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05x01 - The Senior Citizens' Outing

Posted: 04/28/23 18:59
by bunniefuu
( Theme music playing )

A bit more this way.

A little higher.

And straighter.

Yes, that'll do.

- Let's have the drawing pins.

- You said bring the poster.

You didn't say anything about drawing pins.

Well, I'll hold I and you can fetch them.

- That's very charitable.

- It's my profession.

Do you think sheridan's voice is changing? It's still asking for money, I know that.

I think it's getting deeper.

In debt.

I hope he won't go any lower than tenor.

I'd like to think his voice will blend with mommy's when he comes home.

- Blow your horn, richard.

- What for? This old lady on the pavement.

You must warn her you're coming.

( Honks )

Couldn't you blow your horn in a more refined way, dear? I always think you can tell a gentleman by the way he blows his horn.

Oh, look! There's the vicar putting up a poster.

I wonder what it is.

Pull into the church car park, dear.

- That took you a long time.

- If you wanted faster drawing pins, you should have fetched them yourself.

Hyacinth: ah! There you are, vicar! Oh no, it's the bucket woman.

Don't let the bucket woman volunteer! It's up to you to stop her.

How can I stop her? Think of something! You can't go through life fetching drawing pins.

- Good morning, vicar.

- Good morning.

What have we here? Oh! Volunteers needed.

Just taking it down, mrs.



" Been a wonderful response.

We have all the volunteers we need.

"To care for a senior citizen.

" No, no, no, vicar.

I have a father in that category, dear daddy.

I'm an expert, you see, so put me down.

I think this'll be suitable.

For wearing in bed? For tomorrow's outing.

The seaside with the senior citizens.

I thought if I wore something striking they'll always know where I am.

I shall be like a beacon for them.

And for the local shipping, I should think.

It's brand new, dear, I've hardly worn it.

I'm not surprised.

Now then, let me see.

We shall need a head coun as soon as our flock appears.

I'll leave that to you, dear, you're good at figures.

There'll be complaints if we mislay even one senior citizen.

"Head count.

" Shh! Father is sitting by his bed with his bucket and spade.

Have you told him he's not going to the seaside till the morning? I've told him! But he says he's much too excited to sleep.

More than can be said for some people.

I got excited on your birthday! How often am I supposed to get excited? You're in early, our rose.

I thought you had a date? I've had a date.

But mr.

Ripley has to be in early.

- Why, when he's on a date?

- Oh, it's not his idea.

- Who's idea is it?

- Mrs.


Ooh, "life among the primitives"


- Terrifying.

The things they do to you when you're 14 or thereabouts.

Sounds like arnold street.

You have to go through all sorts of physical torments.

Supposed to prove your manhood.

Sounds like a perfectly good idea to me.

Hadn't you better go and put your father to bed? I bet when I get back, you'll be asleep.

I'll give I a damned good try, daise.

Do you have this trouble with mr.

Ripley? Worse! He's always go one eye on his watch.

Ooh, I do hate I when they tell you they love you with one eye on their watch.

Of course you can drive the minibus! You don't imagine I'd marry someone who can't drive a minibus.

I think you sometimes forge you're a man of gold credit card standard.

I don't have a gold credit card! Only because you don' have enough money.

Apart from that, you have every other qualification.

- ( Phone ringing)

- I'll answer that.

It's bound to be someone important.

The "bouquet" residence.

The lady of the house speaking.

Sheridan! How kind of you to think of ringing mommy.

No more cash this month! No, daddy and I are just on our way out.

We're taking some senior citizens to the sea.

No, we're not going to drown them, dear.

Strange sense of humor you have, sheridan.

Your car needs a respray?! Oh, but I thought your friends liked that lilac color.

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside oh


- Sis, how far is the seaside? It's about 60 miles, I think.

60 Miles?! Oh, just think! For the entire day there are going to be 60 miles between myself and hyacinth.

What about me? I shall be at the seaside with her.

You volunteered! I didn't volunteer! With hyacinth, one is conscripted.

Oh, yes, I know.

And I do sympathize.

You don't.

I think you're enjoying this.

Of course I'm not.

Oh, liz is going to spend the day with hyacinth hyacinth will spend the day with liz! ( Bangs keyboard )

Argh! Do you know what the time is? That's on your side.

It's still early this side.

We've got to get father ready for the seaside.

He was ready last night.

He's been to bed since then.

He's gone! I'm sorry, rose.

If you've lost another lover, I can't help it.

This morning I've go to get father ready for the seaside.

I've not lost another lover, it's father that's gone! Oh, well if he's gone but we don't know where he's gone! And if he's not there at the church hall on time our hyacinth's going to be down here looking for him! Good morning, elizabeth.

Oh, morning, richard.

Having a day at the seaside, eh, richard?

- That's right.

- Been looking forward to it, have you? Apparently.

So I've been told.

Got your "bouquet" and spade, I trust?

- ( Groans )

- ( Chuckles )

Oh, really, emmet.

- Ooh!

- Oh, steady on, liz.

I know you're not over the moon about this trip, but it's preferable to a broken ankle.

Oh, I don't know.

- ( Laughing )

- Oh! Just stop it, you two! Oh! Hyacinth!

- Love the hat!

- Thank you, emmet.

I don't think richard ever notices.

I notice.

I notice.

Looks as though we have a lovely day for it.

Yes, indeed.

Enjoy yourselves.

( Mutters )

Thank you, emmet.

Door, richard.

Oh, liz.

( Shouts )

- Richard!

- So sorry.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

A wonderful long day.

Thank you very much, emmet.

What lovely manners your brother has.

Perhaps we could sneak him aboard if he cared to come.

( Gasps )

Mind how you go, richard.

You'll soon be driving a minibus, which is considerably larger than our little car.

I do realize that.

Start practicing, dear.

Imagine that this car is much wider than it actually is.

You'll need to give other vehicles a wide berth.

Remember, not too close, richard.

Wide enough? There was no need to be silly, dear.


Lomax is feeling travel sick.

- We haven't started yet.

- Apparently she gets I in anticipation.

If she's already feeling ill she's obviously the ideal person to put in the minibus with mrs.


( Gasps )

That's wicked! Yes, isn't it? I'll make up for I on sunday.

( Woman squeals )


Farrini's kissing the ladies again.

Put him in the minibus with the bucket woman as well.

I'll make up for tha the following sunday.

- Hello there.

- Hello, nice to see you again.

Hyacinth: oh, there you are, vicar! I'm outside a church


- Why does she sound surprised? Oh, hush.

Come along, elizabeth.

All ready for the off then, are we? Funny you should say that.

As I heard you speak, I immediately thought, "I'm ready for the off.

" Daddy not here yet? Oh, you'll like daddy, vicar.

He was a wonderful man in his prime.

Covered himself with glory in the w*r.

But in the mos gentlemanly fashion.

Taught me all I know about bottled preserves.

Dear daddy he ran an exemplary family.

- Excuse me.

- ( Car backfires )

Daddy seems to have accepted a lift from strangers.

Oh, really! I told them to bring daddy on foot.

I don't think anybody's seen but try to keep their backs turned.

Her father was a w*r hero? Some of us think her husband's the hero.

Daisy, please insert onslow back in the car.

I'm just having a stretch.

Rose, pull your skirt down before we're all excommunicated.

I've always though that vicar was dishy.

If I was going to ge excommunicated, I'd rather it was because of him.

Sorry you can't stop.

Off you go then.

Wait a minute, is he here?

- Is who here?

- Father! I though you'd brought him.

Hm? Where is daddy? Why isn't he in the car? Because he's wandered off again, hasn't he? You know wha a tinkerbell he is.

He'd already gone before we got up.

- We thought he'd be here.

- Well, he's not here! Oh, daisy, you've lost daddy.

How inconvenient! Can you ask that vicar if he has a vacancy for an experienced helper of a willing nature? Make that two.

May I remind you tha you are a married woman? Yes, go on.

Remind me.

Remind me! It's no good hanging abou without daddy.

Move, move, move! Goodbye, daisy, goodbye, onslow.

In you go, rose.

Go on, try and find daddy.

Go! Go! You're traveling in the minibus, elizabeth?

- Yes, that's right.

- You're a brave woman.

No, richard's a very good driver.

That's not what I meant.

Oh, I see.

- Daddy's not coming.

- Why not? They've lost him.

Then hadn't we better stop and find him? Oh no, he's been lost before.

Daddy's very experienced at being lost.

No, richard, our duty is here.

Now then, mrs.



- "Bouquet,"

- If you'll take mrs.


- Of course, vicar.

- How do you do, mrs.


- I feel sick.

She always says that.

Do drive steadily, richard.


Lomax is feeling sick.

It's going to be a great day, I can feel it.

Hello! It's on the back seat! Oh, donna stupenda! This is mr.

Farrini, mrs.


Buon giorno, good morning.

I'm afraid he is of rather an expressive continental nature.

Oh, the continent! I know it well.

My sheridan has numerous contacts in the european community.

Welcome aboard, signore farrini.

Grazie, grazie.

Elizabeth, we'd better sit close to mrs.

Lomax in case she needs assistance.

Well, all right if you think people really need assistance to feel ill.

I though there'd be more.

Yes, it seems we have them rather outnumbered.

If daddy were here, there would have been more.

Mind the sheep, richard! They're in the field! Yes, but this could be the lambing season.

( Bleating )

Minding the shee


Bellemonta carina! ( Cackling )

( Mimics cackle )

Richard, I think mrs.

Lomax requires another pause.

Oh, not again.

Do you think mrs.

Lomax always comes on these outings? Never misses, so I'm told.

( Hyacinth squeals )

Ready when you are, mrs.


I think signore farrini is raring to go.

I do like to be beside the sea.

God bless hyacinth and all who sail in her.

Merrily we roll along, roll along, roll along merrily we roll along on the deep blue sea ( quietly humming )

No, mr.

Farrini! When I said I wanted to stretch my legs


- Farrini: ritorno, ritorno! Would you hurry up, mrs.

Lomax? I think the country air is affecting mr.


How would you describe him?

- Old.

- Confused.

A flaming nuisance.

What does he look like, this flaming nuisance? How would you say it, our rose? Our hyacinth always says distinguished.

He looks distinguished.

He looks like a barmpot.

A distinguished barmpot.

Can we narrow that down a bit? Has he any distinguishing features? He was carrying a bucket and spade.

He was going to the seaside.

"With his bucke and spade.


- I told you, barmpot.

- But quite nice, really.

When you've got a minute, take a look at this report, sergeant.

- Right.

- Rose: charlie! ( Giggles )

You remember me, charlie?

- Yes.

- Rose.



- Ahem


- How are you, rose?

- You're looking well, charlie.

- Thank you.

( Stammers )

Well, I must be off.

( Giggles )

When they're in the dark, you forget how tall they are.

Yes, come on.

You're all right.

Yeah, come on.

Stop! That's fine.

Deep breaths, mrs.


Deep breaths! Ooh! Mind how you go.

Bellissima mani! ( Laughs )

Don't lose sigh of me, richard, not for one moment.

I'm not likely to in that hat and blazer.

Keep up, richard.

Oh, guarda, guarda! Vieni! Vieni con mi.

It looks as if we're going to the amusements.

Oh, seems that way.

- How are you feeling, mrs.


- Sick.

Not too near, mr.

Farrini! Not too near! You're too close, mr.

Farrini! "Bouquet!"

- Farrini: bouquet!

- ( Bell rings )

Are you all right, hyacinth? I'm just


- Letting my hair down.

If you're at a fun fair, you have to be prepared to


- Join in the fun.

( Cackling )

( Mimics cackle )

I think mrs.

Lomax must be feeling better.


But for how much longer? That's the third one of those she's had.

Oh, I needed that.

It feels as though the day's been one long ride on the dodge 'ems.

Come, come.

We go.

Per favore


- Per piacere.

Uh, richard! Would elizabeth or yourself


- Like to join us in the funhouse? I'm happy just to soak up the atmosphere.

No thanks, but you carry on.

I will! Oh, mrs.

Lomax, you'd like to join us.

How nice.

Dopo belle.

Dopo belle.

( Shrieks )

Excuse me.

Mi piaccio! Oh, elizabeth, look! It's the cooper


He's very big in something.

They're very well connected.

They're very grea friends of ours.

- I wonder wha they're doing here.

- On holiday, presumably.

But what are they doing here? At a fun fair? I'm here for charitable reasons.

But apart from tha I wouldn't be seen dead in a distorting mirror.

I'm sure you feel the same way.

- Well, it's only a bit of



- I'm glad you agree, dear.


-Hoo! Mr.


-Bassett! He couldn' have heard me.

We'll catch up with him later.

I've won a prize! Richard, how clever of you! Let mr.

Farrini choose what he wants.

Now, richard, I've just spotted the cooper


That must have made their day.

We must hurry, dear, and catch up with them.

They'll never forgive me if we miss each other.

Grazie! Do you think that the cooper



- That's funny.

Where'd she


- She was there a minute ago.

( Maniacal laughter )

- ( Hyacinth squeals )

- ( Farrini laughs )

I don't think I like this, mr.


( Ghostly screams )

Oh, guarda, guarda! ( Kissing noises )

( Screams )

Very kind of you to ask me to marry you, mr.

Farrini, but I already have a husband.

( Screams )

Richard! ( Maniacal laughter )

Your wife's not here? I could have sworn I heard her earlier.

She is here somewhere.

She just seems to have popped off for a moment.

What a good idea.

- Mr.


- Ti amo, ti amo! Let me go! Richard! Excuse me, excuse me!

- Mi piaccio!

- Shh! Nice meeting you, bucket.

We're just off in here.

I know I'm an old softie, but helen and I first me on this coaster, eh?

- Really?

- Yes, so as it's our anniversary



- Congratulations.

- Thank you.


-I promised her another ride.

Good afternoon.

Do you fancy a ride, liz? Do you know wha I'd really like?

- What?

- A hyacinth

-Free coffee.

Splendid idea.

Come along, mrs.


( Maniacal laughter )

( Laughs weakly )




I'm still expecting you at one of my candleligh suppers.



- How very we shall look forward to that.

Oh, donna stupenda! ( Theme music playing )