04x06 - The Pact

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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04x06 - The Pact

Post by bunniefuu »


Another mosquito.

You know, I thought that
camping was supposed to be fun.

It is.

I'd take it over
New York right now.

Ah, are you headed
to New York then?

Yeah. Tough case.

Got a depressed
securities executive.

He wants to quit his job

and run a little coffee
wagon in Central Park.


It's primo Colombian.

Ah... I love New York.

The energy, the excitement.

I've had some fascinating
assignments there.

It's okay.

Personally, I'm kind of tired
of the city life for a while.

Wouldn't it be
lovely if we could...

Switch assignments?

Tess would k*ll us.

Hey, an angel's an angel.

What's the difference?

You know, that's true,
and she was saying to me,

just the other
day, that I should

show more initiative
in certain situations.

His name's Max.

Made a bundle

in the stock market,
didn't make him happy.

I get it.

Full bank account, empty soul.

You know, maybe I could...

Come on, Angel Boy.

Come on.

You're dragging your feet.

Right up your alley.

Go on.

I'll take care of Tess.

Come on, Angel Boy.

We don't want to miss the bus.

I'm coming.

Tess, can an angel get a hernia?

Oh, come on. Here they come now.

Where's Monica?

Rafael, what are you doing here?

Hold it, hold it.

Hey, babies.

Hey, babies.

How ya doing, babies.

Hey, babies.

When do the boys'
buses get here?

Boys' bus?! This
is a girls' camp.

Where in the world is Monica?

You know something
you're not telling me.

Ah, well, it's like this.

I've kind of been the inner
city angel recently, right? And...

and Monica missed
New York, so...

The coffee guy in
Central Park, right?

Didn't think it mattered.

Does it?

Oh, no.

It doesn't matter.

It's just that

the Almighty God of the
Universe, He had a plan.

A little life-or-death

in order to alter

the course of human events.

And He expected it to
be carried out, that's all.

Where'd you get this?

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Well, this just beats all.

Well, when I heard camp,

I thought it was
girls' and boys' camp.

You know, your
typical, you know, camp.

There's nothing typical
about this place, Rafael.

Can we do this without Monica?

No. I'm going to get
her sent back down here.

And I go to New York.

No, you stay right here.

I got plans for you.

Hey, Nikki, bring
over the newbies.

Newbies carry our bags.

I said, newbies carry our bags.

Carry your own bags.

Well, when you've been
coming here for five years,

then you can call the sh*ts.

Let's just carry
the stupid bags.

Why start trouble?

Don't drag it.

And freaky-haired person,
watch the expensive leather.

Ooh, babe alert, 12:00.

I've seen better.

Yeah, right.

Tess, when are we
going to tell Rafael?

When the right time comes.

Come on, ladies. No
dawdling now. Come on.

All right, listen up.

See the towels on your bunks?

Fork 'em over. Newbies drip dry.

And you guys make our beds every
morning and clean the bathroom.

Those are stupid rules.

Are you going to be a problem?

'Cause problems have a
way of solving themselves

in really ugly ways.

You know what? Who cares?

Let them hog the room.

Just remember, this
half is a newbie-free zone,

and if we catch any of
you over here, you'll pay.

Oh, like I'm afraid of you?

Do I hear back talk?

Nikki, tell us what happens

to newbies who back talk.

Now here's your clipboard
and your schedule.

You got swimming at
noon, archery at 2:00,

and, at 4:00, there's
a camp meeting.

And remember, this case
is all about being positive.

Lord knows I'm doing my best.

Oh, Tess, I just wanted to
say I'm really sorry about this.

Rafael, God can
make anything work,

and I have a feeling
that He is going

to take your terribly
stupid, idiotic,

irresponsible error in judgment

and turn it into
something beautiful.

Have I made myself
clear? Yes, ma'am.

Now there's something
else you need to know.

Those losers have
a serious problem.

Use this often.

You totally destroyed this.

Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry.

I thought the deluxe

thrift shop model came
in the pre-trashed look.

I have an idea.

Let's see how well
the Italian leather flies.

You'd better not! Give it to me!


Please, please tell me that
you are our camp counselor.

Your counselor's on her way.

Her name is Monica,
but for now you got me.

We can live with that.

What's your name?

I'm Melanie.

Hi, Melanie. I'm Rafael.

Okay, so which
one of you is Nikki?

Nikki is in the house.


You must be Erin, huh?

In her dreams.

I'm Kim.

Hi, I'm... I'm Abby Fontaine.

Is there any chance
of changing rooms?

No, nobody's going
to be changing rooms.

We want to make this

a summer that you will remember

for the rest of your lives.

You worry about the summer part,

we'll worry about
the rest of our lives.

Ah, you must be Erin.

All right, Nikki, good job.

How was I, other than great?

Oh, other than great,
you were excellent.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

That Andrew can
save my life any day.

He's cute, huh?

I didn't notice.

Yeah, right.


Who are you, and
where's your suit?

I'm Erin, and I don't swim.

You don't or you can't?

Like I'm really going to get
in there with all those people

and splash around like a loser.

Oh, okay.

So what if I could
arrange a private lesson?

Would you try it?


Well, maybe's better than no.

Hey, I'm going to
need a volunteer.

I will, I will.

Melanie, how about you?


I never volunteer, either.

Come on up here.

Us non-volunteers can hang out.

Now, CPR is a
very valuable skill.

What could be more important

than the ability to
save somebody's life?

That's a beautiful bracelet.

My grandfather made it for me.

In Mexico?

In Mexico, yes.

Habla espanol?

I don't speak Spanish.
Well, that's too bad.

It's such a beautiful language.

I wouldn't know.

Well, maybe I can
help you find out.

My name is Tess, and for
those of you I haven't met,

I am the activities
director here at the camp.

We've got a talent show
lined up, and we going to sing,

and we going to dance, and
we going to have plenty fun.

Now I want to see
how much spirit we have

in the camp this
year, so, when I say,

have you got the spirit, I
want to hear from you, okay?

Have you got the spirit?

All right, now this side.

Who you lookin' for?

Have you got the spirit? Nobody.

Nobody. I thought
his name was Andrew.

Shut up.

Now, I want to see
how you use that spirit

to sing the camp song.

If you don't know it,
don't worry about it.

It's very simple. Just
listen and you'll get it.

♪ If you're happy at Camp
Sunlight, clap your hands ♪

♪ If you're happy at Camp
Sunlight clap your hands ♪

♪ If you're happy
and you know it ♪

♪ And you're not
afraid to show it ♪

♪ If you're happy at Camp
Sunlight, clap your hands ♪

♪ If you're happy at Camp
Sunlight, stomp your feet ♪

♪ If you're happy at Camp
Sunlight, stomp your feet... ♪

Hey, you made it.

♪ If you're happy
and you know it ♪

♪ And you're not
afraid to show it... ♪

Look, I'm really
sorry about all this.

How mad is Tess?

Well, I wouldn't be
asking for vacation time.

There's your group.

Thank you.

Another year of
that stupid song.

Yeah, I leave
now or I fall asleep.

Let's go.

Hi there. I'm Monica.

I'm your new counselor.

Yeah, well, thanks
for dropping in, Monica,

but we're going to The Face.

The Face? Whose face?

It's not a face. It's a
rock shaped like a face.

Yeah, we go there

to hang out and
paint names on it.

Names of the girls who
were here last summer,

but didn't make it
back this summer.

That sounds nice.

Yeah, real nice.

Girls, wait.

If something is bothering you,

you know, we
could talk about it.

Listen, Monica, we've had
bleeding heart counselors

like you before.

You all think you know
what's bothering us,

but you don't.

See what I mean?

Tough crowd.

Hostile. Negative, too.

I thought that being at camp

was supposed to be
a positive experience.

Well, that's exactly
right, babies.

That's the name of the
game around here: positive.

Just like all these
girls are positive.

They are HIV positive.

I thought they were
just ordinary kids.

They are ordinary kids.

But they have AIDS.

Well, not all of them.

Some of them just
have the virus so far,

and then some of
them, a few of them,

have been showing
symptoms of AIDS,

and then some of them...

well, the friends they had
last year didn't make it back.

It's no wonder Erin is so angry.

Well, they're all angry and
frightened and confused.

It's hard enough to be a
teenager without all this.

I had no idea about any of this.

I'm sorry.

You should be.

And here's the thing that
you need to know most...

It doesn't matter that
they're HIV-positive up here.

I should think that it
matters very much.

Oh, no, no, no.
No, no, no, I get it.

This is the one place where they
can be just like everybody else.

Nobody stares at them,
nobody's afraid of 'em.

Well, why aren't there
more angels at this camp?

I mean, shouldn't there
be one in every room?

There will be an angel
in and out of the lives

of every girl in this camp,

but the girls in the Aspen
room need angels now,

because hope is dying in there,

and when you're hopeless,
you're capable of doing anything.

Come on, Rafael, I
got work for you to do.

Okay, so some of you will be
taking medication twice a day,

and some three times,

but I guess you
already knew that, huh?

Rafael is working down
at the infirmary now

and, and he wanted you to know

that he'll still be available
to you for anything at all,

even, you know, if it's just

a cut or a bruise.


have you ever been a
camp counselor before?

No, but I have worked
with a lot of young people.

Yeah, but did they ever die?

Yes, some did.


Last but not least.

Here you go.

I'm going to return
these to the infirmary,

and when I get back, it's
time for lights out, okay?



I missed you at the pool.

Well, I wasn't in the
mood to drown today.

I'm not gonna let
anything happen to you.

Well, you're too late.

I'm already dying
and there's nothing

anybody can do about it.

Tell me something, Erin...

what do you think about dying?



no one's really come right
out and asked me that before.

People like to pretend it's
not really gonna happen.

I'm not like most people.

I've been watching you.

Do I know you from somewhere?

Um, well, I do a lot of work

at St. Sebastian's Hospital.

I've been in St. Sebastian's.

I knew I knew you.

And now we're here
together at camp.

Wouldn't that
be cool if it's, like,

God's way of telling
us something?

You know, Erin...

I don't know what God's
plan is, but I do know this.

I know that you are a
very beautiful young woman

with a lot of life to live,

and I don't think you
should spend so much time

worrying about death.

There is so much research
now, there's so much hope,

and look how long
you've lived already.

Yeah, but even
that's really scary now.


I knew this one girl,

and, one day, she was painting

some dead girl's
name on The Face,

and then, two weeks later,
her own name was up there.

Well, it usually doesn't
happen that quickly.

But it can.

And I'm so afraid that...

I've never really told
anyone before, but..

So tell me.

I'm afraid that...

one night, I'll
be lying all alone

in some hospital somewhere,

and my mom will have gone home,

and the nurses
will be down the hall

drinking their
coffee or whatever,

and just like that,
I'll die... all alone.

Erin... when that time comes,

you will not be alone.

Okay, roll call.

Amy Fields, Tracy
Burke, Lisa Wittenour,

Susie Miller.

Are you crazy?

How can you put your
name on the face now?

Everyone on there is dead, Erin.

It just totally creeps me out

to see your name on it.

But I'm not afraid
of dying any more.

What are you talking about?

You'll find out.


Hey, where you
going in such a hurry?

Um, I'm meeting
Abby at the barn.

Okay, right after I put some
ointment on that, all right?

I can't.

I bet you can.

I just wish someone
would touch me

without those stupid gloves on.

I know.

Everybody's worried
about your health

and not about your heart.

I thought you didn't
speak Spanish.

I guess I remember a little.

It's been a long time.

My mama, she spoke Spanish.

Not any more?

She didn't know
she was infected,

and we were both infected.

She died when I was five,

and after that, there
was no more Spanish.

You must miss her very much.

She used to sing to me.

It was a Spanish lullaby.

There were words in it like, uh,

"niña linda."

Pretty baby.

I can't remember the song.

I can't remember her.

I just remember feeling safe.

I know some Spanish songs.

How 'bout this? Was it a C?

How 'bout a D?

I don't know.

It's hard.

I mean, it sounds nice,

but it's not the song.

Thanks anyway.

Just choke up a little, huh?

I can't do this.

You just did it.

Keep that up.

Come on, Melanie.

Melanie! Take it easy.

Keep your eye on the ball.

Come on. Yeah,

come and make an out fast
so we can get out of here.

Erin, this game isn't
over until it's over.

Monica, we're down 12
to nothing in the last inning.

This game is over.

Oh, that's okay, Melanie!

Don't worry about it.

Come on, Melanie!

It only takes one to hit it.


You know, whether
you win or lose this game

is not important.

That you learn to work together

and support each other
through difficult times,

that's what matters.

Oh, that's okay.

It's all right.
Good try, Melanie.


Don't worry about it.

Good try.

Come on, Kim, you can do it!

Come on, easy out.

Come on!




Kim? Kim?

Call an ambulance.

Watch out.

Making us just lie
here is so insane.

Like a nap would have
really saved Kim's life.

Nobody said she was dead.

Make a mental note.

If you're coming back,
they don't strip the bed.

Hey, great news!

The hospital telephoned,

and Kim seems to
be holding her own.

I, um...

I thought maybe we
could start planning

the talent show.

You know, there's
a strong possibility

Kim could be back
in time to see it.

Yeah, and if we clap

really hard, maybe Tinkerbell
will come back to life.

I used to sing.

Maybe we could do
a song for the show.

That's great.

You know, perhaps we could
put new words to an old tune.

Do you all know "She'll Be
Comin' Around the Mountain"?

It's a really rousing melody.

Oh, I... I could make costumes.

I don't do blimpwear,

but I do sing a little.

Hey, now you're talkin'.

♪ She'll be singin' ♪

♪ Stupid camp songs
when she dies. ♪

Erin, please.

Everyone in this
room is going to die

at some time or other.

I don't know when,
I don't know how,

but I know that you
owe it to yourself

to at least enjoy the
time you've been given.

I want to help you,

but it's up to you whether
you'll let me do that.

If you need more feathers
or beads, just holler out.

And if you need a swift

kick in the behind, I
can supply that also.

Abby, you got a phone call.

Okay, um...

Thanks. Mm-hmm.

Hello. Hi, Mom!
I... I know, but...

just because Kim got

sick doesn't mean I
have to come home.

I'm fine here.

God, Mom! You

can't just lock me in my
room until the day I die.

But I'm not dead yet!

And I'm not taking
chances. I'm having fun.

Mom... please...
Don't... don't cry.


Just don't cry.


She's coming Friday
morning to pick me up.

Do you know what that means?

Do you know what that means?

That means that we've got

a whole day and
a half to have fun.

Come on, we gonna
make us something...

Don't cry, my darling.

We gonna make
us something pretty.

Some of these songs
have "ñina linda" in it,

but the other
words aren't familiar.

This is pointless.

My song died with my mom.

Melanie, the words will come
when you need them most.

Everybody says stuff like that!

"Things will work out, Melanie."

"Things will be okay, Melanie."

I thought you were different.

I am.

People say things will be okay,

but I know that they will.

You see, Melanie, if
you can find something

as impossible to find
as this forgotten song,

maybe you can find all of
the other things in your life

that you thought
were missing, too.

Once you've seen one
miracle, you would be amazed

at all of the others
that you start seeing.

It's just a stupid song.

It doesn't matter...
Just like everything else.

I give up.


Oh, so, uh...

this is... this is what
you wanted to show me?

Well, it wasn't easy,

but you are always saying,
"Close your eyes and jump in."

I don't... I don't
know what to say.

I'm... I'm... I'm
very flattered, but...

But what?

You don't like me?

Erin, I do like you.

You know I like you
but, you know, you...

you don't, um... you
don't understand.

Oh, I understand.

No one wants to love
someone who's just gonna die.

That is not true.

You are a very, very
special girl with a lot

of love to give to somebody.

But not you, right?


But there is someone
out there for you,

and you'll meet him one day.

I don't have a lot of days left.


Please leave.

Erin... Please... leave.

What happened?

He's history.

Well, he needed
a haircut anyway.

So you want some help?


I guess we should paint
Kim's name on, huh?

I bet Kim never thought

that this summer
would be her last.

I hate not knowing.

Yeah. Me, too.

We could know.

What are you talking about?

When we're gonna die.

We could know.

We could not.

Could too.

We could pick the time.

Pick the day.

No surprises.

Go out on our own terms.

You mean k*ll ourselves?

I mean, we make a pact.

Take charge of our lives.


Here at camp.

What are we waiting for?

You're just gonna go home

tomorrow and watch everyone
watch you waiting to get sick.

Are you crazy?

Think about it, Nik.

The only time we're
ever really alive any more

is here at camp.

There's going to be a cure soon.

Yeah, that's what they
told Lisa Wittenour,

and Tracy, and Amy,
and Devon, and all the rest.

And what if they
do figure out a way

to keep us alive
a little longer?

What are we staying
alive a little longer for?

I am so sick of all
the looks and stares

and the people that
can't breathe around me

or shake my hand, let
alone hug me or kiss me,

and the only people
that really want to hug me

are usually crying
when they do it.

I can't even dream
of having a boyfriend.

I don't know about
you, but it kills me.

It kills me.

At least, this way, I go my way.

Looking pretty good,
feeling pretty good,

where I want to be...

And I don't have to go alone.

And neither do any of you.

So who's with me?

You know, we'll
talk about irony.

We could actually k*ll ourselves

with the same stupid pills

that are supposed to
keep us alive... sort of.


We can do it.

We just combine
the right medications

and we make a k*ller cocktail.

I mean...

I've already downloaded
the recipe into my journal.

You've been holding out on us.


I've tried to do it
a thousand times,

but I just kind of
chickened out, you know?

Yeah, well, who
wants to die alone?

None of us.

That's the whole point.

No, I think now, with you guys,

I might actually
be able to do it.

Melanie, have you decided yet?

I'm still thinking.

It's not an easy decision.

Yeah, well, what's
easier, living like this?

It's not about easy or hard.

It's about what's right.

I wanna do the right thing.

What you want is a miracle,

and they don't happen anymore.

Go ahead and wait

for one if you want,
just don't rat us out.

You know, if I'm gonna do this,

I have stuff I've
got to do first.

Ooh, I'm gonna wear
my white linen dress

and my white platform sandals.

You know, we should
leave a note or a letter...

Something totally memorable.

Okay, now we have access

to all the pills
for the cocktail,

but first we've got
to get by Rafael.

That won't be a problem.


isn't your rash
bothering you again?

Not really.

Oh, I think it is.


Umm, I think my
rash is coming back.

All right, let's try
some more ointment.

Come on into the examining room

and we'll take a look.

It's locked.


It'll take about two weeks

to clear it up, all right?

All right, so I'll see
you in the morning.

I'm sorry about what I
said to you about the song.


I was wondering, did
you happen to find it?

Not yet.

I'm still looking.




You look good.

But you always said I was a
freaky-haired geek with no style.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry
I said all that stuff.

You look beautiful.

We all look beautiful.

Okay, okay.

Oh, God... I really
don't want to do this.

Don't lose hope, my friend.

We brought a miracle.

It's a little one, but
it might be enough.

It's my song.

Don't you hear it?

What are you doing?

It's a Spanish
lullaby about a baby

who'll always be taken
care of by its mom.

I never thought
I'd hear it again.

It's a miracle.

I can't do this.

Fine. She's out.

Any other chickens here?

So now we have to hurry
before she rats on us all.

Where's that light coming from?

It's from Heaven.

I'm an angel, sent by God,
to be with you at this moment.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

So God really is up there?

God is here, and He loves
you, and He wants you to live,

but only you have the
power to make that choice.

Your life is a gift from God,

but He can't live it for you.

But you don't know
what it's like, Monica.

No one lets us have a life.

All we are is a disease,
and we're tired of it.

But you made a
pact to be together,

and God wants you to keep it.

Our pact was to die.

God has a plan for your life.

There is a reason
for you to be living,

and if you take your own life

too soon, then
you'll never know.

You'll never find out
what that reason is.

Each one of you has
a reason to be living.

Living with, not
dying from AIDS.

But what if I'm more scared
of living than I am of dying?

Oh, Erin,

every single human
being wakes up

every single morning not
knowing whether they're going

to live or die that day.

But I do... and
today is not your day.

Why doesn't He
just make us better?

Yeah, why can't
that be the plan?

I know this is hard
for you to understand.

Many people

don't like to hear it and
most people can't accept it,

but I want you to try,
just for a moment, please.

God is able to heal
everything and everyone.

He made your bodies and He
can heal your bodies from disease.

But your bodies were created

to be the temples of
something much more precious

than physical
life... Your spirits.

The true you, the souls of Nikki

and Abby and Erin...

That's where the
real life is to be found,

and that's what God
wants to heal today.

He's so sorry

and so sad that
this terrible disease

may take you from the
earth one day, but nothing...

Nothing... Will ever
take you from God.

On this side you have death,

and on this side you have life,

and God wants you to chose life.



That's okay.

I'll just die alone.


It doesn't matter for me, Erin.

I already have lymphoma.

I'm not gonna be
here next summer.

Nikki, why didn't you tell me?

Because... who needs
another sad good-bye?

Erin, you've been
a leader in death.

Now be a leader in life.

Nikki, you can't die now.

None of us can, because someday

there's gonna be a cure,

and we'll all be here
when they do find one.

You can fight lymphoma.

It'll be rough,
but I'll help you.

But you gotta try...

'cause you're my best friend.

I don't know if we'll ever see
another angel here on earth,

but at least we know
that they'll be there

when God says it's time to go.

An angel?


So, is God mad at me?


God loves you.

I almost did it... then
I heard the words.

Why did I remember the words?

Your mother wanted
you to hear them again.

She did?

Your mother's love
is always with you.

You just have to
let yourself feel it.

It hurts too much.

It hurts more to forget.

We missed the show.

Yeah, and I heard there was

a pretty big one out there
on The Face tonight, too.

Oh, yeah! I mean,

the big light show,
special effects.

Well, tonight's
been full of surprises,

and I've got one of my own.

Look at this.

If nobody says anything,
I'm gonna start to cry.

Come here.

What if Kim came
back and we were gone?

Then I guess we
made the right choice.

Yeah, I guess we did.

She lives!

And so do we.

Why did Melanie
want to do this outside?

So God could have the
best seat in the house.

And that He has, baby.

This is a song that my
mother used to sing to me

when I was scared.

It was her song of hope.

♪ Duérmete niño linda ♪

♪ En los brazos del amor ♪

♪ Que te arrolla tu madre ♪

♪ Cantándote alarru ♪

♪ Alarru, alame ♪

♪ Alarru, alame ♪

♪ Alarru, alarru, alame ♪

♪ Oh, hush, my pretty baby ♪

♪ Sleeping in the arms of love ♪

♪ Now your mother sings you ♪

♪ A lullaby from above ♪

♪ Alarru, alame ♪

♪ Alarru, alame ♪

♪ Alarru, alarru, alame. ♪
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