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02x14 - The Decoy

Posted: 04/29/23 10:48
by bunniefuu
Sorry about that.

Hooker, give me a break.

Circus burgers 3 days in a row,

You know how I feel
about eatin' too much meat.

Don't worry, romano,

Circus burgers are 98
percent preservatives.

Besides, chrissie thinks

She has a chance
of winning a bicycle.

See, we got 1 stamp already.

2 More, and the bike is hers.

Nobody wins those things.

Hey, I know that
and you know that.

But I got a daughter

Who has faith in the
circus burger clown.

So eat, romano, eat.

All units and 4-adam-30,

A possible kidnapping
in progress

At tahiti way and 7th street.

A woman screaming in a
light brown 1981 cutlass,

License 1-adam-paul-0-6-3.

Check the girl.

4-Adam-30 requesting
additional units

And an ambulance

At marina park
drive and tahiti way.

A possible 187 is involved.


The m.o. Of the surfside
k*ller is verified.

The victim

Is policewoman ann mccrae.

I'm sorry.

Left, right, left.

Left, right. Left,
right, left. Left.

Let me bring you up to date.

Lieutenant franks
of division just called.

Ballistics and the tape confirms

Our own policewoman, ann mccrae,

Off duty, while
shopping at the marina,

Was the surfside
k*ller's 5th victim.

Do we have a better
description of him?

The best they have to date is what
you gave them this morning, hooker.

What about the tape he used
to bind the victims, captain?

Any leads we can follow there?

It's grip tape.

The same kind that's used
for all forms of racqets...

Tennis, badminton,
squash, that sort of thing.

They're checking all the markets

But the volume is enormous.

They're over 600
sports stores in the city.

The suspects' victims
are all young, blonde,

And m*rder*d in the marina.

All but 1 of them lived there.

You'd think that
franks and his team

Could turn something
in on that by now.

Well, they built a clue file

And the main hunt to
date is to find 1 male name

That connects
to all the victims.

There's been an
acceleration of the killings.

After the first
victim, virginia leland,

It was a month
before the second.

3 Weeks.

2 Weeks to the 4th.

And 4 days later, our
top female instructor,

Off duty, shopping
in the marina.

Top instructor and best friend.

Now you shouldn't
be here, stacy.

It's not necessary.

I'm a police officer,
dad. Just like ann was.

And I just wish there was
something I could do to help.

We all want to help, darling,

And we're going to.

Division has the case

But they've got to open
up their information to us.

You're right, hooker.

I'll call them, pull
the chain on them,

Remind them it's a
department problem.

But right now it's
up to this precinct

To start making arrangements
for a police funeral.

I know what ann would want

And I'd like to handle it.


Honor guard, attention!

Forward, up!

Half-right, face!









Half-left, face!

Present arms!

Color guard, take your posts!

Order, halt!

At rest!

Goodbye, ann.

Stacy, we're gonna nail him.

I've worked up a
theory about the case,

And I'm gonna talk
to division about it.

I got a call from
division this morning.

What about?

They made a computer run

On all the policewomen
in the department.

I'm 1 of 4

Who fit the profile of
the women that were k*lled.

Lieutenant franks asked

If I'd volunteer
for a decoy plan.

You're not ready for
something like that, stacy.

You're too inexperienced.

It's my chance to
help, and I want to.

It's too dangerous. Forget it,

Hooker, stacy
was trained for it.

She got the badge

Because she was willing
to accept any assignment

Where she would be most useful.

All right, that's
enough, romano.

Look, all the girls

Who have been k*lled are my age.

This guy doesn't
seem to be looking

For someone with 10 years
of experience on the force.


The day you were born,

Your father was somewhere
on a narcotics stakeout

And couldn't be reached.

On the first day of your life,

I was the first one to hold you.

In addition to
your inexperience,

I gotta tell you,

I can't let you go
out on the street

And be the target for
some deranged animal.

I appreciate your
concern, hooker,

But I have to do it.

For ann.

And for myself.

Now look, franks,

My objections may very
well have to do with the fact

That stacy is my
daughter, but she...

What the hell's going on here?

The lady's still in training.

You stay out of this, hooker.

A decoy plan has too damn
many things that could go wrong.

5 Women m*rder*d, hooker!

Now we've evaluated the case
and decided that a decoy plan

Is about the only
thing that we have left.

Stacy sheridan is 1 of 4

That fit the victim profile.

She will be wired

And she will be
covered by a man.

Now pardon me if I'm not
impressed, lieutenant.

I've worked with your
squad before, remember?

Surveillance has a lot
of serious drawbacks.

The chief has approved
the plan and her selection.

Hey, at least try my theory

About the first
victim, virginia leland.

She was the only one
who didn't live in the marina.

The acceleration of killings

Might very well
suggest that he knew her,

She was his catalyst.

Hooker, we've turned
that first victim inside out.

Well, then go back over
it. Look for a new angle.

I'm not going back
over anything.

The decision has been made.

Good day, gentlemen.

I'll say 1 thing,

That lieutenant from division

Has really put some
talent together.

For a fashion show, maybe,

Not to nail a psycho k*ller.

I guess I knew this
time was coming

From the day stacy
joined the force.

And you can stop it.
You can go over his head.

The best I can do is
to turn you loose,

Hooker, to follow-up
on your theory

About the first victim.

Now look, I'll cut your
radio calls to the bone.

You could appeal it.

I can't.

Because she is my daughter.

Because whoever
else replaces her

Would be somebody
else's daughter.

There she goes.
Totally out of our hands.

Hooker, the decoy situation.

Sometimes it can't be ideal.

But I think they're
doing the right thing.

That's the problem
around here, junior.

Too many people that don't know

Are doing the thinkin'.

We're gonna follow-up my
theory on virginia leland.


Who was that guy?

Why do you have to
keep on doing this to me?

I thought you had
a lesson to give.

In my own home?

Should I check into
a motel next time?

It's over, richard.

Can't you realize that?

It's been over for months.

Hooker, these circus
burgers are killin' me.

Don't complain.

1 More stamp and
the bike is ours.

If we win anything else other
than the bike, it's mine, ok?

Including the hawaiian vacation.

You want it? You got it.

What are you doing here, hooker?

I just like to be at the hub

Of an undercover
operation like this.

It's so exciting.

You don't think we're
taking good care

Of your captain's daughter?

The thought never
crossed my mind.

This is a monitoring station

For the 4 women.

Officer brooks is at
the seaside complex.

Taylor's here at the vintage.

Allen's at the international.
And your policewoman,

Stacy sheridan, is
at the marina club.

All your equipment working?

Fail-safe and all that?

You wanna listen, hooker?

Stacy sheridan's frequency.

I do like it. It's so beautiful.

It's a pretty place.

Uh, for pretty people.

Nice people.

That's more important.

Oh yes, uh...

Well, how's your
first day been so far?

Well, unpacking...

You know how that can be.

Hey, it'd be real nice
for me to come up

And give you a hand.

Oh well, that's very
generous of you.

Yeah. But thanks anyway.

Oh, I insist.

Well, so do i.

Thanks anyway. Goodbye.

All right, hooker,
you've seen, you've heard.

Does everything meet
with your approval?

It never did

And I haven't changed my mind.

Nice talking to you, lieutenant.

You got that confidential
computer file number

On the first victim, didn't you?

That's not all I got, junior.

I got the frequency
they're using.

So we can eavesdrop
on the eavesdroppers?

Wow, a girl sure can be
kept busy around here.

Keep an eye on that manager.

He's a real letch.

Tell my coverman, gordon,
I'm headed for the pool.

It's a beautiful day

And there's no sense
wasting all these good rays.

Besides, we may bag ourselves
more than just a suntan.

Huh, lieutenant?

At least we can
hear what's going on.

I've got officer sheridan
in the pool area now.

I suggest you do a rundown

On that apartment
manager just to be sure.

Hi. I'm beth arnold.

You must be new around here.

I just moved in.
I'm stacy williams.

Well, the sun is
bright, the air is clean,

And you can get
plenty of exercise.

Speaking of which.

Hi, richard.

Hey, beth.

How's that backhand?

I'm working on it
every spare moment.

Meet a prospective student.

Stacy williams, richard britten.


Hi. The first lesson is free.

Well, what do you think?

And he's only 1

Of the tennis pros around here.

He's not really my type.

Personally, I'm a leg woman.

How about you?

Well, I like a
man with a good...

I wouldn't even try to guess.

Give me the address of that bar

Where virginia leland's
husband hangs out.

Do you mean from our
"acquired" computer file?

462 Washington.


I'm looking for carl leland.

I heard he hangs out here.

We serve drinks
here, not information.

You want a drink?

I want carl leland.

Buzz off, cop.

Hey look, friend,
I'm in a hurry.

I don't have time or patience

For your smart mouth.

I don't care what
you... Are you crazy?

Now where's carl leland?

That's him back there.

Mr. Leland?

The last time I
talked to the cops

Was when my wife was k*lled.

That's exactly what we want

To talk to you
about, mr. Leland.

Look, i-i've gone
through all that before.

I think nothing's
too clear anymore.

Too much booze
will do that to you.

I know.

Jimmy. Another one.

We know you've
been through all this

With the detectives...
Lots of 'em.

I told them everything.

As a matter of
fact, at this point,

With all the booze
I've put down me since...

They can probably
tell you more than I can.

According to our records,

You were getting a
divorce from your wife.

Not my idea.

You... You see, I knew she
was having a fling and...

She was into flings.

She'd done practically every
pair of pants that came her way.

But I always thought
she'd come back

To me like before.

Or at least I hoped she would.

When did you last, uh,
see her, talk to her?

I... I guess it was, uh,

When we were supposed
to go to the lawyer's office.

She called to cancel.

Cancel? Why?

No point to the meeting anyway.

It... It was over.

But she made the appointment.

She must've had a
reason to cancel.

It was no earthshaker.

She had a tennis lesson.

Tennis lesson. Where?

I don't know.

Somewhere in the marina.

Did you tell that
to the detectives?

I don't remember,
but I doubt it.

You see, I realized,
uh, after her last fling,

She wasn't coming back.

She was never coming back.

Britten, c-3, please.

Yes, mr. Britten, we
have 1 call for you.

Marion parker
confirms the 5:30 lesson.

Yes. Thank you. Anything else?

There is 1 call for
your wife, a mr. Durrell.

He can't make it for lunch

But he'll be at the harbor
lounge for cocktails.

Shall I hold that message?

No, uh,

I'll give it to her. Thank you.

Stacy, you're in luck.

I am?

Greg, stacy. Stacy, greg.


Hi there.

I just got an emergency
phone call from my boss,

Something about
an inventory foul-up,

And we have the
court in 5 minutes.

You can use my racket.


Here you go. Goodbye.


I've lost stacy.

She went into the garage
but she's not at her car.

Damn! How could they lose her?

Experience, junior.
Stacy's lack of it.

Woman down, repeat, woman down.

The suspect's in a blue chevy,

Headed toward
the surf avenue exit.

I just saw him leave that way.

4-Adam-30 in pursuit
of blue chevy

Heading north on samoa.

Romano, no!

Those people need help.

Greg, hi.

How are you doing?

It's not that beth and I
were that close or anything...

It's just that it was
so sudden, so quick.

I understand.

It's not only the shock of
it, but it's someone you know.

I've been there, too.

She's inside, safe and sound.

Just a minute.

Who is it?

Your boyfriend
and, uh, your dad.


Oh, yellow roses,
they're my favorite.

How did you know?

I'll never tell.

Bring in the food, dad.

Not bad.

I think I'll change
my profession

And become an
airline stewardess.

Circus burgers?

You said on the phone you
were taking me out to dinner.

No, I said I was
buying you dinner.

There's a subtle difference.

There is nothing subtle
about a circus burger.

The prizes they're offering
are strictly blackmail.

Oh please, romano, nobody
ever wins those prizes.

That's what everybody says,

All the way to the
circus burger stand,

Listen, honey, I'm
here to tell you

Not to take any chances.

I'm working on an idea
to zero in on the k*ller

Before he zeroes in on you.

You know I didn't volunteer
for this assignment

To take an on-the-job vacation.

Well, after what happened today,

We all wish you
were on vacation.

Look, we've learned

That the first victim had a tennis
lesson somewhere in the marina

On the day she was k*lled.

I'm working on it tonight,

I better get to it.

Romano, you stay
here till morning.


Dad thinks it's
a good idea, too.

No arguments.

Well, where do I sleep?

There are 3 rooms.

The bedroom, the bathroom,
and the living room.


You have a choice of 2.

Well, I am on duty.

And it is a nice view.

But how am I supposed
to sleep on that?

Well, I know it
may go back awhile,

But do you remember
the fetal position?

Filthy slut!

Sleeping like a
pretzel is one thing,

But sleeping like a pretzel

When a circus
burger does flip-flops

In your belly is
beyond the call of duty.

Who said police work was easy?

So how did the
tennis connection go?

Well, I got it narrowed down

To 23 tennis pros
in the marina area.


9 Of them are women.

The remaining 14,

8 Fit the physical
description, size and build.

I talked to the
electronics guys.

We've got 8 bird-dog
homing devices.

You've had a busy night.

What's the next step?

The next step

Is to convince a
hard-headed lieutenant

To spring for the
manpower to tail 'em.

Then we subpoena

Each and every one of
their appointment books,

And the place to start
is where stacy is working.

I hope you're there, guys,

'Cause I just hit the jackpot.

I'm in the pro shop looking
at the appointment book.

Virginia leland
had a lesson here

The same day she was k*lled.

Uh-oh, I've got company.

It's the tennis pro.

I hope I can con him
or I have a big problem.

Can I help you?

Here we go, franks.

A rookie in over her head.

You better hope
she gets out of it.

You better make
some moves quick,

Or I'm taking over here.

Gordon, move in. She
could be in trouble.

Maybe this is what
you were looking for.

Hold it.

No, you hold it, or
I'll blow her away.

Now you just get over here

And put your ugly
face flat on the floor.

I'm taking her with me.

Don't even try to
follow me out of here

Or this little tramp is
dead. You hear me? Dead!

Attention, all units
in the marina area.

He's got her in his car.

A silver mustang.


I can't follow him. I'm on foot.

They're heading north on samoa.

I never would have guessed
you're a policewoman.

Richard, just think
about what you're doing.

Shut up, janet!

Shut up!

That's him, isn't it?

It damn well better be.

What are you gonna do?

It's been too easy
before. Too quick.

This time you're going
to have to suffer, janet.

He's headed toward
old fort wilson.

They're going into the
abandoned magazine tunnel.

I'll take this one.



Now you wait here, janet.

You wait here and think about

Why I'm going to k*ll you.

I'm not janet.

But I can help
you... Just shut up!



Hooker, he's coming after you!


Stacy, are you alone?

You've got to
hurry! I don't see him.

You see him?


Don't worry about
him. I'll get you out.



He knows this place.

Try and follow stacy's
voice as best you can.

Romano, are you all right?

I'm ok.

Sounds like he may
be coming your way.


Hold it!

It's all right, stacy.

It's over now.

Thanks, hooker, romano.


Uh-oh, what did I do now?

Stacy, we're here because
of what you did yesterday.

A commendation from
division for a job well done.

And signed by
lieutenant franks himself.

I really didn't expect this.

In fact, I don't deserve it.

Stacy, you were instrumental

In taking down
the surfside k*ller.

Well, the truth is, I
made a lot of mistakes.

We all make mistakes.

You deserve it, believe me.

What is this?
Something else for me?

No, no, no, this
is for my partner.

He and I had a deal.

Anything we won in the
circus burger contest,

Other than the bicycle is yours.

And a deal is a deal.

And chrissie didn't win her
bicycle, but you got this.

What is it, hooker?

I can't tell you. You'll
never believe what it is.

What is it? Come on, let me see.

5 Dozen circus burgers.
Eat 'em and weep.