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01x09 - Swipe Wright

Posted: 04/29/23 07:28
by bunniefuu
Down on the ground!

Jane? What the hell

were you going to do?

We can't lose this restaurant.

It's my entire life's work.

Mm. Aah! Aah!


- Hey, it's you.

- Yeah, it's me,

your landlord. Were you

gonna binoculars me to death?

No, it's I don't

- I'm not awake yet.

- Okay. Whatever.

This is your reminder

Chuck and I are going to Maui,

leaving right now for five days.

Oh, right. I forgot about that.

And we don't want you going

in the house while we're gone.

- What? I live there.

- This is the garage.

- It's a separate unit.

- No. I'm in there all the time.

And you don't go in there

- while we're not here, okay?

- Well, hold on a second.

- Where am I supposed to shower?

- I don't know. The hose.

- The hose? What? It's December.

- Or you can go to a gym.

- What am I, the family dog?

- Okay, okay, can you please?

This is one single boundary

that Chuck and I are attempting to draw.

A boundary that says you don't trust me.

Can you please just do this one thing?

Please? Thank you.

Yes? Okay. Aloha.

Aloha to you, too.

A skiing accident?

- Beaman broke his leg in three places.

- Oh.

Apparently, the bunny hill is

more dangerous than it seems.

So I'm picking up the slack

and inheriting the case.

And it's a Beaman case, so

Which means, last minute,

sloppy, and you'll be

the detail-oriented one

cleaning up his mess.

Yeah. What am I even arguing again?

Motion to dismiss on

a wrongful termination.

Motion to dismiss. Okay.

PDtroniX is the company.

Here's the CEO, our client.

Graham Tate, Margaret Wright.

She'll be filling in for

your attorney Nick Beaman.

Pleased to meet you.

Uh, I've been briefed on the motion,

but I'd love to hear

the details from you.

Thank you, Francey.

So, you and the plaintiff Jane Lin

- Founded PDtroniX together

- Uh-huh.

- almost four years ago.

- Okay.

Everything was fine until

about six months ago.

When Jane's behavior became erratic,

and she became personally unstable,

and you fired her.

Erratic how?

She was disruptive to the work

- and disrespectful to coworkers.

- Mm-hmm.

There were complaints, and

she was, uh, disciplined.

It's all documented.

So, what is the basis of her suing?

Jane was let go right before the launch

of our big app Unexpected Flame.

It's a dating app that

went stratospheric Oh.

because of its unique design.

- Ah.

- Since she was fired before its release,

she doesn't share in its profits.

Well, contractually, she got all

the vesting she was entitled to,

up to the day she was fired.

So I assume she's looking

for a big settlement?

She stopped talking to me.

Last night she broke into

the office with a knife.

She was arrested for breaking and

entering and attempted as*ault.

She's out on bail, and the judge issued

a temporary restraining order.

She's just proved that her

firing was well-founded.

We'll take that to the

judge, he'll dismiss the case,

and you can move on

from this difficult time.

I'm just gonna get some

water. Be right back.

She banned me from her house.

I mean, I live there.

Can I sue her?

You live in the garage, Todd.

I wouldn't want you in my condo alone.

Why? Because I'm some plundering

vandal who can't be trusted?

Well, yes. I understand you ate

all the cereal in their house.

Oh, give me a break. It's cereal.

Cereal's for everyone, and why

did you call me down here again?

I am subbing in on a

last-minute motion to dismiss.

It should be a slam dunk,

but it's a Nick Beaman case.

So, God only knows what kind

of prep he did or didn't do.

I need you as an extra

set of eyes and ears

to catch anything he might have missed.

Great. So you trust me

with important work tasks.

Meanwhile, Allison

won't even let me shower?

Uh, trust is earned, Todd, over time.

And if you want to earn

mine, you will get in there

and pay attention. Go on, get.

The court will now hear

Jane Lin v. PDtroniX.

Wrongful termination suit.

- You had me arrested?

- What was I supposed to do?

- Tell the truth.

- You brought a knife.

Believe me.

We have counsel?

Yes. Uh, Margaret

Wright for the defense.

Um, and I understand

that Miss Lin is acting pro

se, so since she is on her own,

- then we'll

- Apologies, Your Honor. Apologies.

Gus Easton for the plaintiff.

I'm sorry I'm late.

You're plaintiff's counsel?

No. No, no. Do not needle

me right now, all right?

I'm intermittent fasting

and I can't eat for another

two and a half hours, so

I have no sense of humor

- until 11:45.

- Well,

I'm just fascinated that you

would take on a violent offender

suing her former company for

what executing good judgment?

- Um, Counsel, can we ?

- Yes, Your Honor.

Defense's motion to

dismiss is only bolstered

by plaintiff's overnight arrest

for attempted as*ault

with a deadly w*apon.

Your Honor, may I speak?

I'd let your counsel lead.

Oh, no. If-if my client

wants to say something,

that's-that's fine with me.

I went to PDtroniX last night

to get back what was stolen from me.

My work,

my dignity and the proof

that I designed the

Unexpected Flame app.

The defendant

knows every accusation made against me

is a cover-up for when they go public.

And the reason I brought a knife

last night was because

I feared for my safety.

Plaintiff is amending its complaint

to include corporate theft

of intellectual property

and stock options.

Oh, we're also amending our numbers.

Uh, just had it.

Here. Um

That's that's you.

Here. Thank you.

Jane Lin is now suing

PDtroniX for $360 million.

She seemed totally honest.

- I mean, that speech was

- Was very compelling.

She could be telling the truth.

I mean, I'd buy it. I bought it.

Or she was coached by Gus the shark,

and that whole "PDtroniX

stole my app" story was a ploy.

That Gus Easton is very sneaky.

Wasn't he that guy in the

Northbrook Aerospace case

from a few months back?

He's all mouth and no pants.

I don't even know what

he's doing on this case.

But what if that Jane

is telling the truth?

Didn't you tell me once that

if a woman in a workplace says

her ideas have been stolen,

you should listen to her?

I did, but we don't know enough

about her yet, or this case.

I need you to approach

her off the record,

as you do, and get

some more information.

Okay. So you're deploying me as

an agent of truth and freedom?

Chaos, more like. I

need you to tread lightly

and be quiet about it.

And for God's sake, don't

compromise our client.

Okay, I will be discreet and

I will compromise nothing.

I'm deploying Lyle as well.

So you don't trust me?

We didn't start developing the app

until after Jane was gone.

But you did dump her

and strip her of her co-founder status

moments before you

were about to go public.

That was the board's decision.

They thought she was a liability,

and voted four to one to let her go.

- Who was the holdout?

- Me.

We were best friends.

I thought she'd pull it together.

I got voted down.

And we don't have $360 million.

Oh, that's just an inflated number

that attorneys use to scare you.

No, our public offering

is valued at $2 billion.

If she wins, her share

would be $360 million.

So the shark did his homework.

If the public thinks Jane's telling

the truth, they'll delete our apps,

VCs won't back us, we'll go under.

Okay, I need a bulletproof timeline

of the creation of the app

and anything that you have

that says Jane undermined

your ability to do your work.


I am sorry about your friendship,

but I think we can still

rescue your company.

Thank you.

Thank you.

- Oh.

- Oh, sorry.

Oh. Here. Ah.

- Can I have a rag or something, please?

- Yeah.

- Here you go.

- Thank you.

Ugh. That thing's following me around.

Why? Did you have a bad

experience on it or something?

You could say that.

I created that app.

Oh, wow. Seriously?

Here, let me buy you another coffee.

Can-can I have one more of

whatever she was having, please?

- Sorry. Sorry. I'm Kevin.

- Jane.

- Good to meet you.

- Hi.

So, you, like, created created it?

- The whole app?

- Yeah.

How does that even work?

Okay, see, it's

it's different from other dating apps.

Usually you can say,

"I want someone this

height or this religion.

Um, a dog person, not a dog

person," stuff like that.

But this one won't let

you set any preferences.

Not sexual, not gender.

Instead, it asks questions.

- Do you like horror movies?

- Ah.

More peanut butter or more jelly.

Peanut butter. Uh, and this is supposed

to help you find someone

You might not otherwise

connect with, yes.

It's unexpected.

I-I created a profile for you

so you can research how it works.

Oh. Okay.

- Or if you just want to look around.

- What?

- Dating?

- Why not?

Me? Francey, no.

I'm married. I'm

I'm I'm still married.

What? Are you saying

I should be dating now?

And that Harry's never coming back?

Do you want him to come back?


I met my first husband in college,

and I met Harry through friends.

And this is what people do now?

They just wipe, wipe,

wipe. I mean Oh, my God.

- What?

- Oh, Lord. Oh, my.

Is that Gus, the corduroy pants

guy from the aerospace trial?

Gus Easton from Seattle.

He looks good.


- Just saying.

- Look at that photo!

This is how he presents

himself to the world.

In that wrinkled shirt.

There is a stain on his jacket,

right there.

Wait. Did I match it? Did I match it?

No, no, no, no.

Don't worry. No, no, no.

You have to hit this button

- right here.

- Okay, no!

Don't. Just

don't. No dating, no dating.

Go on, go back to work.

- No dating.

- No dating.

What about you?

Worst dating experience.

Huh. Uh well,

I dated this woman a few years ago.

Uh, we went into business together,

and I nearly went

to jail for her crimes.

- Ooh.

- Yeah, bad.

Lost my license and everything.

License for what?



Hair, skin, nails, you know, whatever.

Well, the last person

I was involved with

was a vindictive jerk

at the company that stole my app.

Can you prove that they stole it?

I pitched a dating app two years ago

and got shouted down.

So, when I renewed my

contract, I carved out the idea.

I only worked on it at home,

never mentioned it to anyone.

I remember the exact day

I broke the code because

it was my birthday.

March 12 last year.

Everything was fine till

that bastard Mason showed up.


The head of digital marketing and PR.

Oh, I got to go.

Nice meeting you, Kevin.

- Thanks for the coffee.

- Oh, sure.

And good luck with the cosmetology.

Oh, yeah. Pedicure exams

coming up next week.

Mason, huh?

Are you sure I'm not on there?

I don't have a Johan listed.

Really? Johan Beckler?

Interviewing for a position here?

I.T. or design?

Uh, I do both, so,

uh, I'm meeting Mason.

Native or PWA?

Well, I'm from here, so native.

Are you, like, the

pre-interviewer or something?

I'm the person who fends off folks

who have no tech background,

show up with no plan,

or want to spy on us

from other companies.

- Oh, great. Um

- Come on, everybody, you're gonna miss it.

- Aah!

- Yeah.

Oh, you know what, he's at the party.

I forgot. That was in the email.

Why don't I just wait here for Mason?

Why don't you come back when you have

an actual appointment?

Or a much better story.

Uh, you bet.

But bathroom first?

- I think I might throw up.

- Gross.

Yeah, I'm just sensitive to patterns.

Especially when someone's

wearing all of them.

Thank you.

We're almost there. Just a few

more and we'll hit a million.


That's it! We did it.

Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!

- Speech! Speech! Speech!

- Well, that's why you hire

a head of digital marketing and PR.

Mason! Mason!

Mason! Mason! Mason!

- Mason! Mason!

- I can do it. I can do it.


One million users in under six months.

Premium conversions up 36%.

And the beta for our next big disrupter


the secure way families and partners

can track each other 24-7

and keep everyone safe

has been downloaded by

every single employee!

Next big deal!

Next big deal! Next big deal!

Next big deal! Next

big deal! Next big deal!

Next big deal!

Uh, could you actually

get that door for me?

- Yeah.

- Thank you.

Hey I, uh, got another one for you, man.

Oh, yeah.


- Here you go.

- Yeah.

- Have a good day.

- You, too.

Now let me get this straight.

You went to our client's office.

Jane told me about this

guy at the company

- Mason.

- Right.

Who left his own party

to shred documents

the day their motion

to dismiss was denied.

Why else if not to

cover PDtroniX's tracks?

What if Jane was right

and they did steal her app?

- She's not our client.

- Okay.

So what if our client

harmed her? What then?

Then she's still not our client.

And my duty is to zealously

represent my client

no matter what. No matter what.

But we do need to make

sure our case is airtight,

so maybe you should

continue to look into things.

Because if she is sane

and they did manufacture

- this bad behavior, then

- Right.

I've got something. Just

AirDropped it to you.

- Do I need to hit a button?

- No, it's already on there.

Oh. Impressive.

I tracked Jane, like you asked,

and I shot this outside Graham's house

- an hour ago.

- What?

You know PDtroniX

stole my computer code!

Now you'll be sorry

Well, she's drunk.

Not drunk, she's upset.

She's more than upset.

That's a little

You coward !

- It goes on like this for five more minutes.

- Okay.

Do you have to take this to court?

And then PDtroniX will win,

launch their new Big Brother app, and

And we put our case to bed.

This is hard evidence

that she's unstable

and was fired for cause.

Our side is justified. The case is over.

Thank you, Lyle. Good work.

And now

I can delete this

ridiculous app from my phone.

Where is the delete button? Hold on.

Oh, my gosh.

Todd, is this Allison?

- What?

- Is that your sister?

On a dating app?

Does Allison really like rock climbing?

And origami? That doesn't

sound like her, does it?

And this name Claire.

Allison would never go by Claire.

Although that does look

like my red striped sweater

- she borrowed and never returned.

- Yeah.

- Look, that little hole right there.

- Mm-hmm.

Well, at least she didn't

check "looking for NSA fun."

What does National Security

Agency have to do with it?

Mom, "no strings attached." NSA.

- Are you NSA?

- Well, yes.

I've done "no strings

attached" before, yeah.

Wait, was Veronica NSA?

No, there were plenty of strings there.

- Is Lawrence NSA?

- Mom, Lawrence is married.

- Well, so is she.

- Okay, do you remember Becca?

- No.

- Exactly, 'cause there were no strings attached.

Okay, it's time to close this app.

Okay, but, but, Todd, do you think

Allison is that unhappy in her marriage?

I don't know. I thought they were fine.

Well, find out.

- Go to her house

- And what?

I'm barred from going in, remember?

Well, go find evidence, proof.

Find that sweater. This

is your sister's marriage.

Exactly. Not yours to meddle in.

It's not meddling.

I'm her mother. This is what mothers do.

What, they invade

their children's privacy

and don't trust them

to run their own lives?

Wait, ah, ah.

I am going inside, and since you are now

Kevin the cosmetologist,

you may not join.

I want you to go find out

about this Allison issue.

Go on. Go, go, go. Now. Go.

Come out!

Worst best friend ever!

Don't make me come after you again.

'Cause I'll keep coming

until you tell the truth!

Your Honor,

defense's new evidence

shows that this case

is a desperate attempt by the plaintiff

to wring my client dry for

money that she isn't due.


Uh, yes.

Plaintiff is amending our complaint.

Yeah, again. Uh, affidavits

from the phone company certifying

texts from PDtroniX's

head of digital marketing

Mason Keen to Jane Lin

after she ended their

romantic relationship.

The texts savagely harass Ms. Lin

132 texts in all

trying to force my client

to quit, and creating

a hostile work environment.

Uh, copies of

Yes. Right here.

Uh here you go.

Yeah, thank you.

Oh. Oh!


Your Honor, if I don't eat right now,

I don't get any food

for another five hours.

- Bon appétit.

- Yes.

My client knew about the

relationship between Jane and Mason,

but he didn't know about the texts.

Bull. Jane asked Graham for help.

Well, she didn't disclose the texts.

She only said the

relationship went south.

Went sou

Did you read those texts?

He tried to crush her.

You are crabby when you don't eat.

I'll be better after I digest.

All right, admit you lost the harassment

and the wrongful termination

parts of the case.

Only if you admit you have

no proof the app was stolen.

I'm pretty good at fighting.

I don't run out of energy.

Oh, I know.

I've seen all the amended complaints.

You sure you want to keep going?

I have stamina of my own.

Ever been on a dating app?

What? No.

I am a married woman. I-I

am wearing a wedding ring.

People break up,

get dumped, they do crazy things.

Lie, cheat and steal.

Cover up for people who

lie, cheat and steal.

I'd keep looking into

your client, if I were you.

Oh you forgot your muffin.

What did you find out about Allison?


I am not going to break

into someone's house

after I was told not to go inside.

Trust needs to be earned, remember?

- Fine, I'll do it myself.

- What?

No, Mom, you are terrible

at covert operations.

Mom! Seriously?

Mom. Mom.

Okay, it's my red striped sweater.

And if we find it

here, we will know that

that was Allison on the dating profile.

I don't know why you're

whispering. Nobody's home.

What are you doing?


Is she here?

Yeah, hi, Todd. I

have a security system.

What are you doing in my house?

Uh, can you see me?

No. You tripped the motion sensors.

And who else would let themselves

into my house with a key?

Uh, well, uh, I have a reason.

- Okay.

- There's a a leak.

There's a little bit of a

drip coming from the ceiling.

It's a little quiet. You

have to listen carefully.

Can you hear that?


Okay, well, there's

Now can you hear it?

No. Still no.

Okay, well, it was

really loud yesterday.

I don't know what to tell you.

Oh, my gosh.

Is this her new backsplash?

It's dreadful.

Um, is that Mom? Is Mom there with you?

No, no, Mom is definitely not here.

I specifically told her not

White Sand but Scottish Mist.

- This is heinous.

- Todd, what is going on?

Well, actually, you know what,

I think the leak is upstairs.

The bathroom near the closet,

where all the clothes are.

- Can you check for me, please?

- Yeah.


Okay, so we checked their bedroom.

- This is the last room in the house.

- Okay.

Al, you still with me?

I'm at the beach, but, yeah,

I'm still talking to you, Todd.


Um, is there water on the floor?

What are you seeing?

Uh, you know what,

it's not so much seeing,

it's more hearing, but I-I think that

the drip has stopped.

Yeah. I'm not hearing anything.

I couldn't hold it.

Oh, my goodness,

what is the plan for all these pillows?

They don't match at all.

- I swear I can hear Mom's voice.

- You know what,

my shoes are a little

squeaky they're new.

But, Al, I actually think

that the leak has stopped.

I think, uh, yeah, I think that we're

- all good.

- My goodness,

this doesn't go here.

This is all feng shui


This has to move here, like so.

Can you just call a plumber?

You know what, I'll call

a plumber right away,

just to be safe, but, uh,

yeah, I I I think we're good.

You just go back to your vacation, okay?

I am leaving.

I'm leaving.

What are you doing in my office?

What are you, some kind of

- Savant?

- freak?

How'd you do this?

Well, I walked past your office

and couldn't resist a puzzle.

But maybe I found something.

It's computer code,

with a key algorithm.

And a date stamp of March 12th.

That's Jane's birthday.

Wait, this could be

her breakthrough code.

But how did it get from

her private computer

to PDtroniX's shredder?

Wait, everyone's watching

everyone all the time.

Especially a tech company

that's developing a new app that

connects their employees 24-7.

It's called FamOnTheWall.

It's one of those inner circle things

that tracks location.

You know, some can monitor keystrokes,

texts, videos, and maybe even

- steal their documents.

- Steal their documents.

If Jane was there when

FamOnTheWall went into beta,

she would have put it

on her devices, too.

- Right.

- Which means anyone at PDtroniX, including Mason,

could have accessed her code.

- We got to go talk to my mom.

- Go talk to your mom.

Mom, breakthrough.

Okay, Jane created her big code

the night of her birthday.

March 12, 2021.

Mason Keen shredded

computer code dated

March 12, 2021.

Did you really just bring me in here

to repeat "March 12, 2021"?

And PDtroniX has a

new app in development

that every employee has signed up for,

which might be spying on their work.

We need to go to the

judge and get a warrant for

all of Mason Keen's devices.

Intriguing, yes.

But I can't get a warrant

against my own client.

Oh, come on, we all know who

the villain in this case is.

Aren't defense attorneys supposed

to fight for the little guy?

We're not gonna let her lose, are we?

Todd, PDtroniX is my client.

I am bound by the rules

of professional conduct.

My hands are tied.

Margaret, you're gonna want to see this.

Just got an email from Graham

with a video from Jane attached.

I know PDtroniX didn't steal my code.


I didn't create the

Unexpected Flame app.

I'm sorry for all the

trouble I've caused, Graham.

It's all yours.

- Did she just

- Apologize?

Throw the case?

So that's it? It's over? We won?

If you combine Jane's

breaking, entering,

attempted as*ault charges, and apology,

Gus won't have a leg to stand on.

I really believed Jane wrote that code.

Well, then why would

she apologize if she did?

I don't know.

Why don't I call Gus,

tell him we'll settle

on the harassment and

wrongful termination,

then maybe I can get Graham

to withdraw the non-compete.

So she'll at least be

able to keep working?

Eh, she can bounce back from disaster.

I know someone else who did.

- Gus.

- Jane's parking.

Graham, too.

I thought this room was empty.

Why aren't you

Waiting among all your

expensive furniture

and Christmas candy,

trying to throw me off?

I asked them to put me in here instead.

- Trying to throw me off.

- Is it working?

How did you get involved with this case?

When I joined, Jane was acting pro se.

Well, I got onto this dating app,

first one since my divorce.

I, you know, I liked the

idea that you could

be surprised by somebody.

Anyway, um, I looked up the

app and saw the lawsuit. You?

Um, one of our partners broke his leg.

No, I meant Unexpected Flame.

Seeing you on there

was quite a surprise,

especially with that wedding band.

So, you married or dating? Or both?

Well, I

I like peanut butter.

Oh, sorry, I, um Hi.

Graham, come in.

Come. Sit. Thank you.

All right. Sit down.



- What are you doing here?

- Oh

Do cosmetologists need lawyers?

No, actually, uh, my name isn't Kevin.

It's Hector, and

No, my name is Todd Wright.

My mother is Margaret Wright,

and she's actually a partner here.

Wait, you're working with PDtroniX.

No, no, no, I

Yes. I just

I believed you.

I believed that you were wronged,

and I was trying to

help from the inside,

so I just have to ask,

why did you make that video?

- What are you talking about?

- The video that you made.


I know PDtroniX didn't steal my code.

Where are you going? Wait,

what about the meeting?

I'm getting proof of what's

mine once and for all.

- Wait. No, no, no

- Tell them to go to hell.

Todd. What

Oh, if it isn't Johann.

Oh, hey, hi.

Uh, turns out I got

a callback interview.

- Did you, now?

- Yeah. So I'm just gonna need you

to let me back there to see Mason.

Oh, Mason, who's been suspended?

Of course, right.

So, uh, my interview must

be someone else named

- Security.

- No, no, no, that's not the name I was thinking.

- I am calling

- Security.

Uh, Jane, wait, no, no, no, no, no.

Get out of the way.

Wait, why would you come here

and break your restraining order?

Risk everything after you apologized?

I didn't apologize. I

didn't make that video.

You tell those traitors

It's a fake?

The apology video is a

deepfake. I'll fix this.

I will.

I didn't create the

Unexpected Flame app.

I'm sorry for all the

trouble I've caused, Graham.

Jane didn't make that

video. It's a deepfake.

Look, PDtroniX is a tech company,

so somebody there took

video footage of Jane

and married it to her voice

to make a fake apology. Here.

PDtroniX stole my computer code!

Now you'll be sorry for

all the trouble you caused!

She's using the same words

she used in the apology video.

- Exactly.

- Except her voice is different.

Voice-alteration technology, Mom.

And she was calm in the apology video.

Yes, but she's one of the founders.

So they must have just taken

some old, boring corporate video

they had on file,

and the one person who has

access to every digital file

Is Mason.

But in order to confirm that,

we need a warrant for his devices.

Right, which is working

against our client,

and we have to play by

the rules, I know, I know.

Not necessarily so.

If Mason really was the

only one behind this,

- there is a way that everyone can win, and Jane, too.

- Okay.

I just need to Uh,

there's something I have to

I just need to How

are we going to ?

Yes, we can do this.

But I'm going to need your help.

When somebody else is speaking,

- get close to them for the mic.

- Okay.

And, uh, we have all the easy words.

- You just need to get the unique ones.

- Get the unique ones.

- You got this, okay?

- Okay, I got it. Okay.

- Let's go.

- You got it?

- I got it.

- Okay, good.

So, then you and Jane

Lin had a relationship,

- which she broke off.

- Yeah.

And after she broke it off, you sent her

132 harassing texts.

I texted her.

Did you want her fired?

Yeah. And she went right out

and proved she was crazy.


Well, she's not the

one who sent the texts

and then organized the

whole company against her.

Objection. Counsel is testifying.

Withdrawn. Your witness.


- Audio works?

- Audio works.

- I hear her.

- We are a go.

As head of digital marketing,

you were in charge of

all digital content.

- Is that correct?

- Yes.


Did you say "video"?

I didn't say "video."

Ah. Yes.

Yes, Mom.

Yes, that's fine.

Fam. Wall.

Um, would you consider the

other members of your team

- like a big fam?

- A fam?

As if there were no walls among you?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Would you answer in

complete sentences, please?

I don't know why you're

talking about walls.



Uh, it must have been a a bonus,

- having no walls?

- A bonus?


Uh, for I-I don't know weirdness?

If Your Honor would

give me some leeway


Being accused of

stealing must have felt

- I didn't steal anything!

- From an ex-flame?

She wasn't a flame. She was a psycho.


Was it


- Again, complete sentences.

- Objection!

What the hell is this?

This whole thing is unexpected.

Got him!

Your Honor,

I would submit that the

plaintiff is fully justified

in its accusations of my client

and its criminal

behavior inside PDtroniX.

And now we have proof.

I know exactly what I'm doing.

No, don't worry about

it, it's going to be fine.

I'm just gonna get some water.

- If you move your finger

- How soon?

Really soon. Uh, we'll text you.


Ms. Wright,

you want to tell us what that was?

Your Honor, in-in m-matters

of wrongful termination,

the plaintiff must prove

that he or she was fired for

You did not do all this

so that you can counsel

me on the law, right?

No. Oh.

I'd like to play a recording.

Oh, come on. I object.

If it proves defense has something

actually legal to do here?

The voice you are about to

hear is that of Mason Keen.

I used our FamOnTheWall

app to steal Jane's code

for Unexpected Flame and take the bonus.

What? I didn't say that!

Whatever that bitch is

doing, she deserved everything

- that happened to her.

- All right, all right, all right.

Happened to her. You mean

after you harassed her

and then used

FamOnTheWall to spy on her?

Ms. Wright, you are wading

dangerously close to being disbarred

for not protecting your client.

But I am protecting my client.

My client is PDtroniX,

and I believe Mason Keen is a bad actor

who created a deepfake of Jane Lin

to cover his theft of her work,

and that theft has earned him

multiple bonuses, which means

he is accepting ill-gotten gains

and is participating in an ongoing

fraud and should be prosecuted

to the fullest extent of the law.

Defense hereby requests

a warrant for his phone

and computer immediately.

You don't need a warrant.

I'm the boss, and your phone

is company property. Hand it over.

Hand it over, Mr. Keen.


You swizzled the app to add

spyware on every employee?

He manipulated it so he could

see what any employee typed,

even on their home computers or phones,

including Jane's.

You're fired.

And my client will receive credit

as the creator of Unexpected Flame.

With all the back pay

and bonuses she deserves.

- And restoration of full equity and all charges dropped.

- Yes.

Then maybe you'll take your job back?

No. I'm gonna form my own company.

I'll have corporate papers

drawn up by my new attorney

Todd Wright.

Oh. Well

we have to talk.

Well, that was some seriously


diabolical lawyering.

You're just mad

because I got the best

of you for a second time.

You mean by proving my client was

actually wronged by your client?

So, new settlement conference

where we all show up?

Just tell me what time of

day you're allowed to eat,

and I'll put out a real spread.


I look forward to getting

the best of you this time.

- Ah.

- You did it.

- We did it.

- Yes,

but you went to the mat

for Jane and everyone.

- Yes, I did.

- And you'd do the same for me and Allison, too.

And the other one.

All your kids.

This whole meddling and controlling

stuff and snooping is just

for protection, isn't it?


You found my sweater in

Allison's house, didn't you?

It's in my office.

Uh, I don't know.

What do you want to do about it?


I think that no one ever really knows

what goes on inside

of anyone's marriage.

I mean, look at mine.

- Hmm.

- And even though I think Chuck is perfect for her,

I guess put the sweater back.

And I won't say anything

until she tells me that she needs me.


I don't have a four-top.

I don't know the specials.

It's your job, Francisco.

How am I supposed to know that?

God. You got to stop doing

that. I could have k*lled you!

With an old plastic Wiffle

ball bat? I don't think so.

Anyway, we're home.

You can shower in the house again.


Are you okay?

Yeah, just, um

Did you sleep in my guest room?

What? No. Why?

'Cause everything in that

room is, like, nice now.

Like, the pillows and the

dresser got rearranged.

What were you really doing in my house?

I know it wasn't a leak.

I was

Did you put up a dating

profile on Unexpected Flame?

Mom thought she saw it when

she was working on a case.

It looked like you were

wearing her red striped sweater?

So, yeah, I went in to

see if I could find it.

And did you?

My whole life has been designed by Mom.

Like, I was always the good

girl and I did what I was told

and I became a doctor, I married Chuck.

Do you not love Chuck anymore?

No, I do.

I-I do. I just, um

I just never made a

choice for myself, and

I think maybe I wondered

what it would be like

to have something

unexpected happen.

Hey, Al, want me to unpack your suitcase

and start the laundry?

- Al?

- Please don't tell him.

One of the nurses

mentioned the app at work,

and I downloaded it on a whim.

I-I never planned to

We're fine.

I'll delete the app.

I barely even looked at it. I just

Please don't tell him.

I won't. I wouldn't.

You could trust me.

Thank you.


did you tell Mom that

you found the sweater?

