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01x16 - Twelve Worried Persons

Posted: 04/29/23 07:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on So Help Me Todd

Maybe Aunt Patty could come down.

I don't want Aunt Patty to come down .

When's the last time

you were in a cemetery?

- Dad.

- Yeah, me, too.

- I'm not a client.

- TODD: You're Susan's fiancé.


TODD: You kissed me, in my office,

and now you're just like,

"No, it never happened"?

Oh, it's really starting to hit me.

[CHUCKLES] Susan, you'll be fine.

I was also petrified on my first day

of my first trial as lead attorney,

and the surprise witness was

my high school boyfriend Chip.

But I still won, and you will, too.

I feel like I can't breathe.

It's a simple civil trial.

You can do this.

I'm gonna run upstairs

for a quick hearing,

and I'll be right back down

to see you in action. Okay?

- Okay.

- Yes.

You're going to k*ll it.


And we will prove, beyond

a shadow of a doubt,

that the Total Eclipse

Shampoo company, um,

caused my caused

my client, Ms. Hayes,

to suffer from first-degree

to-to suffer from loss of hair,

loss of motor function,

and-and second-degree

burns to her head.

Through our independent

testing, we will show

that this batch of shampoo was tainted

with dangerous chemicals,

and that the Total Eclipse

Shampoo parent company was


Ma'am, are you okay?


- MAN: Someone get a doctor!

- WOMAN: Is she okay?

- MAN: Somebody call 911!

- WOMAN: Is she breathing?

What's going on? What

What is going Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, what happened? What happ


Well, I k*lled it.

You put it in the

microwave for 30 seconds,

it tastes a billion times better.

Whoa, holy

- A juror on Susan's trial died?

- Uh-huh.

Well, wait, What do

you mean "unnatural"?

It wasn't a stroke?

She was poisoned?

NEWS ANCHOR: Yesterday, a juror died.

And today, another juror

was taken into custody

for suspected m*rder.

- What's happening?

- They arrested juror number three.

FRANCEY: Oh, my God in

heaven. That's Amy Morelin.

TODD: Who's Amy Morelin?

Rose Festival Queen. 2008?

- That's Queen Amy?

- Yep.

TODD: Oh, my God.

She looks exactly the same, but older.

- And in custody.

- She looks good.

And what did the police say?

The water bottle under Irene's chair

was tainted with a poison

made from plant fertilizer.

And there were only two sets

of fingerprints on the bottle.

The dead juror Irene's

And Amy's.


[SIGHS]: Oh, God.

Amy works as a florist.

At a gardening shop.

Access. What about motive?

Well, there was the tape.

LYLE: Day before the m*rder,

courthouse parking lot.

- MARGARET: Mm-hmm.

- That's Amy, that's Irene.

- Mm-hmm.

- No sound, unfortunately.

But from the looks of it,

they did not like each other, at all.

But Amy seemed so nice, and smart.

I thought that she

would be my alpha juror.

And she's moving to New York next month

to start law school at

Cornell, just like I did.

It's just hard to believe that

she would jeopardize all of that

by poisoning someone.

But she wouldn't.

She had her whole life ahead of her.

She was Rose Festival Queen.

Who may have thorns we don't know about.

I'm going to get all

the files from the trial.

- MARGARET: Close the door behind you.

- Yeah.

[CRYING]: Margaret, my first trial.

And that poor woman was m*rder*d,

and another one is just gonna

go to jail for what, forever?

I just can't stand it.

Susan, I know. It's awful.

But there is nothing that

you can do about it now.

You're a witness to the m*rder.

But you could represent her.

I mean, you always

told me to trust my gut.

And Margaret, in my gut,

I know that Amy did

not m*rder that woman.

Help her. Please, Margaret.

Help me.


So, the fight, in the parking lot.

I think I maybe stole

a parking space from her, accidentally?

I-I really don't know.

I, uh, I didn't see her.

And then, when I got out of my car,

she just started screaming at me.

And you gave it right back.

Well, she was yelling and I

didn't even know who she was.

I was so surprised to realize

that she was the person

on the jury with me.

But I never would've k*lled her.

And you never met her or

spoke to her or knew her

anywhere ever, before that?

No. She was just some random lady.

Who died. [MOANS]

[EXHALES] This is just

so messed up and awful.

Uh, you're a local celebrity,

and that-that might put

the jury on your side,

or it may turn public

opinion against you.

I mean, people love nothing more

than a salacious story about

a fallen local celebrity.

I was 18.

I was Rose Festival Queen for one year,

and there have been 15

Rose Queens after me.

I'm not a local celebrity.

I'm local history.


The evidence against

you is circumstantial.

I believe that the police

made you the prime suspect

because it was the simplest solution.

So a large component of your defense

is going to be pinpointing

an alternate suspect.

You mean figuring out who

really k*lled juror number nine.


Oh, my God. Wow. Queen Amy.

You're out.

And about. You're here.

Yeah, I'm allowed to leave my

house arrest cell to see my lawyer,

- Huh.

- thanks to this stylish ankle monitor

and the armed driver

waiting for me downstairs.

Well, I'm Todd. I'm the

investigator on your case.

I was actually a junior in high school

when you won Rose Festival Queen.

Were you at Jefferson with me?

Uh, no, no, I was at Wilson.

I mean, now it's Ida B. Wells,

but yeah, I just remember

seeing it you, on TV.

[CHUCKLES] Wilson.

Oh, your Princess was Kelly.

She was so sweet.

So, if you're the investigator,

um, does that mean that there's

any new information to know about?

Any clues, suspects?

Uh, no, not yet, but soon.

We're-we're just starting

to look into it now.

Uh, maybe this is weird,

but could I give you my number?

And then maybe you could call me

and you could update me

on any new developments?

Otherwise I'm just gonna be

in my apartment obsessing.

Sure. Um, yeah, let me just, uh Here.

Just put your number in my phone.

Unless your girlfriend

is gonna be upset to find

some strange lady's

phone number in here.


No girlfriend.

And no other Queens in my phone, either.

Except for Queen Elizabeth.

But you know. RIP.

And Freddie Mercury, of Queen,

who was always changing

his number. And also


- My elevator's here. I got to go.

- Oh, yeah, yes, yes, go.



how long are you planning to stay?

[CHUCKLES] Well, with a view like that,

why would I ever leave?

It's breathtaking.

I can't imagine why Harry

wouldn't have wanted to live here.

Okay, let's not talk

about things like that.

Okay? Not now. Private things,

on this visit,

- for once. All right.

- Oh.

You're making a pie? Oh!

You're holding up your little pinkies

like Mom did when she baked.

No, I'm not.

You're not putting the cinnamon

in before the butter, right?

Yes, Patty, I'm making

the family recipe.

No, that's not the way to do it, though.

I actually wrote down the family recipe.

Oh, you wrote down the family

recipe in my handwriting?

- That's not your handwriting.

- It is my handwriting.

- That's me. I did

- Don't put it in.

- You don't put it in.

- I put it in.

- You have to

- There, it went in.

- That's the family recipe, okay? That's what I did.

- No


- Ooh, the kids are here.

- PATTY: See?

- MARGARET: Patty, it's fine. It's fine.

Oh, Todd, I looked up

that poison you mentioned.

- What poison?

- I don't know what other conversations

you're having with other

sisters about poisons,

- Right.

- but the one that you mentioned to me

is actually parloxid blutominide.

And yes, the Rose Queen

could have made it herself

using common fertilizers

and simple instructions

from the Internet.

We do through this whole poison

treatment module in the ER,

and that one is particularly volatile

- and fugacious.

- Which means?

- Short-lived.

- Which means?

If the delivery system is water,

it's only potent for about 60 minutes.

- Which means

- What are we talking about?

ALLISON: Uh, the m*rder.

- The Rose Festival Queen thing.

- Ooh. Yeah.

Okay. Well

Let's see, okay.

So, the Rose Festival is

basically Portland's version

of the Miss America

pageant, so every high school

selects a senior for

their Rose Princess,

then, at the festival,

a Queen is elected.

She gets a scholarship, she

gets a whole new wardrobe

Uh, Patty,

I-I know. I'm from here.

Mm-hmm. You know, your

mother would have k*lled

for you to have been a Rose Princess.

- Never.

- Or to have been one herself.

But I guess this Rose Queen

really did k*ll somebody.

Boy, she snapped and

beheaded a judge, was it?

No one was beheaded, Patty.

Oh, yeah, well, I think

that's for the jury to decide.

- What are these?

- CHUCK: These are the placemats.

- Those are

- No, those aren't.

- What do you mean?

- Those are not the ones that we use.

These are the ones we always use.

- No, we never use those.

- Um

So, uh, what brings

you to town, Aunt Patty?

- Oh, well, there's a ceremony for me.

- Oh.

A little cocktail party.

I want you all to come.

I donated some money

to a refugee organization

of sorts, and now

they're dedicating a wing of

their building in my honor.

And I just like to come in on,

you know, during springtime,

when it's all colorful

and there are flowers and

it's so pretty, you know.

By this time next year

I'll be blind, so

I'm trying to soak

it all in while I can.

What could have compelled

that sweet, poor little girl

to execute somebody?

Well, I don't think she ex*cuted anyone.

I don't think she did

it. She's very nice.

Well, maybe she's a sociopath.

- Could've been a thrill k*ll.

- Patty.

- Patty? Patty, Patty, Patty.

- Oh.

She is my client, and

she did not m*rder anyone.

Oh, well, I guess we'll never know.

Amy's a victim, Patty,

and Irene was poisoned by someone else.

Or maybe she just up and died.

You know, sometimes a death

like that can be very convenient.

[CHUCKLES] Just ask your mother.


PATTY: Night, Magpie.


All right, Lyle, what do you have?

Security camera footage,

inside the courthouse

showing the bailiff delivering

a sealed and wrapped case of water

to the jury room at 6:02 a.m.

One of those bottles was found

under Irene's chair

containing the poison.

And you, Todd? What do you have?

- A theory.

- Mm-hmm?

Those water bottles

sat in that room, alone,

for three hours until the jury

started coming in around 9:00.

And Irene died at 9:27.

So, if the poison is

only active for one hour,

then all these court employees,

the stenographer, the shampoo lawyers

who might have loved a mistrial

are all off the hook.

Because none of them

went into the jury room,

none of them had access

to the bottles of water.

Only one of the jurors

could have gotten that

poison into that bottle

and into Irene's hands in

that slim half-hour window.

- You know what's bothering me?

- Hmm?

There are roughly 803,000

people in Multnomah County.

796 were called for jury duty that day,

100 were sent to that courtroom,

only 12 made it into the jury box.

But all these selections

are completely random

and made by a computer.

- That's like the lottery, which means

- That the jury

is most likely comprised

of 12 complete strangers.

Or maybe one of them shows up,

and surprise

recognizes juror number nine,

has some deep, dark, horrible,

secret connection to her

and decides to send her kersplitzo.

- Kersplitzo?

- We need to talk to these jurors.

All 12 of them.

I mean, nine. One is dead.

I mean, nine is dead. The number nine.

And three is accused of k*lling nine.

Maybe seven ate nine.

What I mean is, what

we really need to do

even though we don't have enough time

is get the remaining ten

in here and interview them.

Find out who they are,

what they do, what they think.


We've already done that.

The voir dire transcript.

They were all interviewed

thoroughly during jury selection.

If there's a random

connection between any of them,

we'll find it here.

Okay. Okay, okay.

We're gonna need a bigger room.


Good? Found some photos

of all the jurors,

some of which I had to

pull from social media.

All right, let's arrange

them in their order.

One through six on top


This is the best

picture you could find

It's not a beauty contest, Francey.

- We're gonna solve a crime here.

- FRANCEY: Can't even tell who that is.

- Careful with those.

- Why?

- Don't bend the corners.

- TODD: I need eight

This is five. Here. This is five.

Got it, got it, got it.

- Okay.

- All right.

So, one of these jurors

is the real k*ller.

My money's on the bee.

Okay, first things first. Irene is dead,

and Amy is our client.

AND THESE FOUR: Sven, Danielle,

Kathy and Sal, never made it

into the jury room that morning.

Sven and Kathy were late,

Danielle and Sal were

talking to the judge,

- and none of them got water bottles.

- Okay.

TODD: And then there were six.

Okay. Somewhere in here

is a connection between one

of them and our victim Irene.

So let's get down to it.


FRANCEY: Irene was 71 years old,

a former financial

adviser at Lehman Brothers.

And she moved from Pasadena to Portland

three years ago to retire.

TODD: Okay, Sydney works for

Really? m*rder Inc.?

A role-playing board game company?

And she "loves it."

MARGARET: Zena does not use shampoo.

And she tried like hell

to get out of jury duty.

Not Lou. "Thrilled to be

here" and "Happy to serve."

FRANCEY [MUTTERS]: One, two, three

MARGARET: Rachel lives in Dunthorpe,

"distrusts financial institutions"

as a result of some "bad investments."

Possibly by Lehman Brothers.

Possible connection.

FRANCEY: Okay, and the

bumblebee, he does use shampoo.

but he wanted to make sure

he was "done with jury duty

in time to make the big Ducks game."

He went to U of O, just like Irene.

Another connection.


LYLE: Hold on. This Cole looks

too young to be on jury duty.

Aha, that's exactly what

he wants you to think.

Did you see the part

where he says he reads

The Wall Street Journal

every day? Baloney.

- No one does that.

- Irene did.

Put it on the board.

MARGARET: All right.

It is time to bring these six in

and ask them some questions.

TODD: Since Irene was poisoned,

do we really think it's the best idea

to be serving them powdered donuts?

I mean, hasn't anyone

read Flowers in the Attic?

FRANCEY: Where are the other two?

MARGARET: I could only

track down these four.

Okay, we are gonna bring them in,

one by one, for questioning.

Then I want you to hold them here

so that I can bring them

back in for follow-up

Oh, my God, give me a second.

[CHUCKLES]: Uh, Patty. My sister Patty.

Patty, what are you doing here?

I thought we were having

lunch? Are you too busy?

Don't worry, I can make

myself scarce until


So you're the murderers.

That's exciting.

Is that a green-crested

cockatoo in that cage?

- Very distinctive coo.


I studied ornithology.

Well, me and Vanilla Ice

are on the way to the vet,

but I'm happy to help. H-how can I?

MARGARET: Mr. Briggs, during voir dire,

did you speak to juror

number nine Irene at all?

No. Didn't say two words to each other.

She seemed nice, though.

Now, what does, uh,

"voir dire" mean again?

Oh, it's French. It means

"To speak the truth."

TODD: And, uh, Lou,

on the day she died, how did

you get your water bottle?

Oh, I I don't remember. Uh

Somebody handed it to me, I guess.

MARGARET: And Blake,

do you remember if you drank

from your bottle of water?

I mean, does it matter? You

know, did I even have a water?

I'm pretty hydrated, brah. [CHUCKLES]

Uh, yes. You went to U of O,

as did Irene, 40 years earlier.

Who's Irene?

The juror who died?

Uh, did you ever run into

her at any alumni events?

Are you sure that was

her name? The old chick?

Irene? As for alumni events: maybe?

I'm usually pretty hammered at those.

- All right, Bryce.

- It's Blake.

Same thing.

So, Cole,

where do you live?

Um, Hillsdale area.

Hmm. And, Cole, do you live alone?

Uh, no. I actually live with

this lovely older couple.

Jean and Peter.

Ah, Jean and Peter Winbar? Your parents?

Cole, I-I don't think I

actually believe that you are 18.

Um, okay, so

I may have lied about my age

so I could get a fake I.D.

- and vote.

- Oh.

I-I didn't know they were

gonna give me jury duty.

W-where do your parents

think you are right now?

- A algebra?

- Okay.

Okay, so you're the detective.

And you're the lawyer.

Like good cop, bad cop? I love it.

I love m*rder. I mean,

all crime, really.

Oh, my God, I'm so excited.

Are we gonna recreate the crime?

Because I brought the

clothes I was wearing.

Uh, hey, Sydney, that

really wasn't necessary.

Is this gonna be on PDX Files?

Is Lea Luna here?

I have not had one sip of

water since it happened.

Hello? Flavorless poison.

Okay, motive-wise,

what are your thoughts?

I have some theories.

It's either a sex crime

or someone has a twin.

Okay, okay. Sydney? Sydney,

did you talk to Irene?

Ah. Okay.

Crafting an alternate theory.

But alas, no.

I was taking notes.

All right. Who's your front-runner?

- I think

- O Okay, Sydney.

Thank you, but you can go now.

What about my blood

and my saliva samples?

What about my fingerprints?

- Aren't we lie detector-ing?

- Thank you, Sydney.

We don't do that here.

This is Margaret Wright's office.

- Ah. Yes.

- The glass was my idea. She wanted brick.

There's asbestos in the ceiling.


- Hey.

What's happening? What's the latest?

Uh, well, we're still

interviewing alternative suspects.

But my mom wanted to

ask if you remembered

anything in particular about

juror number seven? Blake?

- Oh, the bro-ey frat guy?

- Yeah.

No. He hit on me, but,

like, in a bored way.

I don't think that he'd

be smart enough to

Yeah, yeah, I don't think

so, either. [CHUCKLES]

But, um, h-how are you doing?

Do you need anything?

[SIGHS] Well, DoorDash won't deliver

because my account was hacked,

and somebody had $300

worth of pizza on me.


So I'm eating all my

outdated pandemic canned fish.


Well, have you heard of Todd Dash?


Yeah, Amy's not convinced it's the bee.

And in my humble opinion,

I don't think it's Birdman,

Young Angela Lansbury

- or the Boy Wonder.

- Uh-huh.

Well, I'm more concerned

about these two no-shows.

- Rachel and Zena.

- FRANCEY: Yeah.

They didn't even bother calling me back.

But I keep thinking about this

Rachel/financial investment connection.

Yeah, what if she lost money

through Lehman Brothers?

What if she knew Irene?

Maybe we should pay a visit to

Rachel at 3710 Military Road?

Todd, jacket. Francey,

I'll be right back.

- Wait, you're gonna leave me here with your sister?

- Y Yeah, no

No, seriously? Margaret? No, Margaret.


Pretty sure we had a VW bus

tailing us on the way over here.

It's gone now, though.

Well, Rachel has never been

part of a class action lawsuit,

and she does not trust corporations.

Oh, they always say that

to get out of jury duty.


Hey, what did Aunt Patty

mean the other night

when she said that sometimes

death could be convenient?




Do you remember when she told

us that the-the easiest way

to dispose of our Christmas

tree was to eat it?

I mean, she's bonkers.

She makes my skin crawl.


Why do any siblings not get along?

I mean, i-it can be awful

having someone trailing you through life

and keeping tabs on you and

and remembering your every mistake.

It's like you and Lawrence.

Y-You just don't get along.

Whoa. There she is.

- Mommy!

- Hi. Oh.

Okay. Let's go.

- MARGARET: Hi. I'm Margaret Wright

- Hi.

from Crest, Folding & Song.

Actually, it's just Crest & Folding now.

And this is my private

investigator Todd Wright.

Same last name. I'm her father.

Oh, yeah, I got your message,

I've just been really busy.

I'll call and get something scheduled.

Wai Or-or you could

just tell us right now

if you ever lost any money

through Lehman Brothers

or knew Irene Kimpton before?

MAN: Honey, who is that?

I really can't talk.

- I can't.

- Wait.

Uh, go get the car. Go get the car.

So, not suspicious at all, huh?

We may have to subpoena

her financial records

and bank account statements, all of it.

Wait a minute.

Where is she going?

Todd? Oh, Todd, she's getting away.

She's getting away.

What are we gonna do?

Okay, let's calm down. I snuck

got my little friend the tNAB

into her bumper, and looks

like she's headed south.

Ooh, Todd, I could kiss you.

Well, I'd rather you drive.


Does Rachel have two families?

Yes, I have two families.

You don't know how difficult this is,

what a fine line I'm walking.

I fell in love with Thad,

and then I found Bryce and his son.

That is confusing.

Do you have any idea how many stories

I have to keep straight?

I can imagine.

I don't have time to m*rder anyone.

And Irene and I were friendly.

We laughed about the whole

investment connection.

She lost money, too.

Look, we even took a selfie together.

My second husband got suspicious,

so I sent him this to prove

that I was on jury duty.

QUESTION: how do you decide

which husband to call your second?


- TODD: Ow.

Can you please send me that photo?

You can just email it to

I'll AirDrop it to you, but

then you really have to leave.

Oh, my goodness. How did you do that?

TODD: Mom?

Ten years old, this technology.

Why don't you, uh, send me that photo?

Oh, of course. Let me

just AirPlop it to you.

AirDrop, Mom.

Wait. You're not "Sleuthy

McSleutherson," are you?

What? No. Are you kidding me?

Well, then-then, who is that?

It's right there on my phone. Look.

I don't know. It must

be someone else nearby.

Wait, Mom, look.

Oh, my God.

Someone is following us.


Ah. Good morning.

You caught me. I've been

following you all day.

I put a tNAB on your car.

What? Hey, that's my thing.

SYDNEY: It's all for my investigation.

Your investigation?

Do you know how long I have waited

to be involved in a m*rder?

And then it just happened.

Someone died near me.

I'm famous. I'll have a podcast.

People will dress as me for Halloween.

Oh, Sydney, you have to stop this.

This could be very dangerous.

And I know who it is.

It's Rachel. She's a liar.

Two families? And she hated Irene.

Okay, I see what you're

saying about the liar aspect,

but do you think that automatically

makes her a m*rder*r?

I mean, that might

just be a red herring.

- Plus, I think that

- Sorry. Todd, Todd.

Irene and Rachel were apparently fine.

Look, they took this photo together.

Uh, oh, my God.

- What?

- Oh, oh, my God. That That's it.

What? W-What? What do you see?

No. I call this. This is mine.

[STAMMERS] Ow! No, no, no.

Goodbye. I've got to go!


Do we go after her, or

MARGARET: What did

she see in this photo?

TODD: This is Aunt

Patty's charity event?

WOMAN: Thank you so much for coming.

We are delighted to

honor one individual

Patty. I'm the honoree this evening.

WOMAN: Enjoy the food and drink.

All 97% cruelty free.

[APPLAUSE]Okay, so the refugees

that Aunt Patty is helping are rabbits?

They're rabbit refugees.

And what about this food and

drink is three percent cruel?

- Isn't this fun?

- BOTH: Mm.

I'm so glad you're here.

Whew. I haven't had

hard cider in decades.

Hey, um, Aunt Patty,

- Todd and I were talking.

- Mm-hmm?

What did you mean the other night

when you said that

"death can be convenient"?

TODD: Yeah, a-and then you said, uh,

- "Ask your Mom."

- Yeah.

Oh, that. Well, y-you know.

Your mother and your father Oswald.

Ages ago.

Uh, she didn't have to

leave him because he died.

- Wait, Aunt Patty.

- Mm-hmm?

Our mom was gonna leave our dad?

Yes, she was miserable. Like Allison.

I mean, Chuck is sweet,

but we can all tell

you're unhappy, sweetie.

Your mother was in a

similar predicament.

She put some plans

into motion, but then


- Patty.

What are you talking about?


- Oh, here it is. This is me. This is the plaque.

WOMAN: And now, the moment

we've all been waiting for.

PATTY: "Augie Norman"?

That's not my name. Wait.

Wait, I know.

I think I donated that money

to the wild hawk rescue.

Don't hawks eat rabbits?

Oh, yeah. [CHUCKLES]

This is just a room full

of crazy rabbit people.

- Hello.

- Okay. Let's go.

Yeah. My good word,

what were you thinking?


I can't tell you how good this is.

Thank you so much.

Hey. Are you okay?

Oh, yeah. Sorry. It's just, um

Long day searching for the real k*ller?

- Yeah.

- Mm-hmm.

And, um, I-I know we don't know

each other very well, but

earlier tonight, I got this weird

info about my parents' marriage,

back when my dad died.

Oh, wow.

- Yeah.

- I'm so sorry.

- No.

- Um, do you, um

Do you need to talk?

How old were you?

When h-he


He was a doctor.

He went to a medical

conference in San Francisco

and he had a heart attack.


My brother and sister

were both in college,

so my mom and I were home alone.

Together. Not dealing with it.

And now you find out there's

this whole other backstory?


And she was

she wanted to leave him.

Or I guess, she was leaving him.

Well, hey, I don't mean to talk about me

when we're talking

about you [CHUCKLES]

but I-I do think I

kind of know how you feel.

You do?

Yeah. My mom was

S-she screwed over my dad pretty bad.

- Mm-hmm.

- Cheated on him,

made us lie in family

court to get custody.

It was so ugly.

- Mm.

- She was always good to me, though.

You know, supporting me,

wanting me to succeed.

She really wanted me

to do Rose Festival,

'cause of the college

scholarship and everything.

But I also think I knew that

inside, she was a

a bad person.


I don't think my mom was bad.

Well, was she good to you?



- Hold on one second.

- Hey, Mom.


Someone needs to check

on Amy immediately.

I'm I'm fairly sure

I know where she is,

but why, what's going on?

The police think someone

may be knocking the

jurors off one by one.

Wait, what? Why would they think that?

Because Sydney, that juror

who was following us today

Sleuthy McSleutherson she's dead.

They strangled her.

Todd, Todd. Come here. Look at this.

- Uh-huh.

- Sydney sent me this photo

right before her death.

What is this? What was she

I think this photo got her k*lled.

Look closely.

Right there. Look at the gloves.

Now pull up the, uh,

picture that Rachel gave you.

- Rachel?

- Uh-huh.

Wait a second. Are those

the same black gloves?


Sydney got all excited about gloves?

Because gloves don't leave

fingerprints on water bottles.

And the real k*ller put the poison in

and never left a trace.

Uh, where's that security camera footage

from the courthouse hallway?

MARGARET: Okay, Rachel and Cole.

Clearly no gloves.

- That eliminates them.

- Mm-hmm.

LYLE: Yes, but Lou, Amy and Blake,

their hands aren't visible,

which puts them in the unknown category.

TODD: Hey-hey,

look-look, freeze, freeze.

Stop. Zoom in.

Gloves. Black gloves.

We have been trying to reach

Zena for three days now.

I'm gonna see if Francey

has located her yet.

Zena. I knew it.

You said it was the bee.

Zena is in Madagascar.

- Madagascar?

- Mm-hmm.

Madagascar, "the island

off of Africa" Madagascar?

Her sister confirmed she left

yesterday on a 6:00 a.m. flight.

And Sydney was m*rder*d

the night before.

Someone wanted to get out of town fast.

To a country that has

no extradition policy

- with the U.S.

- Exactly.

By the way, your sister's here again.

She's waiting for you.


That wasn't your story to tell.

All right, okay. I know. I'm sorry.

I just assumed that they already knew.

- I mean, how

- It's my family.

My children. My story.

But you were planning

on telling them someday.


Weren't you?


They're all in their 30s now.

Isn't Lawrence turning 40 soon?

Isn't it time?


They should really hear it

what really happened from you.

I don't know. Patty, I-I don't know.

Oh Did-did you want Mom's ring back?

[LAUGHS]: No. No. No.

You keep it.

It makes your hand look enormous.


I just can't believe this is happening.

I know, but we're on it.

- Do you have any leads?

- Oh, I can't really talk to you

Todd, come on. This is my case.

You're actually a witness on our case.

Are you really gonna be like that?

- Like what?

- Just tell me,

do they think that Amy did it?

The second m*rder?

Uh, no.

And she does have an alibi

for last night. Ish. So

Ish? Is it a solid alibi?

Uh, yeah. I mean, pretty solid.

She was with me when I found out, and

Well, why were you

with her at that hour?

Oh, my God. Todd.

- What?

- She is your client. That is highly unethical.

You violated a whole string of

Uh, I don't think you get

to talk to me about ethics.

Is it ethical for you to kiss me

and then spend two weeks gaslighting me

into thinking it never happened, Susan?

That is not what I did.

Is it not?


- Gaslighting.


Todd. Todd, good news.

Susan, where are you going?

Turn on the TV. Turn on the TV. Todd!

Oh, careful. Francey, careful.

We've reached Zena.

She's connecting right now

on a video call from Madagascar.

Hi. Zena Mitchell? I'm Margaret Wright.

Uh, can you, can you hear me?

Hi. Yes, I-I'm here.

Your assistant said you

wanted to talk about my gloves?

Yes! Yes, yes, yes. The gloves,

the ones you wore to court.

Uh I think I may have them with me.

These gloves?

Damn it. They're purple.

Why are you in Madagascar?

The jury was released.

- I'm volunteering on a clean water project.


do you remember anything

about black gloves on any jury member?

- No, I I don't think so.

- MARGARET: Darn it!

Okay. Um, Zena.

This is our juror's box.

You were sitting right

next to the accused, Amy,

who was right behind the victim Irene.

You must have seen something.

Okay. Look.

I'm you. Okay?

And you were sitting right here.

Okay? Uh, Todd, uh, sit

down in chair number nine.

Wait, so I'm Irene? Really?

I feel more like I'm more

of a Sal or even a Cole.

Okay, yeah. Put the water

bottle under your chair and


Wait, wait, wait, wait.


On the day that you

came in, you had to walk

right past Amy's chair.

Is there any chance that you could have

accidentally knocked

the water bottle over?

Wait, I think I did knock

somebody's water over.

It fell right in front of

us, but I picked it back up.

Oh, my God.

Okay, so Zena accidentally

switched the bottles?

- Amy's not the k*ller.


Amy was the intended victim.

Someone was trying to k*ll Amy.

We've been looking at

these transcripts all wrong.

- Not Irene?

- Nope. Amy.

Hold on, hold on, hold

on, hold on, hold on.

At the very first

start, the first day


Yes. Did we look back at this?

The judge asks to

speak to "the two jurors

who have vacation plans that

would interrupt jury duty."

Zena, Madagascar,

and Lou, the bird man.

They were both trying to get out of

No, no, no. 'Cause r-remember,

Lou said that he was

"Thrilled to be here"

and "Happy to serve." See?

Why did he change his mind?

Because Lou was juror number 12.

The last one questioned.

Before voir dire, he says

he has a planned vacation.

He wants out, then after

everybody else has spoken,

suddenly, he says no,

he wants to be there.

Somebody before him

must have said something

to change his mind.


We need to talk to Lou again now.

TODD: Lou doesn't seem like some maniac

or a deranged serial k*ller, did he?

I mean, would he k*ll two people?


- Todd.

- Hmm?

Look. It's the same table

and chair as from the

photo that Sydney sent us.

She was here. I don't

see the gloves, though.

Okay, so, maybe Lou is not a maniac.

He's just scared.

He-he's a desperate man.

And he found Sydney

snooping around outside

his house and he panicked,

because he knew she was on to him.

And then Kersplitzo.


TODD: That's weird. Look

at that photo right there.

Mom. 2008.

That is the year that Amy was

crowned Rose Festival Queen.

Who is that?

AMY: That's Rhonda Zane.

And that's me s-standing next to her.

That's my elbow right there.

Yeah, we were vying for, um,

Rose Festival Princess

at Jefferson that year.

Wait, Rhonda Zane? But

Lou's last name is Briggs.

She had her mom's last name.

So, you and Rhonda were friends?

Mm, more like rivals.

I never stood a chance

against her, though.

She was beautiful, smart, talented.

Whole package. But, um

then something terrible happened to her

right before the festival.


threw bleach in her face.

Oh, whoa. That's crazy.

Who would do that?

They never caught the guy.

But, you know, poor Rhonda

dropped out of the running, disappeared.

And I heard, a few

years later, that she

she took her own life.

Oh, that's awful. Poor girl.

So, Lou was seeking revenge.

Revenge? Against who?


M Lou was trying to k*ll me?

Why? I was always nice to Rhonda,

a-and I would never throw

bleach in someone's face.

I would never

Oh, my God.

Wait, that-that couldn't

have been [STAMMERS]

My mom was always competitive,

but she never w-would have

She wasn't that bad. She

- Um

- Do you think it's possible that that she ?

So Rhonda would be out of the running

and you could be Queen.

Lou blamed Amy for his daughter's death.

Now, when he found out

- that it was her on the jury

- He snapped.

A crime of passion. Righting

a wrong from the past.

And he had to do it

Before Amy left town for law school.

Motive, opportunity.

Right? And page 37:

Lou "volunteers at the Rose

Gardens in Washington Park."

Access to fertilizer for the poison.

We have to call the

police. We have to find Lou.

- Wait. It's Thursday.

- Thursday?

BOTH: "I have dinner

every Thursday night

at Via Tevere Pizzeria."

He loves "a pizza special"!

Stay here. Be right back.


There he is, there he is. It's him.

MARGARET: Oh, that's him right there.

Patty, w-what are you doing here?

You are on a date with a m*rder*r.

No. Again?

Lou Briggs, you're under arrest

for the murders of Irene Kimpton

- and Sydney Millcross.

- No, no, no, no.

LOU: You should be

arresting Amy Morelin.

She's the one that did it.

Her and her mother, they

they destroyed my daughter.

All over a stupid

crown. They k*lled her.

What happened to your

daughter is tragic.

But Amy had nothing to do with it.

And I spoke to her mother in Spokane.

She's willing to take

a lie detector test.

Neither of them had anything to do

with what happened to Rhonda.

You k*lled two people for nothing.

Let's go.

Juror number 12.

I knew it.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,

Total Eclipse Shampoo and their lawyers

would have you believe that their

product is completely harmless.

But they are gaslighting you.

Denying what they know to be

true to protect themselves.



Thank you for being here today,

to help me help my client

bring the truth to light.

AMY: Poor Rhonda.

- Yeah.

- And Irene.

- And Sydney. Ugh.

- Yeah.

This whole thing is just so awful.

I'm just relieved it wasn't you.

- The k*ller, I mean.

- Yeah. For a minute,

I thought it might

have actually been you.

Me? What? I wasn't even on the jury.

[LAUGHS] Well, you're very shifty,

- and you were kind of lurking around.

- What?

I wasn't lurking.

What do you think about a second date?

- Outside of my house.

- Um

And m*rder-free.

- m*rder-free?

- Mm.

I mean, what would we even talk about?

How many times did we go to France?

I don't remember that.

ALLISON: You have to

remember this place,

because you rememb you

insisted on ordering in French.


- Hi.


MARGARET: When I gave

your father that watch,

I meant that.


But you were gonna leave him.


I overheard you guys fighting.

I mean, from my room, I

could hear everything, and

I know that he was mad

at you because he thought

that you were lying

to him about something.

I had rented an apartment.

And I didn't want him to know.

Patty was gonna help me leave.

Mom, why didn't you

ever tell us any of this?

Because I wanted

I thought I had to protect you.

After your father died,

I didn't want to break

your hearts all over again.

Yeah, but I had no idea

you were so unhappy.

Then we did our job as parents.

Oswald was a wonderful father.

But he wasn't a very good husband.

It became clear that

he didn't appreciate me

or support my career goals.

And I-I was unhappy. I was frustrated.

And I wanted more.

Over time, he became

emotionally and verbally abusive.

And I had to fight.

For me.

For myself.

I didn't know if I should tell you.

I-I didn't know if I had to tell you.

I didn't know what to do.

I mean, it's really

weird to think about him,

and you, like this.

I know.

So, uh, y-you didn't leave him,

of y-you didn't

actually do it because

Because I didn't have to.

Fate intervened.


We need

We have to talk.