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02x08 - Deadly Ambition

Posted: 04/29/23 10:41
by bunniefuu
You hear that?

Don't worry about it.

The security guard's
paid to turn the other way.

What the hell is
that guard doing?

He ain't supposed
to be comin' up here.

Go take a look.

Hold it!

The security guard pulled
down on me. Had to ice him.

Oh, what the hell went wrong?

Let's move it.

Raisin quiche, hooker.

That is where it's at.


Don't forget the
cuavarier sparkling water.

Of course, from belgium.

Much more delicate
than that french stuff.

That pamela van dreeson's
gonna be the end of you, junior.

Just because a guy
is from south philly

Doesn't mean he
can't improve himself.

4-Adam-30 and all
units in the vicinity.

A 2-11 silent at wallace
diamond exchange.

210 Central. 4-Adam-30,
handle code 3.

Don't they know it's sunday?

Know it? They're
probably counting on it.

4-Adam-30, roger.

Ok, let's go. Move.
Go, get out of here.

Watch out!

You'll never make it!

Hang on. Hang on, time out.



Alise lives at the university.

Don't worry, ben, I'll
get in touch with her.


She would have been proud.

Can you remember
anything about the suspects?


Anything at all that
can help us nail them.

I just saw the one.

It went so fast.

Large? Small?

Color hair? Anything, ben.

Big guy.

Just the one.

He was a black guy.

I feel so worn down.

Hang in there, ben.

Who's alise? His wife?

His daughter.

She goes to the university.

We'll have campus
security notify her.

We go back to the same
academy class together.

All ben ever wanted
was to be a cop.

He had a heart murmur
when he was a kid.

Background investigators
found out his 3rd week in training.

City doctors didn't
want to take a chance.

That's rough when
you want it so bad.

Yeah, well, it wasn't a heart
murmur that put him down today.

Acetylene torch, magnesium bar,

In and out of a roof.

Pros, with a tight m.o. That
you and I are gonna nail.

We're gonna nail 'em for ben.

Move it, move it.


What do you hear
from the hospital?

Ben edwards is out of surgery,

Weak, but improving.


Well, romano,

Does the computer show anything?

I think we got ourselves
a prime suspect.

All right.

The magnesium torch and
roof entry m.o. Fits 3 suspects,

But 2 of them are in prison.

Which leaves?

A miami-born con
named cody mayfield.

I'm getting a mug
wired right now.

You wanna believe he's wanted
for this kind of caper in 3 states?

Put him on the f.b.i.'S
wanted list, too.

I have one question.

I'm on the safe detail.

Why are you two
nosing into my case?

You didn't show on
the scene, holland,

We didn't think
you'd mind the help.

Don't you think we
should put out a bulletin

On this description of
mayfield until the mugs are in?

I'll make my case
my way, sergeant.

Right now, I'm going
to the hospital

And see how our
security guard is doing.

Oh, ben edwards just
got out of surgery.

I can give you everything he
was able to remember in my report.

What's in your report and what I
can get, hooker, are 2 different things,

In case you didn't
hear me the first time,

Stay out of my case.

What's his problem?

A bad case of burning ambition.

I'd like to talk to you, durbin.

What are you doing
around here, man?

Playing with the idea
that my favorite snitch

Has been scamming me.

You get everything I got.

You-you're the one
with the hammer.

That gram of h I caught you with

Is going straight to the
d.a. If I get one bad answer.

What does the
d.a. Think about you

Hanging on to that junk
and pumping me for 6 months?

He doesn't have to know
about that part of it, durbin.

Now, I want cody mayfield,

Wanted in 3 states
for safe burglary.

I... I don't know no
cody may-mayfield.

You just lied to
me again, durbin.

One of our blue
suits ran the m.o.

He got the name "mayfield."

I checked it a
little bit further.

Now, you wanna keep lying to me?

Or do you want me
to drop the hammer?

Ok, man, i... I know cody.

We, uh, we did a little
time together in lexington.

See, i... I overheard this
conversation he was having

About this safe job.

I passed it on to you,
that's all there is to it.

Why should I believe you?

There's a-another part of
the conversation I overheard,

S-something about it
being a-an inside setup.

The, uh,

The security guard had been
paid to look the other way.

Durbin, you've got 24 hours

To deliver mayfield to me

Or I take your
package to the d.a.


I've got the mug sh*ts
of that mayfield suspect.


Did holland get these
out to all the roll calls?

Not so far.


Contact the lab.

Have them make
hundreds of copies of that

And I'll shove them down
holland's throat if I have to.

What's the word on
your friend, ben edwards?

Well, he's still in
the recovery room.

No visitors.

And the hospital staff said
our good detective holland

Sent ben's daughter out of
the visitors' room in tears.

I'm about to find out why.

Oh, vince, I have a
message for you. I think.

You think?

Well, it's to a special
officer vincent romano.


Pamela called, huh?

Well, not exactly.
Her butler did.

I wanna get this exact.

"Miss pamela will be
expecting you for tea,

Monday next."


That's the way people do things

At the top of the
social register.

Well, if you climb
too fast, romano,

You're gonna get a nosebleed.

Jealous, stacy?

Oh, sure.

I always did want my blood
to be as blue as my uniform.

And, of course, have a
butler to call my boyfriend,

So I didn't have to
talk to him myself.

Ta-ta, vincent.


I didn't put mug
sh*ts out on mayfield

Because I'm gonna
take him down my way.

Asking for a little
help from the troops

Isn't gonna cost
you a bust credit.

Let's just get the grime
off the street and into jail.

It'll happen, hooker.
I'm working on it.

The way you've been working
on ben edwards' daughter?

I had to ask her a few
questions. Hey, wait.

Do you mind? Yes!

She put in a couple
of calls to me.

When I got back to
her, she was frantic.

She said your questions
were tantamount

To accusing her
father of being involved

In the wallace vault
job. Is that correct?

If "involved" means
being principal to a crime,

The answer is yes.

Hey, listen, holland.

I know this guy.
He's a friend of mine.

I'd like very much
to... Sorry, hooker.

Edwards is under investigation.

No favors.

I'm not asking for any favors.
I'm telling you I know him.

He's a friend of mine. He's
as clean as they come. Oh?

Then why was your friend ben
edwards on the job yesterday

When he still had 2
days of his vacation left?

How do you explain this note
that I found in his uniform?

"Wallace vault, sunday, noon"

There she is.

Ben edwards' daughter?

Hooker, she's beautiful.

And she's my goddaughter,
don't you forget that, romano.



How are you, sweetheart?

Hi, baby.

Thanks for coming.

How's your dad?

There's a lot of pain,

But the doctors
say he's on the mend.

Good. And where's your mom?

She won't be here today, hooker.

Uh, my mother lives
in san francisco now.

They're divorced.

I'm sorry, alise. I
didn't know that.

This is my partner,
vince romano.

Hi. Hi.

We're all saying a few
words for your dad.

It's nice to get
so much support.

Except for that
holland character.

Have you talked to him yet?

Yeah. He told me that
your dad went to work

On a sunday with days
left on his vacation.

Do you know anything about that?

Yeah, I think that
was because of, um,

Because of the way
things have been lately.

Between you and your dad?

Father and daughter
fighting over the same things

He and mom used to
fight over: his work.

What's wrong with his work?

He's a bright,
intelligent man, hooker.

He has so much more potential
than being a door shaker.

Hey, alise.

He's putting you
through college.

Maybe something else
isn't what he wants to do.

Well, anyway, our
arguments on sunday

Probably got to be too much,

So when the phone call came in,

He put on his
uniform and he left.

What phone call?

We weren't saying much
to one another by then.


I heard the news about your dad

And I thought I'd drop in
and see how he was doing.

Since when did you care
anything about my father?

Win some, lose some.

Jerry lee lewis.


T.j. Hooker.

I'm a friend of ben's. My
partner, vince romano.

It's an honor, mr. Lewis.


Uh, if you don't mind me saying,

Alise doesn't seem
to like you very much.

Well, I'll tell you.

On the road, ben worked
personal security for me

For about 3 years, and, um,

I fired him last year.

I don't think any of his
family really liked me, I guess.

But I just came
by here to see ben,

And that's what I intend to
do, so if you'll excuse me...

There goes one of a kind.

You like his music,
too? Oh, I like his music.

Well, we can finally
agree on something.

Musically speaking.

Hey, hoss, how you feelin'?

Hey, jerry lee!

Right. What a surprise!

A regular reunion going on.

Oh, 2 of my favorite
people at the same time.

Did you meet hooker?

h**ker's more than
just a cop on this thing.

He's alise's godfather.

He pulled all the strings
for the wife and me

And sped up alise's
adoption by more than a year.

You don't say.

Well, that calls
for a regular howdy.

How you doin', hooker?

Alise was about 2 then,
I think, wasn't she, ben?

And no little girl had
more love from her father.

Well, then nothin'
changed, huh, ben?

She's a fine
daughter, jerry lee.

Excuse me, jerry lee.

Ben, I gotta ask
you these things.

You went in on the
job on your vacation

With a note in your pocket.

"Wallace vault, noon sunday."


Well, one of the guards
called me from the company

And he wanted me to
fill in for him, and, uh...

He had some kind of family
business to take care of.

Did the call come through
the guard service, or direct?

He called me.

Uh, I don't know.

I guess he just didn't
want to ask the boss.

W-why, hooker, is
s-somethin' wrong?

One of the detectives
has a piece of information

That needs to be verified.

This guard, what's his name?

Uh, it's, uh, joey.

Joey bonner.

How well do you
know joey bonner?

Hardly at all.

He's just another one of the
guards down at the company.

He seems like a nice
enough fellow to me.

Oh, god, I'm just gettin'
a little frazzled here.

You hang in there, hoss,
and get you some rest.

I'll be back to see you soon.

Thank you for comin', jerry.

And if you think of anything,
ben, anything else, call me.

Sure. Sure thing, hooker.

So, what's with holland?

Well, I had him, uh, lookin'
on the other side of town,

Just like you wanted.

But he's making you for
that wallace vault job.

So he i.d.'D my m.o. What's
the difference? Job's done.

Man, he is going crazy.
He wants me to turn you.

Maybe I ought to
turn you, durbin.

That punk guard you
touted me on, joey bonner?

He split with my cash.

Some replacement
guard showed up.

Almost blew the whole deal.

Look, man, I told you bonner
didn't come with any references.

Just a young drunk that
hung out there at the club

That you could buy real
easy. Nothing more than that.

All right, forget bonner.

It's time we put that colfeld
exchange job together

And blow town.

That cop holland is
squeezing me for you.

You know, the guy
that taught me safes,

He had a hungry cop on his
tail once. You know what he did?

He turned it all around.
Pretty soon, he owned the cop.

How're we gonna
own some cop, cody?

Easy when he's hungry.
First, you give him the bait.

Where's this bait
gonna come from?

Well, he wants
me, so I'm the bait.

The prize catch, cody mayfield.

But he'll get a whole
other ballgame,

Enough to make him look good.

Enough for us to own him.

Got your call for
backup. Where's the action?

A few miles up the
road. Just follow me in.


I got some new
information on ben edwards.

Tell it to the d.a.
Charges are being filed.

Aren't you moving a little fast?

I just talked to edwards.

There was another
guard, a joey bonner.


Joey bonner was
supposed to be on the job,

But edwards took his place.

A trade between them
without company knowledge.

It was a favor ben did
to a fellow worker.

He hardly knew him otherwise.

A favor to advance
a conspiracy, maybe.

I talked to the
security company.

Bonner's dropped from sight.

Doesn't that make
you suspicious?

It's more fuel for
the conspiracy theory.

But I'll put a warrant
out on bonner for you.

Find bonner. He
can clear edwards.

Don't make a charge on
the basis of a snitch's word.

My source says this is a
righteous bust, hooker.

And I've got the
evidence to back it up.

Then take a hard
look at your source.

They may just be leading
you around by the nose.

He gets me the right
kind of busts, friend.

As a matter of fact, that's
where we're headed right now.

He just called, and told me

Where I might catch
a safe-cr*cker.

Cody mayfield?

Now's your chance
to see first hand

If my source is reliable or not.

Let's roll.

Yeah, they just entered
the park. Time to go.

I gotta go see the
fence, give him a look.

I'll be back in about an hour.

Bring me back a 6-pack, huh?

Yeah. Clean up
this joint, will you?

Hold it right there.

You cops are...

Mayfield isn't here.

Your source is only half-right.


This is still a good
part of the stolen gems.

Not bad for half-right, huh?

No help for ben edwards.

Our friend nichols in there
isn't being very cooperative.

Nothing at all. Not even
about that guard, bonner.

Oh, he's ice.

Did your friend edwards say
that it was nichols who shot him?

Romano was at the hospital,
showing him the mug sh*ts.

Seems the d.a.'S office served
indictment papers on ben this morning.

What? He's relapsed.

Doctors said no
visitors until tomorrow,

So I couldn't show
him nichols' picture.

You just had to have
your numbers, didn't you?

Couldn't wait until
you knew for sure.

I know for sure. It
was my information.

Now we got another one.

On my information.


Hey, holland! It's all too easy.

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, just ask
yourself. Isn't it possible

That you've been fed just enough
to satisfy your hunger for a bust,

And this source of yours is
holding back dessert: mayfield?

What are you trying to say,
hooker, that I'm being played?

Why not? It's happened before

To cops too eager for a collar.

Captain, I'm not
going to stand here

And let some blue-suiter
lay insults on me.

Now let's just settle down.

Hooker, let's just
settle down. I don't want...

I don't want a w*r
in this precinct.

Now, holland, h**ker's
just trying to suggest that...

I don't care what
he's suggesting.

My record speaks for itself.


The full records came
through on joey bonner.

Seems like he's been
in trouble all his life,

And all over the country.

With some heavier
crimes sprinkled in.

Did you run an associate
correlation, like I asked?

Bonner's tied to
mayfield, but indirectly.

Mayfield's associates included
a man named frank durbin.

On one of joey bonner's
drunk-driving arrest reports,

There's a frank durbin listed as a
bartender witness at a local club.

The printout shows durbin
was in prison with mayfield in '76.

Didn't you say that, uh,

Edwards barely knew joey bonner?

He was just a fellow employee?

That's what he told me.

Then he lied.

March, 2 years ago, in memphis,

It seems that your
friend ben edwards

And joey bonner were booked
into the same jail together

On a drug charge.

Possession of heroin, for sale.

Ok, if you don't believe ben
was in on the vault robbery,

Then explain why he lied
to you about joey bonner.

Well, I'll have the
answer to that

When the doctors let us see him.

He was booked
with bonner, hooker.

Possession, for sale.

But the memphis authorities
prosecuted bonner only.

They let ben go. So
there's an explanation.

I believe in the man I know.

Meanwhile, we hunt for bonner.

He's the key, junior.

Well, c.c. Rider ♪

♪ Just see what you have done ♪

♪ C.c. Rider ♪

♪ Just see what you have done ♪

♪ Woman, you made me love you ♪

♪ Now your regular
daddy's done come ♪

♪ Oh, c.c. Rider ♪

♪ Just see what you have done ♪

♪ Think about it, darlin' ♪

♪ You better take a look
at what you done done ♪

♪ Old jerry lee's
loved up on your mama ♪

♪ Now your regular
daddy's done come ♪

♪ Hey, lord ♪

That's great! Fantastic!
Oh, that's fantastic.

All right!


Hooker, how're you doin'?

How're you doing,
jerry lee? Good.

Jerry lee, how're you doing?

Was I making that much noise?

Oh, no noise. This
is our kind of music.

Nothing you can
get arrested for.

Well, uh, is ben ok?

Well, physically he's ok,

We're still trying to clear him.

Things seem to be stacking
up against him, though.

This man, joey bonner,
supposedly hangs out here.

Have you ever seen him?

Is he the one responsible for
the thing stacked up against ben?

Jerry lee, ben's
been lying to me

About how well he
knows joey bonner.

Well, I know ben's always
protected that guy, man.

Then you know bonner?

Couple of years back, yeah,

Bonner started following
my band around, and, uh...

I believe he was into dr*gs.

I told ben to get rid of him.

But ben always wanted
to keep the kid around

And give him another chance.

And one night in memphis,

Bonner got busted by
an undercover agent,

Dealing in dr*gs.


Could have been, I don't know.

But ben told the cops
it was, uh, his own stash

And that the kid
was pushin' it for him.

So ben got pulled
in alongside bonner?

They kept him, too. Then i...

I went down to the jail,

I told the whole story.

And then they let ben
go and they kept bonner.

And that's when I fired
ben, I sent him on home.

I think the guy would
have ruined ben's life

And destroyed his family.

Why is ben sticking his
neck out for that guy?

I suppose for the same
reason he's always done it.

Which is?

Well, joey bonner
is ben's stepbrother.

His stepbrother.

Do you have any idea where we
might be able to find joey bonner?

Well, there's a rumor around
that, uh, he's been hiding,

And, uh, there's
another rumor that, uh,

That pretty lady right
over there is his girlfriend.

Her name is mary beth.


Joey, joey, you get out
of here, joey bonner.

Ben, look, man, I'm
scared, real scared.

That's your problem, joey.

The cops. Did they...

No, they don't know anything
about your involvement,

Except that I took your place.

Word's out those safecrackers,
they're lookin' to k*ll me.

At least you don't have
the cops chasin' you, too.

Now get out of here.
Get out of my life!

This time, get out for good.

I... I... I don't know what
you're talking about.

Joey bonner knows too much

And the boys he's playing
with don't like loose ends.

Mary beth,

A friend of mine is
lying in a hospital

With 2 b*llet
holes in his chest.

And he's looking at a
felony prosecution.

I think because he was
trying to help joey bonner.

You're helping to destroy
a man's life, and what for?

So you can keep
joey bonner clean?

It's too late for that.

He stepped in dirt

The first time he sat
down with cody mayfield.

If you don't tell
us where joey is

Before mayfield
gets a hold of him,

Joey won't survive.

Hey, sweetheart, jail
is better than dead.

He's on this... He's in a motel

On the san fernando
road. The corral.

Lou, where's holland?

What are you trying
to say to me, lowlife?

What I'm saying
to you is that, uh,

You're practically our
partner now, holland.

You know that?

I mean, you went
for it, old buddy.

What do you got now, huh?

You got some of the
stones recovered,

You got some second
banana in custody,

And mayfield got away,

And if either one
of us gets picked up,

We say that the cop
was in on it all the way.

Just trying to make
a big name for himself

And cut himself in on a
part of the proceeds, huh?

Here. Take a look at this.

Take a real hard look at that.

That's 5,000 big ones

Deposited in your bank account

The day after the big bust.

You know who did that?
Old cody mayfield did that.

Now what're we
talking about here, huh?

You think those people
are gonna believe

That their
great-big-deal supercop

Wasn't in on this, huh?

Not a chance.

You ain't squeezing
me no more, holland.

You won't get
away with it, scum.

Try me, huh?

We're sendin' y our big, brilliant
career right down the tubes.

You can count on it.

We own you, copper. We own you!


Colfeld exchange?

That's the next hit.

You're innocent, ben.

And I'm proving it, in
spite of your lying to me.

I... I don't know what
you're talking about.

You don't know what
I'm talking about?

Here's what I'm talking
about: joey bonner.

We got him. He's going to jail

And no way are you gonna
protect him any longer.

Ben, please. Get
him out of here.

You gotta help me!

Now, do you want
to tell me the truth?

Well, after joey got
out of jail in memphis,

He came out here,
and, uh, I got him a job.

I phonied the papers to cover
the company background check

Because I wanted to
see him get a new start.

So he used you again.


He's the black sheep, he's
my half-brother, honey.

See, I kept him away from
you and your mother because...

He's my blood, hooker.

I know that you know
what I'm talking about.

I want to hear the rest.

Well, he called me on sunday.

And he told me the whole story.

Said he did a lot of
drinking out at the palomino

And hooked up
with the bartender.

Got introduced to
some safecracker,

And before you know
it, he was taking money

To look the other way

While they got into
the wallace vault.

But it was you at the
wallace vault on sunday.

Because joey got
scared. He got cold feet.

And he called me

The sunday before the job
was to go down for advice,

And i... I convinced
him not to do anything.

I took his shift.
See, what I figured

Was that I would arrest
these guys on the job,

Then I was gonna tell joey
to get the hell out of my life.

I still don't
understand one thing.

Why did you do it
all by yourself?

You could've called
the police, had help,

Accomplished the same thing.

You wanted to take the crooks
down by yourself, didn't you, ben?

But why, dad? Why
did you do it alone?

Maybe it was because it was
the only way he could prove

That he was doing
something important.

Something to make his
daughter proud of him.

Isn't that it, ben?

Proud of what he
does for a living.

Dad, is that true?

So you wanted to be a hero.

There's all kinds of
reasons for ambition.

I remember the day you
took off that gold badge

To climb back
into that blue suit.

I thought you were crazy.

I climbed to the top
of the detective ladder.

I found it empty.

So I climbed back
down, got back in touch.

The bartender, frank durbin,

He has to be the
way to mayfield.

His name just comes
into everything too much.

206 Elm drive is the address
stacy ran down on him.

Do we give it to
holland, or what?

We're 5 blocks from elm drive.

The "what" has it.

He's been dead a long time.

Looks like we lost
our way to mayfield.

Maybe, maybe not.

I think we just found
det. Holland's snitch.

Oh, hooker, this just came in.

An invitation from
jerry lee lewis.

For you and your guests.

Guests? Yes.

Really? You want
to go? You can go.

Oh, no, look at
this. The same night.

The vienna string
quartet? Are you kidding?

I just spent $30
to rent a tuxedo.

I can't believe it.

I'm committed,
totally committed.

To pamela van dreeson.



Have you seen holland?


Does he know about
durbin's m*rder yet?

Oh, he figures it was mayfield.

According to his source, anyway.

I was about to suggest

That durbin was
holland's source all along.

No, can't be. Uh, durbin's dead.

Holland turned new
information on mayfield.

We're putting together a
task force to move on it.

Holland's source says
mayfield is gonna hit again.


According to my information,

Which did not come from durbin,

Mayfield will hit somewhere in
the diamond exchange district

Today at 5:00 p.m.

I've run down the companies that
are holding a large enough booty

For him to be interested.

I've narrowed it
down to 4 companies.

Now, harring and marsh will
stake out the fisher company.

You 2 will take
the jewel crafters,

And you 2...

Since mayfield might
clear your friend,

I'll give you your choice.

Pick right and he's your collar.

No, it's your case.

You make out the
stake assignment.

I want to give you every
opportunity, hooker.

We'll take colfeld exchange.

You're sure?

It seems to me

That bovier jewelers is a
much more likely location.

It does have more
avenues of escape.

Ok, we'll take bovier jewelers.

Let's hit it.

Holland, hold up. I
want to talk about this.

Bovier vault is
on the 3rd floor.

Not the top floor?

That isn't mayfield's m.o.

What's grinding on you, hooker?

I was sure

That holland maneuvered you
out of the colfeld exchange.

That map holland threw away.

He must know that's
mayfield's next hit.

Hooker, he's on the roof.

Call for backup. I'll
cover the outside exits,

You cover the fire escape.

4-Adam-30 needs
assistance. Colfeld building.

I've got him pinned, hooker.

You go around the
other way. I'll cover you.

Romano's got the
downstairs covered.

He can't get away.

He's armed!

I want him right now. Let's go.

I'm staying right
with you, holland.

Backup's on the way.
There's no need to push it.

This is my case.

You're gonna take
orders from me!

I want mayfield right now.

Move out, mister!

Don't sh**t, holland!

Hold it right there!

I'll take it from here, hooker.

He'll never bring me in alive.

I saw him k*ll durbin.
Now he wants to k*ll me.

Make it look legal
because I can burn him.

Hold it. My collar, holland.

On the ground, face down.

I almost wish you'd try.

You tried too hard, holland.
Too hard and too fast.

It all fell apart

Because you felt sorry for
some crummy security guard.

That's the way it goes, holland.

You had informants, connections,

A hot record of arrests,

And the wrong kind of ambition.

I've got friends.

Thank you.

Thank you very
much. God bless you.

Thank you very much.

I'd like to dedicate
this next song to, uh,

Some personal friends of mine,

Mr. Ben edwards and
his daughter, alise,

Parked right over here.

From jerry lee lewis especially
to you, k*ller. Hope you enjoy it.

It's called whole
lotta shakin' goin' on.

All right.

Identification time here.

♪ Come on over, baby,
whole lotta shakin' goin' on ♪

♪ Why don't you shake it, shake it,
shake it, shake it shake it, shake it ♪

♪ All night long? ♪

♪ Honey, I ain't fakin' ♪

♪ Whole lotta shakin' goin' on ♪

♪ Well, I said shake
it, baby, shake it ♪

♪ Shake it, baby, shake ♪

♪ Shake it, baby, shake it ♪

♪ Shake it, shake it, shake it,
shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, ♪

♪ Come on, mama, whole
lotta shakin' goin' on ♪

♪ Well, come on over, baby,
we got chicken in the barn ♪

♪ Whose barn?
What barn? My barn ♪

♪ Honey, I got the bull
by the horn, hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ I ain't fakin', whole
lotta shakin' goin' on ♪

Think he'd like to
be back on the road?

No way. He told me that he'd like to
hang around and see you graduate.

Why not?

I feel I've learned how to
be a real daughter this time.

You're terrific, you know that?

So are you.

Hey, romano, what happened
to the string quartet?

I didn't go.

So where's miss pamela?

Miss pamela is
nowhere, is where she is.

You know how she introduced
me to her high-class friends?

"Mr. Romano is a
legal-field practitioner."

I'm a cop!

I'm not ashamed of being a cop.

I like being a cop.

Who is she to apologize for me?

♪ Give it to me now
give it to me now ♪

♪ Give it to me now give it
to me now give it to me now ♪

♪ Give it to me now give it
to me now give it to me now ♪

♪ Shake it, baby, shake it ♪

♪ Shake it, baby, shake it ♪

♪ Shake it, baby, shake it ♪

♪ Whoo, shake
it, baby, shake it ♪

♪ Come on, come on,
come on, come on ♪

♪ Shake it, baby,
shake it, baby ♪

♪ Shake it, baby,
shake it, baby ♪

♪ Shake it, baby,
shake it, baby ♪

♪ Shake it, baby,
shake it, baby ♪

♪ Come on over ♪

♪ Whole lotta shakin' goin' on ♪