not nearly bad enough.

Ok, pal, there's
no other way out.

Come out with your hands up.

Hands on the bar.

How is the suspect you shot?

He's got a 70-30
chance, but he's strong.

They got a 24-hour guard
around his hospital room.

They say he can't be moved to
the county jail ward till tomorrow,

Maybe the day after.

What's our next move?

The sweet young thing
who dented your forehead.

Not to mention my ego.

Dr. Solomon to x ray, please.

Dr. Solomon.

How's the old man?

I don't know. They got a
guard outside his door.

We gotta do something fast.

I heard some talk at
the nurses' station,

The cops might try to send
him to a jail ward tomorrow.

What do we do?

You're gonna come with me.

We're gonna get a
layout of this place.

We're gonna get him
out of here tonight.

Stacy, anything on
our young lady bandit?

The matron found
this in her search.

Room 115, but no name
of the motel on it.

They're running it down now.

Did you run the prints on
the suspect in the hospital?

Mmm-hmm. His name
is henry baker.

The records show he has
2 sons and a stepdaughter.

We're waiting for
a rundown on them,

As well as the
hotel robbery m.o.

2 Sons and a stepdaughter.

It looks like we have a
family operation on our hands.


What a shame, a
pretty girl like you.

The only shame is I got caught.

Things could be worse.

If you'd hit me just right with
that bottle, you could've k*lled me.

Then you'd be looking
at a m*rder charge.

Too bad the bottle
wasn't a hammer.

It must be hard,

Putting on this tough-guy act.

And I don't think you are.

I'm not acting.

What you see is
what you get, cop.

What I see is a kid who's
got herself deserted

By a bunch of
cheap rip-off punks

In front of the
excelsior hotel today.

They're not cheap!

And they didn't cut out on me.

You'll see.

My brothers'll come back
and bust me out of this dump.

The brothers baker,
and father henry.

They're not your blood
relatives, are they?

How old were you when
henry married your mother?

10, If it's any of
your business.

We're running a check.

You wanna tell me
now your first name?

Carol ann.

And I'm through talking.
Gettin' out of here.

Not until I make you an offer.

Free of charge. No
strings attached.

I don't want anything from you.

Hey, carol ann,

Your stepfather and your
stepbrothers are using you.

You have your whole
life ahead of you.

It can be a new life, if
you cooperate with us.

How old are you? 17?

Bingo. Give the man a prize.

I'm guessing you lost
most of your teens

To a pack of mad dogs

Who used you to
pick up after them.

I bet you lost a lot
of your childhood,

Boyfriends, school
dances, fun, laughter.

When was the last
time you laughed?

It's not too late to get
some of what you missed back.

You're not 18 yet.

You could be placed in a
foster home, with decent people

And a chance to meet
decent friends, nice schools,

Everything you should have.

All you have to do is say:

"I want a new start. On
my own, without them."

Think about it, carol ann.

Think about it real hard.

That's a pretty deal
you offered her there.

Feeling sorry for her?

She's a victim herself. I figure,
if we help her, she'll help us.

But she won't.

So we track down the
maggots she ran with.

Hooker? It's a family
operation all right.

The sons' names are
freddy and sammy.

The stepdaughter's
name is carol ann.

There are warrants
out on them in 5 states,

For everything from
armed robbery to m*rder.

This guy freddy's a charmer.

On top of the beefs
against the family,

He's wanted for
r*pe and as*ault.

What about the m.o.?

Just like here. Hotel
robberies in louisiana,

Alabama, new mexico,
mexico, and san diego.

We also ran down the motel key.

The safari motel on crocker.

Mmm-hmm. We'll run it down.

Hooker, turn it over
to the detectives, ok?

We can do it now, while
we're on patrol, captain.

These guys are
armed and dangerous.

No need to stand on protocol
while they're out on the streets.

Hooker, uh, can't you ever
take "no" for an answer?

Not when "yes" makes more sense.

What time are you planning on
visiting valerie at the hospital?

As soon as I change
into my civvies.

Her mom needs a break
from the bedside vigil.

Well, you give them both
a great big hug from me.

And you tell val's
mom I'm praying, too.


Nice operation.

Free hotel brochure,
study the layout,

Take off with the
cashier's money.

Nice hotel, a lot
different from this dump.

What do you make of this? It
looks like they drew it themselves.

Some kind of floor plan.

Excelsior hotel lobby.

4Th floor of the
community hospital.

Henry baker's on that floor.

He's not the only one.

Fran just started her shift.

Mrs. Fernandez,
front desk, please.

Mrs. Fernandez.

Dr. Vickor, pediatrics, please.

Dr. Vickor.

Whoever said hospitals
were a bad place

Never saw what they got here.

Mrs. O'brien, telephone, please.

Mrs. O'brien.

Wouldn't it be something

If this elevator got
stuck between floors?

I like your puppy.

Dr. Mccullun, surgery, please.

Dr. Mccullun.

Hi, fran.

Oh, stacy, hi.

Valerie's mom just went
down to the coffee shop.

Boy, is that little girl
looking forward to your visit.

4-Adam-30. Alert our police
security at community hospital

That a possible escape
plan for suspect baker

May be in progress.

Hi, valerie.

Hi, aunt stacy.


Oh, how cute. A puppy.

I thought maybe
you weren't coming

Cause you had to catch
a crook or somethin'.

No crook could keep me from you.

You know, I was thinkin',

Maybe if they fix me good, I
could be a policewoman, too.

Oh, you bet you can.

Victor 10, victor 10.

4-Adam-30 reports a possible
escape plan in progress.

How you doing?

Get the girl, dummy!

Turn around! Turn around!

A lady cop?

What're you trying to do?

What's going on out here...

Come on.

Let's go, come on! Come
on! Come on! Move! Move!


She's a lady cop!

Throw down your weapons.

You ain't telling us nothin'!

Now we're giving
the orders here!

Now you tell the
top police honcho

To give us what we want,

Or we're gonna k*ll
everybody on this floor!

The numbers of all the
patients on the 4th floor, ok?

Get it for me.

How many hostages, hooker?

According to the
registrar records,

There are 8 patients up there.

Some of the nurses
went on a coffee break,

So it appears

That fran is the only
staff member up there.

I'm sorry, hooker.

So am i.

How about stacy being up there?

She was visiting the daughter
of some friends of ours.

Along with the guard,

That makes a total
of 11 hostages.

My team has the 4th
floor isolated, captain.

The other floors are secured.

As soon as I go over the
blueprints of the building,

I'll recommend a plan of attack.

Hold on a second, decker.

I suggest you take a look
at the suspects' rap sheets.

2 Of those men are
violent criminals.

We'll take our chances.

Yeah, well, it wasn't your
team that I was thinking about

It's those hostages

Who don't get to
vote on your plan.

Oh, I know, nicole. It'll be ok.

It'll be all right.

My baby is up there.

They were just going to bring
her down for emergency surgery.

What kind of surgery?

She has a coarctation
of the aorta.

The blood flow to the
heart is being squeezed off.

Do the doctors say
how much time we have?

It could stop her
heart at any time.

If she's frightened,

Or if... If her blood pressure
goes up for any reason.

4Th floor nurses' station.

It's for you. Mmm.

Yeah, what can I do for you?

This is lt. Decker.

I'm calling to see

If you and I can't find
a way to work this out

Without anybody getting hurt.

You must be one of
the yo-yos they bring in

When they want the
bad guys to give up.

Well, you forget that.

Now, I wanna talk to,
uh, a sgt. T.j. Hooker,

The cop who shot my old man.

I'm gonna k*ll him
before all this is over.

But right now,

I trust a harness
bull more than I do

A smooth talker like you, yo-yo.

Hooker, he wants to talk to you.

Hooker here.

Sgt. T.j. Hooker.

Now you listen
real good, hooker.

You got 2 hours to get me
$100,000 and a station wagon.

Now, when the money gets here,

I want my baby
sister out of jail

So she can bring the
money up here to us.

Now, if everything's in order,

We'll come down and take a
nice long drive away from here.

Now hold on, you're
asking for an awful lot.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I'm gonna give
you somethin' for free.

It's coming down in
the elevator right now.

I got another cop up here.

A lady cop.

And you got a whole 2 hours
to put things together, hooker.

But that's it, 2 hours.

Or your lady cop takes
the next ride down.

Baker, listen to me. I...

I want to speak to
you m-man to man.

You got a little girl up there
named valerie webb, room 402.

She needs surgery real bad.

If she doesn't get it she
could die at any minute.

Look, you got 10 other hostages.

Let me send a doctor
up and get her.

Nobody gets up on this
floor. You got that, hooker?

If this kid's so sick,

You better do what I told you!

You got an hour
and 57 minutes, t.j.

They know that stacy's a cop.

We'll do whatever it
takes to keep her alive.

He's telling you the truth.

The little girl's overdue
for surgery now.

That's the way it goes.

Your honor, there isn't
time to think about it.

Well, they... They have 10
hostages that we know of.

Among them is a little girl

Who may die without
immediate surgery.

Yes, sir. I'll wait
for your call.

His honor the mayor is
running for re election

And says these are
times for law and order,

Not times to give in.

But he'll think about the money.

Did anybody talk to the d.a.

About releasing
carol ann baker? No.

The chief is making that call,

But the, uh, the d.a. Is
running for reelection, too.

Damn it!

We're dealing with scum

Who would k*ll a policeman
without blinking an eye

And everyone's worried
about their own reelection.

h**ker's right, captain.

We don't have time.

According to these blueprints,

There are only 3 ways
into the 4th floor.

Fire escape, stairway
and elevator.

And all of them are easily
guarded from the nurses' station.

Let me rappel a couple of men

Down the side of the building,

And they can try to
enter from the rooms

Farthest from that station.

Hold on, decker.

This building is ventilated
for climate control.

Those windows are sealed.

That's right. Your men would
have to break a window to get in.

What if one of the
bakers hears them?

How many men do you lose? How
many hostages do those psychos k*ll?

We've already got
one dead officer.

It's medication time.

So what?

Ignoring the patients up
until now hasn't been a problem,

But if you're smart,

You'll let me administer
the medication.

I could care less about 'em,

So don't give me
that nurses' routine.

Use your head.

I give them their pain pills
and their sleeping medication

And this floor quiets down.

It'll be easier for
you to control.

Ok. Give them their fix.

And you use your head.

You try anything cute,

And this little honey takes
the next elevator ride down.

Yes, chief, that's real nice,
but it's only half the demand.

Yes, sir, I'll wait.

But I'm not sure
how long they will.

The mayor has authorized release
of the money, should we need the cash.

But the d.a. Refuses
to release the girl,

Being a strong
law-and-order man and all that.

How are you doing, honey?

How come the
doctor isn't here yet?

And my mom?

Oh, don't worry, sweetheart.

They've just been
delayed a little.

Think happy thoughts, mmm?

Stay with me. Please?
I... I don't wanna be alone.

You have to be quiet
and stay very relaxed.

Just like a little raggedy
ann doll, remember?

But I'm scared.

Where's my mommy?
Why doesn't she come?

Now you just lie back
for me, darling, ok?

Now you just lie still and rest,

And I'm gonna see if I can find
someone to come sit with you.


Won't be long.

I need her.

The little girl's blood
pressure is in the danger zone.

I don't have
anything to quiet her.

Medication for children

Has to be special-ordered
from the hospital pharmacy.

Well, I need her, too.


The only way sweetness,
here, leaves my sight

Is if I search her for weapons.


I want my mommy!

You can search me.

Keep an eye on things, sammy.


When he's with a girl,

He just does not
know how not to...

That light.

That's from your father's room.

He must've regained

Dad's awake. He
wants to see you.

Then keep an eye
on her. It ain't hard.

You said I could help
with the little girl.

Yeah, go ahead.

But you owe me one

And I'm gonna collect.

Don't let her out of your sight.

How long before
the money gets here?

About a half-hour, hooker.

I got an idea. It's a long shot,

But it's worth a try.

Oh, god, I'll do anything.

Captain, I'd like to call a press
conference for mrs. Webb.

W-what good'll that do?

It could nudge them a
little, soften them up.

Soft isn't gonna work.

Well, it better.

Because according to the chief,

Not only is the d.a. Not
going to release carol ann,

He's gonna make an
announcement to the media

That he's not gonna release her.

If the bakers see that,

He could be sentencing
the hostages to death.

Let me put a couple of my
men through the windows now.

Just because the
d.a. Is willing to play

Russian roulette with their
lives, doesn't mean we should.

Have you seen mommy
yet, aunt stacy?

She'll be here.

Now you rest and don't worry.

They won't let anyone
help my little girl.

The doctors say

That she could die
without any warning.

If she gets upset or scared,

Her heart could stop

And she'd be gone.

I can't believe

That those people
could just sit there

And let a child die.


I'm talking to you, henry baker,

And your sons.

You're a family.

You know how much my
little girl means to me.

I'll be right back.

Don't go too far.

Please, let a doctor
come and get her.

Why don't you do something?

You're not like your brother.

Do you want that
little girl to die?

Come on, come on.

Look, dad, I just don't
like what freddy's doing.

I want that little
girl to have help.

And if he gets in
the way of that,

It's gonna have to be past me.

Ok by me.

Cut it out, both of you.


I want you to let 'em
help that little girl.

This is no time to be
fighting amongst ourselves.

Capt. Sheridan here.

Hooker? It's freddy baker.

He wants to speak to you.

We've still got 45 minutes left.


You can come get
the little girl, hooker.

I'd like to bring a doctor
up. What do you say?

I say you'd better get

One of those phones
for the hearing impaired.

I said you can
get the little girl.

You got 2 minutes,
otherwise forget it.

I've got 2 minutes
to get valerie.

Take charge, lieutenant.
I have to brief the chief.

Yes, sir.

Now is the time to go.

Hooker being on the floor getting
the girl is the perfect distraction.

Lieutenant, it's too late to let
hooker know what you're doing.

It's better he doesn't know.

Then he won't do
anything to tip it.

The captain would
never go for this.

You heard him, I'm in charge.

Plan zebra. The stairway
and the elevator.

It's worse than using
hooker as a decoy.

At least a decoy knows
what's coming down.

Hooker would do the
same thing in my shoes.

No, he wouldn't! I
know my partner.

And I'm not just gonna sit
here and let you set him up.

I ought to k*ll you
right here, hooker,

For sh**ting my old man.

You'll get your chance.

Right now, I'm keeping
you to your word.

I'm taking the child.

I'll get you both out of here.

We know you will.

This may be the
only time in my life

I'll ever be glad you're a cop.


Aunt stacy says you're the
best police officer she knows.

She does, does she?

Well, I don't know about that,

But there's one thing
that I really am terrific at,

And that's giving
little girls a ride.

I have 2 daughters
of my own, you know.

You do?

Sure do.

You wait right here,

And I'm gonna go get one
of those rolling chairs,

And we'll go for a stroll.

Take your teddy with you, too.

I shut down the
electrical fringe systems,

So there won't be any
lights or bells to alert them.

Ok, go.

Hold it, romano. This
is as far as you go.

It's gonna take your whole team

To stop me, lieutenant.

I'm taking her down
in the elevator.

Why not?

But if anybody's
on it, you all die.


I'm gonna k*ll you! You hear me?

I'm gonna k*ll every one of you!

You made a big mistake, hooker.

Do you think if I knew
they were coming,

I'd be caught standing in the middle
of a hallway with 2 innocent women?

I'm gonna k*ll you just
for putting me in here.

He may be the only
one on our side.


Then ask him to explain

Why I just saw some
t.v. Newslady saying

The d.a. Wouldn't release
carol ann no matter what.

It had to do with some
law-and-order stand he was making.

Tell you what, hooker.

I think I'll get my boys to k*ll

Half the patients in here,

As my law-and-order stand.

Listen to yourself,
henry. I'm all you got.

If I'm not out of here in one
minute with that little girl,

You can count on
it all ending for you

Right here in this hospital,

'Cause those cops'll keep
coming at you till they get you.

If I get out of here,

I'll do everything I can to
see that your terms are met,

'Cause I wanna see
these hostages set free.

I'll think about it.

There's no more time for
you to think about anything!

I'm taking that little girl.


Wait a minute!
What are you doing?


I'm telling you.

Stand back, stand back,
stand back, stand back.

Move her out, move
her out. Hurry! Let's go.

You almost got a lot
of people k*lled, decker.

We're down to 14 minutes.

If you've got a
complaint, file it!

You better sit on this guy.

One of his men is
wounded because of him.

And the bakers
picked up the m-16.

You try storming
that place again,

They'll be ready for you.

You got a better plan, hooker?

We've gotta do something
they'd never expect us to do.

Something that'll surprise them.

Hooker, what's she doing here?

Now you heard the d.a.

He's not releasing
the baker girl.

Captain, I'm the
arresting officer.

As such, I have the legal right

To check her in and out of jail

And interview her
any place I choose.

Besides, who said anything
about releasing her?

I'm gonna ask for her
help one more time.

I'll take her. Let
me have the keys.

Knock it off, you
guys. Knock it off!

Carol ann, we're sending
you up with your stepfather.

I figured you would, eventually.

I told you they
wouldn't split without me.

They almost caused
the death of a little girl.

They're threatening the lives
of a lot of helpless people.

What do you want
me to do? Stop them?

They never paid attention
to anything I've ever wanted.

They treat me like a
sl*ve, except for sammy.

But he's not smart enough
to do anything about it.

Look, have you been
thinking about what I said?

Yeah, I've been thinkin'.

If you go back with them,

Into the life
you've been leading,

You'll be caught again.

Only this time,
you'll be over 18.

And any chance you had
of turning your life around

Will be gone.

What you said before,
is the offer still open?

It's there. All you
have to do is take it.

No strings?

No strings.

You don't have to help me.

But if you do
decide you want to,

You gotta tell me now.

Because we have 9 minutes.

But if I don't wanna help,
you won't change your mind?

I can just stay away from them,

And you'll see that
I get a new start?

That's what I said.

What do you want me to do?

You better be talking business.

In 8 minutes, your
lady cop buys it.

Hold on a second, baker.
I got carol ann here.

I'm sending her up with the
money, but I need 15 minutes first.

You send 'em up right now.

I gotta count the money.

I don't wanna shortchange you.

No, you wouldn't
wanna shortchange me.

Well, you count fast, hooker,

You got 10 minutes!

All right, you get the old
man ready. We're moving out.

You get ready, too, ladies.

They're gonna be
our protection, right?

Oh, yeah, sammy.

For starters.

Just for starters.

Young lady,

Now don't shatter
my faith in sgt. Hooker,

Or his faith in you.

Now we're running the
department on faith?

Try it, decker.
Sometimes it works.

Yeah, sometimes

Who? You!

We did it! Huh?

Come on, we gotta
get out of here!

Freddy, freddy,
count that money first.

I don't want anybody

Pulling a scam on
the baker family.

Dad, dad!


Get over there.

Get over there!

Turn around.

We're going in.

Push that button, lady cop.



Don't try it or you're dead!

I'll let the state settle
with you for all the rest,

I don't suppose there's any
chance you're still glad I'm a cop?

Maybe a little bit.

Whenever I see valerie
alive and smiling.

Enough to break
bread with me tonight?

At your favorite steak house?

Well, I'll think about it.


All day.

8 O'clock?


Dr. Anderson to
maternity, please.

Dr. Anderson.


The doctors tell me
they fixed you up so good,

You could become a policewoman.

Just like stacy.

Sit down, hooker. Valerie
has something for you.

What you got?

I love you, hooker.

I love you, too, sweetheart.