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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 04/29/23 07:23
by bunniefuu

Case log A275.

21st and Johnson, corner grocery.

SUBJECT: Betty Hogenson.

Turning down aisle nine.

Approaching in five, four,

three, two

Ooh, hi. Sorry. Sorry.

Uh, the, uh

Behind you, up there. The Oat Mix Plus.

Can you grab me one of those, please?



Thank you very much.

You've been assessed

and photographed for

OreMark Cross insurance.

My name is Todd Wright,

- and I'm assigned your case.

- Wait. What's going on?

- Are you a lawyer?

- Uh, no. Private detective.

Well, I was. Now I'm doing this.

You are not wearing your neck brace,

you are clearly fine,

but you are still collecting disability

from your employer,

the Portland Airport,

where you were injured while vacuuming?

I really need that money.

I'm sorry, it's just my job.

I need money, too.

- Okay?

- Mom?

Can we get these with the SNAP card?

Please, Mommy?

BETTY: Please.

All right. Delete photos.

But you have to go back

to work at the airport.

Soon. Okay?

And wear your neck brace.

Yes, I will. Thank you.

And don't get that cereal,

okay? It rots your teeth.

And the prizes inside are total junk.

Look, if you don't

pay some sort of rent,

I'm gonna get grief from Mom.

This is how you put away the hose?

It's coiled.

And why is a tiny little room

- in your garage her concern?


She doesn't want you

freeloading off of Chuck and me.


Yeah, that's why I'm paying rent.

Or why I will. Next week, half.


- A third.

Mom. Hello.

MARGARET: Put your brother on the phone.

No. Allison, say I'm not here. I

- You're here.

- Hello. What? Hi.

I'm not speaking to you.

You are coming to my new condo tonight,

and you are picking up

all the boxes of crap

that you left in your old room

that I have now paid good

money to haul across the city.

Yeah, tonight's not great, actually,

and as you well know, I don't have

a lot of room over here.

You can jam some stuff in our basement.

No, no, no, no, no, Todd,

you are not turning

Allison's house into a dump,

- like you did mine.


I turned your home into

a dump with three boxes?

It is four boxes, and

your sister and her husband

have done enough for you already.

Good God, Todd!

Careening through life, making

the rest of us pick up the pieces.

- You still owe me $9,000.


Mom, you hit the FaceTime button.

I did not. I can hear you perfectly.

Yes, and I can see you. You're on video.

No, I am Oh.

Well, okay.

I need for you to put together a plan

to live an adult,

financially solvent life.

Great. And I think that plan

begins with not talking to you

when things are super crappy for me.

God, I lost my job.

Two years ago.

And that is a mess

you walked right into.

How is this helpful?

A-and should you really be

FaceTiming while driving?

I am in the parking lot of Best Buy,

picking up my new television set.

Oh, congrats. Must be nice.

Guess you don't really

need that $9,000 back, huh?

Good God. I have to get to work,

but you will pick up your boxes tonight.


Have you lost your mind yet? ♪

To get free tonight ♪

Are we wrapping this couch in plastic?

I have no idea. Ask the owner,

whatever his name is. Uh, Harry.

Oh, there he is. Excuse me, sir.

Are we wrapping this couch?


We wrapping this couch? Excuse me.

Hello? Hello?! Where's he going?

Get free tonight ♪

- Are Kim's family here yet?

- Yep.

- Got 'em in conference room B.

- Okay.

- And the girlfriend's with them.

- Oh.

Oh, by the way, the father

is very crotchety today.

Of course he is, they've

been stewing for two weeks.

(MUTTERING): Did they

wrap the gray couch?

Hello? Harry, where are you?

Good afternoon. Kim,

how are we doing today?

I just want this whole

thing to be over with.

This delay has been awful.

Did the prosecutor

recover from his thing?

The concussion?

The trial will resume

on Monday, as planned.

- Just three more days.

- My daughter's life is in your hands, Margaret.

I will do everything I

can to clear her name.

But right now,

we need to refocus

and go over all of our

testimonies. You ready?

I didn't k*ll him.

Let's prove that to the jury.

And Kim's ankle monitor will be updated

- so she can go to court Monday.

- Okay.

Good God.

Nadia should be working from home.

She's still looking for

witnesses who saw Kim on the bus.

She is gonna have that baby

all over this brand-new carpeting.



Uh, I'm paying you back.

I could give you $1,000

a month for nine months,

but don't cash it until


Mom, are you okay?

Harry has

I think Harry has

I came here after work,

and he wasn't here.

And I thought maybe he was back

at the old house with the movers.

But he-he never came.

It's 10:00.

Okay, well, maybe he's

been in a car accident.

- We should call the police.

- He disconnected his phone.

And I got to looking around, and, um,

the only thing that he

took was a small suitcase

and his laptop and

(GASPS) Oh, my God.

That All He's

taken all of his pills.

That box was full of his medications.

Wait. What medications?

TODD: Did you know that

Harry has Parkinson's disease?

Yes, I knew.

What do you mean "disappeared"?

He's disconnected his phone.

Wait, you knew?

You knew, and I didn't?

You have been fighting

with Mom for two years.

- How long has he been gone?

- Uh

Five or six hours.


Harry's father k*lled himself.

Like, 20 years ago, he was

diagnosed with brain cancer,

and he couldn't deal with it, so he

he jumped off the Fremont Bridge.

WOMAN (OVER P.A.): Dr. Wright to

the ICU. Dr. Wright to the ICU.

ALLISON: Todd, I'm sorry,

I I'm being paged.

I'll call you back as soon as I can.


Okay, no.

This isn't happening.

This is crazy. This is bananas.

He's not just gonna disappear on you.

Todd, Harry might've gone off to

No, no, no, no. Wh-wh-why

take a-all of your medications

if your plan is to off

yourself? And his laptop?

No, no. This isn't that.

Okay? This is something

else, and we're not gonna

let him get away with it. I'm not.

All right, uh, okay.

D-does he have a credit

card that's just his?

I-I need, I need a receipt

for something that he bought.

The new TV.

Maybe the receipt is

taped up there on the top.

3752. Okay, that's an Amex card.

Uh, call American Express

from my address book.


late payment department.

No, no, no, no.

Just call regular Amex customer service.


- What?

- Okay, I need Harry's social security number


date and city of birth,

and mother's maiden name.

Just write it down.

- Right here, right now. Go.

- Okay. Okay.


evening. American Express.

Oh, yes, hi, hello, good evening.

This is Harry McDonald, and I just need

some information about

my recent purchases.

- Todd, this is illegal.

- AMEX OPERATOR: Just a moment, sir.

This is identity theft.

Want me to play by the rules,

or you want me to find your husband?


- Oh. Hello?

- Mom

- Oh, no, no, no. I can't talk ri

What? Oh.

My investigator Nadia, her water broke.

Mom, get off the phone.

Oh, uh, uh, uh, I I I No.

Just, whatever info you

have, email it to my phone,

- and I

- You don't have to say, "Email it to your phone."

If you get email on your phone,

it just goes to your phone.


I'll need your birthdate

and your mother's

maiden name to continue.

Uh, yes, oh, yes, of course. Uh, 8/21/59

- and, uh, Bottlethwaite.

- AMEX OPERATOR: And it looks like

you've recently moved and changed your

home address to the one in Gresham.

Um no, I did not move to Gresham.

That's 45 minutes from here.

What address do you have?


can't give you that information.

Unless (SIGHS)


can verify that you are,

in fact, Harry McDonald.

Yes, damn it, I am Harry McDonald.

Born in Houston, Texas.

Social security: 913-86-1536.

And I just bought a TV from Best Buy

for $1,347. What the hell am I doing?


the address I have for you is

1683 South East Carnola

Way, Gresham, 97030.

But now I'll need to

bring on a security adv

(GASPS) Todd.

Don't hang up. Now they might

contact the police or something.

Great. Let them.

Harry is missing. The

police can help us find him.

But then what do we do now?

Now, we drive to Gresham

to find your husband.

It's empty.

Looked in all the windows.

No furniture, nothing.

- I could probably pick the lock in back, but

- No.

Todd, no. That's criminal.

Six months minimum.

While you were gone,

I was picturing him in there.

What if he hung himself in that garage?

Like Bradley Coopman

in that Madonna movie,


Like Bradley Cooper

in the Lady Gaga movie A Star Is Born?

And why would he send his bills

to a house where he's dead?

That doesn't make any sense.


- It's Allison.

- Don't answer that.

I don't want anyone in the

family to know what's going on.

You know I'm in the family, right?

- Hang up.

- Fine.

- So, what do we do now?


Sit here? Waiting?

We have no other leads,

he is linked to this house,

and he has to sleep somewhere tonight.



MARGARET: This is insane.

I mean, this seat is filthy. (STAMMERS)

What is all this junk

down here at my feet?

Is that a telescope?

It's a lens for a camera, a long lens.

Todd, without your license,

you are not allowed to

work as a private detective

- in the state of

- Yes, I know that. Thank you very much, Mother.

I am just finding

people and taking photos

for health insurance

companies, okay? Pays the bills.

- Almost.

- Well, I had hoped

that you would get out

of this field altogether,

considering the amount of

trouble you got yourself into.

Mom, I am a private detective.

- You were.

- It is all I've ever wanted to be.

You gave me that copy of

Harriet the Spy when I was nine,

and I am very, very good at this job.

- Well

- And if it weren't for me,

you would still be in

your empty condo alone

with no idea where your husband is.

As opposed to where we are,

which is nowhere.




TODD: Who was having

a baby on the phone?

Oh, that's Nadia.

- She's the investigator on my current case.

- Oh.

- You remember my sorority sister Celia?

- No.

And her daughter Kim.

- No.

- Todd, Kim.

We tried to set you up with her once,

but she thought you were weird.

She has now been accused

of murdering her boss.

Oh. Oh, great. That's nice.

He sexually assaulted her

at the office Christmas party.

- Oh.

- Anyway,

the boss leaves the

party a few hours later,

goes to the rooftop

of a nearby parking garage,

and is shot to death sitting in his car.

Oh. But she didn't do it?

No forensic evidence,

no gunpowder, nothing.

Though she did own a g*n once.

- Oh.

- But she lost it two years ago when

she moved back in with her parents.

In any event, we're trying

to nail down witnesses

who saw her on the bus

before the trial resumes on Monday.

- Resumes?

- Yes.

The state prosecutor fell

down the stairs in his home

and gave himself a serious concussion.

So the judge granted them

a two-week continuance.

He has a serious concussion

- and he's coming back to work in two weeks?

- Yes.

I've tracked down a

few concussed people,

and if you've really got one,

you're on strict bed

rest for a month, minimum.

So the state prosecutor is a liar.

What's the name of this concussion guy?

- Christopher Barrett.

- Christopher Barrett.

Wait, so you're gonna look him

up on your phone. Wonderful.

- Your generation is addicted to your devices.

- Mr. Barrett. Oh.

- His daughter

- Try to solve everything through apps, and

Who has a TikTok, of course.

- then beepMo and podcasts.

- Uh-huh.

- Oh. Oh, yes. There.

- Oh, God,

- I cannot keep my eyes open.

- Oh, hello,

- Mr. Serious Concussion Man.

- How do you ignore the odor in this car?

Mom, take a look at this.

What is this? What is she doing?

Is that Tok-Tok?

Is that him?

That's him exercising, what's that,

six, seven, eight days ago?

Looks fine to me.

But then, this is a lie.

If he is not injured,

then they are stalling.

They are waiting for a piece of evidence

that they don't have, so that they

We have to get down to

the courthouse right now.

Start the car. Oh, my God,

it's 2:00 in the morning.

Oh, God, but then who's gonna stay here

to watch the house for Harry?

Here, hold this.

These burners could be our eyes.

Disposable phones, Mom.

TODD: This place is closed.

MARGARET: But by law,

the records room has to

be attended 24 hours a day,

and, if you play your cards right,

you just might get in there.

Damn it.

Okay, you stay here,

I'll go around front.

Can I help you?

Uh, yes. I am Inspector Clip

with the Portland Gas Company,

and someone has reported

a leak in the records room,

so I just need access to

that so I can check on it.

A gas leak?

- Mm-hmm.


What are you doing?

- How are you, Jenny dear?

- Hi.

- The, uh, new guard let me in.

- Uh-huh.

- Edgar.

- Mm-hmm.

Will you please let us

into the records room?

I have a pressing matter.

And this is my son Todd.


MARGARET: I must have spent

years of my life down here

filing and sorting briefs.

Once I passed the bar,

I got my nails done

and swore I'd never break

another one pulling files.

Ah, found it. Right here.

Okay, bring it.

All right, so this is my case.

Now, I want you to flip to

the evidence log in the back.

How many pieces of evidence

have been logged and tagged?

It's the back flap, yes? Red box.

- Nine.

- Nine, okay, same here.

Maybe not new evidence.

Try the front flap, gray

box. How many witnesses?

Witnesses 15.

- Fifteen or 50?

- Fifteen.

- One, five. Fifteen.

- Okay.

13, 14, 15.


They're introducing a new witness.

- Isn't that something that happens?

- Yes.

But they're required to file

weeks in advance, and inform me.

Witness OA1

They must have found someone

after the start of the trial,

and they're filing in secret

because they don't want me

to find out and block it.

So, like, someone who saw her k*ll him.

She didn't k*ll him, Todd.

Okay, someone who thinks

they saw her k*ll him.

Witness OA16.

"Witness in possession of

a Vex800-MP9." What is

MP9 is a kind of digital video file.

Like, from a security camera.

So they have a new

witness who has a video

of something bad for you.

Something bad enough to

make them fake an injury

and slow down the case.

Are you sure she didn't k*ll him?



Todd Wait, Todd. What did you touch?

That's not me. I don't

Oh, wait, no, that's my phone.

It's the burners. The

cameras that we left.

There's activity at that house.

(GASPS) Who was that? Was that Harry?

He's locking the door.

What does he have in his hands?

- What is that?

- It's a baby.

TODD: That's not Harry.

Who the hell was that?

Our in-house investigator,

Lyle, who is remarkably precise,

is right down there.

He can get you access

to the RMLS website,

and maybe you can find out more about

that house that Harry

In Gresham.

Mom, it's okay.

I'll find him, I promise.

No, no. I am fine.

Kim will be here any minute,

and I do not let my personal

life interfere with my work.

The way I'm slippin' away ♪

I turn my feelings on ♪

You made me untouchable ♪

Hey. Morning.


And you wasn't polite ♪

Hey, are you Lyle?

I need access to the RMLS

property info database.

And you are?

Todd. Wright.

My mother Margaret Wright

is a partner here, so

- she's basically your boss.


Your mother is not my boss.

I'm an employee of the firm,

answering only to the

bylaws of the corporation.

None of us share investigative

database access with nonemployees.

- Okay.

- Nor with former investigators

stripped of their licenses

following criminal charges

for illegal wiretapping and forgery.

I had nothing to do with the forgery.

Oh, I remember your defense.

You were seduced and

deceived by your mentor.

You thought you were equal partners

in your little detective agency,

and you had no idea she was making you

the fall guy for her

criminal activities.

Yeah. That's right.

Well, your mother could

keep you out of jail,

but she can't force you in my office.

- Good day.

- Look,

I just need information about a house.

It's personal, for my mom.

Personal searches are

strictly forbidden.

And so is eating in my

office. Crumbs. Get out!




Oh, my God. Todd.


Susan. Hi.

You work for my mother?

I work with your mother.

Wow, I haven't seen you since we

We? Since you. I mean, I didn't

- Okay, since I

- I would never. You were the

Well, it ended.

I didn't

You're married.

Oh, engaged, just last month.

- Peter.

- Peter. Cool.

You know, I have to

tell you that your mom is

such a wonderful woman.

She's so encouraging and supportive.

- Uh, okay.


Hey, listen,

maybe you'd be willing to

do my mother a little favor.

You see, uh, there's

this house in Gresham

NIKI: Kim is my girlfriend.

Her house arrest should be at my place.

She says you just cry

and he's yelling all day.

Who the hell do you think you are?

She's my daughter, damn it.

KIM: Can both of you

please stop fighting?

Walter, Niki,

go somewhere else, please.

CELIA: They're just upset.

WALTER: Just don't say

anything. Come with me.

MARGARET: Just relax, Kim, relax.


MARGARET: It's all gonna be fine,

I promise you.

Take a deep breath, all right?


Just, uh


only wanted to protect her.


that is our secret, okay?

If anyone can get her off, it's

this bitch lawyer that Celia hired.

- Just keep it


Good morning.

I want to thank you

all for coming back in

on such short notice.

I have discovered that the

prosecution has a new witness.


this witness may possess

security camera footage

that incriminates Kim.

Now, Kim, we've been

through this many times,

but when you left the party, did you go

straight to the bus stop,

- or did you go into or near any buildings?

- No.

She was home by 12:30, Mar.

I heard her come in.

Is there any chance anyone saw you

with a g*n that night?

- I know you lost your g*n

- Two years ago.


what is going on here?

I am the victim, not him.

Oh, here you are.

- Hi.

- Hi. I got the info that you wanted.

That house is a rental owned by

Lodging and Rental Incorporated.

- Thank you.

- That's their info.

Is it really for your mom?


- Mm.

- Absolutely.

No, no, I'm helping her

You just needed me to get

around Lyle, didn't you?

Yeah, just kind of put me in

an awkward position with him.

Well, I'm sorry, I

I lost my PI license,

and I can't run my

own municipal searches.

But you like to

- Play by the rules.

- Yeah. Right. And I'm

Oh, uh, no, no, no, don't, don't.

- I'm not, uh, that's


That's not I'm not, um

Can I just I'm sorry.

- Thank you. No. No, thank you.

- I'm just gonna go back to Bye.

Susan, wait. (SIGHS)

Hey, Mom, I got the info

on that Gresham house.

- (GASPS) Oh.

- The man we saw, "Tomas," is the landlord.

He lives down the street.

He's married to Rosa,

and I found her on Instagram

holding their newborn baby.

So he was probably out for a walk

- trying to get the baby back to sleep.

- Yeah.

And maybe dropping off something

for his new tenant, Harry.

Anyway, I just left a

voice mail for Tomas.

And by the way, I noticed

that you have photos

of Allison and Lawrence on

your desk, but none of me.

So thank you.

Todd, those are your

siblings' wedding photos.

- Get married and I'll be glad to include you.


(SCOFFS) Allison has

called me four times

since I was in my meeting.

I wonder what's going on.

Oh, well, she knows.

I told her about Harry before

you told me not to tell anybody.

Anyway, she would like both of us

to come over for dinner tonight.

She invited you for family dinner?

Oh, hi, Mom. Chuck, they're here.

- Mom, I'm I don't even know what to say.

- I know.

Come on in, please, please, please.

- Yeah.

- Hey. So Harry just disappeared in the night

to go k*ll himself?


What are you doing?

It was just a question.

- Why would you say that?

- Coat, please.

- No, I don't need a hug.

- Um

Why would you say that? Todd,

would you shut the door, please?

- Why are you giving this to me?

- Oh. Wait. Actually, no, don't.

- Hi, Chet. Perfect timing.

- Hey.

- I'm just gonna m*rder everybody.

- Oh.

Where's your invisible husband Lawrence?

Well, he can't make it.

- Your brother's a busy guy.

- To be expected.

Your daddy's working?

And this daddy needs a beer.

Okay. I just

ALLISON: Todd, shut the door.

I'm holding a human being.

TODD: You've been having

family dinner without me?

Without Uncle Todd?

Every week? You dinner? No me?

ALLISON: Mom, again,

Chuck and I are so sorry

to hear this crazy, awful news.

And we will do whatever

we can to support you.

Allison, thank you.

Um, it is nice to have my whole

family together at this time.

Well, almost whole. Uh,

is your brother com

Chet, is Lawrence coming?

No. Unfortunately, he's

still stuck in Hood River

dealing with the flood.

Oh, of course, of course.

His job is very important.

He is the chief of staff

for the governor of Oregon.


Allison, is this the

only wine that we have?

What about that nice bottle of cabernet

- I bought you for Chuck's birthday?

- Oh, yeah.

- I think we still have that.

- Oh, and, um,

maybe some nicer napkins.

- These ones are so thin.

- ALLISON: Sure. Of course.

Chuck, would you get the wine?

- But it's my cabernet.

- Chuck, please?


Thank you.

And how is Celia's case doing?

I mean her daughter; the one

who thought Todd was weird.


Well, the prosecution

is playing very dirty.

They are trying to

slide a surprise witness

- into the entire

- Niki and the dad,

they have solid alibis, right?

Yes, Todd.

- And they are not suspects.

- Okay.

And what were they? Their alibis?

What are you so suspicious of?

I just don't trust this Niki person.

Or the dad.

They were acting really weird today,

and frankly, I don't like how

they were talking about Mom.

When were they talking about me?

Well, before the meeting,

they were huddled up

and talking about protecting Kim

and their secret,

and he called you a

And how do you know this?

My phone ended up in the

I heard them, okay?

It was just a little

digital eavesdropping, and

MARGARET: You were recording

my clients' private conversation?

No, I wasn't recording

them, but I should have.

- Didn't your business partner

- But it's no big deal.

go to jail for this?

I was collecting information for you.

Todd! I think I'm gonna

take Clem upstairs.

I think we should finish

this in the living room.

How could you be so stupid?

You were spying on

- After everything I've done for you.

- Oh, come on.

I lent you money, I have

defended you in court,

and yet you are hellbent

on destroying yourself.

No, I'm not. What is

this, a German opera?

God, I have been by your side

for two whole days

while Allison's at work.

And Lawrence isn't even here, but I am.

I am here for you in your time of need.

Even though you didn't

quite do the same for me

when Dad died, did you?

Excuse me?

"I don't let my personal life

get in the way of my work."

Yeah, very clear. Very clear.

Dad dies, suddenly poof, gone.

They're off in college

and I'm at home, alone,

while you're, what, taking the bar exam,

breaking nails in the

courthouse basement?

And now you're all,

"What's wrong with you?

Why is your life always a mess?"

I mean, seriously, honestly, back then,

it was like both my parents had died.


- It just came out.




name is Tomas Garcia,

and I'm returning a call

to Todd Wingo of the FBI.

I really don't want any trouble.

You asked about Harry McDonald,

but I don't know who that is.

We do have a rental in Gresham,

but our new tenant is not him.

Our new tenant is actually a magician,

Morris the Magnificent.

A magician?

ALLISON: So this magician has a shop?

TODD: Apparently.

Thank you for driving me.

My car just needs a new engine.

Why are you still looking for Harry

- if you're so mad at Mom?

- I'm not looking for her,

I'm looking for me.

I just want to know where he is

and what the hell he thinks he's doing.

You never liked him.

Yeah, well, neither did you.

I liked him for Mom.

They were happy, I guess. I don't know.

Marriage is complicated.


Are you and Chuck okay?

Yeah. Why?

You seemed kind of

upset with him at dinner,

when Mom was ordering you around.

Chuck is Chuck.

And it's just easier

to let Mom have her way.

You should have learned that by now.

Yeah, but once you let her

choose the wine and napkins,

then she's choosing your career,

your clothes, your house.

I mean, where do you end up?

You end up an ER doctor,

married to Chuck.

Yeah, well, I'm not doing this for her.

I'm doing it for me.

Thanks for the ride.


"Beloved local magician

Morris the Magnificent

presumed lost at sea."


"Disappeared off cruise ship

after terminal cancer diagnosis."

So he's declared dead two months ago,

and now he's renting a house in Gresham?

- That is magic.



Someone's coming to get this.


Text Mom.

Multnomah Parking Garage.

That's that's where

Kim's boss got shot, right?


Gets out of the elevator.

He parked here

under the broken cameras.

Doesn't see who's hiding over there.

Gets into his car blammo!


The convention center.


NIKI (ON VIDEO): She gets so depressed

I thought she might hurt

herself or do something.

Mom, I know who witness

OA16 is, or might be.

I went by the convention

center and spoke to Bob, and,

night of the m*rder,

huge expo for this company

that makes those little cameras

that go on your dashboard.

Anyway, bunch of people in

town from foreign factories.

So maybe some German guy came into town,

puts the device in his rental car.

But convention center

parking was full that night,

so he had to park in the overflow lot

the m*rder lot.

And his little dash cam,

which uses MP9 files,

like it said on that form,

happened to catch

footage of the m*rder*r.

Huge job to contact all those drivers,

so maybe they didn't

hear back from Germany

until after the trial starts,

and then, oop, gotta stall

because suddenly here's footage of

Niki blazing away with Kim's g*n.


if the prosecution had video

of Niki murdering someone,

they wouldn't be proceeding

with a case against Kim.


You're right. My theory

was only half-cocked.

Everything about you is half-cocked.

But (SIGHS) Niki and the

dad are guilty of something.


- I I know it.

What is that? What is that sound?

Ooh, ooh, ooh. It's the tNAB, my tNAB.

It's a little tracking device.

I put it inside that

box, and it's-it's moving.

Oh, it's going up Vista.

It's turning on Fairmont.

Look, Mom,

it's the perishable box

of the dead magician.

- MARGARET: And we're following this magician where?

- To wherever he's going, okay?

And could you speed up for once?

This is technically a car chase.

MARGARET: I will not

break the speed limit.

- TODD: You're going under the speed limit.


(SIGHS) Wait, uh Oh, stop.

There it is.


- It's moving day.

- Yeah.

I'll go in there, and I'll say

we're buyers for this house,

and then you come up with, like,

- a limp, and

- No, Todd.

No more lies. It feels fraudulent.

We will tell them who

we are and what we need.

The truth.


Excuse me? Hello?

Are you "Morris the Magnificent"?

- Yes?

- TODD: You're Morris, but you're dead.

Oh, no, you must mean my

father, the original Morris.

He-he passed.

- So, there's two magicians.

- Oh.

How can I help you?

I believe you know my

husband, Harry McDonald.

Harry who?

He's having his bills sent to your

- new home in Gresham.

- LAURA: Eddie? Did you order

fresh carrots for the rabbit?

They went to the shop. Oh. Who's this?

They're looking for a Harry McDonald.

I'm sorry, I can't

divulge client information.


Client for what? Who are you?

LAURA: I'm sorry,

attorney-client privilege.

- TODD: What kind of attorney?

- LAURA: End of life.

- Estate planning. I really shouldn't say anything more.

- TODD: Wait, so he's getting all

of his bills sent to you?

A-a-and where is he?

Is he already dead?

We are so sorry to bother you.

Thank you very much. Let's go, Todd.

I was just getting

somewhere with that woman.

Just get in the car, just stop

talking. Get in the car, please.

And smile. Just smile like we're happy

- we were here.

- You look insane right now, Mom.

Why are you acting crazy?

It's Harry's laptop.

I found it in a box marked "Goodwill,"

along with a-a pair of his shoes

and a shirt that I recognized.

They're giving away all of his things,

So, you don't want me lying,

but it's okay for you to

steal from the Goodwill?

Just open it.

Find out where he is.

Track him. Do your thing.

- Do it.

- Mom, it's a laptop, not a crystal ball.

- Do it!

- And he probably already

See, he already deleted all his files.

But I'll bet he forgot to

wipe all his stored passwords.

Yeah, here we go, still

has all his passwords,

but maybe his junk mail folder

A-ha. "Walk-in bathtub,

increase libido, goodbye belly fat "

"Frequent flyer."

He booked a flight with miles.


- Where is he going?

- It doesn't say.

It's just some junk

receipt from his credit card

for redeemed miles. That's it.

Well, wait, wait, what are

all those little numbers there

down at the bottom by the barcode?

I don't know, that might be

Wait, that's the date

of his flight. 9/26/22.

That's tomorrow, Monday,

and 10:10 a.m. is his departure time,

so he'll be at the airport

tomorrow morning at 10:10 a.m.

Mom, we got him.

(SIGHS) I have to be in

court tomorrow morning.

The trial resumes at 9:00 a.m.

I might have a way for you

to be in both places at once.


Concourse B now, still no sign of him,

and we only got nine

minutes left. Sorry.


- JUDGE: All right, the prosecution

has a motion to introduce

Uh, what is this, Barrett?

Oh, and by the way, how are you feeling?

Oh, thank you, Your Honor.

Yes, I'm feeling much better.

MAN (OVER P.A.): Flight 256 to Iceland,

Gate 47, final boarding.

Flight 256 to Iceland,

Gate 47, final boarding.


"Bucket list." Uh

We have filed to insert a crucial

new witness into the lineup.

MARGARET: Your Honor, I have to object.

This last-minute witness

is a blatant attempt to circumvent

the state's known duty to disclose

all witnesses prior to trial.

I'm sorry, I'm going to allow it.

I'm not gonna be able

to get through security.

I I don't even have a ticket.

Hey. You.

Betty Hogenson.

Oh, my God.

I'm wearing the neck brace.

No, no, no, this isn't about

that. Um, I-I need a favor,

and, uh

you owe me.

And, Mrs. Lin, would you please

tell the members of the

jury why you were here,

in Portland, on the evening

of December 10 last year?


I was here for a work

conference. Uh Sorry,

- a convention.


STEWARDESS: Excuse me, sir?

Can I help you?

Yeah, I'm, uh, Betty with maintenance,

and I left a thing in the back

of the plane. Can I just ?


- I'm just gonna

And, Mrs. Lin,

this is your portable

travel dashboard camera,

which you had with you on your trip?

You're gonna have to put that away, sir.



Got him.

BARRETT: The video

that you're about to see

is taken from Mrs.

Lin's dashboard camera.

Now, first, we're going

to show you raw footage

of her car in the parking lot.

Is the, uh, TV ready?

Sorry, this may take a moment.


Please fasten your seatbelts

and prepare for departure.

Hey, what do you know?

Iceland's on my bucket list, too.

You're not dying.

I never meant to hurt her, Todd.

She doesn't have to

know about any of this.

TODD (OVER EARBUD): You stupid coward,

what are you doing?

HARRY: I'm leaving your mother.

TODD: Yeah, way ahead of you.

I'm leaving the whole world behind.

My doctors, they told me that

I only have seven to

ten years left to live.

Seven to ten years?

I don't want to live them with her.

She's too controlling, too critical.

She never let me be

who I really want to be.

I'm gonna go to Iceland and

live in a hut and farm and fish

and be naked under the stars.

It's my life, and this

is how I want to spend it.

You are a freak and an idiot.

Did you actually want my

mom to think you were dead?

And now, in an enhanced

section of the same footage,

there she is. Kim Marquette

- with a g*n


- in her hand.


I know this will be hard on her, but

she has you, her kids.

And, Todd, let's be honest,

it's time for you to stop

this ridiculous fight with her.

Are you joking? You're telling

me how to deal with my mom?

- After you literally

- Your mother loves you.

Why do you think she spent two years

fighting the city trying

to reinstate your license?

Wait, she what?

Because she's your mother,

and she'd do anything for you.


BARRETT: Ladies and gentleman

of the jury, as you can see,

Ms. Marquette was clearly

at the scene of the crime

the night of the m*rder.


to come with us. Let's go. (GRUNTS)

You better die in Iceland

in seven to ten years,

and don't you ever, ever come back here.

- Let's go.

- I'm sorry, Mom.

I'm so sorry.

Margaret, your witness.

Don't say a word, no matter what I do.

Trust me.

Your Honor,

in light of this

overwhelming new evidence,

my client would like to

change her plea to guilty.


- What?

And while we recognize

that in the state of Oregon,

first-degree m*rder carries

a mandatory life sentence

- What are you doing?

- I would ask

that you consider the nature

of my client's as*ault,

and perhaps reduce the prison sentence

to 50 or 60 years.


No. She didn't do it.

That's not her, Mar.

I only meant to scare him.

And then he tried to take the g*n,

and it just

I never thought they'd blame her.

I just hoped that it would save her.

You didn't mean to k*ll him.

I can make a jury understand that.

REPORTER (OVER RADIO): And the charges

against Kim Marquette were dropped

- as her mother was taken into custody


following an emotional

outburst in the courtroom.

And now, for traffic and weather.

Tomorrow looking much like today,

- and as we head into the next


You're in jail.

Worse. Airport jail.

How'd you get in here?

- You have a good lawyer.


So, Niki and the dad,

what was their secret?

Uh, Kim didn't lose

her g*n two years ago.

They took it. They hid it from her.

They were worried she

would harm herself.

She was struggling with depression.

But what they didn't know was that

That the mom knew where

the g*n was hidden. Aha.

And what about witness OA16? German?

- Italian? Romanian?

- Chinese.


You are very good at this job.

Yeah, I-I know.

Maybe I should just let

you be who you want to be.


But there is one thing

I could do for you

to help you get back on your feet.

Uh, help us both, actually.

If you'll let me.



It is 1:00 p.m., and it's gonna be fine.

You're a detective

again, an investigator.

- This is what you want.


This is the way back.

Okay? Right.

- Right? Okay.

- Todd?

- Susan.

- Congratulations.

I heard you were coming aboard.

Thanks. Thank you. Yeah.

Well, it's not a permanent thing.

I'm just covering for the

investigator on maternity leave.

Right. Nadia.

- She had twins.

- Yeah, yeah.

And I'll be around now, so, you know,

if maybe a lunch happens

I mean, we'll be working together,

and you'll need me.


Okay, yeah. That sounds great.

You know, actually, I have

to get to a Zoom, but

I'll see you around.




- Gotta live it up ♪

Gotta be strong ♪

I'm getting on, getting on ♪

Getting on ♪


- WOMAN: Good, right?



- TODD: Hello?

- You look so handsome.

- You look like an accountant.

Thank you. Thank you.

Wait, are you guys going

out to lunch without me?

You have far too many

cases to catch up on.

Now, the ties, the socks,

shirt and belt in that bag

are more professional

than what you're wearing.

We can take it out of

your first paycheck.

And this is your bus pass,

because you are not driving

that jalopy into this building.

Okay? See you soon.

Good luck.

I'm coming up ♪

Get on, get up and ♪

I'm coming up ♪

Getting on ♪

Getting, getting ♪

Oh, get on, get up and ♪

Getting ♪

Get on, get up and ♪

I will wear the shirt,

I will wear the tie,

but I will not take the bus.

Next Episode