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02x16 - Vengeance Is Mine

Posted: 04/29/23 10:50
by bunniefuu
King 10, this is 4-king-22.
Here we go again, lieutenant.

Second time I've tailed
him past this intersection.

Stay with him, o'brien.

We'll continue to parallel you.

Well, what do you think,
hooker? We got a bad tip?

Nah, they're itching to caper.

It's just a matter of feeling
right about the place they'd pick.

I tell you, working with this
guy all those years, romano,

He's got instincts
that won't quit.


Too bad his instincts
don't extend to banking.

Oh, really? Mmm-hmm.

Financial problems, hooker?

I ran out of checks. I
can't seem to get anymore.

The computer lost
a deposit of mine.

I keep getting the
statements of t.r. Booker.

He probably gets mine.

If you banked at ascot savings,

You would get
dynamite service, hooker.

I'd see to that personally.

Her name is crystal.


4-King-10, this is king-22.

It looks like they're
making their move.

They're in the alley behind
the ringside liquor store.

I'll eyeball the front.

If king-23 takes the
north end of the alley,

We can hold down the south end.

King-23, this is king-10.

You've got the north
end of the alley,

I'll stay with the command
post in a black-and-white.

Robbery confirmed.
Suspects have the money.

They're comin' out the back.

King-23, it's a go.
Repeat, it's a go.

Romano, get him!



Sucker almost had me.

I owe you one, hooker.

I recall saying the same
thing to you 17 years ago.

And with your
retirement coming up,

I didn't think I'd get
a chance to get even.

And 1, and 2, and 3, and 4.

And 1, 2, 3, 4.



And out.

Thank you, everybody.

See you all tomorrow.

Hey, nice workout. Thanks.

How about you and
me getting together

For that dinner I've
been talking about?

Oh, thanks anyway, larry,

But, uh, I'm really tied up, ok?

Sure. Some other time.

Right. Bye.

Don't scream again
or you'll never finish it.

Sweet val. Sweet, sweet, val.

That's the same way we took
down the mosley brothers.

No kidding?

That collar's a legend
in the police department.

I didn't know it was you two
who took down the mosleys.

Neither did they.
Until it was too late.

Units in the vicinity
and 4-adam-16,

A possible r*pe just occurred
in the underground garage,

1705, West van buren.

4-Adam-16, handle code 3.

That's our area.

That's val's!

Calm down, lieutenant.

That's my daughter, romano.

Excuse me.

Valerie, it's me, hooker.

Val, honey.

Daddy. Oh, daddy.

Oh, sweetheart.

Oh, daddy.

Who did this to you?

Come on.

They'll take her to the
hospital, she'll be ok.

Get her to the hospital. Roll.

We have a witness.

Paul, you ride with val.

I'll keep you filled in.

She's all I got, hooker.

Go on.

The witness was 20
feet from the suspect.

Black clothes,
black mask, gloves.

Something shiny in his hand.

It's not much to go on.

Which means

We're gonna have to count
on the victim to nail him.


Dr. Kaufman, telephone,
please. Dr. Kaufman.

How's val?

I can't get any answers.

She's sedated, that's
all they tell me.

Except wait.

Why? Why val?

She's tough, paul.

And she'll pull herself
together despite what's happened.

I asked a professional from the
r*pe crisis center to come down.

And, paul,

The captain has authorized
me to take val's statement.

You don't have
any other evidence?

All the witness saw was
a man dressed in black

With something
shiny in his hand.

So, the whole case is on her.

Mrs. Keyes, telephone please.

Mrs. Keyes.

She was born here,
in this hospital.

Dr. Kaufman, telephone please.

Dr. Kaufman.

I brought you and sharon here
in a black-and-white. Remember?

I'll never forget that
night as long as I live.

I was 10 feet off the ground.

I was handing out
cigars to everybody.

How is she? In pain.

Physically, she'll be ok.

But her emotional
state is a little shaky.

5 Minutes, lieutenant, ok?

Yeah, ok.

Dr. Pierce, come to the
emergency, please. Dr...

Valerie, sweetheart.


I tried to stop
him. He wouldn't.

I know, it's all right.
It's all right, baby.

Oh, god.

I feel so violated and empty.

So dirty.


We still have to find him.

Black clothing.

And a chrome a*t*matic
that he held against my head.

He was wearing a mask?


But it was more than a
mask, it was like a hood.

Like a black hood.

His voice.

I'll never forget his voice.

"Val. Sweet, val."

Sweet larry foster.

You know the suspect?

I recognized his voice.

He's a member of
the health club.

An... An attorney, I think.

How long have you known him?

What are you thinking? I didn't do
anything. He's a member of the club.

He asked me out, and I turned
him down. I didn't do anything.

Baby, baby. Honey,
it's all right.

I meant nothing by the question.

I swear it.

I'm sorry.

I'm just so confused.

I know.


Why did he have to choose me?

Whatever the answer,
he'll pay, I promise.

And I promise.

On my life, I promise.

Marcy, how's the practice
of law treating you lately?

Miss wade, how are you?

Fine, sergeant, thank you.

That attorney over there,
is that lawrence foster?

Yes, that's him.

Thank you.

Excuse me, mr. Foster?

Yes, what is it? I'm
sergeant hooker.

Your client's gonna
need a new attorney.

You're going to jail.

For the r*pe of valerie mcguire.

Sergeant, you're
taking a dangerous step

Towards some very
serious litigation here.

I think you better ask
yourself, do I look like a r*pist?

You tell me what
a r*pist looks like,

And I'll show you what a
cop's daughter looks like

After she's been r*ped.

Suspect number
1, repeat after me.

Val, sweet val.
Sweet, sweet val.

"Val, sweet val.
Sweet, sweet val."

It's through the mask.

Are you sure I'm close enough?

Suspect number 2,
repeat the same phrase.

"Val, sweet val.

Sweet, sweet val."

Number 3, repeat
the same phrase.

"Val, sweet val.

Sweet, sweet val."

That... That's him.

Are you sure?

Pretty sure.

Are you positive?

She said it was him.

Lieutenant, I don't wanna
have to ask you to leave.

Now do you wanna hear
the 4th one, miss mcguire?

No. At first I thought
it was number one,

But the last one
sounded like larry foster.

I'm almost positive.

Almost, but not quite.

What do you want, tyler?

You can dismiss the prisoners.

That'll be all.

It's him! It is him!

Now he did that, tyler. Not us.

He took off his own mask.

Mcguire's right.

Val said it was foster
before he took off the mask.

It's him.

What's wrong
with you? It is him!

Chuck, it's a lawyer's trick.

You both know the charging
standards of the d.a.'S office.

Now, ignoring
the lawyer's trick,

There's nothing to corroborate
the voice identification,

And the lady wasn't positive.

But she was!

Not beyond a reasonable
doubt, lieutenant.

I'm sorry.

Chuck, come on.

She said she knew it was foster.

I heard what she said.
I heard her doubts.

It's just not enough.

Now you have to come up with

Some form of corroboration
for us to prosecute.

Until then, I'll have to
order mr. Foster's release.

Oh, paul, will you listen to me?

I knew this was gonna happen.

Why should it be
different for my kid?

Paul, listen.

I'll dig, I'll plant
myself on foster

And turn up the
corroboration we need.

Another promise, hooker?

No, we all know how
the law works these days.

It's time we stopped
fooling ourselves.

Maybe time for me to take
matters into my own hands.

It just doesn't seem right

That sicko foster could
walk right out of here.

It isn't. And it's up to
us to change it around.

How? The d.a.'S already ruled.

The door is still open.

Foster is twisted
and manipulative.

And that says to me that
val mcguire isn't the first.

The reason you asked for
his n.c.i.c. Background file.

You bet.

Hey, that's my
car. Hey, you, stop!

Hey, that truck is
towing away my car!

Why didn't you stop that truck?

I tried to, hooker,
but they had papers.

It's being repossessed.

But I only had one
payment left on my loan.

I sent in a check for
last month's payment.

You can't do this to me!

They can if you're
with the wrong bank.

With crystal, this never
would have happened.


I don't care, I don't care how many
times you've checked the building.

I want every apartment
door knocked on

Until every resident
has been interviewed.

Paul, you have a package there

That I asked stacy
to run down for me?

It's out of your
bailiwick now, hooker.

Maybe. But it's not in yours.

Hey, I'm in charge
of detectives.

Then take yourself off the case.

Hooker, I'm a father, trying
to protect daughters,

Like your's.

And I'm a friend,

Trying to protect
you from yourself.

You're up to your
armpits in emotion.

You're about to put everything
you've worked for on the line.

What I'm putting on the
line, sergeant, is my affair.

And you, officer sheridan,

I expect you to follow my orders

Without discussing them
with everyone in the station.

Is that understood?

Is there a problem, lieutenant?

No, there's no problem.

I'm just conducting
an investigation,

And I don't wanna
be interfered with.

Well, it's gonna happen
in this case, mcguire.

I want you to stay clear of it.

This character foster
plays the law like a violin,

And he'll be all over this
department if you harass him.

Don't throw the
law up to me, captain.

I've worked my whole
life for the law.

Now, when I need
help, I can't get it

Because of scum like foster
punching so many holes through it.

Come on, paul, you've worked
these kind of cases before.

Yeah, yeah, I've
worked them before.

Yeah, here, here's your
precious research, hooker,

Take a look. Look at this.

Here, foster's
been there before.

New york, washington
d.c., Baltimore.

Picked up for r*pe, released.
Insufficient evidence.

That's what I figured.
It's a beginning.

No. No, it's further evidence

That an animal like foster
can do whatever he wants,

Whenever he wants,
and gets away with it.

Look, paul, give me some
time. I've got a theory that...

No. You've had
your turn, hooker.

Now it's mine.

Sweetheart, I know what
you're going through.

I've seen hundreds
of r*pe cases.

And I've seen you handle
hundreds of r*pe cases.

But, dad, you're not
handling this one.

You're obsessed by it.

Look, I have my moments, too.

Sometimes I think I could
just blow his head off.

Maybe what we should all do is,

Is just forget
it, ok? All of it.

Can you do that, val?

Can you forget it?

I don't know.

It would be easier

When it's clear that
he's been punished

For what he did.

Is that the answer, dad?



This is gonna prey on your mind

Until you hear a jury
say that he's guilty.

And then you'll be free of him.

I'm gonna be going
out for a while.

I've got a lead I have
to follow through.

I know this is tough for you.

But I'm gonna find a
way to work it out.

I promise you.

That deleo theory is solid.

Now what I need is a
victim or two to go with it.


Those other r*pes
were all out of state.

M.o., Junior. That
spells pattern.

Which spells the ability to
develop cumulative evidence,

Something to back up val's
voice only identification.

And that back up

Means finding a
prior r*pe victim.

Let's keep digging.

Maybe tomorrow we can bring the
mcguires some good news for a change.

And repair a
strained friendship?

One worth repairing.

What do you mean, I
should be more responsible?

Some pea brain in your bank

Pushes the wrong computer
button and wipes me out.

My car has been repo'ed.

Oh, you're the woman who
takes care of the computer?

Well, if the shoe fits...

Hello? Hello?

I got some good news.

On the prior r*pe victims?

The one from baltimore, a
lady lawyer. She lives here now.

We don't have an address, but
the name might sound familiar.

Marcy wade.

Public defender, 39th division.


Our cumulative case is
beginning to cook, junior.

Don't scream again
or you'll never finish.

You know what I
mean, sweet anne.

Sweet, sweet anne.

Units in the vicinity
and 4-adam-30,

A woman screaming. Possible
as*ault in progress at glen park plaza,

Subterranean parking level 2.

4-Adam-30, handle code 3.

Miss wade is gonna have to wait.

4-Adam-30, roger.

That girl over there,
she's just been r*ped.

A guy in some
kind of black suit,

He just took those stairs.

Handle the girl.


Hold it!

This time, maggot,
you stay inside!

Here's your case, chuck.

Taylor's back in jail,

New victim is in the
hospital. I interviewed her.

He asked her to dinner

15 Minutes before
he att*cked her.

She turned him down.

She can voice i.d. Him, and
she's willing to testify.

It's still a voice i.d.

But I have to admit it's
starting to come together,

Isn't it, hooker?

N.c.i.c turned up 3
other r*pe cases.

New york, baltimore,
washington d.c.

The same m.o. Was used,

And one of the
victims lives here now.

Sounds like we're
putting together

A pretty good
cumulative package.

Everything fits except this.

You know, the one time he's actually
caught near the scene of the crime,

The m.o.'S different.

He's using a knife
instead of a g*n.

Which makes it a little shakey.

Oh, sorry, I didn't
mean to interrupt.

Lieutenant mcguire asked me to
come down and file valerie's case.

We found the evidence to
corroborate her voice i.d.

Evidence? What evidence?

Witness found it at
the original scene.

It's registered to foster.

Maybe that explains the
change in m.o., Hooker.

I'm not sure what it explains.

Hey, hooker. What's up?

My back, paul.

You're my friend,

And I'd like to save
you from a lot of grief,

But you just screwed up

A chance for the
d.a. To file on foster.

Maybe you haven't
heard. I got foster. Cold.

No, paul.

I had foster cold
this afternoon.

Same m.o. Another voice i.d.

And I was headed for
the stretch with a case

When you set it all back again.

He could be out loose.

Cut loose?

I tell you, foster
is dead in the water.

I sent o'brien to the d.a.'S
office a couple hours ago

With a piece of evidence
that's gonna bury foster.

Yeah, I know. I was there.

I brought this back

Cause the only person
it could bury is you.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about
planted evidence!

I'm talking about foster
pulling every legal string in town

To writ out of jail

Because you contaminated a case

That was starting to
look pretty damn good.

What are you
saying, contaminated?

You broke into foster's
apartment, didn't you?

You had to.

'Cause I searched that
garage and it was clean.

So you missed the g*n.
You're not perfect, hooker.

You're using one of your own men

To build a house of cards
that's gonna come down on you.

All right.

Now listen,

If you say that you could've
missed the g*n in that garage,

It'll work, hooker.
We can make it work.

I can't do that. You know that.

It's the only way, hooker.

The guy's gotta be punished.

No, paul.

The case I had going
is the only way.

No, you're wrong.

They wouldn't have
filed without that g*n,

Without that kind of
evidence, and you know it.

What've you got? You
got another voice i.d.

You just said it yourself,

Foster's pushing
for another writ.

And he'll walk away,
hooker. He'll walk away again.

Yeah, he might, if you
don't turn it around.

And if he does,

You have yourself
to thank for it.

This is wrong, paul. Dead wrong!

Everything you're doing
is gettin' in my way, hooker!

You're pushing your luck, paul.

And you're running out of it.


The bailiff said you
wanted to see me, sergeant.

Yes, about the same man

That we were looking for in here
the other day, lawrence foster.

I'm sorry. I can't help you.

We're building a case
against him, miss wade.

We need your help.

What kind of case?

The same as yours
in baltimore. r*pe.

I tried to prosecute then,

But all I had was a
voice identification.

Not enough for
a judge and a jury.

I moved out here from baltimore,

To start a new life
and a new career,

And then foster shows
up here 2 months ago.

I can tell you one thing,

This time I do not
intend to run away.

You said you had
a case against him.

Anything solid?

Well it was solid

Until a good cop went sour.

I have to rehabilitate
the case with the d.a.

If we could get
somebody like you,

An officer of the court,

To help build a cumulative
case against him,

We just might be able
to put foster away.

What about it, marcy?
Will you help us?

In spite of paul's dumb moves,

Marcy wade may
just be the answer

To cleaning up this whole mess.

What's wrong?

I used to have a car,

I used to park it right there.

It wasn't much but it was mine.

Hooker, hooker, hooker.

All right, all right, all
right, all right, all right.

As soon as I get a chance,

I will drop in and see your
crystal at ascot savings.

No need.

I just happen to have some
applications right here.

Hmm, you seem awfully anxious

To help crystal
open up new accounts.

Yeah, well, you know how
some, uh, people get a clock radio

When they open up a new account?

You mean I get a clock radio?

Oh, yeah, absolutely.
You should see what I get.

I'll go down there
today, sure, absolutely.

You don't have to tell me

What foster's getting away with.

Captain, I'm asking
you to listen to me.

Look, I'm through
listening to you.

I've given you every
possible chance

And you've left me no
alternative but to step in.

Well, here's my
old friend, hooker.


Why'd you have to
burn me, hooker?

What are you talking about?

Come on,

You know damn good and
well what I'm talking about.

Hooker had nothing
to do with this.

The d.a. Called,

Concerned about where
the case was headed

After hooker and o'brien
left his office yesterday.

He's also concerned
about a release writ

That foster is processing
alleging false evidence.

Now, you black-bagged
foster's apartment,

You stole his
g*n, you planted it.

You made up these
phoney records.

Now I don't need anyone to
show me the trail of evidence

In and out of the property room

To smell out your
misconduct for myself.

I'm sorry, paul,

But you force me to take
away your badge and your g*n

Until a board of rights convenes

To determine your fitness
to remain a police officer.

And with the kind of
support I can offer,

The d.a.'S office will have 2
solid cases against foster,

In spite of lieutenant
mcguire's attempt

At planting false evidence.

My father just wasn't
himself, mr. Tyler.

I wish I would've
understood that sooner.

Chuck, the department is
taking formal disciplinary action

Against lieutenant mcguire.

What about you, miss armstrong?

Oh, you bet I'll testify.

Sounds to me like the
case has been rehabilitated.

What about it, chuck?

I think we have a
conviction in our pocket.

Here's the rap sheet.

Open up, officer.

Come on, open up. I
haven't got all day.

I'm taking the prisoner
to be arraigned.

I don't have a notice of
transfer for this prisoner.

I can't be responsible for every
breakdown in communication.

Let me in there.

Why don't I just
call the captain...

No, no, the captain's not in.

If I don't have this man
in front of the judge

In 22 minutes, he's gonna
walk. Come on, open it up.

Ok, open it.

What's going on?

You're going downtown
to be arraigned.

Arraigned? There's no felony
arraignment after 3 o'clock.

Lieutenant, he, oh...

Put these on. Quick!

Come on.

Step inside.

I'm not goin' anywhere with you.

Try to get away from me

And I'll blow your
rotten head off.

Stop him! He's kidnapping
a prisoner! Stop him!

Don't do it!

You're crazy. You're never
gonna get away with this.

Why not? You got away
with raping my daughter.

Your daughter?
Yeah, my daughter!

That's why you're
so special to me.

That's why I picked a
special place for you to die.


Don't try to stop me, hooker.

Paul, for god's
sake, listen to me.

I listened enough!

I talked to the d.a.

He feel's there's
enough... Paul, no!

Get on the horn. Tell
'em what's going down.

And tell them no
sh*ts are to be fired!

4-Adam-30 in pursuit
of subject vehicle.

Heading west on sterling.

Don't put too much
hope into being saved.

If he catches us, you die now.

Come on, come on. Get
out of there. Come on!

Hurry up!

Come on, let's go.


Stay away, hooker!

Paul, don't destroy everything
you've ever worked for.

I figure he's worth it.

Stop him, hooker.

Shut-up, you slime...

You wouldn't.

Don't make me find out.

Come on!

Get over here, beg for mercy!

Come on, let me
hear you beg! Beg!

Like you made those women beg.

Like you made my
daughter beg! Beg!

You're pushing me, hooker.

I guess we're both
gonna have to find out.

I'm your friend, paul.

But I'm not gonna
make it easy on you.

He has to die, hooker.

Put you g*n away.

Don't make me take you down.

He has to die or
there's no justice.

There is justice.

I talked to the
d.a. He's gonna file.

Press charges on
accumulated evidence.

Get away from me,
hooker, leave me alone!

He's convinced there's enough
to put him away for good.

Hooker, it's not gonna
work. I don't believe it.

Believe it.

I've never lied to you, paul.

And I'm not gonna start now.

It's all over for foster.
Holster your g*n.

Pull yourself together, damn it!

Decide who you're gonna k*ll.

Strength runs in your family.

Hey, hang in there.

I'll be with you right
till the end of the trial.

I think maybe they're gonna love

Getting a cop on
the chopping block.

But I did cross
the line, hooker.

Thank god you were
there to stop me.

When the jury weighs
your years of commitment

Against that animal who
att*cked your daughter,

Who knows what
the verdict will be.

Now I'll leave you two to talk.

Is something wrong, romano?

No. Not at all.

This just came for you.

It's your gift for opening
your new bank account.

Oh, it must be my clock radio.

Uh, you see,
hooker, it's like this.

The... The value of the
gift is in accordance with

The amount of the deposit
that you put in the bank.

They didn't have
anything smaller.

It's a teddy bear.

I want a clock radio.

I'll take this up with crystal,

She's handling my new account.

I wanted a clock radio.

I... I've been wanting to
talk to you about that. Um...

Y-you see, crystal doesn't
work at the bank anymore.


Well, she... She
got a better j0b.

This is a teddy bear.
I'm a tough policeman.

You want her to have
a better job, don't you?

Don't give me that stuff. This is a
teddy bear. I want a clock radio!

I-if you ever get to vegas,

Uh, crystal says she
can get you great seats

If you ever wanna see the
follies de paris. You know...
