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02x12 - The Fast Lane

Posted: 04/29/23 10:46
by bunniefuu
I'm driving the
anti-nuclear van.

I'm in, I'm in.

All right, let's go. All right.

All mine. Go, go, go!

Come on, burt, get outta there.

Come on. I'm gonna drive.

Well, this whole
night is screwed up.

What're we gonna do?

I wanna get high.

Me, too. Let's pinch
some brew, ok? All right.

I figured that's why you
guys invited me out here.

Hey, come on, matt.
You're our main man!

Well, let's have some money.

Here, george times 4.

Yeah, and there's 2.

Ok. Be right back.

Bye, guy.

So, where shall we go, huh?

It don't matter. We'll just make
this baby fly when we get high!

I'm in, I'm in.

All right, let's
go. Mine, all mine.

Here's $4.

I hear tell you're
selling these for $6.

You're never gonna
get rich that way, matt.

I've already made $12 tonight.


Well, it's more than I'd make at the
arcade in the same amount of time.

Well, when you run out,

You know where to find us.


Another $4. Pure profit, luke.

But we are down
to our last case.

I think luke has another liquor
store in mind, don't you, sweetie?

We re-stock tomorrow.

All right. Here we go.

All right. Come on, matt.

So, anyway.

You know about this flag football
game with the 18th precinct?


Well, the captain...

Look, hooker, i... I know
how much you like football,

Ah. And how much you
know about football.

And in my opinion, you would
be the best possible coach

For the team. But the captain...

Made you coach.

How did you know?

It was my idea.

I don't need that
kinda agony again.

All right.


Looks like we got
ourselves a deuce.

We'd better get them stopped
before they k*ll somebody.

I'm backin' off.

It's too dangerous.

Call for 2 ambulances.

Have the hospital
stand by for triage.

Requesting 2 paramedic units.

That one's dead.

Keep her airways open.

This one's bleeding badly.

Booze and kids.

What a waste.

The traffic unit scooped up
all these personal effects.

They were scattered
all over the scene.

There's 2 of 'em that won't
be needing theirs anymore.

Every time my daughter goes
out, I say "don't drink and drive."

It can't be said enough.

10 To 1, this is some
of that stolen scotch

That's been all over the
high school campuses.

The kids must be buying
it for next to nothing.

And 2 lives snuffed
out because of it.

Dr. Pearson, emergency
please. Dr. Pearson.


Hi, irene, it's vince.

I hope I didn't wake you.

Oh, hardly. I just
got in from work.

Why are you calling
so late, vince?

I just wanted to
ask you about matt.

There was an automobile
accident tonight

And I found his
student body card.

Matt! He's not... No. No.

I just wanted to
know if he's home.

Well, he should be.

He was supposed to get off
work at 10. Uh, hold... Hold on.

Vince, he's here. He's asleep.

Oh, good. I'm sorry if I
frightened you, irene.

But I just wanted to make sure.

Was anybody hurt badly?

I'm afraid so,
irene. I'm afraid so.

I'm sorry. Bye-bye.

Hup, 3! Hup, 4! Hup,
5! Hup, 6! Hup, 7!

They're selling
booze on the streets

And in the schools
for next to nothing.

You've gotta put
more people on it.

Now, listen, hooker,
juvenile's overworked as it is,

Working the organized
gangs in midtown.

Welfare has more runaways
and prostitutes than ever.

Narcotics can't take care
of the dr*gs in the schools.

We have no more people, hooker.

We gotta find 'em!

2 Kids died last night.

We're still not sure that
the others will make it.

You don't have to tell me that.

I get pressures from people
you never even heard of!

Then have downtown pull
some bodies off the dope squad.

Now, hooker. dr*gs are
an epidemic out there, too.

Yeah, right.

But for every kid taking dope,

There's 7 drinking hard
liquor. Tell 'em that!

Tell 'em my beat is turning
into a teenage graveyard.

I'll see what I can do.

Romano. Huh?

If that's your
football team roster,

Put me down for tryouts, huh?

Oh, that's a good idea,
we need cheerleaders!

I'm talking about
the team, romano.

It's gonna be a coed game.

What, are you kiddin'?
Women on a football team?

Who thought up that idea?

Well, I thought
it'd be a good arena

To display the equality
of police officers, romano.

relations, so to speak!

What do you think?

You're absolutely right!
That's a great idea, sir!

Good. Fine.


Did traffic get any statements
from the kids in the hospital yet?

So far, there's only one person

Who's in good enough
condition to speak.

They asked her where
she got the liquor

And she gave a boy's name. Matt.

What was that name, stacy?

Matt. That's all they
could get from her.

Ask them to stay on
top of it for us, will you?

We'll be on the street. Right.

Are you takin' the day off, kid?


Ok, don't move!

Just put away your g*n.
T-take what you want.

Shut up!

Just put away your g*n. Please.

Ok. You stay behind
the counter and shut up!

Ok, guys, go!

Let's get this booze loaded.

Come on, move it! Go!

All units and 4-adam-30.
A 2-11 silent at 260.

Ocean avenue. Handle code 3.

4-Adam-30, roger!

There's not much
more. Let's move it!

Cops! Headed this way!

We got the booze, let's go!

$12 In change.

Well, maybe this
is worth somethin'.

Out the back.

That's my wedding ring. You're
not gonna have my wedding ring!


I'm not gonna let you...

Hurry up! Get in!

Start the truck.
Come on, get started!

Come on, start the car!

Get out! Run!

They went out the back.

Are you all right?

Split up!

Move it!


Now's the time to talk
about stolen liquor, sonny.


Well, you just bring that up with
my attorney, provided at no cost, cop!

You have the right to remain
silent. If you give up that right...

Ok, romano. Let's have it.

You haven't said a
word since we drove out.

I was thinking about
the name of the kid

That stacy said was
selling the booze.



Matthew king.

Isn't he the son of the
guy you served with in nam?


I wasn't much older
than matt is right now.

16. With a phony
birth certificate.

Josh, matt's old man,

He looked after me the
second I got off the boat.

He was more than like
a big brother to me,

He was almost like a father.

Where'd you get matt
king's student body card?

I, uh, found it in the effects
from the wreck last night.


You know how...
How kids are, hooker.

Hey, they're in and out
of each other's cars.

So I called his mother
and checked him out.


Well, she had just
gotten in from work.

And he was home, asleep.

He had worked until
10 himself last night.

But she doesn't know
when he got home.

An hour before she
did? 2 Hours? 5 Minutes?

Maybe we should
drop by the house, huh?

Matt's a lot like his
father was, hooker.

I can't imagine he'd be
tied up with stolen liquor.

It's a lead, junior.
We gotta follow it.

I'll hope, along with you,

That the matt we're
looking for isn't your matt.

Yes, I asked matt about
his student body card,

And he said he loaned
it to one of the kids

To get into the football game.

He had to work at the arcade,
so he couldn't go himself.

Well, that sure explains it.

Matt worked last night?

He's a big help to me.

They really like
matt at the arcade.

He, uh, keeps all those
computer games going for them.

I remember when matt was little,

He used to take apart anything that
could be plugged in. Clocks, toasters.

You should see him now.
Computer chips and, uh,

Integrated circuits, um...

Half the time I don't know
what he's talking about.

How late did matt
work last night?

Until 10:00.

Ever since his father's
endowment policy ran out,

I had to get a second
job, matt jumped right in.

He sounds like a
terrific young man.

Oh, he really is, hooker.

You know,

I... I can't remember the last
time i... I spent any time with him.

Maybe he'd like to go
to the hockey game.

You guys had wonderful
times together.


Well, thanks for
everything, irene.

I'm... I'm gonna stop by tonight
at the arcade and invite him.

Sounds to me like both of you
could use something more than work.

He'd like that.

Hooker, sorry if I sound
so wrapped up with matt,

But I can't tell you
how important it is to me.

Don't worry about it, junior.

If I were in your place, I'd
do exactly the same thing.

Now, we'll have to see if
the detectives have lined up

A composite artist to work with
the woman from the liquor store.

It's really the best
lead we have going.

Sorry we're late, buddy.

We had us some problems.

Look, uh, can we walk this way?

Since they fired me, the
owner gives me funny looks.

He probably knows
I sell around here.

Look, um...

I-i'm not real sure
about this whole thing.

What, are you turning
chicken on us, honey?

Hey, lay off! Matt's
a little tense.

Maybe he needs a drink.

I don't need a drink.

Well, right now.

Yeah. Well, there'll be
plenty of time for that later.

And plenty of booze.

With this next hit
I've got lined up,

We'll keep the whole
high school supplied for...

5 Years.

5 Years.

Maybe you, uh, can make enough
money to have a little fun, huh?

You buy yourself
some decent threads,

After you give your
mom her allowance.

Come on, buddy.

I found out where you can
get that electronic gizmo

You need to, uh, get us past the
computer ignition on those liquor trucks.

Where? I mean, i... I
looked in all the stores.

It's not in a store.
It's in a warehouse.

Yeah? Well, can we buy it there?

Now, who said
anything about buying?

We just bust into the
warehouse and take it.

Uh, i-i'm not bustin' into
anything. T-t-that's wrong.

You want me to tell the
cops who sold the booze

To those kids who
died in that car crash?

You wouldn't do that.

Oh, no? Just try me.

You can't make any money for
your mommie when you're sittin' in jail.

So, tomorrow. The warehouse.

You be there. Right?

Look, stacy, would you just...

Women were not made
to... To... To play this game.

Well, just trust me, will you?

This is supposed
to be a coed team!

A strong bench is crucial to
the success of any football team,

So if you'll just go over there
and make sure the bench is strong.

Ok, girls, follow
in behind stacy.

Uh, how about showing us
that bench sitting position again?

Do I have to do
everything around here?

You put your foot there and your
other foot there. Just go like that, ok?

Well, like they say in
football, when in doubt, punt.

All right, recruits, I think practice
is over. There's work to do. Hit it.

I see you're getting a kick
outta your job, romano.

The lady from the liquor
store is inside there,

Working on a composite
of the kid she unmasked.

Great. I'll hit the
showers and meet you.

We can show it around.

I'm gonna go see
matt tonight at his job.

Invite him to the hockey game.

I'll have him take a
look, too. Good idea.

You're matt, right?


I heard you got some
good booze. $6 A quart.


How old are you?

22! You wanna see my i.d.?

Come on, I got enough money
from all my buddies for 2 quarts.

You gotta be outta your mind.

I'm not selling any
liquor to little kids.

Hey, if I have to, I can pay
someone to go into a store

And buy it for me.

But I heard you
had some bargains.

Why don't you just
get outta here?

Go on, beat it!



What're you doin' here?

I'm glad I caught
you on a break.

You are on a break, are you?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, i-i'm on a break.

Great. I talked to your
mom. Did she tell you?

Well, she said something
about my... My student body card.

Is there something wrong?


It's all straightened out.

Did you know any of the
kids in that automobile crash?

Just seen 'em around, you know.

Um, the one kid, richie, i... I did
give my card to him for the day.


You don't get much
chance to spend time

With your friends or your
mother these days, huh?

Yeah. I don't see her that much.

You know, she's got 2
jobs and I'm down here.

Hey, listen.

I got 2 tickets to the
hockey game tomorrow night.

I thought we could go, you know?

You and me. Like
we used to, huh?

Before I got wrapped up in all
of that police academy stuff.

Well, i... I really
can't. I-i've gotta work.

Yeah, your mom told me that you
were puttin' in a lot of overtime.

Come on, you
deserve it. One night.

Besides, I'd like you to, matt.

Look, vince,

I'm ok.

I mean, i... I know you
have this obligation.

B-because you knew my
father, or whatever, but...

Your dad and i, we
shared everything.

From "c" rations to sn*per
patrol for 13 months.

There's no
"whatever" to it, kiddo.

Ok, I'm sorry.

I just got a lot on my mind.

Look, why don't I give you a call
when I've got some more time, huh?




We're lookin' for this kid.

Have you seen him around
here? Do you know him?

I don't... I... I
don't know him.

Look, I really have to go.


Do you recognize
this boy, miss long?

Yes, of course. It's
james j.d. Turner.

He wasn't in the
accident, was he?


No, we think he may be involved
with the liquor that caused it.

Can you tell us any of
the students that, uh,

This turner spends time with,
aside from the classroom?

Well, there's a girl. Susan
folson. And jack jenkins.

Him, we have in custody. He's not
telling us anything but he is in custody.

I've seen jack
with matt king, too.

Matt? He hangs out with jenkins?

Well, I wouldn't
say he hangs out.

Matt's more a loner.
Do you know him?

Very well.

How does matt do in school?

He doesn't do well at all.
I'm very concerned about him.

Well, it probably has to do with all
the hours he puts in at the arcade.

Arcade? He doesn't
have that job anymore.

No. No, y-y-you're mistaken.

I was just there
last night and...

Off. Romano, I signed
matt's work permit.

I know when he was hired
and when he was fired.

Which was over a month ago.

What else can you
tell us about matt?

Well, he's a very talented boy.

Especially in science
and electronics.

But then he's rarely
in science class.

Or any other class
for that matter.

Do you mean he
doesn't come to school?

He has a very
high absentee rate.

And when he is here, he's
usually remote and distant.

He has his mind on other things.

And his behavior? Irrational?

Big ups and downs, mostly downs?

I think you understand
matt's problem, sergeant.

Wait a minute. Hooker,
y-y-you lost me.

I think what miss
long is trying to say

Is that matt is an alcoholic.

If you knew, miss long,

Why didn't you t-tell anybody?

I called. His
mother's never home.

We sent letters, 5 or 6.
No one ever answered.

It's just another case of
a mother who doesn't care.

She does care! And I care!

Well, let's go, buddy.

We're headin' for the big time.

You know, stealing electronic
override and this car.

I... I don't like it.

Well, it really isn't a matter
of what you like, now is it?


Be ready to move it out fast.

You got it.

A g*n?

Y-y-you didn't say
anything about using a g*n!

You don't have to say
anything about g*ns, matt.

They speak for themselves.

Yeah, what is it?

Move it! Ok, you two guys, you
move around, I'll put a hole in you.

Face the wall. Now!

Ok, buddy. Get to work.

But i... I don't
know where it is.

They make hundreds
of different parts.

Uh, if I could see an
inventory sheet or something.

You heard him. Inventory sheet!

I'm not gonna help you punks!

No, no, wait!
I'll... I'll find it.

This car's hot.

They must've made us.

Come on, romano.

Sometimes they hide it so well
even their parents aren't aware.

I'm sure that matt's
mother doesn't know.

But you knew, hooker.

Your antenna is always up.

My antenna was up my
first week on the job.

We rolled on an accident,
like the one the other night.

Kids spattered everywhere.

Death, injuries.

And the parents had no idea.

When I continually see
the future of this country

Being washed down the
sewer in a flood of booze,

My antenna stays up!

All units, all
frequencies, stand by!

4-Adam-14 is in pursuit
of a black trans-am,

License paul
charles edward, 2-9-0.

Occupants were possible
lookouts for crime in progress

At racatronic
warehouse, 2-1-6, victoria.

4-Adam-30 shows code
6. At racatronic in 2.

Hurry up!

It's the cops!

We're not leaving till
we get what we need.

Cover the back!

Police! Come out
with your hands up!

Help! They're robbing!

Call the paramedics.

Stop, or I'll sh**t! Halt! Stop!



Halt! Police!

4-Adam-14 to
dispatch. We lost 'em.

What's going down at racatronic?

We lost 'em, too!

You damn well better be
able to explain this, romano.

Ok! I'm sorry. I apologize.

I don't want any apologies.
I want an explanation.

It was matt king.

So, his problems are
bigger than booze.

But maybe not bigger than yours.

Look, hooker,

I told you about being
in nam with josh king.

One night

We were sent out on patrol
to scout v.c. Armored positions.

We were on point.

And josh stepped on a land mine.

I held him in my arms for hours,

Listening to him talk
about his baby boy,

Knowing that he would
never see him again.

I just couldn't let
you sh**t that boy!

Matt wasn't the
one with the g*n.

You should've known I wouldn't
have fired at an unarmed kid.

I guess I just lost my cool.

It was a bad decision, romano.

You reacted
emotionally in a situation

That could've been
potentially dangerous.

That punk with the g*n
was firing at me. At us!

I know. I screwed up.

And whatever you
wanna do is ok with me.

What I wanna do is make
sure that I can depend on you.

Right now, I'm not
sure that I can.

Then I'll have to bust
my neck proving it to you.

We'd better pick up matt's
pieces before it's too late.

I just called the
department store. My day job.

And my manager's not
too happy I'm gonna be late.

I guess it must
be important, huh?

I wish it weren't, irene.

Is matt home?

Of course not.
He's at the arcade.

No, he's not. Irene,
matt's in serious trouble.

What're you talking
about? What kind of trouble?

There's no easy way to say this.

Your son...

Matt's an alcoholic.

And his drinking has led
him into criminal activity.

An alcoholic! That's crazy!

He lives here. I'd know!

He lives here, remember?

The trouble is,

You're hardly ever home, irene.

I know it's not your
fault. Holding down 2 jobs.

Working nights and weekends.
I don't know how you do it.

What about school, vince?

His teachers would
know. He'd be failing.

They do know. We talked
to matt's home room teacher.

She's tried to call you. The school
has sent you half a dozen letters.

I guess matt intercepted 'em.

I know how you must feel.

But time is short.

A few hours ago, matt took
part in an armed robbery.

We wanna help him.

Gotta find him and stop
him, before he gets in deeper.

Oh, my god.

A... A robbery a-and
matt an alcoholic.

I... I can't believe it.

I know my son.

We may not have time together,

But... But I know the
kind of person he is.

That's just it, irene.

He's not the person you know
anymore, because of the alcohol.

But, uh, I don't understand it.

I've worked so hard to make a
home for us since we lost josh.

And matt is everything to me.

It's possible that you're
part of the problem.

Me? What do you mean?

Well, matt's got his hands full

With all the normal head trips

That teenagers
have to go through.

And on top of that he
sees you, his mother,

Wasting her life
sacrificing every day for him.

It's a heavy load.

Heavy enough to
lead him into anything,


That will let him
forget for a while.

Feel better, fast. They call it.

Oh, that's not true.

I'm not wasting my life.

I'm filling it with
love for my son.

And with respect for
myself. For matt and me.

We're fighting to make it
all work and we're winning.

At least I thought we were.

I think you should
tell matt that, irene.

And I'm gonna find him for you.

If he calls, you tell
him he's got a friend.

Matt! Matt! Oh, matt!

Oh, thank god I have you.

You were inside all the time.

I'm so messed up.

I... I... I never
wanted to hurt you.

I... I just wanted
to take dad's place.

And when i... I couldn't do
that, I just had to sit there

And watch you wear
yourself out. For me.

You know, everything I've
done is for the both of us.

Not just you, matt.

I'm gonna need some help.

This booze thing is
really tough to shake.

I thought maybe alcoholics
anonymous or somethin'.

I saw a sign. They have a... A special
program for... For teenagers.

Mom, I've gotta find vince

And tell him there's gonna
be a big liquor robbery.

And I've gotta give him this

As they... They can't do
the rip off without it.

Oh. Good.

Go on inside.


Mom, please just do what I say.


Go on in and call
vince. Matt! Let's go.

Mom, remember I love you.

Let's go!

We waited for an hour
for you at the pier, matt.

Did you get cold feet?

I'm out of it, luke.

I'm not gonna do it.

Oh, yes, you are.


Stop! Stop!


Detectives finally got a
full associates list run down

On susan folson
and that j.d. Kid.

I think we've got number
3 nailed down, too.

His name's luke stevens.

That's the one who
shot at me all right.

Checked with his parole officer.

Stevens ran through
a string of jobs.

Movie theatre usher,
swamper at allied paper box,

Go-fer on a construction
g*ng, dishwasher,

Fired from all of them. Useless.

He's one of those types
with big money dreams

And nothing good
to go with them.

Have the detectives found
any of those suspects yet?

There's an a.p.b. Out on
all 4 of 'em. But nothing yet.

What'd you turn
up at racatronic?

Nothing specific, but those security
devices that they manufacture

Are those new anti-hijack
computer ignitions.

A truck hijack is
a strong possible.

Like a liquor distributor.

You got it.

I called in from racatronics.

I got a full list of the
liquor distributors.

There's no way we
can cover all these.

Right. That's why we've
gotta find matt and his buddies.

90 To 4-adam-30 on tach 2.

Go, stacy!

Mrs. King just called.
She' s at home and frantic.

Something's happened to her son.

Tell her we're rollin'.

Don't move!

Do you have any idea where
they might've taken matt?

Those kids forced
him into the car.

He had that electronic
thing. He knew they needed it. I...

And matt, along with it.

I'd like to take a look
around matt's room.

Ok, buddy, get to work.

Get to work!

According to racatronics,
4 liquor distributors

Use the e.k-4-7
electronic ignition.

Luxor, maxim, regal...
Regal! That's it.

Luke stevens worked at
the allied paper box company.

I know that place. It's right
across the street from regal.

That's probably how stevens
knows about the electronic ignitions

In regal trucks.

This is 4-adam-30,
rolling code 3

On a possible hijack in progress

At regal liquor distributors.

Request back up!

Move it!

Look, it's not that easy.

There's a lot of
wiring I have to do.

I'm counting to 3.

And if this truck isn't
rolling, I'm pulling the trigger.

That's it!

It's matt!

Stop the truck!

Get outta here!

Get out of here, cop!

Get him off!

Slow it down!

Get off the truck!

Stop it!

Pull the truck over now!

Watch it!

Here give me your hand.

Give me a hand getting 'em out.

Are you all right?

I called the ambulance.

They'll need 'em.
What about you?

An ambulance isn't gonna
bring me the kinda help I need.

I have to find it inside myself.

There are people who
can help you help yourself.

Let 'em do it.

40, 3, 7, Hut! Hut!

The game must almost be over.

Is the captain
gonna be mad at me!

Nah! Talk with him.
Maybe he'll understand.

Besides, matt' s on his
way to better things.

We're behind one point.

With 5 seconds to go.

42-7, Hut! Hut!

Stacy, you did it!
You and the team!

You did it, romano.

You made us all aggressive.

In fact, you got all the
women so filled with hatred,

We could've beat the
pittsburgh steelers.

The pittsburgh steelers!

Yeah. Yeah, well, i... I
had that all planned.

It was a great coaching
technique, wasn't it?

No, romano. No good!

I showed 'em. But I did. I did!