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02x13 - Too Late for Love

Posted: 04/29/23 10:47
by bunniefuu
You know, hooker,

I love this part of our beat.

Hey, when are you
gonna learn, junior?

Cops and fashion models
mix like oil and water.

And it's usually the
models that rise to the top.

I thought you learned that 3 months
ago when you broke off with amy.

That's not why I
broke it off, hooker.

Sure I walked, when
her ex-fiance turned up.

Not because he was a big
time fashion photographer.

I just wanted to
give her some room.

Well, that's the point.
She needed the room.

Behind those high cheek
bones is a little girl from idaho...

Iowa. Iowa.

She's chasing a rainbow, junior.

And she's in the
kind of business

Where the right guy can
lead her to a pot of gold.

And all you can offer
her is love and happiness.

What do you think, louie?

Will they buy our furs?

They have to.

All those years. Everything.

Riding on 15 coats.

Ah, but what coats!
The finest pelts.

Your rich designs.

You can feel it, see it.

g*ns? Masks?

I thought you were coming when
no one was here, after they closed.

Never mind what you thought.

Just get back before
somebody misses you.

Just keep it cool.

No, not the furs!

These are big g*ns. They
make a big hole going in,

The grand canyon coming out.

Any of you who wanna find out
what that feels like, just get in my way!

That sounded like sh*ts.

Take cover! Take cover!



Everybody freeze!

Stay right where you are, I got
myself a real pretty hostage here.

One false move, and she gets it.

Amy! Romano, get back.

Now stay right where you are.

Nobody move. Don't move.

Call an ambulance.

Romano, get to the car.

Put out a broadcast to cordon
off the entire garment district.

They've got amy!

Get to the car, romano. Move!

4-Adam-30, 2-11 just
occurred at 1142 wall street.

sh*ts are fired.

Suspects have hostage.

We got a cop up there.

How do we get rid of him?

Only one way. Sorry, lover,

But this is as far as you go.

What are you doing?

We're gonna slow
down and throw you out.

No! No! No!

No, please, no!

Please! No! Stop! Stop! No!

Give me your hand!
Give me your hand!

No! Oh!

Hold on!

Hold on!


Hold on! No!

Get ready to jump
when I tell you.

Get ready.



Give us a hand, will you?


Hooker. Amy.

Are you all right?
She's all yours.

I wanna get that license
number broadcast.


2-11 Suspects in a
step van, license


Are you ok?

I think so.

Vince, my face.

Is it all right?

How 'bout perfect?

Mrs. Santini, let
them handle it.

I... I have to take
care of everything.

Louie, he watched the store.

I only did the
design and cutting.

Now I might lose him.

He's gonna get the best of care,

And we'll do everything
we can on our end.

There's nothing to
do. Those 15 coats,

That was all there was.

Weren't the furs insured?

It was all we could
do to pay for them.

We mortgaged our house,

We borrowed everything we could.

You'll wanna be with your
husband. Let me help you.

Just let the doctors
check you over.

You'll be out of
there in an hour.

That's what you said the
time we fell at the roller rink.

We were in the emergency ward
half the night with my sprained ankle.

You didn't fall. You
were trying to hold me up.

Tell sgt. Hooker
thanks again for me.



I kind of feel like we're
saying goodbye again.

And I'd kind of like not to.

Vince, look, I'm sorry.

We have to, at least for now.

My life's all mixed up.

Left, right, left, right,
left, left, left, left...

Hup 1, hup 2, hup 3, hup 4.

Hup 1, hup 2, hup 3, hup 4...


Every fur company in
the garment district

Has been burning up
the mayor's phone lines.

And he's been burning up mine.

Now I want effective
police visibility

Increased in that
area on the double.

You got it.

Starting tomorrow we'll
check out the security systems

Of every fur company
on the beat. Good.

Stacy, are you
going on watch now?

Ah, just as soon
as I get suited up.

We had a garment
district robbery go down.

Call communications, will you?

Have them track the dispatch
tickets on the perimeter we set up.

I wanna narrow
the response down.

Tie that truck
into a smaller area.

I know that they didn't get
out of the garment district.

I'll get right on it, sergeant.

What's wrong?

Oh, not a thing.

It's just that I don't
get to see you in clothes

That make you look
so, uh, you know.

Well, when jeans cost $60

You should at least
look, um, you know.


I got a friend, al dooley,
who sells jeans for 12 bucks.

Come on, romano, $12 jeans

Don't have the
same quality and fit.

Stacy, they are the
same exact jeans.

Except no designer label on it.

You don't need a designer
label on your, uh...

You know.


It's perfect the way it is.

I tell you what, I'll
pick you up a pair, huh?

I don't know. The
same exact jeans?

And no label?


Ok. I'm a size 5.

But what's in 'em is a 10.

A perfect 10.

See that the furs are
delivered direct to the buyer

At traynor's as soon as
the linings are replaced,

So they can't be identified.

We still owe
nelson for his piece,

Plus a rental on the garage
where we dumped the truck.

He'll get his as soon as
the furs are turned over

And traynor's pays the bill.


Harry, you lied to me.

You've got me in the middle
of something terrible.

They said at the hospital
mr. Santini's in intensive care.

He may die.

And if he does, sweetheart.

You'll be charged with
m*rder like the rest of us.

That's the law. You're already
facing attempted m*rder, understand?

Now we needed those
furs to fill an order.

We took them the most
efficient way possible.


When they're delivered,

We'll establish the
legitimacy of cort furs.

And when cort furs is at the top

You'll be right there with us.

And that beautiful face of
yours will be in every magazine

All over the country.

Harry, I feel like I've
lost a piece of myself.

But I can't get it back, so I guess
I'll just have to live without it.

She'll be fine. Yeah?

Fine enough to help us fill
our bid with the j. Bowman chain,

If we get it?

She'll turn up for
her rehearsal call

Tomorrow at towne furriers.

How else will she
get to the top?

Take your time and...
And just wiggle. That's it.

Turn. Lift the chin
as you come back.

Good, good. Beautiful,
beautiful, beautiful.

And lift your chin as
you come back. Okay?

Vince, what are you doing here?

Evaluating the alarm system.

I see they gave you a
clean bill at the hospital.

A few bruises. Like they say,
it only hurts when I sit down.

You remember that
restaurant at the beach?

The one with the
great oyster bar?

Where you eat standing up?

You don't miss a shot, do you?

Not if I can help it.


Don't make it
difficult for me, huh?

I'm just not the
right girl for you.


Harry, it's amy.

The towne thing
you wanted me to do.

It won't work.

Slow down, amy.

What's the problem?

The policeman I told you about.

He's here checking
out the alarm system.

Is he still hitting on you?

He asked me to dinner
because he cares about me.

And I said no thanks
for the same reason.

I think you'd better exercise
your woman's prerogative.

Change your mind about dinner.

Find out how that
alarm system works.

Right now.

Her place at 8:00.

I got a feeling, hooker,
everything is timing,

And this is the right
time for amy and me.

I don't wanna rain
on your parade,

But you're gaining
altitude pretty fast.

I don't wanna see you
come down even faster,

So that it slow, will you?

4-W-90 to 4-adam-30 on tac 2.

30, Go ahead 90.

Communications division says
the district was saturated

With units less than a minute
after romano's call yesterday.

I got it narrowed to
a 2 square block area.

The only place it
could've been ditched is

In the vicinity of
second and market.

That's a roger, 90.

I know the place.

Frankie poole's old
storage building.




Where's frankie, wendell?

Probably on a toot. First time
he's rented this place in years,

And the people ain't moved
on when they're supposed to.

When were they
supposed to move out?

Should've checked out today.

You know who the people are?

It was one guy. Never saw him.

What about frankie?

Did he say anything
about the guy?

Name? Business? Anything?

Nothing. You know frankie.

Doesn't say much.


I want you to do me a favor.

Dig around. Find frankie.

Tell him I wanna talk to him.

And fast.

All right.


The excitement of being a model.

That's always been up
front for you, hasn't it?

Well, I haven't made it yet.

Not the way I want to.

I want magazine covers, the
exclusive commercial contracts.

But I may be getting too old.

Too old?

You gotta be kidding.

I mean it.

I'm 23 and all the girls who've
made it big, had it by then.

Amy, what if you're just good.

Never great? I've
thought about that.

When I decided to become a cop,

I thought maybe I had what
it takes to be great someday.

That was before I
met one who is great.

Your partner?

They only made one like him.

Don't get me wrong.

I still believe in myself.

Being a policeman is
really dangerous, vince.

Sometimes. In between though,

It's a lot of hard work.

And a lot of people
who need help.

Some routine duties, too.

You mean like today?

What's the matter with
towne's alarm system anyway?

Oh, well, it's a pushover,
that's the problem.

The alarm reactors
feed into a main wire.

You flip one switch,
or cut that main wire,

The whole system goes dead.

More wine?

I have an early call tomorrow.

Can I have a rain check?

Lunch tomorrow.

We're gonna be in the
district most of the day

Running down a lead
on the santini robberies.

Oh, really? What kind of lead?


We found out where
they hid the truck,

So we're trying to
locate the owner,

And see what kind of
information he can give us.

Don't tell me anymore.
I'll have nightmares

You sure you don't
want me to stick around?

I'm sure I do, that scares
me more than the nightmares.

Harry, he just left.

I found out about
the alarm system.

And I also found out
we're in big trouble.

4-W-90 to 4-adam-30.

4-Adam-30, go, 90.

I just got a call
from frankie poole,

The owner of the
storage building.

He wants hooker to meet him in
front of delaney's bar on olive.

That's a roger, 90.

Look out, frankie.

Frankie, go for cover!

Give it up!

Frankie's still in one
piece and he can testify!

We got backup units on the way.

Come and get me!

Clear? Yeah.

I'll get him to show himself.

Maybe you can get a clean shot.

You don't have to die!

Come out with your hands
up where we can see 'em.

Come on up!

I want the both of you.

Let's go! Let's go! Suck it in!

Keep moving on,
moving on. That's it.

All right, you
crew, on your feet.

If you think today was
tough, wait till tomorrow.

Same time, same place, and fasten
your seat belts for tomorrow.

10 Hut

Dismissed! On the double.


When you've changed,
do a follow-up on that

Nelson record
check for me, will you?

Sure. How do you like what
romano picked up for me?

Only 12 bucks.

From dooley?

Al dooley? Yeah.

Romano, you didn't.

There is nothing wrong with
those jeans. Take at look at 'em.

I'm looking, I'm looking.

I mean, it's... It's crazy
to spend all that money

For a label that'll just...

First I change, then I k*ll.

I mean, the guy's cheap.


Ah, lunch time.

I thought I'd surprise you.

Sgt. Hooker, how
'bout joining us?

No, not for me. Thank you.

Oh, I forgot the plastic cups.

They're in the car. I'll go
get 'em. I'll be right back.

Something wrong, sergeant?

I'm not sure.

Does it have anything
to do with me?

And my partner.

I'm concerned about him.

The 2 of you are such totally
different kinds of people.

You're ambitious.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing, if it
doesn't hurt anybody.

What makes you think
I'd be that cold hearted?

In your business, you deal
with the way people look,

Their outward appearance.

We deal with what
makes people tick.

You wanna make it, no
matter what, don't you?

Change your mind,
hooker? You gonna join us?

No, thank you. I got work to do.

What's eating him?

I... I don't think he likes me.

Oh, don't be silly.

It's just that when he
gets involved in a case,

He gets very
intense, that's all.

Come on. I know a great place.

We can have a nice, quiet,
uninterrupted romantic picnic.

The precinct coffee room.

Isn't that a little
public? A coffee room?

Nobody uses this place.
The coffee's terrible.

See, what'd I tell you.

I guess police work takes a lot
more out of you than I thought.


Nobody said being a
cop was gonna be easy.

Things are sure
looking up lately.

Fur robbery case?

That too.

We nailed one of the
bandits yesterday.

They're gonna run a
biopsy on his background.

Do you think that'll
lead to the others?

Every little bit helps.


Last night, this...

You are some kind of cook.

Oh, I get by.

You know, if you tell me
that you can sew and knit,

It'll make my mother very happy.

Now if you were
italian, she'd be ecstatic.

Did I say something wrong?

No, not wrong,

You're just coming
on kind of fast.

That's something you should
take some time to think about.


I thought about it. I
think it's a terrific idea.

I need just a little
more time than that.


What a spread!

I'll never eat again.

That's funny, romano,
but from where I stand

Things have turned 180
degrees between you and amy.

Isn't it a little soon for
her to be chasing you?

Never underestimate
the romano charm, hooker.

What do you guys talk about?

I mean, the street
cops and fashion models

Hardly move in the same circles.

I don't know.

Stuff you talk about when
you know someone real well.

Yeah, but it takes time
to know someone, romano.

More time than you've had.

Well, maybe so,

But we've got
something special going.

Ever ask her about the robbery?

If she can remember
anything that might help us?

Wouldn't have to.

She'd tell me.

Yeah, sure.

You must talk about the case. I
mean, she was right in the middle of it.

I keep her up to date. She
was tossed out of a truck.

She wants to see those jerks
collared just as much as we do.

She was real pleased to hear
that we were making progress.

Harry? All right. I-i've
done like you asked.

I just left him at the academy.

What more do they
have on nelson?

He said they were doing
a background biopsy,

Hoping it'll tie him
to someone else.

Mmm, somebody
he's done time with.

That leaves me in the clear.

Harry, let's get out.

Please, let's just stop now.

You know the
answer to that, amy.

Just do as you're told.

I'll talk to maria.

Take these mug sh*ts of nelson.

Start showing them at
that end of the street

And work your way back.
Ok. This'll only take a minute

Stacy's jeans. I called,
dooley's waiting for me.

Maria, what's going on?

Just making sure everything's
protected, for the auction next week.

Hey, we still may
get your furs back.

We found one of the
men who robbed you.

He was trying to get away.

This is his picture.

His name is douglas nelson.
Do you recognize him?

I've never seen him before.

And what about these men?

They're known
associates of nelson.

I'm sorry, sergeant.

I've never seen
any of these men.

Just a minute, maria.

You recognize
any of these names?

These are people that
nelson associated with.

Kramer, medieros, zuckerman.

Do you know how many zuckermans
there are in the fur business?

Hogan, ross.

Cort, harry cort.

He used to be a salesman at
towne furriers when I worked there.

Something happened.

Bob schultz, the sales
manager, fired him.

It was about 2 years ago.

Cort. Sure.

He signed for nelson's bail
on a theft charge 2 years ago.

Do you know where
I might find him?

I don't even know where
you could find schultz.

I heard he left towne
furriers months ago.


Don't give up.

Not yet anyway.
There's still a chance.

I came up empty on
nelson. How did you do?

Well, I got something.
A name, at any rate.

Uh, did you take
care of everything?

Well, sort of.

Dooley wouldn't give
me stacy's money back.

I was afraid of that.

Did he at least
exchange the jeans?

Oh, yeah, of course,
he exchanged them.

He's not into jeans
anymore, though.

Romano, what's in the bag?

Dooley made this incredible
buy on this stuff. I mean,

Stacy's gonna love it. Romano.

It's imported.
What-what's in the bag?

Let me see the bag?

Will you give me
the bag? Give it to me.

Romano, you got
stacy an electric wok?

How could you?

Well, dooley gave me a choice
of what he's selling right now.

It was either maternity
clothes or an electric wok.

And I know she's not pregnant.

That's the stupidest
thing I ever heard.

The good news is
the j. Bowman chain

Has accepted our bid.

We got the order.

We fill it, we got
enough money to go legit.


They wanna see
the furs tomorrow.

Come on, harry.

We're talking about
the big time now,

Over 50 coats by tomorrow? Yes.

But fortunately, we've
already targeted towne furriers

As our supplier for
the bowman order.

And their coats
are out of the vault

For the showing this afternoon.

There's no way I'm
gonna find someone

To help me with this
heist by this afternoon.

I guess that just leaves me

And amy.


I want you to check
on a harry cort.

Get me everything
you have on him.

If he hasn't got a criminal
record, try the f.i. File,

And intelligence, and contact
the fur merchants association.

See if they can locate a sales
manager by the name of bob schultz.

I wanna talk to him.

Romano, did you return my jeans?

You know, I was going to.

But dooley had something I
knew you would really love.

Romano. I... I got
it in the barracks.

I'll go get it.

Hooker, tell her how
terrific it is. Go on.

Tell her. L-listen.



Well, it's a, uh...
It's got a, uh...

Saved by the bell.
Academy precinct.

It's for you, hooker.


Sergeant, after you left,

I remembered I did speak to
harry cort not too long ago.

He was kind enough
to help me out.

With what?

Well, we needed a
model to show our line.

And he told us about
a very pretty girl

Who was willing to work
for what we could pay.

What was her name?

Amy robbins.

Thank you, maria.

I'm sorry I can't
tell you anymore.

You've told me enough.

Hooker, what do you think, huh?

If stacy doesn't like
this electric wok,

She is gonna love this wrapping.

Put your finger there,
will you? It's very nice.

What's the matter?

Too much red, you're right.

I'll try the blue
ribbon. Romano.

One of nelson's known
associates was harry cort.

I know.

You got that from maria.

And harry cort recommended
amy to the santinis.

Yeah, so?


Those girls were
working in the back room

When the robbery came down.

One of them could've
unlocked the door.

What are you getting at, hooker?

Just this.

When you first asked
amy for a date, she said no.

Then I see her go to the
telephone, and suddenly, it's yes.

You've had it in for
amy from the start. No.

You're going down the
wrong road, partner.

Then we get a lead
on frankie poole.

He almost gets blown away
before we can get to him.

And you just happened to
mention that lead to one person.

I'm warning you,
hooker, stop right now!

Will you listen to me? Just
listen to what I'm saying.

She turns up unannounced
with a picnic lunch. Why?

What do you talk about?

What does she pump
out of you this time?

Shut up, damn it!

There's something wrong, kid.

I feel it kicking in my gut.

And I think your friend,
amy, is doing the kicking.

Left, right, left...

Thank you, mr. Schultz.

Harry cort isn't buying his
furs from the usual sources.

Did schultz think cort
was stealing them?


Cort has a big order
for the j. Bowman chain

Has to be shown by tomorrow.

Where would he get
that many furs today?

Towne furriers is
having a showing.

All of their furs
are out of the vault.

Stacy, get towne
furriers on the line.

Tell them to double
their security.

Let them know we're on the way.


I'm glad you're
here. Let's roll.

About what happened.
We have to talk.

Romano, believe me, I know
what you're going through.

And we'll have that talk.

The kind partners should have.

Right now we got a job to do.

Numoraine and
wheat mink stroller,

Designed by jason wilde,

Exclusively for towne furriers.

It's $10,000 at gerard and sons.

We see it here in a casual look

With the velour pants
by clayton adams,

Luscious long hairs
are featured here

In this red fox
creation by jason wilde.

$8,000 At chanson salon.

We see it with elliot
stahler's black leather mini.

Excellent timing, amy.

Like they say,
practice makes perfect.

Can I go back now?

Not this time.

We need your help with the furs.

Harry, I'm scared.

Please don't make me stay.

You're staying, honey.

One way or another.

You 2, keep rolling
the racks out.

Pin 'em down.

Look out! Cops!

I've seen your picture.

You're not going anywhere now.

Behind the rack, you're covered.

Slide your w*apon out,
and move out slowly.

Take off your mask, turn around,

Put your hands in the
back of your head. Move!

Behind the furs!

You're covered.

Slide your w*apon out.


What are you doing?

Amy! Get his g*n! Quick!


To reach the top.

Was getting there
that important?

More important than


That's what I thought.

You gonna be all right?


We have to talk.

Ok. Talk.

What happened
today in the barracks,

I was mixed up.

You were talking, accusing
the girl that I was gonna...

Hey, hey, I understood
how you felt.

Hooker, how are we
gonna square this?

It's easy.

Are they buying?

Those people are from traynor.

Their insurance company
paid for their loss

When, uh, they returned
the stolen furs,

And they're using the
money to buy from us.

That's terrific.

How are the kids?

Thanks to a very
special police sergeant,

There's a ray of hope for them.

Oh, stacy, I hope dooley
didn't give you any trouble.

Not to worry, I
talked to dooley,

And he is giving stacy
everything she wants.

You bet he did.

And I'd be very happy if you'd
accept these for the children.

Thank you.

Looks like everyone is
getting their wish today.

I have to get back to work.

Thank you, officer.

Hey, romano,

Let's eat chinese tonight.

Since stacy doesn't have
a wok anymore, I'm buying.

No, you 2 go ahead.

I need some more time.