04x20 - How Do You Spell Faith?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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04x20 - How Do You Spell Faith?

Post by bunniefuu »

I love school, Tess:

a whole building devoted
entirely to learning.

And I'm all prepared.

I have pens and pencils,

even a spiral notebook and...

Anything in that bag for me?

Ah... So... which one is he?

Right there, baby.

Oh... I feel so bad.

I didn't even notice him.

That happens way
too much around here.

He's even a mystery
to his mother.

Make that especially a
mystery to his mother.



You know, if you don't
start paying attention,

the whole world is
going to knock you down,

even if it's... oh, what's
that word, um, in...



meaning "unintentional"
from the middle Latin...

You know, if you keep this up,

you're not going
to have any friends.

What are you doing here?

You left your
lunch in the truck.

Thanks, Mom.

Don't forget to
stop by the grocery

after school, okay?

Harry has the list.

All you've got to do is
pick the stuff up from him.

Right after school, Aaron.

No excuses.

Well, he may have a
wee bit of a problem

with his mother,
but he certainly

doesn't seem to have
a problem with words.

That boy loves
words. He studies 'em.

He spells 'em. He
memorizes them.

Aaron loves words like most
kids love basketball or football.

That's a good thing.

Well, it's his gift
and his handicap.

You see, angel girl,
words can be used

to express wonderful
thoughts and ideas,

but it can also be used
to hide from the world.

And that's his problem?

Aaron only feels truly connected
to three things in his life:

words, his father,
and over there.

That's Michael.

That's Aaron's brother,
the best wrestler

in Minnesota this
year and a real

local hero here at Olympus.

Hey, you, you
little squirt, huh?

And Aaron's champion

in his life. What do
you got first period?

Oh, that's a good
thing he has a brother

who cares about him that much.

Is that English? He
should be very blessed.

Well, that's true, but things
are about to metamorphose,

and you have to be there,
honey, when it happens.


Starts with an "M,"

and it's from the
Greek "to transform."

Uh, you better get studied up,

because this little boy's

future is at stake,

and to him, spelling counts.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

This is an exciting
time for us, Tess.

All this fuss over a
little wrestling match?

Nothing little about it.

Michael Gibson has put
this town on the map again.

Do you know how
many college recruiters

have been through here
in the past several months?

Well, that's good
for Michael Gibson.

That's good for all of us.

It makes the whole
school look good.

It makes the whole
school feel good.

Success breeds success.

I'll check in with you later.

Congratulations, Aaron Gibson.

You're the first one to
sign up for the spelling bee.

And probably the last.

Nobody ever signs
up for these things.

Well, you just did.

Spelling is the foundation
of communication...

but try telling that

to the illiterati of the school.

Well, I think you
have great potential.

Potential. P-O-T-E-N-T-I-A-L.

A latent excellence that
may or may not be developed.

All right, Davis, hand control.

Take him down! All
right, take him down.

From the hips, boy.
Come on, from the hips!

Right. Close up,
close up, close up!

75%, Gibson.

Save it for the match Friday.

Come on, Michael. Take him down.

Hello. Aaron Gibson?


I'm Monica. I'm
a spelling tutor,

and I'd like to be able
to help you get ready

for the qualification
test on Friday.

I'm already ready.

Who said I need help?

Someone who thought
my loquaciousness

might be an asset.


L-O-Q... L-O-Q-U-A-C-I-

"Talking or tending
to talk much or freely."

Loquaciousness. Good one.

Well, if you're going
to be a spelling tutor,

you need to know how to spell.

I don't mean

to cast aspersions
on your abilities.

I'm sure you're going
to do very well, Aaron.

Just want you to know I'm
here to help if you want it.

I guess it would be fun to
have someone to train with...

kind of like Michael does.

Oh, oh, no. I-I got to go.

All right, Michael!

I figured when Michael's
little brother didn't show up,

I'd better bring these
things over myself.

I didn't want to disrupt
Michael's training schedule.

Thanks, Harry.

So, Friday's the big day, huh?

Last meet before district.

Oh. Going to be the best
champion from Olympus since...

well, since you, Mary. Oh,

that was a long time ago.

My sprinting days are over.

Michael's been a-a
godsend these past two years.

Finally, this town
has got something

to be excited about again.

Well, I sure am proud of him.

Aw, Harry, Oh...

I didn't pay for all this stuff.

Well, I just threw in a few
extra things for Michael

like those yogurt-covered
nuts that he likes.

On the house. Oh, hi, kid.

Thank you, Harry. That was
real sweet. Yeah. See you, Mary.

You see what happens

when you don't pay attention?

Made Harry come all the
way over here out of his way.

I had to come home in mid-shift.

And don't give me that
line about miga... miga...

Mitigating circumstances.

M-I-T-I-G... Stop it, Aaron.

Don't correct your mother.

You know, nobody talks that way.

Monica does. She's helping...

Why don't you get out a
little, get some fresh air?


take the trash out
with you on the way.

I mean, do you
have to just sit around

spelling everything
all the time?

I'm not like you
and Michael, Mom.

I'm xenogeneic.

You're what?

Xenogeneic. X-E-N-O-G-E-N-E-I-C.

Xenogeneic, from the Greek
"Zenos," meaning "foreigners"

and "genic," meaning
"from the genes."

Completely and permanently

different from the parent.

CQ, CQ, CQ. 20 meters to UN3RH.

This is K0XBX.

CQ, CQ, CQ. 20 meters to UN3RH.

This is K0XBX.

CQ, CQ, CQ. 20 meters to UN3RH.

This is K0XBX. You out there?

Reading you, K0XBX.

This is UN3RH.

Hey, Boris.

Hello, Michael Gibson.

How is the famous
American wrestling stuff?

Ready for Olympics?

Indubitably. I-N-D...

Unless my little brother
Aaron screws it up for me.

He's thinking about getting
into this spelling competition,

and it's making Mom crazy.

Knock, knock.

Uh, sorry, got to go.

Got to lose another
pound before Friday.

K0XBX QRT, K0XBX clear.

You okay?

Heard Mom kind of went off
on you this afternoon, huh?


Well, maybe
this'll cheer you up.

You got another one.

From Dad? Wow.

That's two this month already.

I know. He must be thinking
a lot about you these days.

I wish Mom hadn't
driven Dad away.

Things would be a
lot better around here.

Hey... you can't blame Mom.

Believe me, Dad was no picnic.

Yeah, well, at least he doesn't
think I'm a geek like Mom does.

Buddy, she doesn't
think you're a geek.

Yeah, she does...
and she's right.

No way! What are
you talking about?

Hey, you're the
coolest little bro.

All I can do is spell words.

Man, I'd give a million bucks
to be able to spell like you do.



There's a qualifying test

for the Midwest Regional
Spelling Bee this Friday.

Same time as your meet.

That's perfect.

I'll go to mine.
You go to yours.

We'll both come back winners.

I suppose we should get started.

Are you ready?

I am, but I'm not
sure about Aaron.

Well, that's why he's
surrounded by angels.

Wow, this is your big day.

They're not going to abrogate

the results because no one
else showed up, are they?

No. The results will be valid.

It's a written exam, so
you get an individual score

just as if the room were filled.

So, are you ready
to get started?

Go, Aaron! You're
number one, buddy!

Kick some butt!

Sure, I-I'm ready.

"Onomato... poe..."


The making of a word
by imitation of a sound.

That's it.

All done.

One hundred words.

Now, I just need you
to sign along the bottom.

And I'll deliver it myself.

You'll get the
results in a few days.

But I'm sure you
got them all right,

even that onomato... one.

Then what happens?

Well, then you'll qualify

for the Midwest Regional
Spelling Bee Championship.

They're being held
at the state capital.

Do they give you a trophy?

Of course they do.


Excuse me.

Ah, Mrs. Adams.

Aaron, your mother would like
you to come home right away.

I'm going to drive
you home, baby.

What's the matter?

A... a truck,

a drunk driver, hit
Coach Higby's car

on the highway
about an hour ago.

The coach is going
to be fine, but...

your brother, baby,
he didn't survive.

M-Michael's dead?

Yes, he is, baby.

But he died instantly.

He didn't feel any pain.


Aaron, it's time to go.

I told you. I'm not going.

Don't you want to say good-bye?

No! Go away!

Leave him alone if
that's what he wants.

He's a smart boy.

He'll decide on his own.

Michael Gibson
was a great athlete

and a true competitor,

and I loved him as if
he were my own son.

I don't think I have
to tell any of you

the impact that Michael
Gibson had on this town.

He gave us hope.

He gave us a dream.

He gave us something
to all come together for.

I wish it had been
me instead of Michael.

These people
love you, I love you,

for your strength,
your commitment

and your spirit.

And we will miss you.

This Scripture, I think, is such
a perfect choice for Michael.

"Let no man despise thy youth

"but be thou an
example of the believers

"in word, in conversation,
in charity, in spirit,

in faith, in purity."

Go away.

Hello, Aaron.



You've qualified for the
Regional Spelling championship.


So, what?

I know this is a terribly
painful time for you, Aaron,

but you worked so hard for this.

You know, you have the
right to be happy about it.

Don't you get it?

Michael is dead.

Nothing matters, especially
a bunch of stupid words.

Words are life, Aaron.

Don't you see?

You know, you speak,

and you give birth
to your thoughts.

And you send them
out into the universe

and suddenly they have power.

In the beginning,
there was the Word.

You know, did you notice
that God never did anything

without putting
it into words first?

"Let there be light," He
said, and there was light.

He spoke the entire
world into existence,

and you can be sure

He knew how to
spell all the words, too.

God has given you
a precious gift, Aaron,

the gift of language and words

and the power
that goes with them.

He wants you to use that gift.

So does Michael.

Spelling isn't going
to bring Michael back.

The team wants to
skip the district meet.

Nobody has the heart
for it without Michael.

That kid was something.

What a shame.

Why did it have to be
Michael, of all people?

We ought to do something
to remember him.

Michael was such a
remarkable young man.

We were trying to figure
out a way to honor him.

How do you feel about a
scholarship in Michael's name?

You mean to help
another athlete?

I think Michael
would've liked that.


It's the least we
could do, Mary.

Now, I made a lot of food,

and I put it in the freezer.

You just make sure you eat it

because it's not going
to do you any good

not to take care of
yourself right now.

Thanks, Tess.

How is Aaron doing?

He's handling this the
way he handles everything...

By himself.

Just like his father.

Well, his tutor, Monica,
said that he qualified

for the Regional Spelling
Bee Championships.

Spelling bee championships?

Well, I know this
is an awkward time,

but your son got the highest
score of all the contestants.




I'm going upstairs.

I just don't know how
to get through to him.

That's rough, Michael.

Little Aaron gone.

I can't believe it.

Yeah, so, uh, I-I got
to get going, Ramon,

and you're probably not going
to hear from me for a while.

Where are you going to go?

As far as I can.

K0XBX QRT, K0XBX clear.


How you doing, Mary?

Keeping busy.

You need something, Tess?

I want to talk to you
about your other son.

Aaron's a smart kid.

He'll be all right.

Yes, he is smart,

but brains have nothing
to do with the heart,

and Aaron's heart is just
as broken as yours right now.

I know, but he doesn't share
those things with me, so...

He's got school,
and I've got work...

and we'll get through it.

Well... he didn't show
up at school today.

Hey! You need a cab?

Hey, you look familiar.

That could be. I get around.

Hop in.

Okay, so, do you want
to... just keep driving around

or do you remember
where it is you want to go?

I-I don't know yet.

Do you have to
keep asking me that?

Oh, no, no. I could... I
could sing, if you want.

You know, I do a great
rendition of "Danny Boy."

Rendition. R-E-N-D-I-T-I-O-N.

From the old French,
"rendre... to give back."

So, a fellow connoisseur
of linguistics, huh?

I used to be.

You reinventing yourself?


I'm going to start over.

That's why I'm
going to see my dad.

He'll appreciate whatever I do.

Always does.

Okay, then Dad's it is.

What's the address?

Uh, maybe we should
get something to eat first.

Okay, you're the boss.


You had a... burger...

extra ketchup,
no pickles, right?


So, um... it's been a while
since you've seen your dad, huh?



He left when I was just a kid,

but he writes me
letters all the time.

I have most of 'em in my bag.



Looks like somebody
cares a lot about you.

Yeah, he's proud of me.

He understands.

He's the only one left who does.

But Mom, uh... she
doesn't get it, huh?


Just my dad and
my brother Michael.

My mom only cares
about Michael...

and-and he died.

You know, um...

it can be pretty
rough on a family,

you know, to lose
somebody like that,

but I'm sure that your
mom cares about you, too.

Doesn't matter anymore.

Right, because...
we are on our way

to start a life, yeah?

My name is, uh,
Andrew, by the way.



1847. That ought to
be on the right side.

This can't be right.

This is the address, Aaron.

This is it.

I don't understand.

How could this be
where my father lives?

Well... your father
doesn't live here.

But the letters he sent...

Well, why would he lie to me?

See, this is the address
he puts on the envelopes...

like last year, when he
sent me my dictionary.

And this one came
a couple months

after I got beat
up after school.

And I got this one

right after my mom and
I had a big fight about...

How'd he always know
about those things?

Um... Look at these...
these postmarks:

Brainerd, Minnesota...

Great Falls, Eau Claire.

These are all the places where
Michael had his away meets.

Dad must've been going
to Michael's matches.

Well, Aaron, maybe...

maybe your dad didn't
go to Michael's matches.

What do you mean?

Take a look at the handwriting.

Now, does that look like your
dad's handwriting, or maybe...


You know, buddy, maybe...

maybe your brother
loved you so much

that he tried to
give you something

that he thought that you wanted.

Maybe Michael
wrote those letters

and he signed
your dad's name to it

because he loved you
that much, that no matter

how busy he was or
how successful he was,

he always had time
for his little brother.

He wrote these letters.

My father never cared about me.

Look, I know this
is tough for you.

You know, you-you have
had a lot of loss in your life,

and now this-this is like
losing your dad all over again,

but I'll tell you something.

It is okay to be angry.

No, I'm not angry.

Everything is copacetic.

C-O-P-A-C... I
think you are angry.

You got to do
something to-to let it out

because if you don't, it
just... it just eats you up inside.

I mean, you've lost your dad.

You've lost your brother.
Don't lose yourself.


One who lies.



Aaron... Hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey, look.

I know... I know that you're
hurting really, really bad,

but sooner or later

you're going to have to
deal with these feelings.


B-E-T-R-A... Listen to me.

You need to go home.

You and your mother,
you can work this out.

I know you can.

So, come on.

Get in the car.

I'll take you home.


You are making me dizzy.

Well, this is what I do
when I'm upset, Tess.

I run.

I put on my track
shoes, and I run

until I can't think anymore.

That's what I did
when Ed left me.

That's what I did after
Michael was k*lled.

Well, it's time to stop running.

I don't know how.

Oh, Aaron!


Welcome home, baby.

Thank you. Thanks.

Where have you been?

I went to see Dad
in Minneapolis.

Of all the stupid things.

What made you think
that he was in Minneapolis?

Empirical evidence.

E-M... Stop it, Aaron!

The letters.

You mean like this one?

It's mine.

It's addressed to me.

Who is it from?


Michael wrote them.

He wrote them; he signed them

"from Dad," and
he sent them to me.


Because you
didn't believe in me.

I believe in you.

No, you don't; you
believe in Michael.

Well, there are a lot of people

who do believe in you, Aaron.

In fact, they've decided

to give the Michael Gibson
scholarship money to you

to pay your way
to the state capital

for the Midwest Spelling
Bee Championships.

I'm not going to that
stupid spelling bee.

Wait a minute, Aaron.

That's not the same little
boy that took such joy in words.

We're losing him.

I don't know what to say to him.

I never know what to say to him.

I know that parents

aren't supposed to
have favorites, but...

God help me, Michael was mine.

No, he wasn't.

You just connected with Michael
'cause he was most like you.

No. It's more than that.

You want to know the real truth?

Every time I look at Aaron,
I see my ex-husband, Ed.

He looks just like him.

He acts just like him.
He even dreams like him.

Ed always had his
nose stuck in a book, too.

Maybe I wasn't
smart enough for Ed.

What if I'm not smart
enough for my son?

What's going on here?

I am an angel.

I'm sent by God to
bring you one word: truth.

Oh, God, have I
completely lost my mind?

No, baby, you
just lost your way,

and God wants to help
you get back on track.

Aaron and I are
just different, Tess,

like Ed and I were different.

They're students.

Michael and I were athletes.

I've never known
how to get through

to somebody like
that; I never have.

Well, for starters,

you could stop looking
for the differences,

and try to find some
common ground.

And you better do it quick
because if you keep running,

you're going to run
right past your son.

I'm not good with
words like Aaron is.

Oh, baby, this is not about
who's smarter than who.

And this is not about who
knows the most words.

This is about a little
boy that needs his mama,

and you're the
only one he's got.

And you want to
know something else?

He's all you've got.

And whether you know
it or not, God loves you,

and so does this little boy.

He may not be able to say it,

but he spells it out to
you every day: L-O-V-E.

Love, baby, love. Love.


Can you hear me?

Well, I know you can,

so I'm just going
to go ahead and say

what I'm going to say.

I'm sorry, Aaron.

I guess I haven't been a
very good mother to you

a lot of the time.

But, honey, I never
meant to make you feel

like you weren't important.

I'm just not good with
words, Aaron... not like you.

See, you know how to do
something that I can't do,

and that scared me,
'cause I was afraid

that you wouldn't
respect me or love me.

But I guess...

maybe it's okay for
kids to know something

that their parents don't know.

Maybe we could even
learn from each other.

I know you're pretty
upset with me right now,

and I don't blame you.

I just want you to
know that I love you...

and that I am real
proud of who you are.

Hi, Aaron, it's Andrew.

Andrew, your
friendly cab driver.


Aaron, I know that you're there,
and I have a message for you.

Don't be frightened, Aaron,

but this message is
going to come through

one way or another.

You know why?

'Cause it's being sent by God.

K0XBX clear.

Do you believe in angels?



Aaron... there is a
time for everything.

There's a time to live.

There's a time to die.

There's a time to spell,

and there's a time
to stop spelling...

and stop doing anything,

anything that stands in the way

of letting you feel what
it is that you need to feel.

In the car, with Michael,

i-in the back
seat... that was you.


I was with your
brother when he died.

Take me to him?

I can't do that.

I'm here to help you live.

You didn't help Michael.

Yes, I did.

I helped Michael get to where
it was that he needed to go,

and I'm here to help
you do the same.

Did you read the last letter

that Michael sent you?





It's the truth.

These are the words that
Michael wanted to share with you.

"Hey, Aaron...

"I just wanted to
drop you a quick note

"to tell you to knock 'em
dead at the spelling bee.

"I know you'll do it.

"You're the smartest kid

"I know... but you know what?

"Winning a spelling bee

"just means you're
a good speller

"like winning

"a wrestling match only
means you can wrestle.

"You're more than that, Aaron.

"You're a great kid,

"and I'm proud of
you, really proud.

I wish I could be
there to see it."



God will never abandon you.

He will never leave
you or forsake you.

That's the difference
between God and people.

People... sometimes,
they let you down,

but God never will...

because he loves you perfectly,




God really loves you.

To him, you are
His beautiful child.

Let Him be your father

and your brother
and your friend now,

and trust Him
with all those things

that frighten you
and all those things

that-that hurt you.

And also trust Him with your
hopes and your-your dreams.

He just wants to be the
best friend you've ever had.

God likes me?

Yeah. A lot.

He thinks you're a great kid.


I'm so sorry, Aaron.

Me, too.

And do you know...
how proud of you I am?

Even if I'm never going
to be any good at sports?

Well, I'm never going to
be a champion speller...

but I sure love you.

I love you... with
all of my heart.

I love you, too, Mom.

The word is "gangue."

Easy. G-A-N-G. g*ng.

No. Always ask for
the derivation, Aaron.

This gangue is
French, from the Greek.

Okay, so... it's G-A-N-G-U-E.

Yes, that's right.

Should we try another one?

You're going to come
with me to the finals, right?

No, I'm not... but
there's someone else

who's asked
permission to be there.



And I'll be waiting right here

for you when you come back.

I'm so proud of you.

C-Y-A-N. Cyan.

That is correct.

Quiet, quiet, please.

Charlie, the next
word is "quintessence."




I'm sorry. That is incorrect.



Q-U-I-N-T-E... S-S-E-N-C-E.


That is correct.

Aaron Gibson.

Now, take your time, Aaron.

The word is "Kazakhstan."




That is correct.

Yeah, baby!

We're down to our two finalists.

One of you will be the next
Midwest regional champion.

All right, Laurie,

are you ready for your word?

The word is "saponaceous."


S-A-P... O-N... A-C-I-O-U-S.


I'm sorry. That is incorrect.


If you get this word correct
and can spell the next word,

you will be our next champion.

You can do it. You can do it.

The word is "saponaceous."

F-From the Latin?



S-A-P... O-N... A... C-E-O-U-S.


That is correct.


Aaron, if you get
this word correct,

you will be our new champion.

Are you ready, Aaron?

For the championship,
the word is...


M-May I have the
derivation, please?

From the French: "the
state of reconciliation,

to make friendly again
after an estrangement."


R-A-P-P... R...


Monica, I remembered

what you said; I
remembered to ask

for the derivation, but
then I was so nervous,

I couldn't remember if
it was O-A or O-C-H-E.

So what did you do?

I asked God to help me.

And God came through.

Just like He always does.

Oh, that's so great.

Oh, that's great.

That's the trophy.

My mom was pretty
proud of me, huh?
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